This article lists the members of the 38th Parliament of Canada and how they voted on Bill C-38, now known as the Civil Marriage Act. Bill C-38 amended the Marriage Act of Canada to recognize same-sex marriage (SSM). The 38th Parliament began with the federal election of June 28, 2004, and was dissolved on November 29, 2005. It was dissolved prior to the election of January 23, 2006. The legislation was later challenged by the members of the 39th Canadian Parliament.

Result of parliamentary vote on the third and final reading of Bill C-38, legalizing same-sex marriage across Canada.


House of Commons

Group For Against Absentees Total
  Liberal cabinet 36 0 1 37
  Liberal backbench 59 32 4 95
  Conservatives 3 93 2 98
Bloc Québécois 43 5 6 54
  NDP 17 1 1 19
  Independents 0 2 2 4
Totals 158 133 16 307
  • This tally does not include the Speaker, who only votes in the House if there is a tie.

Up to 154 votes were needed to ensure the legislation passes, although the only formal requirement for passing legislation is the assent of a majority of members in attendance for the vote.


Group For Against Abstained Absent Total
  Liberals 41 5 2 14 62
  Conservatives 1 15 1 5 22
  Independents 2 1 0 2 5
  Progressive Conservatives 2 0 0 3 5
  Independent NDP 1 0 0 0 1
Totals 47 21 3 24 95
  • For the purposes of this table, the Speaker of the Senate, who did not vote, is counted as an absentee since the official Senate tabulation does not list him as an abstainer.


It was expected that if enough of the members that favour same-sex marriage show up, Bill C-38 would indeed pass. The Globe and Mail's analysis on December 13, 2004 placed the upper limit of opposed votes at 142.

The intended voting positions of senators are less clear. Some observers argue that, even if a majority of senators is opposed, it is unlikely that they would vote as such, and most would instead skip the vote rather than stop a bill passed by the House. This argument has weight as this has traditionally been the case on most issues. The last time the Senate faced such a "moral" issue, however, was in 1989 when the Senate defeated a bill that would have restricted late term abortion and removed broader anti-abortion language from the Criminal Code that had been struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada.

Most of the Liberal cabinet, the Bloc Québécois (BQ) and the New Democratic Party (NDP) voted in favour of the Bill, while most of the Conservative Party members were against it. In the Liberal backbench, about 2/3 of members voted in favour.

On April 12, 2005, a vote was held on an amendment to Bill C-38 proposed by the Leader of the Opposition, Stephen Harper. The amendment would have stopped C-38 from advancing and maintained the "traditional" definition of marriage. The proposed amendment was defeated by a vote of 164 to 132. Ten MPs were absent, including 5 BQ MPs who reportedly oppose the bill. Certain MPs who had previously not declared their positions on the issue revealed their stands on the bill in this vote. All of these voted against the amendment, and therefore can be assumed to be in favour of same-sex marriage. Liberal MP Joe Comuzzi, who months prior to the vote mused about resigning his post as Minister of State, voted against the amendment because "it was a Conservative motion".

A vote-in-principle was expected around April 19, but Conservatives stalled the bill by bringing up more MPs to speak on the issue. The 2nd reading vote came up on a recorded division, and passed 164–137. The rise in votes for the opposition came from several Bloc MPs who were absent for Harper's amendment, but present for the 2nd reading vote.

Bill C-38 entered Report Stage on June 16, 2005. After exiting committee, the Government agreed to amendments to the bill that will further protect religious officials who do not wish to perform same-sex marriages, and to protect charitable organizations from losing their tax status.

While the Government wanted to pass C-38, its main priority was to first pass C-48 (the NDP additions to the budget), which the Bloc and the Conservatives opposed. The third reading vote on that bill in the House was expected the final week of June, after the House adopted a motion (supported by the Liberals, Bloc Québécois, and NDP) to extend the sitting of the house. Bill C-48 passed just before midnight on June 23, 2005 when the Liberals agreed with the Bloc and NDP to force a snap vote on the bill. The snap vote on C-48 was significant because if all Conservative MPs were present for the vote, and if all Bloc opposed, and the Independents voted as they usually did, the Government would have been defeated.

House of Commons

Liberal Cabinet

As per the principle of cabinet solidarity, all cabinet ministers were expected to vote in favour of government-introduced legislation. While backbench MPs in 2003, six future cabinet ministers voted in favour of a Canadian Alliance motion defining marriage in exclusively traditional terms. Joe Comuzzi decided to leave cabinet in order to vote against SSM. John Efford, a cabinet minister who recently opposed SSM decided to vote in favour of C-38. Former Liberal MP Pat O'Brien said he was personally told by six ministers that they may leave the cabinet rather than support SSM legislation, but this did not happen. Stephen Harper has pressured Paul Martin to allow his cabinet members a free vote, citing the precedent of Brian Mulroney in a capital punishment vote in 1988.

Name 2003 Alliance motion Harper amend. 2nd reading 3rd reading Riding
Reg Alcock No No Yes Yes Winnipeg South, MB
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Mauril Bélanger No No Yes Yes Ottawa—Vanier, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Carolyn Bennett No No Yes Yes St. Paul's, ON
April 5: Minister of State (Public Health) - Said you cannot dismiss same-sex couples wanting to enter into and celebrate one of the most significant events in life.
Ethel Blondin-Andrew No No Yes Yes Western Arctic, NT
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Claudette Bradshaw No No Yes Yes Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe, NB
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Scott Brison No No Yes Yes Kings—Hants, NS
Is gay himself
Aileen Carroll Absent No Yes Yes Barrie, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Raymond Chan n/a No Yes Yes Richmond, BC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Irwin Cotler Absent No Yes Yes Mount Royal, QC
February 1: Introduced the Bill (C-38) in the House of Commons today for its 1st reading.
April 21: Stated the Conservatives know they cannot enact a civil union system since that is up to the provinces, and not the federal government. Stated "the fourth question was included in the reference as to whether the traditional definition of marriage was compatible with the charter. It was included to allow those who wished to argue that position to do so. As to the question we put and supported, whether extending civil marriage to gays and lesbians was compatible with the charter, the court answered that same sex marriage was not only consistent with the charter, but flowed from it."
Stéphane Dion No No Yes Yes Saint-Laurent—Cartierville, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Ujjal Dosanjh n/a No Yes Yes Vancouver South, BC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Ken Dryden n/a No Yes Yes York Centre, ON
June 24: Told "The Toronto Star": "Life is hard enough when we live on the majority side of things — of race, language, culture, religion, sexuality. Our biggest challenge as human beings, I think, is to get along. To learn about each other, to accept difference, to give the same chance to others to live their lives as we would like them to give to us. To allow others to share fully and completely in the world. To me, man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman, marriage is for two people who love each other, who want to be with each other and who privately and publicly commit to each other."
John Efford Yes No Yes Absent Avalon, NL
June 28: Not present for final vote due to illness. Efford is not a strong supporter of gay marriage; he voted in 2003 for the Alliance Motion. There has been widespread speculation he would resign from cabinet rather than vote for the bill before he announced on January 28 that it was his intention to support all government legislation, including SSM.
David Emerson n/a No Yes Yes Vancouver—Kingsway, BC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Joe Fontana Yes No Yes Yes London North Centre, ON
Switched vote (London Free Press).
Liza Frulla No No Yes Yes Jeanne-Le Ber, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
John Godfrey No No Yes Yes Don Valley West, ON
March 21: During 2nd reading of the bill, he cited years ago having changed his mind on the issue after reading a court decision on equal rights. He said there's a distinction between religious and civil marriage. Voted in favour.
Ralph Goodale No No Yes Yes Wascana, SK
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Bill Graham No No Yes Yes Toronto Centre, ON
February 16: During 2nd reading debate, he stated gays and lesbians contribute to society and this will strengthen Canada's rights. Believes the religion of one, should not become the religion for all.
Albina Guarnieri Yes No Yes Yes Mississauga East—Cooksville, ON
Switched vote (London Free Press)
Tony Ianno No No Yes Yes Trinity—Spadina, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Jean Lapierre n/a No Yes Yes Outremont, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Paul Martin No No Yes Yes LaSalle—Émard, QC
February 16: During 2nd reading debate in Martin's speech, he said he will stand up for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to protect minority rights. Referred back to when women weren't allowed to vote, and when interracial marriages were illegal. Said society has evolved and that while he supported the traditional definition 6 years ago, he has totally come around to supporting same-sex marriage.
John McCallum No No Yes Yes Markham—Unionville, ON
March 21: Cabinet Minister John McCallum stated he would support the bill. He stated equality rights are too important, and that Civil Marriage should be available to gays and lesbians in all of the land.
Joe McGuire Yes No Yes Yes Egmont, PE
Switched vote (London Free Press)
Anne McLellan No No Yes Yes Edmonton Centre, AB
Acknowledges that while she voted for traditional marriage 6 years ago, she has changed her mind. Said she would support the bill.
Andy Mitchell No No Yes Yes Parry Sound-Muskoka, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Stephen Owen Absent No Yes Yes Vancouver Quadra, BC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Jim Peterson No No Yes Yes Willowdale, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Pierre Pettigrew No No Yes Yes Papineau, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Geoff Regan No No Yes Yes Halifax West, NS
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Lucienne Robillard No No Yes Yes Westmount—Ville-Marie, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Jacques Saada No No Yes Yes Brossard—La Prairie, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Andy Scott No No Yes Yes Fredericton, NB
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Belinda Stronach n/a No Yes Yes Newmarket—Aurora, ON
May 17: Crossed the floor from the Conservative Party to join the Liberal cabinet.
Tony Valeri Absent No Yes Yes Hamilton East—Stoney Creek, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Joe Volpe Yes No Yes Yes Eglinton—Lawrence, ON
March 6: Volpe has come around to supporting C-38. Volpe said he kept his word by supporting the bill while making sure religious groups wouldn't be forced to perform gay marriages. (CTV)
36 0 (1 Absent)

Liberal backbench

At the Liberal biennial convention in March, delegates overwhelmingly approved same-sex marriage as a matter of party policy. Paul Martin allowed his caucus a free vote.

Name 2003 Alliance motion Harper amend. 2nd reading 3rd reading Riding
Peter Adams No No Yes Yes Peterborough, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
David Anderson No No Yes Yes Victoria, BC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Jean Augustine No No Yes Yes Etobicoke—Lakeshore, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Larry Bagnell No No Yes Yes Yukon, YT
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Navdeep Bains n/a No Yes Yes Mississauga—Brampton South, ON
March 21: In the House, he made a speech saying he would support C-38 based on the premise that it is a Charter issue. He also made reference to a secular society. CEM also shows he's a past supporter: (CEM).
Eleni Bakopanos Absent No Yes Absent Ahuntsic, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Sue Barnes No No Yes Yes London West, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Colleen Beaumier No No Yes Yes Brampton West, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Don Bell n/a No Yes Yes North Vancouver, BC
Voted for (MVC)
Maurizio Bevilacqua No No Yes Yes Vaughan, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Françoise Boivin n/a No Yes Yes Gatineau, QC
CEM said she is known to support SSM. March 21: During 2nd reading debate, she confirmed her support for C-38 is still present.
Ray Bonin Yes Yes No No Nickel Belt, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Ken Boshcoff n/a Yes No No Thunder Bay—Rainy River, ON
Opposes same-sex marriage (CEM)
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Don Boudria No No Yes Yes Glengarry—Prescott—Russell, ON
March 21: While in 2nd reading debate, he made one of the most powerful and passionate speeches on the issue out of all MPs—saying he's a practicing Roman Catholic, married for over 34 years and living in a rural area. He said "that it may surprise some, but that's too bad. It's a matter of law".
May 2: Stated in the House that the Conservatives are filibustering the bill by having the same speakers speak numerous times. Said the Conservatives aren't mentioning the 8 court decisions in favour of gay marriages. Believes C-38 is a matter of respecting the law.
Bonnie Brown No No Yes Yes Oakville, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Sarmite Bulte No No Yes Yes Parkdale—High Park, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Gerry Byrne No Yes No Absent Humber—St. Barbe—Baie Verte, NL
Voting record favoured gay rights, but he voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
John Cannis Yes Yes No No Scarborough Centre, ON
March 24: Said 90% of his constituents in 2003 were against, and he would vote that way. Said he's also not convinced religious freedoms are protected in the bill.
Gary Carr n/a Yes No No Halton, ON
Oakville Beaver: Carr has decided to vote against same-sex marriage.
Marlene Catterall No No Yes Yes Ottawa West—Nepean, ON
March 21: During 2nd reading debate on C-38, she stated it's important the law treats all with equality. She cited her daughter learning of the suffering of the Japanese, who told her mother she might have thought that was okay if she lived during that time.
Brenda Chamberlain Yes Yes No No Guelph, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Denis Coderre No No Yes Yes Bourassa, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Joe Comuzzi Absent No Yes No Thunder Bay—Superior North, ON
June 28: Resigned from cabinet rather than vote for the bill. He will still seek re-election as a Liberal MP, and remains a member of the Liberal caucus.
Roy Cullen No Yes No Paired Etobicoke North, ON
Opposes SSM (CEM), voted against 2003 CA motion.
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Rodger Cuzner No Yes No No Cape Breton—Canso, NS
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
April 21: Sent out a survey in 2003, and said his constituents are against and he would vote that way.
Jean-Claude D'Amours n/a No Yes Yes Madawaska—Restigouche, NB
Voted in favour (Telegraph-Journal)
Paul DeVillers No No Yes Yes Simcoe North, ON
February 18: Blasted Rob Moore in the House of Commons for his proposal on Bill C-268 that was later deemed non-votable - it was unconstitutional in its approach. Stated that in 1999, he was one of 55 members to vote against the traditional definition of marriage. Said that he could "foresee that the courts would apply section 15 of the charter and would hold that requirement discriminatory."
Ruby Dhalla n/a No Yes Yes Brampton—Springdale, ON
March 18: While she didn't explicitly state how she would vote, at the Conservative Party Convention, on debate with Belinda Stronach, she used the Charter of Rights argument saying "it's a core value to many Canadians". She said Stephen's speech basically confirmed he's willing to use the notwithstanding clause. She also didn't tell a high Sikh authority she would vote against when asked—she simply listened, while others expressed their opposition.
Claude Drouin No No Yes Yes Beauce, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Wayne Easter No No Yes Yes Malpeque, PE
March 8: Told the CBC: "I've always said I would support it if, and only if, the rights of churches to make their own decisions on marriage within their churches were also protected. One right shouldn't outweigh the other."(CBC)
Mark Eyking Yes No Yes Yes Sydney—Victoria, NS
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Raymonde Folco No Absent Yes Yes Laval—Les Îles, QC
A "solid supporter" of same-sex marriage.
Hedy Fry No No Yes Yes Vancouver Centre, BC
March 24: Commented during debate on C-38: "The charter was written so that the legal component of marriage could be extended as part of our equality rights for minority groups in this country while still allowing religions to continue to have their own law, their own dogma and their own decision to do so."
Roger Gallaway Absent Yes No No Sarnia—Lambton, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Marc Godbout n/a No Yes Yes Ottawa—Orléans, ON
Supports same-sex marriage (CEM)
Mark Holland n/a No Yes Yes Ajax—Pickering, ON
March 21: On 2nd reading of the bill in the House, Holland said he believes in 2 things: the protection of religious freedoms, and equality for all Canadians in the Charter.
Another link: Supports same-sex marriage. (CEM)
Charles Hubbard Yes Yes No No Miramichi, NB
February 21: While in debate, he stated that for 2,000 years, marriage has certain connotations. He said "in most people's thinking over past generations, marriage has been a relationship between a man and a woman."
Marlene Jennings No No Yes Yes Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Lachine, QC
March 24: Parliamentary Secretary Marlene Jennings talked about her interracial marriage during 2nd reading debate. She urged all members of parliament to support C-38 in order to "let Canadians know that civil marriage is as open to them as heterosexual couples".
Susan Kadis n/a No Yes Yes Thornhill, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Nancy Karetak-Lindell No No Yes Yes Nunavut, NU
April 22: Told Nunatsiaq News: "Individual liberty and religious freedom are protected by the charter. If I decide not to defend this right by gay couples to marry, how will I defend other rights that are threatened, like our aboriginal rights?."
Jim Karygiannis Yes Yes No No Scarborough—Agincourt, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Wajid Khan n/a Yes No No Mississauga—Streetsville, ON
February 1: Globe and Mail said Khan would vote against
April 12: Voted "yes" on amendment.
Walt Lastewka Yes Yes No No St. Catharines, ON
Lastewka voted against despite earlier confusion.
Dominic LeBlanc No No Yes Yes Beauséjour, NB
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Derek Lee Yes Yes No No Scarborough—Rouge River, ON
April 12: Voted for Harper's amendment.
April 21: In the House, he said he wished the bill actually dealt with civil marriage, but said it deals with "straight, simple marriage". Said in the actual bill, the word "civil marriage" doesn't show up, it's only in the title. Voted against.
Judi Longfield Yes Yes No No Whitby—Oshawa, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Lawrence MacAulay Absent Yes No No Cardigan, PE
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Paul Macklin No No Yes Yes Northumberland—Quinte West, ON
February 16: Stated during 2nd reading debate, the opposition is being dishonest believing they can preserve the traditional definition without the use of the notwithstanding clause.
Gurbax Malhi Yes Yes No No Bramalea—Gore—Malton, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
May 3: Stated that "for more than 6,000 years traditional marriage, defined as the union of a man and a woman, has allowed us to preserve and protect the strength of our families." Said that "children deserve, where possible, the opportunity to receive the warmth and comfort of a mother as well as the protection of a father."
John Maloney Yes Yes No No Welland, ON
March 21: In 2nd reading of the bill, he said he agrees with civil unions, but not SSM.
Diane Marleau No No Yes Yes Sudbury, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Keith Martin Yes No Yes Yes Esquimalt—Juan de Fuca, BC
February 1: Globe And Mail indicates vote for
June 23: While debating Mo.17 to extend the sitting of the House, Martin stated those who are opposed should move on. Said "the horse left the barn" a long time ago and that none of the parties in the House have offered to use the Notwithstanding clause to override the Courts.
Bill Matthews Absent Yes No No Random—Burin—St. George's, NL
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
David McGuinty n/a No Yes Yes Ottawa South, ON
Supports SSM (CEM)
John McKay Yes Yes No No Scarborough-Guildwood, ON
March 21: During debate in the House of Commons, McKay once again stated he would be voting against C-38.
June 20: Said on "COUNTDOWN: With Mike Duffey" that he has no problem with the Government sitting through the summer so that C-38 can go through the full democratic process it deserves. Said he has never received as many e-mails, faxes, and letters than any other issue.
Dan McTeague Yes Yes No No Pickering—Scarborough East, ON
March 21: Parliamentary Secretary Dan McTeague confirmed during debate he would not vote in favour.
Maria Minna No No Yes Yes Beaches—East York, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Shawn Murphy Yes No Yes Yes Charlottetown, PE
March 8: Told the CBC: "There's a lot of people on P.E.I. who hold opposing views, but again at the end of the day I believe we have to separate the church and the state from these discussions on the legislation. It's very clear that all organizations can deal with marriage in their own beliefs." (CBC)
Lynn Myers Absent No Yes Yes Kitchener—Conestoga, ON
Supports SSM (CEM)
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Anita Neville No No Yes Yes Winnipeg South Centre, MB
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Massimo Pacetti Absent Yes No No Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel, QC
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Denis Paradis No No Yes Yes Brome—Missisquoi, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Bernard Patry No No No Paired Pierrefonds—Dollard, QC
Patry surprisingly voted "no on 2nd reading". Patry had voted against Harper's amendment and the Alliance Motion. On the Election Prediction website, "Neal" predicted he would get re-elected: "He has told me that IF the Bill ever gets to third reading, he will still vote against it. This would ingratiate himself with the large numbers of practicing Catholics, Jews and Muslims in this riding."
Beth Phinney No No Yes Yes Hamilton Mountain, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Jerry Pickard Yes No Yes Yes Chatham-Kent—Essex, ON
Now supports same-sex marriage (London Free Press)
May 4: The London Free Press reports that Pickard has chosen not to run in the next general election.
Russ Powers n/a No Yes Yes Ancaster—Dundas—Flam.—Westdale, ON
Indicated in email letter he would vote for it.
April 21: Said C-38 is about civil marriage, and that the bill balances 2 aspects: freedom of religion, and extending civil rights to gays and lesbians. Said the bill was sent to the Supreme Court in order to ensure religious officials would be protected, which they endorsed. Stated the Court said that the Charter protects religious officials from performing both religious and civil marriages, if it should go contrary to their beliefs. Stated that Ontario and Quebec have expressed no problems despite thousands of ceremonies, even without extra protections that were added elsewhere.
Marcel Proulx No Absent Absent Yes Hull—Aylmer, QC
May 4: Absent from 2nd reading vote. It appears he may have received word he was to be chair of the committee on C-38, and thus wanted to be absent as to eliminate bias.
His likely vote would be "yes". Firstly, since his riding is in Quebec, his constituents would most certainly not be opposed or at least not overwhelmingly. He was one of only some 50+ MPs in 1999 to vote against the alliance motion to protect the traditional definition of marriage. also lists him as a supporter of the bill.
Yasmin Ratansi n/a No Yes Yes Don Valley East, ON
Supports same-sex marriage (CEM)
Karen Redman No No Yes Yes Kitchener Centre, ON
April 4: While C-38 was in 2nd reading: States that C-38 is about equal rights, and that it is consistent with the Supreme Court's ruling. Said she is proud to defend the Charter and expanding a fundamental institution.
February 2: Told the media she would "certainly support" extending civil marriage rights to gays and lesbians.
Pablo Rodriguez n/a No Yes Yes Honoré—Mercier, QC
Rodriguez was enthusiastically applauding during Paul Martin's speech on Same-Sex Marriage and stood up when he received a standing ovation during the speech. Said he would vote for.
Anthony Rota n/a No Yes Yes Nipissing—Timiskaming, ON
February 1: Globe and Mail indicates vote for
Todd Russell n/a n/a n/a Yes Labrador, NL
Elected in May 24 byelection.
June 25: said "the word is on the street" that Todd Russell supports same-sex marriage, and would be voting in favour of the bill.
Michael Savage n/a No Yes Yes Dartmouth—Cole Harbour, NS
March 21: Made a speech saying Canadians are 'justly proud' of the Charter of Rights, and that C-38 follows this. Believes that anything less than marriage is unacceptable; describes it as "a law whose time has come." Also said "it feels comfortably in my heart and mind."

Another link for this MP: (CEM)

Andy Savoy Yes Yes No No Tobique—Mactaquac, NB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Francis Scarpaleggia n/a Yes No No Lac-Saint-Louis, QC
February 1: Globe And Mail indicates he would vote against
Judy Sgro Yes No Yes Yes York West, ON
Voted with government on SSM
Mario Silva n/a No Yes Yes Davenport, ON
March 21: Said he believes the country has embraced "this new way of thinking" of equal treatment for all. Voted "yes". He is gay himself.
Raymond Simard No Yes No No Saint Boniface, MB
Personally opposes SSM (CEM), voted against 2003 CA motion.
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Scott Simms n/a Yes No No Bonavista—Gander—Grand Falls—Windsor, NL
April 1: Told CEM that although he truly wants to support it, the majority of his constituents do not, but voted "yes".
David Smith n/a No Yes Yes Pontiac, QC
Voted for (Maclean's)
Lloyd St. Amand n/a No Yes Yes Brant, ON
Supports same-sex marriage (CEM)
Brent St. Denis No No Yes Yes Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Paul Steckle Yes Yes No No Huron—Bruce, ON
March 21: While in debate in the House, Steckle stated while he does support the charter, he personally does not believe C-38 flows within it—thus he would be voting against.
Paul Szabo Yes Yes No No Mississauga South, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Andrew Telegdi No No Yes Yes Kitchener—Waterloo, ON
February 21: Said that if C-38 becomes law, Canada will join two other nations in leading the world in inclusiveness. Believes strongly that we are talking about inclusiveness and the kind of country Canadians want.
Lui Temelkovski n/a No Yes Yes Oak Ridges—Markham, ON
Personally supports same-sex marriage (CEM)
Robert G. Thibault No No Yes Yes West Nova, NS
March 21: 2nd reading of the bill, Parliamentary Secretary of Health, Thibault said he has a responsibility to uphold the Charter of Rights and Freedoms: that every Canadian is equal before the law.
Alan Tonks Yes Yes No No York South—Weston, ON
March 21: Said he believes most of his constituents are against; his personal beliefs are the same. Tonks does, however, support the concept of civil unions.
Paddy Torsney Absent No Yes Yes Burlington, ON
Indicated support for SSM in December 9 Hamilton Spectator.
Rose-Marie Ur Yes Yes No No Lambton—Kent—Middlesex, ON
March 21: Stated during debate of the bill she would vote against.
May 4: London Free Press reports that Ur has chosen not to run in the next federal general election. Ur won her seat by only 164 votes over a Conservative MP.
Roger Valley n/a No Yes Yes Kenora, ON
Supports same-sex marriage (CEM)
Tom Wappel Yes Yes No No Scarborough Southwest, ON
February 18: While C-38 was being debated in its 2nd reading, said same-sex marriage is not a right and that no country in the world has declared it so. Said he would vote against.
Bryon Wilfert Yes Yes No No Richmond Hill, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Borys Wrzesnewskyj n/a No Yes Yes Etobicoke Centre, ON
Said he would support it.
Paul Zed n/a Paired No No Saint John, NB
Opposes same-sex marriage (CEM)
April 12: Abstained from voting on Harper's amendment (paired with supporter Francine Lalonde); recovering from heart attack (MarriageVote)


(4 Paired/Absentees)


At the Conservative convention, delegates overwhelmingly approved the definition of marriage as only being between one man and one woman as a matter of party policy with 74% in favour, and 26% opposed. Stephen Harper allowed his caucus a free vote.

Name 2003 Alliance motion Harper amend. 2nd reading 3rd reading Riding
Jim Abbott Yes Yes No No Kootenay—Columbia, BC
April 5: C-38 2nd reading speech: Said that the majority of his constituents are in favour for Harper's amendment for civil unions, and he would vote that way. Said that some laws are customized for the protection of children. He said this doesn't mean we're not equal, it just means we're not the same.
Diane Ablonczy Yes Yes No No Calgary—Nose Hill, AB
April 4: While C-38 was in 2nd reading, Diane said that the majority of Canadians are against and that changing the definition would change the effectiveness of marriage as the underpinning of society.
Dean Allison n/a Yes No No Niagara West—Glanbrook, ON
March 24: During 2nd reading debate, Allison confirmed his opposition and stated that he believes in 2 things: marriage between a man and a woman, and openness and accountability for a person's vote. He also indicated opposition to SSM in December 9 Hamilton Spectator
May 2: Stated in the House in a speech that 90% of his constituents are against redefining marriage.
May 3: Made another speech against the bill.
Rona Ambrose n/a Yes No No Edmonton—Spruce Grove, AB
February 18: In 2nd reading debate of bill C-38, she stated that the position of the Conservative party is reasonable—enshrining marriage as between a man and a woman, and creating civil unions for other relationships.
Rob Anders Yes Yes No No Calgary West, AB
February 21: Presented a petition in the House against equal marriage. Said heterosexual marriage "just works so well".
April 5: During debate, he said: "There are things we can learn from history. I only wish that my colleagues across the way, rather than referring to modernity and some of the modern philosophies, would instead refer to 6,000 years of written human history and observe closely what ramifications changes to law have had."
David L. Anderson Yes Yes No No Cypress Hills—Grasslands, SK
March 24: Made a speech in the house of common blasting MPs for changing their stance on the issue. Said that "marriage has from time immemorial been firmly grounded in our legal tradition, one that is itself a reflection of long-standing philosophical and religious traditions."
May 3: Made a speech criticizing PM Paul Martin for being against the traditional marriage and seeing it as a charter right. Said " If it is an issue of human rights it is interesting that the Prime Minister has chosen not to force his caucus to vote for it. How can this be a charter right when the Prime Minister has told half the caucus they can vote how they want and the other half to vote the way he wants them to vote?"
Dave Batters n/a Yes No No Palliser, SK
April 5: While C-38 was in 2nd reading, he said he supports the conservative party amendment for civil unions. Said his constituents have told him "time and time again" they want to preserve the traditional definition while providing the same benefits for same-sex couples.
Leon Benoit Yes Yes No No Vegreville—Wainwright, AB
February 16: During 2nd reading debate in the House, he said that his constituents feel that it is wrong that the courts have been involved in defining marriage.
May 3: Referenced expert Eugene Meehan, former executive legal officer of the Supreme Court of Canada and his recent declaration that the traditional definition of marriage can be restored and that the Supreme Court's decision was advisory only, and non-binding. Said that in the past the Supreme Court has recognized the importance of protecting children's best interest. Stated that the Supreme Court ruled protection over how marriages are performed lies within provincial jurisdiction, and therefore, religious freedom cannot be fully protected.
James Bezan n/a Yes No No Selkirk—Interlake, MB
March 21: Confirmed his opposition to the bill in his speech during debate in the House
Garry Breitkreuz Yes Yes No No Yorkton—Melville, SK
February 21: Presented a petition against SSM.

March 21: C-38 was in 2nd reading when he confirmed he's opposed to allowing same-sex couples the right to marry.

Gord Brown n/a Yes No No Leeds—Grenville, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Colin Carrie n/a Yes No No Oshawa, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Bill Casey Yes Yes No No Cumberland—Colchester—Musquodoboit Valley, NS
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Rick Casson Yes Yes No No Lethbridge, AB
February 21: During 2nd reading debate, Casson thanked his colleagues thoughts against SSM. He said the definition of marriage has been one that has kept his staff, e-mails and Internet connections very busy.
David Chatters Yes Yes Absent No Westlock--St. Paul, AB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Mike Chong n/a Yes No No Wellington—Halton Hills, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
John Cummins Yes Yes No No Delta—Richmond East, BC
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Stockwell Day Yes Yes No No Okanagan—Coquihalla, BC
March 24: While in 2nd reading debate, he said that "marriage is not an absolute right either. I cannot marry my sister, or my brother for that matter." Said the media is not reporting the Supreme Court didn't say the traditional definition was unconstitutional.
May 3: Made another speech in the House, this time focusing more on the legal aspects of marriage. Said that the Supreme Court of Canada did not require Parliament redefining marriage.
Barry Devolin n/a Yes No No Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Norman Doyle Yes Yes No No St. John's East, NL
April 5: During 2nd reading debate, he said he believes an institution like marriage is at the cornerstone of society. Said the Liberal government cannot "without a shadow of a doubt" ensure that churches will not be forced to perform same-sex marriages against their will. Believes one day they will be forced to do so.
John Duncan Yes Yes No No Vancouver Island North, BC
March 21: Confirmed once again in debate on 2nd reading that he would vote against the bill.
Ken Epp Yes Yes No No Edmonton—Sherwood Park, AB
April 4: In 2nd reading, said the direction the Government is taking "is the wrong one".
Diane Finley n/a Yes No No Haldimand—Norfolk, ON
April 4: During 2nd reading debate, she said that opposite sex and same-sex relationships need to be differentiated and thus she would be voting against. Also said the continuation of society would be threatened.
Brian Fitzpatrick Yes Yes No No Prince Albert, SK
April 4: In 2nd reading, she stated that certain people should go back to school or the institutions that they did attend and reexamine some of the papers they wrote about where we got important principles from. Said Parliament is not a threat to democracy. Said 90% of constituents in his riding are against the bill.
Steven Fletcher n/a Yes No No Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia, MB
April 5: Said his constituents and the majority of Canadians believe that marriage is a basic institution and that gays and lesbians deserve equality, but in the form of a civil union
Paul Forseth Yes Yes No No New Westminster—Coquitlam, BC
March 21: On 2nd reading of C-38, he made a speech in opposition to the bill. Also stated: "About marriage, my community has been very clear about what constitutes a marriage and what does not. No trickery of law or of sociological prescription or sentimental plea seems to change what people in my community say. They tell me that these other arrangements that we may accommodate in law are just not marriage. They are something else. People know it is not marriage."
Cheryl Gallant Yes Yes No No (federal electoral district)|Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke, ON
February 21: Presented several petitions against the bill, and is one of the most right-winged conservatives in the caucus.
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Peter Goldring Yes Yes No No Edmonton East, AB
March 21: Made a speech during 2nd reading in the House of Commons confirming he is voting against C-38.
May 2: Referenced Bishop Henry and his stance on opposing gay marriage. Said a healthy Canadian society is best assured through the "traditional family".
Gary Goodyear n/a Yes No No Cambridge, ON
February 16: In 2nd reading, he stated that while he hopes "one day a word will come to mean as much to same sex couples as the word marriage has come to mean to heterosexual couples", he is against that word being 'marriage'.
April 21: Said no human rights international tribunal has ever declared same-sex marriage a right. Said the notwithstanding clause does not have to be used to preserve the traditional definition of marriage.
Jim Gouk Yes Yes No Absent British Columbia Southern Interior, BC
February 21: While in 2nd reading, Jim stated his opposition to Martin not allowing his Cabinet ministers a "free vote". Voted against.
May 3: Referenced one of his constituents' published article, in which it stated: "Why is the term 'Civil Union' unacceptable? Perhaps, it has nothing to do with the recognition of a lifetime commitment between two people, and everything to do with the destruction of the idea of what marriage truly is? Why did the lesbian couple that took their cause to the Supreme Court apply for a divorce only five days after they were married? Hmmm."
Gurmant Grewal Yes Yes No No Newton—North Delta, BC
April 4: C-38 in 2nd reading: Said he opposes changing the definition of marriage in which essentially requires procreation. Said traditional family values are at stake. However, said homosexual relations deserves equal legal recognition of their love and commitment.
Nina Grewal n/a Yes No No Fleetwood—Port Kells, BC
March 24: When C-38 was in 2nd reading, she made a speech criticizing Paul Martin for not allowing a free vote of his cabinet ministers. Said her constituents are against the legislation. Said Anne McLellan and the Prime Minister broke their promise to preserve the traditional definition when they voted with the alliance motion to do so in 1999. Said the Liberal government delays and waits for the courts to respond.
Helena Guergis n/a Yes No No Simcoe—Grey, ON
April 14: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
May 3: Said in the House of Commons that the majority of Canadians are seeking middle ground on this issue. "They believe that marriage is a basically heterosexual institution, but that same sex couples also have rights to equality within society that should be recognized and protected. We believe the Conservative amendments speak to the majority of Canadians who are in the middle on this issue."
Art Hanger Yes Yes No No Calgary Northeast, AB
April 5: While in 2nd reading, he stated that never in his wildest dreams did he think parliament would be here today redefining the union of 1 man and 1 woman. Said marriage pre-dates the existence of Canada, and said we have to solve this issue via a national referendum.
Stephen Harper Yes Yes No No Calgary Southwest, AB
February 16: During debate, he stated that the PM does not decide or define rights, and that the Prime Minister "does not interpret the Charter of Rights". Believes the Supreme Court didn't answer question #4 as per Martin hoping for an answer that would have supported his position. Harper introduced an amendment which was defeated on April 12, 164–132.
Richard Harris Yes Yes No No Cariboo—Prince George, BC
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.

April 21: While C-38 was in 2nd reading, he made a speech in the House expressing his proud stance of "defending marriage". Made reference to the some 15,000 protesters that gathered on Parliament Hill on April 9, citing opposition to the bill.
Jeremy Harrison n/a Yes No No Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River, SK
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
May 2: In the House, stated: "To this date, no international human rights body and no national supreme court has ever found that there is a human right to same sex marriage. The only courts that have found in favour of a right to same sex marriage are provincial or state level courts in Canada and the United States."
Loyola Hearn Absent Yes No No St. John's South—Mount Pearl, NL
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Russ Hiebert n/a Yes No No South Surrey—White Rock—Cloverdale, BC
March 24: During 2nd reading debate in the House of Commons, Hiebert said the Liberal Government is misleading Canadians, and he intends to go against the bill.
Jay Hill Yes Yes No No Prince George—Peace River, BC
February 18: Commented during 2nd reading debate by saying "the Prime Minister has chosen to relegate the historical, ages-old, traditional definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others, to the scrap heap of history."
April 4: Commented once again during 2nd reading—said that his constituents and his own opinion are against. Said it would abolish the norm of a father/mother relationship. Supported Harper's amendment for civil unions.
Betty Hinton Yes Yes No No Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo, BC
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Rahim Jaffer Yes Yes No No Edmonton—Strathcona, AB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Brian Jean n/a Yes No No Fort McMurray—Athabasca, AB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Dale Johnston Yes Yes No No Wetaskiwin, AB
April 4: During 2nd reading, he stated that marriage is a time-honoured institution that has stood the test of time and is a key foundation of how our society has been built.
May 2: Stated in the House that the Conservatives position for equal status of same-sex couples through civil unions is reasonable.
Randy Kamp n/a Yes No No Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge—Mission, BC
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Gerald Keddy Yes No Yes Yes South Shore—St. Margaret's, NS
March 1: Keddy releases a public opinion poll done in his riding. 46% favour the traditional definition, 45% favour the definition C-38 would bring.
March 20: Mr. Keddy confirms to The Halifax Herald once again that he's willing to take the risk of voting for C-38 "because this is an issue of civil rights". After the Conservative Convention, DefendMarriage Groups tried to single him out, he responded by saying they won't be able to change his mind.
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
May 4: Voted to bring the bill to committee stage, past 2nd reading.
Jason Kenney Yes Yes No No Calgary Southeast, AB
Said homosexuals in fact marry all the time, and nothing is preventing them from doing so. Essentially, they can still enter into marriage if they found an accepting woman.
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Ed Komarnicki n/a Yes No No Souris—Moose Mountain, SK
March 21: In the continuing debate of the bill in the House of Commons, he stated he would vote against, and that Martin will pay a price at the next federal election.
Daryl Kramp n/a Yes No No Prince Edward—Hastings, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Guy Lauzon n/a Yes No No Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry, ON
While C-38 was in 2nd reading, he said it is contrary to his religious beliefs and his faith, and that although others disagree, he is responsible to his constituents. Said he sent out a survey which showed 90% of his constituents were opposed. Believes human rights have nothing to do with the word "marriage"
Globe and Mail February 1, 2005 survey indicated he would vote against.
Tom Lukiwski n/a Yes No No Regina—Lumsden—Lake Centre, SK
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Gary Lunn Yes Yes No No Saanich—Gulf Islands, BC
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
James Lunney Yes Yes No No Nanaimo—Alberni, BC
Said that he's sure most of his constituents would want to retain the traditional definition of marriage. Said 500 people showed up outside his office in 2004 to support traditional marriage. Said the Supreme Court did not demand the parliament must redefinition marriage, only that they could do so if they chose to.
Peter MacKay Yes Yes No No Central Nova, NS
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Dave MacKenzie n/a Yes No No Oxford, ON
February 21: Confirmed he's against SSM in a speech in the House.
Inky Mark Yes Yes No No Dauphin—Swan River—Marquette, MB
April 4: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Ted Menzies n/a Yes No No Macleod, AB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
May 3: While C-38 was in 2nd reading, he stated that "opposing Bill C-38 is not about denying rights. It is not about jeopardizing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the Prime Minister would like us to believe. It is a complex public policy issue and one that would have an impact on every Canadian."
Rob Merrifield Yes Yes No No Yellowhead, AB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Larry Miller n/a Yes No No Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound, ON
April 4: C-38 in second reading: Said that traditional marriage must be protected. Said that he agrees with his constituents that there are many other issues that are more important like health care, and that biased-judges should not be redefining marriage.
Bob Mills Yes Yes No No Red Deer, AB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
James Moore Yes No Yes Yes Port Moody—Westwood—Port Coquitlam, BC
December 18, 2004: In an e-mail to his constituents, he stated "Canada's constitution mandates that the federal government define the word 'marriage', and that definition must respect the Charter principle that all Canadians must be treated equally under the law. In a perfect world, the two principles of equality and respecting the origins of the word 'marriage' would be met with registered domestic partnerships or civil unions for all couples. However, this compromise is not possible given Canada's current legal framework. The equality right to marriage for same-sex and opposite-sex couples is a right in British Columbia that can only be taken away by invoking the notwithstanding clause, or amending the Constitution. Polls have consistently showed that Canadians overwhelmingly do not support either such action."(Inkless Wells)
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
May 4: Stayed true to his promise, and voted in favour.
Rob Moore n/a Yes No No Fundy Royal, NB
Introduced bill C-268 in the House of Commons and asked for the bill to continue on to 2nd reading, and then to be referred to a committee. The motion was deemed non-votable and dropped because it was unconstitutional in its approach.
May 2: Made a speech in the House saying that Canadians are telling them they want to preserve tradition, but support equal rights through civil unions. Stated that poll results consistently show Canadians want to keep the definition of marriage, as the union of 1 man and 1 woman, to the exclusion of all others.
Rob Nicholson n/a Yes No No Niagara Falls, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Gordon O'Connor n/a Yes No No Carleton—Mississippi Mills, ON
March 21: Vote against the bill as outlined in his speech today.
Deepak Obhrai Yes Yes No No Calgary East, AB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Bev Oda n/a Yes No No Durham, ON
Indicated to the Port Perry Star that she would vote against bill C-38
Brian Pallister Yes Yes No No Portage—Lisgar, MB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Charlie Penson Yes Yes No Absent Peace River, AB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
May 2: While in 2nd reading, Penson stated that of the hundreds of e-mails he has received, 96% have been against and he would vote that way. Said the traditional definition of marriage has "stood the test of time."
Pierre Poilievre n/a Yes No No Nepean—Carleton, ON
April 9: Was one of the public speakers at the "March 4 Marriage" protest by the group in Ottawa. Counter protests followed by equal-marriage groups such as The Stephen Harper Coalition
Jim Prentice n/a No Yes Yes Calgary Centre-North, AB
Voted in favour (Inkless Wells)
February 2: Released a statement on same-sex marriage.: For me, the marriage question is one of individual liberty - of constitutional liberty. Let's be clear. I have been married to the same woman for 21 years, reflecting my own personal definition of what marriage is. It is also the definition of my own church, the Presbyterian Church of Canada".
April 12: Helped vote down his own party's proposed amendment to the bill.
April 19: In a speech in the House, he stated the vast majority of his constituents don't want to see SSM as an issue that divides Canadians. Said he is a Christian and that there are strong disagreements among his riding filled with religious communities. "Bill C-38 is limited to civil marriage. It has no bearing upon religious marriage or its solemnization." Noted that the Supreme Court's reference noting that any religious official forced to perform a marriage against their belief is a violation of the Charter, and "in my opinion, this observation by the Supreme Court sufficiently clarifies the distinction between religious marriage and civil marriage under federal legislation. What right do we have, as a society, to deny homosexual Canadians something the rest of us are entitled to, namely a civil marriage licence?".
May 4: Kept his word and voted "yes" on 2nd reading.
Joe Preston n/a Yes No No Elgin—Middlesex—London, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
May 3: Made a speech in the House of Commons citing no internationally recognized human rights document has ever suggested that same-sex marriage is a right. Said his constituents feel that unelected court judges should not become the lawmakers of the land. Said that that duty is "ours and we should endeavour to do it to the best of our ability."
James Rajotte Yes Yes No No Edmonton—Leduc, AB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Scott Reid Yes Yes No No Lanark—Frontenac—Lennox and Addington, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
May 3: Made a speech in the House saying that his office has been "flooded" with e-mails and phone calls telling him to vote against. Made reference to the NDP candidate from Churchill that was told by her leader she can't vote against the Bill, but most abstain. Said his intention is at 2nd reading to conduct a constituency referendum on the issue. Said "I cannot support a bill that fails to provide adequate protection for religious freedom when such protection could easily have been included in the text of the bill."
John Reynolds Yes Yes No No West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country, BC
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Lee Richardson n/a Yes No No Calgary Centre, AB
The Calgary Herald (February 5, 2005) reports that Lee Richardson would follow the opinion of the majority of his constituents and vote against same-sex marriage.
Gerry Ritz Yes Yes No No Battlefords—Lloydminster, SK
March 21: Made a speech in the House of Commons upholding the traditional definition.
Andrew Scheer n/a Yes No No Regina—Qu'Appelle, SK
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
May 3: Made a speech saying "there is also a huge problem in this bill regarding the protection of religious institutions. I had to point out to those members that question number four was never answered, and I think I also have to point out to them that the one area that was ruled ultra vires of this House was the issue of protecting religious institutions, since that fell under provincial jurisdiction."
Gary Schellenberger Yes Yes No No Perth Wellington, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Werner Schmidt Yes Yes No No Kelowna—Lake Country, BC
March 21: Speech during 2nd reading in the House of Commons states he would vote "no".
Carol Skelton Yes Yes No No Saskatoon—Rosetown—Biggar, SK
March 21: In the House of Commons, Skelton stated she believes gays and lesbians deserve exactly the same rights as heterosexuals - in a form of civil unions. She voted "no" citing opposition from her constituents as well as personal beliefs.
Joy Smith n/a Yes No No Kildonan—St. Paul, MB
March 21: In debate during 2nd reading, she said her constituents are against, and thus she would vote accordingly.
Monte Solberg Yes Yes No No Medicine Hat, AB
April 5: While C-38 was in 2nd reading, he stated that his constituents are overwhelmingly opposed to SSM. Said traditional marriage brings order to society, and is the best environment for the raising of children. Said gays and lesbians have the right to form a relationship, but "do not have a right to rip open the institution of marriage and call it their own."
Kevin Sorenson Yes Yes No No Crowfoot, AB
February 21: Said he doesn't believe religious officials will be protected from refusing to perform marriages contrary to their belief. Criticized Paul Martin for changing his mind on the issue. Said homophobia "needs to be fought vigorously" and same-sex couples should be legally recognized via same-sex unions. Said he is speaking on behalf of his constituents.
April 4: Said that the union of one man and one woman is at the "root of all humanity".
Darrel Stinson Yes Yes No No Okanagan—Shuswap, BC
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Chuck Strahl Yes Yes No No Chilliwack—Fraser Canyon, BC
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Greg Thompson Yes Yes No No New Brunswick Southwest, NB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
May 3: Made a speech in the House of Commons that his constituents and himself are against the bill. Said his party is the only one that is offering a truly free vote on this issue. Said "the churches are afraid of prosecution under the act because the government has not taken the time to provide them with adequate protection. That is an argument that we are hearing from all religions and all denominations."
Myron Thompson Yes Yes No No Wild Rose, AB
February 16: In 2nd reading debate, he said that many parents believe certain issues should be left out of the school system, and that this would only continue a pro-gay agenda.
April 6: Presented petitions against same-sex marriage and said it's time to listen to the people.
David Tilson n/a Yes No No Dufferin—Caledon, ON
April 6: Presented a series of petitions in the House of Commons signed by 875 constituents in his riding opposed to the Government's legislation.
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Vic Toews Yes Yes No No Provencher, MB
March 24: Confirmed he would vote against. Said the Prime Minister has broken his promise.
Bradley Trost n/a Yes No No Saskatoon—Humboldt, SK
April 4: In 2nd reading, he said that Bill C-38 is an attack on the Canadian family.
Merv Tweed n/a Yes No No Brandon—Souris, MB
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Peter Van Loan n/a Yes No No York—Simcoe, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Maurice Vellacott Yes Yes No No Saskatoon—Wanuskewin, SK
February 16: Upon 2nd reading, Vellacott stated that "when bringing a new group in to have those particular rights, one does not need to call them the same thing in order to give them the equal benefits and rights".
Mark Warawa n/a Yes No No Langley, BC
Said he is voting against C-38, citing the majority of his constituents are opposed. He also presented 35 Petitions against SSM.
Jeff Watson n/a Yes No No Essex, ON
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Randy White Yes Yes Absent No Abbotsford, BC
March 21: Reiterated during 2nd reading debate he would not support the bill.
John G. Williams Yes Yes No No Edmonton—St. Albert, AB
March 21: Confirmed during debate he would not be voting in favour of Bill C-38.
Lynne Yelich Yes Yes No No Blackstrap, SK
April 5: Said C-38 will dramatically change the institution of marriage that has remained constant across history and cultures. Said we must seek a position that balances both sides equally. Said we cannot ignore the history of natural law.


(2 Absent)

Bloc Québécois

The BQ had a free vote.

Name 2003 Alliance motion Harper amend. 2nd reading 3rd reading Riding
Guy André n/a No Yes Yes Berthier—Maskinongé, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Gérard Asselin Yes Yes No Absent Manicouagan, QC
February 16: During 2nd reading debate, Asselin said because you're born with a mother and father, it is questionable how family values can develop from a married gay couple.
Another link: (CEM)
Claude Bachand No No Yes Yes Saint-Jean QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
April 21: Said when he was a citizen, he had the reputation of being fairly open. Said certain rights are being given to people in society and taking away from others. Believes we have to be brave on issues like these where we have to consider what constituents think, but you can't go against their inner feelings. Said courts have intervened unanimously because the issue has taken too long for parliament, and thus the definition has been changed. Said it's the easy to thing to do to override the courts, and that his constituents will favour his vote for.
André Bellavance n/a No Yes Yes Richmond—Arthabaska, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Stéphane Bergeron Absent No Yes Paired Verchères—Les-Patriotes, QC
Supports Same-Sex Marriage. (CEM)
Bernard Bigras No No Yes Yes Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Raynald Blais n/a No Yes Yes Gaspésie—Îles-de-la-Madeleine, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Alain Boire n/a No Yes Yes Beauharnois—Salaberry, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
France Bonsant n/a No Yes Yes Compton—Stanstead, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Robert Bouchard n/a Absent No No Chicoutimi—Le Fjord, QC
Likely to oppose government legislation according to CEM
April 12: "Recently confirmed his opposition to SSM" (MarriageVote), although he was absent for Harper's amendment.
Marc Boulianne n/a No Yes Yes Mégantic—L'Érable, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Diane Bourgeois No No Yes Yes Terrebonne—Blainville, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Paule Brunelle n/a No Yes Yes Trois-Rivières, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Serge Cardin Absent Yes No No Sherbrooke, QC
Sources say opposes SSM. (CEM)
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Robert Carrier n/a No Yes Yes Alfred-Pellan, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Roger Clavet n/a No Yes Yes Louis-Hébert, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Bernard Cleary n/a No Yes Yes Louis-Saint-Laurent, QC
April 12: Voted against the amendment.
Guy Côté n/a No Yes Yes Portneuf—Jacques-Cartier, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Paul Crête No No Yes Yes Montmagny—L'Islet— Kamouraska—Rivière-du-Loup, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Nicole Demers n/a No Yes Yes Laval, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Johanne Deschamps n/a No Yes Yes Laurentides—Labelle, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Odina Desrochers Absent Absent No Absent Lotbinière—Chutes-de-la-Chaudière, QC
Opposes SSM (paired abstention in 2003). (CEM)
April 12: Although opposes SSM, was absent from Harper amendment.
Gilles Duceppe No No Yes Yes Laurier—Sainte-Marie, QC
February 16: During 2nd reading debate, he presented a speech saying there is no reason why gays and lesbians should not be allowed to get married. Said that in another 100 years, no one will be challenging the right of two persons of the same sex to get married.
Meili Faille n/a No Yes Yes Vaudreuil—Soulanges, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Christiane Gagnon No No Yes Yes Québec, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Marcel Gagnon No No Yes Yes Saint-Maurice—Champlain, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Sébastien Gagnon No No Yes Yes Jonquière—Alma, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Roger Gaudet Yes Yes No No Montcalm, QC
Opposes same-sex marriage. (CEM)
April 12: Voted in favour of Harper's amendment.
Michel Gauthier No No Yes Yes Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Monique Guay No No Yes Yes Rivière-du-Nord, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Michel Guimond No No Yes Yes Montmorency—Charlevoix—Haute-Côte-Nord, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Maka Kotto n/a No Yes Absent Saint-Lambert, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Mario Laframboise Absent No Yes Yes Argenteuil—Papineau—Mirabel, QC
Supports gay marriage. (CEM)
Francine Lalonde No Paired Yes Yes Mercier, QC
April 12: Considered a "solid supporter", but abstained from voting on Harper's amendment by pairing with opponent Paul Zed. (MarriageVote)
Réal Lapierre n/a No Yes Yes Lévis—Bellechasse, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Carole Lavallée n/a No Yes Yes Saint-Bruno—Saint-Hubert, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
April 21: While C-38 was in 2nd reading, she stated that if you take away a right from a minority group, who is to say who is next?. Said 8 courts have stated the traditional definition is in violation of the Charter. Said civil union is not civil marriage and is discrimination and is not in compliance with the Charter. Said the Supreme Court of Canada stated a uniform stance on this issue is the best thing, which is what C-38 is all about. Said homosexuals are not lesser beings, and happiness can be found for all, through marriage.
Marc Lemay n/a No Yes Yes Abitibi—Témiscamingue, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Yves Lessard n/a No Yes Yes Chambly—Borduas, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Yvon Lévesque n/a No Yes Yes Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Yvan Loubier No No Yes Yes Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Richard Marceau No No Yes Yes Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles, QC
February 16: Stood up during 2nd reading of bill C-38 in support, by saying that if the legislation does not pass, it does not protect churches that would perform weddings for gays.
February 21: Said he is disappointed that the conservative party has used specific tactics to prolong the debate. Also noted that Parliament has no authority to establish any type of "civil union".
Réal Ménard No No Yes Yes Hochelaga, QC
March 21: During 2nd reading debate of the bill, he referenced Section 46 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to defend his position. Menard is gay himself.
Serge Ménard n/a No Yes Yes Marc-Aurèle-Fortin, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Pierre Paquette No No Yes Paired Joliette, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
April 21: Said courts in 8 jurisdictions have found the traditional definition of marriage not in compliance with the Charter. Said this is a matter of equality, and that C-38 expands the right to all Canadians.
Gilles-A. Perron Absent Absent No No Rivière-des-Mille-Îles, QC
Although opposes SSM (paired abstention in 2003) (CEM), was absent when it came time to vote.
May 4: Voted against C-38 on 2nd reading.
Pauline Picard No No Yes Yes Drummond, QC
February 16: While C-38 was being debated in its 2nd reading in the House, she congratulated openly gay NDP MP Bill Siksay for his "interesting and moving speech".
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Louis Plamondon No No Yes Yes Bas-Richelieu—Nicolet—Bécancour, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Denise Poirier-Rivard n/a No Yes Yes Châteauguay—Saint-Constant, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Jean-Yves Roy No No Yes Yes Haute-Gaspésie—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Benoît Sauvageau No No Yes Yes Repentigny, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Christian Simard n/a No Yes Yes Beauport—Limoilou, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Caroline St-Hilaire No No Yes Absent Longueuil—Pierre-Boucher, QC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Louise Thibault n/a No No No Rimouski-Neigette—Témiscouata—Les Basques, QC
April 4: Made a speech in the House of Commons that was more against SSM than for it. Said one could oppose the bill, and oppose discrimination. Did say she would ultimately vote her conscience.
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
May 4: Voted against C-38.
Robert Vincent n/a No Yes Yes Shefford, QC
Voted against Harper's amendment.
43 5 (6 Paired/Absent)

New Democratic Party

The NDP caucus did not allow a free vote so MPs were obliged to vote in favour by the party whip.

Name 2003 Alliance motion Harper amend. 2nd reading 3rd reading Riding
Charlie Angus n/a No Yes Yes Timmins-James Bay, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Bill Blaikie No No Yes Yes Elmwood—Transcona, MB
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Ed Broadbent n/a No Yes Yes Ottawa Centre, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
David Christopherson n/a No Yes Yes Hamilton Centre, ON
April 5: While in 2nd reading debate, he said members must be prepared to stand up for what matters, and defend rights. Referred to different clauses in the Charter of Rights to say that no matter what direction a person's life takes, every individual deserves the same right. Said's there "no nice safe place" when it comes to rights; said you either have rights or you don't, and Bill C-38 will allow all Canadians to say they have theirs. Blasted the Conservatives "compromise" position.
Joe Comartin No No Yes Yes Windsor—Tecumseh, ON
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Jean Crowder n/a No Yes Yes Nanaimo—Cowichan, BC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Nathan Cullen n/a No Yes Yes Skeena—Bulkley Valley, BC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Libby Davies No No Yes Yes Vancouver East, BC
February 21: Said that this debate and this bill are "about actually strengthening the institution of civil marriage. This is about strengthening people's commitment to one another." She is in a same-sex relationship, herself.
Bev Desjarlais Absent Absent Absent No Churchill, MB
Desjarlais opposed the bill but absented herself from previous votes in order to maintain party discipline. She broke with her caucus on the final vote and was removed from the NDP shadow cabinet as a result.
Yvon Godin No No Yes Yes Acadie—Bathurst, NB
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Peter Julian n/a No Yes Yes Burnaby—New Westminster, BC
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Jack Layton n/a No Yes Yes Toronto—Danforth, ON
April 5: In the house, he stood up and said C-38 allows for him to make a choice that "celebrates more of our rich diversity and extends that fundamental Canadian value of equality." Said the debate is "about our capacity in a world with too little love to recognize love and celebrate it and by consequence to salute the equality that is the most enduring Canadian value. This debate is and should be about people." Also said "I do not subscribe to the view that human rights are a buffet from which one can selectively choose."
Pat Martin No No Yes Yes Winnipeg Centre, MB
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Tony Martin n/a No Yes Yes Sault Ste. Marie, ON
Said he was voting for the bill despite strong opposition in his riding to Same-Sex Marriage.
Brian Masse No No Yes Yes Windsor West, ON
February 16: Stated that civil marriage between gays and lesbians are already happening in Ontario, and their rights should never be taken away.
Alexa McDonough No No Yes Yes Halifax, NS
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Bill Siksay n/a No Yes Yes Burnaby—Douglas, BC
February 21: In a speech in the House of Commons, he stated how difficult it is for a teen when he/she realizes they are gay, and that they often suffer from depression. Siksay believes C-38 will help to reduce prejudice. He is gay himself.
Peter Stoffer Absent No Yes Yes Sackville——Eastern Shore, NS
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
Judy Wasylycia-Leis No No Yes Absent Winnipeg North, MB
April 12: Voted against Harper's amendment.
June 20: On "COUNTDOWN: With Mike Duffy", she stated that C-38 must pass so that Canadian's cry for equality will be heard. Said it is a matter of equality rights, and that her office this past weekend has received over 8,000 e-mails from Canadians calling on the Government to pass C-38 before Parliament breaks for the summer.

Judy was absent on the final vote because of her daughter's graduation. Outside a private party, it was said that if the vote was obviously going to be by a razor thin margin, she would have been there to vote in favour.

18 1 (1 Absent)


Name 2003 Alliance motion Harper amend. 2nd reading 3rd reading Riding
Chuck Cadman Yes Absent Absent Absent Surrey North, BC
Publicly opposes same-sex marriage (former Conservative MP) (CEM) Cadman was absent from Harper's amendment and subsequent votes because of illness. Cadman died on July 9 from Cancer. He was 57.
David Kilgour Absent Yes No No Edmonton—Mill Woods—Beaumont, AB
April 12: After voting for Harper's amendment, he left the Liberal caucus on April 13, 2005.
May 4: Voted against C-38 on 2nd reading vote.
Pat O'Brien Yes Yes No No London—Fanshawe, ON
While a Liberal MP, was that party's most outspoken critic of SSM. Became an independent on June 6, citing SSM as the only reason.
February 21: While C-38 was in 2nd reading, he boasted that "the fundamental nature of marriage inheres in, among other things, its central role in human procreation".
May 3: While C-38 was in 2nd reading, he made a speech noting that voting against C-38 doesn't make someone a homophobe. Stated that he supported the hate-crime bill that included sexual orientation as a hate crime. In 2003, while sitting on the committee concerning marriage: "I listened to expert witness after expert witness warn against the possible and probable negative consequences to marriage, to the family and to Canadian society if we were to give in to the gay and lesbian lobby that is driving this agenda in the courts."
June 6: Said the PM didn't fulfil his promise of full hearings while in committee. He hasn't ruled out voting against the Liberals in a non-confidence/budget vote, which could trigger an election and kill C-38.
Carolyn Parrish No Absent No Absent Mississauga—Erindale, ON
Has stated that while she supports same-sex marriage, her constituents do not and therefore she would be voting against the motion. (Metro)
May 4: Voted against bringing the bill through 2nd reading.
0 2 (2 Absent)


The Speaker of the House of Commons votes only in the event of a tie. Milliken is a Liberal.

Name 2003 Alliance motion Harper amend. 2nd reading 3rd reading Riding
Peter Milliken No tie; could not vote. No tie; could not vote. No tie; could not vote. No tie; could not vote. Kingston and the Islands, ON
Unable to vote as Speaker, because it was not a tie.
0 0 (1 Did not vote)

Marriage support by seat

O'Brien * Devolin Goodyear * Harrison Hiebert * Jean Kamp * Kramp Lukiwski * Miller R.Moore * Poilievre Preston * Epp Scheer * Tilson Trost * Warawa Watson * Cadman Boulianne * Carrier Perron * Clavet Deschamps * Cote R.Lapierre * Lemay Levesqué * C.Simard Vincent * ****
* * G.Grewal Keddy * Ritz Vellacott * Fitzpatrick Gallant * Lunney Merrifield * Sorenson J.Smith * Richardson N.Grewal * Guergis Schellenberger * Allison Batters * Bezan G.Brown * Carrie Chong * Bouchard Cleary * Bonsant Lavallée * Poirier-Rivard M.Gagnon * Brunelle Demers * Bellavance Blais * Boire
Goldring * Abbott Benoit * Breitkreuz Chatters * Cummins Forseth * Gouk Hanger * Harris Johnston * Mark Penson * Kenney Casey * Stinson M.Thompson * White Williams * Anders Casson * Roy Cardin * S.Gagnon Faille * Kotto Bourgeois * Laframboise S.Ménard * Lessard L.Thibault * André
Strahl * Schmidt Menzies * MacKenzie Reid * Jaffer Obhrai * Lauzon D.L.Anderson * G.Thompson Pallister * Komarnicki Doyle * Hill Nicholson * Tweed Lunn * Prentice Finley * Yelich Van Loan * Asselin Picard * Guimond Guay * Plamondon St-Hilaire * Bigras Sauvageau * Marceau Desrochers * Gaudet
* * * * * Fletcher Oda * Ablonczy Skelton * O'Connor Rajotte * Ambrose Day * J.Moore Reynolds * Harper MacKay * Solberg Mills * Hinton Hearn * Toews Duncan * C.Gagnon Loubier * Duceppe Gauthier * Lalonde Paquette * Crête Bergeron * Bachand R.Ménard * *
* * * * * Boudria Bevilacqua * Frulla Carroll * Alcock Graham * Peterson Pettigrew * Robilliard J.Lapierre * P.Martin McClellan * Goodale Dion * Scott Mitchell * Guarnieri Regan * Cotler Efford * Volpe D.Anderson * MacAulay Minna * Paradis Blaikie * Layton Davies * Wasylicia-Leis
* * Sgro Coderre * Catterall Godfrey * Bennett McGuire * McCallum Chan * Emerson Dosanjh * Fontana Bélanger * Valeri Redman * Brison Dryden * Stronach Blondin-Andrew * Bradshaw Owen * Ianno Saada * Comuzzi Lee * Phinney Wappel * Temelkovski Godin * McDonough Broadbent * Desjarlais
* * Beaumier Bonin * Bulte Torsney * Marleau K.Martin * Eyking McTeague * Byrne Adams * Karygiannis DeVillers * Jennings LeBlanc * R.Cullen McKay * Bakopanos Wilfert * Barnes Easter * Murphy Macklin * Bagnell Fry * B.Brown Cannis * Valley Crowder * Comartin Masse * Pt. Martin
* * Tonks Chamberlain * Gallaway Hubbard * Maloney Patry * St. Denis Steckle * Szabo Pickard * R.Thibault Malhi * Longfield Drouin * R.Simard Lastewka * Telegdi Ur * Folco Karetak-Lindell * Matthews Myers * Cuzner Neville * Savoy Zed * Wrzesnewskyj Stoffer * Angus Christopherson * T.Martin
Augustine * Proulx Pacetti * Bains Bell * Boivin Boshcoff * Carr D'Amours * Dhalla Godbout * Holland Kadis * Khan McGuinty * Powers Ratansi * Rodriguez Rota * Savage Scarpaleggia * Silva Simms * D.Smith St. Amand * Russell Kilgour * Parrish N.Cullen * Julian Siksay * *


See Senators of the 38th Canadian Parliament and same-sex marriage

See also

  • — has the complete voting history of the 38th Parliament, including Bill C-38.
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