This list is of Major Sites Protected for their Historical and Cultural Value at the National Level in the Province of Hunan, People's Republic of China.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Site Chinese name Location Designation Image
Mao Zedong's Former Residence Shaoshan chong Mao zhuxi jiuju 韶山冲毛主席旧居 Shaoshan 韶山市 1-4 Upload file
Site of Joining Forces in Wenjiashi of Autumn Harvest Uprising Qiushou qiyi Wenjiashi huishi jiuzhi 秋收起义文家市会师旧址 Liuyang 浏阳市 1-14 Upload file
Copper Column of Xizhou Xizhou tongzhu 溪州铜柱 Yongshun County 永顺县 1-132 Upload file
Iron Sutra Column in Changde Changde tiechuang 常德铁幢 Changde 常德市 2-44 Upload file
Former Residence and Grave of Huang Xing Huang Xing guju 黄兴故居, Huang Xing mu 黄兴墓(墓) Changsha County 长沙县 3-7 Upload file
Liu Shaoqi's Former Residence Liu Shaoqi guju 刘少奇故居 Ningxiang 宁乡市 3-15 Upload file
Ren Bishi's Former Residence Ren Bishi guju 任弼时故居 Miluo City 汨罗市 3-16 Upload file
Site of the Pingjiang Uprising Pingjiang qiyi jiuzhi 平江起义旧址 Pingjiang County 平江县 3-27 Upload file
Yueyang Tower Yueyang lou 岳阳楼 29°23′05″N 113°05′18″E / 29.384723°N 113.088262°E / 29.384723; 113.088262 Yueyang 岳阳市 3-66 Upload file
Yuelu Academy Yuelu shuyuan 岳麓书院 Changsha 长沙市 3-75 Upload file
Wuxi Rock Carvings Wuxi moya shike 浯溪摩崖石刻 Qiyang County 祁阳县 3-173 Upload file
Changsha Tongguan Kiln Site Changsha Tongguan yao yizhi 长沙铜官窑遗址 Wangcheng County 望城县 3-224 Upload file
Chengtoushan Site Chengtoushan yizhi 城头山遗址 29°41′30″N 111°39′20″E / 29.69166667°N 111.65555556°E / 29.69166667; 111.65555556 Li County 澧县 4-17 Upload file
Yandi Mausoleum Yan di ling 炎帝陵 Yanling County 炎陵县 4-78 Upload file
Longxing Temple Longxing si 龙兴寺 Yanling County 炎陵县 4-108 Upload file
Matian Drum Tower Matian gulou 马田鼓楼 Tongdao Dong Autonomous County 通道县 4-178 Upload file
Ningyuan Confucian Temple Ningyuan wenmiao 宁远文庙 Ningyuan County 宁远县 4-179 Upload file
Tan Sitong's Former Residence Tan Sitong guju 谭嗣同故居 Liuyang 浏阳市 4-207 Upload file
Wei Yuan's Former Residence Wei Yuan guju 魏源故居 Longhui County 隆回县 4-208 Upload file
Xiang Jingyu's Former Residence Xiang Jingyu guju 向警予故居 Xupu County 溆浦县 4-217 Upload file
Site of the Headquarters of the South Hunan Uprising Xiangnan nianguan baodong zhihuibu jiuzhi 湘南年关暴动指挥部旧址 Yizhang County 宜章县 4-230 Upload file
Nanyue Martyrs Shrine Nanyue zhonglieci 南岳忠烈祠 Hengyang 4-239 Upload file
Yuchanyan site Yuchanyan yizhi 玉蟾岩遗址 25°36′24″N 111°28′58″E / 25.60666667°N 111.48277778°E / 25.60666667; 111.48277778 Dao County 5-91 Upload file
Pengtoushan Site Pengtoushan yizhi 彭头山遗址 Li County 5-92 Upload file
Bashidang site Bashidang yizhi 八十垱遗址 Li County 5-93 Upload file
Laosicheng site Laosicheng yizhi 老司城遗址 Yongshun County 永顺县 5-94 Upload file
Liuzi Temple Liuzi miao 柳子庙 Yongzhou 永州市 5-363 Upload file
Quzi Temple Quzi ci 屈子祠 Miluo 5-364 Upload file
Shaoyang North Pagoda Shaoyang bei ta 邵阳北塔 Shaoyang 5-365 Upload file
Yueyang Confucian Temple Yueyang wenmiao 岳阳文庙 Yueyang 5-366 Upload file
Ancient Building Complex of Zhanguying Village Zhangguying cun gu jianzhuqun 张谷英村古建筑群 Yueyang 5-367 Upload file
Old Dong Architecture of Yutou Yutou Dong zhai gu jianzhuqun 芋头侗寨古建筑群 Tongdao Dong Autonomous County 5-368 Upload file
Peng Dehuai's Former Residence Peng Dehuai guju 彭德怀故居 Xiangtan County 5-499 Upload file
Liye Ancient City ruins Liye gucheng yizhi 里耶古城遗址 Longshan County 5-519 Upload file
Gaomiao Site Gaomiao yizhi 高庙遗址 Hongjiang 6-165 Upload file
Tanheli site Tanheli yizhi 炭河里遗址 Ningxiang 6-166 Upload file
Shun Temple Site Shun di miao yizhi 舜帝庙遗址 Ningyuan County 宁远县 6-167 Upload file
Old Buildings of the Shanggantangcun Shanggantang cun gu jianzhuqun 上甘棠村古建筑群 Jiangyong County 江永县 6-670 Upload file
Old Buildings of Gaoyicun Gaoyi cun gu jianzhuqun 高椅村古建筑群 Huitong 会同县 6-671 Upload file
Old Buildings of Taohuayuan Taohuayuan gu jianzhuqun 桃花源古建筑群 Taoyuan County 桃源县 6-672 Upload file
Nanyue Temple Nanyue miao 南岳庙 27°14′56″N 112°43′43″E / 27.24888889°N 112.72861111°E / 27.24888889; 112.72861111 Hengyang 衡阳市 6-673 Upload file
Old Architecture of Hongjiang Hongjiang gu jianzhu qun 洪江古建筑群 Huaihua 怀化市 6-674 Upload file
Pingtan "Wind and Rain Bridge" Pingtan fengyu qiao 坪坦风雨桥 Tongdao Dong Autonomous County 通道县 6-675 Upload file
Cai Lun Commemorative Temple Cai hou ci 蔡侯祠 Leiyang 耒阳市 6-676 Upload file
Yu Family Memorial Arches Yujia beifang 余家碑坊 Li County 澧县 6-677 Upload file
Old Fortress in Fenghuang Fenghuang gu chengbao 凤凰古城堡 Fenghuang County 凤凰县 6-678 Upload file
Yanghua Rock Carvings Yanghua yan moya 阳华岩摩崖 Jianghua Yao Autonomous County 江华县 6-848 Upload file
Shen Congwen's Former Residence Shen Congwen guju 沈从文故居 Fenghuang County 凤凰县 6-1003 Upload file
He Long's Former Residence He Long guju 贺龙故居 Sangzhi County 桑植县 6-1004 Upload file
Zeng Guofan's Former Residence Fuhou tang 富厚堂 Shuangfeng County 双峰县 6-1005 Upload file
Qi Baishi's Former Residence Qi Baishi guju 齐白石故居 Xiangtan County 湘潭县 6-1006 Upload file
Dongshan Academy Dongshan shuyuan jiuzhi 东山书院旧址 Xiangxiang 湘乡市 6-1007 Upload file
Former Residence and Grave of Cai E Cai E guju, gongguan he mu 蔡锷故居、公馆和墓 Shaoyang 邵阳市 6-1008 Upload file
Site of the First Education College of Hunan Province Hunan shengli di-yi Shifan xuejiao jiuzhi 湖南省立第一师范学校旧址 Changsha 长沙市 6-1009 Upload file
Former Residence of Tang Shengzhi Shude shanzhuang 树德山庄 Dong'an County 东安县 6-1010 Upload file
Former Site of the Hunan Committee of the Communist Party of China Zhong-Gong Xiang qu weiyuanhui 中共湘区委员会旧址 Changsha 长沙市 6-1011 Upload file
Former Site of the Hubei-Hunan-Sichuan-Guizhou Revolutionary Base Xiang E Chuan Qian geming genjudi jiuzhi 湘鄂川黔革命根据地旧址 Zhangjiajie 张家界市 6-1012 Upload file
Former Site of Tangtian Wartime Institute of Education Tangtian zhanshi jiangxueyuan jiuzhi 塘田战时讲学院旧址 Shaoyang County 邵阳县 6-1013 Upload file
Former Site of the Japanese Surrender of Zhijiang in the Second Sino-Japanese War Kang-Ri shengli Zhijiang qiaxiang jiuzhi 抗日胜利芷江洽降旧址 Zhijiang Dong Autonomous County 芷江县 6-1014 Upload file

See also


  1. "国务院关于公布第一批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (1st Designations)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 3 April 1961. Archived from the original on 9 June 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  2. "国务院关于公布第二批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (2nd Designations)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 23 February 1982. Archived from the original on 24 April 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  3. "国务院关于公布第三批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (3rd Designations)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 13 January 1988. Archived from the original on 1 May 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  4. "国务院关于公布第四批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (4th Designations)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 20 November 1996. Archived from the original on 1 May 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  5. "国务院关于公布第五批全国重点文物保护单位和与现有全国重点文物保护单位合并项目的通知 (5th Designations (also supplements))" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 25 June 2001. Archived from the original on 1 May 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  6. "国务院关于公布第六批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (6th Designations (also supplements)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 25 May 2006. Archived from the original on 20 October 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
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