This list is of Major Sites Protected for their Historical and Cultural Value at the National Level in the Province of Fujian, People's Republic of China.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Site Chinese name Location Designation Image
Site of the Gutian Congress Gutian huiyihuizhi 古田会议会址 Shanghang County 上杭县 1-18 Upload file
Anping Bridge Anping qiao (Wuli qiao) 安平桥(五里桥) 24°42′36″N 118°26′38″E / 24.7101°N 118.444°E / 24.7101; 118.444 Jinjiang 晋江市 1-59 Upload file
Qingjing Mosque Qingjing si 清净寺 24°54′20″N 118°35′13″E / 24.90555556°N 118.58694444°E / 24.90555556; 118.58694444 Quanzhou 泉州市 1-87 Upload file
Main Hall of Hualin Temple Hualin si dadian 华林寺大殿 Fuzhou 福州市 2-19 Upload file
Kaiyuan Temple Kaiyuan si 开元寺 Quanzhou 泉州市 2-20 Upload file
Grave of Koxinga Zheng Chenggong mu 郑成功墓 Nan'an 南安市 2-60 Upload file
Grave of Lin Zexu Lin Zexu mu 林则徐墓 Fuzhou 福州市 3-2 Upload file
Site of the Former Soviet Government in Changting Changting geming jiuzhi 长汀革命旧址 Changting County 长汀县 3-29 Upload file
Grave of Tan Kah Kee Chen Jiageng mu 陈嘉庚墓 Jimei District, Xiamen 厦门市 3-38 Upload file
Mulanbei Reservoir Mulan bei 木兰陂 Putian 莆田市 3-56 Upload file
Chongwu Town Walls Chongwu chengqiang 崇武城墙 Hui'an County 惠安县 3-61 Upload file
Luoyang Bridge Luoyang qiao 洛阳桥 Quanzhou 泉州市 3-68 Upload file
Residence of Shangshudi in Taining Taining Shangshudi jianzhuqun 泰宁尚书第建筑群 Taining County 泰宁县 3-86 Upload file
Quanzhou Heavenly Empress' Palace Quanzhou Tianhou gong 泉州天后宫 Quanzhou 泉州市 3-133 Upload file
Shijiawen Buddhist Pagoda Shijiawen Fo ta 释迦文佛塔 Putian 莆田市 3-149 Upload file
Qingyuan Rock Sculptures Qingyuan Shan shizaoxiang 清源山石造像 Quanzhou 泉州市 3-169 Upload file
Jiurishan Rock Sculptures Jiurishan moya shike 九日山摩崖石刻 Nan'an 南安市 3-176 Upload file
Dehua Porcelain Kiln Sites Qudougong Dehua yao yizhi 屈斗宫德化窑遗址 Dehua County 德化县 3-229 Upload file
Muslim Cemetery, Quanzhou Yisilanjiao shengmu 伊斯兰教圣墓 Quanzhou 泉州市 3-250 Upload file
Ruins of the Han City of Chengcun Chengcun Hancheng yizhi 城村汉城遗址 Wuyishan City 武夷山市 4-38 Upload file
Sanqing Hall of Yuanmiao Temple Yuanmiaoguan Sanqingdian 元妙观三清殿 Putian 莆田市 4-103 Upload file
Qing Ciji Gong, Baijiao Ciji Gong Qing, Baijiao Ciji gong 青、白礁慈济宫 Xiamen 厦门市 4-104 Upload file
Guandi Temple on Dongshan Island Dongshan Guan Di miao 东山关帝庙 Dongshan County 东山县 4-144
Stone Paifang of Zhanghou Zhangzhou shipaifang 漳州石牌坊 Zhangzhou 漳州市 4-145 Upload file
Fujian Tulou Fujian tulou 福建土楼 24°34′28″N 116°59′40″E / 24.57444444°N 116.99444444°E / 24.57444444; 116.99444444 Yongding County, Nanjing County, and Hua'an County 华安县 4-172 Upload file
Ruiyan Maitreya Statue Ruiyan Mile zaoxiang 瑞岩弥勒造像 Fuqing 福清市 4-196 Upload file
Cao'an Temple Stone Carvings Cao'an shike 草庵石刻 Jinjiang 晋江市 4-198 Upload file
Majiang Fort, Grave of the Martyr, Zhaozhong Ancestral Hall Majiang haizhan paotai, Lieshi mu ji Zhaozhong ci 马江海战炮台、烈士墓及昭忠祠 Fuzhou 福州市 4-203 Upload file
Hulishan Fort Hulishan paotai 胡里山炮台 Xiamen 厦门市 4-204 Upload file
Wanshouyan Site Wanshouyan yizhi 万寿岩遗址 Sanming 三明市 5-51 Upload file
Tanshishan Site Tanshishan yizhi 昙石山遗址 Minhou County 闽侯县 5-52 Upload file
Jian Kiln Site Jian yao yizhi 建窑遗址 Jianyang 建阳市 5-53 Upload file
Tianzhong Wanshou Pagoda Tianzhong Wanshou ta 天中万寿塔 Xianyou County 仙游县 5-324 Upload file
Fort Anzhenbao Anzhenbao 安贞堡 Yong'an 永安市 5-325 Upload file
Chen Taiwei Palace Chen taiwei gong 陈太尉宫 Luoyuan County 罗源县 5-326 Upload file
Old Cai Family Residence Caishi gu minju jianzhuqun 蔡氏古民居建筑群 Nan'an 南安市 5-327 Upload file
Quanzhou Confucian Temple Quanzhou fu Wenmiao 泉州府文庙 Quanzhou 泉州市 5-328 Upload file
Great Hall of Baoshan Temple Baoshan si dadian 宝山寺大殿 Shunchang County 顺昌县 5-329 Upload file
Chongmiao Baosheng Jianlao Pagoda Chongmiao Baosheng Jianlao ta 崇妙保圣坚牢塔 Fuzhou 福州市 5-330 Upload file
Main Hall of Zhanghou Confucian Temple Zhangzhou fu Wenmiao Dachengdian 漳州府文庙大成殿 Zhangzhou 漳州市 5-331 Upload file
Jiangdong Bridge Jiangdong qiao 江东桥 Zhangzhou 漳州市 5-332 Upload file
Zhaojiabao and Yi'anbao Zhaojiabao - Yi'anbao 赵家堡—诒安堡 Zhangpu County 漳浦县 5-333 Upload file
Gushan Rock Carvings Gushan moya shike 鼓山摩崖石刻 Fuzhou 福州市 5-453 Upload file
Fujian Chuanzheng Shipyard Buildings Fujian Chuanzheng zhujian 福建船政建筑 Fuzhou 福州市 5-491 Upload file
Sibao Book Trade Buildings Sibao shufang jianzhu 四堡书坊建筑 Liancheng County 连城县 5-515 Upload file
Beiyuan Yubei Site Beiyuan yubei yizhi 北苑御焙遗址 Jian'ou 建瓯市 6-95 Upload file
Cizao Kiln Site Cizao yao zhi 磁灶窑址 Jinjiang 晋江市 6-96 Upload file
Dejimen Site Dejimen yizhi 德济门遗址 Quanzhou 泉州市 6-97 Upload file
Nansheng Kiln Site Nansheng yao zhi 南胜窑址 Pinghe County 平和县 6-98 Upload file
Wuyishan Rock Tombs Wuyishan yamuqun 武夷山崖墓群 Wuyishan 武夷山市 6-253 Upload file
Grave of Zhu Xi Zhu Xi mu 朱熹墓 Jianyang 建阳市 6-254 Upload file
Zenhai Dike Zhenhai di 镇海堤 Putian 莆田市 6-578 Upload file
Mignshanshi Site Mingshanshi 名山室 Yongtai County 永泰县 6-579 Upload file
Old Architecture in the Port of Quanzhou Quanzhou gang gu jianzhu 泉州港古建筑 Quanzhou 泉州市 6-580 Upload file
Shengshou Pagoda Shengshou baota 圣寿宝塔 Changle 长乐市 6-581 Upload file
Wuchen Pagoda Wuchen ta 无尘塔 Xianyou County 仙游县 6-582 Upload file
Architecture of Sanfangqixiang and Zhuzifang Sanfangqixiang he Zhuzifang jianzhuqun 三坊七巷和朱紫坊建筑群 Fuzhou 福州市 6-583 Upload file
Old Architecture of Peitiancun Peitiancun gu jianzhuqun 培田村古建筑群 Liancheng County 连城县 6-584 Upload file
Nanshan Palace Nanshan gong 南山宫 Hua'an County 华安县 6-585 Upload file
Xipo Tianhou Palace Xipo Tianhou gong 西陂天后宫 Yongding County 永定县 6-586 Upload file
Shifeng Temple Shifeng si 狮峰寺 Fu'an 福安市 6-587 Upload file
Lin Family Ancestral Shrine, Zhangzhou Zhangzhou Linshi zong ci 漳州林氏宗祠 Zhangzhou 漳州市 6-588 Upload file
Main Hall of the Zhangpu Confucian Temple Zhangpu Wenmiao Dacheng dian 漳浦文庙大成殿 Zhangpu County 漳浦县 6-589 Upload file
Main Hall of Baoyan Temple Baoyan si dadian 宝严寺大殿 Shaowu 邵武市 6-590 Upload file
Ding Family Ancestral Shrine, Chendai Chendai Dingshi zongci 陈埭丁氏宗祠 Jinjiang 晋江市 6-591 Upload file
Zhengshun Temple Zhengshun miao 正顺庙 Sanming 三明市 6-592 Upload file
Covered Bridges of Pingnan County Min dongbei langqiao 闽东北廊桥 Pingnan County 屏南县 6-593 Upload file
Anxi Confucian Temple Anxi wenmiao 安溪文庙 Anxi County 安溪县 6-594 Upload file
Deyuan Hall Deyuan tang 德远堂 Nanjing County 南靖县 6-595 Upload file
Shi Lang Residence, Ancestral Temple, Grave Shi Lang zhai, ci he mu 施琅宅、祠和墓 Jinjiang 晋江市 6-596 Upload file
Mazu Temple Mazu miao 妈祖庙 Putian 莆田市 6-597 Upload file
Lin Family Yizhuang Linshi yizhuang 林氏义庄 Longhai 龙海市 6-598 Upload file
Fuzhou Confucian Temple Fuzhou wenmiao 福州文庙 Fuzhou 福州市 6-599 Upload file
Dongyue Temple, Jian'ou Jian'ou Dongyue miao 建瓯东岳庙 Jian'ou 建瓯市 6-600 Upload file
Statues of Qiyun Cave Qiyun dong zaoxiang 栖云洞造像 Luoyuan County 罗源县 6-826 Upload file
Clay Sculptures of Xianying Palace Xianying gong nisu 显应宫泥塑 Changle 长乐市 6-827 Upload file
Lingjigong Stone Stele Lingji gong bei 灵济宫碑 Minhou County 闽侯县 6-828 Upload file
Grave of Chen Huacheng Chen Huacheng mu 陈化成墓 Xiamen 厦门市 6-962 Upload file
Modern Architecture of Gulangyu Gulangyu jindai jianzhuqun 鼓浪屿近代建筑群 Xiamen 厦门市 6-963 Upload file
Residence and Grave of Yan Fu Yan Fu guju he mu 严复故居和墓 Fuzhou 福州市 6-964 Upload file
Site of Tianyi Post Office Tianyi zongju jiuzhi 天一总局旧址 Longhai 龙海市 6-965 Upload file
Early Buildings of Jimei Village School and Xiamen University Jimei xuecun he Xiamen daxue zaoqi jianzhu 集美学村和厦门大学早期建筑 Xiamen 厦门市 6-966 Upload file
Site of the Xiamen Prison Skirmish Xiamen poyu douzheng jiuzhi 厦门破狱斗争旧址 Xiamen 厦门市 6-967 Upload file
Site of the First Front Army of the Red Army in Jianning Jianning hong yi fangmianjun lingdao jiguan jiuzhi 建宁红一方面军领导机关旧址 Jianning County 建宁县 6-968 Upload file
Site of the Eastern Route Army of the Red Army of Workers and Peasants Zhongguo Gong-Nong Hongjun donglu jun lingdao jiguan jiuzhi 中国工农红军东路军领导机关旧址 Zhangzhou 漳州市 6-969 Upload file

See also


  1. "国务院关于公布第一批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (1st Designations)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 3 April 1961. Archived from the original on 9 June 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  2. "国务院关于公布第二批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (2nd Designations)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 23 February 1982. Archived from the original on 24 April 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  3. "国务院关于公布第三批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (3rd Designations)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 13 January 1988. Archived from the original on 1 May 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  4. "国务院关于公布第四批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (4th Designations)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 20 November 1996. Archived from the original on 1 May 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  5. "国务院关于公布第五批全国重点文物保护单位和与现有全国重点文物保护单位合并项目的通知 (5th Designations (also supplements))" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 25 June 2001. Archived from the original on 1 May 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  6. "国务院关于公布第六批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (6th Designations (also supplements)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 25 May 2006. Archived from the original on 20 October 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
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