A protester holds a "Say Their Names" sign; many of the names are of African Americans who were unarmed when they were killed by law enforcement officers.

This is a list of African Americans reported killed while unarmed by non-military law enforcement officers in the United States. Events are listed whether they took place in the line of duty or not, and regardless of reason or method. The listing documents the occurrence of a death, making no implications regarding wrongdoing or justification on the part of the person killed or officer involved. Killings are arranged by date of the incident that caused death. Different death dates, if known, are noted in the description.

Before 2000

Date Name Age City Description
March 31, 1870 Henry Truman 26 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Officer John Whiteside chased Truman into an alley after a shoplifting. When Truman asked the officer what he did wrong, Whiteside shot him. Whiteside was found guilty of manslaughter.[1]
December 14, 1895 Lizzie Durr 13 Birmingham, Alabama A police officer shot and killed Durr as she and a friend gathered coal from a train car. The officer claimed Durr jumped on him, causing his gun to discharge, but Durr's friend claimed she was shot while they were running away. Durr had been shot in the back of the head.[2]
March 26, 1938 Berry Lawson 21 Seattle, Washington Three officers beat Lawson to death after removing him from the hotel he worked at. The officers claimed Lawson fell down the stairs and attempted to bribe a witness, but all three were tried and convicted of manslaughter.[3]
March 22, 1942 Thomas P. Foster 25 Little Rock, Arkansas Two white military police officers and two city police officers beat a black soldier while arresting him for public drunkenness. When Foster, who outranked the military officers, confronted them, the officers attempted to arrest him. City Officer Abner J. Hay fought with Foster near a church, with other officers hitting Foster with batons when it appeared he was winning the fight. When Foster let go of Hay, he shot Foster three times.[4]
January 29, 1943 Robert "Bobby" Hall Unknown Baker County, Georgia Sheriff Claude Screws beat Hall to death after he allegedly stole a tire. Screws was convicted of violating Hall's civil rights but it was overturned by the United States Supreme Court.
February 2, 1958 Daniel Bell 22 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Bell fled a traffic stop because he had no license. Officer Thomas Grady shot him and planted a knife on the scene, claiming Bell had lunged at him. Two decades later, the other officer on scene admitted that Grady planted the weapon, and he was convicted of reckless homicide and perjury in 1979.[5]
October 25, 1959 Luther Jackson 27 Philadelphia, Mississippi Jackson, a veteran of the Korean War, was shot and killed by Officer Lawrence A. Rainey as he exited his vehicle. Rainey would later gain notoriety for his alleged involvement in the Freedom Summer murders.[6]
April 9, 1962 Roman Ducksworth Jr. 30 Taylorsville, Mississippi Ducksworth, a military police officer, was shot and killed by Taylorsville Police Officer William Kelly after he fell asleep on a bus to get to the hospital as his child was born.[7]
September 15, 1963 Johnny Robinson 16 Birmingham, Alabama During unrest over the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing, Robinson and several others threw rocks at a car draped with the Confederate Flag. Officer Jack Parker shot Robinson but claimed that he had only fired a warning shot. Two juries chose not to indict Parker for the shooting.[8]
February 26, 1965 Jimmie Lee Jackson 26 Marion, Alabama During a peaceful voting rights rally, Alabama State Trooper James Bonard Fowler shot Jackson after another threw him against a cigarette machine. Fowler was not named as the shooter until 2005, and he pled guilty to manslaughter in 2010, serving six months in prison.[9]
May 7, 1966 Leonard Deadwyler 25 Los Angeles, California Deadwyler was speeding as he drove to the hospital with his wife, who was in labor. An officer shot Deadwyler, claiming the vehicle had lurched forward. A coroner's jury later ruled the shooting an accidental homicide.
September 27, 1966 Matthew Johnson 16 San Francisco, California Patrolman Alvin Johnson (no relation) shot Matthew as he ran away. The shooting sparked riots in the Hunters Point neighborhood.
May 12, 1967 Benjamin Brown 21 Jackson, Mississippi Brown was leaving a café on the Jackson State University campus after buying a sandwich for his wife when he encountered a standoff between protesters and police. Police shot him twice in the back, killing him. A 2001 grand jury blamed two policemen, Jackson Police officer Buddy Kane and Mississippi Highway Patrolman Lloyd Jones for Brown's death, but both men had died prior to the grand jury.[10]
June 11, 1967 Martin Chambers 19 Tampa, Florida Officer James Calvert shot burglary suspect Chambers in the back as he ran away. The shooting led to riots in the city, among over 150 other riots that summer.
July 14, 1967 Eddie Moss 10 Newark, New Jersey National Guardsmen fired at a vehicle moving through checkpoints, killing Moss.[11]
July 14, 1967 Rufus Council 35 Newark, New Jersey State troopers shot Council as he stood in the doorframe of a restaurant.[11]
July 14, 1967 Tedock Bell 28 Newark, New Jersey Bell and his family walked to the tavern he worked at, hoping to check on it. An unidentified officer shot him.[11]
July 14, 1967 Leroy Boyd 34 Newark, New Jersey An officer shot and killed Boyd. According to a grand jury report the shooting was accidental.[11]
July 14, 1967 Cornelius Murray 29 Newark, New Jersey Police shot Murray as he stood with his friends.[11]
July 15, 1967 Eloise Spellman 42 Newark, New Jersey Police and National Guardsmen shot three people in apartments after reports of sniper fire.[11]
Rebecca Brown 29
Hattie Gainer 53
July 15, 1967 William Furr 25 Newark, New Jersey Police shot Furr as he fled a looted liquor store.[11]
July 16, 1967 Michael Pugh 12 Newark, New Jersey National Guardsmen shot Pugh as he went to take his family's garbage out.[11]
July 16, 1967 James Rutledge 19 Newark, New Jersey State troopers found Rutledge in a liquor store. When he stood up to surrender, police shot him 39 times.[11]
July 17, 1967 Raymond Gilmer 20 Newark, New Jersey During riots in Newark a police officer shot Gilmer as he fled a store. He was the last person to be killed in the Newark riots.[11][12]
July 24, 1967 Robert Beal 23 Detroit, Michigan During the 1967 Detroit riot, a patrolman shot Beal inside a drug store. An initial report said he was shot while fleeing, but a later report said he made a sudden move toward the officers.[13]
July 24, 1967 Joseph Chandler 34 Detroit, Michigan Two officers shot Chandler as he ran down an alley. After firing the officers left, believing they had missed Chandler.[13]
July 24, 1967 Herman Canty 34 Detroit, Michigan An officer shot Canty as he drove away from a supermarket, which a witness said he had looted.[13]
July 24, 1967 Alfred Peachlum 36 Detroit, Michigan Police shot Peachlum inside a grocery store after mistaking a shiny object for a gun. He was holding beef wrapped in tin foil. Police also wounded two women across the street from the store.[13]
July 24, 1967 Alphonso Smith 35 Detroit, Michigan A patrolman shot Smith in a supermarket. The officer said Smith had thrown a can at him and that he fired after slipping on debris, but witnesses said the officer shot through a window.[13]
July 24, 1967 Mike Williams 16 Detroit, Michigan A state trooper shot Williams and a 20-year-old man as they fled from a looted warehouse.[13]
July 24, 1967 Edward Kemp 35 Detroit, Michigan An officer shot Kemp as he fled holding stolen cigars.[13]
July 24, 1967 Richard Sims 35 Detroit, Michigan Four officers chased Sims for allegedly trying to break into a bar. The officers surrounded him next to a locked door and shot him.[13]
July 24, 1967 Frank Tanner 35 Detroit, Michigan Police and National Guardsmen fired at a group of people who had allegedly stolen alcohol from a store, killing Tanner. Tanner was holding a cardboard box when he was shot.[13]
July 25, 1967 Henry Denson 27 Detroit, Michigan National Guardsmen shot at a vehicle driving slowly near a checkpoint, killing Denson, a passenger. The driver of the car was charged with assault but was acquitted.[13]
July 25, 1967 Emanuel Cosbey 26 Detroit, Michigan Police fired at a group of fleeing looting suspects, killing Cosbey.[13]
July 25, 1967 Ronald Evans 16 Detroit, Michigan Police arrested Evans and Jones for stealing beer. Officers shot both men, claiming they attempted to run, although witnesses claimed police had forced Evans to run before they shot him.[13]
William Jones 23
July 25, 1967 Roy Banks 46 Detroit, Michigan National Guardsmen shot Banks, who was deaf, as he walked to catch a bus to work. Police said he was a suspected looter, but the looted business's owner denied this. Banks died on August 14 from his injuries.[13]
July 25, 1967 Arthur Johnson 36 Detroit, Michigan Police shot Johnson and Williams inside a looted pawn shop. Police said Johnson had a club, but it was never produced by police.[13]
Perry Williams 33
July 25, 1967 Tonia Blanding 4 Detroit, Michigan The National Guard sent a tank to a neighborhood after rumors of snipers. When someone in an apartment lit a cigarette, National Guardsmen opened fire, mistaking it for a sniper. Blanding was shot and killed.[13]
July 26, 1967 John LeRoy 30 Detroit, Michigan LeRoy and some friends went to check on a friend's pregnant wife. After getting permission from a National Guardsman to go out past curfew, they passed a National Guard Jeep, where Guardsmen fired at the vehicle, killing LeRoy and wounding two friends, including the one whose wife they were visiting. LeRoy died of his injuries three days later.[13]
July 26, 1967 Carl Cooper 17 Detroit, Michigan Police shot three teenagers in a motel. Officers were charged with Pollard and Temple's deaths, while another was charged with conspiracy in relation to Cooper's death, but no officer was ever convicted.[13]
Aubrey Pollard 19
Fred Temple 18
July 26, 1967 George Talbert 20 Detroit, Michigan A National Guard specialist shot Talbert. The Guardsman claimed Talbert had threatened to cut him, but an investigation by the Detroit Free Press determined he was unarmed. He died of his injuries ten days later.[13]
July 26, 1967 Albert Robinson 38 Detroit, Michigan National Guardsmen struck Robinson with a bayonette and shot him. Police said he was a sniper trying to escape his apartment, but no weapons were found in the apartment.[13]
July 28, 1967 William Dalton 19 Detroit, Michigan Police shot Dalton after detaining him for violating curfew. Police said he was fleeing, but witnesses claimed officers had taken him to an alley and shot him.[13]
July 29, 1967 Ernest Roquemore 19 Detroit, Michigan Police and Army paratroopers opened fire on a crowd of people after a transistor radio was mistaken for a gun. Roquemore was shot and killed.[13]
February 8, 1968 Samuel Ephesians Hammond Jr. 18 Orangeburg, South Carolina South Carolina Highway Patrol officers shot at a group of protesters at South Carolina State University, killing three.
Delano Herman Middleton 17
Henry Ezekial Smith 19
March 9, 1968 William Leonard 19 Los Angeles, California Police responded to reports of a man threatening to kill his wife. Officer Larry N. Fultz went to question the wife when he shot Leonard through a window. Leonard, who babysit for the family, was standing with his arms raised facing away from the window when he was shot.[14]
March 28, 1968 Larry Payne 18 Memphis, Tennessee During a sanitation strike Officer Leslie Dean Jones shot Payne in the stomach with a sawed-off shotgun. Jones claimed Payne had a butcher's knife but witnesses disputed this.[15]
April 18, 1968 Roosevelt Jackson Unknown Port Gibson, Mississippi Two weeks after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., two police officers attempted to arrest Jackson for interfering with another man's arrest. During his arrest there was a struggle, which ended with police shooting Jackson. Jackson's killing led to protests led to NAACP protests led by Charles Evers, which later led to the Supreme Court case NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co. after local merchants sued the NAACP.[16]
May 18, 1968 Daniel Kenneth Henry 22 Salisbury, Maryland Plainclothes detective Jerry Mason, who was White, shot Henry following a scuffle with police. Henry had dropped a gun, which was picked up by Mason, and he was unarmed when police yelled at him to stop. Because Henry was deaf, he did not hear their warning, and Mason fired one shot into the back of Henry's neck, killing him instantly. Mason was cleared by a grand jury.[17][18]
June 24, 1969 Vivian Strong 14 Omaha, Nebraska Officer James Loder shot into a group of teenagers running away, striking Vivian Strong. Loder was tried for manslaughter but was found not guilty by an all-White jury.
December 4, 1969 Fred Hampton 21 Chicago, Illinois Hampton, a chairman of the Black Panther Party, was assassinated while he slept in his bed. Hampton was shot multiple times by police who raided his apartment. 22-year-old Mark Clark was also shot and killed.
May 11, 1970 Charlie Mack Murphy 39 Augusta, Georgia During riots in Augusta, Murphy was walking to his mother's house when police shot him seven times in the back.[19]
May 11, 1970 William Wright 18 Augusta, Georgia Wright and some friends were watching riots when they noticed police officers through a fence. Wright and his friends ran, and police shot him eight times, five in the back and three in the arm.[19]
May 11, 1970 Sammie McCullough 20 Augusta, Georgia Police dispersed a group of people near a fire. As McCullough and a friend ran, police opened fire, hitting McCullough and grazing his friend. McCullough died in surgery at Talmadge Hospital.[19]
May 11, 1970 James Stokes 19 Augusta, Georgia Stokes and a group of other young people were in a grocery store around midnight when a police car drove up and an officer opened fire, killing Stokes. A 12-year-old girl who witnessed his death said that one officer rolled Stokes onto his back with his foot, while another referred to him with a racial slur.[19]
May 12, 1970 John Bennett 28 Augusta, Georgia Bennett and his cousin left a party and found his car, parked near a looted business and half-filled with groceries from the store. They told two officers that the car was Bennett's, but they did not believe them and began assaulting Bennett. When he ran to a nearby housing project police opened fire, killing Bennett.[19]
May 12, 1970 Mack Wilson 49 Augusta, Georgia An officer shot Wilson behind a looted bar.[19]
May 15, 1970 Phillip Lafayette Gibbs 21 Jackson, Mississippi Officers from the Jackson Police Department and the Mississippi Highway Patrol opened fire on student protesters at Jackson State College (now Jackson State University), killing two of them.
James Earl Green 17
June 20, 1970 Jerry Lee Amie 24 Los Angeles, California Police responded to reports of a man with a gun and shot Amie. Police stated Amie reached towards his waistband and had a toy gun on his person, while family stated his hands were raised and the toy gun was planted closer to the scene.[20]
May 31, 1971 Carnell Russ 24 Star City, Arkansas While driving home with his family after visiting relatives on Memorial Day, Russ was pulled over by Officer Charles Lee Ratliff. Ratliff had Russ drive with him to the Lincoln County Courthouse. After Ratliff refused to provide Russ with a copy of the ticket, he refused to pay, leading to a scuffle. During the struggle Ratliff hit Russ with his gun and shot him. Ratliff was charged with manslaughter but was acquitted by an all-white jury.[21]
November 16, 1972 Leonard Brown 20 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Police shot Brown and Smith as they and other students at Southern University protested poor funding and educational disparities. In 2017 the two men were awarded posthumous degrees and in 2022 Governor John Bel Edwards apologized for their deaths.[22]
Denver Smith
January 27, 1973 Rita Lloyd 16 New York City, New York A plainclothes officer shot at girl who pointed a sawed-off shotgun at him, hitting Lloyd.[23]
April 28, 1973 Clifford Glover 10 New York City, New York Two undercover officers approached Glover and his stepfather, believing they had committed a robbery. Believing they were about to be robbed, Glover and his stepfather ran, and police shot Glover. Officers stated they believed Glover had a gun he passed to his stepfather, but no weapon was recovered.[24]
October 3, 1974 Edward Garner 15 Memphis, Tennessee After stealing $10 and a purse, Garner fled from Officer Elton Hyman by climbing a fence. Hyman shot Garner in the back of the head, saying he did so to prevent him from escaping. The shooting was ruled justified, as Tennessee had a law allowing police to shoot fleeing suspects for any reason. The shooting led to the Supreme Court case Tennessee v. Garner, where justices ruled 6–3 that the law was unconstitutional.[25]
December 2, 1975 Bernard Whitehurst 32 Montgomery, Alabama Officer Donald Foster shot Whitehurst in the back while investigating a robbery. Police covered the shooting up by planting a gun and claiming Whitehurst had fired at them, but an investigation by the Montgomery Advertiser found he was unarmed.[26]
February 15, 1976 Michael Sherard 16 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Policeman Donald Woodruff shot and killed Sherard. After throwing a TV set at Woodruff, Sherard fled and was shot by Woodruff. Woodruff stated he shot Sherard after he pulled his hand out of his pocket, but witnesses said he was fleeing when he was shot. Woodruff was charged but acquitted.[27]
November 25, 1976 Randolph Evans 15 New York City, New York Officer Robert Torsey shot Evans point-blank in the head after a brief conversation. Torsey was arrested by other officers at the scene and later found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity.[28]
February 27, 1978 Michael Carpenter 19 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Officer Marcus Giardino shot Carpenter in the back as he ran away. Giardino pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter in 1978, the second time in Philadelphia history an officer was convicted for killing a Black man.[29]
June 14, 1978 Arthur Miller Jr. 34–35 New York City, New York Miller died after being put in a chokehold by NYPD officers.[30]
September 23, 1978 Cornell Warren 19 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania After being stopped for a traffic violation, Warren ran from police while handcuffed. Officer Thomas Bower pursued Warren, struck him, and shot him. Bowe was charged in Warren's death but was acquitted.[31]
June 22, 1979 Bonita Carter 20 Birmingham, Alabama A shooting broke out at a gas station after a customer, Alger Pickett, got into a fight with an employee and returned with a firearm. After running out of bullets, Pickett fled the scene and shouted for someone to move his car so it wouldn't be towed. Carter, who was at the station with her friends, got into the car and began to drive away. Two officers, George Sands and R.W. Hollingsworth, happened to be in the area at the time and saw Carter in Pickett's car. Although bystanders yelled that Carter was not the robber, Sands fired four shots, killing her.[32][33]
July 19, 1979 Emery Robinson 18 Pelham Manor, New York After questioning Robinson about a stolen car, Officer John Robins shot Robinson as he ran away, after firing a warning shot.[34]
December 17, 1979 Arthur McDuffie 33 Miami, Florida McDuffie died after he was beaten by four officers during a traffic stop. The medical examiner concluded that McDuffie's injuries were not consistent with a motorcycle crash, but closer to being beaten.
August 24, 1980 William Green 17 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania During a traffic stop Officer John Ziegler shot and killed Green. Ziegler stated he was hitting Green with his gun when it went off. Ziegler was charged with murder but was acquitted.[35]
November 4, 1980 Michael Smith 15 Indianapolis, Indiana Officer Jeffrey Ritorto shot Smith as he fled a burglary unarmed. The officer said he believed Smith was reaching for a weapon.[36][37]
July 9, 1981 Ernest Lacy 22 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Police questioned Lacy in connection with a rape. Police handcuffed him and wrestled him to the ground, with one officer pushing his knee into Lacy's back and neck. He fell unconscious and died. Another suspect was later found and convicted of the initial rape.[38]
October 20, 1982 Anthony Nelson Unknown Miami, Florida Officer Ernest Urtiaga was frisking Nelson, suspected of stealing a truck, with a shotgun to his back. According to Urtiaga he felt contact on the shotgun and thought Nelson was trying to take it, so he pulled back and shot him. Urtiaga was charged with manslaughter but was acquitted.[39]
March 4, 1983 Donald Harp 22 Miami, Florida Following a car accident, Officer Robert Koenig shot Harp. The officer claimed he thought Harp was reaching for a weapon, although a medical examiner said Harp was nearly unconscious at the time. Koenig was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to seven years in prison.[40]
September 28, 1983 Michael Stewart 25 New York City, New York
September 21, 1984 Sal Saran Scott 22 Minneapolis, Minnesota Undercover officers attempted to arrest Scott after he allegedly tried to rob one. During his arrest an officer shot Scott in the back of the head with a shotgun.[41][42]
April 20, 1985 Lloyd D. Stevenson 31 Portland, Oregon Stevenson walked into a 7-Eleven and found two White clerks trying to stop a Black suspected shoplifter from leaving. A fight broke out and Stevenson attempted to break it up. When officers arrived, Officer Gary Barbour put Stevenson in a sleeper hold, leading to Stevenson losing consciousness and dying. An all-white six person jury decided a verdict of criminally negligent homicide, but a grand jury declined to indict the officers.[43]
May 13, 1985 MOVE Bombing numerous Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 11 people were killed and over 200 were made homeless when police bombed a residential neighborhood.
April 3, 1986 Erdman Bascomb 41 Seattle, Washington During a drug raid on a Genesee apartment police burst in and shot Bascomb in the chest. Bascomb was holding a black TV remote, which the officer who shot him said he mistook for a gun.[44]
April 3, 1986 Robert V. Logan Unknown Indianapolis, Indiana An officer shot Logan in the back while trying to handcuff him.[36][45]
December 9, 1987 Yvonne Smallwood 28 New York City, New York Died from a blood-clot while in police custody. Smallwood's boyfriend and another witness said they saw police kick and beat Smallwood days before her death.[46]
January 16, 1989 Clement Lloyd 23 Miami, Florida Officer William Lozano shot and killed Lloyd as he fled police on a motorcycle. The crash also killed Blanchard, Lloyd's passenger. Lozano was convicted of manslaughter but the verdict was overturned and Lozano was acquitted.[47]
Allan Blanchard 24
March 22, 1990 Adolph Archie 40 New Orleans, Louisiana Archie died after being severely beaten to death at a New Orleans police station. Archie's injuries included a fractured skull, kicked in teeth, a fractured larynx, and severely hemorrhaged testicles.[48][49]
April 10, 1990 Phillip Pannell 16 Teaneck, New Jersey 16-year-old Phillip Pannell was shot in his back with his hands raised by Officer Gary Spath.
July 9, 1990 Leonard Bennett 25 Indianapolis, Indiana Following a robbery at a restaurant police pursued Bennett. When the pursuit ended Officer Scott Haslar shot Bennett five times. Bennett was unarmed when he was shot.[50]
May 4, 1991 Grady Alexis 26 New York City, New York Following a traffic dispute off-duty officer and professional boxer Richard Frazier struck Alexis in the head, killing him. The officer was charged with assault against one of Alexis's friends, but not for Alexis himself. One of Frazier's friends was charged with assaulting Alexis and was sentenced to jail for four months and community service.[51]
July 12, 1991 Christopher Rogers 16 Boston, Massachusetts Officer James E. "Sonny" Hall shot and killed Rogers as he hid under a truck in the Dorchester neighborhood. Hall, a Black officer who claimed he shot Rogers after losing his balance, was convicted of manslaughter in 1992 and sentenced to five to ten and a half years in prison.[52]
September 2, 1991 Steve Clemons 27 Los Angeles, California Clemons was shot in the back while fleeing by LASD Deputy Michael Staley in Los Angeles's Willowbrook Park.[53]
December 30, 1991 Roy Lee Jones 25 Cairo, Illinois Officer John McDonald stopped Jones and questioned him about a robbery. After Jones refused to answer questions he attempted to leave, resulting in a scuffle between him and McDonald. McDonald shot thirteen times, missing each time, before shooting a fourteenth time, which hit Jones, killing him. McDonalds claimed his supervisor had told him to fire the last shot, although his supervisor disputed this. McDonald was convicted of second-degree murder and aggravated battery and sentenced to ten years in prison.[54]
April 30, 1992 Brian Edmund Andrew 30 Compton, California During the 1992 Los Angeles riots a Compton Police officer shot Andrew during a fight in an alley. Andrew had been seen running with a beer bottle and a pair of shoes.[55]
May 1, 1992 Charles William Orebo 21 Los Angeles, California While driving to a home Orebo cut off an LAPD officer commuting to work. As the officer pulled up next to Orebo his passenger pointed a gun at the officer, who shot and killed Orebo. Orebo himself was unarmed.[55]
May 1, 1992 Howard Eugene Martin 22 Pasadena, California Police attempted to disperse a party when gunshots were fired. Police returned fire and one of the shots ricocheted off of the pavement, striking Martin, an uninvolved bystander watching from his friend's balcony.[55]
July 1, 1992 John L. Daniels Jr. 36 Los Angeles, California Officer Douglas Iversen and his partner spotted Daniels at a gas station driving his tow truck, which had been mistakenly released to him after being seized. When Daniels attempted to drive off, Iversen shot him. Iversen was charged with murder but was not convicted.[56]
November 5, 1992 Malice Green 35 Detroit, Michigan Officers Walter Budzyn and Larry Nevers repeatedly struck Green with a flashlight, leading to his death. Budzyn and Nevers were convicted of guilty of second-degree murder, another officer was acquitted of assault, and a fourth had charges dropped.[57]
April 15, 1993 Paul Monroe 23 Austin, Texas Officer Steven Deaton shot Monroe in the abdomen as he got on the ground after dropping a bag.[58]
April 17, 1993 Simmont Donta Thomas 14 Baltimore, Maryland Officer Edward T. Gorwell II shot Thomas as he and several other teenagers fled from a stolen car. Gorwell claimed he thought he heard a gunshot before he fired, but no witnesses were found who verified this, and no gun was found at the scene. Gorwell was charged with manslaughter but charges were dropped.[59]
July 30, 1993 Don Myrick 53 Los Angeles, California During a narcotics investigation Officer Gary Barbaro shot musician Don Myrick after mistaking a butane lighter for a gun.[60]
December 19, 1993 Windy Gail Thompson Unknown Charlotte, North Carolina Police pursued Thompson after she drove away from a traffic stop. Following the chase Thompson crashed into a telephone pole. When she attempted to drive away, an officer shot and killed her.[61]
January 11, 1994 Shu'aib Abdul-Latif 17 New York City, New York During a building search an officer struggled with Abdul-Latif. Abdul-Latif freed himself and ran away, bumping into two other officers, who fired.[62]
April 29, 1994 Ernest Sayon 22 New York City, New York After a firecracker exploded in the Clifton neighborhood of Staten Island, Sayon walked towards officers with his hands in his shirt. Police handcuffed and beat Sayon, who later died. His death was ruled a homicide due to "asphyxia by compression of the chest and neck while rear-handcuffed and prone on the ground".[63]
September 27, 1994 Nicholas Heyward Jr. 13 New York City, New York Heyward and several friends were playing cops and robbers with toy guns when a housing police officer shot him in a stairwell. The case was reopened in 2016 but the officer was not charged.[64]
December 7, 1994 Eric Pitt 27 New York City, New York Following a chase for a shooting, police shot Pitt and Taylor after one of them reached under his car seat. No weapons were found in the vehicle.[65]
Donald Taylor 30
January 28, 1995 Dan Davis 26 Birmingham, Alabama Officer Charles Forbes approached Davis and several others he believed were conducting a drug deal. When Davis argued with Forbes, the two fought, and Forbes shot Davis three times. He was convicted of manslaughter.[33]
February 21, 1995 Lawrence Meyers 16 Paterson, New Jersey A housing police officer shot and killed Meyers during a narcotics operation as the officer subdued him, hitting Meyers in the back of the head. Protests broke out in Paterson in response to the shooting.[66]
April 6, 1995 Jerry Jackson 44 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Police pursued Jackson for driving the wrong way down a one-way street. When Jackson was driving in a tunnel, police fired at least 51 shots, with Pittsburgh Housing Authority Officer John Charmo firing thirteen times. Charmo later pled guilty to involuntary manslaughter.[67]
July 30, 1995 Joseph Gould 36 Chicago, Illinois Gould, a homeless man, approached off-duty Officer Gregory Becker and asked for money to clean Becker's windshield. An argument broke out and Becker took a handgun from his car trunk. There was a struggle and Becker shot Gould before driving away without reporting the shooting.[68]
October 12, 1995 Jonny Gammage 31 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Gammage was pulled over by a Brentwood Police officer and a struggle ensued. Several more officers arrived from Brentwood and Baldwin, and Gammage died during the struggle. Gammage's death was ruled a homicide due to asphyxiation due to pressure applied on the chest and neck. Officers Milton Mullholland, Michael Albert, and John Vojtas were tried for manslaughter, but none were convicted.[69]
January 15, 1996 Edward Anderson Unknown Seattle, Washington Police responded to a home and found the homeowner yelling that Anderson was trying to kill him. Officers chased Anderson, who tried to jump a nearby fence. He fell on his back on the ground, and shortly after an officer pursuing Anderson shot him in the neck. An inquest jury found the shooting unintentional.[70]
February 13, 1996 Christopher Thomas 28 Paterson, New Jersey A housing police officer, Philip Perrone, responded to reports of a burglary and encountered Thomas. Perrone and Thomas struggled, and the officer accidentally shot Thomas in the back of the head.[71][72]
April 9, 1996 Eric Smith 22 Forest View, Illinois Smith, who was deaf, was shot and killed by Forest View police officer Robert Lawruk after disputed circumstances. Months before the shooting, Smith was brutalized by police in DC.[73][74]
July 4, 1996 Nathaniel Levi Gaines 25 New York City, New York Officer Paolo Colecchia shot Gaines in the back at a subway station. Colecchia admitted he was not in fear of his life when he fired and was later convicted in his death.[75]
November 19, 1996 James Cooper 19 Charlotte, North Carolina An officer pulled Cooper over as he drove with his four-year-old daughter. During the traffic stop Cooper exited his vehicle, and the officer shot him after he leaned into the car and reached into his pants.[76]
March 22, 1997 Frankie Ann Perkins 37 Chicago, Illinois Jones's death is disputed. Police say Jones died from choked to death on a plastic bag of crack cocaine. But others say Officer Robert Hofer and Officer Joseph McCarthy ran up to Perkins, threw her down, put a knee on her chest, choked her and yelled "spit it out."[77]
April 9, 1997 Carolyn Sue Boetticher 48 Charlotte, North Carolina Two officers shot and killed Boetticher at a license checkpoint after she allegedly swerved towards an officer.[78]
July 4, 1997 Malik Jones 21 New Haven, Connecticut Following reports of a vehicle driving erratically, officers boxed it in at a parking lot. After Jones's vehicle backed into East Haven Officer Robert Flodquist's vehicle, Jones drove forward, and Flodquist broke Jones's window and shot him.[79]
December 25, 1997 William J. Whitfield 22 New York City, New York Police responded to a domestic dispute and heard gunshots. As other officers responded, Whitfield, who had no connection to the shooting, walked outside to call his mother on a payphone. When officers told him to stop he fled, running into a grocery store. In the store Whitfield hid behind a couch. When he stood up, an officer shouted "Drop!" and shot him once.[80]
October 1, 1998 Donta Dawson 19 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Officer Christopher DiPasquale shot Dawson in the head during a traffic stop. DiPasquale was charged with manslaughter but the charges were dropped.[81]
December 21, 1998 Deron Grimmitt 32 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania During a vehicle chase, Grimmitt was driving down a road when Officer Jeffrey Cooperstein, standing outside a police vehicle on the other side of the road, opened fire. Grimmitt was killed and his brother was wounded when the vehicle crashed. Cooperstein, who had been accused of creating a racist website towards black people, was charged with homicide and assault but was acquitted.[82]
December 29, 1998 Franklyn Reid 27 New Milford, Connecticut Following a chase officer Scott B. Smith stepped on Reid's back and shot him as he laid on the ground with his hands behind his back. Reid was unarmed but there was a pocket knife in his jacket, found nearby. Smith pled no contest to a charge of criminally negligent homicide.[83]
February 4, 1999 Amadou Diallo 23 New York City, New York Amadou Diallo was a Guinean student who was shot 41 times[84] by four NYPD plainclothes officers in the vestibule of his apartment on February 4, 1999. The four officers were charged with second-degree murder, but were acquitted of all charges by a jury after just three days of deliberation.[85]
April 13, 1999 Aquan Salmon 14 Hartford, Connecticut Officer Robert Allan shot Salmon as he and three other young people suspected of a robbery fled. No gun was found, but two gun-shaped cigarette lighters were recovered.[86]
May 13, 1999 Desmond Rudolph 18 Louisville, Kentucky Police attempted to arrest Rudolph for stealing a van. Two officers shot and killed Rudolph after the van got stuck in an alleyway, saying they believed Rudolph was going to run them over. The two officers were given awards for the shooting, leading Mayor David L. Armstrong to fire Police Chief Gene Sherrard the next day.[87]
June 3, 1999 Stanton L. Crew 31 Parsippany–Troy Hills, New Jersey Police pursued Crew and a passenger on the Interstate 80 for erratic driving. After the vehicle was forced off the road, Crew attempted to drive past several police cars, striking two of them. Police shot into the vehicle, killing Crew and wounding the passenger.[88]
June 4, 1999 LaTanya Haggerty 26 Chicago, Illinois Haggerty was shot and killed after Officer Serena Daniels mistook an object in her right hand for a gun. Haggerty had a cell phone in her left hand, but witnesses say they did not see her holding anything in her right hand.[89]
June 5, 1999 Robert Russ 22 Chicago, Illinois Police pursued Russ, a linebacker at Northwestern University, after he fled a traffic stop. Following the pursuit, Russ crashed and Officer Van Watts IV smashed the rear driver's side window with a tire iron. Watts claimed Russ attempted to grab his gun, though a witness disputed this. No charges were filed against Watts, but a jury awarded his son nearly $10 million in a lawsuit.[90]
June 14, 1999 Gregory Riley 31 Chicago, Illinois Police attempted to arrest Riley during a drug investigation, during which he died. The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide due to pressure on his neck and chest, likely caused by the officers' arms and bodies as they tried to arrest him.[91]
July 24, 1999 Demetrius DuBose 28 San Diego, California Officers Timothy Keating and Robert Wills shot and killed NFL linebacker Demetrius DuBose after he accidentally walked into the house next to the vacation rental he was staying at. DuBose was shot 12 times, including five times in the back. A federal jury ruled that the two officers acted reasonably.[92]
September 10, 1999 Mardio House Unknown Baltimore, Maryland Police and DEA agents attempted to apprehend House for skipping a court appointment. An officer shot and killed House after he jumped out holding a black object. House was holding a cell phone.[93]
September 20, 1999 Antonio Butler 19 Miami, Florida Officer Juan Mendez shot and killed Butler. Mendez stated he believed Butler was reaching for a gun, but he was unarmed. Mendez was involved in six previous shootings, killing three other people.[94]


Date Name Age City Description
February 12, 2000 Eugene Pitchford 43 Peoria, Illinois Police attempted to arrest Pitchford, a homeless man. During his arrest police hit him in the head and pepper sprayed him, and Pitchford died of asphyxiation.[95][96]
March 1, 2000 Malcolm Ferguson 23 New York City, New York Plainclothes officer Louis Rivera shot and killed Ferguson during a struggle. Prosecutors declined to charge Rivera. A civil jury ruled the NYPD responsible for Ferguson's death, awarding $10.5 million in a wrongful death suit.[97][98]
March 16, 2000 Patrick Dorismond 26 New York City, New York Patrick Dorismond was a security guard who was shot by two undercover police officers who had approached Dorismond asking him where they could purchase marijuana. In an ensuing scuffle, Dorismond was fatally shot.[99][100] A grand jury declined to indict Officer Vasquez in the death of Dorismond, announcing that they had found the shooting to be accidental. On March 12, 2003, the City of New York agreed to pay the Dorismond family a settlement of $2.25 million.[101]
May 7, 2000 Keith Daughtry 19 Fort Pierce, Florida Daughtry was shot and killed by a DEA agent when he allegedly tried to take the agent's gun. But some witnesses said they heard Daughtry call out "don't shoot me, don't shoot me," before he was shot.[102]
June 12, 2000 Ronald Beasley Unknown Berkeley, Missouri Police attempted to arrest Murray during a drug investigation. Officers shot him in his vehicle, along with his uninvolved friend Ronald Beasley, sitting in the passenger seat. Three officers, including the shooters, testified that the car was moving when police shot them, while four officers said it was not. A grand jury declined to indict the officers involved.[103]
Earl Murray
July 18, 2000 Robert Brown 45 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Brown, a homeless man with a history of mental illness, was shot and killed by Amtrak Police while swinging a metal chair.[104]
July 19, 2000 George Bibins 35 Omaha, Nebraska Police chased Bibins after he was suspected of stealing a car. After the vehicle crashed, Officer Jared Kruse jumped out of his vehicle and shot Bibins as he was still in the car. Kruse was charged with manslaughter but the charges were dropped.[105][106]
August 29, 2000 Errol Shaw 39 Detroit, Michigan An officer shot and killed Shaw, who was deaf and mute, as he raised a rake over his head. The officer was charged with manslaughter and later acquitted.[107]
September 1, 2000 Prince Jones 25 Fairfax County, Virginia Undercover Officer Carlton Jones (no relation) followed Prince and displayed his gun, saying he was police, although he did not display his badge. Carlton claimed that he shot Prince after he drove his car towards Carlton, but witnesses disputed this.[108]
October 28, 2000 Anthony Lee 39 Los Angeles, California During a costume party an officer shot actor Anthony Lee after mistaking his rubber gun for a real weapon.[109]
November 7, 2000 Roger Owensby Jr. 29 Cincinnati, Ohio Police tackled Owensby after he fled a chase, holding him to the ground and placing him in a police vehicle, where he died. An autopsy stated that Owensby died either from a chokehold or from the officers on top of him. Officers Robert 'Blaine' Jorg and Officer Patrick Caton were indicted on manslaughter and misdemeanor assault, but Caton was found not guilty while Jorg's trial ended in a mistrial, which the prosecutor chose not to retry.[110]
November 23, 2000 Melvin Guy 23 Tallulah, Louisiana Guy was shot in the back while fleeing on foot by an off-duty auxiliary officer. The officer was attempting to arrest Guy for escaping from jail.[111]
December 7, 2000 Richard Holtz 45 East Windsor, New Jersey After he exited a hotel room nude holding a TV remote, police shot at Holtz 27 times, with some rounds striking Holtz. Holtz was wanted for stabbing to death his ex-wife, 30-year-old Michelle Schroeder Carta.[112]
January 4, 2001 Vernard Davis 21 Rochester, New York Davis was allegedly accidentally killed by a shotgun blast by an officer during a drug raid.[113]
January 9, 2001 Clifford Lewis 18 Louisville, Kentucky Following a chase, Lewis backed a van into an officer. Police fired, then fired again after Lewis reached into his waistband. No weapons were found in the vehicle.[114]
February 2, 2001 Annette Green 37 St. Louis, Missouri Green was fatally shot four times as she stepped down downstairs during a drug raid.[115] Seven years later on October 31, 2008, her former boyfriend, Todd Shepard, fatally shot a police officer in University City in retaliation for Green's death.[116]
February 9, 2001 Donald "D.J." Venable 33 Sacramento, California Two officers shot Venable, who was holding a cell phone.[117]
February 26, 2001 Adrena Kitt 21 Pensacola, Florida Police were investigating Kitt for drug dealing. As officers attempted to arrest her, Kitt drove forward at less than ten miles per hour, hitting a police officer. Another officer then shot through the driver's side window, killing Kitt.[118]
April 7, 2001 Timothy Thomas 19 Cincinnati, Ohio Police attempted to arrest Thomas for 14 nonviolent misdemeanors, causing a pursuit. Officer Stephen Roach shot Thomas as he rounded a corner in an alley. Roach stated that he believed Thomas was reaching for a weapon, but an investigation determined he was actually pulling up his pants. Roach was tried for negligent homicide but was found not guilty.
April 30, 2001 Bilal Dashawn Colbert 29 Irvington, New Jersey Officer William Mildon shot Colbert as he backed his vehicle to flee the officer. Colbert was driving his fiancée's daughters to school at the time of the incident. Mildon, who had been cleared in a previous shooting from 1997, was cleared of wrongdoing later that year.[119]
July 26, 2001 Charmene Pickering 27 New York City, New York Pickering was shot during a drug raid in which she was not a suspect. She was removed from life support and died several days after the shooting occurred. Her death was ruled an accidental discharge, although such an accident would have required the officer to have his finger on his firearm's trigger.[120][121]
July 27, 2001 Andrea Nicole Reedy 32 Hampton, Virginia After being boxed in by officers, police shot Reedy when she threatened them with her car.[122]
January 21, 2002 Eddie Lee Macklin 20 Miami, Florida An undercover officer jumped onto the hood of the car Macklin was in and fired through the windshield, killing him. The vehicle Macklin was driving was stolen.[123]
January 31, 2002 Kenneth Strother 20 New Orleans, Louisiana NOPD Rookie officer Robert Macklin shot Strother in an alley after Strother allegedly tried to take the officer's firearm.[124]
February 12, 2002 Willie Murray Jr. 37 Boston, Massachusetts Murray Jr. died after he was shot by Boston Police officer Shawn West, who was black.[125]
April 3, 2002 Trey Antuan Lively 30 Miami Gardens, Florida Officer Ford, who is black, spotted Lively's station wagon leaving a drug house. Ford first tried to stop the vehicle, then followed it through the neighborhood before crashing into a pole. A passenger, Phillip Brown, got out of the car, but the Lively, the driver, did not. Lively allegedly reversed and Ford shot at him through the passenger window.[126]
May 1, 2002 Egbert David Dewgard 31 New York City, New York Agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) attempted to arrest Dewgard in Brooklyn. Following a chase, in which Dewgard rammed his car into an agent's and nearly hit a toddler on a sidewalk, he engaged in a physical altercation with Agent Jude Tanella, who shot him in the back. Tanella was charged with manslaughter but a federal judge dismissed the charge.[127]
May 9, 2002 Genie McMeans Jr 23 Tallahassee, Florida McMeans, who was a passenger in a vehicle, allegedly got out of the vehicle and started yelling at Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Kreshawn Walker-Vergenz, who pulled over a vehicle. Walker-Vergenz ordered McMeans to lie on the ground, which McMeans complied, but he later stood up and walked back to the car. Walker-Vergenz thought McMeans was going for a weapon, and when he didn't follow a command to stop, she shot McMeans in the back. McMeans then reentered the vehicle. He then allegedly left the vehicle and charged Walker-Vergenz. Walker-Vergenz then shot McMeans three times in the chest.[128]
July 14, 2002 Corey Ward 18 Atlanta, Georgia Ward was shot while driving away from police. The officer who shot him was charged with murder but granted immunity by a judge.[129]
August 15, 2002 Eric Daniel Foster Jr. 25 Fresno, California Shot in the chest by Fresno police officer Russell Cornelison because he thought Foster was reaching into his waistband for a firearm.[130]
November 15, 2002 Bernard Rogers 26 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Rogers was shot by the Pittsburgh Housing Authority Police during a struggle. Accounts on what occurred differ on what happened [131]
December 21, 2002 Charles Dixon Sr. 43 Mount Oliver, Pennsylvania During a birthday party, Dixon's brother left a buffet line and dipped his hand into a bowl of spaghetti. Officers hired as security for the event attempted to arrest him, which Dixon objected to. Around a dozen officers piled onto Dixon facedown, causing him to die two days later from suffocation. His death was ruled a homicide.[132]
December 24, 2002 Michael Ellerbe 12 Uniontown, Pennsylvania Two Pennsylvania state troopers shot Ellerbe in the back during a foot pursuit.[133] A civil jury later ruled that Ellerbe had been shot intentionally, awarding his family $28 million in a wrongful death case.[134]
January 24, 2003 Roy Jean Williams 22 Roland, Oklahoma Williams was driving on I-40 with his girlfriend, and her two children, when Officer Jeremy Day pulled Williams over for speeding. Day asked Williams to sit in the front seat of his patrol car while he wrote a ticket. The two men got into a confrontation out when Williams allegedly tried to leave the patrol car. Williams was then shot and killed when he allegedly reached for Day's gun.[135]
February 28, 2003 Orlando Barlow 28 Spring Valley, Nevada A woman called police to report that Barlow, who was babysitting her children, was holding them hostage with a shotgun. An officer shot Barlow after he allegedly put his hand near his waist as he was surrendering.[136]
March 2, 2003 Justin Fields 21 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Fields was wanted for blocking a firetruck in Downtown Milwaukee. Fields fled this scene and a pursuit ensured. Fields collided with a vehicle at MLK and North Avenue (nearly two miles away from where the chase began), and when as he was fleeing the scene, he was shot dead by Officer Craig Nawotka fired three shots into his vehicle, hitting fields in his back.[137]
March 8, 2003 Michael Pleasance 23 Chicago, Illinois Pleasance arrived at 95th and Dan Ryan station where Officer Alvin Weems was arresting Pleasance's friend after a fight. Suddenly, Weems turned and shot Pleasance in the face. Weems was not fired or arrested, but was later promoted. Weeems was found dead in his home from self-inflicted gunshot wound on May 5, 2011.[138][139]
March 15, 2003 Marquis Hudspeth 25 Shreveport, Louisiana Police pulled Hudspeth over for a traffic violation. An officer shot him after mistaking his cell phone for a gun.[140]
April 26, 2003 Charquissa Johnson 23 Washington, D.C. The circumstances surrounding Johnson's death is disputed. Police say Johnson was shot when she allegedly didn't drop a weapon. Others say Johnson wasn't armed and had her hands up before she was shot.[141]
May 5, 2003 Kendra James 21 Portland, Oregon An officer shot and killed James during a traffic stop as she attempted to drive away, with the officer claiming most of his body was in the vehicle when she put the car into drive. The officer was suspended but an arbitrator lifted the suspension.[142]
May 16, 2003 Alberta Spruill 57 New York City, New York Police mistakenly raided Spruill's apartment and threw a concussion grenade, causing her to have a heart attack. Spruill's death was ruled a homicide.[143]
May 22, 2003 Ousmane Zongo 43 New York City, New York Plainclothes officer Brian Conroy shot and killed Zongo as he ran away during a raid on a warehouse. Conroy was convicted of criminally negligent homicide but did not serve any jail time.[144]
May 29, 2003 John Eric Henderson 32 Chattanooga, Tennessee Officer Christopher Gaynor shot Henderson during a traffic stop after he reached into his car and picked up a brown object. Henderson was holding a bottle of cologne. Gaynor was charged with criminally negligent homicide but was acquitted.[145]
August 18, 2003 Cornelius Ware 20 Chicago, Illinois Ware was shot six times by a Chicago police officer while in/or near his car. Witnesses say Ware had his hands up when he was shot. It was later revealed that officers planted a gun at the scene.[146]
August 24, 2003 Deondre Brunston 24 Compton, California Deputies were called to Brunston's aunt's home after an altercation. Police surrounded Brunston on a nearby porch, where he said we would shoot a police dog but also stated he did not have a gun. When deputies unleashed a K-9 on Brunston he threw a sandal at the dog, and deputies shot and killed him and the dog. The canine was airlifted to a hospital, while Brunston was left on the porch steps.[147]
October 16, 2003 Ronnie Diamond 32 Amite City, Louisiana Diamoond was shot and killed during a foot pursuit.[148]
October 31, 2003 Mannix Franklin Sr. 31 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Police responded to a call that a man would not leave his wife's house and encountered Franklin outside. Franklin hid behind a car before getting up with a hand inside his jacket. An officer shot him five times, believing Franklin had a gun. An inquest jury declined to recommend charges be filed against the officer.[149]
November 3, 2003 Nathaniel Jones 39 Rockford, Illinois Police beat Jones with nightsticks after he was reported by paramedics at a White Castle restaurant. Jones fell unconscious and died; his death was ruled a homicide by a coroner.[150]
November 30, 2003 Nathaniel Jones 41 Cincinnati, Ohio Police beat Jones with nightsticks after he was reported by paramedics at a White Castle restaurant. Jones fell unconscious and died; his death was ruled a homicide by a coroner.[151]
December 28, 2003 Allen Simpson 23 Dallas, Texas Smith died after he was put in a chokehold.[152][153]
January 2, 2004 Leslie Prater 37 Chattanooga, Tennessee Police responded to reports of a naked man standing near his car. After he refused to answer questions, four officers pinned Prater to the ground and pepper sprayed him, before hog-tying him. His death was declared a homicide due to positional asphyxia.[154]
January 24, 2004 Timothy Stansbury 19 New York City, New York Officer Richard S. Neri accidentally shot Stansbury as he opened a rooftop door. A grand jury declined to indict Neri.
February 20, 2004 William Lomax 26 Las Vegas, Nevada An officer responding to an unrelated call encountered several security guards who had called an ambulance for Lorax after determining he was on drugs. Lomax fought the guards and the officer, the latter of whom hit Lomax with a stun gun while trying to restrain him. Lomax was hospitalized and died the next day. His death was ruled a homicide.[155]
March 28, 2004 James Jahar Perez 28 Portland, Oregon Officer Jason Sery shot Perez as he tried to pull him out of a car.[156]
May 26, 2004 Christopher Hicks 39 Chicago, Illinois Police attempted to arrest Hicks for passing between moving CTA rail cars. Police beat and choked Hicks, who became unresponsive and died. His death was ruled a homicide. During the incident, multiple people made calls to 911 to report two white men beating a black man.[157]
August 20, 2004 D'Koy Dancy 14 Baltimore, Maryland An off-duty officer with the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Ronald Johnson, shot Dancy as he broke into a shed in Dancy's backyard. Johnson claimed he accidentally fired from his son's second-floor bedroom after he tripped, hitting Dancy in the back. Johnson pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and was spared prison time.[158][159]
November 11, 2004 Dennis Crawford 31 Detroit, Michigan Crawford was unarmed and was killed by LaRon York and Barron Townsend. According to reports "York shot him four times, once in the back, once in the head, and twice in the leg."[160] The mother of Crawford's son claims that Crawford was shot 15 times in an online report. In addition, the federal lawsuit was settled with the Crawford family for an undisclosed amount and York was later removed from the police force, however Townsend remained and was involved in the killing of Tommie Staples in 2008.[161]
February 6, 2005 Devin Brown 13 Los Angeles, California Brown died after being shot by LAPD police officer Steven Garcia after he shot into the vehicle Brown vehicle was in after he allegedly drove towards Garcia and other officers after a chase. No charges were filled against Garcia.[162][163]
May 7, 2005 Jashon Bryant 18 Hartford, Connecticut Officer Robert Lawlor shot at a car driving towards an FBI agent, wounding the driver and killing Bryant, a passenger. Lawlor stated that he shot Bryant because he believed he was armed, but no weapon was found. Lawlor was charged with manslaughter and assault but was acquitted.[164]
July 30, 2005 Raymond Robair 48 New Orleans, Louisiana Police beat Robair and put him into the back of a cruiser. He was taken to a hospital, where he died. His death was ruled an accident by a coroner, but an independent autopsy said his death was a homicide.[165]
September 2, 2005 Henry Glover 31 New Orleans, Louisiana Officer David Warren shot and killed Glover as he went to retrieve loot following Hurricane Katrina. Glover's body was later burned. Warren was convicted of Glover's death but his conviction was overturned.
September 4, 2005 James Brisette 17 New Orleans, Louisiana Police opened fire on multiple people on Danziger Bridge, killing Brisette and Madison and wounding four other people. Four officers were convicted for their roles in the shooting.[166]
Ronald Madison 40
October 23, 2005 Erson Alexander Welchen 22 Bakersfield, California Welchen died after he was fatally shot by three Bakersfield Police officers. Welchen allegedly attempted to run away during a traffic stop.[167][168]
January 6, 2006 Martin Anderson 14 Panama City, Florida Anderson died after being forced to run track for two hours at a boot camp-style youth detention center, until he collapsed and died.
January 15, 2006 Vincent Smith 16 Gary, Indiana Patrolman Levi Randolph responded to a report of a robbery and shot Smith after he reached into his sweatshirt pocket. An autopsy stated Smith was shot in the side of the neck. Randolph was charged with reckless homicide but was found not guilty.[169]
April 26, 2006 Benjamin Uwumarogie 22 Glen Ellyn, Illinois Uwumarogie was shot in the head by Officer Jason Bradley. Bradley had responded to a domestic violence call and found Uwumarogie allegedly trying to drown his year-old son in a bathtub.[170]
June 4, 2006 James Sims 52 Phoenix, Arizona Died after being tasered. Police were serving an eviction notice.[171]
June 20, 2006 Jesse Levelt Everett Jones 26 Banning, California Officers Michael Bennett and Brian Walker shot and killed Jesse Levelt-Everett Jones when he turned "in a threatening manner" while fleeing on foot.[172]
August 3, 2006 Deon Studiemyer 19 Decatur, Georgia Studiemyer was shot by an off-duty officer who said Studiemyer was burglarizing his home.[173][174]
August 7, 2006 Ellis Woodland 13 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Police officers approached Woodland and his friend while they were walking on the street and accused them of involvement in a robbery. Officers claimed that Woodland pointed a gun at them and fled and they opened fire, hitting Woodland four times. Police claimed Woodland had a BB gun but his family denied this.[175]
September 12, 2006 Lorenzo Matthews 21 Stone Mountain, Georgia Officer Torrey Thompson and another officer fired at Matthews, suspected of a shooting, with Thompson firing as Matthews ran away holding a black object later determined to be a phone. Thompson was charged with murder but the charge was dropped.[176]
September 17, 2006 Marcus Roach-Burris 42 Neenah, Wisconsin Roach-Burris died after he was tasered. The coroner blamed his death on cocaine intoxication.[177]
September 30, 2006 Dominic Felder 27 Minneapolis, Minnesota Police responded to a domestic disturbance. Officers Jason King and Lawrence Loonsfoot shot Felder after he reached into his waistband, though he was unarmed. A federal jury ruled that the officers used excessive force and awarded Felder's family $1.8 million.[178][179]
October 6, 2006 Herman Barnes 31 Harris County, Texas A deputy looking for a mailbox vandal found Barnes, who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Police tased him multiple times, causing his death.[180]
November 14, 2006 Darren Faulkner 41 Byhalia, Mississippi Faulkner died after he was tased, pepper sprayed by sheriff's deputies.[181]
November 25, 2006 Sean Bell 23 New York City, New York Multiple officers shot Bell in his car the morning before his wedding. Two of Bell's friends were also wounded.
November 26, 2006 Brandon Moore 16 Detroit, Michigan An off-duty officer working as a security guard kicked Moore and his friends out of the store because they were not accompanied by an adult. As Moore and his friends left the security guard shot Moore in the back.[182]
January 10, 2007 Phillip Miller 43 Los Angeles, California Police responded to reports of a disturbance during a party at a Masonic lodge and heard gunshots. A man who had been shot several times exited from the front, followed by Miller, who was holding his waistband. A police sergeant then shot Miller, later telling investigators he believed Miller was reaching for a weapon.[183]
January 23, 2007 David Antjuan Ware 29 Ypsilanti, Michigan Undercover Officer Uriah Hamilton shot Ware during a buy-bust operation after he turned around and put his hand in his waistband after a chase. Ware did not have any weapon, just the money given to him by the undercover officer. Hamilton was cleared of any criminal wrongdoing by the county prosecutor.[184]
February 18, 2007 Robert Harper 38 Newport News, Virginia Police officers came to arrest Harper on a bond revocation at his apartment building. Police officers were called and after 30 minutes of negotiation Harper, who was unarmed, was shot.[185]
February 18, 2007 Haki Thurston 22 Santa Rosa, California Thurston, who was wanted for the murder of his cousin, was shot 13 times after he allegedly put his right hand in his waistband.[186][187]
March 22, 2007 Brandon Washington 20 Dallas, Texas Officer Martin Rivera shot Washington, suspected of stealing a candy bar, when he allegedly did not remove his hands from his pockets. Washington was unarmed and had a cellphone in his pocket. Rivera was once a police partner with Officer Amber Guyger, who was convicted of the murder of Botham Jean in 2018.[188]
April 14, 2007 Jerriel Da'Shawn Allen 19 San Bernardino, California San Bernardino police Officers Adam Affrunti and Chris Gray shot Allen because they allegedly didn't see his hands after he exited an SUV that crashed into a fence following a car chase.[189]
May 20, 2007 Anthony Smashum 41 Savannah, Georgia Following a chase Smashum was climbing a fence when Officer Antonio Taharka shot him twice. Taharka pled guilty to involuntary manslaughter in 2009.[190][191]
July 22, 2007 DeAunta Farrow 12 West Memphis, Arkansas Officer Erik Sammis shot and killed Farrow in a parking lot after mistaking a toy gun for a real weapon. In 2009 Governor Mike Beebe signed into law a bill that banned toy guns that resembled real ones. The bill was initially named after Farrow but the bill's sponsor changed the name after complaints from Farrow's family.[192]
September 22, 2007 Shawn Watson 17 Dallas, Texas Watson and three others attempted to rob an undercover officer. The officer shot Watson after he reached for his waistband. About a year later Watson's brother was killed by police after he allegedly reached for a handgun.[193]
November 12, 2007 Michael Knight 21 Miami, Florida Officers from a robbery unit followed Blackwood's vehicle for illegal window tints. Believing the police vehicle could have been stolen, Blackwood attempted to drive to his girlfriend's house. He made a wrong turn, pulling into a cul-de-sac. Two officers approached the vehicle and opened fire, killing Knight and Blackwood and wounding Blackwood's girlfriend. Police said they shot after the car lurched backwards, though Blackwood's girlfriend claimed the car only moved after Blackwood was shot.[194]
Frisco Blackwood
November 12, 2007 Khiel Coppin 18 New York City, New York After he was sent to an interfaith crisis center, Coppin left and returned to his mother's apartment. After police arrived Coppin jumped out of a first-story window and claimed to have a gun. Coppin then pulled out an object and police shot him. Coppin was holding a hair brush.[195]
January 4, 2008 Tarika Wilson 26 Lima, Ohio Police raided Wilson's home searching for her boyfriend, wanted for drug trafficking. Sergeant Joseph Chavalia shot and killed Wilson and wounded her one-year-old son, who she was holding. Chavalia was acquitted of negligent homicide and negligent assault.[196]
January 4, 2008 Glen Boldware 47 Los Angeles, California Boldware, who allegedly stole something from a lumber yard, was being followed by LAPD officer Officer Peter Mah in his unmarked car. Boldware became aware of this and stopped his vehicle. Boldware walked up to Mah's car allegedly carrying a lighter that looked like a small-caliber pistol. Mah then shot Boldware multiple times.[197]
January 11, 2008 Xavier Jones 29 Coral Gables, Florida Jones was being disruptive at a party. Jones died after being tasered by police.[198]
January 17, 2008 Baron Pikes 21 Winnfield, Louisiana While arresting Pikes for a drug possession warrant, Officer Scott Nugent tased Pikes multiple times while he was handcuffed, including twice as he was unconscious, despite Nugent's police report stating Pikes was not resisting. An autopsy ruled his death a homicide. Nugent was later charged with manslaughter but was acquitted by a jury.[199]
January 30, 2008 Edward Lamont Hunt 27 Baltimore, Maryland Officer Tommy Sanders shot Hunt as he ran from him at a shopping center after he reached for his waistband. Sanders was indicted but found not guilty of voluntary and involuntary manslaughter.[200]
January 31, 2008 Frederick Devon McAllister 35 Bridgeport, Connecticut McAllister was mistaken for his cousin, wanted for charges in South Carolina, and a chase ensued. After a footchase an officer shot and killed McAllister, who had no weapon at the time.[201]
February 21, 2008 Kenneth Marion 17 Jacksonville, Florida Police pursued Marion and three other teenagers after a robbery at a gas station. When an officer encountered Marion he allegedly moved his hands as if in a shooting position, and the officer shot and killed him. The other three teens were charged with murder.[202]
March 1, 2008 Maurice Leroy Cox 38 Los Angeles, California After being pulled over Cox allegedly told officers he would kill them and reached for his glovebox. After a barricade situation Cox fled on foot and pointed an object at police, who shot him. Cox was holding a cigarette lighter power adapter.[203]
March 28, 2008 Henry Bryant 35 Indianapolis, Indiana Bryant died after he was tasered for one minute by police at a O'Charley's Restaurant. Bryant went into cardiac arrest.[204][205]
April 10, 2008 Tyrone Hawkins 31 Dundee, Florida Hawkins was shot dead after an altercation during a theft investigation.[206]
April 24, 2008 Dewayne Chatt 39 West Memphis, Arkansas Chatt died after being tasered three times by police at a restaurant.[207]
May 6, 2008 Aaren Gwinn 21 North Chicago, Illinois Shot after he attempting to drive away from North Chicago police officers.[208]
May 11, 2008 Michael Byoune 19 Inglewood, California Police heard gunfire and witnessed a man running into a vehicle. When the vehicle neared them, officers opened fire, killing Byoune, sitting in the passenger seat, and wounding the driver and a backseat passenger. None of the men were the shooter involved.[209]
May 15, 2008 Derrick Jordan 22 Dayton, Ohio Police followed a vehicle during a drug investigation. When the vehicle drove forward and hit officers, one shot through the window, hitting Jordan, who was sitting in the passenger's seat.[210]
June 23, 2008 Artavious DeBose 22 Jacksonville, Florida Debose had just robbed a GameStop. After crashing his car after a high-speed, he fled on foot into residential neighborhoods. Debose was shot and killed after allegedly reaching for a gun, but Debose was unarmed.[211]
July 1, 2008 Ruben Ortega 23 Inglewood, California A gang task force pursued Ortega during a loitering call. An officer shot him after he refused to remove his hand from his waistband. Ortega was later found to have been unarmed.[212]
July 25, 2008 Mack Woodfox 27 Oakland, California Oakland Officer Hector Jimenez shot Woodfox in the back as he fled a traffic stop. No criminal charges were filled in Woodfox's death. Jimenez had shot and killed a man, Andrew Moppin-Buckskin, seven months prior to Woodfox's shooting under similar circumstances.[213][214]
August 4, 2008 Andre DeMon Thomas 37 Swissvale, Pennsylvania Thomas died after he was tasered three times by police. He died at the hospital three hours later.[215]
October 28, 2008 Julian Alexander 20 Anaheim, California Alexander was sleeping at the home he shared with his pregnant wife and in-laws when he heard a commotion outside. He grabbed a broomstick and walked outside, where he was shot and killed by an officer pursuing four burglary suspects.[216]
October 28, 2008 Lawrence Allen 19 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Off-duty officers Chauncey Ellison and Robin Fortune searched for a thief who had stolen a pizza from their sons, finding him in front of Allen's home. After Allen, who was not involved in the robbery, attempted to defuse the situation, Ellison shot him. Allen died in 2009. Ellison and Fortune were fired, convicted of reckless endangerment, and sentenced to nearly two years in prison.[217]
November 11, 2008 Dontaze Storey Jr. 29 Los Angeles, California Police responded to reports of a man with a gun in Koreatown. When officers arrived, Storey fled, and two officers shot him. Storey was holding a silver cell phone.[218]
January 1, 2009 Oscar Grant 22 Oakland, California Oscar Grant III was a 22-year-old African-American man who was killed in the early morning hours of New Year's Day 2009 by BART Police Officer Johannes Mehserle in Oakland, California. Responding to reports of a fight on a crowded Bay Area Rapid Transit train returning from San Francisco, BART Police officers detained Grant and several other passengers. BART officer Anthony Pirone kneed Grant in the head and forced Grant to lie face down on the platform. Mehserle drew his pistol and shot Grant; he was rushed to Highland Hospital in Oakland and pronounced dead later that day. On January 30, 2010, Alameda County prosecutors charged Mehserle with second-degree murder in their indictment for the shooting. Mehserle resigned from his position and pleaded not guilty. The trial began on June 10, 2010. On July 8, 2010, Mehserle was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and not guilty of the murder charge and voluntary manslaughter.[219]
January 18, 2009 Domonick Washington 26 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Officer Dwight Copeland shot Washington in the chest after a traffic stop, stating he believed Washington was reaching for a gun. A witness to the shooting stated an officer pointed a gun at her and told her to stay put.[220]
February 27, 2009 Joseph Forrest 61 Baltimore, Maryland Police responded to a domestic call involving Joseph Forrest's nephew, also named Joseph Forrest. The younger Forrest and Officer Traci McKissick fought and during the struggle the elder Forrest was shot around a dozen times.[221]
February 22, 2009 Roy Glenn Jr. 29 Humboldt, Tennessee Officer Paul Carrier shot Glenn in the back after a traffic stop while Glenn was on his hands and knees. Carrier was found guilty of reckless homicide.[222]
March 29, 2009 Shatona Robinson 20 Charlotte, North Carolina Robinson was killed when Officer Martray Proctor crashed into her vehicle at high speed while responding to assist another officer on a routine traffic stop. He did not activate his sirens. Proctor was sentenced to three-years of probation.[223]
March 29, 2009 Stephanie Montague 40 Frayser, Tennessee Montague was killed when officer Mark Weatherly crashed into her vehicle. Her 17-year-old passenger was injured. In 2011 Weatherly was acquitted.[224]
April 10, 2009 Robert Mitchell 16 Detroit, Michigan Mitchell was tasered to death by Warren police after he fled a traffic stop.[225]
April 18, 2009 Michael Patrick Jacobs Jr. 24 Fort Worth, Texas Police responded to a report by Jacobs' family. Police tasered him twice, and he later had trouble breathing and died. The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide.[226]
May 22, 2009 Broderick Dixon 27 Birmingham, Alabama Dixon was shot and killed by off-duty officer Chevis Finley following a dispute. According to Finley he chased Dixon and shot him after Dixon entered an apartment where Finley and a woman were present. Finley was indicted on murder but convicted of manslaughter and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.[227]
June 4, 2009 Yvette Williams 15 Rock Hill, South Carolina Williams allegedly robbed a store. When officers arrived on scene, they assumed Williams had a 9mm gun since that's what the 911 caller told police. Of the 11 shots fired by the two police officers, 3 shots hit Williams. The gun turned out to be a BB gun.[228]
July 5, 2009 Avery Cody Jr. 16 Compton, California After being stopped for jaywalking, Cody was fatally shot by Deputy Sergio Reyes in the back. A revolver was recovered at the scene, but it's possible that it was planted. Surveillance video of the shooting did not show Cody with a gun, and DNA did not yield a match.[229][230][147]
July 10, 2009 Woodrow Player III 22 Los Angeles, California Deputies shot Player after he ran from police holding a cell phone. Police recovered a gun from Player's vehicle, but witnesses stated he was unarmed when he was shot.[231]
July 11, 2009 Shem Walker 49 New York City, New York Walker attempted to eject a man loitering on his mother's apartment stoop, unaware the man was actually an undercover narcotics detective observing a buy-and-bust operation. The unidentified officer shot Walker after a fight.[232]
July 15, 2009 Parnell Smith 36 Oakland, California During a foot pursuit, Smith ran into a car auto-body garage. Smith allegedly turned toward the OPD officers, Phong Tran and Scott Hewitt and allegedly reached for his waistband, causing Tran and Hewitt to shoot Smith. However, it was later proven Smith dropped his pistol in the street before he was killed. Smith was being pursued because he matched the description of a rapist. It later turned out that Smith was not the rapist.[233]
July 24, 2009 Harold Phillips 54 Colfax, Louisiana After having recently been released from prison, Phillips was playing with his sister in front of his home when Officer Stephan Merchant mistook it for an assault. Phillips ran, and following a fight Merchant shot Phillips five times in the back. Merchant pleaded guilty to manslaughter.[234]
August 1, 2009 Michael Wayne McKnight Jr. 28 San Antonio, Texas After responding to a disturbance call, police arrested McKnight for a warrant. He was taken to jail, where he complained of shortness of breath, and he later died at a hospital. The medical examiner's office ruled McKnight died from "intervascular sickling associated with sickle cell asphyxiation" and "excited delirium with physical struggle and restraint," and his death was ruled a homicide.[235]
August 24, 2009 Mark Barmore Jr. 23 Rockford, Illinois Police shot Barmore eight times during a struggle at a church daycare during a domestic abuse investigation. A grand jury declined to indict the officers but the city of Rockford settled a lawsuit for $1.1 million.[236]
September 14, 2009 Darrick Collins 36 West Athens, California A Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputy chased Collins up his driveway and into his own backyard, believing he was a robbery suspect. After allegedly witnessing Collins reach for his waistband, the deputy shot Collins through a wooden gate. The bullet fatally struck Collins in the back of the neck, killing him.[237]
October 9, 2009 Kiwane Carrington 15 Champaign, Illinois Officer Daniel Norbits accidentally shot Carrington while investigating a burglary.[238]
November 14, 2009 Leonard Bailey Jr. 16 Richmond, California Bailey and several other teenagers ran from a stolen vehicle. An officer shot Bailey when he turned around with his hands in his waistband. Bailey was unarmed, although there was a handgun in the stolen vehicle.[239]


Date Name Age City Description
January 29, 2010 Aaron Campbell 25 Portland, Oregon After firing six beanbag rounds at Campbell, Officer Ryan Lewton shot him in the back. Police were responding to a welfare call.[240]
February 4, 2010 Darrell Swain 38 Wilmington, Delaware A police officer investigating a murder witnessed a robbery in progress where a robber held Swain and another man at gunpoint. The officer fired at the robber, wounding him and killing Swain. The robber was charged with murder in connection with Swain's death.[241]
February 4, 2010 Dennis Gregory 41 Baltimore, Maryland Gregory died after getting shot by Baltimore Police officers Chris Funk and Matthew Ryckman, who allegedly were aiming for Gregory's friend, Glenn Brooks. Gregory was shot four times in the back. Gregory was an informant.[242]
March 12, 2010 Reginald Wallace 40 Nashville, Tennessee Police responded to reports of a burglary and encountered Wallace. When Wallace reached towards his pocket and grabbed a metal object, Officer Joe Shelton shot him. Wallace was holding an iPod.[243]
March 16, 2010 Warren Collins 35 Indianapolis, Indiana After a traffic stop turned foot pursuit, Collins was shot after fighting with a rookie cop.[244][245]
March 20, 2010 Steven Washington 27 Los Angeles, California Washington, who was autistic, died after being shot in the head by an LAPD officer in Koreatown. Washington was shot after he allegedly reached in his waistband. No weapons were recovered from Washington.[246]
April 2, 2010 Willie Miller 25 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Police officers were in the East Garfield Park neighborhood when they saw a large crowd. As they approached and the crowd began scattering, officers allegedly saw Miller walking away with a gun. Miller then fled and was then shot by an officer when he allegedly pointed a gun at them while running through an alley. Miller's family members say he was unarmed.[247]
April 25, 2010 Lejoy Grissom 27 Culver City, California Following a robbery police pulled Grissom over in a parking lot. Officer Luis Martinez fired three rounds from a submachine gun, killing Grissom. Martinez claimed Grissom had suddenly turned around with a shiny object in his hand, but other officers stated Grissom was facing officers unarmed.[248]
May 3, 2010 Keith Briscoe 36 Winslow Township, New Jersey Officer Sean Richards restrained Briscoe outside a Wawa. Briscoe fell unconscious and died, with his death being ruled a homicide due to positional asphyxia. Richards pled guilty to simple assault in connection with Briscoe's death.[249]
May 14, 2010 Melvin Williams 33 East Dublin, Georgia After a traffic stop, East Dublin police officer Jeffrey Deal shot Williams during a fight.[250]
May 16, 2010 Aiyana Jones 7 Detroit, Michigan Aiyana Jones was a seven-year-old girl from Detroit's East Side who was shot in the head and killed by a police officer during a raid conducted by the Detroit Police Department's Special Response Team on May 16, 2010.[251] Officer Joseph Weekley was charged in connection with Jones' death, but his case was thrown out in 2015 after two mistrials.[252]
June 1, 2010 Tyrone Brown 32 Baltimore, Maryland Brown and some friends were at a Mount Vernon club when he swatted a woman's bottom with his hand. The woman told her friend, off-duty Baltimore Officer Gahiji Tshamba, who confronted Brown with a gun. Tshamba followed Brown into a nearby alley before firing on him, hitting him twelve times. Tshamba was sentenced to 15 years in prison for killing Brown, but only served ten.[253]
June 16, 2010 Trevon Cole 21 Las Vegas, Nevada A narcotics team investigated Cole for marijuana, although police had mistaken Cole for another man with the same name, who had a lengthy criminal record. After Cole sold marijuana to undercover officers, a narcotics team raided his home, with Detective Bryan Yant shooting him as he flushed marijuana down a toilet. Yant claimed Cole had lunged at him, but this was contradicted by physical evidence.[254]
June 16, 2010 Dexter Luckett 23 Bellflower, California Police responded to reports of shots fired and spoke to informants, one of whom directed officers to Luckett. An officer shot Luckett after he quickly moved his left hand towards his waistband. No weapon was found at the scene.[255]
July 5, 2010 DeCarlos Moore 36 Miami, Florida Officer Joseph Marin and another officer pulled Moore over after his car was wrongly identified as stolen. When Moore stepped out of his vehicle and grabbed a pair of sunglasses, Marin shot him.[256]
July 5, 2010 Damon Lamont Falls 31 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Police responded to reports of a disturbance at a Dollar General and encountered Falls wearing a wig, fake mustache and beard, a ball cap, and sunglasses. After dropping a stun gun and running from police, officers tased him. He collapsed as police were walking him to a police car and was pronounced dead at a hospital. His death was ruled a homicide.[257]
July 22, 2010 James Rivera Jr. 16 Stockton, California Following a chase Officer Gregory Dunn and Deputy John Nesbitt shot Rivera after he crashed a minivan into a house. The officers stated they feared the van was going to back into them, but a judge stated that the officers saw the van was unable to move.[258]
August 15, 2010 Tony Bean 43 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Police held Bean down on the ground and handcuffed him after responding to a report of a man acting erratically. Bean fell unconscious and died in a police vehicle.[259]
September 17, 2010 David Smith 28 Minneapolis, Minnesota Police responded to a YMCA when staff reported Smith, who had bipolar disorder, was acting odd. Police handcuffed and knelt on Smith for about four minutes, causing his death. An autopsy said Smith's death was mechanical asphyxia caused by prone restraint.[260]
September 30, 2010 Jamail Amron 23 Harris County, Texas Amron called police, worried he was having a bad reaction to cocaine. Deputies from the Harris County Constable's Office, Precinct 4 restrained him, one of whom put his foot on Amron's head. Amron fell unconscious and died.[180]
November 8, 2010 Derrick Jones 37 Oakland, California Officers Eriberto Perez-Angeles and Omar Daza-Quiroz shot and killed Jones during a chase after mistaking a scale for a gun.[261]
December 4, 2010 Ontario Billups 30 Chicago, Illinois Billups died after he was shot by a female officer on Chicago's southside. Chicago Police officers were conducting surveillance on an area where they believed a drug deal was going on. At some the officers noticed a "suspicious" vehicle. When the officers approached the vehicle they allegedly found Billups inside the vehicle with his hands inside a jacket. Billups allegedly refused to remove his hands from the jacket. When Billups exited the vehicle, he allegedly made "aggressive movements" and the officer fatally shot him.[262]
December 9, 2010 Eugene Ellison 67 Little Rock, Arkansas Officer Donna Lesher and Detective Tabitha McCrillis, working off-duty security, entered Ellison's apartment after noticing his door was open. After telling them to leave Ellison and officers fought, and Lesher shot him. Lesher's husband was a police sergeant who oversaw the officers investigating the shooting, while Ellison was the father of two Little Rock Police officers, one of whom was with the department at the time.[263]
December 11, 2010 Guy Jarreau Jr 34 Vallejo, California Jarreau making an anti-violence music video when Vallejo Police arrived at the scene after receiving reports of a man brandishing a gun. Officer Kent Tribble shot Jarreau after he ran into an alley with a gun in his hand. But Jarreau's mother say Jarreau's hands were up when he was shot.[264]
January 6, 2011 Darius Pinex 27 Chicago, Illinois Pinex was shot dead by officers Raoul Mosqueda and Gildardo Sierra, when he attempted to drive away.[265]
January 14, 2011 Reginald Doucet 25 Los Angeles, California Officers responding to reports of Doucet yelling and behaving erratically shot Doucet after he got into a scuffle with two officers. His family filed a lawsuit against the Los Angeles Police Department but it was dismissed.[266]
March 8, 2011 Kemp Yarborough 37 New York City, New York Police questioned Yarborough in connection with a fight at a playground in the Bronx. When Yarborough, who had asthma, reached for his inhaler, police pepper sprayed him. Yarborough died of an asthma attack, and an autopsy determined his death was a homicide.[267]
April 25, 2011 Corey Brown 31 Trenton, New Jersey Police responding to a domestic dispute shot and killed Brown after he raised his hand "as if he had a gun".[268]
May 2, 2011 Walter Bailey 54 Eutawville, South Carolina Richard Combs, Eutawville's police chief and only officer, shot and killed Bailey after he came to Eutawville's town hall to dispute his daughter's traffic ticket. Combs pled guilty to misconduct in office in exchange for having murder charges dropped.[269]
May 8, 2011 Henry Lee Jones Jr. 28 North Little Rock, Arkansas Officer Vincent Thornton shot Jones at a housing complex after he held a metal object. Jones was holding a cell phone.[270]
June 7, 2011 Flint Farmer 29 Chicago, Illinois Officer Gildardo Sierra shot and killed Farmer as he lay on the ground. Sierra stated he had drunk several beers before his shift and mistook Farmer's cellphone for a gun.[271]
July 6, 2011 Derek Williams 22 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Police arrested Williams for robbing a couple. After finding him behind an overturned table, an officer restrained and handcuffed him as he said he could not breathe. As they brought him to a squad car, he continued to tell them he could not breathe. He later died. The medical examiner's office initially ruled his death was natural and from sickle cell crisis, but they later revised it to homicide after the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel alerted them to newer records, including a video of his death and the opinion of forensic pathologist Werner Spitz.[272]
July 18, 2011 Alonzo Ashley 29 Denver, Colorado Police were called to the Denver Zoo after Ashley began to exhibit strange behavior, likely due to heat stroke. Officers placed Ashley on the ground and tased him, and by the time paramedics arrived Ashley had stopped breathing. An autopsy ruled his death a homicide and said it was caused by cardiorespiratory arrest brought by heat, dehydration, and exertion. The eight officers involved were cleared of wrongdoing. In 2021 the Denver Zoo apologized for their role in Ashley's death.[273]
September 17, 2011 Jason Moore 31 Ferguson, Missouri Police confronted Moore as he ran down a street yelling "God is good" and "I am Jesus" at passing vehicles. After an officer tased him multiple times, Moore died of cardiac arrest. A lawsuit was filed against the city of Ferguson shortly after the later death of Michael Brown, which the city settled for $3 million.[274][275][276]
October 31, 2011 Cletis Williams 57 Jonesboro, Arkansas An officer attempted to arrest Williams for a warrant. When the officer approached, he and Williams struggled over a taser. The officer pulled away from Williams and shot him several times.[277]
November 17, 2011 Dwight Person 54 East Point, Georgia During a drug raid an officer shot Person after he "made a threatening gesture" towards the officer.[278]
December 12, 2011 Stanley Gibson 43 Las Vegas, Nevada Following a mistaken burglarly report, officers responded and found Gibson, a Gulf War veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder, circling the parking lot at his apartment. Sergeant Michael Hnatuick devised a plan to remove Gibson from his vehicle with Officers Malik Grego-Smith, Jesus Arevalo, and John Tromboni, where Grego-Smith would shoot out Gibson's rear window with a beanbag, Hnatuick would spray pepper spray, and Arevalo and Tromboni would provide cover. Lieutenant David Dockendorf then arrived and took control of the plan. After Gibson revved his engine, which he had done several times before Dockendorf arrived, Dockendorf told Grego-Smith to shoot over a police radio. Grego-Smith fired a beanbag, which was followed by Arevalo firing several shots with an AR-15 rifle, killing Gibson. Arevalo was later fired, Dockendorf was demoted to officer, and Hnatuick was suspended for 40 hours.[279]
December 13, 2011 Ariston Waiters 19 Union City, Georgia Officer Luther Lewis responded to reports of fighting and shots fired and encounter Waiters, who fled. After Lewis ordered Waiters to the ground and began to handcuff him, Lewis shot Waiters in the back, claiming Waiters had attempted to take his gun, although a lieutenant later said Lewis had initially claimed he shot Waiters when he refused to show his hands. There were no witnesses to the shooting. A grand jury declined to charge Lewis.[280]
December 29, 2011 Willie Ray Banks 52 Granite Shoals, Texas Police responded to a report of Banks behaving strangely. Officers attempted to arrest him for public intoxication despite Banks being on his own property. Banks was tased and knelt on, losing consciousness before reviving and collapsing again. An autopsy determined Banks's death was a homicide.[281]
January 14, 2012 Craig Ruise Jr 17 Jacksonville, Florida Ruise was observed by Jacksonville Sheriff's Officers William Irvin and Mark Campanaro robbing a convenience store at gunpoint. When he stepped outside, one of the officers allegedly told him to drop the gun and the stolen money. When Ruise allegedly refused, Campanaro and Irvin shot him. It was later discovered that his "gun" was a toy gun which had been spray-painted black.[282]
February 2, 2012 Ramarley Graham 18 New York City, New York Officer Richard Haste followed Graham into his apartment and shot him as he attempted to flush marijuana down the toilet. Haste was charged with manslaughter but the charge was dropped.[283]
February 6, 2012 Lamont Harmon 47 Sacramento, California Deputies questioned Harmon while investigating a car theft. When Harmon turned to walk away, deputies used a taser, then shot him when he made a "furtive move" after the taser failed to work.[284]
February 7, 2012 Manuel Loggins Jr. 31 San Clemente, California Loggins, a Camp Pendleton Marine sergeant, crashed his SUV through a gate at San Clemente High School. Deputy Darren Sandberg shot Loggins after he exited his vehicle and allegedly refused commands. Loggins's two daughters, aged nine and fourteen, witnessed the shooting.[285]
February 12, 2012 Troy Stewart 48 Corpus Christi, Texas Officers responded to a report at a home about a man having trouble breathing. Police handcuffed and restrained Stewart after he struggled with officers, and he stopped breathing and later died. His death was ruled a homicide.[286]
March 7, 2012 Wendell Allen 20 New Orleans, Louisiana Officer Joshua Colclough shot and killed Allen as he walked down a flight of stairs unarmed and shirtless. Colclough pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced to four years in prison.[287]
March 10, 2012 Marquez Smart 23 Wichita, Kansas Police responded to a shooting and encountered Smart. An officer followed Smart and shot him five times as he lied face down in a parking lot. While a gun was found nearby and bullet casings and a magazine were found in the path he ran, Smart was unarmed when he was shot. An attorney for Smart's family stated that no evidence connected Smart to the gun and noted that many other people had run down the same alley where the gun was found.[288]
March 14, 2012 Dane Scott Jr. 18 Del City, Oklahoma Following a chase, Del City Police Captain Randy Trent Harrison got into a scuffle, during which Harrison disarmed Scott of a gun. Scott ran away, and Harrison shot him in the back. Harrison was convicted of manslaughter in 2013.[289]
March 15, 2012 Shereese Francis 30 New York City, New York Francis's sister called EMTs to request Francis be taken to a hospital. Four officers restrained Francis facedown on a mattress. Within twenty minutes, Francis stopped breathing and was later pronounced dead. Her death was ruled a homicide by a medical examiner.[290]
March 21, 2012 Rekia Boyd 22 Chicago, Illinois Rekia Boyd was shot by Dante Servin, an off-duty Chicago police detective, on March 21, 2012. Servin was charged with involuntary manslaughter but found not guilty in 2015.[291]
March 24, 2012 Kendrec McDade 19 Pasadena, California Officers Jeffrey Newlen and Matthew Griffin responded to reports of an armed robbery, but the 911 caller later stated that the men who robbed him did not have weapons. The officers shot McDade, who they say matched the description of the robber, after he ran towards a police vehicle.[292]
May 9, 2012 Davinian Williams 36 Jacksonville, Florida Officer Jeff Edwards shot Williams during a traffic stop. Edwards said he thought Williams was reaching for a gun, but no weapon was found. Williams was fired, settled a lawsuit with Williams' family in court, and later testified on their behalf in a lawsuit regarding the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office's alleged failures to monitor problematic officers.[293][294]
May 28, 2012 Anton Barrett Sr. 41 Vallejo, California Police pursued Barrett for driving without lights on. After the vehicle crashed Barrett and his son fled, and police caught up to Barrett outside an apartment building. Police shot him when he pulled out a dark-colored metal object later determined to be a wallet.[295]
June 14, 2012 Shantel Davis 23 New York City, New York Following a pursuit an officer shot Davis, who was in a stolen car.[296]
July 14, 2012 James Brown Jr. 26 El Paso, Texas Brown, an active-duty soldier at Fort Bliss, was serving a two-day sentence at a jail in El Paso when officers informed him he would have to stay longer due to a fine that had not been calculated. When Brown became belligerent, officers and jailers restrained him. He was taken to the infirmary where he was given a spit mask. After he was returned to his cell, jailers found Brown unresponsive, and he died the following day. An autopsy originally determined his death was natural, but a second examination by a forensic pathologist determined his death was a homicide.[297]
July 24, 2012 James Harper 31 Dallas, Texas An officer shot and killed Harper after a chase, during which Harper and the officer engaged in at least two physical fights. The officer shot Harper in the stomach and hand. The officer was cleared by a grand jury in December 2013.[298]
August 11, 2012 Cjavar Galmon 18 Tangipahoa, Louisiana Deputies responded to a fight at a club and chased and handcuffed a man. Witnesses say Galmon approached the deputies when one of them shot him. An attorney for Galmon's family stated he was approaching them to say they were stopping the wrong person.[299]
August 11, 2012 Christopher Middleton 23 Maywood, Illinois An off-duty Chicago cop strike Middleton's four-year-old daughter, Tania Middleton, and 18-year-old cousin, John Passley, with his motorcycle in the 1100 block of South 1st Avenue. Middleton then approached the accident scene and, along with Passley, begin fighting the cop, to which the cop drew a gun and shot Middleton.[300]
August 12, 2012 Bobby Moore 15 Little Rock, Arkansas Responding to car break-ins, Officer Josh Hastings shot Moore as he was in a vehicle with two other teenagers. Hastings claimed he thought the vehicle was about to hit him, while the other teenagers claimed they were trying to reverse away. Hastings was charged with manslaughter but juries deadlocked twice.[301]
September 2, 2012 Mario Romero 23 Vallejo, California Officers Sean Kenney and Dustin Joseph approached a Ford Thunderbird where Romero and his brother-in-law were sitting and fired, hitting both men. Kenney then jumped on the hood of the car and continued firing. Joseph told detectives Romero exited his vehicle and had a gun in his waistband. No weapons were found, although Kenney stated he recovered a pellet gun from the vehicle. Kenney had shot Anton Barrett earlier in the year, and later shot a third unarmed man, Jeremiah Moore, in October.[302]
September 8, 2012 Carleton Wallace 30 Alexander, Arkansas A rookie officer, Nancy Cummings, approached Wallace as he walked down a road with a gun tucked in his pants. After having him throw the gun into the woods, Cummings was arresting Wallace when Wallace suddenly turned around, causing the officer's gun to go off. Cummings was charged with manslaughter but was acquitted.[303]
September 21, 2012 Anthony Anderson 46 Baltimore, Maryland Anderson died after he was tackled by an officer who suspected him of involvement in a drug deal, during which he slipped drugs down his mouth. A coroner determined Anderson's death was a homicide, and an autopsy showed he had fractured ribs and a ruptured spline.[304]
September 29, 2012 Sherron Norman 37 Haddon Township, New Jersey Police arrested Norman and placed him in his stomach in the backseat of a cruiser. After a minute, Norman fell unconscious and died. A medical examiner hired by Norman's family stated his death was a homicide.[305]
November 8, 2012 Dakota Bright 15 Chicago, Illinois While responding to false reports of a burglary, Officer Brandon Ternand saw Bright allegedly holding a gun in an alley. Following a chase Ternand shot Bright when he turned and reached towards his waistband. While a gun was found in a yard near where the chase began, Bright was unarmed when he was shot.[306]
November 18, 2012 Derrick Ambrose Jr. 22 Waterloo, Iowa After an argument at a bar, Ambrose left and returned with a pistol. An officer chased Ambrose, during which Ambrose threw his gun over a fence. When Ambrose tripped, the officer shot him as he got up and turned towards the officer.[307]
November 29, 2012 Timothy Russell 43 East Cleveland, Ohio Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams were shot by six police officers after a 22-minute car chase, in part by police who thought they were being shot at from the vehicle. Only one police officer involved, Officer Michael Brelo, lost their job with the police department.[308] None were found guilty of a crime, either by having their charges dismissed or after being found not guilty.[309]
Malissa Williams 30
December 15, 2012 Jamaal Moore 23 Chicago, Illinois Moore was suspected of hijacking televisions from a truck. After a chase a police vehicle struck Moore and dragged him several feet. As Moore crawled out from under the car, an officer tackled him, and a second shot him.[310]
January 7, 2013 Cedrick Chatman 17 Chicago, Illinois Following a carjacking an officer shot Chatman as he ran away. The officer stated he believed Chatman was holding a gun, which was actually a black iPhone box.[311]
January 18, 2013 Jayvis Benjamin 20 Avondale Estates, Georgia An officer pursued Benjamin for a stolen car, ending with the car crashing. The officer and Benjamin fought, and the officer shot Benjamin. A grand jury recommended the officer be indicted for the shooting, but the District Attorney chose not to bring charges against the officer.[312]
March 10, 2013 Clinton Allen 25 Dallas, Texas Officer Clark Staller shot Allen seven times at an apartment complex. Staller claimed Allen tried to choke him.[313]
March 12, 2013 Kimani Gray 16 New York City, New York Gray was shot and killed after he allegedly reached into his waistband, but a witness said Gray was unarmed. A gun was recovered at the scene, but Gray's fingerprints or DNA did not match what was recovered from the gun.[314][315]
March 13, 2013 Willie Lee Bingham Jr. 20 Cleveland, Mississippi Deputy Walter Grant and other officers pursued Bingham in a vehicle for breaking into an auto parts plant. When Bingham's vehicle stopped, he got out and ran into a field, where Grant shot him. A baton was found near Bingham, but an investigation determined it had been planted by Grant to make it appear as if Bingham was armed. Grant faced two mistrials on charges of manslaughter, and a federal evidence-tampering case was dismissed due to sickness.[316]
April 20, 2013 Craig Demps 22 West Palm Beach, Florida Following a carjacking an officer shot Demps when he reached towards his waistband. Demps did not have a weapon, but narcotics.[317]
May 1, 2013 Jordan West-Morson 26 Detroit, Michigan An officer with the Detroit Transportation Corporation got into an argument with West-Morson, who was selling CDs outside a gas station. At some point a fist fight broke out and the officer, Robert Tyus, shot West-Morson. Tyus was charged with manslaughter but was acquitted.[318]
May 24, 2013 Leonard Thomas 30 Fife, Washington A SWAT sniper shot and killed Thomas as he held his son during a standoff.[319]
June 8, 2013 Micah Key 24 San Angelo, Texas Police tased Key multiple times as they attempted to get him into custody. He fell unresponsive and died. An autopsy determined his death was partially caused by the taser use and the altercation with police.[320][321]
July 18, 2013 Tyrone West 44 Baltimore, Maryland Police beat and pepper sprayed West after he fled a traffic stop. An initial autopsy stated he died from a heart condition, but a later review concluded he died from positional asphyxia while restrained.[322]
July 25, 2013 Dainell Simmons 29 Middle Island, New York Police were called to a group home where Simmons, who had autism and was non-verbal, was upset over other residents getting funnel cake. Although Simmons had calmed down by the time officers arrived, they attempted to take him to a psychiatric ward. Officers tased and restrained Simmons, who died from asphyxiation. A lawsuit was settled in 2018.[323]
July 26, 2013 Larry Jackson 32 Austin, Texas Investigating a bank robbery, Detective Charles Kleinert chased Jackson and caught up to him, causing a struggle. During the struggle, Kleinert's weapon discharged, striking Jackson in the back of the neck. Kleinert was charged with manslaughter but the charge was dropped.[324]
July 28, 2013 Ryan Stokes 24 Kansas City, Missouri Officer William Thompson shot Stokes after he was accused of stealing a cell phone. The officer said stokes was believed Stokes had a gun, but he was holding his own cell phone.[325]
July 31, 2013 Jermaine McBean 33 Oakland Park, Florida After buying an air rifle at a pawn shop, police were called as McBean walked along a busy road holding the air rifle. Outside his apartment complex, deputies yelled for McBean to drop the air rifle, and shot him when he turned around. Deputy Peter Peraza was charged with manslaughter but a judge ruled he could claim he felt threatened under the "stand-your-ground" law.[326]
September 13, 2013 Dontrell Stephens 20 West Palm Beach, Florida Deputy Adams Lin stopped Stephens as he rode a bicycle. Stephens ran away and Lin shot him after mistaking his cellphone for a weapon. Stephens became paralyzed as a result of the shooting, winning a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. In September 2021, Stephens died at the age of 28 due to complications from his paralysis.[327]
September 14, 2013 Jonathan Ferrell 24 Charlotte, North Carolina After crashing his car, Ferrell went to a house and knocked on the door. The resident, Sarah McCartney, called the police and three officers came.[328][329][330] Ferrell then ran towards them, whereupon one of the officers fired a taser at Ferrell and missed. Kerrick then opened fire on Ferrell, shooting him twelve times and killing him. He was unarmed at the time he was shot.[331] A toxicology test of Ferrell's blood showed he was not illegally intoxicated.[332]
September 29, 2013 Alexander Jamar Marion 19 Asheville, North Carolina Police responding to a home burglarly encountered Marion, who was armed with a gun, exiting the building. After a chase through a nearby forest, an officer shot him as he exited the woods. Although Marion had been armed with a gun that had been fired once when the chase started, he had dropped it in the woods during the pursuit and did not have a weapon when he was shot.[333]
October 13, 2013 Brandon Devone Smith 30 Wilmington, North Carolina Smith, suspected of shooting a deputy several days earlier, was shot and killed by deputies and ATF agents after a chase. Smith was unarmed at the time.[334]
October 15, 2013 Cameron Massey 26 Eufaula, Alabama Police pulled over a vehicle where Massey was a passenger. While officers questioned the driver, an officer ran back towards the car and shot when it began moving forwards. The other officer, believing Massey had fired the first shot, fired four more times. All five bullets struck Massey, who was sitting in the passengers seat.[335]
November 11, 2013 Abdul Kamal 30 Irvington, New Jersey Police responded after Kamal broke into his ex-wife's home. Police shot Kamal after he refused to remove his hand from his pocket, with sources saying Kamal had implied he had a weapon.[336]
November 19, 2013 Tyler Woods 19 Long Beach, California Following a traffic stop Woods fled and was found on the roof of an apartment building. After Woods took a kneeling stance facing the officers, police shot him. No weapons were recovered from the scene.[337]


Date Name Age City Description
January 16 Jordan Baker 26 Houston, Texas An off-duty officer shot Baker after mistaking him for a robbery suspect. Baker was not the robbery suspect and was unarmed at the time.[338]
February 9 Ernest Satterwhite 68 North Augusta, South Carolina After a slow-speed chase that ended in Satterwhite's driveway Officer Justin Craven lunged into Satterwhite's vehicle, before pulling back and shooting him. Craven pled guilty to misconduct in office and was sentenced to three years of probation and 80 hours of community service.[339]
February 16 Yvette Smith 47 Bastrop, Texas Smith called 911 and was acting as a peacemaker during a dispute between two men. Deputy Daniel Willis arrived and ordered Smith to step outside. Within three seconds of Smith opening the door, Willis shot her twice. Willis was charged with murder but was found not guilty.[340]
March 25 Deandre Lloyd Armstrong-Starks 27 Tulsa, Oklahoma Sergeant Mark Wollmershauser Jr. shot and killed Armstrong-Starks in the back at a residence after he "kept moving his hands in a furtive motion in the front of his hoodie and waistband area". No weapons were found in the home.[341]
April 11 Gregory Towns 24 East Point, Georgia Officers Marcus Eberhart and Howard Weems repeatedly tased Towns as he was handcuffed, leading to his death. Eberhart was sentenced to life in prison, while Weems was sentenced to five years in prison.[342]
April 16 Arthur Green Jr. 63 Tampa, Florida Green, who was having a diabetic emergency, died after police restrained him. An independent autopsy stated restraint asphyxia was Green's primary cause of death.[343]
April 30 Dontre Hamilton 31 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Dontre Hamilton was shot and killed by police officer Christoper Manney, at Red Arrow Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. No charges were brought, but Manney was fired from the force. As a result of the shooting and subsequent protests, Milwaukee police officers were equipped with body cameras. Hamilton's family stated that Hamilton had been treated for schizophrenia but was not violent.[344][345]
May 5 Justin Griffin 25 Jackson, Mississippi Griffin got into a fight with an off-duty Hinds County deputy acting as a referee at a basketball game. The deputy, Joshua Adams, struck Griffin in the head, killing him. Adams was charged with murder.[346]
May 8 Howard Bowe 34 Hallandale Beach, Florida A SWAT officer shot Bower while police served a warrant at his home. Bowe died 11 days later. Bowe's pet pit bull was also shot and killed.[347]
May 14 George King Jr 19 Baltimore, Maryland King died after an officer tased him during an altercation at MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital.[348]
May 22 Craig McKinnis 44 Kansas City, Kansas McKinnis died of positional asphyxia after being restrained. His death was ruled accidental.[349]
July 1 Jerry Dwight Brown 41 Zephyrhills, Florida Two detectives shot Brown during a drug bust after he refused to show his hands.[350]
July 4 Icarus Randolph 26 Wichita, Kansas Officer Ryan Snyder shot and killed Randolph on his mother's lawn after he charged towards the officer.[351]
July 9 Charles Goodridge 53 Cypress, Texas An off-duty constable working security at an apartment got into an altercation with Goodridge, who had been recently evicted from the property. The constable shot Goodridge twice in the abdomen. The constable was treated for a concussion.[352]
July 13 Ronald Singleton 45 New York City, New York Singleton died after being restrained by police in Manhattan. His death was ruled a homicide. Singleton's death occurred four days before the death of Eric Garner, who similarly died after he was restrained by NYPD officers.[353]
July 16 Dominique Lewis 23 Flint Township, Michigan Police pulled a vehicle over for speeding. After claiming to smell marijuana inside the vehicle, police had the driver, her daughter, and a passenger removed. Lewis, who was sitting in the back seat, then climbed into the driver's seat and tried to drive away. An officer then sidestepped the vehicle and fired two shots at Lewis.[354]
July 17 Eric Garner 43 New York City, New York Eric Garner died after a New York City Police Department officer, Daniel Pantaleo, put him in a chokehold while arresting him. Garner repeated the words "I can't breathe" 11 times while lying face down on the sidewalk. The medical examiner ruled Garner's death a homicide. No indictment followed.[355]
July 22 Briatay McDuffie 19 Baltimore, Maryland During a foot-pursuit, an altercation occurred, in which McDuffie was shot and killed. McDuffie was wanted for car theft.[356]
August 5 John Crawford III 22 Beavercreek, Ohio Crawford was a 22-year-old man shot and killed by Beavercreek police officer Sean Williams, in a Walmart store in Beavercreek, Ohio, near Dayton, while holding an un-packaged BB/pellet air rifle from inside the store's sporting goods section. A grand jury declined to indict the two officers on criminal charges.[357] Ohio is an "open carry" state, in which the open carrying of firearms is legal with or without a license, which prompted discussion of gun rights and race.[358] Following the shooting, a grand jury decided not to indict any of the officers involved on charges of either murder, reckless homicide, or negligent homicide.[359][360]
August 9 Michael Brown 18 Ferguson, Missouri After an incident in officer Darren Wilson's police car when Wilson discharged his gun, Brown began to flee on foot.[361][362][363] Officer Wilson pursued the unarmed Brown. Brown then stopped and turned to face Wilson, who then shot Brown six times, killing Brown.[364] Brown's death is attributed to a fatal gun shot wound to his head. His body remained for several hours in the street, unmoved by Ferguson's authorities.[365][366][367] Less than 90 seconds passed from the time Wilson encountered Brown to the time of Brown's death.[368] No charges were filed against Wilson due to conflicting Witness statements.[362][369]
August 11 Ezell Ford 25 Los Angeles, California Ezell Ford died from multiple gunshot wounds after being shot by Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers. After his death, his parents said their son had been diagnosed with depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, and that everybody in the neighborhood, as well as the police, were aware of this. They recalled that Ford had become more introverted and melancholy around the age of 18,[370] and took medication that made him less active.[371] In January 2017 Los Angeles County prosecutors said Wampler and Villegas would not face criminal charges in connection with the shooting.[372]
August 13 Cory Tanner 24 Bunnell, Florida U.S. Marshals served a warrant on Tanner in relation with an earlier shooting. After fifteen minutes at a home Tanner charged the back door holding a black bottle of cologne, and marshals shot him.[373]
September 23 Cameron Tillman 14 Houma, Louisiana Police were called about "armed men with guns" entering an abandoned home, but they were actually teenagers with BB guns. When deputies arrived, Tillman answered the door and was shot four times. The county sheriff initially said Tillman had a gun, but later said there was a BB gun "in close proximity". The other teens stated the BB gun was on a table next to the door.[374]
September 28 Oliver Gregoire 26 Baytown, Texas Police responded to Gregoire's home in connection with reports he tried to stop vehicles on the highway and attacked a woman at his home. When officers arrived Gregoire charged at one them, who tased him. Gregoire ripped the probes off, and the officer tased him again. He fell unresponsive and died at the hospital.[375]
October 3 Lashano Gilbert 31 New London, Connecticut Police tased Gilbert as he was arrested for an attempted carjacking and assault. After he was transported from the hospital to the police department, he began to fold his pants into the shape of a noose. Police used pepper spray and a taser on Gilbert, who became unresponsive while being transported back to the hospital. An autopsy conducted on October 5 determined Gilbert's death was a homicide.[376]
October 23 Michael Ricardo Minor 38 Suitland, Maryland A deputy responding to a domestic incident shot and killed Minor, who police say was unarmed.[377]
November 10 Darrien Hunt 22 Saratoga Springs, Utah Police shot Hunt while responding to reports of a man with a samurai sword, later found to be a replica. Hunt's family found sketches of manga-like characters and scenes, suggesting Hunt was cosplaying a character when he was killed. A family for Hunt's family claimed he was shot in the back.[378][379]
November 20 Akai Gurley 18 New York City, New York Gurley and his girlfriend entered the stairwell in the building where they lived. Officer Liang fired his weapon; his shot ricocheted off a wall and fatally struck Gurley in the chest. Officer Peter Liang was indicted by a grand jury for manslaughter, assault, and other criminal charges (five counts total).[380]
November 22 Tamir Rice 12 Cleveland, Ohio Officer Timothy Loehmann shot the 12-year-old boy with toy gun despite the 911 caller indicating that the gun was "probably fake" twice and saying that "he is probably a juvenile"; however, this information was not relayed to officers Loehmann or Garmback on the initial dispatch.[381] The 911 dispatcher was suspended for 8 days.[382]
December 2 Rumain Brisbon 34 Phoenix, Arizona An officer shot and killed Brisbon during a struggle after mistaking a pill bottle for a gun.[383]
December 15 Dennis Grigsby 35 Texarkana, Texas Officer Brent Lawing responded to a burglary report and shot Grigsby, who was carrying a metal spoon. A grand jury declined to indict Lawing.[384]
December 30 Jerame Reid 36 Bridgeton, New Jersey During a traffic stop, officers pulled over a vehicle for running through a stop sign. While questioning the two men in the car, including Jerame Reid, officer Days, who recognized Reid, removed large silver handgun from the glove compartment. Then there was a struggle and Reid then pushed the door open and exited the car with his hands at chest level. Days backed up and fired as Reid exited the vehicle. Reid reacted to the shots by moving his hands upwards. Officer Worley fired one shot, and Reid was killed.[385][386] Reid was unarmed at the time.[387] No charges were filed against the two officers involved in the shooting.[388]


Date Name Age City Description
January 8 Artago Howard 36 Strong, Arkansas A deputy responded to an alarm at a pharmacy and encountered Howard. The two briefly struggled, and the deputy shot Howard. Howard fled the pharmacy and died outside before an ambulance arrived.[389]
February 8 Natasha McKenna 37 Alexandria, Virginia McKenna died from being tasered (while shackled). This caused her to go into cardiac arrest.
February 24 Calvon Reid 39 Coconut Creek, Florida Police were called to a retirement complex and encountered Reid. The police chief stated that Reid was agitated and incoherent, leading officers to use stun guns, although one witness said that Reid had earlier calmly asked him for a ride to the hospital. Other witnesses said officers hit Reid while he was handcuffed on the ground, and another said that Reid yelled "I can't breathe" before he fell unconscious and died. His death was ruled a homicide. The police chief was forced to resign as a result of Reid's death.[390]
March 1 Charley Leundeu Keunang 43 Los Angeles, California Charley Leundeu Keunang was ordered by police to come out of his tent in Skid Row after fighting with someone inside the tent. After he refused the police order, they dragged him out of the tent. A physical altercation ensued with several police officers, during which three officers shot Keunang, resulting in his death. At least two videos captured the incident. According to police, Keunang had gotten hold of an officers gun during the struggle.[391][392][393][394] While no charges were filed against the officers, the city paid a settlement of $1.95 million to Keunang's family.[395]
March 6 Tony Robinson 19 Madison, Wisconsin Friends of Robinson were concerned by his erratic behavior and called for help. Robinson was determined post-mortem to have ingested Xanax, psilocybin mushrooms, and THC hours before the shooting.[396] Officer Matt Kenny failed to deescalate the situation and fired his weapon seven times. Robinson was unarmed.[397][398]
March 6 Naeschylus Vinzant 37 Aurora, Colorado Vinzant, suspected of kidnapping, robbery, assault, and also wanted for removing his parole ankle bracelet, was shot and killed by a SWAT team. Vinzant was unarmed.[399]
March 9 Anthony Hill 26 Chamblee, Georgia Hill was noted to be acting erratically when police were called; he had hung from his second-story balcony in his apartment complex, and his speech was slurred.[400] Officer Robert Olsen and found him in the parking lot of the complex.[401] After Hill approached Olsen, who had exited the vehicle, and refused to obey orders, Olsen shot Hill twice. Olsen was sentenced on November 1, 2019, to 12 years in prison, followed by eight years of probation by DeKalb County Superior Court Judge LaTisha Dear Jackson. Olsen is also banned for life from working in law enforcement, prohibited from possessing firearms or profiting from the case.[402]
March 15 Brandon Jones 18 Cleveland, Ohio While investigating a burglary at a store, Officer Alan Buford and his partner grabbed Jones after he emerged with items stolen from the store. Buford then fired a single shot into Jones's chest, killing him. Buford was charged with negligent homicide but was acquitted.[403]
March 24 Nicholas Thomas 23 Smyrna, Georgia An officer shot Thomas at a Goodyear store as he sat in the drivers seat of a customer's car. Police stated Thomas drove towards officers when he was shot, although an autopsy found he was shot from behind.[404]
April 2 Eric Harris 44 Tulsa, Oklahoma Eric Courtney Harris was fatally shot during an undercover sting in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as Harris ran from authorities unarmed. While Harris was being subdued, Tulsa County Reserve Deputy Robert Charles "Bob" Bates, 73, allegedly confused his personal weapon for a taser. Bates shot Harris in the back when he was on the ground.[405] According to the Tulsa County Sheriff's office, he immediately said afterward, "Oh, I shot him! I'm sorry." Bates was found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to four years in prison.[406]
April 2 Donald "Dontay" Ivy 39 Albany, New York Police tased Ivy multiple times during a scuffle. He died, and his death was ruled a homicide.[407]
April 4 Walter Scott 50 North Charleston, South Carolina Walter Scott was pulled over for a non-functioning brake light by police officer Michael Slager. After Slager returned to his vehicle, Scott exited his own vehicle and fled on foot. After a brief altercation, Scott ran again and Slager fired eight shots at him from behind, hitting Scott five times.[408] Slager was convicted for second-degree murder in 2017 and sentenced to 20 years in federal prison.[409]
April 12 Freddie Gray 25 Baltimore, Maryland Gray was arrested by the Baltimore Police Department and subsequently charged for possessing a knife. While being transported in a police van, Gray fell into a coma and was taken to the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center. Gray died April 19, 2015; his death was ascribed to injuries to his spinal cord. Four officers were involved; all were either acquitted or did not have charges brought against them.[410][411]
April 15 Frank Shephard 41 Houston, Texas Police pursued Shephard for "suspicious activity". After he crashed at an intersection, police shot Shephard when he reached back into the car. No weapons were found in the vehicle.[412]
April 19 Norman Cooper 33 San Antonio, Texas Police responded to a family disturbance call and encountered Cooper. Two officers tased Cooper several times; he fell unconscious and died at the scene.[413]
April 22 William Chapman 18 Portsmouth, Virginia Portsmouth Police Officer Stephen D. Rankin had been responding to a report of suspected shoplifting and engaged in a physical struggle with Chapman while trying to arrest him. According to witnesses, Chapman broke free but then stepped back towards Rankin, at which point Rankin shot him twice.[414][415] Rankin was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter and served 30 months in prison.[416]
April 25 David Felix 24 New York City, New York Two detectives encountered Felix at his apartment while investigating a purse theft. After a chase down the fire escape, the officers and Felix fought, with one shooting Felix after he grabbed a police radio and hit an officer in the head with it.[417]
May 5 Brandon Glenn 29 Los Angeles, California Officer Clifford Proctor stepped back and shot Glenn during an altercation with another officer, stating he believed Glenn was reaching for his partner's gun. Although the Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck recommended Proctor be charged, the District Attorney's office declined to file charges against the officer.[418]
May 12 D'Angelo Stallworth 28 Jacksonville, Florida While officers served an eviction warrant Stallworth picked up a gun and fought with police before fleeing. At some point Stallworth dropped the gun onto a porch and ran down a flight of stairs. When Stallworth turned to look at the officers, police shot him.[419]
May 30 Richard Gregory Davis 50 Rochester, New York Police tased Davis after he charged at them following a chase. Davis died, and his death was ruled a homicide by a medical examiner.[420]
June 15 Kris Jackson 22 South Lake Tahoe, California An officer shot Jackson as he attempted to exit a hotel room through a back window.[421]
June 25 Spencer Lee McCain 41 Owings Mills, Maryland Police responding to a domestic disturbance shot McCain after he took a "defensive position".[422]
July 2 Victo Larosa III 23 Jacksonville, Florida An officer shot Larosa during a drug sting after he reached towards his waistband. No gun was recovered from the scene.[423]
July 8 Jonathan Sanders 39 Stonewall, Mississippi At the time of the incident, witnesses reported that the officer had used a racial slur during his encounter with Sanders and that Sanders' breathing had been obstructed by officer Kevin Herrington for as much as 30 minutes. Sanders died at the scene.[424]
July 17 Darrius Stewart 19 Memphis, Tennessee During a traffic stop, Officer Connor Schilling shot Stewart three times following a struggle, twice in the chest and once in the back. Although District Attorney Amy Weirich recommended manslaughter charges against Schilling, a grand jury declined to indict him.[425][426]
July 19 Samuel DuBose 43 Cincinnati, Ohio Samuel DuBose was fatally shot by Ray Tensing, a University of Cincinnati police officer, during a traffic stop for a missing front license plate and a suspended driver's license. Tensing fired after DuBose started his car.[427] He was tried twice for murder and voluntary manslaughter but both trials ended in hung juries. Charges against him were later dismissed with prejudice.[428]
August 7 Christian Taylor 19 Arlington, Texas Officer Brad Miller shot and killed Taylor responding to a burglary at a car dealership.[429]
August 28 Felix Kumi 61 New York City, New York During a gun-buy operation an undercover officer was robbed by a man named Alvin Smothers, who pointed a BB gun at the officer. The officer fired at Smothers, instead hitting Kumi, who was walking to pick his car up from a repair store. Smothers was charged with Kumi's death but was acquitted.[430]
September 5 India Kager 27 Virginia Beach, Virginia Police followed Kager and her child's father, Antonio Perry, who police were investigating for a murder. When their car stopped at a 7-Eleven, police used flash grenades and broke the windows. Perry fired at police, and police fired back, killing both Kager and Perry. Kager and Perry's four-month-old son was sitting in the back of the car.[431]
September 21 Adrien Campbell 24 Lubbock, Texas Police searched for Campbell after a detective witnessed him allegedly hit a woman. When police found him a physical struggle occurred. He was taken to a hospital, where he died. His death was ruled a homicide.[432]
September 23 Keith McLeod 19 Reisterstown, Maryland Police were called to a pharmacy after McLeod attempted to buy cough syrup with a fake prescription. According to witnesses, McLeod threatened to kill officers. Video shows he then pointed a finger gun at an officer, who fired.[433]
November 13 Tanisha Anderson 37 Cleveland, Ohio Tanisha Anderson was killed by Officer Scott Aldridge during a 911 mental health call made by Anderson's family. Anderson was restrained in a prone position – family members claimed Aldridge placed a knee on her neck – and stopped breathing, and she was pronounced dead at Cleveland Hospital.[434] Aldridge received a 10-day suspension.[435]
November 19 Nathaniel Harris Pickett Jr. 29 Barstow, California Deputy Kyle Woods shot and killed Pickett at a motel after he fell to the ground and was scooting back.[436]
December 8 Miguel Espinal 36 Yonkers, New York Following a pursuit, police shot Espinal during a fight in a wooded area. Police claim Espinal had tried to grab one of their weapons.[437]
December 19 Roy Lee Nelson Jr. 42 Hayward, California Police restrained Nelson, who had schizophrenia, while waiting for an ambulance to arrive. Nelson fell unconscious and died.[438]
December 23 Kevin Matthews 35 Detroit, Michigan A Dearborn officer chased and shot Matthews, who had a history of mental illness and was recovering from a broken arm, after he was accused of stealing an energy drink. In a deposition the officer said that Matthews was above him and trying to take his gun, leading him to fire nine times. Crime scene and ballistics experts hired by Matthews' family disputed this, stating that the officer was most likely firing downwards, as two bullets were found under Matthews' body and another next to it. The district attorney declined to file charges.[439]
December 26 Bettie Jones 55 Chicago, Illinois Officer Robert Rialmo shot and killed 19-year-old Quintonio LeGrier, who was armed with a bat. One of the shots struck Jones, LeGrier's neighbor.[440]
December 31 Keith Childress 23 Las Vegas, Nevada Las Vegas Metro Police were called by US Marshals to help conduct surveillance. Police shot Childress after his cell phone was mistaken for a gun.[441]


Date Name Age City Description
February 4 Antronie Scott 36 San Antonio, Texas Officer John Lee shot and killed Scott in San Antonio's North Side after ‘mistaking’ a cell phone Scott was holding for a gun.[442]
February 8 David Joseph 17 Austin, Texas Police responded to reports of a teenager chasing a man around an apartment complex and encountered Joseph, naked and unarmed. Officer Geoffrey Freeman shot Joseph after he allegedly charged towards him.[443]
February 13 Calin Devonte Roquemore 23 Beckville, Texas Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Daniel McBride shot and killed Roquemore during a chase after Roquemore tripped. McBride stated he believed Roquemore had a gun.[444]
February 21 Che Taylor 46 Seattle, Washington Officers Michael Spaulding and Todd Miller shot and killed Taylor in a car outside a home in the Wedgwood neighborhood. Evidence showed Taylor did not have a gun on him during the shooting.[445]
February 24 Christopher Davis 21 East Troy, Wisconsin Davis accompanied two friends to a parking lot where he was told they would be checking out a car. When a squad car pulled into the lot, one of the men told Davis and the driver, Jose Lara, that they were actually there for a drug deal. As Lara attempted to drive away an officer fired, hitting Davis. No weapons were found in the vehicle.[446]
February 25 Greg Gunn 58 Montgomery, Alabama Officer Aaron Cody Smith shot and killed Greg Gunn after he fled a stop-and-frisk search. Smith claimed Gunn had attacked him with a pole, but his fingerprints were not found on the pole, and photographs showed Gunn had a hat in his hands. Smith was found guilty of manslaughter.[447][448]
March 12 Peter Gaines 35 Houston, Texas Police responded after Gaines, who police said may have been on PCP, was reported damaging a street sign. An officer tazed then shot Gaines after he allegedly walked towards police.[449]
April 5 Kevin Hicks 44 Indianapolis, Indiana An officer shot Hicks in the head after an altercation at a gas station. According to The Indianapolis Star Hicks' death was one of 19 police shootings that the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department failed to review.[450]
April 23 Demarcus Semer 21 Fort Pierce, Florida Police pulled Semer over for speeding. When an officer tried to remove Semer from the vehicle he started to drive away. According to police, one officer was knocked over by the vehicle and another jumped into the vehicle. The officer who fell then fired, believing the other officer was about to be run over.[451]
April 28 Ashtian Barnes 24 Bellaire, Texas A Harris County Precinct 5 Constable pulled Barnes over while he drove a rental car. After Constable R. Felix asked Barnes if there was marijuana in the vehicle and told him to open the trunk, which he did. Then as Barnes began to drive away Felix jumped on the side of the car and shot him. A grand jury declined to filed charges against the constable.[452]
May 22 Vernell Bing Jr. 22 Jacksonville, Florida Police pursued Bing after he was suspected of a series of shootings. After Bing crashed he exited his vehicle. As he walked towards an officer the officer shot at Bing five times, killing him.[453]
June 23 Deravis Caine Rogers 22 Atlanta, Georgia An officer responded to reports of a suspicious person at an apartment complex and encountered Rogers in a vehicle. When the officer pulled in front of Rogers' car, Rogers continued around the vehicle. The officer shot into the passenger side, killing Rogers. The officer was charged with murder.[454]
July 4 Delrawn Small 37 New York City, New York After a driving dispute in Brooklyn, off-duty officer Wayne Isaacs shot Small with his service weapon when Small approached Isaacs's driver side window. Isaacs initially claimed Small assaulted him but security camera video contradicted his claim. Isaacs faced disciplinary charges in connection with the incident.[455]
July 27 Dalvin Hollins 19 Tempe, Arizona Officer Ed Ouimette shot Hollis, suspected of an armed robbery, in a parking lot. Ouimette claimed Hollins had a gun but no gun was ever found.[456]
July 28 Paul O'Neal 18 Chicago, Illinois Police say that O'Neal, who was unarmed, fled from the vehicle after the chase and refused to stop. The shooting was classified by the medical examiner as a homicide. The three officers who discharged their weapons were removed from duty following a preliminary investigation. Following an investigation, no criminal charges were brought against the officers involved.
July 28 Donnell Thompson Jr. 27 Compton, California Deputies responded after Thompson was mistaken for a carjacking suspect while lying in a man's yard. After several commands and a flash-bang failed to wake him, police used foam bullets, which woke Thompson up. Thompson then ran towards a SWAT vehicle with his hand near his waistband, and a SWAT officer shot him.[457]
August 13 Sylville Smith 23 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Smith was shot after throwing his firearm over a fence while being pursued by police during a foot pursuit. The officer who shot him was acquitted of reckless homicide.[458]
August 30 Levonia Riggins 22 Palm River-Clair Mel, Florida A SWAT team served a warrant on Riggins for selling marijuana. When Riggins awoke and moved between his bed and a wall, Deputy Caleb Johnson shot him. Johnson stated he believed Riggins was reaching for a weapon when his hand moved near his waistband.[459]
September 11 Terrence Sterling 31 Washington, D.C. Police pursued Sterling, riding a motorcycle, for a traffic violation. An officer shot Sterling after he rode his motorcycle into the side of a police cruiser. The department said Sterling had done so intentionally, while witnesses said they believed the crash was unavoidable. An internal review board found Officer Brian Trainer violated department policy and recommended he be fired.[460]
September 16 Terence Crutcher 40 Tulsa, Oklahoma Terence Crutcher was shot and killed by police officer Betty Jo Shelby in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was unarmed during the encounter, in which he was standing near his vehicle in the middle of a street. Shelby was charged with first-degree manslaughter after the shooting was labeled a homicide. On May 17, 2017, a jury found her not guilty of first-degree manslaughter.
September 27 Alfred Olango 38 El Cajon, California Olango was shot several times by police responding to a call for emergency psychiatric aid. San Diego County prosecutors declined to file charges against officers Josh McDaniel and Richard Gonsalves, who were involved in the shooting. Olango's sister noticed strange behavior from him and called police three times asking for immediate help. A 5150 (involuntary psychiatric hold) request for a psychiatric emergency response team (PERT) was placed. Fifty minutes after the first call, at least two non-PERT officers arrived on scene. In video footage released by Police Department, Olango drew an object and extended it in two hands towards police in a shooting stance before being shot. The object was an e-cigarette.[461]
September 28 Christopher Sowell 32 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Police attempted to arrest Sowell, who was suspected in a series of stabbings and physical attacks. Officers ordered Sowell to take his hands out of his pockets. When he moved his hands abruptly, police shot him, with nine officers firing a total of 109 times.[462]


Date Name Age City Description
January 4 Muhammad Muhaymin Jr. 43 Phoenix, Arizona Police were called after Muhaymin attempted to bring his dog into a public bathroom. Police restrained Muhaymin after he was found to have a warrant, and Muhaymin died. An autopsy ruled Muhaymin's death a homicide.[463]
January 6 Sean Moore 42 San Francisco, California Police responded to reports of Moore violating a restraining order. Authorities say an officer struck Moore with a baton, leading Moore to strike back. Officer Kenneth Cha then shot Moore. Moore died in 2020 and an autopsy found his death was partially caused by the gunshot wound. Cha was charged with voluntary manslaughter and assault with a semi-automatic firearm.[464]
January 9 JR Williams 38 Phoenix, Arizona Following a pursuit Williams kept his hands concealed and threatened to shoot officers. When Williams turned with his hand from his waistband, police shot him. Williams was unarmed.[465]
January 26 Deaundre Phillips 24 Atlanta, Georgia Police responded to reports of a suspicious man in a vehicle. Officer Yasin Abdulahad shot Phillips when the vehicle started to drive off. Abdulahad claimed he was halfway in the car and was being dragged, but surveillance video showed he had fully entered the vehicle when it started moving.[466]
February 7 Wardel Davis 20 Buffalo, New York Officers Todd C. McAlister and Nicholas J. Parisi stopped Davis after he was seen exiting a known drug house. A physical encounter occurred, and Davis fell unconscious and died. An autopsy ruled his death a homicide.[467]
February 8 Chad Robertson 25 Chicago, Illinois Amtrak Police Officer LaRoyce Tankson patted down Robertson near Union Station. Robertson fled and reached into his pocket, causing Tankson to shoot. Robertson did not have any weapons, and there was marijuana in his pocket. Tankson was charged with murder but was acquitted.[468]
February 9 Quanice Hayes 17 Portland, Oregon Officer Andrew Hearst shot Hayes from 10 feet away with an AR-15. Hayes was on his knees with hands in the air. A jury declined to indict Hearst.[469]
February 13 Raynard Burton 19 Detroit, Michigan Following a pursuit of a stolen car Officer Jerold Blanding got into a struggle with Burton, ending when Blanding shot Burton in the chest. Prior to Burton's death Blanding had been involved in four shootings, two off-duty.[470]
March 13 Luke Stewart 23 Euclid, Ohio While responding to a suspicious vehicle report, Officer Matthew Rhodes got into Stewart's vehicle when he began to drive away. After shocking and hitting Stewart with a stun gun, Rhodes shot him. A grand jury declined to indict Rhodes.[471][472]
March 19 Alteria Woods 21 Gifford, Florida Woods was lying on a bed in her boyfriend's home when police conducted a raid. A shootout occurred, and Woods was struck by police gunfire.[473]
April 12 Kenneth Johnson 25 Reading, Pennsylvania Police responding to a domestic dispute call encountered a woman who told them her boyfriend assaulted her. When police encountered Johnson, he swung at them when police tried to handcuff him, and an officer tased him. Johnson became unresponsive and died, and his death was later ruled a homicide.[474]
April 29 Jordan Edwards 15 Balch Springs, Texas Jordan Edwards, a 15-year-old boy, was fatally shot by police officer Roy Oliver.[475][476][477][478] He was struck in the back of the head while riding in the front passenger seat of a car driving away from police.[477][479] Police originally claimed the vehicle was backing toward them in an aggressive manner, but video later revealed that the car was driving away at the time Edwards was shot.[475] Oliver was found guilty of murdering Edwards at trial in August 2018[480] and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.[481]
May 7 Landon Nobles 24 Austin, Texas Sergeant Richard Egal and Corporal Maxwell Johnson shot and killed Nobles as a crowd dispersed in front of a bar. Police stated that Nobles fired at officers but several witnesses said Nobles was unarmed.[482]
May 14 Tashii Farmer 40 Las Vegas, Nevada Tashii Farmer (also known as Tashii Brown) was reported to be acting erratically at The Venetian hotel-casino and was chased by officers. Police tased Farmer when he tried to enter a citizen's truck. Officer Kenneth Lopera then placed Farmer in a rear-naked choke, leading to his death. An autopsy ruled Farmer's death a homicide. Lopera was charged with manslaughter but his charges were dropped.[483]
May 21 Jimmie Sanders 33 Appleton, Wisconsin Sanders was at a bar when police responded to reports of a man firing a gun. A lieutenant shot at the armed man, but struck Sanders instead, killing him.[484]
June 8 David Jones 30 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Officer Ryan Pownall pulled over Jones, on a dirt bike, in the Juniata neighborhood. Pownall frisked Jones and felt a firearm, leading to a struggle. Pownall attempted to shoot Jones but his gun jammed. Jones then threw his gun down and ran away. Pownall shot him three times in the back. Pownall was later charged with homicide.[485]
June 29 Aaron Bailey 45 Indianapolis, Indiana Following a chase two officers shot and killed Bailey. The officers stated they believed Bailey was reaching for a weapon, but no weapon was found.[486]
July 7 Eurie Martin 58 Deepstep, Georgia Martin was reported after a man noticed him trying to fill an empty soda can with water from a spigot. Three deputies tased Martin, who fell unconscious and died. A medical examiner determined his death was a homicide.[487][488] The officers were charged but a mistrial was declared after the jury deadlocked.[489]
August 27 Damon Grimes 15 Detroit, Michigan Officer Mark Bessner tased Grimes as he drove by a police car on an ATV, causing him to crash into a truck. Bessner stated he believed Grimes was reaching for a gun, but no weapon was found on him.[490]
August 28 Anthony Antonio Ford 27 Miami, Florida Following a traffic stop Officer Eduardo Pares shot and killed Ford in an alley. The state attorney for Miami-Dade County declined to file charges against the officer.[491]
October 20 Armando Frank 42 Marksville, Louisiana Police attempted to arrest Frank for a warrant, finding him sitting on a tractor. After refusing to get off the tractor without seeing the warrant, officers tried to get him down, with police firing a shock device three times and putting Frank in several choke holds. Frank died, and a forensic pathologist determined his death was a homicide.[492]
November 18 Lawrence Hawkins 56 Prichard, Alabama Officer Jonathan Murphy shot and killed Hawkins in front of his home, including twice in the back. In 2020 Murphy was arrested for murder relating to a separate off-duty killing.[493]
December 1 Keita O'Neil 42 San Francisco, California Rookie Officer Chris Samayoa shot O'Neil, suspected of a carjacking, during a chase. After O'Neil exited the stolen van, he fled to a housing complex and was shot in the back of the head by Samayoa, on his fourth day on the job. Samayoa was charged with manslaughter in 2020.[494]
December 27 Dennis Plowden 25 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Following a chase Officer Eric Ruch shot Plowden as he had his left hand visibly raised in the air. Ruch was charged with first-degree murder, third-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter and possession of an instrument of crime.[495] Ruch was convicted of manslaughter in 2022.[496]


Date Name Age City Description
January 23 Corey Mobley 38 Bradenton, Florida An officer responded to a domestic incident and shot Mobley. Mobley claimed he had a gun, but he was unarmed.[497]
January 27 Crystalline Barnes 21 Jackson, Mississippi After a pursuit for a traffic violation, police fired at Barnes, stating she hit a patrol car while driving in reverse. According to court documents, one of the officers, Rakasha Adams, fired when Barnes attempted to drive away from the patrol car and the curb. The other officer, Albert Taylor, fired after the car made a U-turn, although Taylor had earlier stated he was the first to fire. Adams then fired again. In total, 17 bullets were fired at the vehicle, from the sides and back.[498]
February 13 Ronnell Foster 33 Vallejo, California Officer Ryan McMahon shot and killed Foster after a struggle, which started after McMahon pulled Foster over for riding a bicycle without proper lights. After McMahon struck Foster several times with his flashlight, Foster took it and McMahon shot him. McMahon was later one of the officers involved in the shooting of Willie McCoy in 2019.[499]
February 17 Trey Pringle 23 Seabrook, South Carolina Pringle's family called 911 after he began exhibiting strange behavior while watching TV. Deputies struggled with Pringle and tased him twice. He went into cardiac arrest and died three days later; his death was ruled a homicide. No charges were filed against the deputies involved.[500]
February 21 Darion Baker 22 Stratford, Texas Police followed Baker to a gas station for driving suspiciously. When officers flashed their lights, drew their guns, and ran towards the car, Baker and his passenger got into their car, which was stolen, and fled. An officer shot Baker in the back.[501]
March 2 Christopher Eisinger 35 Anaheim, California Police responded to reports of a man attempting to open a house gate and encountered Eisinger. Police restrained Eisinger and an officer put their knee on his sternum. After several minutes, officers noticed Eisinger was unconscious. A jury determined police used excessive force and were largely responsible for Eisinger's death.[502]
March 18 Stephon Clark 22 Sacramento, California Two Sacramento Police Department officers, who were investigating reports of a hooded individual breaking car windows, chased Stephon Clark from the front yard to the back yard of his grandmother's house and stopped before walking towards the officers. One or both officers yelled "show me your hands!" and "gun!" before the officers collectively fired 20 rounds. At least 7 of the 20 shots struck Clark, killing him. The county coroner found that three shots had struck Clark in the back, while an independent autopsy found Clark was struck six times in the back, and once in the front after he was already on the ground. The encounter was filmed by police video cameras and by a Sacramento County Sheriff's Department helicopter. Police stated they fired because they believed Clark pointed a gun at them. No gun was found at the scene, and police later admitted that the officers had mistaken Clark's cell phone for a gun. In 2019, the Sacramento County district attorney declined to press charges against the police officers, announcing an investigation had found the use of deadly force to be justified.
March 22 Danny Ray Thomas 34 Houston, Texas Deputy Cameron Brewer approached two men having an argument at an intersection. Brewer killed Thomas after he walked towards Brewer and ignored his commands to stop. Brewer was later fired, and a spokesperson said he should have used his taser first.[503]
April 4 Saheed Vassell 34 New York City, New York Police responded to reports of a man with a silver gun in Crown Heights, Brooklyn and shot Vassell when he took a shooting stance. Vassell was holding a metal pipe with a knob on it.[504]
April 5 Diante Yarber 26 Barstow, California An officer shot Yarber in a Walmart parking lot while investigating a stolen vehicle after he allegedly rammed a police vehicle. The officer had previously been fired from the department after pleading guilty to a hate crime battery, but an arbiter found his termination wrongful and had him reinstated.[505]
April 8 Juan Markee Jones 25 Danville, Virginia Two officers responding to a report of a domestic assault shot and killed Jones after he quickly turned around towards them. Prosecutors declined to file charges against the officers involved.[506]
April 20 James Bauduy 48 Orlando, Florida Bauduy, suspected of killing his ex-girlfriend's mother, was shot by police during his arrest. An investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement found there was no gun on or near Bauduy, although there was a magazine with bullets near him.[507]
April 26 Jeffrey Melvin 27 Colorado Springs, Colorado Melvin was tased multiple times by police responding to a disturbance. Melvin was hospitalized and died about a week later. His death was ruled a homicide.[508]
May 14 Keeven Robinson 22 Jefferson Parish, Louisiana Following a chase police restrained and handcuffed Robinson. After he was handcuffed officers noticed Robinson was not breathing and brought him to a hospital, where he died. A coroner ruled his death a homicide due to asphyxiation.[509]
May 14 Marcus-David Peters 24 Richmond, Virginia During a mental health crisis Peters had a car accident and took off his clothes. He approached Officer Michael Nyantakyi, who tased Peters multiple times before shooting him.[510]
May 26 Earl McNeil 40 National City, California McNeil was restrained with a WRAP device and had two mesh socks put over his head after he turned himself in for a warrant. A nurse referred McNeil for a full medical evaluation but he lost his pulse by the time the ambulance arrived at the hospital. The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide.[511]
June 6 Maurice Granton Jr. 24 Chicago, Illinois An officer shot Granton as he climbed a fence. Police say they recovered a weapon, but an attorney stated that it was found 20 to 25 feet from where he was shot. An autopsy showed Granton was shot in the back.[512]
June 11 Robert Lawrence White 41 Silver Spring, Maryland An officer shot White after he reached into his pocket. The officer stated he believed White was armed.[513]
June 19 Antwon Rose Jr. 17 East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania After Officer Michael Rosfeld pulled over a vehicle suspected of being used in an earlier drive-by shooting, Rose and another occupant fled. Rosfeld fired, hitting Rose in the back. Although there were weapons and the car and gunshot residue was found on Rose's hands, he was unarmed at the time of the shooting.[514]
June 20 Anthony Marcel Green 33 Kingsland, Georgia After a traffic stop Officer Zechariah Presley chased Green and shot him as he fled. Presley was acquitted of manslaughter charges but found guilty of violating his oath of office. He was sentenced to a year in prison and four years probation.[515][516]
June 24 Dujuan Armstrong 23 Dublin, California Armstrong died after reputies at the Santa Rita Jail restrained him with a full-body restraining jacket and a spit mask. The sheriff initially said Armstrong died of a drug overdose, but an autopsy found his death was a homicide due to the restraint.[517]
July 8 Joseph Pettaway 51 Montgomery, Alabama Police responded to reports of a possible burglary and encountered Pettaway at the house, where family said he sometimes slept with permission. Police unleashed a canine unit on Pettaway, who was bitten in the thigh and femoral artery. The dog's handler testified he had to choke the dog to near-unconsciousness to get it to let go. Pettaway was sent to the hospital, where he died from his injuries.[518]
July 14 Rashaun Washington 37 Vineland, New Jersey An officer shot Washington with a rifle as he held an object wrapped in a black shirt. Police said Washington was holding garden shears, while some witnesses said he was holding a water bottle.[519]
July 27 Cynthia Ann Fields 60 Savannah, Georgia Police attempted to arrest Fields' grandson for a suspected armed robbery. After officers arrived a shootout occurred between her grandson and police, and Fields was struck by police gunfire. The grandson was charged with murder, among several other charges.[520]
September 1 O'Shae Terry 24 Arlington, Texas During a traffic stop Officer Bau Tran grabbed the passenger side window of Terry's vehicle and shot him as the vehicle began to move. Tran was indicted on a criminally negligent homicide charge.[521]
September 5 James Leatherwood 23 Hollywood, Florida A SWAT officer shot Leatherwood, suspected of a murder in Miami, after he reached for his waistband. No firearm was found in the apartment.[522]
September 6 Botham Jean 26 Dallas, Texas Off-duty Dallas Police Department officer Amber Guyger erroneously entered Botham Jean's apartment and fatally shot him. Guyger said that she had entered the apartment believing it was her own and that she shot Jean believing he was a burglar.[523][524] On October 1, 2019, Guyger was found guilty of murder.[525] The next day, she received a sentence of ten years in prison.[526]
September 8 Marcus Smith 38 Greensboro, North Carolina Police restrained Smith after reports of a man running through traffic in Downtown Greensboro. Smith fell unconscious and died at the scene, and his death was ruled a homicide.[527]
September 15 Anton Black 19 Greensboro, Maryland Police restrained Black outside his family's home, where he was handcuffed and shackled before he stopped breathing. The state medical examiner's office concluded Black's death was accidental, but a cardiologist at Johns Hopkins University concluded he died by asphyxiation.[528]
October 3 Chinedu Okobi 36 Millbrae, California San Mateo County Sheriff's Deputy Joshua Wang stopped Okobi after he was suspected of jaywalking. Wang and other deputies used tasers, batons, and pepper spray on Okobi, who fell unconscious and died. His death was ruled a homicide.[529]
October 17 Charles Roundtree Jr. 18 San Antonio, Texas Officer Steve Casanova, responding to reports of an assault, shot a man who he believed had a gun, but the man's DNA was not found on the weapon. The bullet unintentionally struck Roundtree, killing him.[530]
October 29 Albert Dorsey 30 Los Angeles, California Officer Edward Agdeppa and his partner responded to a 24-hour gym in Hollywood after reports of a disturbance and encounter Dorsey, naked, drying himself off in a locker room. After he ignored commands, the officers attempted to handcuff him. According to Agdeppa, the officers tased Dorsey, who fought with officers and straddled over Agdeppa's partner before punching her in the face. Agdeppa then said that he told Dorsey to stop, then shot him. However, audio of the shooting does not show Agdeppa telling Dorsey to stop before the officer shot him, and U.S. District Judge Christina Snyder ruled that there was no evidence of injuries inflicted by Dorsey onto Agdeppa's partner.[531]
November 1 Tony Bernard Smith Jr. 24 Jacksonville, Florida Smith, a suspect in a carjacking, was shot by officer Rodney Deconte on a flight of stairs. No gun was found on Smith during the shooting, but a gun was found between the stolen truck and Smith.[532]
November 29 Robert Loggins 26 Grenada, Mississippi Police responded to reports that Loggins was in a woman's backyard. Police restrained and tased Loggins before taking him to the lobby of the jail, where he was left in the prone position. He fell unconscious and died. The state medical examiner ruled his death an accident, but a forensic pathologist concluded his death was a homicide. In 2005 Loggins' mother Debbie Loggins similarly died after she was restrained by police. Her death had been ruled an accident due to advanced heatstroke, despite the sun not having risen, the temperature being in the 70s, and police transporting her in an air-conditioned car.[533]
December 9 Christopher De’Andre Mitchell 22 Torrance, California Police responded to a stolen vehicle report and encountered Mitchell in a Honda Civic in a supermarket parking lot. After refusing orders to exit the car, police shot Mitchell when he appeared to move his hands towards an air rifle in his lap, though a review said there was no evidence he was reaching for a gun. While the shooting was originally ruled justified, the two officers were charged with voluntary manslaughter in 2023, with district attorney George Gascón questioning whether the officers actually saw the air rifle when they fired.[534]
December 10 Gregory Edwards 38 Cocoa, Florida Edwards, a combat veteran, who had been diagnosed with PTSD, was arrested in a Walmart parking lot for allegedly assaulting a charity worker. At the police station, Edwards was being escorted when he became involved in a brawl with officers. He was eventually restrained by more than a dozen officers who used pepper spray and stun guns. He was then restrained him in a chair for 16 minutes with a spit hood on. Edwards became unresponsive and was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. In the official autopsy report, the cause of death was listed as “excited delirium.”[535]
December 17 David Baker 32 Aurora, Colorado Police responded to a domestic call about a fight. At least seven officers restrained Baker, who fell unconscious and was declared dead less than an hour later.[536]


Date Name Age City Description
January 5 Jameek Lowery 27 Paterson, New Jersey Lowery called 911 to say he had swallowed too many ecstasy pills, requesting an ambulance. At the hospital he became erratic and left, later moving to Paterson Police headquarters, where he filmed himself saying people were trying to kill him. When firefighters arrived, police used "physical force and compliance holds" to secure Lowery in an ambulance. By the time Lowery arrived at the hospital, he was unconscious, and he died two days later. An official autopsy said Lowery's death was accidental, but a second examination from pathologist Michael Baden determined his death was caused by police beating him as he was restrained.[537][538]
January 13 George Robinson 62 Jackson, Mississippi Officers pulled Robinson from a car, threw him against the pavement, and struck and kicked him. Robinson died two days later and his death was ruled a homicide. Officers Desmond Barney, Lincoln Lampley, and Anthony Fox were indicted on second-degree murder, but Barney and Lampley's charges were later dropped.[539]
January 15 D'Ettrick Griffin 18 Atlanta, Georgia Griffin stole a vehicle at a gas station, not knowing it was an unmarked vehicle driven by off-duty Officer Oliver Simmonds. When Griffin tried to drive away Simmons shot him, with the vehicle allegedly driving over Simmonds' foot. Simmonds was indicted for murder, assault, and two counts of violating his oath in 2022.[540]
January 22 Jimmy Atchison 21 Atlanta, Georgia A federal task force shot Atchison during an investigation into an armed robbery. Atchison was hiding in a closet and was given conflicting commands to come out with his hands up and to not move. Atchison was leaving the closet when Officer Sung Kim shot him.[541] In 2022 Kim was charged with murder, involuntary manslaughter, and violation of oath by a public officer.[542]
February 6 Eleanor Northington 43 Indianapolis, Indiana Police responding to a mental health crisis restrained Northington at a church. Northington fell unconscious and died due to a lack of oxygen to the brain.[543]
February 14 Mario Clark 31 Jackson, Mississippi Clark's mother called police after Clark, who had schizophrenia, started having a psychotic episode. Police handcuffed Clark and hit him on his legs and head. Clark was put on life support and died days later. His death was ruled a homicide.[544]
February 16 Michael Elam Jr. 17 Chicago, Illinois Following a vehicle pursuit for a traffic offence, the car crashed and three teenagers, including Elam, fled on foot. Officer Adolfo Bolanos shot Elam three times, twice in the back and once in the back of the head. A gun was recovered from the scene, but bodycamera video showed it was on the other side of the car near where Elam was shot, and attorneys stated he was unarmed. The Civilian Office of Police Accountability recommended Bolanos be fired for shooting Elam, not activating his body camera, not immediately telling dispatchers about the shooting, and not immediately requesting medical attention.[545]
February 18 Pierre Woods 31 Pelahatchie, Mississippi Police responded after reports of a man firing a gun on his property. After negotiations and a stand-off deputies launched tear gas into the home. Woods exited the front door and threw a pistol onto the ground. The deputies then began shooting, killing Woods. Several of the officers involved later pleaded guilty to torturing two men at a home in 2023.[546]
March 24 Kevin Bruce Mason 57 Baltimore, Maryland Police responded to an assault call at a home and entered a standoff with Mason. Following the standoff, during which Mason claimed he had a gun, police shot Mason as he stepped outside. A search of the home found no firearms. Mason had been involved in another standoff with police when he was 17.[547]
March 28 Javier Ambler 40 Austin, Texas Deputies James Johnson and Zachary Camden tased Ambler multiple times during a traffic stop, leading to his death. Ambler's death was ruled a homicide, and in 2021, Johnson and Camden were indicted on manslaughter charges. In addition, Williamson County Sheriff Robert Chody was indicted on a felony evidence tampering charge. Ambler's death was recorded by a Live PD crew, but A&E stated that the footage had been deleted.[548][549]
April 13 Julius Graves 43 St. Louis, Missouri Police responded to reports of a man attacking a bus stop and encountered Graves, who had a history of mental health issues. Officers chased and attempted to tase him. Police handcuffed and restrained Graves, and while held down EMTs injected him with an antipsychotic and a sedative. He fell unconscious and was declared brain-dead, and was taken off of life support days later.[550]
April 29 Isaiah Lewis 17 Edmond, Oklahoma Police responded to reports of a person running naked in a neighborhood. After officers found Lewis, he broke into a home and got into an altercation with officers. An officer shot Lewis.[551]
May 10 Ronald Greene 49 Union Parish, Louisiana Police chased Greene after a traffic violation. After a crash, police beat and dragged Greene, also putting him in a headlock. He became unresponsive and was put in an ambulance, but he died on arrival to the hospital. Initial reports stated Greene's death was caused by the car accident, but a later medical examiner stated his death was a homicide.[552]
May 15 D'Juantez Anthony Mitchell 30 Jeffersontown, Kentucky Police investigated Mitchell in connection with a series of robberies. As officers surrounded Mitchell in his vehicle, he accelerated, hitting a Jeffersontown Police car. An officer with the Louisville Metro Police Department then shot him.[553]
May 26 Terrence Bridges Jr. 30 Kansas City, Missouri Police responded to reports of a carjacking and encountered Bridges. After a struggle Bridges was shot by Officer Dylan Pifer, who told investigators he feared Bridges was reaching for a gun in his sweatshirt.[554]
June 16 Ryan Twyman 24 Willowbrook, California Deputy Andrew Lyons and another deputy responded to an apartment complex and shot Twyman after he put his vehicle into reverse. Lyons then retrieved his semiautomatic rifle and fired again, after the vehicle stopped moving. Lyons was charged with one felony count of voluntary manslaughter and two felony counts of assault with a semiautomatic firearm.[555]
July 5 Tymar Crawford 28 Pensacola, Florida Police pulled Crawford over for marijuana. After fleeing from officers, Crawford and an officer scuffled, at which point another officer shot him. The officer who shot Crawford was later fired for violating department policy.[556]
July 25 Josef Richardson 38 Port Allen, Louisiana Deputy Vance Mantranga shot Richardson in the back of the neck during a drug sting after he reached towards his waistband.[557]
August 24 Elijah McClain 23 Aurora, Colorado McClain, a massage therapist, died after officers Nathan Woodyard, Jason Rosenblatt, and Randy Roedema restrained him, after which paramedics Jeremy Cooper and Peter Cichuniec used ketamine to sedate him. McClain fell unconscious, was declared brain dead, and died on August 30. Originally listed as undetermined and unknown, McClain's autopsy report was later amended to state his death was caused by "acute Ketamine administration during violent subdual and restraint by law enforcement and emergency response personnel," although the manner of death was still undetermined. The officers and paramedics were charged with manslaughter and lesser charges.[558]
September 5 Byron Williams 50 Las Vegas, Nevada Williams died after police restrained him after he was stopped for riding his bicycle without safety lights. The county coroner's office ruled his death a homicide.[559]
October 14 Christopher Whitfield 31 Ethel, Louisiana Deputy Glenn Sims Sr. chased Whitfield after he allegedly stole raw chicken from a convenience store. Sims fired a warning shot into the ground and grabbed the back of Whitfield's hoodie, leading to a scuffle. Police say during the scuffle, Whitfield hit Sims' gun, causing it to fire and hit Whitfield in the back.[560]
October 28 Marshall Miles 36 Sacramento, California Police arrested Miles after he was reported for jumping on cars. When he was transported to jail he struggled with officers and fell unconscious, dying four days later. An autopsy determined his death was caused by a combination of "complications of cardiopulmonary arrest during restraint and mixed drug intoxication".[561]
December 2 Michael Lorenzo Dean 28 Temple, Texas Officer Carmen DeCruz shot and killed Dean after a traffic stop. An affidavit says DeCruz pointed his gun at Dean with his right hand and tried to pull Dean's car keys with his left, leading him to shoot Dean. DeCruz resigned and was charged with second-degree-manslaughter.[562] He was acquitted in February 2023.[563]
December 3 Cameron Lamb 26 Kansas City, Missouri Following a traffic accident Officer Erik J. DeValkenaere shot and killed Lamb as he backed his pick-up truck into his driveway. DeValkenaere said he believed Lamb was pointing a gun at his partner, but Lamb was unarmed. DeValkenaere was sentenced to six years in prison for involuntary manslaughter and armed criminal actions.[564]


Date Name Age City Description
January 5 Kwame Jones 17 Jacksonville, Florida An officer attempted to pull over a stolen vehicle, causing a chase. After the vehicle crash a backseat passenger pointed a gun at the officer. The officer shot the backseat passenger and Jones, in the front passenger seat. The backseat passenger survived.[565]
January 27 William Howard Green 43 Oxon Hill, Maryland Officer Michael Owen Jr. handcuffed Green after a car accident and put him in the passenger seat of his vehicle, as the backseat did not have a divider. At some point, Owen got into the front seat and shot Green. Investigators were originally told that the officers believed Green was under the influence of PCP and there was a struggle, but neither were true. Owen was charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter the day after.[566]
January 28 Jaquyn Oneill Light 20 Graham, North Carolina Light ran outside his back door after police arrived and collided with Officer Marcus Pollock. The district attorney stated Pollock could have either fired accidentally or in self-defense, but the former was most likely what happened. Pollock was not charged.[567]
February 1 Leonard Parker Jr. 53 Gulfport, Mississippi During a birthday party Parker attempted to diffuse an argument between a man and his girlfriend, causing a brief fight between the two men. After a guest at the party called police, Parker offered to drive the other man back to his hotel. As Parker backed out of the driveway, an officer responding to the earlier call opened fire, killing him. According to witnesses the truck was moving around three to five miles when the officer fired.[568]
March 3 Manuel Ellis 33 Tacoma, Washington Manuel Ellis died during an arrest by police officers.[569] Police claimed Ellis initiated a fight,[569] while state prosecutors quoted civilian witnesses stating that police initiated physical force while Ellis did not fight back.[569] Video showed officers punching Ellis, choking him, using a taser, and kneeling on him.[570] Ellis was recorded saying he "can't breathe".[570] Ellis was hogtied, face-down, with an officer on him, for at least six minutes, and a spit hood was placed on his head, stated prosecutors.[571][572] Ellis died at the scene while receiving medical aid.[569] Ellis's death was ruled as a homicide.[569] Two officers were charged with murder; another officer was charged with manslaughter.[569] On December 21, 2023, a jury found all three officers not guilty on all charges.[573][574]
March 8 Barry Gedeus 27 Fort Lauderdale, Florida Police approached Gedeus in connection with an earlier sexual battery. Police chased Gedeus and one shot him. Gedeus was unarmed when he was shot.[575]
March 12 Donnie Sanders 47 Kansas City, Missouri An officer shot and killed Sanders after he ran from a traffic stop and raised his arms "as though he had a weapon". Sanders was unarmed.[576]
March 13 Breonna Taylor 26 Louisville, Kentucky Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old emergency medical technician, was fatally shot by Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) officers Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove on March 13, 2020. According to a wrongful death lawsuit filed against the police by the Taylor family's attorney, the officers, who were dressed in plain clothes, breached Taylor's front door with a battering ram and entered without knocking or announcing a search warrant, opened fire "with a total disregard for the value of human life".[577][578]
March 23 Daniel Prude 41 Rochester, New York Responding to a mental health call, officers physically restrained Prude and put a spit hood on him. Prude stopped breathing and was taken off life support a week later. An autopsy ruled his death a homicide.[579]
March 30 Sterling Lester Chest Jr. 45 Springfield, Massachusetts Police were called to report concerns about Chest's mental state. After an emergency psychiatric hospitalization was approved, police spoke to Chest, who pushed them. Officers used a stun gun on him and handcuffed him before taking him to the hospital. He died a few days later on April 3, and an autopsy ruled he died from cardiac tamponade following a physical altercation with police including an electric shock. His manner of death was undetermined.[580]
April 23 Fred Brown 34 North Las Vegas, Nevada Police accompanying a woman to her apartment encountered Brown, who had a warrant for his arrest. When police attempted to arrest him, Brown fought with officers, at one point putting an officer in a chokehold. The officer broke free, then shot Brown.[581]
April 24 Michael Ramos 42 Austin, Texas A woman called police to report Ramos and other people using drugs in a car with a gun, though the caller later stated she never saw a gun and had reported what other bystanders had told her. When Officer Christopher Taylor arrived, Ramos exited the car with his hands up and shirt raised. He then reentered the car and began to drive away. Taylor shot Ramos with a beanbag, then a rifle. He was charged with murder but a mistrial was declared. Taylor is also facing murder charges for a separate shooting.[582]
April 29 Denzel Marshal Taylor Unknown Sikeston, Missouri Officers responded to a shooting involving Milton Taylor, who identified his son Denzel as the one who shot him. Police found Denzel, who had his hands in his pockets. Taylor refused to remove his hands from his pockets and told the officers to kill him. Police then shot Taylor, who had a piece of wood in his pocket.[583]
May 1 Shaun Fuhr 24 Seattle, Washington A woman called police to report Fuhr had shot at her and taken their daughter at gunpoint. As officers chased Fuhr in the Columbia City neighborhood, an officer shot him in the head as he held his daughter. While Fuhr had wielded a gun prior, he had dropped it by the time he was shot.[584]
May 23 Maurice Gordon 28 Bass River, New Jersey Gordon was pulled over for speeding by State Trooper Randall Wetzel. During the stop Gordon's car became disabled, so Wetzel invited him to sit in the back seat of his police vehicle. After questioning why he kept getting up and unbuckling his seat belt, Wetzel went to get him a face mask. Gordon then got out of the vehicle and ran. Wetzel pulled Gordon away from the vehicle after he approached the driver's seat, and after a struggle Wetzel fired six times.[585]
May 25 George Floyd 46 Minneapolis, Minnesota George Floyd was murdered by a police officer, Derek Chauvin, who knelt on Floyd's neck for over ten minutes while Floyd was handcuffed and lying face-down on the street. Two other officers further restrained Floyd and a fourth officer prevented onlookers from intervening.[586] During the final three minutes, Floyd was motionless and had no pulse. Officers made no attempt to revive him, and Chauvin's knee remained on his neck even as emergency medical technicians attempted to treat him.[587] Two autopsies found Floyd's death to be a homicide.[588][589] After a seven-week trial, on April 21, 2021, a Minnesota state jury convicted Chauvin of murdering Floyd.[590]
June 10 Michael L. Thomas 62 Lancaster, California Deputies responded to Thomas's home after a domestic violence report. Thomas refused to let the deputies into his home and police shot him after a confrontation. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said Thomas reached to grab a deputy's weapon, while his fiancée disputed this.[591]
July 6 William Wade Burgess III 27 St. Louis, Missouri Deputy James Buchanan was driving to work when he witnessed Burgess attempting to drive over a boy and his grandfather, who he had attacked earlier. Buchanan chased Burgess and shot him in an alley. Although Buchanan had wielded a weapon during the earlier attack, he was unarmed when Buchanan shot him. Buchanan was indicted on second-degree murder and armed criminal action charges in 2021.[592]
August 6 Ammir Johnson 30 Ventnor City, New Jersey Police from Ventnor City and Atlantic City were called after onlookers reported a man had slashed his wrists along a road. When police arrived, one attempted to use a stun gun on Johnson but it did not work. When Johnson charged towards officers holding a broken bottle, police shot him.[593]
August 7 Julian Edward Roosevelt Lewis 60 Screven County, Georgia Officer Jacob Gordon Thompson shot Lewis after performing a PIT maneuver. Thompson was charged with felony murder and aggrivated assault but the charges were later dropped.[594]
September 23 Kurt Reinhold 42 San Clemente, California After stopping Reinhold for jaywalking, a struggle broke out and Deputy Eduardo Duran shot Reinhold. The deputy claims Reinhold tried to take his weapon.[595]
October 3 Jonathan Price 31 Wolfe City, Texas Price intervened in a disturbance at a gas station. When Officer Shaun Lucas arrived, he tased then shot Price. Lucas was charged with murder two days later.[596] He was acquitted in September 2022.[597]
October 12 Anthony Jones 24 Bethel Springs, Tennessee Following a chase Jones crashed his car and "portrayed, with actions and statements, to have a firearm," according to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, although no firearm was recovered. An officer from Henderson shot Jones.[598]
October 15 Dana Young 47 Los Angeles, California Police attempted to arrest Young for kidnapping a woman at gunpoint. Following a vehicle chase, Young exited his vehicle and approached deputies holding a black object. A deputy shot him four times after Young raised the object, which was found to be a black COVID-19 mask.[599]
October 20 Marcellis Stinnette 19 Waukegan, Illinois Stinnette was a passenger in a vehicle driven by his girlfriend, Tafara Williams, parked outside Williams's mother's apartment. When an officer approached the car after a report of a suspicious vehicle, it fled. A short time later, Officer Dante Salinas pulled the car over. The vehicle crashed and Williams drove in reverse. Salinas, who was not in the path of the vehicle, opened fire, killing Stinnette and wounding Williams. In September 2022 Salinas was charged with second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter, while Williams was charged with aggravated fleeing.[600]
November 8 Frederick Cox 18 High Point, North Carolina Cox was attending a funeral at a church for a murder victim when a drive-by shooting occurred. Under disputed circumstances, Cox was shot and killed by Deputy Michael Shane Hill who had been investigating the murder and was at the funeral at the request of murder victim's family. According to a lawsuit from Cox's family, during the drive-by shooting, Cox ran to the church and was holding the door open for a mother and son when Hill shot him in the back. The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation said that Hill had reported seeing Cox with a handgun when he shot him and that other witnesses had observed a handgun close to Cox after the shooting. Cox's family disputed this, claiming he was unarmed.[601] An investigation determined that Cox was unarmed at the time of the shooting.[602]
November 13 Angelo Crooms 16 Cocoa, Florida Police were investigating a stolen car when they encountered Pierce and Crooms, who were borrowing the vehicle. Officer Santiago-Miranda shot and killed Pierce and Crooms, when the vehicle drove forwards in the direction of the officer.[603]
Sincere Pierce 18
December 17 Johnny Lorenzo Bolton 49 Smyrna, Georgia Police served a no-knock warrant against Bolton. When Bolton stood up, a deputy shot him twice. A jury recommended charges against the deputy who shot Bolton.[604]
December 22 Andre Hill 47 Columbus, Ohio Two officers were responding to a call of a vehicle being turned off and on when one of them shot Hill, who was leaving a friend's garage. Hill was holding a phone at the time.[605][606][607] Officer Adam Coy was indicted on murder and several other charges in 2021.[608]


Date Name Age City Description
January 1 Carl Dorsey 39 Newark, New Jersey Undercover Officer Rod Simpkins responded after hearing gunfire and shot Dorsey. Simpkins was not wearing a body camera but surveillance footage showed Dorsey was unarmed. Dorsey's death was the first Newark Police shooting since before 2020, which had gone without a single shooting.[609]
January 1 Akeem Terrell 31 Phoenix, Arizona Police were called after Terrell, who had schizophrenia, refused to leave a party. Police arrested Terrell and transported him to jail, where Terrell believed he had been taken to a fake facility. Police put Terrell in a prone position and held him down, with as many as seven officers on top of him at one point. After checking on Terrell through a cell door after six minutes and seeing him motionless, officers performed CPR, but Terrell died at the hospital. An autopsy listed positional asphyxia as among the factors that killed him.[610][611]
January 10 Patrick Warren 52 Killeen, Texas Responding to a mental health call, Officer Reynaldo Contreras tased and shot Patrick Warren as he approached the officer waving his arms. A grand jury declined to indict Contreras.[612]
January 13 Lymond Moses 30 Wilmington, Delaware Police pursued Moses while investigating stolen vehicles. After the chase entered a dead-end, Moses turned around and faced his vehicle towards officers and drove forwards. One officer shot Moses as the car began angling to the left, then fired several more times as he drove away.[613]
February 4 Jenoah Donald 30 Hazel Dell, Washington Deputies pulled Donald over for a broken taillight. After the situation escalated, a deputy attempted to pull Donald from his vehicle. A second deputy shot Donald, later saying she feared he was reaching for an object, which a lawyer for Donald's family stated was a cordless drill.[614]
February 13 Daverion Kinard 29 Fontana, California Kinard, who was previously spotted breaking and entering into a house, was found sitting inside a portable toilet by an officer, and would be fatally shot after unrolling his right hand to reveal a metallic object which was later determined to be a lighter.[615]
April 7 James Lionel Johnson 38 Takoma Park, Maryland David Hall Dixon, an off-duty officer with the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, shot Johnson and Williams, who he believed had stolen a car. The two men were shot after they had passed Dixon, and both were shot in the back. Dixon was charged with two counts of second-degree murder.[616]
Dominique Williams 32
April 11 Daunte Wright 20 Brooklyn Center, Minnesota After pulling Wright over, officers attempted to arrest him for an outstanding warrant. Following a struggle, Wright got back into his car, Kimberly Potter shot him. Wright drove several blocks before hitting another vehicle.[617][618] The chief of Brooklyn Center Police said the officer who shot Wright meant to use her taser.[619]
April 14 Lindani Myeni 29 Honolulu, Hawaii Police shot and killed Myeni outside a house after a woman called to report he had broken into the building. Myeni's wife and her lawyer say Myeni mistook the house for a nearby temple. Prosecutor Steve Alm declined to file charges against the officers involved.[620][621]
April 21 Andrew Brown Jr. 42 Elizabeth City, North Carolina While serving a warrant on Brown for drug distribution, Brown attempted to drive away, backing his vehicle before turning left, grazing an officer. Police shot at Brown 14 times, 13 of which were fired as Brown drove away.[622]
May 3 La'Mello Parker 3 months Biloxi, Mississippi Parker, a three-month-old baby, was abducted by his father Eric Derell Smith after he killed Parker's mother and her nephew in Louisiana. Following a chase, a shootout occurred between Smith and police, and Parker was shot.[623]
May 4 Latoya James 37 Woodbine, Georgia James was visiting her cousin Varshan Brown when deputies served a narcotics warrant. A shootout occurred between Brown and the deputies, and James was accidentally shot. Brown was charged with James's death, and the two deputies were not indicted.[624]
June 1 Renardo Green 51 Annapolis, Maryland Police were called to Green's apartment after his wife said he was under the influence of PCP. Police and paramedics restrained Green face-down, and he suffered a cardiac arrest, dying in a hospital days later. His death was ruled a homicide due to being restrained on his stomach, preventing breathing, with drug use also contributing to his death.[625]
June 13 Eric Cole 42 Springfield, Ohio Cole called 911 to report someone shot him in the shoulder and that he was in the middle of the street. Dispatchers did not inform the responding officer that Cole was in the road, and when the officer arrived she drove over Cole. The coroner's report stated that Cole was killed by blunt force trauma from being struck by the police cruiser.[626]
June 16 Jermaine Sonnier 19 Houston, Texas Police pulled Sonnier over during a drug investigation. After he ran, police tased and struggled with Sonnier, who complained of difficulty breathing. He was taken to a hospital, where he died. His death was ruled a homicide due to "arrhythmia associated with acute methamphetamine toxicity during physical pursuit and restraint."[627]
June 22 Frederick Holder 28 Norwalk, California Deputies attempted to pull over Holder after seeing his van driving erratically. As they approached the car, they saw Holder holding an L-shaped object and fired. Holder was carrying a butane lighter with a handle.[628]
July 6 Leneal Frazier 40 Minneapolis, Minnesota Frazier was killed when his vehicle was struck by a police vehicle that was pursuing another vehicle in a high-speed chase. Frazier was an uninvolved bystander. The police officer pleaded guilty to vehicular homicide for causing Frazier's death.[629][630][631]
July 10 James Holland Sr. 37 Avondale, Arizona Police responded to reports that a man walking in the street and encounter Holland, in a state of psychosis and only wearing boxers and tennis shoes. Officers tased Holland several times, with one officer placing her knee on his back before tasing him. He began foaming at the mouth and later died. His death was ruled a homicide.[632]
July 26 Damien Cameron 29 Braxton, Mississippi Deputy Hunter Elward responded to a report that Cameron was burglarizing his home. Elward and another deputy tasered, tackled, and punched Cameron before restraining and arresting him. The Mississippi Chief Medical Examiner said Cameron's cause of death was undetermined, but three pathologists consulted by The New York Times argued the death should have been ruled a homicide. Edward was later one of six officers who tortured two black men at a home in Braxton.[633]
August 24 Tory Brown 22 College Park, Georgia Police attempted to arrest Brown for violating his parole. When deputies entered his apartment, Brown "quickly advanced toward" them and one deputy shot him. No guns were found at the scene.[634]
August 27 Fanta Bility 8 Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania After a high school football game ended two teenagers opened fire following a dispute. Officers Brian Devaney, Devon Smith and Sean Dolan fired back, striking four people, including Bility, who died. The two teenagers were initially charged with her death, but those charges were later dropped, and the three officers were charged instead.[635]
September 24 Cedric Lofton 17 Wichita, Kansas After a report by Lofton's foster family officers took him to the Sedgwick County Juvenile Intake and Assessment Center. After Lofton punched a staff member he was restrained, shackled, and handcuffed. Several minutes later, staff members were unable to find a pulse, and Lofton died at a hospital two days later. An autopsy ruled his death a homicide.[636]
October 4 Michael Craig 61 Chicago, Illinois Craig called police to report his wife was threatening him with a knife. Officer Alberto Covarrubias arrived on the scene and shot Craig. Craig's wife was charged with stabbing him.[637]
October 11 Jermaine Jones 24 Augusta, Georgia During a traffic stop, Jones attempted to run away, leading an officer to use his taser on him. Jones fell to the ground and hit his head. He was taken to a hospital, where he died a week later. His death was ruled a homicide. The deputies involved were cleared of wrongdoing.[638]
October 13 Jim Rogers 54 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Police responded after Rogers, who was homeless, was accused of stealing a bicycle, although the bike's owner stated she was giving it away and Rogers was taking it for a test ride. Police tased Rogers eight times; he fell unconscious and died a day later at a hospital. An autopsy ruled his death was accidental. Five officers were fired for their roles in Rogers's death.[639][640]
October 14 Calvin Wilks Jr. 40 Crestview, Florida Police responding to reports of a person shouting for help. Police tased Wilks, who fell unconscious and died. His death was ruled a homicide, and Officers Brandon Hardaway, William Johns and Evan Reynolds were indicted for manslaughter.[641]
November 6 Eldred Wells Sr. 70 Joliet, Illinois Deputies Nick Binnendyk and Desmond Warren responded to a domestic disturbance and found 21-year-old Jabbar Muhammad and Wells, his grandfather. When Muhammad began to stab Wells, police fired, killing both men.[642]
December 5 Quadry Sanders 29 Lawton, Oklahoma Officers Robert Hinkle and Nathan Ronan responded to reports that Sanders was holding a gun in his home and not letting a resident leave. The two officers fired at Sanders a total of 15 times. No weapon was found on or near Sanders, and he was holding a cap when he was shot. The two officers were later charged with first-degree manslaughter.[643]
December 10 Terence Caffey 30 Little Rock, Arkansas An off-duty deputy working security at a movie theater attempted to arrest Caffey after he allegedly fought with theater workers. The deputy restrained Caffey, who fell unconscious and died. His death was ruled a homicide. The Pulaski County prosecutor declined to file charges against the deputy.[644]
December 26 James Lowery 40 Titusville, Florida Following an assault report police pursued Lowery for a warrant. After he threw a bag of narcotics over a fence and tried to climb it, Officer Joshua Payne fired both his firearm and taser, striking Lowery. Payne was charged with manslaughter in 2022.[645]


Date Name Age City Description
January 8 Jason Walker 37 Fayetteville, North Carolina An off-duty sheriff's deputy shot and killed Walker after he allegedly jumped on the hood of the deputy's vehicle. A witness says Walker was shot while he was on the ground.[646]
January 30 Dyonta Quarles Jr. 20 Crofton, Maryland Police responded to a report of a domestic dispute. They encountered Quarles, who charged at an officer, and a struggle occurred, with a stun gun failing to work. When the officers had Quarles restrained, he bit Officer J. Ricci's finger, and Ricci shot him.[647]
February 6 Robert "Junior" Langley 46 Georgetown County, South Carolina Officer Cassandra Dollard of the Hemingway Police Department in Williamsburg County attempted to pull over Langley for disregarding a stop sign. After a chase, Langley crashed his car into a ditch in Georgetown County. As Langley attempted to exit his vehicle, Dollard shot him once in the chest. Dollard was charged with voluntary manslaughter.[648]
February 19 Donnell Rochester 18 Baltimore, Maryland Officers attempted to perform a traffic stop for failure to appear in court on a carjacking charge. Police shot Rochester after his vehicle moved forwards. On a search and seizure warrant officers stated that Rochester had struck an officer, but bodycam footage showed the officer say the car did not hit him.[649]
February 22 Tracy Gaeta 54 Stockton, California An officer pursued Gaeta after she was suspected of hitting a police vehicle in her car. After a pursuit Gaeta backed up at a dead-end, and the officer fired 18 times. After firing several more shots, the vehicle pulled forward and reversed away from the officer. The officer then fired again over a dozen times.[650]
March 11 Tyrea Pryor 39 Independence, Missouri Police pursued Pryor after he yelled and banged on a man's door. Following a chase, his car crashed, pinning the driver, Pryor, inside. As police removed a front seat and backseat passenger, one officer attempted to remove an AR-15 from the back of the vehicle. An officer outside yelled that there was a gun, leading police to shoot Pryor. Aside from the AR-15 being removed from the car, no weapons were found in the vehicle.[651]
April 4 Patrick Lyoya 26 Grand Rapids, Michigan Officer Christopher Schurr attempted to arrest Lyoya following a traffic stop. The two struggled over Schurr's taser. During the struggle Schurr shot him in the back of the head. Schurr was charged with second-degree murder.[652]
April 25 Herman Whitfield 39 Indianapolis, Indiana Police responding to a mental health call used a stun gun on Whitfield and restrained him despite him saying he could not breathe. The coroner's officer ruled Whitfield's death a homicide and said he died from "cardiopulmonary arrest in the setting of law enforcement subdual, prone restraint and conducted electrical weapon use".[653]
April 27 Jalen Randle 29 Houston, Texas An officer shot Randle after a chase after he exited his vehicle. The officer who shot him started to give a command but fired before finishing his sentence, hitting Randle in the back of the neck. Randle was holding a shoe and a bag with a firearm in it.[654]
May 4 Rogers Kyaruzi 30 Atlanta, Georgia An officer working a part-time job responded to a disturbance where Kyaruzi attempted to follow a person into a restaurant. The officer and Kyaruzi got into a fight, and the officer shot Kyaruzi after he allegedly tried to reach for the officer's gun.[655]
May 25 Abe Banks 53 Winn Parish, Louisiana Police responded to reports of a disturbance in Jonesboro and chased Banks onto the highway. After Banks' vehicle suffered a mechanical failure he stopped in the roadway. Deputies shot Banks after he did not follow their commands.[656]
June 26 Jayland Walker 25 Akron, Ohio Walker, 25, was shot following an attempted traffic stop and foot chase. Officers fired more than 90 bullets at Walker, who sustained 60 wounds. Footage of the shooting was released one week later, on July 3, 2022.[657]
July 7 Brett Rosenau 15 Albuquerque, New Mexico During a standoff with a man wanted for a parole violation, the man and Rosenau fled into a home. Police fired a pepper-spray canister, which set a mattress on fire and sparked a house fire. The other man left the house and was arrested, while Rosenau stayed inside and died of smoke inhalation. His death was ruled a homicide.[658]
July 8 Roderick Brooks 47 Houston, Texas Deputy Garrett Hardin responded to a shoplifting report at a Dollar General and encountered Brooks. After Hardin tased and restrained Brooks a struggle occurred, and Hardin shot Brooks in the back of the head. Bodycam footage shows Brooks grab the taser, but he had never pointed the taser at Hardin and let go of it by the time Hardin shot him.[659]
July 20 Jason Lipscomb 21 Gastonia, North Carolina Police responded to reports Lipscomb had kidnapped children he knew, driving them to his mother and stepfather's home. As officers surrounded his vehicle he backed up, hitting an officer, before attempting to drive forward, away from officers. Police fired more than a dozen times.[660]
July 21 Raymond Chaluisant 18 New York City, New York An off-duty corrections officer shot at a car where Chaluisant, who had a gel blaster, was a passenger. It is unclear if the gel blaster was fired, but the Correction Officers' Benevolent Association claimed the gel blaster had hit the officer in the back. The corrections officer failed to report the shooting and was arrested the next day;[661] according to his lawyer, the corrections officer had not realized he had hit anyone as after he fired the shot, the car had driven away. The corrections officer was indicted in August with a further hearing scheduled for November.[662]
July 28 Kyle Dail 30 Dallas, Texas Police attempted to arrest Dail after a reported drug deal. According to police Dail pulled out a firearm and threw it down an aisle, shortly after which an officer shot him.[663]
August 2 Presley Eze 36 Las Cruces, New Mexico Police responded to reports that a shirtless man had taken a beer from a gas station without paying. Police questioned Eze and after failing to identify him attempted to arrest him, resulting in a struggle. Officer Brad Lunsford shot Eze as he was on top of another officer. He was charged with manslaughter for the shooting in October 2023.[664]
August 21 Nasanto Antonio Crenshaw 17 Greensboro, North Carolina Police pursued a stolen car after it fled a traffic stop. After being stopped a second time, several occupants left while the driver drove forward, hitting a police car. Police then fired, hitting Crenshaw.[665]
August 30 Donovan Lewis 20 Columbus, Ohio Police served a warrant at Lewis's apartment for improperly handling a firearm, assault, and domestic violence. When police entered Lewis's bedroom an officer shot him after he sat up in bed with an object in his hand. No weapon was found on Lewis, but a vape pen was found nearby.[666]
September 5 Maalik Roquemore 32 Cleveland, Ohio An officer with the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) was patrolling when Roquemore, who had schizophrenia, flagged him down. As the officer exited his vehicle, Roquemore ran to the officer and began punching him. After using his taser, the officer pulled his gun. Roquemore ran away before turning back and running back towards the officer, at which point the officer shot him.[667]
September 14 Genesis Hicks 26 Frisco, Texas Police approached Hicks after he was accused of using false identification to buy a car from a dealership. When Hicks ran, police tased him, causing him to hit his head on the ground. Hicks fell into a coma and died two weeks later on September 29.[668]
October 5 Gershun Freeman 33 Memphis, Tennessee Freeman, who was nude, died after being assaulted at the Shelby County Jail.[669][670]
October 25 James Wilborn 35 Atlanta, Georgia Wilborn and a female friend were in a car when Wilborn's ex-girlfriend recognized him and climbed onto the hood of his vehicle. Wilborn attempted to drive off, causing his ex-girlfriend to fall, which was witnessed by an off-duty officer. The officer approached Wilborn, who exited his vehicle, and the two fought before the officer shot Wilborn once.[671][672]
November 1 Eric Allen 39 Mount Juliet, Tennessee Police pulled over a vehicle where Allen was a passenger, and the driver was fined for driving without a license or insurance. After Allen was asked to retrieve a dog from the vehicle, he rolled up the passenger-side window and raised his hands. When Sergeant Josh Lo opened the passenger door, Allen moved to the drivers seat and began driving away as Lo entered the vehicle. Lo used a taser, then shot Allen.[673]
November 10 Ki'Azia Miller 27 Detroit, Michigan Police were called by Miller's mother, who reported her daughter was experiencing a mental health crisis and had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, stating Miller had hit her child. Police found Miller dressed in her underwear, with one officer seemingly hiding behind a tree, as filmed by Miller. Two officers then entered the home and a struggle occurred, ending with an officer shooting Miller, stating she was reaching for his gun. Detroit Police Chief James White recommended the three total officers involved be suspended without pay, although only the two officers who entered the home were.[674]
November 19 Immanueal Clark-Johnson 30 Portland, Oregon Police surrounded Clark-Johnson's vehicle for matching a general description of a vehicle involved in an earlier armed robbery. Clark-Johnson exited and ran away, and Officer Christopher Sathoff, stating he believed Clark-Johnson was reaching for a weapon, shot him in the back with an AR-15 rifle. Clark-Johnson died two days later. He was not involved in the armed robbery, and the officers who followed him had not been informed that there was surveillance footage of the robber's vehicle, or that the victims said the suspects were four white males.[675]
November 21 Eric Holmes 19 Morrow, Georgia An officer investigating a stolen vehicle found it in a parking lot. Holmes approached the officer and spoke to him but did not mention any connection to the vehicle. Shortly after, he entered the vehicle and began to drive away, with the officer firing several shots, hitting Holmes in the back, and Holmes crashing nearby. The officer was allowed to resign before he would be terminated.[676]
November 29 Kenneth Knotts 41 Dallas, Texas Police in Hutchin took Knotts into custody after reports of him walking on top of his vehicle with his 3-year-old son, during which he told officers he believed police and the government were trying to kill him. He was taken to UT Southwestern Medical Center. Several hours later officers with the hospital's police department responded to a disturbance in his room and Knotts fled the scene. He was found outside, where officers tased him several times. His condition deteriorated and he died, and his death was later declared a homicide.[677]
December 12 Joshua Leon Wright 36 Kyle, Texas Wright, who was in jail for misdemeanor charges, was taken to a hospital in Kyle for medical treatment. After asking to use the bathroom, Wright pushed pass corrections officer Isaiah Garcia and attempted to run away. Garcia shot Wright, who fell into a medical cart. He was indicted in April 2023 for the shooting.[678]
December 31 Keith Murriel 41 Jackson, Mississippi Police tasered Murriel after responding to a trespassing call at a hotel. He was placed in a police vehicle, where he died. Three officers were fired; two were later charged with murder and the third with manslaughter.[679]


Date Name Age City Description
January 7 Tyre Nichols 29 Memphis, Tennessee Nichols was pulled over for suspected reckless driving.[680] Police beat, pepper sprayed, and tased Nichols, who was taken to the hospital, dying three days later on January 10. A preliminary autopsy found he suffered "extensive bleeding caused by a severe beating." The five officers involved in the incident were fired, as well as two EMTS. The five officers were later charged with murder.[681]
January 17 Darryl Williams 32 Raleigh, North Carolina Police used stun guns on Williams while trying to arrest him. He died, and his death was later ruled a homicide due to cocaine intoxication, physical exertion, conducted energy weapon use, and physical restraint.[682]
February 3 Alonzo Bagley 43 Shreveport, Louisiana Police responded to a reported domestic disturbance at an apartment complex, where Bagley fled from an apartment balcony. After a foot pursuit Officer Alexander Tyler shot Bagley in the chest as he rounded an apartment corner. No weapons were found on or near Bagley.[683] Tyler was arrested for negligent homicide several weeks later.[684]
February 22 Timothy McCree Johnson 37 Tysons, Virginia Police were called to a Nordstrom store at Tysons Corner Center by loss prevention officers who reported a man was stealing sunglasses. Two officers chased the suspected thief, Johnson to a nearby wooded area and shot him. No weapons were found on or near Johnson.[685] One of the officers, Sergeant Wesley Shiffett, was later fired.[686]
February 24 James Lanier 34 Wallace, North Carolina Police responded to reports of a naked man disturbing customers at a convenience store and encountered Lanier. An officer shot Lanier after he repeatedly moved closer, firing three shots, one of which hit. The district attorney said the shooting was justified.[687]
March 5 Dexter Wade 37 Jackson, Mississippi Wade died after was struck and killed by an off-duty police officer driving along I-55. Wade's body was then buried in an unmarked grave.[688][689]
March 6 Irvo Otieno 28 Dinwiddie, Virginia Seven deputies from the Henrico County Sheriff's Office took an inmate, Otieno, to a mental health facility. During the intake process Otieno became combative with deputies, who restrained him. Otieno died, and the seven deputies were charged with second-degree murder about a week later.[690] Three hospital employees were also charged.[691]
March 18 Delaneo Martin 17 Washington, D.C. United States Park Police officers found Martin sleeping in a stolen vehicle. After surrounding the vehicle, one officer entered the backseat and ordered Martin not to move. Martin began driving away, and the officer in the backseat shot him.[692]
April 11 Jamarr Thompson 42 Houston, Texas An officer approached Thompson with his gun-drawn as Thompson sat in a stolen vehicle. After Thompson reversed into the officer's vehicle he stepped out with his hands raised, and the officer grabbed him before the two fought. After the two struggled on the ground for a minute, the officer drew his gun and fired. A friend of Thompson who gave the officer his taser after it fell on the ground was charged with interfering with public duties.[693]
June 6 Calvin Cains III 18 Metairie, Louisiana Police approached Cains, suspected of a road rage shooting, as he sat in a stolen vehicle in a parking garage. Deputies pulled their vehicles in front of his. Cains reversed his car, then turned and drove between the wall and the police car. As this happened, a deputy walking towards the scene shot through the windshield, killing Cains.[694]
July 2 Jawan Dallas 36 Mobile, Alabama Police encountered Dallas while responding to reports of a burglary. Officers tased Dallas, who fell unconscious and died at a hospital. An attorney for Dallas's family claimed he was 200 yards away when the burglary occurred and that eyewitnesses saw two white women and a light-skinned man fleeing the scene.[695]
July 3 Jarrell Garris 37 New Rochelle, New York Police were called to a supermarket after report of a man stealing fruit. Police scuffled with Garris, and Detective Steven Conn shot Garris after he allegedly reached for the officer's weapon.[696]
July 3 Ahmad Abdullah 25 Huntington, West Virginia An officer responded to a report of a man sitting near a gas meter with a lighter and claiming he had a gun. The officer encountered Abdullah and shot him after he charged at the officer.[697]
July 31 Ricky Cobb II 33 Minneapolis, Minnesota Troopers pulled Cobb over for not having taillights. After troopers asked him to exit his vehicle Cobb began to drive away, at which point a trooper on the passenger side fired two shots.[698]
August 5 Brandon Cole 36 Denver, Colorado Police responded to a domestic disturbance. During the call Cole lunged at an officer holding a black marker, which police mistook for a knife. An officer fired, killing Cole.[699]
August 10 Johnny Hollman 62 Atlanta, Georgia Hollman called police following a car accident. After police responded they determined Hollman was at fault and attempted to arrest him, tasing him. Hollman became unresponsive and died.[700]
August 18 Tahmon Wilson 20 Martinez, California Police responded to an alarm at a cannabis dispensary, though there was no indication from police or the dispensary that a burglary occurred. After police arrived, Tahmon Wilson and his brother Tommy Wilson attempted to drive away. Four officers fired into the vehicle, killing Tahmon and wounding Tommy.[701]
August 18 Jaquan Fletcher 32 Pontiac, Michigan Police responded to a report of a vehicle blocking a driveway and found Fletcher sleeping inside. After removing a gun from the car and placing it on the roof, police attempted to arrest Fletcher. A deputy shot and killed Fletcher after he put the vehicle into drive with the deputy hanging out.[702]
August 23 Kyeiree Myers 28 Washington Park, Illinois During a traffic stop a Washington Park officer approaches Myers and fought with him. Myers broke free and stole a police car, driving it into a nearby pole before an officer shot him. Myers drove to another county, where he exited the vehicle and died when a police car struck him.[703]
August 24 Ta'Kiya Young & unborn baby 21 Blendon Township, Ohio Young was sitting in her car outside a Kroger when Two police officers approached the car and demanded multiple times that Young exit the vehicle. One officer stood beside the driver's door and another stood in front of the vehicle. Young remained behind the wheel and told the officers that she did not steal anything. After about one minute, Young turned the steering wheel and the officer in front of the car drew his pistol. As the car lurched forward, the officer fired one shot through the windshield, killing Young and her unborn baby.
September 1 Daryl Vance 71 Detroit, Michigan An officer responded to a disorderly conduct call at a bowling alley and encountered Vance, the subject of the call. The two got into an argument, and the officer punched Vance, causing him to fall and hit his head on the pavement. Vance died of his injuries several weeks later. The officer was fired and charged with manslaughter.[704]
September 6 Dhal Pothwi 17 DeWitt, New York Mo and Pothwi died after an Onondaga County sheriff's deputy shot into the stolen vehicle they were in, causing it to crash a short time later. One of the boys died from gunshot wounds, while the other died from injuries sustained from the crash. Sources say that the driver of the car attempted to run the deputy over.[705][706]
Lueth Mo 15
October 16 Leonard Cure 53 Camden County, Georgia Police attempted to arrest Cure during a traffic stop. After being tased, Cure fought a deputy, who used his taser and baton against him, before shooting Cure.[707]
October 24 Darcel Edwards 35 Indianapolis, Indiana Police pursued Edwards after he fled a traffic stop. After an officer discovered his vehicle crashed in an intersection, police searched for Edwards and found him up in a nearby tree. Edwards refused to get down and reportedly told officers to shoot him, and an officer shot Edwards when he reached for his pocket. A gun holster was found on Edwards, but no weapons were.[708]
October 28 Vernard Toney Jr. 13 Washington, D.C. Toney and a 12-year-old boy approached an off-duty U.S. Marshal as he sat in his vehicle before his shift. They demanded the officer exit his car, with one of them holding his hand in his waistband pocket as if he had a gun. The officer exited his vehicle and shot Toney. The officer's handgun was the only gun recovered from the scene. The 12-year-old was later turned in by his mother.[709][710][711]
October 29 LaVaughn Coleman 21 Odenton, Maryland Police arrested Coleman and another man after they were reported for being in a car with guns and drugs. Coleman ran as he was being handcuffed, leading a trooper to tase him. Coleman hit his head and fell unconscious; he died of his injuries in December.[712]
November 1 Breonte Johnson- Davis 36 Palmetto, Florida A clerk at a Circle K convenience store called Palmetto Police after reporting that Davis was aggressive with staff and customers. When police arrived, Davis allegedly ran up to the officer's squad car and begin banging on the driver’s window. Davis also allegedly jumped on the hood of the patrol car and began rolling around. Davis continued resisted arrest and was tased, leading to him having a medical episode. Davis would later succumb to his injuries at a hospital on November 3rd.[713][714]

See also


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