This is a list of states in the Holy Roman Empire beginning with the letter B:

Name Type Circle Bench Formed Notes
Baar Landgraviate Swab 763: Gau county Bertholdsbaar 1070: To Sulz
1282: Sold to Austria
1283: To Fürstenberg
1806: To Baden
Babenhausen Lordship
1803: Principality
n/a n/a 12th Century: To Schönegg as fief of Tübingen 1378: Sold to Rechberg-Staufeneck
1432: To Rechberg-Babenhausen
1507: To Rechberg-Brandenburg
1537: To Rechberg-Kellmünz
1539: Sold to Fugger
1560: To Fugger-Wöllenburg
1598: To Fugger-Babenhausen
1803: HRE Prince
1806: To Bavaria
Baden Margraviate Swab the 4
c. 960 1190: Partitioned into Baden-Baden and Baden-Hachberg
1771: Reunited by Baden-Durlach
1803: HRE Elector
1806: Joined Confederation of the Rhine as a Grand Duchy
Baden-Baden Margraviate Swab PR 1190: Partitioned from Baden 1291: Partitioned into itself, Baden-Eberstein and Baden-Pforzheim
1335: Extinct; divided between Baden-Eberstein and Baden-Pforzheim
1348: Partitioned from Baden-Pforzheim
1515: Partitioned into itself, Baden-Durlach and Baden-Sponheim
1536: Partitioned into itself and Baden-Rodemachern
1588: Extinct; to Baden-Rodemachern
1622: Partitioned from Baden-Durlach
1771: Extinct; to Baden-Durlach
Baden-Durlach Margraviate Swab PR 1515: Partitioned from Baden-Baden 1577: Partitioned into itself, Baden-Hachberg and Baden-Sausenburg
1771: Renamed to Baden
Baden-Eberstein County Swab SC 1291: Partitioned from Baden-Baden 1353: Extinct; to Baden-Pforzheim
Baden-Hachberg (Baden-Hochberg) Margraviate Swab PR 1190: Partitioned from Baden 1290: Partitioned into itself and Baden-Sausenburg
1415: Extinct; to Baden-Baden
1482: Partitioned from Baden-Baden
1488: Extinct; to Baden-Baden
1577: Partitioned from Baden-Durlach
1591: Extinct; to Baden-Durlach
Baden-Pforzheim Margraviate n/a n/a 1291: Partitioned from Baden-Baden 1315: Partitioned into itself and Baden-Baden
1361: Extinct; to Baden-Baden
Baden-Rodemachern Margraviate n/a n/a 1537: Partitioned from Baden-Baden as fief of Luxembourg 1575: Partitioned into itself and Baden-Rodenheim
1596: Extinct; to Baden-Durlach
1622: Partitioned from Baden-Durlach
1666: Extinct; to Baden-Baden
Baden-Rodenheim Margraviate n/a n/a 1575: Partitioned from Baden-Rodemachern 1620: Extinct; to Baden-Durlach
Baden-Sausenberg Margraviate n/a n/a 1290: Partitioned from Baden-Hachberg 1503: Extinct; to Baden-Baden
1577: Partitioned from Baden-Durlach
1604: Extinct; to Baden-Durlach
Baden-Sponheim Margraviate n/a n/a 1515: Partitioned from Baden-Baden 1533: Extinct; to Baden-Baden
Badenweiler Lordship n/a n/a 1028: First mentioned, property of the Zähringen 1147: To Saxony
11??: To Swabia
1268: To Freiburg
1272: Partitioned from Freiburg
1303: Extinct; to Strasberg
1385: To Freiburg
1444: To Baden-Sausenberg
1503: Inherited by Baden-Baden
Baindt Abbacy Swab SP 1240: Abbey established 1376: Imperial immediacy; HRE Princess
1802: Secularised to Leyden
1803: To Aspremont-Lynden
1806: To Württemberg
Bamberg Bishopric Franc EC 1007: Diocese established c. 1242: HRE Prince of the Empire
1802: To Bavaria
Bar (Bar-le-Duc; Barrois; Mass; Meuse) County
1354: Duchy
Upp Rhen PR 959: To Lorraine (Upper Lotharingia) 1033: Partitioned from Lorraine
1301: Western half made fief of France
1354: Duke in France; HRE Margrave
1506: In personal union with Lorraine
1634-1659, 1670–1697, 1702–1714: To France
1766: To France permanently
Barby Lordship
1497: County
Upp Sax WT 974: To Quedlinburg Abbey 12th Century: To Arnstein
1226: Partitioned from Arnstein
1497: HRE Count
1565: Partitioned into Barby-Barby and Barby-Mühlingen
1651: Reunited by Barby-Mühlingen
1659: Extinct; to Saxony
Barby-Barby County Upp Sax WT 1565: Partitioned from Barby 1651: Extinct; to Barby-Mühlingen
Barby-Mühlingen County Upp Sax WT 1565: Partitioned from Barby 1651: Renamed to Barby
Barmstedt (Barmstede) Lordship n/a n/a 1149: First mentioned c. 1375: Extinct; to Holstein-Schaumburg
1640: To Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp
1649: Sold to Rantzau
1721: To Denmark
Basel Bishopric Upp Rhen EC c. 740: Diocese established 999: Acquired immediate territory
1032: HRE Prince of the Empire
1579: Allied to the Swiss Confederation
1792: Left-bank territories annexed to the Rauracian Republic
1803: Right-bank territories secularised and ceded to Baden
Basel Imperial City n/a n/a 1392: Acquired semi-independence; Free Imperial City 1501: Joined the Swiss Confederation
1648: Left the Empire as part of Switzerland
Bassenheim Lordship
1729: Barony
Originally to Isenburg-Braunsberg as fief of Cologne 13th Century: To Waldbott von Waltmannshausen as fief of Cologne
1337: To Waldbott von Bassenheim as fief of Cologne
1729: Imperial immediacy; HRE Baron
1794: To France
1815: To Prussia
Battenburg County n/a n/a 1101: First mentioned 1238: Partitioned into itself and Wittgenstein
1291: Half sold to Mainz
1296: Remainder sold to Mainz
1310: Extinct
1464: Sold to Hesse
Baumburg (Baumberg; Naumburg) Raugraviate n/a n/a c. 1148: Partitioned from the Wildgraviate 1172: Partitioned into Stolzenberg and itself
1253: Partitioned into Neuenbaumburg and Altenbaumburg
Bavaria (Bayern) Duchy
1623: Electorate
1806: Kingdom
Bav EL c. 520: First mentioned 1185: Acquired the Burgraviate of Regensburg
1214: Acquired the County Palatine of the Rhine
1255: Partitioned into Upper and Lower Bavaria
1340: Reunited by Upper Bavaria
1349: Partitioned into Brandenburg, Upper Bavaria and Lower Bavaria
1505: Reunited by Bavaria-Munich
1545: Bavaria reunited after many divisions
1623: HRE Elector; Acquired Upper Palatinate
1646: Side line Bavaria-Leuchtenberg founded
1806: Joined the Confederation of the Rhine as Kingdom
Bavaria-Dachau Duchy Bav PR 1467: Partitioned from Bavaria-Munich 1501: Extinct; to Bavaria-Munich
Bavaria-Haag Duchy Bav PR 1650: Created when Albert VI of Bavaria-Leuchtenberg acquired Haag 1666: Extinct; to Bavaria
Bavaria-Ingolstadt Duchy n/a n/a 1392: Partitioned from Bavaria-Landshut 1445: Extinct; to Bavaria-Landshut
Bavaria-Landshut Duchy Bav PR 1353: Partitioned from Lower Bavaria 1392: Partitioned into Bavaria-Ingolstadt, Bavaria-Landshut and Bavaria-Munich
1503: Extinct; succession dispute between Bavaria-Munich and Palatinate-Neuburg
1505: Annexed to Bavaria-Munich
Bavaria-Leuchtenberg Duchy Bav PR 1646: Created when Albert VI of Bavaria acquired Leuchtenberg 1650: Exchanged with Maximilian to form Bavaria-Haag
1680: Extinct; to Bavaria
Bavaria-Munich Duchy n/a n/a 1392: Partitioned from Bavaria-Landshut 1467: Partitioned into Bavaria-Munich and Bavaria-Dachau
1505: Became D. of Bavaria
Bavaria-Straubing Duchy Bav PR 1353: Partitioned from Lower Bavaria 1425: Extinct; divided between Bavaria-Ingolstadt, Bavaria-Landshut and Bavaria-Munich
Beckenried Abbacy Swab SP 1521: Identified in the Reichsmatrikel 1521 as an Imperial Abbey, but the house has not been identified. Assumed to be at Beckenried, Nidwalden
Beichlingen Lordship Upp Sax WE 1014: First mentioned 1275: Partitioned into Beichlingen-Beichlingen and Beichlingen-Rothenburg
1360: Reunited by Beichlingen-Beichlingen
1519: Sold Beichlingen to Werthern; remaining territories as fief to Saxony
1567: Extinct
Beichlingen-Beichlingen Lordship n/a n/a 1275: Partitioned from Beichlingen 1320: Partitioned into itself and Beichlingen-Sachsenfeld
1330: Sold Heringen to Hohnstein-Klettenberg
1360: Renamed to Beichlingen
Beichlingen-Rothenburg Lordship n/a n/a 1275: Partitioned from Beichlingen 1360: Extinct
Beichlingen-Sachsenfeld Lordship n/a n/a 1275: Partitioned from Beichlingen-Beichlingen 1345: Extinct; to Beichlingen-Beichlingen
Beilstein Lordship
1679: County
El Rhen WE 1268: First mentioned; fief of Cologne 1361: Extinct
1363: To Winneburg as fief of Cologne
1637: To Metternich
1679: HRE Count
1794: To France
1815: To Prussia
Count of Bentheim, Tecklenburg, Steinfurt & Limburg, Lord of Rheda, Wevelinghoven, Hoya, Alpen, Helpenstein, Baron of Lennep, Hereditary Advocate of Cologne
1530: County
Low Rhen WE 1050: First mentioned 1115: To Otto of Salm
1146: Made fief of Utrecht
1182: Imperial immediacy
1263: Acquired Tecklenburg
1279: Partitioned into Tecklenburg and Bentheim
1421: To Götterswyk who assumed the name Bentheim
1454: Partitioned into Bentheim-Steinfurt and Bentheim-Bentheim
1530: Reunited by Bentheim-Steinfurt
1606: Partitioned into Bentheim-Tecklenburg-Rheda, Bentheim-Steinfurt, and appanages Bentheim-Limburg and Bentheim-Alpen
Bentheim and Steinfurt County Low Rhin WE 1804: Renamed from Bentheim-Steinfurt 1806: Bentheim to Berg, Steinfurt to Prussia
Bentheim-Alpen County n/a n/a 1606: Appanage created in Bentheim-Steinfurt and Neuenahr 1629: Extinct; apanage abolished
Bentheim-Bentheim Lordship
1486: HRE Count
Low Rhin WE 1454: Partitioned from Bentheim 1486: HRE Count
1530: Extinct; to Bentheim-Steinfurt
1643: Partitioned from Bentheim-Steinfurt
1753: Mortgaged to Hanover
1803: To Bentheim-Steinfurt
1804: Extinct
Bentheim-Limburg County n/a n/a 1606: Appanage created in Bentheim-Steinfurt and Neuenahr 1618: Extinct; to Bentheim-Alpen
Bentheim-Steinfurt Lordship
1486: County
Low Rhen WE 1454: Partitioned from Bentheim 1486: County
1530: Renamed to Bentheim
1606: Partitioned from Bentheim
1643: Partitioned into itself and Bentheim-Bentheim
1804: Renamed to Bentheim and Steinfurt
Bentheim-Tecklenburg Lordship n/a n/a Name sometimes given to the County of Tecklenburg under the rule of the Bentheim 1277 - 1328
Bentheim-Tecklenburg-Rheda County Low Rhen WE 1606: Partitioned from Bentheim-Steinfurt 1696: Tecklenburg to Solms-Braunfels
1807: To Berg
HRE Count of Bentinck and Aldenburg, Lord of the free Lordship of Knyphausen, Noble Lord of Varel
1732: County
n/a n/a 1343: First mentioned 1732: HRE Count
1738: Acquired Knyphausen and Varel
1810: To France
1814: To Oldenburg
Prince, Provost and Lord of Berchtesgaden
1491: Provostry
Bav EC 1108: Abbey established 1194: Imperial immediacy
1380: HRE Prince
1491: Converted to a Provostry
1559: Raised to Bench of Spiritual Princes
1803: To Salzburg
1805: To Austria
1809: To Bavaria
Berg County
1380: Duchy
Low Rhen PR 1077: First mentioned; branch of the Ezzonen 1160: Partitioned into itself and Berg-Altena
1218: To Limburg
1247: Partitioned from Limburg
1380: Duchy
1423: To Jülich-Berg
1521: To Jülich-Cleves-Berg
1609: War of the Jülich Succession between Brandenburg and Palatinate-Neuburg
1614: To Palatinate-Neuburg
1685: To the Palatinate
1777: To Bavaria
1806: To Berg
1815: To Prussia
Berg-Altena County n/a n/a 1161: Partitioned from Berg 1180: Partitioned into Altena-Isenberg and Altena-Berg
Bern (Berne) Imperial City n/a n/a 1218: Free Imperial City 1353: Joined the Swiss Confederation
1415: Acquired Aargau
1536: Acquired Vaud
1648: Left the Empire as part of Switzerland
Archbishopric Upp Rhen EC 4th Century: Diocese established 1184: Acquired Besançon; imperial immediacy
1288: HRE Prince of the Empire
1493: Lost Besançon; retained seat in the Imperial Diet until 1803
1678: To France
Imperial City Burg n/a 1290: Free Imperial City; semi-independent from the Archbishopric of Besançon 1493: Acquired complete independence
1648: To the Free County of Burgundy
1678: To France
Biberach an der Riß Imperial City Swab SW 1281/2: Free Imperial City 1803: To Baden
1806: To Württemberg
Biberbach Lordship n/a n/a 1279: Partitioned from Pappenheim 1514: Sold to Fugger
1624: Extinct
Billung March (Billunger Mark) Margraviate n/a n/a 928: March established 983: Conquered by the Obotrites
Bilstein in Franconia County n/a n/a c. 1130: Lordship founded by descendants of the Margraves of Zeitz 1301: Sold to Hesse
1306: Extinct
Blankenburg Abbacy Low Rhen RP 1521: Identified in the Reichsmatrikel 1521 as an Imperial Abbey, but the house has not been identified
Blankenburg County (1123)
1707: Principality of Imperial immediacy
Low Sax WE 1123: First mentioned; fief of Saxony c. 1162: Partitioned into itself and Regenstein
1180: Fief of Halberstadt
1202: Fief of Brunswick and Lüneburg
1344: Fief of Halberstadt
1368: Extinct; to Regenstein-Blankenburg
1599: To Halberstadt
1624: To Max von Waldstein
1629: To John II of Merode
1631: To Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
1642: To Tattenbach as fief of Halberstadt
1671: To Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel as fief of Halberstadt
1690: To Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Blankenburg as fief of Halberstadt
1707: Imperial immediacy; Bench of Counts of Westphalia
1731: In personal union with Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
1805: Annexed to Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
1807: To Westphalia
1814: To Brunswick
Blankenheim Lordship
1380: County
Low Rhen WE 1149: Partitioned from Schleiden 1406: Extinct; to Heinsberg by marriage
1469: To Manderscheid
1699: Imperial immediacy
1780: To Sternberg-Manderscheid
1794: To France
1815: To Prussia
Blieskastel County n/a n/a 1125: Partitioned into itself and Saarwerden
1237: Extinct; to Salm
1284: To Finstingen
1337: To Trier
1660: To Leyen-Adendorf
1705: To Leyen-Hohengeroldseck
1793: To France
1814: To Bavaria
Blumenegg Lordship
1396: County
n/a n/a 1258: First mentioned; fief of Werdenberg-Sargans 1328: To Werdenberg-Vaduz
1391: To Brandis
1510: To Sulz
1613: To Weingarten Abbey
1803: To Nassau-Orange-Fulda
1804: Sold to Austria
Bockstädt County n/a n/a 1231: Partitioned from Stolberg 1346: Extinct; to Hohnstein-Heldrungen
Bohemia Duchy
1198: Kingdom
1356: Elector
None EL 895: Joined the Empire as a Duchy 1029: Acquired Moravia
1198: HRE King
1356: HRE Elector
Bonndorf County Swab SC Originally a property of Gurtweil, later of Küssaburg 1250: To Lupfen
1582: To Pappenheim
1609: To St Blaise's Abbey
1803: To Knights of St. John
1805: To Württemberg
1806: To Baden
Boos Lordship n/a n/a 10th century: Originally a fief of Kempten Abbey held by the Lords of Boos 1176: To Ottobeuren Abbey
1551: Sold to Fugger
1693: To Fugger-Boos
1777: To Fugger-Babenhausen
1806: To Bavaria
Bopfingen Imperial City Swab SW 1241: Free Imperial City 1802: To Bavaria
1810: To Württemberg
Bouillon County
1456: Duchy

Mediated state through the PBL
n/a n/a 959: First mentioned 1095: Sold to the Prince-Bishopric of Liège
1456: Prince-Bishop of Liège assumed the title "Duke of Bouillon"
1482: To La Marck
1521: To the Prince-Bishopric of Liège
1552: To France, who bestowed it upon La Marck
1559: To the Prince-Bishopric of Liège
1676: To France
1678: Bestowed upon La Tour d'Auvergne as protectorate
1794: To France
1815: To Luxembourg

1830: To Belgium

Brabant Duchy Burg EC 1085: Partitioned from Lower Lotharingia; given to Henry III of Louvain and Brussels Landgraviate
1183: HRE Duke
1288: Acquired Limburg
1430: To the Duchy of Burgundy
1477: To the Burgundian Netherlands
1516: To the Spanish Netherlands
1609: Northern Brabant to the Netherlands
1795: Southern Brabant to France
1815: All to the Netherlands

1830: South to Belgium

Brakel Lordship n/a n/a 1213: First mentioned c. 1270: Part to Asseburg, another to Everstein
1290: Part sold to the Bishopric of Paderborn
1316: Everstein share sold to Paderborn
1350: Brakel share sold to the City of Brakel
1385: Brakel family extinct
16th Century: Asseburg share to Paderborn
1803: All to Prussia
Brakel Imperial City Low Rhen RH Originally to the Lords of Brakel 1290: Part to the Bishopric of Paderborn
1350: Acquired semi-independence
1803: To Prussia
Brandenburg Margraviate
1356: Electorate
Upp Sax EL 1157: Originally created as the "Northern March" 1266: Partitioned into Brandenburg-Stendal and Brandenburg-Salzwedel; margravial title shared
1317: Reunited by Brandenburg-Stendal
1356: HRE Elector
1415: Sold to Nuremberg
1440: Partitioned into Brandenburg-Kulmbach, itself and Brandenburg-Ansbach
1470: Acquired by Brandenburg-Ansbach
1486: Partitioned into itself, Brandenburg-Ansbach and Brandenburg-Kulmbach
1618: Acquired Prussia by marriage
1701: Also made King in Prussia
Brandenburg Bishopric Upp Sax EC 949: Diocese established 983: Wendish uprising; diocese lost though bishops continued to be appointed
1165: Bishopric recreated
1569: To the Electorate of Brandenburg
Brandenburg-Ansbach Margraviate Franc PR 1440: Partitioned from Brandenburg 1486: Partitioned into itself and Brandenburg-Kulmbach
1515: Partitioned into Brandenburg-Kulmbach and itself
1603: Partitioned into itself and Brandenburg-Bayreuth
1791: Sold to Prussia
Brandenburg-Bayreuth Margraviate Franc PR 1603: Partitioned from Brandenburg-Ansbach 1655: Appanage Brandenburg-Kulmbach created
1726: Inherited by Brandenburg-Kulmbach
1769: Extinct; to Brandenburg-Ansbach
Brandenburg-Kulmbach Margraviate Franc see
1440: Partitioned from Brandenburg 1457: To Brandenburg-Ansbach
1464: Extinct
1486: Partitioned from Brandenburg
1495: Extinct; to Brandenburg-Ansbach
1515: Partitioned from Brandenburg-Ansbach
1557: Extinct; to Brandenburg-Ansbach
1655: Appanage created in Brandenburg-Bayreuth
1726: Inherited Brandenburg-Bayreuth; appanage abolished
Brandenburg-Küstrin Margraviate Upp Sax PR 1535: Partitioned from Brandenburg 1571: Extinct; to Brandenburg
Brandenburg-Salzwedel Margraviate n/a n/a 1266: Partitioned from Brandenburg 1317: Extinct; to Brandenburg-Stendal
Brandenburg-Stendal Margraviate n/a n/a 1266: Partitioned from Brandenburg 1317: Renamed to Brandenburg
Brandis Barony Swab SC 12th century: First mentioned 1394: Purchased many territories from Werdenberg
1437: Purchased Maienfeld
1509: Sold Maienfeld to the Grey Leagues
1510: Sold remaining territories to Sulz
Brauneck Lordship n/a n/a 1230: Partitioned from Hohenlohe 1249: Partitioned into Brauneck-Brauneck and Brauneck-Haltenbergstetten
Brauneck-Brauneck Lordship n/a n/a 1249: Partitioned from Brauneck 1429: Extinct; to Burgraviate of Magdeburg of the House of Hardegg
1448: Sold to Brandenburg-Ansbach
1791: To Prussia
1806: To Bavaria
1810: To Württemberg
Brauneck-Haltenbergstetten Lordship n/a n/a 1249: Partitioned from Brauneck 1268: Partitioned into itself and Brauneck-Neuhaus
1366: Sold to Hohenlohe-Speckfeld
1412: To Castell and Limpurg
1415: To Lordship of Rosenberg as fief of the Bishopric of Würzburg
1632: To the Bishopric of Würzburg
1636: To Hatzfeld
1794: To the Bishopric of Würzburg
1803: To Hohenlohe-Bartenstein-Jagstberg
1806: To Württemberg
Brauneck-Neuhaus Lordship n/a n/a 1268: Partitioned from Brauneck-Haltenbergstetten 1320: Made fief of the Bishopric of Würzburg
1340: Extinct
1431: To the Teutonic Order
1809: To Württemberg
See: Brunswick
Breda Lordship
1403: Barony
Burg WE 1080: First mentioned; imperial immediate fief of the Empire 1327: Sold to Brabant
1350: Sold to Wassenaar
1403: HRE Baron; to Nassau-Dillenburg by marriage
1544: To Orange-Nassau
1795: To France
1815: To the Netherlands
Bregenz County Swab SW 926: First mentioned 1171: To Tübingen by marriage
1180: To Montfort
1258: To Montfort-Bregenz
1338: To Montfort-Tettnang
1354: To Montfort-Tettnang-Bregenz
1379: To Elder and Younger lines of Montfort-Tettnang-Bregenz
1451: Elder line sold to Austria
1523: Younger line sold to Austria
1805: To Bavaria
1814: To Austria
Brehna County n/a n/a 1034: Partitioned from the County of Eilenberg 1106: Extinct; to Wettin
1157: Partitioned from Wettin
1290: Extinct; to Saxe-Wittenberg
1356: To the Electorate of Saxony
1658: To Saxe-Merseburg
1738: To the Electorate of Saxony
1815: To Prussia
Breisgau (Breisachgau) County
n/a n/a 771: Originally a gau county 1077: To Zähringen
1218: To Baden-Hachberg
1306: To Baden-Hachberg-Sausenberg
1318: To Freiburg
1368: To Austria
1395: To Baden-Hachberg-Sausenberg
1398: To Austria; made part of Further Austria
1801: To Breisgau-Modena
1805: To Baden
Breisgau-Modena Duchy Aust PR 1801: Compensation for the former Duke of Modena 1803: Acquired the Ortenau
1805: Divided between Baden and Württemberg
Breitenegg (Breitenegg) HRE Lordship
1635: County
Bav SC 10th century: To Prunn By 1129: To Breitenbrunn
1229: To Laaber-Prunn
1285: To Hirschberg
1302: To Laaber
1433: To Gumppenberg
1463: To Laaber
1465: To Pappenheim
1473: To Wildenstein
1534: 1/2 to Welden by marriage
1583: Extinct; other half to Haslangg and Rinderbach
1592: Welden half sold to Palatinate-Neuburg
1595: Haslangg and Rinderbach half sold to Bavaria
1611: Palatinate-Neuburg half sold to Bavaria
1624: To Tilly as fief of Bavaria
1631: To Tilly with sovereign rights
1648: Joined Bavarian Circle
1654: Seat in the Imperial Diet
1744: Extinct; to Gumppenberg
1792: Sold to Bavaria
Bremen Archbishopric Low Sax EC 787: Diocese established 805: Formally constituted
848: United with Hamburg; Archbishopric
1180: HRE Prince of the Empire
1648: To Sweden as the Duchy of Bremen, ruled as Bremen-Verden, in personal union with the Principality of Verden
Bremen Imperial City Low Sax RH 1186: Obtained autonomy within the Bremen 1358: Joined Hanseatic League
1366: De facto independent
1381: Acquired Bederkesa
1653: Bederkesa to Sweden, attached Bremen-Verden
1654: Free Imperial City
1810: To France
1813: Free City
Bremen-Verden Duchy of Bremen; Principality of Verden Low Sax PR 1648: Bremen and Verden secularised by Sweden, de facto in personal union 1712: To Denmark
1715: Sold to Hanover
1807: To Westphalia
1810: To France
1813: To Hanover
HRE Prince of Bretzenheim and Count of Lindau
1664: Barony
1774: County
1790: Principality
Upp Rhen SC 10th century: Fief of the Archbishopric of Cologne Fief held by the Palatinate
Fief held by Falkenstein
1642: To Velen
1664: HRE Baron
1733: Extinct; to Cologne
1734: To Virmont
1744: Extinct; to Cologne
1747: To Roll zu Bernau
1772: To Heideck
1790: Imperial immediacy
1795: To France
1803: Heideck granted Lindau in compensation
1815: To Prussia
Breuberg Lordship
1323: County
Upp Rhen RH 1178: First mentioned; branch of Lützelbach family 1239: Acquired part of Büdingen
1323: Extinct; divided between Wertheim, Trimberg and Eppstein
1497: All to Wertheim
1556: To Erbach and Stolberg-Königstein
1574: Stolberg share to Löwenstein-Wertheim
1806: To the Grand Duchy of Hesse (Hesse-Darmstadt)
Brixen Bishopric Aust EC 580: First mentioned 1027: Acquired the Norital
1091: Acquired the Puster Valley
1179: HRE Prince of the Empire
1803: To Austria; attached to the Tyrol
1805: To Bavaria
1814: To Austria
1918: To Italy
Broich Lordship n/a n/a 1093: 1st mentioned 11th century: Made fief of Berg
13th century: Asserted imperial immediacy
1372: Extinct; to Limburg-Styrum
1376: Made fief of Berg
1439: Fief to Limburg-Broich
1505: Fief to Dhaun-Falkenstein
1682: Fief to Leiningen-Dagsburg
Bruchhausen County n/a n/a 1199: Partitioned from Wildeshausen 1234: Partitioned into Neubruchhausen and Altbruchhausen
Bruchsal and Odenheim Abbacy
1503: Provostry
Upp Rhen RP 1110-8: Established at Odenheim 1161: Imperial immediacy
1496: HRE Lord
1503: Abbey converted to secular Provostry
1507: Relocated to Bruchsal
1803: To Baden
Brunnen Abbacy SP 1521: Identified in the Reichsmatrikel 1521 as an Imperial Abbey, identified as Mariabrunn Abbey in Carinthia
Brunswick and Lüneburg Duchy n/a n/a 1235: Descendants of Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony confirmed with territory around Brunswick and Lüneburg 1269: Partitioned into Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel and Lüneburg
Brunswick-Calenberg Duchy Low Sax PR 1432: Partitioned from Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel 1463: Inherited Brunswick-Göttingen; renamed to Brunswick-Calenberg-Göttingen
1634: Partitioned from Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
1692: Made Electorate of Hanover
Brunswick-Calenberg-Göttingen Duchy Low Sax PR 1463: Renamed from Brunswick-Calenberg 1503: Partitioned into Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel and itself
1584: Extinct; to Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Brunswick-Dannenberg Duchy n/a n/a 1569: Appanage created in Brunswick-Lüneburg 1598: Appanage Brunswick-Hitzacker created
1636: Extinct; to Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Brunswick-Göttingen Duchy n/a n/a 1291: Partitioned from Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel 1344: Partitioned into Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel and itself
1463: Extinct; to Brunswick-Calenberg
Brunswick-Grubenhagen Duchy Low Sax PR 1291: Partitioned from Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel 1361: Partitioned into Brunswick-Grubenhagen-Salzderhelden and Brunswick-Grubenhagen-Osterode
1452: Reunited by Salzderhelden line
1479: Partitioned into Brunswick-Grubenhagen-Heldenberg and Brunswick-Grubenhagen-Osterode
1526: Reunited by Osterode line
1596: Extinct; to Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Brunswick-Grubenhagen-Heldenberg Duchy Low Sax PR 1479: Partitioned from Brunswick-Grubenhagen 1526: Extinct; to Brunswick-Grubenhagen-Osterode
Brunswick-Grubenhagen-Osterode Duchy Low Sax PR 1361: Partitioned from Brunswick-Grubenhagen 1452: Extinct; to Brunswick-Grubenhagen-Salzderhelden
1479: Partitioned from Brunswick-Grubenhagen
1526: Renamed to Brunswick-Grubenhagen
Brunswick-Grubenhagen-Salzderhelden Duchy n/a n/a 1361: Partitioned from Brunswick-Grubenhagen 1452: Renamed to Brunswick-Grubenhagen
Brunswick-Hitzacker Duchy n/a n/a 1598: Appanage created in Brunswick-Dannenberg 1634: Inherited Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel; appanage abolished
Brunswick-Lüneburg Duchy Low Sax PR 1388: Formed after defeating the Electorate of Saxony in the War of the Lüneburg Succession 1527: Partitioned into Brunswick-Lüneburg-Harburg and itself
1539: Partitioned into itself and Brunswick-Lüneburg-Gifhorn
1569: Appanage Brunswick-Dannenberg created
1705: Extinct; to Electorate of Hanover
Brunswick-Lüneburg-Gifhorn Duchy Low Sax PR 1539: Partitioned from Brunswick-Lüneburg 1642: Extinct; to Brunswick-Lüneburg
Brunswick-Lüneburg-Harburg Duchy Low Sax PR 1527: Partitioned from Brunswick-Lüneburg 1642: Extinct; divided between Brunswick-Celle and Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Duchy Low Sax PR 1269: Partitioned from Brunswick and Lüneburg 1291: Partitioned into Brunswick-Grubenhagen, Brunswick-Göttingen and itself
1292: Extinct; to Brunswick-Göttingen
1344: Partitioned from Brunswick-Göttingen
1432: Partitioned into Brunswick-Calenberg and itself
1482: Extinct; to Brunswick-Calenberg-Göttingen
1503: Partitioned from Brunswick-Calenberg-Göttingen
1634: Partitioned into itself and Brunswick-Calenberg
1667: Appanages Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern and Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Calvörde created
1690: Partitioned into itself and Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Blankenburg
1806: Inherited by appanage Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Oels
1814: Renamed to Duchy of Brunswick
Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern Duchy n/a n/a 1667: Appanage created in Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel 1735: Inherited Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel; appanage passed to Duke's younger brother
1809: Extinct; appanage abolished
Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Blankenburg Duchy Low Rhen WE 1690: Partitioned from Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel 1731: Inherited and renamed to Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Calvörde Duchy n/a n/a 1667: Appanage created in Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel 1685: Inherited Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel; appanage abolished
Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Oels Duchy n/a n/a 1792: Appanage created for Frederick Augustus, husband of the late Duchess of Württemberg-Oels 1806: Inherited Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel; appanage abolished
Buchau Abbacy Swab RP
c. 770: Abbey established 1347: Imperial immediacy; HRE Princess of the Empire
1415: Converted to a secular nunnery
1625: Acquired Strassberg
1803: To Thurn und Taxis
1806: To Württemberg; Strassberg to Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
Buchau Imperial City Swab SW c. 1250: Free Imperial City 1803: To Thurn und Taxis
1806: To Württemberg
Buchhorn (Friedrichshafen) Imperial City Swab SW 1275: Free Imperial City 1803: To Württemberg
Burgau Lordship
1212: Margraviate
n/a n/a 1147: First mentioned 1212: HRE Margrave
1301: Extinct; to Austria
1304: Invested in sons of Albert I
Later made part of Further Austria
1595: To Charles of Austria
1618: Extinct; to Austria
1805: To Bavaria
Burgundy (Franche-Comté) County
1127: Free County
1190: Archcounty
1169: Also County Palatine
Burg n/a 982: County created 1127: HRE Free County
1190: HRE Archcount
1405: To the Duchy of Burgundy
1477: To France
1493: To the Burgundian Netherlands
1516: To the Spanish Netherlands
1678: To France[1]
Burgundy Landgraviate n/a n/a 1218: Created after the extinction of Zähringen; to Buchegg 1252: First mentioned
1313: To Habsburg-Kyburg
1406-8: To Bern
Bürresheim (Burresheim) Lordship n/a n/a 10th century 1157: Half to Cologne
1189: Other half to Trier, fief held by Schöneck
1473: Schöneck half sold to Breitbach
1477: Part of Cologne half sold to Breitbach
1659: All to Breitbach, who renamed to "Breitbach-Bürresheim" as fief of the Archbishoprics
1691: HRE Baron
1796: Extinct; to France though rights passed to Renesse
Burtscheid Abbacy Low Rhen RP 997: Abbey established 1018: Obtained surrounding territory
1138: Imperial immediacy; HRE Prince of the Empire
1220: Converted to a nunnery
1794: To France
1802: Abbey dissolved
1815: To Prussia
Buxheim Abbacy n/a SP c. 1100: Charterhouse established 1548: Imperial immediacy
1802: To Ostein
1806: To Bavaria
1812: Charterhouse dissolved


  1. Whilst not part of the empire, the Dukes of Burgundy possessed extensive territories within the Empire
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