The List of States refers to the various vassal tribes and states during the Shang Dynasty in ancient China. Today, scholars' understanding of these states(Chinese:"方") primarily comes from oracle bone inscriptions unearthed from the late Shang Dynasty Yinxu. In these inscriptions, these tribal states are often referred to as name + "方".[1] In modern style Chinese the term can be duplicated to Fangguo (Traditional Chinese:方國)。

List of Fangs

Name of Fang Period of existence Rough geographical location Relations with Shang Dynasty
Shang Fang(商方) Xia DynastyShang Dynasty Yinxu(「大邑商」"Da Yi Shang","Shang, the Great City")(Present Anyang, Henan Province
Zi Fang(子方) Xia DynastyShang Dynasty Near the Yin(Present Shangqiu, Henan Province swing
Tu Fang(土方) Early to middle Shang Dynasty,conquered by Wu Ding Northwest of Yin, east of Hong Fang(Present Fen River Basin, Shanxi Province enemy
Hong Fang(𢀛方) Shang Dynasty,to period of Zu Geng Northwest of Yin,West of Tu Fang(Present Shaanxi Province北部,Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) swing
Gui Fang(鬼方) Shang Dynasty Northwest of Yin(Present central Shanxi Province and northern Shaanxi province,Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) ally
Qiang Fang(羌方) Shang Dynasty Northwest of Yin(Present Shaanxi Province、the area around Gansu Province,Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) swing
Northern Qiang(北羌) Shang Dynasty Northwest of Yin,north of Qiang Fang swing
Ren Fang(人方) Shang Dynasty Southeast of Yin,東海之濱(Present 淮河流域以及山東半島黃海之濱,安徽北部、山東南部) swing
Zhou Fang1(周方) Middle to late Shang Dynasty,overthrowned King Zhou of Shang and established Zhou dynasty. West of Yin,(Present Qishan County, Baoji, Shaanxi Province swing
唐方 Shang Dynasty Northwest of Yin
井方 Shang Dynasty Northwest of Yin(Present Shanxi Province運城市河津市之西、Shaanxi Province寶雞市岐山縣之南) ally
林方 Shang Dynasty East of Yin(淮河以南) swing
興方 Shang Dynasty Unknown swing
馬方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Shanxi Province呂梁市石樓縣) enemy
豕方 Shang Dynasty
危方 Shang Dynasty swing
盂方1 Shang Dynasty East of Yin
東盂方 Shang Dynasty swing
西盂方 Shang Dynasty swing
沚方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) swing
旁方 Shang Dynasty East of Yin(Present 山東省曲阜市) swing
戈方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Shanxi Province南部) ally
木方 Shang Dynasty
巴方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) enemy
亙方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) swing
龍方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) swing
基方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Shanxi Province臨汾市蒲縣) enemy
湔方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) enemy
亞方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Jiyuan, Henan Province ally
祭方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin,位於商周之間 swing
示方 Shang Dynasty
髳方 Shang Dynasty enemy
召方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) swing
印方 Shang Dynasty
虎方 Shang Dynasty ally
微方 Shang Dynasty
息方 Shang Dynasty South of YinHenan Province信陽市羅山縣) ally
眣方 Shang Dynasty
止方 Shang Dynasty
尹方 Shang Dynasty
步方 Shang Dynasty
歸方 Shang Dynasty 殷之(Present湖北省宜昌市秭歸縣) enemy
曾方 Shang Dynasty
祝方 Shang Dynasty
弄方 Shang Dynasty
吹方 Shang Dynasty
屮方(艸方?) Shang Dynasty
(月丮)方 Shang Dynasty
10px方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin,Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau enemy
Shang Dynasty ally
㠱方 Shang Dynasty North of Yin(Present北京市、河北省東北部至遼寧省西部一帶) ally
Shang Dynasty
Shang Dynasty
方(古方?) Shang Dynasty
Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) swing
Shang Dynasty
下危 Shang Dynasty North of Yin enemy
Shang Dynasty South of Yin(PresentHenan Province原陽縣西南、原武鎮西北) ally
Shang Dynasty South of Yin(PresentHenan Province原陽縣) ally
Shang Dynasty South of Yin(Present 湖北省十堰市竹山縣與Shaanxi Province安康市之間)
雀方 Shang Dynasty South of Yin(Present 江西省鄱阳湖地区) ally
矢方 Shang Dynasty Unknown enemy
Shang Dynasty Unknown ally
Shang Dynasty Unknown ally
Shang Dynasty North of Yin(以河北省秦皇島市盧龍縣為中心地區,Present河北省東北部、遼寧省西部、內蒙古自治區東南角) ally
Shang Dynasty East of Yin(PresentHenan Province永城市南部、安徽省宿州市西北) ally
Shang Dynasty East of Yin(PresentHenan Province永城市) ally
Shang Dynasty East of Yin(Present Henan Province永城市) ally
Shang Dynasty East of Yin(Present 山東省菏澤市曹縣)
Shang Dynasty East of Yin(Present 山東省菏澤市成武縣 ally
Shang Dynasty East of Yin ally
Shang Dynasty East of Yin enemy
Shang Dynasty East of Yin(Present 山東省濰坊市青州市) ally
Shang Dynasty East of Yin(Present 山東省濰坊市壽光市)
Shang Dynasty East of Yin(Present 山東省滕州市)
Shang Dynasty East of Yin(Present 山東省滕州市) swing
1 Shang Dynasty East of Yin swing
Shang Dynasty East of Yin ally
薄姑 Shang Dynasty East of Yin ally
鬱方 Shang Dynasty Unknown ally
宣方 Shang Dynasty Unknown ally
羞方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) swing
杞方 Shang Dynasty East of Yin(Present Qi County, Kaifeng, Henan Province ally
宋方 Shang Dynasty North of Yin(Present Zhao County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei province ally
貝方 Shang Dynasty South of Yin
倉方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Shaanxi Province商洛市商州區) ally
犬方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin swing
昜方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Shanxi Province臨汾市洪洞縣)
缶方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin
彭方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) swing
丹方 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Henan Province焦作市沁陽市) ally
Shang Dynasty West of Yin ally
上絲 Shang Dynasty West of Yin ally
Shang Dynasty West of Yin
Shang Dynasty West of Yin
Shang Dynasty West of Yin
Shang Dynasty West of Yin
Shang Dynasty West of Yin
Shang Dynasty West of Yin ally
Shang Dynasty West of Yin
Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo, Henan Province ally
Shang Dynasty West of Yin
Shang Dynasty West of Yin
Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) swing
Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Shanxi-Shaanxi Plateau) swing
Shang Dynasty West of Yin
Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Shanxi Province晉中市靈石縣)
Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Shanxi Province臨汾市浮山縣)
Shang Dynasty West of Yin
2 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Shaanxi Province灃河以西) ally
Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Shaanxi Province灃河以東) swing
Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Xinzheng, Zhengzhou, Henan Province
盂方2 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Northwest of Qinyang, Jiaozuo, Henan Province
鹿 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Song County, Luoyang, Henan Province swing
Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Shanxi Province長治市黎城縣) swing
崇國 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present Xi'an, Shaanxi Province swing
密須 Shang Dynasty West of Yin(Present 平涼市靈台縣, Gansu province swing
Shang Dynasty Unknown ally

See also


  1. D. Howard Smith. "Chinese Religion in the Shang Dynasty". Numen: 142–150.
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