This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Carina, sorted by decreasing brightness.

This constellation's Bayer designations (Greek-letter star names) were given while it was still considered part of the constellation of Argo Navis. After Argo Navis was broken up into Carina, Vela, and Puppis, these Greek-letter designations were kept, so that Carina does not have a full complement of Greek-letter designations. For example, since Argo Navis's gamma star went to Vela, there is no Gamma Carinae.

Name B Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
Canopusα453483043806h 23m 57.09s−52° 41 44.6−0.72−5.53313A9 II[1][2]Suhel;[3] 2nd brightest star
β Carβ800074523809h 13m 12.24s−69° 43 02.91.67−0.99111A1 III[4]Miaplacidus
ε Carε711294103708h 22m 30.86s−59° 30 34.31.86−4.58632K3III+B2VAvior; suspected eclipsing binary, Vmax = 1.82m, Vmin = 1.94m
ι Carι804044555609h 17m 05.43s−59° 16 30.92.23−4.43692A8IbAspidiske, Turais, Scutulum; suspected variable, Vmax = 2.23m, Vmin = 2.28m
θ Carθ930305241910h 42m 57.43s−64° 23 40.12.74−2.91439B0Vpin IC 2602
υ Carυ851234800209h 47m 06.14s−65° 04 19.32.92−5.561622A9binary star
ω Carω890805009910h 13m 44.28s−70° 02 16.53.29−1.99370B8III
p CarpPP914655157610h 32m 01.48s−61° 41 07.33.30−2.62497B4Vneγ Cas variable, Vmax = 3.22m, Vmin = 3.55m
V337 CarqV337893885037110h 17m 05.01s−61° 19 56.43.39−3.38736K3IIirregular variable, Vmax = 3.36m, Vmin = 3.44m
a CaraV357793514508009h 10m 58.11s−58° 58 00.93.43−2.11418B2IVeclipsing binary, Vmax = 3.41m, Vmin = 3.44m
χ Carχ655753882707h 56m 46.74s−52° 58 56.63.46−1.91387B3IVpβ Cep variable, ΔV = 0.015m, P = 0.10 d
l Carl848104785409h 45m 14.83s−62° 30 28.53.69−4.641509G5Iab/Ibclassical Cepheid, Vmax = 3.28m, Vmin = 4.18m, P = 35.54 d
HD 94510u945105325310h 53m 29.57s−58° 51 11.83.781.4297K0III-IV...suspected variable, Vmax = 3.75m, Vmin = 3.80m
HD 90853s908535123210h 27m 52.75s−58° 44 21.93.81−3.711042F2IIsuspected variable
HD 76728c767284378308h 55m 02.86s−60° 38 41.03.84−1.06312B8IIIdouble star
V382 CarxV382969185446311h 08m 35.40s−58° 58 30.23.93−7.375927G0Ia0hypergiant; slow irregular variable, Vmax = 3.77m, Vmin = 4.05m
HD 79447i794474510109h 11m 16.77s−62° 19 01.33.96−1.97499B3IVvariable star, ΔV = 0.008m, P = 22.26 d
HD 90589I905895095410h 24m 23.74s−74° 01 53.63.992.9453F2IVsuspected variable, Vmax = 3.96m, Vmin = 4.00m
HD 83183h831834697409h 34m 26.66s−59° 13 47.24.08−4.831976B5II
V343 CardV343743754256808h 40m 37.04s−59° 45 39.74.31−3.871411B1.5IIIβ Cep variable
HD 80230g802304549609h 16m 12.10s−57° 32 29.24.34−1.74536M1IIIsuspected variable, Vmax = 4.31m, Vmin = 4.35m
HD 47306N473063140706h 34m 58.59s−52° 58 32.34.35−4.311762B9III
HR 2554AV415503373276106h 49m 51.32s−53° 37 21.04.39−1.74553G6IIAlgol variable, ΔV = 0.06m
HD 91942r919425184910h 35m 35.31s−57° 33 27.54.45−3.681376K3/K4IIsuspected variable
η Carη9330810h 45m 03.60s−59° 41 03.04.477500LBVForamen, Tseen She; in Trumpler 16; binary star; luminous blue variable, Vmax = −0.8m, Vmin = 7.9m; surrounded by the Homunculus Nebula; one of the most luminous and most massive stars known.
HR 3643G787914459909h 05m 08.83s−72° 36 09.74.47−1.25454F6II-III
V344 CarfV344753114310508h 46m 42.56s−56° 46 11.34.50−1.62546B3Vneγ Cas variable, Vmax = 4.40m, Vmin = 4.51m
HD 83944m839444739109h 39m 21.04s−61° 19 41.24.510.33224B9Vsuspected variable
V520 CarwV520930705246810h 43m 32.31s−60° 33 59.94.58−2.991065K3Ibirregular variable, Vmax = 4.50m, Vmin = 4.59m
V533 CaryV533975345475111h 12m 36.02s−60° 19 03.54.59−8.3412538A6Iaα Cyg variable
HD 96566z1965665430111h 06m 32.47s−62° 25 26.94.62−0.65370G8III
V399 CarPV399907725119210h 27m 24.48s−57° 38 19.74.65A6Iasemiregular variable, Vmax = 4.63m, Vmin = 4.72m, P = 88.3 d
V345 CarEV345787644462609h 05m 38.38s−70° 32 18.74.67−2.941079B2IVeγ Cas variable, Vmax = 4.67m, Vmin = 4.78m, P = 137.7 d
HD 92397t2923975210210h 38m 45.01s−59° 10 58.84.69−4.081852K4/K5III:suspected variable
HD 91375K913755143810h 30m 20.08s−71° 59 33.84.720.22259A2III
HR 3220B684563990308h 09m 00.86s−61° 18 06.14.743.0970F5V
V518 CarV518929385237010h 42m 14.14s−64° 27 59.24.76−0.97456B3Vin IC 2602; γ Cas variable
HD 81101k811014585609h 20m 56.83s−62° 24 16.74.790.62223G6III
HD 93194931945250210h 44m 06.94s−63° 57 40.04.80−1.06484B5Vnin IC 2602; suspected irregular variable, Vmax = 4.79m, Vmin = 4.84m
HD 66591D665913913808h 00m 19.97s−63° 34 03.04.81−1.29542B3Vsuspected variable
HD 73389e2733894213408h 35m 19.65s−58° 00 33.54.840.60229K0III
HD 93607936075273610h 46m 51.24s−64° 23 00.64.87−0.83449B3IVin IC 2602; suspected variable
HD 61248Q612483694207h 35m 39.70s−52° 32 01.74.93−0.48394K3IIIsuspected variable
V376 Carb1V376770024393708h 56m 58.43s−59° 13 45.74.93−1.47621B2IV-Vβ Cep variable, Vmax = 4.91m, Vmin = 4.96m, P = 0.021 d
HD 91496914965149510h 31m 02.07s−73° 13 17.44.94−2.42964K4/K5IIIsuspected variable, Vmax = 4.87m, Vmin = 4.97m
HD 90264L902645084710h 22m 58.18s−66° 54 05.54.97−0.63430B8V
HD 92063t1920635191210h 36m 20.56s−59° 33
HD 59219592193611407h 26m 21.86s−51° 01 06.65.09−1.09562K0III
HD 96919z2V371969195446111h 08m 34.01s−61° 56 49.85.12−6.035525B9Iaα Cyg variable, Vmax = 5.12m, Vmin = 5.19m
HD 53047530473377907h 00m 51.51s−51° 24 09.55.14−1.25617M1IIIsemiregular variable
V386 CarV386541183410507h 04m 18.32s−56° 44α2 CVn variable, ΔV = 0.026m, P = 3.28 d
HD 88981M889815008310h 13m 30.68s−66° 22
HD 69863C698634042908h 15m 15.95s−62° 54 star
HD 77370b2773704414308h 59m 24.38s−59° 05
HR 3153V460663423907007h 59m 37.55s−60° 35 13.55.19−2.341045M0IIin NGC 2516; semiregular variable, Vmax = 5.15m, Vmin = 5.3m
HD 97583975835476711h 12m 45.27s−64° 10 star
HD 93549935495270110h 46m 29.61s−64° 15 47.75.23−0.37429B7IVin IC 2602
HD 88323883234969810h 08m 42.84s−65° 48 double
V524 CarV524943675315410h 52m 30.85s−57° 14 25.55.26−6.086037B9Iaα Cyg variable
HD 73390e1733904212908h 35m 15.58s−58° 13 29.15.27−2.08962B3V+...
HD 91056910565131310h 28m 52.60s−64° 10 20.25.27−4.643135K3Ibslow irregular variable
HD 80951809514558109h 17m 25.21s−74° 53 39.85.28−1.44721A1V
HD 84121841214747909h 40m 42.60s−57° 59 00.95.301.16220A3IV
HD 93540935405267810h 46m 16.58s−64° 30 52.55.33−0.45466B7:Vin IC 2602; suspected variable
HD 92964V519929645240510h 42m 40.57s−59° 12 56.85.36−6.236792B2.5Iaα Cyg variable, Vmax = 5.32m, Vmin = 5.43m, P = 14.68 d
HD 57917579173558907h 20m 38.81s−52° 05 09.35.38−0.52493B9V
HD 80671806714557109h 17m 17.40s−68° 41 22.55.382.75109F4V
HD 49689496893249406h 46m 52.69s−51° 15 55.65.39−1.83906K1II/IIIp+G:suspected variable
HD 73887738874228608h 37m 18.85s−62° 51 12.35.450.39335K0III
HD 82350823504635809h 27m 06.50s−71° 36 07.55.461.51201K2III
HD 83095H830954674109h 31m 36.32s−73° 04 51.35.46−1.47791K4III
HD 92207V370922075200410h 37m 27.08s−58° 44 00.05.47−6.528150A0Iaα Cyg variable, Vmax = 5.45m, Vmin = 5.52m, P = 1.33 d
V450 CarV450539213400007h 03m 15.11s−59° 10 41.35.50−0.35482B9IV53 Per variable, ΔV = 0.02m
HD 92664V364926645222110h 40m 11.46s−65° 06 00.95.51−0.26466B9p Siα2 CVn variable, Vmax = 5.48m, Vmin = 5.52m, P = 1.67 d
HD 67364673643956608h 05m 03.71s−53° 06 28.55.520.11393K3/K4III
HD 79698796984521909h 12m 55.62s−59° 24 50.35.54−0.28475G6II
HD 85656856564831009h 50m 55.60s−62° 44 42.55.56−1.78959K1IIICN...
HD 64067640673815207h 49m 06.72s−56° 24 37.45.57−1.72934G5II
HD 46569465693107906h 31m 18.22s−51° 49 34.35.582.73121F8V
HD 96706967065432711h 06m 49.93s−70° 52 40.65.58−2.121128B2Vvariable star, ΔV = 0.004m, P = 1.74 d
HD 65907659073890807h 57m 46.30s−60° 18 12.15.594.5453G2V...
HD 76113761134349908h 51m 36.53s−57° 38 01.05.59−1.12716B8III
V448 CarOV448498773253106h 47m 18.71s−55° 32 24.25.60−0.72598K5IIIsemiregular variable
HD 65273652733865607h 54m 53.39s−57° 18 10.45.620.51343K3/K4III
HD 68434684343995708h 09m 33.63s−56° 05 07.75.660.33380A3m...
HD 89715897155052010h 19m 05.12s−64° 40 34.65.660.90292A1V
V372 CarV372647223843807h 52m 29.75s−54° 22 01.95.69−2.561462B1.5IVβ Cep variable, ΔV = 0.027m, P = 0.12 d
HD 88661QY886614993410h 11m 46.47s−58° 03 38.05.70−2.291294B2IVnpeγ Cas variable, Vmax = 5.63m, Vmin = 5.83m
S CarS883664975110h 09m 22.01s−61° 32 57.15.711780K5-M6eMira variable, Vmax = 4.5m, Vmin = 9.9m, P = 149.49 d
HD 97670976705482911h 13m 30.79s−59° 37 09.55.73−3.001821B1.5Vsuspected variable
HD 65662656623878307h 56m 18.65s−60° 31 35.35.74−2.171244K4IIin NGC 2516
HD 93163931635248710h 43m 51.21s−64° 14 56.65.75−1.711009B3:Vsuspected eclipsing binary, ΔV = 0.03m
HD 66194V374661943899407h 58m 50.56s−60° 49 28.25.77−1.721028B2IVnpein NGC 2516; γ Cas variable, Vmax = 5.72m, Vmin = 5.84m
HD 81830818304622509h 25m 27.38s−61° 57 02.25.771.47236A4V+...
HD 64185641853816007h 49m 12.95s−60° 17 02.55.783.06114F1Vspectroscopic binary
HD 76538765384366908h 53m 48.67s−60° 21 14.25.78−2.351376B5III
HD 85655856554833909h 51m 12.03s−59° 25 32.45.79−1.01746K2IIICNp...
HD 77615776154425609h 00m 45.75s−60° 57 49.85.80−2.131259G8II
HD 84152841524749809h 41m 02.10s−57° 15 34.05.800.57362K0/K1III
HD 88473884734976410h 09m 30.20s−68° 40 58.25.80−0.46583A0IV
HD 49517495173240206h 45m 53.72s−52° 24 35.05.81−2.321376K3III
HD 93943939435292210h 49m 24.46s−59° 19 25.65.85−1.24853B9.5IV/V
HD 80950809504558509h 17m 27.63s−74° 44 04.85.861.32264A0V
HD 60060600603644407h 29m 59.74s−52° 39 04.65.870.84330K0III
HD 66441664413918408h 00m 49.96s−54° 09 04.75.87−0.79700B5Vnsuspected variable
V482 CarV482825364662009h 30m 23.45s−58° 21 42.95.88−1.681058M2IIIsemiregular variable
V514 CarV514922875204310h 38m 02.66s−57° 15 22.75.89−2.081278B3IVrotating ellipsoidal variable, Vmax = 5.88m, Vmin = 5.92m, P = 2.90 d
HD 82406824064646009h 28m 30.60s−66° 42 07.25.901.33268A0V
HD 82347823474648209h 28m 47.19s−62° 16 23.55.910.06482K1III
HD 87283872834916410h 02m 00.11s−60° 25 15.25.93−4.033196A9IVpossibly in NGC 3114
HD 90454904545099310h 24m 59.50s−58° 34 34.75.931.13297F2III
T CarT947765339410h 55m 17.26s−60° 31 01.95.931.07306K0IIInot variable
HD 60228602283649607h 30m 30.91s−54° 23 58.05.950.33433M1III
HD 94683946835333410h 54m 29.60s−61° 49 35.85.95−2.591663K4IIIsuspected variable
HD 54732547323434907h 07m 13.30s−51° 58 06.25.96−0.23564K0III
HD 56705567053508407h 15m 21.27s−52° 29 58.35.960.58389K0V
HD 70839708394093208h 21m 12.10s−57° 58 23.65.96−3.362380B1.5III
HD 92436924365212710h 38m 59.70s−58° 49 00.85.96−0.53648M1III
HD 91533915335162310h 32m 47.82s−58° 40 00.35.98−6.7111241A2Iabsuspected variable
V522 CarV522937375282710h 48m 05.42s−59° 55 09.05.98A0Iaα Cyg variable
HD 81613816134610109h 24m 05.50s−61° 38 55.65.990.92337K0III
HD 94650946505327210h 53m 42.13s−70° 43 13.25.99−0.89776B6V
HD 98560985605528011h 19m 16.84s−64° 34 57.45.993.12122F6IV
HD 90874908745119410h 27m 25.40s−65° 42
HD 53349533493380007h 01m 05.18s−58° 56 variable
HD 76346763464362008h 53m 03.80s−56° 38 a planet (b)
HD 80094800944541809h 15m 17.66s−58° 23 star, ΔV = 0.008m, P = 1.56 d
HD 56239562393478007h 12m 01.98s−63° 11 24.26.03−0.29598A0IV/V
HD 57852578523556407h 20m 21.46s−52° 18 42.86.05113F5Vcomponent of the HIP 35564 system; suspected variable
HD 82068820684632809h 26m 44.18s−64° 55
V390 CarV390619663724807h 39m 00.34s−53° 16 24.26.06−0.05544B9IV-Vp...α2 CVn variable, ΔV = 0.004m
V535 CarV535982925514011h 17m 19.02s−67° 49 24.66.06−2.521698M2IIIslow irregular variable
HD 88825888255004410h 13m 01.16s−59° 55 05.16.07−2.841976B4Ve
HD 96544965445429411h 06m 29.30s−58° 40 30.16.07−1.811226K2II/III
HD 92682926825215010h 39m 15.94s−74° 29 36.26.08−1.571105K3IIvariable star, ΔV = 0.005m, P = 0.084 d
HD 63382633823785407h 45m 35.52s−56° 43 21.36.10−1.20942F0II
R CarR829014680609h 32m 14.60s−62° 47 20.06.10416M6.5 IIIpevMira variable, Vmax = 3.9m, Vmin = 10.5m, P = 308.71 d
HD 91619V369916195167610h 33m 25.40s−58° 11 24.66.11−6.9913583B7Iaα Cyg variable, ΔV = 0.1m, P = 1.12 d
U CarU951095358910h 57m 48.19s−59° 43 55.96.11G3Iaclassical Cepheid, Vmax = 5.74m, Vmin = 6.96m, P = 38.83 d
HD 70982709824092608h 21m 07.65s−64° 06
V461 CarV461665463922508h 01m 23.05s−54° 30 56.06.12−1.921320B2IV-VAlgol variable
HD 65908659083886307h 57m 12.76s−63° 17
V478 CarV478807104561509h 17m 51.67s−67° 03 03.26.14−1.961358K2IIIsemiregular variable
HD 87543875434928110h 03m 34.14s−61° 53 02.66.14−2.491734B4:Vne
HD 95208952085354610h 57m 15.81s−75° 05 59.26.16−3.122345K1II
HD 95324953245370110h 59m 14.05s−61° 19
HD 96088960885408211h 04m 00.25s−57° 57 19.26.16−3.632964B3III
HD 47001470013126506h 33m 26.31s−52° 19 45.56.18−0.17607G8III
V492 CarV492866594878209h 56m 59.84s−69° 06 06.66.18−1.431087B3V53 Per variable
HD 87436874364923310h 02m 59.95s−60° 10 43.36.18−3.803228A6II/IIIsuspected variable
HD 90630906305097610h 24m 44.56s−73° 58 variable
V655 CarV655912725142510h 30m 08.81s−66° 59 04.86.19−1.701235B4IVAlgol variable, Vmax = 6.19m, Vmin = 6.36m, P = 16.93 d
HD 62897628973759907h 42m 53.36s−58° 13 48.56.20−0.23629K0III
HD 75086750864293608h 45m 05.55s−58° 43 27.66.20−1.23997B7III
HD 87238872384916010h 01m 58.09s−57° 20 59.46.20−0.62753K1II
HD 84850848504791309h 45m 55.82s−58° 47
HD 89263892635028710h 16m 03.26s−59° 54
V532 CarV532974515470811h 12m 03.60s−58° 25 24.16.24−0.53736M4IIIsemiregular variable
HD 91767917675173210h 34m 12.72s−60° 59 15.56.25−0.78830K2/K3IIIsuspected variable
HD 65750V341657503883407h 56m 50.70s−59° 07 35.06.25967M0IIIsemiregular variable, Vmax = 6.2m, Vmin = 7.1m
HD 93344933445252010h 44m 20.10s−70° 51
HD 52603526033358806h 58m 39.81s−55° 43
HD 74622746224271708h 42m 20.90s−55° 46
υ Car Bυ8512409h 47m 06.70s−65° 04 21.06.261623A8 Ibcomponent of the υ Car system
HD 93372933725253510h 44m 27.25s−72° 26
HD 93502935025267910h 46m 17.12s−60° 36
HD 94491944915323110h 53m 21.18s−58° 53 36.56.26−2.161575B5V
HD 82858828584673709h 31m 33.05s−66° 43 08.66.27−0.40703K1III
HD 66607666073923808h 01m 31.58s−55° 27 16.86.28−0.28668B4V
V375 CarV375675363953008h 04m 42.94s−62° 50 10.96.291249B2.5Vnβ Cep variable, ΔV = 0.04m, P = 1.02 d
HD 61031610313685607h 34m 39.58s−51° 28 28.36.29−1.761331A1III/IV
HD 93662936625279710h 47m 38.41s−57° 28 02.76.29−3.352763M1IIsuspected variable, Vmax = 6.28m, Vmin = 6.41m
HD 94275942755310010h 51m 46.93s−57° 16 20.36.29−0.05604A6III
HD 63926639263808707h 48m 19.51s−56° 28 15.96.30−2.912264K0III+...
HD 66341663413907307h 59m 40.09s−60° 12 26.66.30−1.811364B8IIIin NGC 2516
HD 81502815024604909h 23m 27.33s−60° 18 08.46.30−2.912264K1/K2II/III
HD 86606866064871509h 56m 09.76s−71° 23 21.56.30−2.692050B1Ib
HD 68423684233984308h 08m 24.65s−63° 48 03.06.32−0.58782B6Vsuspected variable
HD 80126801264543709h 15m 34.73s−57° 34 39.96.32−1.321098G8II
QZ CarQZ932065252610h 44m 22.92s−59° 59 36.06.32−3.232650B0Ib:in Collinder 228; β Lyr variable, Vmax = 6.16m, Vmin = 6.49m, P = 6.00 d
HD 82458824584640709h 27m 49.19s−71° 46 52.36.332.57184F3/F5V
V486 CarV486844164759109h 42m 12.99s−66° 54 53.46.330.04592A0Vβ Lyr variable
HD 92536925365216010h 39m 22.85s−64° 06 42.56.330.49479B8Vin IC 2602
HD 74341743414257908h 40m 43.55s−57° 32 43.96.342.13227A3V
HD 90074900745078510h 22m 10.48s−58° 15 56.36.341.23343G6III
HD 90289902895091610h 23m 50.66s−57° 57 14.16.34−0.59793K5Ib-IIsuspected variable, Vmax = 6.33m, Vmin = 6.35m
HD 93649936495273010h 46m 48.09s−69° 12 35.36.34−2.041545A2IV
HD 97472974725467311h 11m 29.57s−71° 26 10.36.340.08583K2/K3III
HD 74148741484244008h 39m 13.24s−60° 19 02.46.350.71437A0V
HD 89805898055056210h 19m 42.04s−65° 08 14.16.35−2.592000K2II
WR 22V429927405230810h 41m 17.52s−59° 40 36.96.35−4.725344WN7 + A(SB1)Wolf–Rayet star and Algol variable, Vmax = 6.33m, Vmin = 6.52m, P = 80.34 d; one of the most luminous stars known
HD 93739937395278510h 47m 30.62s−69° 26 15.86.35−1.571249B2IV
HD 65189651893866707h 55m 00.44s−52° 35 00.16.36−1.081003B8III
HD 72322723224165308h 29m 36.40s−55° 11 27.36.36−0.36721G0V
V473 CarV473766404376308h 54m 54.05s−58° 14 22.96.36−0.77869B5V53 Per variable
HD 79699796994521409h 12m 50.63s−60° 55 00.56.360.21553B9V
HD 78632786324466509h 06m 07.61s−64° 29 59.76.370.08590K3III
HD 61394613943697707h 36m 01.62s−55° 53 15.86.390.06601K1/K2IIICN.
HD 96568965685428911h 06m 24.32s−64° 50 23.86.390.58473A3V
HD 44267442672991306h 17m 51.74s−52° 43 58.96.40−0.70858K2/K3IIIvariable star, ΔV = 0.008m, P = 1.32 d
HD 62758627583753007h 42m 10.22s−58° 37 51.46.40−1.181069B2.5V
V368 CarV368886474992610h 11m 35.49s−58° 49 40.26.40801M3IIIsemiregular variable, Vmax = 6.1m, Vmin = 6.4m
HD 51210512103301206h 52m 45.44s−59° 20 28.66.410.62470A3m...
HD 87438874384922310h 02m 49.42s−62° 09 24.06.41−3.232763K3Ibirregular variable, Vmax = 6.38m, Vmin = 6.43m
HD 91270912705146110h 30m 39.24s−61° 21 23.46.41−0.57811M2IIIsuspected variable
HD 84046840464742209h 39m 45.15s−62° 56 34.76.420.01623B8/B9III/IVw...suspected variable, Vmax = 6.42m, Vmin = 6.8m
HD 88907889075006710h 13m 21.20s−61° 39 31.86.42−1.061022B2V
V507 CarV507909665126510h 28m 18.28s−63° 09 52.56.42−2.562037B2/B3III:neBe star
HD 91094910945132710h 29m 03.67s−65° 10 34.86.420.00627M1IIIsemiregular variable
HD 98025980255500311h 15m 42.76s−57° 21 21.16.420.16583A3V
HD 78293782934456509h 04m 48.00s−57° 51 09.56.43−1.211101A8III
HD 93359933595253710h 44m 32.42s−70° 51 18.96.431.25354A6IV
HD 65867658673896307h 58m 21.47s−51° 26 54.96.440.43518A8/A9IVsuspected eclipsing binary
V469 CarV469723034164408h 29m 29.82s−54° 12 42.56.44−0.28720Ap Siα2 CVn variable
HD 49705497053247706h 46m 41.70s−54° 41 42.26.450.93414G6III
HD 81896818964614309h 24m 37.16s−70° 04 32.86.450.06617K1III
V495 CarV495881584964210h 07m 56.64s−62° 13 17.26.45−0.55817Ap Siα2 CVn variable
WR 24931315248810h 43m 52.27s−60° 07 04.06.46−5.056520WN7 + Ain Collinder 228; Wolf–Rayet star, Vmax = 6.46m, Vmin = 6.49m, P = 4.76 d; one of the most luminous stars known
HD 52622526223357706h 58m 36.39s−56° 23 41.26.461.46326F2IIsuspected variable
HD 54967549673435007h 07m 16.28s−59° 42 59.26.46−1.791455B3V
HD 93738937385281510h 47m 53.55s−64° 15 46.36.460.67469B9.5Vin IC 2602
HD 49219492193226906h 44m 12.81s−54° 41 43.96.47−0.30736B5/B6Vvariable star, ΔV = 0.011m, P = 1.60 d
HD 70267702674065508h 17m 55.79s−59° 10 00.36.472.01254F5V
V487 CarV487848094789309h 45m 40.64s−57° 11 09.86.47−0.66869B8III/IVα2 CVn variable
HD 93695936955280610h 47m 44.34s−59° 52 30.96.47−1.411230B5Vvar
HD 95122951225355610h 57m 20.22s−69° 02 17.06.48−0.55832B7Vsuspected variable
HD 92399923995210310h 38m 45.39s−59° 15 44.76.50−1.821502B4/B5III/IV
HD 96248V414962485417911h 04m 57.57s−59° 51 32.06.583700B1Iabα Cyg variable, Vmax = 6.53m, Vmin = 6.62m, P = 8.52 d
HD 57853578533556407h 20m 21.43s−52° 18 31.916.63113F9Vcomponent of the HIP 35564 system
QX CarQX861184858909h 54m 33.88s−58° 25 16.66.641610B2VAlgol variable, Vmax = 6.6m, Vmin = 7.21m, P = 4.48 d
HD 96446V430964465426611h 06m 05.82s−59° 56 59.66.681540B2kβ Cep variable, ΔV = 0.03m
HD 53143531433369006h 59m 59.66s−61° 20 10.36.6859.74G9Vhas a circumstellar disk
VY CarVY932035253810h 44m 32.69s−57° 33 55.36.919100F7Iab/Ibclassical Cepheid, Vmax = 6.91m, Vmin = 8.00m, P = 18.89 d
AG CarAG949105346110h 56m 11.58s−60° 27 12.86.9617000B2-3Ib/WN11luminous blue variable, Vmax = 5.7m, Vmin = 8.3m, P = 371.4 d
BO CarBO9342010h 45m 50.63s−59° 29 19.57.18M4Iab:semiregular variable, Vmax = 7.15m, Vmin = 7.95m, P = 130.7 d
HD 93403934035262810h 45m 44.12s−59° 24 28.17.302670O5.5I+O7Vbinary star
HD 93129A93129A10h 43m 57.46s−59° 32 51.27.317500O2If*+O3.5in Trumpler 14; binary star; primary is one of the most luminous stars known
V CarV722754158808h 28m 43.70s−60° 07 21.37.315600G2Iab:classical Cepheid, Vmax = 7.08m, Vmin = 7.82m, P = 6.70 d
HD 938439384310h 48m 37.78s−60° 13 25.57.33O5III(f)virregular variable, Vmax = 7.31m, Vmin = 7.35m
HD 95086950865352410h 57m 03.0s−68° 40 027.36295A8IIIhas a planet (b)
HD 93250932505255810h 44m 45.03s−59° 33 54.77.507500O4IIIfcin Trumpler 16; suspected variable
HR CarHR901775084310h 22m 53.84s−59° 37 28.47.5717700B3Iaepluminous blue variable, Vmax = 6.8m, Vmin = 8.80m
WR 40V385965485428311h 06m 17.20s−65° 30 35.27.705900WN8hWolf–Rayet star and rotating ellipsoidal variable, ΔV = 0.04m, P = 4.76 d; one of the most luminous stars known
HD 93205V5609320510h 44m 33.74s−59° 44 15.57.757500O3.5V((f+))in Trumpler 16; rotating ellipsoidal variable, Vmax = 7.74m, Vmin = 7.76m, P = 6.08 d
IW CarIW82084
09h 26m 53.30s−63° 37 48.97.90A4Iab/II:RV Tau variable, Vmax = 7.77m, Vmin = 9.10m, P = 143.6 d
HD 65216652163855807h 53m 41.3s−63° 38 50.47.98112G5Vhas two planets (b & c)
HD 97152V431971525457411h 10m 04.08s−60° 58 45.08.074000WC7+O7VWolf–Rayet star; eclipsing binary, Vmax = 7.97m, Vmin = 8.08m, P = 1.62 d
HD 63765637653804107h 47m 49.72s−54° 15; has a planet (b)
Y CarY915655165310h 33m 10.85s−58° 29 55.18.163050F2double-mode Cepheid, Vmax = 7.53m, Vmin = 8.48m, P = 3.64 d
HD 51608516083322906h 54m 51s−55° 15 348.17114K0IVhas two planets (b & c)
HD 85628 A8562809h 50m 19.2s−66° 06 508.19559A3Vhas a planet (b)
YZ CarYZ909125126210h 28m 16.85s−59° 21 00.78.245900G5classical Cepheid, Vmax = 8.24m, Vmin = 9.08m, P = 18.17 d
WR 16V396861614861709h 54m 52.90s−57° 43 38.38.32WN8hrotating ellipsoidal variable, ΔV = 0.06m; one of the most luminous stars known
EM CarEM9748411h 12m 04.51s−61° 05 42.98.52O8VAlgol variable
RT CarRT3033105256210h 44m 47.15s−59° 24 48.18.551430M2Iab:possibly in Trumpler 15; irregular variable, Vmax = 8.2m, Vmin = 9.9m, one of the largest stars known
HD 85567V596855674826909h 50m 28.54s−60° 58 03.08.576900B2FS CMa variable, Vmax = 8.44m, Vmin = 8.75m
UX CarUX910395133810h 29m 11.24s−57° 36 48.38.622530F2IIclassical Cepheid, Vmax = 7.81m, Vmin = 8.67m, P = 3.68 d
XZ CarXZ3059965410111h 04m 13.47s−60° 58 47.78.67B2:peclassical Cepheid, Vmax = 8.05m, Vmin = 9.12m, P = 16.65 d
GG CarGG948785344410h 55m 58.92s−60° 23 33.48.70B0/2eqBe star and re-radiating binary system, Vmax = 8.44m, Vmin = 9.08m, P = 31.03 d
V403 CarV40310h 35m 40.67s−58° 12 44.68.748400B1IIIin NGC 3293; β Cep variable, ΔV = 0.033m, P = 0.25 d
Tr 16-104V57210h 44m 47.31s−59° 43 53.28.757500O7V((f))+
in Trumpler 16; Algol variable, Vmax = 8.66m, Vmin = 9.07m, P = 2.15 d
V348 CarV3489070710h 29m 59.00s−57° 40 32.88.78B1IIIβ Lyr variable, Vmax = 8.55m, Vmin = 8.93m, P = 5.56 d
WR 259316210h 44m 10.34s−59° 43 11.48.807500O2.5If*/WN6in Trumpler 16; Wolf–Rayet star; one of the most luminous stars known
HD 60435V409604353653707h 30m 56.99s−57° 59 28.28.89739Ap...rapidly oscillating Ap star
WR 23928095233110h 41m 38.32s−58° 46 18.79.033400WC6Wolf–Rayet star
HD 92024V3819202410h 36m 08.31s−58° 13 04.779.048400B1IIIin NGC 3293; β Cep variable, Vmax = 9.04m, Vmin = 9.06m, P = 0.17 d
GH CarGH3060775462111h 10m 44.59s−60° 45 01.09.20G0classical Cepheid, Vmax = 9m, Vmin = 9.35m, P = 5.73 d
WZ CarWZ947775339710h 55m 18.73s−60° 56 24.09.374700F8classical Cepheid, Vmax = 8.63m, Vmin = 9.88m, P = 23.02 d
CPD -59° 2635V73110h 45m 12.72s−59° 44 46.29.437500O8V+O9.5Vin Trumpler 16; Algol variable, Vmax = 9.27m, Vmin = 9.78m, P = 2.30 d
V392 CarV39207h 58m 10.47s−60° 51 NGC 2516; Algol and α2 CVn variable, Vmax = 9.49m, Vmin = 9.67m
XY CarXY3081495394511h 02m 16.07s−64° 15 46.59.49G5classical Cepheid, Vmax = 8.82m, Vmin = 9.77m, P = 12.43 d
HD 87643V6408764310h 04m 30.29s−58° 39 52.19.50B2eOrion variable, Vmax = 7.4m, Vmin = 9.8m
CPD -59 2628V57310h 45m 08.23s−59° 40 49.59.527500O9.5V+B0.3Vin Trumpler 16; Algol variable
HD 90657V398906575110910h 26m 31.41s−58° 38 26.29.693500WN5+O4-6Wolf–Rayet star; eclipsing binary, ΔV = 0.035m
GL CarGL30616811h 14m 39.84s−60° 39 36.39.70B3:VAlgol variable
DW CarDW30554310h 43m 10.07s−60° 02 11.79.85B2:pein Collinder 228; Algol variable
SS73 17V64810h 11m 02.95s−57° 48 13.99.99M3pe+OBZ And variable, Vmax = 9.6m, Vmin = 10.0m, P = 520 d
CPD -57 287410h 15m 21.97s−57° 51 42.710.16sgB1[e]B[e] star
GZ CarGZ3027195061510h 20m 20.37s−59° 22 35.810.202400G5double-mode Cepheid, Vmax = 9.98m, Vmin = 10.47m, P = 4.16 d
HH CarHH30350310h 53m 36.47s−59° 27 18.210.31BAlgol variable, Vmax = 10.3m, Vmin = 10.82m, P = 3.23 d
EY CarEY5238010h 42m 23.03s−61° 09 57.310.35B2:pedouble-mode Cepheid, Vmax = 10.01m, Vmin = 10.56m, P = 2.88 d
HD 307938V55730793810h 42m 41.52s−64° 21 04.410.57G2VBY Dra variable, ΔV = 0.21m
WR 18V500893585036810h 17m 02.27s−57° 54 47.910.66300WN4-sWolf–Rayet star
HD 94546V428945465327410h 53m 44.82s−59° 30 46.710.7WN4+O8VWolf–Rayet star; eclipsing binary, ΔV = 0.05m
He 3-51910h 53m 59.59s−60° 26 44.310.85WN11Wolf–Rayet star, Vmax = 10.6m, Vmin = 11.0m
NGC 3603-A197950A11h 15m 07.31s−61° 15 38.411.1220000WN6ha+O3Vin NGC 3603; Algol variable, ΔV = 0.45m, P = 3.77 d both components among the most luminous and massive stars known
CR CarCR10h 32m 54.07s−58° 31 15.511.30B2:peclassical Cepheid, Vmax = 11.3m, Vmin = 11.89m, P = 9.76 d
NGC 3603-B97950B11h 15m 07.41s−61° 15 38.611.33WN6h+absone of the most luminous and most massive stars known
Innes' star11h 16m 00.21s−57° 32 51.611.5241.31M3.5has a planet
QU CarQU3103765422611h 05m 42.49s−68° 37 58.211.541290B+...V Sge variable, Vmax = 10.9m, Vmin = 11.7m, P = 0.45 d
WR 30V5419430510h 51m 06.01s−62° 17 01.711.73WC6+O7.5VAlgol variable, ΔV = 0.09m
Wray 15-751V43211h 08m 40.06s−60° 42 51.711.79WR:luminous blue variable, Vmax = 10.7m, Vmin = 12.43m
NGC 3603-C97950C11h 15m 07.59s−61° 15 18.011.89WN6h+absspectroscopic binary
FO 15V66210h 45m 36.32s−59° 48 23.212.097500O5.5V+O9.5Vin Trumpler 16; Algol variable, Vmax = 12.09m, Vmin = 12.7m, P = 1.41 d
Sher 2511h 15m 07.8s−61° 15 1712.27B1.5Iabin NGC 3603; potential supernova progenitor
WR 30aV57410h 51m 38.93s−60° 56 35.212.73WR+...Algol variable, ΔV = 0.05m
GJ 112809h 42m 46.356s−68° 53 06.0412.78M4.0V
He 2-38V36609h 54m 43.29s−57° 18 52.412.92M5-7.5Mira and Z And variable, Vmax = 12.1m, Vmin = 14.4m, P = 433 d
BPM 6502V72710h 44m 10.23s−69° 18 18.013.09DA2.2+Mre-radiating binary system
WR 20aV71210h 23m 58.00s−57° 45 49.013.5O3If*/WN6+
in Westerlund 2; Algol variable
LHS 28810h 44m 21.32s−61° 12 38.413.9215.602M4
OGLE-TR-113V75210h 52m 24.4s−61° 26 48.514.421800Khas a transiting planet (b)
MTT 6811h 14m 59.50s−61° 14 33.8914.72−6.425,000O2If*rare O2If* type, along with HD 93129A
2S 0921-630V39509h 22m 35.20s−63° 17 38.515.3K0IIIelow-mass X-ray binary
OGLE-TR-123V81611h 06m 51.1s−61° 11 10.515.47FV+MVpossibly has a transiting planet
OGLE-TR-111V75910h 53m 17.9s−61° 24 20.315.555000Ghas a transiting planet (b) and
a possible second planet
OGLE-TR-132V74210h 50m 34.7s−61° 57 25.915.727110Fhas a transiting planet (b)
OY CarOY10h 06m 22.07s−70° 14 04.616.2277M5/M6:...SU UMa variable and eclipsing binary, Vmax = 11.2m, Vmin = 16.2m, P = 0.063 d
OGLE-TR-18211h 09m 18.73s−61° 05 42.9316.8412700Ghas a transiting planet (b)
OGLE-TR-21110h 40m 14.39s−62° 27 20.25300Fhas a transiting planet (b)
OGLE-TR-122V81711h 06m 52.0s−60° 51 45.7has a transiting brown dwarf
OGLE2-TR-L911h 07m 55s−61° 08 462935F3has a transiting planet (b)
1E 1048.1-593710h 50m 08.93s−59° 53 19.9Beanomalous X-ray pulsar
DENIS J081730.0-61552008h 17m 30.01s−61° 55 15.816.1T6brown dwarf
PSR J1048-583210h 48m 12.20s−58° 32 05.8pulsar
PSR J1119-612711h 19m 14.30s−61° 27 49.5pulsar
Table legend:

See also


  1. Gray, R. O.; Garrison, R. F. (1989-02-01). "The Early F-Type Stars: Refined Classification, Confrontation with Stroemgren Photometry, and the Effects of Rotation". The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 69: 301. Bibcode:1989ApJS...69..301G. doi:10.1086/191315. ISSN 0067-0049.
  2. Lopez-Cruz, O.; Garrison, R. F. (1993-01-01). "A Spectroscopic Study of High Galactic Latitude F Supergiant Stars". Luminous High-Latitude Stars. 45: 59. Bibcode:1993ASPC...45...59L.
  3. Kunitzsch, P., & Smart, T. (2006). A Dictionary of Modern star Names: A Short Guide to 254 Star Names and Their Derivations (2nd rev. ed.). Cambridge, MA: Sky Pub. p. 25. ISBN 978-1-931559-44-7.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  4. Gray, R. O.; Corbally, C. J.; Garrison, R. F.; McFadden, M. T.; Bubar, E. J.; McGahee, C. E.; O'Donoghue, A. A.; Knox, E. R. (July 2006). "Contributions to the Nearby Stars (NStars) Project: Spectroscopy of Stars Earlier than M0 within 40 parsecs: The Southern Sample". The Astronomical Journal. 132 (1): 161–170. arXiv:astro-ph/0603770. doi:10.1086/504637. ISSN 0004-6256.


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