Schubert at the piano in Schubertiade, drawing by Moritz von Schwind (1868)

The following is a list of the complete output of solo piano works composed by Franz Schubert.

Quick reference

Legend to the table:

indicates a direct link to the manuscript at the Schubert-Autographs website by the Austrian Academy of Sciences

indicates a direct link to the score at International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP)

For the Piano Sonatas: there is no uniform numbering of the sonatas. The Deutsch catalogue does not number the sonatas. In the Neue Schubert-Ausgabe the sonatas are also not numbered. There are several issues which make the numbering difficult: e.g. which of the incomplete sketches are to be included?... in what order are they to be presented?... The current list retains the following numbering systems:

Note that in Schubert's lifetime "Fantasie" (Fantasy) and "Sonate" (Sonata) had a somewhat overlapping meaning: by convention the Wanderer Fantasy was never numbered as a sonata, while D 894, first published as a Fantasie, always was.

Other columns in the table:

  • Op.: Opus number, "(p)" or "posth." indicates a posthumous publication.
  • D.: Deutsch number; between square brackets: former Deutsch number


   Completed numbered sonata    Unfinished



Fantasy Fantasie C minor 1811 2E [993] Largo[4]
Minuet No. 1 (D. 2D) Menuetto C major[4] 1811 2D/1 [995]

Draft for a minuet for wind orchestra, first published 1956 (as piano piece)[5]

Minuet No. 2 (D. 2D) Menuetto F major[4] 1811 2D/2 [995]

Draft for a minuet for wind orchestra, first published 1956 (as piano piece)[5]

Fugue same

D minor 1811

1813 (?)[6]

13 Allegro maestoso
Andante same

C major 9 Sep 1812[7] 29

Thematically identical to Andante for string quintet D 3.[7] Sketched for the 2nd mov. of D 36

Allegro moderato C major 1813, first half[8] 347 fragment[8]
Minuet (D. 600) Menuetto

C-sharp minor Early




Trio D 610 was possibly intended for this Minuet.D 600/610 can be inserted in D 613

Minuets (D. 41) Menuetti


23 Minuetti Mid



41 Originally 30 minuets with trio,[11] AGA XII/30 numbers the extant ones 1-20 :
Sonata (movement) Sonate

E major 11 Feb 1815



Allegro (fragment)[13] Possible sketch to the first movement of D. 157[13]

10 Variations same

F major 15



156 2 versions of the "Theme" and "Variation II"
1 1 1 Sonata No. 1 Sonate

E major Feb


157 Movement 4 is missing.[14]
Adagio same G major Mid




(v1) started as clean copy, but later many modifications[15]

(v2) fragment[16]

Minuet — Trio same A minor 1815 277A Alternate third movement for D. 279
2 2 2 Sonata No. 2 Sonate I


C major Sep


279 [17] 4th movement is missing
Allegretto Allegretto

C major Early



346 Fragment, suggested as final movement for D. 279[19]
Andantino Andantino

C major 1817, [20] 348 fragment
Adagio Adagio

C major Late



349 fragment
3 3 Sonata No. 3 Fünf


E major Aug 1816


Piano pieces published in 1843 also known as sonata 3. First two movements (Sonate D. 459) (2nd movement incomplete in manuscript): Last three movements (D. 459A, also Drei Klavierstücke):
Andante same A major 1816



604 Suggested as second movement for D. 571
6 4 4 164


Sonata No. 5 Sonate A minor Mar 1817 537 Three movements.
3 5 5 Sonata No. 6 Sonate A-flat major May 1817 557 Three movements



Rondo same E major 1817


506 often added as last movement to D. 566
4 6 6 Sonata No. 7 Sonate E minor Jun 1817 566 Movements 1–3 complete with Rondo D 506 added.
7a 7
Sonata No. 8 Sonate D-flat major Jun 1817 568 [567] unfinished (older version of Op. 122):
8 Scherzo — Allegro same D major
F-sharp minor


570 Suggested as last two movements for D. 571.
Sonata No. 10 Sonate F-sharp minor 1817 571 unfinished Piano Sonata in F-sharp minor, D. 571:
5 9 9


Sonata No. 11 Sonate B major Aug 1817 575 Four movements
13 Variations on a theme by Anselm Hüttenbrenner 13 Var. A minor 1817 576
Scherzo same B-flat major 1817 593 #1


Scherzo same D-flat major 1817 593 #2

Allegro moderato

Fantasy Fantasia C major 1818




Grazer Fantasy
Mar Mare E major 1818



Allegro con brio

Trio same E major 1818 610

belongs to an unidentified Minuet, maybe D. 600

together with that Minuet it can be inserted in D. 613

Adagio same E major 1818 612
Sonata No. 12 Sonate C major Apr 1818 613 Both movements are fragments.



Adagio same D-flat major 1818 (?) 505

indicated as second movement of D. 625

first published in E major in an abridged form as Op. Post. 145 no. 1

10 11
Sonata No. 13 Sonate F minor Sep 1818 625 Movements 1 and 4 are fragments.
Sonata No. 14 Sonata


C-sharp minor 1819 655 unfinished Piano Sonata in C-sharp minor, D. 655:
  1. Allegro (fragment)
10 11 13 120 (p) Sonata No. 15 Sonate A major 1819
664 nicknamed little A major sonata, to distinguish it from D. 959. Three movements
Variation on a waltz by Diabelli Variation C minor 1821 718 One of 50 such variations, written by 50 different composers, for Part II of Vaterländischer Künstlerverein, commissioned by Anton Diabelli
15 Wanderer Fantasy same C major Nov 1822 760 Four movements.
Sonata No. 4 Sonate E minor 1823 (ca.) 769A [994] One movement - fragment
50 34 Valses Sentimentales same 1823 779 published 1825
94 #1 Moment Musical No. 1 same C major 1823 780 #1


published 1828

94 #2 Moment Musical No. 2 same A-flat major 1823 780 #2 Published 1828
8 12 14 143 (p) Sonata No. 16 Sonate A minor Feb 1823 784 Three movements


Moment Musical No. 3 "Air Russe" same F minor Dec 1823 780 #3 Published 1828
Hungarian Melody Ungarische Melodie B minor 1824 817
94 #6 Moment Musical No. 6 same A-flat major Dec 1824 780 #6 First published 1824 as "Plainte d'un Troubadour" as Moment Musical published 1828.
13 15 Sonata No. 17 "Reliquie" Sonate Reliquie C major 1825 840 Movement 3 and 4 are fragments.


Moment Musical No. 4 same C-sharp minor 1823- 1828 780 #4 Published 1828


Moment Musical No. 5 same F minor 1823-1828 780 #5 Published 1828
9 14 16 42 Sonata No. 18 Sonate A minor May 1825 845 Four movements
11 15 17 53 Sonata No. 19 "Gasteiner" Sonate Gasteiner D major Aug 1825 850 Four movements
7 7b 7
122 (p) Sonata No. 9 Sonate E-flat major 1817-


568 first version (1817) formerly known as D. 567. Four movements
12 16 18 78 Sonata No. 20 "Fantasy" Sonate Fantaisie G major Oct 1826 894 Four movements


Impromptu No. 1 same C minor 1827 899 #1 Allegro molto moderato


Impromptu No. 2 same E-flat major 1827 899 #2




Impromptu No. 3 same G-flat major 1827 899 #3




Impromptu No. 4 same A-flat major 1827 899 #4


Allegretto same C minor 1821


900 Fragment
Allegretto same C minor 1827 915
77 12 Valses Nobles same 1827 969



Impromptu No. 1 same F minor 1827 935 #1 Allegro moderato
142 #2


Impromptu No. 2 same A-flat major 1827 935 #2 Allegretto
142 #3


Impromptu No. 3 "Rosamunde" Impromptu No. 3 B-flat major Dec 1827 935 #3 Five variations
142 #4


Impromptu No. 4 same F minor 1827 935 #4 Allegro vivace
Impromptu Klavierstück E-flat minor May 1828 946 #1
Impromptu Klavierstück E-flat major May 1828 946 #2 Allegretto
Impromptu Klavierstück C major May 1828 946 #3 Allegro
13 17 19 Sonata No. 21 Sonate C minor Sep 1828 958 Four movements
14 18 20 Sonata No. 22 Sonate A major Sep 1828 959 Four movements
15 19 21 post Sonata No. 23 Sonate B-flat major Sep 1828 960 Four movements

Complete list

The table includes the following information:

  • D – the catalogue number assigned by Otto Erich Deutsch or NSA authorities
  • Former Deutsch Number – information on Deutsch numbers that have been re-assigned, when applicable; listed in "[...]"
  • Opus Number – the opus number of the original publication of the work, when applicable; "(p)" or "posth." indicates a posthumous publication
  • English Title – The title of the work in an English translation from German
  • Informal Title – any additional names by which the work is known, when applicable
  • Original Title – The title of the work in German as it appears in the Deutsch catalogue or the Neue Schubert-Ausgabe
  • Autograph Link a direct link to the manuscript at the Schubert-Autographs website by the Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • Score Link a direct link to the score at the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) website
  • Date – the known or assumed date of composition, when available; or date of publication
  • Numbering Systems of Piano Sonatas – the numbering of the piano sonatas as listed in the Breitkopf & Härtel and Wiener Urtext Editions, described above
  • Version – the number of versions as it pertains to works that have more than one version of the same work/movement
  • Notes – any additional information concerning the work: alternate titles, listing of movements or numbers, tempo markings, completeness, relation to other works, authorship, etc.
DOp.English TitleOriginal TitleDateB&H[1]WUE[2]Details/Notes
2D [995] Six Minuets for Winds (No. 1 in C major, No. 2 in F major) Sechs Menuette für Blaser (No. 1 in C, No. 2 in F) 1811

Menuetto – Trio; version for piano of Nos. 1-2

2E [993] Fantasy in C minor Fantasie in c 1811 Largo – Andantino – Allegro – Largo
13 Fugue in D minor Fuge in d ca. 1812 Allegro maestoso
19B Several Waltzes and a March Mehrere Walzer und ein Marsch 1812 or 1813? lost
21 Six Variations in E-flat major Sechs Variationen in Es 1812 lost
22 Twelve Minuets with Trios Zwölf Menuette mit Trios 1812 lost
24 Seven Variations in F major Sieben Variationen in F 1812? lost
24A Fugue in C major Fuge in C Summer 1812? Allegro; presumably for piano or organ
24B Fugue in G major Fuge in G Summer 1812? Allegro; presumably for piano or organ
24C Fugue in D minor Fuge in D Summer 1812? Maestoso; presumably for piano or organ
24D Fugue in C major Fuge in C Summer 1812? Maestoso (fragment)
29 Andante in C major Andante in C 9 September 1812[7]

version for piano of the Movement for string quartet, D 3; also used in a sketch for the second movement of the String Quartet in C major, D 36

41 Thirty Minuets with Trios 30 Menuette mit Trios 1813 Nos. 1–8, 11–18 and 20-–23 are extant
41A Fugue in E minor Fuge in e 1813 Allegro moderato (fragment)
71B Fugue in E minor Fuge in e July 1813 Maestoso (fragment)
91 Two Minuets, each with Two Trios Zwei Menuette mit je zwei Trios 22 November 1813 Menuetto – Trio I – Trio II
128 Twelve Viennese German Dances Zwölf Wiener Deutsche 1812?
135 German Dance with Trio in E major Deutscher mit Trio in E 1815 1st version of the Waltz in E major, D 146 No. 3, with a different title
139 German Dance in C-sharp major with Trio in A major Deutscher in Cis mit Trio in A 1815
145 18 Twelve Waltzes, Seventeen Ländler and Nine Écossaises Zwölf Walzer, siebzehn Ländler und neun Ecossaisen 1815–1821
146 127(p) Twenty Waltzes Zwanzig Walzer 1815 and 1823 2 versions for No. 3 – the 1st one with a Trio in E major [D 135], and the 2nd one with a Trio in A major; also, 2 versions for No. 5 – the 1st one with a Trio in B-flat major and the 2nd one with a Trio in A-flat major; NSA identifies both earlier versions as "German Dances", not "Waltzes"
154 Sonata in E major Sonate in E 11 February 1815 early version of the first movement of the Sonata in E major, D 154

I. Allegro (fragment)

156 Ten Variations in F major Zehn Variationen in F 15 February 1815 2 versions of the "Theme" and "Variation II"
157 Sonata in E major Sonate in E began on 18 February 1815 1 1 unfinished – first three movements are extant

I. Allegro ma non troppo
II. Andante
III. Menuetto. Allegro vivace – Trio

158 Écossaise in D minor/F major Ecossaise in d/F 21 February 1815
178 Adagio in G major Adagio in G 8 April 1815 2 versions; 2nd version is a fragment
277A Minuet in A minor with Trio in F major Menuett in a mit Trio in F September 1815? alternate third movement for the Sonata in C major, D 279
279 Sonata in C major Sonate in C September 1815 2 2 unfinished – first three movements are extant; the Allegretto in C major, D 346 fragment is probably the fourth movement

I. Allegro moderato
II. Andante
III. Menuetto. Allegro vivace – Trio
IV. Allegretto (D 346, fragment)

299 Twelve Écossaises Zwölf Ecossaisen 3 October 1815
309A Rondo in C major Rondo in C 16 October 1815 Allegro vivace (fragment)
334 Minuet in A major with Trio in E major Menuett in A mit Trio in E before Fall 1815 Menuetto. Allegretto – Trio I
335 Minuet with Two Trios in E major Menuett mit zwei Trios in E 1813? Menuetto – Trio I – Trio II
346 Allegretto in C major Allegretto in C 1816? fragment; probably the fourth movement of the Sonata in C major, D 279
347 Allegro moderato in C major Allegro moderato in C 1813? fragment
348 Andantino in C major Andantino in C 1816? fragment
349 Adagio in C major Adagio in C 1816? fragment
365 9 Thirty-six Original Dances, Erste Walzer 36 Originaltänze March 1818–July 1821
366 Seventeen Ländler Siebzehn Ländler July–November 1824
378 Eight Ländler in B-flat major Acht Ländler in B 13 February 1816 the upper parts of Nos. 1–5 and 7 also used in Nos. 1–3, 5, 7 and 11 from the Eleven Ländler in B-flat major for violin, D 374
380 Three Minuets, each with Two Trios Drei Menuette mit je zwei Trios 22 February 1816 Menuetto – Trio I – Trio II; fragment; for the third minuet, the second strain of the first trio and the entire second trio are missing
420 Twelve German Dances Zwölf Deutsche 1816
421 Six Écossaises Sechs Ecossaisen May 1816
459 Sonata in E major Sonate in E August 1816 3 1816, in 2 movements; also paired with D 459A to have a five movement sonata or five piano pieces "Fünf Klavierstücke"

I. Allegro moderato
II. Scherzo. Allegro

459A Three piano pieces Drei Klavierstücke 1816? also paired with D 459 to have a five movement sonata or five piano pieces "Fünf Klavierstücke"

1. Adagio
2. Scherzo. Allegro – Trio. Più tardo
3. Allegro patetico

505 145 No. 1(p) Adagio in D-flat major Adagio in Des September 1818? probably the second movement of the unfinished Piano Sonata in F minor, D 625
145 No. 2(p) Rondo in E major Rondo in E June 1817? Allegretto moto; probably the fourth movement of the unfinished? Piano Sonata in E minor, D 566
511 Écossaise in E-flat major Ecossaise in Es ca. 1817
529 Eight Écossaises Acht Ecossaisen February 1817
537 164(p) Sonata in A minor Sonate in a March 1817 6 4

I. Allegro ma non troppo
II. Allegretto quasi andantino
III. Allegro vivace

557 Sonata in A-flat major Sonate in As May 1817 3 5 there is not complete certainty that the third movement, in E-flat major, is the Finale of the work

I. Allegro moderato
II. Andante
III. Allegro

566 Sonata in E minor Sonate in e June 1817 4 6 unfinished? – first three movements are extant; the Rondo in E major, D 506 is probably the fourth movement

I. Moderato
II. Allegretto
III. Scherzo. Allegro vivace – Trio
IV. Rondo. Allegretto moto (D 506)

568 (1st version) [567] Piano Sonata in D-flat major Sonate in Des June 1817 7 the Scherzo in D-flat major, D 593 No. 2 possibly constitutes the third movement; the last movement is a fragment; NSA also appends an amended first movement from the 1st version

I. Allegro moderato
II. Andante molto
III. Scherzo. Allegro moderato – Trio (D 593 No. 2)
IV. Allegretto (fragment)

568 (2nd version) 122(p) Piano Sonata in E-flat major Sonate in Es 1825–1826? 7 8

I. Allegro moderato
II. Andante molto
III. Menuetto. Allegro – Trio
IV. Allegro moderato

570 Scherzo in D major and Allegro in F-sharp minor Scherzo in D und Allegro in fis July 1817? the "Allegro" is a fragment; these were probably intended as the third and fourth movements, respectively, of the unfinished Sonata in F-sharp minor, D 571
571 Sonata in F-sharp minor Sonate in fis July 1817 9 unfinished – fragment of an "Allegro moderato" first movement is extant. The Piano piece in A major, D 604, an Andante, as well as the Scherzo in D major and Allegro in F-sharp minor fragment from D 570 probably constitute the remaining movements

I. Allegro moderato (fragment)
II. Andante (D 604)
III. Scherzo. Allegro vivace – Trio (D 570)
IV. Allegro (D 570, fragment)

575 147(p) Sonata in B major Sonate in H August 1817 5 10

I. Allegro, ma non troppo
II. Andante
III. Scherzo. Allegretto – Trio
IV. Allegro giusto

576 Thirteen Variations on a theme by Anselm Hüttenbrenner in A minor 13 Variationen über ein Thema von Anselm Hüttenbrenner in a August 1817
593 Two Scherzi Zwei Scherzi November 1817

1. Allegretto in B-flat major
2. Allegro moderato in D-flat major (possibly the third movement of the unfinished Sonata in D-flat major, D 568 [1st version, formerly D 567])

600 Minuet in C-sharp minor Menuett in cis beginning of 1814? the Trio in E major, D 610 was probably intended for this Minuet; in turn the Minuet with Trio D 600/610 tandem possibly constitute the third movement of the unfinished Sonata in C major, D 613
604 Piano piece in A major Klavierstück in A 1816 or July 1817 also appears as "Andante in A major"; probably the second movement of the unfinished Sonata in F-sharp minor, D 571
605 Fantasy in C major Fantasie in C between 1821-1823 Without tempo indication – Allegro moderato – Andantino (fragment)
605A Fantasy in C major for piano, Grazer Fantasy Fantasie in C 1818? Moderato con espressione – Alla polacca – più moto – Moderato con espressione – Tempo I
606 March in E major Marsch in E 1818? Allegro con brio – Trio
610 Trio in E major, to be regarded as the lost son of a minuet Trio in E February 1818 this Trio was probably intended for the Minuet in C-sharp minor, D 600; in turn the Minuet with Trio D 600/610 tandem possibly constitute the third movement of the unfinished Sonata in C major, D 613
612 Adagio in E major Adagio in E April 1818 probably the second movement of the unfinished Sonata in C major, D 613
613 Sonata in C major Sonate in C April 1818 11 unfinished – fragments of two movements are extant; the Adagio in E major, D 612 as well as the Minuet with Trio D 600/610 possibly constitute the remaining movements

I. Moderato (fragment)
II. Adagio (D 612)
III. Menuetto – Trio (D 600/610)
IV. Without tempo indication (fragment)

625 Sonata in F minor Sonate in f September 1818 12 unfinished – a completed Scherzo with Trio, and fragments of two "Allegro" movements are extant; the Adagio in D-flat major D 505 is probably the second movement

I. Allegro (fragment)
II. Adagio (D 505)
III. Scherzo. Allegretto – Trio
IV. Allegro (fragment)

643 German Dance in C-sharp minor and Écossaise in D-flat major Deutscher in cis und Ecossaise in Des 1819
655 Sonata in C-sharp minor Sonate in cis April 1819 I. Allegro (fragment)
664 120(p) Sonata in A major, Little A major Sonate in A Summer 1819 or 1825 10 13

I. Allegro moderato
II. Andante
III. Allegro

681 Twelve Ländler Zwölf Ländler ca. 1815 Nos. 5–12 are extant
697 Six Écossaises in A-flat major Sechs Ecossaisen in As May 1820 Nos. 1–4 and 6 are extant
718 Variation in C minor on a Waltz by Anton Diabelli Variation in c über einen Walzer von Anton Diabelli March 1821 written for Vaterländischer Künstlerverein
722 German Dance in G-flat major Deutscher in Ges 8 March 1821
734 67 Sixteen Ländler and Two Écossaises for piano, Wiener Damen-Ländler Sechzehn Ländler und zwei Ecossaisen date unknown; pub. 15 December 1826
735 49 Galop and Eight Écossaises Galopp und acht Ecossaisen date unknown; pub. 21 November 1825
757A March in B minor Marsch in h 15 August 1822 Allegro assai – Trio
759A 69 Overture to the Opera Alfonso und Estrella Ouvertüre zu der Oper "Alfonso und Estrella" November 1822 Andante – Allegro – più moto; version for piano of the Overture from D 732
760 15 Fantasy in C major, Wanderer Fantasy Fantasie in C November 1822

I. Allegro con fuoco ma non troppo
II. Adagio
III. Presto
IV. Allegro

769 Two German Dances Zwei Deutsche No. 1 January 1824; No. 2 date unknown, pub. 19 December 1823
769A [994] Piano Sonata in E minor Sonate in e ca. 1823 I. Allegro (fragment)
779 50 Thirty-four Valses Sentimentales 34 Valses sentimentales Nos. 8, 9, 12, 14 February 1823; pub. 21 November 1825
780 94 Six Moments musicaux Moments Musicaux No. 3 before 19 December 1823, No. 6 11 December 1824; pub. 11 July 1828

1. Moderato in C major
2. Andantino in A-flat major
3. Allegro moderato in F minor, Air russe
4. Moderato in C-sharp minor
5. Allegro vivace in F minor
6. Allegretto in A-flat major, Plainte d'un Troubadour

781 Twelve Écossaises Zwölf Ecossaisen January 1823 Nos. 2–12 are extant
782 Écossaise in D major Ecossaise in D date unknown; pub. 21 February 1824
783 33 Sixteen German Dances and Two Écossaises 16 Deutsche und zwei Ecossaisen partly composed between January 1823–July 1824; pub. 8 January 1825 German Dances Nos. 8 and 9 also used in D 366, D 814
784 143(p) Sonata in A minor, Grande Sonate Sonate in a February 1823 8 14

I. Allegro giusto
II. Andante
III. Allegro vivace

790 171(p) Twelve German Dances Zwölf Deutsche May 1823 also appear as "Twelve Ländler"
816 Three Écossaises Drei Ecossaisen September 1824
817 Hungarian Melody in B minor Ungarische Melodie in h 2 September 1824 Allegretto
820 Six German Dances Sechs Deutsche October 1824
840 Sonata in C major, Reliquie Sonate in C April 1825 15 unfinished – first and second movements are complete; third and fourth movements are fragments

I. Moderato
II. Andante
III. Menuetto. Allegretto – Trio (fragment)
IV. Rondo. Allegro (fragment)

841 Two German Dances Zwei Deutsche April 1825
844 Waltz in G major for piano, Albumblatt Walzer in G 16 April 1825
845 42 Sonata in A minor Sonate in a Before the end of May 1825 9 16

I. Moderato
II. Andante poco mosso
III. Scherzo. Allegro vivace – Trio. Un poco più lento
IV. Rondo. Allegro vivace

850 53 Sonata in D major, Gasteiner Sonate in D August 1825 11 17

I. Allegro
II. Con moto
III. Scherzo. Allegro vivace – Trio
IV. Rondo. Allegro moderato

894 78 Sonata in G major, Fantasie Sonate in G October 1826 12 18 NSA also appends a discarded 1st version of the second movement

I. Molto moderato e cantabile
II. Andante
III. Menuetto. Allegro moderato – Trio
IV. Allegretto

899 90 Four Impromptus for piano Vier Impromptus Summer–Fall 1827?

1. Allegro molto moderato in C minor
2. Allegro in E-flat major
3. Andante in G-flat major
4. Allegretto in A-flat major

900 Allegretto in C minor Allegretto in c after 1820? fragment
915 Allegretto in C minor Allegretto in c 26 April 1827
916B Piano Piece in C major Klavierstück in C Summer–Fall 1827? Allegro (sketch)
916C Piano piece in C minor Klavierstück in c Summer–Fall 1827? Without tempo indication (sketch)
924 91 Twelve Grazer Waltzes Zwölf Grazer Walzer September 1827?
925 Grazer Galopp in C major Grazer Galopp in C September 1827?
935 142(p) Four Impromptus Vier Impromptus December 1827

1. Allegro moderato in F minor
2. Allegretto in A-flat major
3. Thema e variazioni in B-flat major, Rosamunde
4. Allegro scherzando in F minor

944A German Dance in an unknown key Deutscher 1 March 1828 lost
946 Three piano pieces Drei Klavierstücke May 1828

1. Allegro assai in E-flat minor
2. Allegretto in E-flat major
3. Allegro in C major

958 Sonata in C minor Sonate in c September 1828 13 19

I. Allegro
II. Adagio
III. Menuetto. Allegro – Trio
IV. Allegro

959 Sonata in A major Sonate in A September 1828 14 20

I. Allegro
II. Andantino
III. Scherzo. Allegro vivace – Trio. Un poco più lento
IV. Rondo. Allegretto

960 Sonata in B-flat major Sonate in B September 1828 15 21

I. Molto moderato
II. Andante sostenuto
III. Scherzo. Allegro vivace e con delicatezza – Trio
IV. Allegro, ma non troppo

969 77 Twelve Waltzes, Valses nobles Zwölf Walzer date unknown; pub. 1827
970 Six Ländler Sechs Ländler date unknown; pub. 1889 also appear as "Six German Dances"
971 Three German Dances Drei Deutsche date unknown; pub. 1823
972 Three German Dances Drei Deutsche before 1817
973 Three German Dances Drei Deutsche 1823?
974 Two German Dances Zwei Deutsche 1822?
975 German Dance in D major Deutscher in D 1824?
976 Cotillon in E-flat major Cotillon in Es date unknown; pub. 1825
977 Eight Écossaises Acht Ecossaisen 1816?
978 Waltz in A-flat major Walzer in As date unknown; pub. 1825
979 Waltz in G major Walzer in G date unknown; pub. 1826
980 Two Waltzes Zwei Walzer date unknown; pub. 1826
980A [640] Two Dances Zwei Tänze date unknown; before 1821 sketches
980B [679] Two Ländler in E-flat major Zwei Ländler in Es 1816?
980C [680] Two Ländler in D-flat major Zwei Ländler in Des date unknown; before 1821 fragment
980D Waltz in C major, Krähwinkler Tanz Walzer in C date unknown; pub. 1828
980E Two Dances Zwei Tänze date unknown; after 1818? for piano?; sketches
980F March in G major Marsch in G date unknown; pub. 1989 piano reduction of a lost march for orchestra?
Anh. I/8 Sonata in F major Sonate in F 1815 lost or identical to D 157
Anh. I/9 Sonata in F major Sonate in F 1816 lost or identical to D 459
Anh. I/10 Fantasy in E-flat major Fantasie in Es 1825? lost or identical to a possible earlier version of D 568[22]
Anh. I/12 Seven Easy Variations in G major Sieben leichte Variationen in G 1810? presumably not by Schubert
Anh. I/13 Six German Dances Sechs Deutsche 1814 lost
Anh. I/14 Waltz [in G-flat major], Kupelwieser-Walzer Walzer 17 September 1826 transcribed by Richard Strauss
Anh. I/15 [336] Minuet with Trio in D major Menuett mit Trio in D date unknown presumably not by Schubert
deest Fugue in an unknown key Fuge 1813 lost
deest Fugue in F major Fuge in F 1813 sketch
deest Themes to Two Minuets Themen zu zwei Menuetten 1813? sketches
deest Four Dances in A major Neun Incipits zu Tänzen in A 1816? While there are incipits for nine dances, five correspond to sets which do have Deutsch numbers; only four have not currently been assigned a Deutsch number
deest Écossaise in G major, Ländler in F major and Ländler in F minor (?) Ecossaise in G, Ländler in F und Ländler in f (?) 1818? sketches
deest Sonata in C-sharp major Sonate in Cis 1825? lost or identical to D 568 (1st version)



  1. 1 2 3 numbering of the piano sonatas according to Franz Schubert's Werke: Kritisch durchgesehene GesammtausgabeSerie 10: Sonaten für Pianoforte. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1888.
  2. 1 2 3 numbering of the piano sonatas as encountered on Schubert page at Classical Archives and Schubert's Piano Sonatas template at IMSLP, with divergent numbers from Wiener Urtext Edition added in square brackets.
  3. 1 2 numbering of the piano sonatas as encountered in Franz SCHUBERT: Catalogo delle composizioni at and Franz Schubert Catalogue: 610 - Oeuvres pour piano at
  4. 1 2 3 Franz SCHUBERT: Catalogo delle composizioni — pagina 1 at
  5. 1 2 Deutsch 1978, p. 6-8
  6. D 13 Fuge in d at
  7. 1 2 3 D 29 Andante (C-Dur) at
  8. 1 2 D 347 Allegro moderato - Klavierstück (C-Dur) at
  9. D 600 Menuetto (cis-Moll) at
  10. 1 2 D 41 Menuetti at
  11. Deutsch 1978, p 32-34
  12. Deutsch 1978, p. 112-113
  13. 1 2 D 154 Sonate (E-Dur) Archived 2014-08-10 at the Wayback Machine at
  14. D 157 Sonate (E-Dur) Archived 2014-08-10 at the Wayback Machine at
  15. 1 2 D 178 Adagio (G-Dur) - 1. Fassung at
  16. 1 2 D 178 Adagio (G-Dur) - 2. Fassung at
  17. 1 2 D 279 Sonate I Archived 2014-08-10 at the Wayback Machine at
  18. D 346 Allegretto - Klavierstück (C-Dur) Archived 2014-08-10 at the Wayback Machine at
  19. Franz SCHUBERT: Catalogo delle composizioni — pagina 2 at
  20. D 348 Andantino - Klavierstück (C-Dur) at
  21. D 349 Adagio - Klavierstück (C-Dur) at
  22. Reed, John (1987). "Schubert's e Flat Piano Sonata: A New Date". The Musical Times. 128 (1735): 483–487. doi:10.2307/964844. JSTOR 964844.
  23. Deutsch 1978, p. XXI

Lists of (piano) compositions by Schubert

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