Research vessels by country include:


ARA Almirante Irízar, docked in Puerto de la Ciudad, Buenos Aires, Argentina.



  • RV Meen Shandhani
  • CVASU Research Vessel








Cook Islands


See also List of Danish research ships, which includes ships used only for expeditions

In addition to Danish research ships, Faroe Islands (self-governing part of the Kingdom of Denmark) operate their own:

  • R/V Jákup Sverri (2020–present)

In addition to Danish research ships, Greenland (self-governing part of the Kingdom of Denmark) operate their own:

  • R/V Sanna (2012–present)
  • R/V Tarajoq (2021–present)


  • Aranda (1953-1989)
  • Aranda (1989–present)
  • Muikku
  • Aurelia
  • Seili I
  • Seili II
  • Geomari
  • Kaiku
  • Saduria


RV Pourquoi Pas? harboured in Brest, France.
  • RV Jean Charcot (1965-)[3]
  • RV Côte d'Aquitaine
  • RV Côtes de la Manche
  • RV Gwen-Drez
  • RV Atalante
  • RV Europe
  • RV Curieuse
  • RV Suroît
  • RV Marion Dufresne
  • RV Pourquoi Pas?
  • RV Thalassa
  • RV Thalia
  • RV Thethys II


Research ship Planet of the German Navy
RV Aegaeo (Greece)


  • RV Aegaeo
  • RV Philia


  • RV Árni Friðriksson
  • RV Bjarni Sæmundsson




Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science


RV Celtic Explorer, a multi-purpose research vessel at sea in Galway Bay, Ireland.
  • RV Celtic Explorer
  • RV Celtic Voyager
  • RV Keary
  • RV Geo
  • RV Tonn
  • M.V. Cosantóir Bradán
  • RV Tom Crean


  • RV Andrea
  • RV Astrea
  • RV Cerruti
  • RV Dallaporta
  • RV Furetto
  • RV Italica
  • RV Luigi Sanzo
  • RV Maria Grazia
  • RV Minerva Uno
  • RV OGS Explora
  • RV Regione Lazio 1
  • RV Tecnopesca II
  • RV Trer
  • RV Andromeda
  • RV Futura
  • RV Cormorano II

Italian Navy

RV Alliance, NATO Research Vessel under Italian Navy flag since January 1, 2016
RV Elettra of the Italian Navy


  • RV Chikyuu
  • RV Hakurei Maru
  • RV Hakuho Maru
  • RV Kairei
  • RV Kaiyo
  • RV Mirai (formerly, Mutsu)
  • RV Natsushima
  • RV Shigen (formerly, RV Ramform Victory of Petroleum Geo-Services)
  • RV Umitaka Maru
  • RV Yokosuka
  • RV Nisshin Maru

Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force operated vessels

  • Shirase
  • JS Suma (AGS-5103)
  • JS Wakasa (AGS-5104)
  • JS Nichinan (AGS-5105)
  • JS Shonan (AGS-5106)


  • Kanysh Satpayev (2014–)


  • RV Cana cnrs


  • RV Almoravide
  • RV N´diago
  • RV Al Awam
  • RV Amrigue


The Pelagia on Texel, 05th of March 2013

New Zealand


RV Håkon Mosby harboured in Longyearbyen.
  • RV G.M. Dannevig
  • RV Johan Hjort
  • RV Helmer Hanssen (Jan Mayen)
  • RV Håkon Mosby
  • RV Dr Fridtjof Nansen
  • RV Johan Ruud
  • RV G.O. Sars
  • RV Trygve Braarud
  • RV Bjørn Føyn
  • RV Lance






RV Oceania, research sailing vessel of Polish Academy of Science
RV Kaszubski Brzeg of The Polish Maritime Museum in Gdańsk
  • ORP Arctowski
  • ORP Heweliusz
  • ORP Kopernik
  • RV Baltica
  • RV Doktor Lubecki
  • RV Kaszubski Brzeg
  • RV Oceania
  • RV Oceanograf 1
  • RV Oceanograf 2
  • ORP Planeta (retired)
  • ORP Zodiak (retired)
  • RV Birkut (retired)
  • RV Hydromet (retired)
  • RV Pomorzanin (retired)
  • RV Professor Bogucki (retired)
  • RV Profesor Siedlecki (scrapped)
  • RV Wieczno (retired)


Portuguese Navy

Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere

  • NI Mar Portugal
  • NI Noruega
  • NI Diplodus
  • NI Tellina (2003-2019)
  • NI Capricórnio (1994-2008)

University of Azores

  • NI Arquipélago


  • RV Mare Nigrum

Soviet Union/Russia[8][9]

  • RV Aisberg-II (decommissioned)
  • RV Akademik A. Karpinsky
  • RV Akademik Aleksandr Nesmeyanov (decommissioned)
  • RV Akademik Aleksandr Sidorenko (decommissioned)
  • RV Akademik Boris Petrov
  • RV Akademik Fersman
  • RV Akademik Fyodorov
  • RV Akademik Ioffe
RV Akademik Ioffe
  • RV Akademik Korolyov (decommissioned)
  • RV Akademik Kovalevskiy (decommissioned)
  • RV Akademik Kurchatov (decommissioned)
  • RV Akademik Lazarev
  • RV Akademik M.A.Lavrentyev
  • RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh
  • RV Akademik Nemchinov
  • RV Akademik Nikolay Strakhov
  • RV Akademik Oparin
  • RV Akademik Sergey Vavilov
  • RV Akademik Shatskiy
  • RV Akademik Shokalskiy
  • RV Akademik Vernadskiy(decommissioned)
  • RV Akvanavt (decommissioned)
  • RV Aleksei Chirikov (decommissioned)
  • RV Alexey Maryshev
  • RV Amur (decommissioned)
  • RV Anatoliy Zhilinskiy
  • RV Andrei Vilkitzky (decommissioned)
  • RV Arktika (decommissioned)
  • RV Artemida (decommissioned)
  • RV Atlantida
  • RV Atlantniro
  • RV Atlas
  • RV Atmosfera (decommissioned)
  • RV Bar
  • RV Belomor
  • RV Boris Davidov (decommissioned)
  • RV Briz (decommissioned)
  • RV Buran (decommissioned)
  • RV Dalniye Zelentsy
  • RV Dmitriy Ovtsyn
  • RV Dmitriy Mendeleev (decommissioned)
  • RV Dmitry Peskov
  • RV Eduard Tolly (decommissioned)
  • RV Faddey Bellinsgausen (decommissioned)
  • RV Fyodor Matisen (decommissioned)
  • RV Fritiof Nansen
  • RV Fyodor Litke (decommissioned)
  • RV Gals (decommissioned)
  • RV Gelendzhik
  • RV Geo Arctic
  • RV Geofizik
  • RV Geolog Dmitriy Nalivkin
  • RV Gidrobiolog
  • RV Gidrolog (decommissioned)
  • RV Gidrofizik (decommissioned)
  • RV Gigrometr (decommissioned)
  • RV Glubina (decommissioned)
  • RV Grigoriy Mikheyev
  • RV Groza (decommissioned)
  • RV Ikhtiandr (decommissioned)
  • RV Impuls (decommissioned)
  • RV Iskatel-5
  • RV Ivan Kireyev
  • RV Ivan Kruzenshtern
  • RV Ivan Petrov
  • RV Jakov Smirnitskiy
  • RV Kapitan Dranitsyn
  • RV Kol'skaja
  • RV Kompas (decommissioned)
  • RV Leonid Morozov (decommissioned)
  • RV Lugovoe (decommissioned)
  • RV Mangazeya (decommissioned)
  • RV Metan (decommissioned)
  • RV Mikhail Verbitskiy
  • RV Mikhail Lomonosov (decommissioned)
  • RV Miklukho Maklay(decommissioned)
  • RV Mirazh
  • RV Murmanskaja (decommissioned)
  • RV Nikolay Yevgenov (decommissioned)
  • RV Okean (decommissioned)
  • RV Odissey (decommissioned)
  • RV Pamyat Merkuriya (decommissioned)
  • RV Pavel Bashmakov (decommissioned)
  • RV Pavel Gordienko
  • RV Persey (operated between 1922 and 1941, the first Soviet research vessel)
  • RV Pomor (decommissioned)
  • RV Priboy
  • RV Priliv (decommissioned)
  • RV Professor Bogorov
  • RV Professor Gagarinskiy
  • RV Professor Kaganovskiy
  • RV Professor Khromov
  • RV Professor Kurentsov
  • RV Professor Logachev
  • RV Professor Molchanov (decommissioned)
  • RV Professor Multanovskyi
  • RV Professor Polshkov
  • RV Professor Rjabinkin
  • RV Professor Vodyanitsky
  • RV Professor Shtokman
  • RV Professor Vladimir Kuztensov
  • RV Professor Zubov (decommissioned)
  • RV Petr Kottsov
  • RV Rift
  • RV Roumb (decommissioned)
  • RV Semyon Dezhnev
  • RV Sergey Kravkov
  • RV Shelf (decommissioned)
  • RV Smolensk (decommissioned)
  • RV Taimyr
  • RV Tantal (decommissioned)
  • RV Tor
  • RV Vadim Popov (decommissioned)
  • RV Valentin Shashin (decommissioned)
  • RV Valerian Uryvayev (decommissioned)
  • RV Viktor Buynitskiy
  • RV Vityaz (III) (retired)
  • RV Vityaz (IV) (decommissioned)
  • RV Vladimir Sukhoskiyv
  • RV Vsevolod Timonov (decommissioned)
  • RV Vulkanolog Вулканолог (судно) (decommissioned)
  • RV Vyacheslav Frolov
FRV Clupea
  • RV Yakov Smirnitskiy
  • RV Yantar (decommissioned)
  • RV Yaroslavets (decommissioned)
  • RV Yuzhmorgeologiya
  • RV Zapolyarjye
  • RV Zenit (decommissioned)

South Africa

S.A. Agulhas II


Armada Española

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

  • BO Sarmiento de Gamboa
  • BO García del Cid
  • BO Mytilus

Instituto Español de Oceanografía

  • BIO Angeles Alvariño
  • BIO Ramón Margalef

Secretaría General del Mar

  • BIO Miguel Oliver
  • BIO Intermares
  • BIO Emma Bardán


  • R/V Oscar von Sydow (1976–present)
  • R/V Skagerak (1968) (1968–present)
  • R/V Skagerak (2017) (2021–present)
  • R/V Svea (2019–present)


Taiwan (Republic of China)

Taiwan Ocean Research Institute

Republic of China Navy


United Kingdom

Natural Environment Research Council

  • RV Sepia Plymouth Marine Laboratory
  • RV Squilla Plymouth Marine Laboratory
  • RV Tamaris Plymouth Marine Laboratory
  • OWS Cumulus (Ocean Weather Ship)

National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

RRS Discovery (III), retired at the end of 2012 after 50 year's service.

British Antarctic Survey

Scottish Association for Marine Science

  • RV Calanus
  • RV Seol Mara

Newcastle University

University Marine Biological Station Millport

(London & Glasgow Universities)

University of Wales


  • RV Noctiluca

Cardiff University

  • RV Coda Octopus Guiding Light

P&O Maritime

(Bangor University)

  • RV Prince Madog

PEML, University of Liverpool

  • RV Roagan
  • RV Marisa of Liverpool

Marine Scotland

  • FRV Alba na Mara
  • FRV Scotia

Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science

Environment Agency

(National Marine Service)

Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Northern Ireland

Gardline Geoservices Ltd

  • RV Coastal Surveyor
  • RV Ocean Discovery
  • RV Ocean Endeavour
  • RV Ocean Observer
  • RV Ocean Researcher formerly RRS Charles Darwin
  • RV Ocean Seeker
  • RV Triton


United States

Florida Institute of Oceanography

  • RV Bellows
  • RV Suncoaster

Oregon State University

R/V Yaquina at sea

Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory

Marine Biological Laboratory

  • RV Gemma

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Moss Landing Marine Laboratories

  • RV John H. Martin
  • RV Point Sur
  • RV Sheila B

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Research Ship Ka'Imimana (R-333).
NOAAS Rainier with her namesake, Mount Rainier, in the background.

Ocean Alliance

  • RV Odyssey

Schmidt Ocean Institute

  • RV Falkor

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

United States Antarctic Program

United States Environmental Protection Agency

United States Navy

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

RV Atlantis is operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.


RV Savannah at its home dock at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography.


Survey ships







  • HS Naftilos (A-478)
  • HS Pytheas (A-474)
  • HS Strabon (A-476)





  • Jaiyq (2008–)


New Zealand


Polish Navy survey ship ORP Heweliusz and fleet tanker ORP Bałtyk.

Republic of Korea

  • ROKS Sincheonji
  • ROKS Sinsegi

South Africa


  • BIO Hespérides
  • B/O Sarmiento de Gamboa
  • B/O García del Cid
  • A-23 Antares
  • A-24 Rigel
  • A-31 Malaspina
  • A-32 Tofiño
  • A-91 Astrolabio
  • A-92 Escándalo

Taiwan (Republic of China)

United Kingdom - Royal Navy

Royal Navy ocean survey vessel HMS Scott.

Humber Sentinel

United States

Oceanographic survey ship USNS Pathfinder.


  1. "Home".
  2. "Novo navio oceanográfico da USP já está a caminho do Brasil"
  3. "History of the fleet" (in French). Ifremer. Retrieved 2012-01-25.
  4. "Ship Specification Display Page".
  5. "Sagar Sampada".
  6. "Vessels | RV Gaveshani". 8 March 2019.
  8. "Operating Research Vessels". Russian Unified State Information System on Situation in the World Ocean (in Russian). Retrieved 2012-06-30.
  9. "European Research Vessels Infobase". EurOceanic. Retrieved 2012-06-30.
  10. 1 2 3 4 Oregon State University (27 August 2018). "OSU to name new research ship Taani, which means "offshore"". Oregon State University. Retrieved 9 July 2019.
  11. College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University (August 2018). "Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV)". Oregon State University. Retrieved 9 July 2019.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  12. College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University (January 2012). "R/V Oceanus". Oregon State University. Retrieved 9 July 2019.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  13. 1 2 News and Research Communications, Oregon State University (January 17, 2012). "OSU To Retire One Research Vessel, Take Over Operation Of Another". Oregon State University. Retrieved 16 February 2012.
  14. "R/V Elakha". Oregon State University. Archived from the original on December 3, 2010. Retrieved January 4, 2011.
  15. "R/V Wecoma". Oregon State University. Archived from the original on December 29, 2010. Retrieved January 4, 2011.
  16. "Marine Gazetteer:Molokai Fracture Zone". Retrieved 30 October 2023.
  17. 1 2 As it was
  18. "". Archived from the original on 2012-04-26. Retrieved 2012-01-25.
  19. Fred te Linde
  20. Navy Inside
  21. 1 2
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