Post-nominal letters following a person's name in New Zealand mainly denote military and civilian awards and decorations, and also memberships of scholarly and professional associations.

Only orders and decorations unique to New Zealand are listed, although a number of 'British' honours are still part of the New Zealand Honours System, notably those that are in the personal gift of the Sovereign, i.e., the Order of the Garter, Order of the Thistle, Royal Victorian Order, and the Order of Merit. In addition, many living New Zealanders hold appointments in the orders that the New Zealand Order of Merit replaced.

List of post-nominal letters

Decorations for Bravery
Victoria Cross (New Zealand version)VC
New Zealand Cross (military or civilian)NZC
National Decorations
Member of the Order of New ZealandONZ
Knight/Dame Grand Companion of the New Zealand Order of MeritGNZM
Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of MeritKNZM
Dame Companion of the New Zealand Order of MeritDNZM
Companion of the New Zealand Order of MeritCNZM
New Zealand Gallantry StarNZGS
New Zealand Bravery StarNZBS
Companion of the Queen's Service OrderQSO
Officer of the New Zealand Order of MeritONZM
Member of the New Zealand Order of MeritMNZM
New Zealand Gallantry DecorationNZGD
New Zealand Bravery DecorationNZBD
New Zealand Gallantry MedalNZGM
New Zealand Bravery MedalNZBM
Queen's Service MedalQSM
New Zealand Antarctic MedalNZAM
Distinguished Service DecorationDSD
Justice of the Peace
Justice of the PeaceJP
Judicial Justice of the PeaceJJP
Fellowship or Membership of Professional Institutions or Learned Societies
Royal Society of New Zealand
  Fellow of the Royal Society of New ZealandFRSNZ
  Companion of the Royal Society of New ZealandCRSNZ[1]
  Member of the Royal Society of New ZealandMRSNZ
Institute of IT Professionals New Zealand (renamed from the New Zealand Computer Society on July 1, 2012)
  Chartered IT Professional New ZealandCITPNZ (or, optionally, just CITP instead)
  Certified Technologist New ZealandCTech
  Full MemberMIITP
  Honorary FellowHFIITP
Security Professionals Registry Australasia
  Registered Security ProfessionalRSecP
Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance
  Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and FinanceANZIIF (Fellow) CIP
  Senior Associate of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and FinanceANZIIF (Snr Assoc) CIP
  Associate of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and FinanceANZIIF (Assoc) CIP
Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture
  Fellow of the Royal New Zealand Institute of HorticultureFRIH [2]
Engineering New Zealand
Student MemberNo post nominal
Emerging Professional MemberNo post nominal, but can use the symbol of membership
Chartered MemberCMEngNZ

CMEngNZ (Eng. Technician)

CMEngNZ (Eng. Technologist)

CMEngNZ (PEngGeol)

Distinguished FellowDistFEngNZ
New Zealand Planning Institute (NZPI)
Full Member of New Zealand Planning Institute MNZPI
Intermediate Member of New Zealand Planning Institute Int.NZPI
Graduate Member of New Zealand Planning Institute Grad.NZPI
Associate Member of New Zealand Planning Institute Assoc.NZPI
New Zealand Cinematographers Society (NZCS)
Member of New Zealand Cinematographers Society NZCS
Designers Institute of New Zealand (DINZ)
Member DINZ
Professional Member PDINZ
Fellow FDINZ
Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (LIANZA)
Member no post nominal
Professionally registered RLIANZA
Associate ALIANZA
New Zealand Specific Medical Colleges
Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners FRNZCGP
Fellow of the Division of Rural Hospital Medicine of New Zealand FDRHMNZ
Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of Urgent Care FRNZCUC
Fellow of the New Zealand College of Musculoskeletal Medicine FNZCMM
Fellow of the New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine FNZCPHM

See also


  1. "RSNZ/Companions". Archived from the original on 26 September 2007. Retrieved 27 December 2011.
  2. "RNZIH - Opportunities & Awards".
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