Algeria has a multi-party system with numerous political parties, in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each other to form coalition governments. The Algerian Constitution of 1996 bans the formation of any party "founded on a religious, linguistic, racial, sex, corporatist or regional basis" or violating "the fundamental liberties, the fundamental values and components of the national identity, the national unity, the security and integrity of the national territory, the independence of the country and the People’s sovereignty as well as the democratic and republican nature of the State."

In Arabic, French, and English, major Algerian political parties are typically referred to by the three or four initials of their French names. (The Movement of Society for Peace, which uses an Arabic acronym, is an exception.) In formal contexts, however, their full names are used.

The parties

Parliamentary parties after 2021 election

Name Abbr. Leader Political
Ideology APN Council Alliances
National Liberation Front
Arabic: جبهة التحرير الوطني, romanized: Jabhatu at-Taḥrīri al-Waṭanī
French: Front de libération nationale
Berber languages: Tirni n Weslelli Aɣelnaw
FLN Abou El Fadhel Baadji Big tent;
Centre to
Arab nationalism
Algerian nationalism
Arab socialism
98 / 407
59 / 144
(observer, 2013-19)
Movement of Society for Peace
Arabic: حركة مجتمع السلم, romanized: Harakat Mujtamaâ as-Silm
French: Mouvement de la société pour la paix
Berber languages: ⵀⴰⵔⴰⴽⴰⵜ ⵎⵓⵊⵜⴰⵎⴰⵄ ⵙⵉⵍⵎ
Abderrazak Makri Right-wing
to far-right
Sunni Islamism
Islamic democracy
Economic liberalism
Social conservatism
65 / 407
0 / 144
Democratic National Rally
Arabic: التجمع الوطني الديموقراطي, romanized: at-Tadschammuʿ al-Waṭanī ad-Dīmuqrāṭī
French: Rassemblement national démocratique
Berber languages: Agraw aɣelnaw amagday
RND Tayeb Zitouni Centre to
Economic liberalism
58 / 407
28 / 144
Future Front
Arabic: جبهة المستقبل
French: Front El Moustakbal
FM Abdelaziz Belaïd Centre Algerian nationalism
48 / 407
1 / 144
National Construction Movement
Arabic: حركة البناء الوطني, romanized: Harakat al-Bina' al-Watanii
French: Mouvement El-Bina
El-Bina Abdelkader Bengrina Right-wing Islamic democracy
Algerian nationalism
39 / 407
0 / 144
Voice of the People
Arabic: حزب صوت الشعب
French: Parti La Voix du peuple
PVP Lamine Osmani
3 / 407
0 / 144
Good Governance Front
Arabic: جبهة الحكم الراشد
French: Front de la bonne gouvernance
FBG Aissa Belhadi
2 / 407
0 / 144
Justice and Development Front
Arabic: جبهة العدالة والتنمية
French: Front pour la justice et le développement
FJD Abdallah Djaballah Right-wing Islamic democracy
Algerian nationalism
2 / 407
0 / 144
Freedom and Juctice Party
Arabic: حزب الحرية والعدالة
French: Parti de la liberté et de la justice
PLJ Djamel Benziadi Right-wing Islamic democracy
2 / 407
0 / 144
New Fajr Party
Arabic: حزب الفجر الجديد
French: Parti el Fadjr el Jadid
PFJ Tahar Benbaïbeche
2 / 407
0 / 144
New Generation
Arabic: جيل جديد, romanized: Jil Jadid
French: Jil Jadid
JJ Soufiane Djilali Centre-left Social democracy
1 / 407
0 / 144
New Algeria Front
Arabic: جبهة الجزائر الجديدة
French: Front de l’Algérie nouvelle
FAN Djamel Benabdessalem
1 / 407
0 / 144
Dignity Party
Arabic: حزب الكرامة, romanized: Hizb el-Karama
French: Parti Dignité
PD Mohamed Eddaoui Nasserism
1 / 407
0 / 144
Algerian National Front
Arabic: الجبهة الوطنية الجزائرية, romanized: Jabhah al-Waṭaniyyah al-Jazā'iriyyah
French: Front national algérien
FNA Moussa Touati Right-wing National conservatism
1 / 407
0 / 144
Socialist Forces Front
Arabic: جبهة القوى الاشتراكية
French: Front des forces socialistes
Berber languages: Tirni Iɣallen Inemlayen
Youcef Aouchiche Centre-left Social democracy
4 / 144

Parties that boycotted the last elections

Short name English name Arabic name French name Leader
FFS Socialist Forces Front جبهة القوى الاشتراكية
Jabhat al-Quwā al-Ištirākiyyah
Front des Forces Socialistes Hocine Aït Ahmed
MDA Movement for Democracy in Algeria الحركة من أجل الديمقراطية في الجزائر
al-Ḥarakah min 'ajl ad-Dīmuqrāṭiyyah fī al-Jazā'ir
Mouvement pour la démocratie en Algérie Ahmed Ben Bella

Other parties

Parties not legally recognized

Illegal parties

See also

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