Because diplomatic missions, such as embassies and consulates, may not be entered by the host country without permission (even though they do not enjoy extraterritorial status), persons have from time to time taken refuge from a host-country's national authorities inside the embassy of another country.

Name Notability Reason for seeking refuge Country City Mission's country Start date End date Duration Resolution
John William, Baron Ripperda Dismissed Prime Minister of Spain Sought for fraud, embezzlement  Spain Madrid  Great Britain April 13, 1726 May 25, 1727[1] 407 days Arrested by the Spanish from inside of Ambassador's official residence (in breach of international law)[2]
José Tadeo Monagas President of Venezuela March Revolution  Venezuela Caracas  France March 15, 1858 August 31, 1858 170 days Urrutia Protocol: The Venezuelan government, along with the other signatories (United Kingdom, France, the United States, Brazil, the Netherlands and Spain) agreed to offer safe conduct to Tadeo Monagas, who left to France
José Manuel Balmaceda President of Chile Defeated in the Chilean Civil War  Chile Santiago  Argentina August 29, 1891 September 18, 1891 20 days Committed suicide
Khalid bin Bargash Sultan of Zanzibar Defeated in the Anglo-Zanzibar War Zanzibar Zanzibar Town  Germany August 27, 1896 October 2, 1896 36 days Evacuated by German Navy to exile in German East Africa[3]
Augusto Roa Bastos Paraguayan novelist, story-writer and journalist Political persecution after criticising the military regime  Paraguay Asunción  Brazil 1947 1947 40 days[4] Negotiated exile in Argentina[5]
Leonardo Argüello Barreto President of Nicaragua Ousted by Anastasio Somoza García  Nicaragua Managua  Mexico May 26, 1947 December 1947 7 months Negotiated exile in Mexico
Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre Peruvian political theorist and politician; founder of APRA APRA was outlawed by the Peruvian military-led dictatorship  Peru Lima  Colombia January 3, 1949 April 6, 1954 5 years, 3 months, 3 days After heavy international pressure, was finally allowed to leave the country
Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán President of Guatemala Ousted by Carlos Castillo Armas  Guatemala Guatemala City  Mexico June 27, 1954 June 28, 1954 1 day Negotiated exile in Mexico
Imre Nagy Deposed Prime Minister of Hungary Soviet intervention during Hungarian Revolution of 1956  Hungary Budapest  Yugoslavia November 4, 1956 November 22, 1956 18 days Received a written guarantee of safe passage, but was nonetheless arrested upon leaving by the new, pro-Soviet government; later executed.
József Mindszenty Hungarian Roman Catholic Church cardinal  United States November 4, 1956 September 28, 1971 15 years Negotiated exile in Austria
Reino Häyhänen Soviet Lieutenant Colonel defection  France Paris  United States November 4, 1956 May 1957 6 months Moved to the United States
Guillermo Pacanins Acevedo Governor of the Federal District 1958 Venezuelan coup d'état against the dictatorship of Marcos Pérez Jiménez  Venezuela Caracas  Brazil January 23, 1958 January 26, 1958 3 days Left to Puerto Rico, then later to mainland United States[6]
Sharif Ali bin al-Hussein Iraqi prince coup led by Abd al-Karim Qasim  Iraq Baghdad  Saudi Arabia July 15, 1958 September 1958 2 months Left to exile in Egypt, later to Lebanon and Britain
Narciso Campos Pontigo Captain of the Cuban Rural Guard before 1959, biological father of the Cuban dictator Raúl Castro Jailed after the Cuban revolution  Cuba Havana  Brazil 1959 1959 Set free by personal order of Raúl Castro; got asylum in the Brazilian embassy, then fled to the United States[7][8][9][10]
Humberto Delgado General of the Portuguese Air Force and opponent of the Salazar regime Ran for President, lost to the official candidate in disputed results and was expelled from the military  Portugal Lisbon  Brazil January 12, 1959 April 20, 1959 98 days Went into exile in Brazil
Olga María Rodríguez Farinas (later Olga Goodwin) and her (and William Alexander Morgan's) two daughters Cuban revolutionary who, along with her U.S.-born husband, fought in the Cuban Revolution that deposed Fulgencio Batista and led to Fidel Castro's rise to power escaping persecution from Fidel Castro, whom Olga's husband was accused of conspiring against[11]  Cuba Havana  Brazil December 31, 1960 March 1961 3 months Left the Embassy in order to try to set her husband free; her husband was executed, and she was arrested and imprisoned for 12 years.
José Serra Brazilian politician; at the time, militant against the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964–1985) escaping persecution from the Brazilian military government  Brazil Brasília  Italy April 1964 July 1964 8 months Was granted safe conduct to leave into exile
Kong Le Royal Lao Army Major-General[12][13] escaped an unsuccessful Coup d'état  Laos Vientiane  Indonesia October 17, 1966 October 17, 1966 1 day Left into exile to Indonesia
Leon Veillard Captain in the Haitian Army and one of the leaders of the Tonton Macoute militia Labeled as a traitor by dictator Papa Doc, who feared he was plotting to overthrow his government and sentenced him and others to die.[14]  Haiti Port-au-Prince  Brazil 1967 1967[15] 18 colleagues of Veillard were executed, but he received asylum in the Brazilian Embassy and fled to Florida[14]
José Serra Brazilian politician; at the time, militant against the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964–1985) escaping persecution from the Brazilian military government  Chile Santiago  Italy 1973 1973 8 months Was granted safe conduct to leave into exile
Around 800 foreigners and 600 Cambodians, including Dith Pran, Sydney Schanberg, Prince Sisowath Sirik Matak, Princess Mam Manivan Phanivong, and the Cambodian ministers for health and finance. The French Embassy in Phnom Penh provided temporary refuge following the fall of Phnom Penh.  Cambodia Phnom Penh  France April 17, 1975 April 30, 1975 Most Cambodians were expelled from the embassy, and many were subsequently executed by the Khmer Rouge. Foreigners and their Cambodian wives were allowed to travel overland to Thailand.
Elena Quinteros Uruguayan school teacher, detained during the civic-military dictatorship of Uruguay on June 26, 1976 and taken to the torture centre 300 Carlos Escaped detention  Uruguay Montevideo  Venezuela June 28, 1976 June 28, 1976 The embassy's personnel attempted to help Quinteros, but she was forcibly taken by Uruguayan policemen and soldiers, and days afterwards she was tortured and killed. The incident prompted Venezuela to break diplomatic relations with Uruguay.
Cuban diplomats and civilians Escaped gunfire at the Cuban Embassy Persecution after the Chilean military coup  Chile Santiago de Chile  Sweden September 11, 1978 1978 Safely brought out of Chile. Cuban embassy under Swedish protecting power for 18 years. Ambassador Harald Edelstam later declared persona non grata.
Donald Woods South African anti-apartheid journalist Persecution by apartheid government  Lesotho Maseru  United Kingdom January 1978 January 1978 Fled to London, with the help of the British High Commissioner and government of Lesotho, where he was granted political asylum
The Siberian Seven Siberian Pentecostals prevented from emigrating[16]  Soviet Union Moscow  United States June 27, 1978 June 27, 1983 5 years (last of them) Allowed to emigrate to Israel and later the U.S.
Havana Peruvian embassy crisis Over 10,000 Cuban citizens diplomatic protection  Cuba Havana  Peru 4 April 1980 1980 Peru granted diplomatic protection to the Cuban citizens. The incident led to the Mariel boatlift.[17]
Ange-Félix Patassé Central African opposition leader opposing Andre Kolingba government  Central African Republic Bangui  France February 27, 1982 March 3, 1982 4 days Negotiated exile to Togo
Francisco René Bobadilla Palomo Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food under President Fernando Romeo Lucas García deposed by a military junta headed by Efraín Ríos Montt  Guatemala Guatemala City  Brazil 1982 1982 Governing junta granted all asylum-seekers safe passage to leave the country
Fang Lizhi and his wife dissident in Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 forced end of Tiananmen Square protests of 1989  China Beijing  United States June 5, 1989 June 25, 1990 385 days Negotiated flight to the United States
Olivia Forsyth South African apartheid era ex- spy agent[18] defection to ANC  Angola Luanda  United Kingdom May 2, 1988 November 16, 1988 198 days Negotiated flight to the United Kingdom
Hou Dejian dissident in Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 forced end of Tiananmen Square protests of 1989  China Beijing  Australia June 1989 August 16, 1989 72 days[19] Negotiated exit and deported back to native Taiwan
Manuel Noriega Military dictator of Panama United States invasion of Panama  Panama Ciudad de Panama  Holy See December 24, 1989 January 3, 1990 10 days Negotiated arrest by United States forces
Michel Aoun Lebanese Army commander defeated in Lebanese Civil War  Lebanon Beirut  France October 1990 August 27, 1991 10 months Left to exile in France
Hailu Yimenu Ethiopian Derg-era acting prime minister Fall of the Derg-regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam  Ethiopia Addis Ababa  Italy May 27, 1991[20] 1993 2 years Committed suicide[20]
Tesfaye Gebre Kidan Ethiopian Derg-era acting president May 27, 1991[20] June 4, 2004[21] 13 years, 1 week, 1 day Died after an incident at the embassy[22]
Berhanu Bayeh Ethiopian Derg-era senior officials May 27, 1991[20] December 30, 2020[23] 29 years, 7 months, 3 days Sentenced to death in absentia in 2008.[24] Remained in the embassy until granted parole in December 2020.[23]
Addis Tedla
Erich Honecker General Secretary of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany Indicted in Germany for the deaths of 192 East Germans who tried to leave the GDR in violation of anti-Republikflucht laws.  Russia Moscow  Chile December 24, 1991 March 1, 1992 68 days Extradited by the Yeltsin administration back to Germany
Mohammad Najibullah President of Afghanistan Afghan Civil War  Afghanistan Kabul  United Nations April 16, 1992 September 27, 1996 4 years, 5 months, 11 days Tortured and killed by the Taliban
Sylvestre Ntibantunganya President of Burundi military coup d'état  Burundi Bujumbura  United States July 23, 1996 June 1997 11 months Negotiated exit
Abdullah Öcalan founding member of the Kurdistan Workers' Party Turkish manhunt  Kenya Nairobi  Greece January 1999 February 15, 1999 1 month Arrested on the way to the airport and tried and imprisoned in Turkey.
João Bernardo Vieira President of Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Civil War  Guinea-Bissau Bissau  Portugal May 1999 June 1999 1 month Negotiated exile in Portugal
Alassane Ouattara Presidential candidate in Côte d'Ivoire First Ivorian Civil War  Côte d'Ivoire Abidjan  France September 19, 2002 November 2002 2 months Negotiated exile in Gabon and France
Lucio Gutiérrez Deposed President of Ecuador Tried to interfere in the country's Supreme Court amid a growing political crisis and protests; was declared impeached by Congress and replaced by the Vice-President  Ecuador Quito  Brazil April 15, 2005 April 24, 2005 9 days Negotiated exile in Brazil, then went to Peru, then to the United States; returned to Ecuador and disputed the Ecuadorian general election, 2009
Morgan Tsvangirai Candidate for President of Zimbabwe violence during Zimbabwean presidential election, 2008  Zimbabwe Harare  Netherlands June 22, 2008 June 25, 2008[25] 3 days After negotiations with opponent Robert Mugabe, accepted joining a coalition government and was sworn-in as Prime Minister of Zimbabwe
Anwar Ibrahim De facto Leader of the Opposition Malaysia Death threats and alleged sodomy charge  Malaysia Kuala Lumpur  Turkey June 29, 2008 June 30, 2008 1 day Left after assurance of his safety by Malaysian police. Was arrested on 16 July, and released without charges on 17 July. Won the August elections and returned to Parliament as formal leader of the Malaysian opposition
Andry Rajoelina Deposed mayor of Antananarivo, unilaterally self-proclaimed as president of the Republic of Madagascar on January 31, 2009. Arrest warrant  Madagascar Antananarivo  France March 6, 2009 March 16, 2009 10 days Andry Rajoelina appointed as president of the caretaker government by Hippolyte Rarison Ramaroson as Marc Ravalomanana resigns and flees the country
Alberto Pizango Peruvian indigenous leader Commanded protests against the Peruvian government by indigenous Amazonians who seized control of a natural gas field and a petroleum pipeline  Peru Lima  Nicaragua June 8, 2009[26] June 17, 2009[27] 9 days Granted asylum and flown to Nicaragua
Manuel Zelaya[28] Ousted President of Honduras wanted by authorities for putative crimes against the National Constitution  Honduras Tegucigalpa  Brazil September 21, 2009 January 28, 2010 129 days Negotiated exile in Dominican Republic
Wang Lijun Former police chief of Chongqing Conflict with Bo Xilai (Wang Lijun incident)  China Chengdu  United States February 6, 2012 February 7, 2012 1 day "Left of his own volition" and taken by central government authorities
Amadou Toumani Touré Malian deposed president military coup d'état  Mali Bamako  Senegal April 18, 2012 August 2012 4 months fled to Senegal
Chen Guangcheng blind civil rights activist escape from house arrest  China Beijing  United States April 26, 2012
May 2, 2012 6 days Left to go to hospital under unclear circumstances. Was later able to go to the U.S with his family.
Roger Pinto Bolivian Senator; leader of the opposition Political persecution by Government of President Evo Morales  Bolivia La Paz  Brazil May 28, 2012 August 23, 2013 455 days Left the Embassy in a diplomatic car accompanied by the Brazilian Chargé d'affaires; they drove for 22 hours until arriving in Brazil[29]
Julian Assange Australian political activist, editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks To avoid extradition for questioning about alleged rape and sexual abuse in Sweden and to the United States on a now unsealed Grand Jury indictment  United Kingdom London  Ecuador June 19, 2012 April 11, 2019 6 years, 9 months, 23 days Asylum revoked by Ecuador, arrested by Metropolitan Police[30]
Mohamed Nasheed Former President of the Maldives, who resigned in 2012 claiming to have suffered a coup d'état Fearing for his life at the hands of the police after ex-Human Rights Minister and a Brigadier General revealed information about assassination plot after Court order issued for police to arrest him[31][32][33]  Maldives Malé  India February 13, 2013 February 23, 2013 10 days Left the Indian High Commission after deal brokered by India[34]
Bosco Ntaganda Former commander in the March 23 Movement Infighting within the March 23 Movement and possibly vulnerable to Rwandan government[35]  Rwanda Kigali  United States March 18, 2013 March 22, 2013 4 days Turned over to the International Criminal Court
100 Burundians Students Aggression from the Government of Burundi[36]  Burundi Bujumbura  United States June 25, 2015 June 25, 2015[37] Left peacefully at request,[38] relocated to a center run by a religious entity
Ri Ji-u,
Kim Uk-il, and
Hyon Kwang-song
Suspects in assassination of Kim Jong-nam Investigation into the assassination of Kim Jong-nam[39]  Malaysia Kuala Lumpur  North Korea February 2017 March 30, 2017 45 days Cleared of wrongdoing by Malaysian police and allowed to return to North Korea
José Fernando Núñez Justices of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice of Venezuela in exile Political persecution by the government of Venezuela after their appointment by the National Assembly  Venezuela Caracas  Chile July 29, 2017 October 19, 2017 83 days Left Venezuela in car to Chile[40]
Luis Manuel Marcano
Ramón Linares
Elenis del Valle Rodríguez Martínez
Zuleima Gonzales
Beatriz Ruiz
Freddy Guevara Vice-president of the National Assembly of Venezuela and National Coordinator of Popular Will party Political persecution by the government of Venezuela for leading protests against the regime[41][42]  Venezuela Caracas  Chile November 4, 2017 September 9, 2020 2 years, 10 months, and 5 days Left the embassy after being pardoned by Nicolás Maduro.[43] Was afterwards arrested in 2021
Leopoldo López Opposition leader, founder of Popular Will and Sakharov Prize recipient Freed from house arrest during the 2019 Venezuelan uprising[44]  Venezuela Caracas  Spain April 30, 2019 October 25, 2020 1 year, 5 months, 3 weeks, 4 days Fled to Madrid, Spain[45]
Mariela Magallanes Deputies of the National Assembly of Venezuela Political persecution by the Venezuelan government after the 2019 Venezuelan uprising  Venezuela Caracas  Italy May 8, 2019[46][47] November 30, 2019 6 months, 3 weeks and 1 day Fled to Italy[48]
Américo de Grazia
Richard Blanco  Argentina May 9, 2019[49] June 17, 2019 1 month, 1 week and 3 days Fled to Colombia[50]
Franco Casella  Mexico May 14, 2019[51] September 20, 2019[52] 4 months, 6 days Fled to Spain[53]
Félix César Navarro Evo Morales ministers 2019 Bolivian political crisis  Bolivia La Paz  Mexico December 23, 2019[54][55] February 1, 2020[56] 1 month, 1 week, 2 days Fled to Mexico via Peru[56]
Pedro Damián Dorado
Héctor Enrique Arce November 3, 2020[57] 10 months, 1 week, and 4 days Left embassy after the 2020 Bolivian general election[57][58]
José Hugo Moldiz
Eduardo Zavaleta November 4, 2020[57] 10 months, 1 week, and 5 days
Wilma Alanoca November 5, 2020[57] 10 months, 1 week, and 6 days
Juan Ramón Quintana November 8, 2020[59] 10 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days
Nicolás Laguna November 2020[60] 10 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days
Víctor Hugo Vásquez November 2020[60] 10 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days

See also


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