Location of Bulgaria

There are numerous species of molluscs living in the wild in Bulgaria. This list covers only the non-marine species.

Freshwater gastropods





  • Turricaspia (Laevicaspia) lincta (Milaschewitch, 1908)[1]
  • Turricaspia (Clessiniola) variabilis (Eichwald, 1838)[1]



  • Bythinella aneliae Georgiev et Stoycheva, 2011[1][2][3]
  • Bythinella angelovi Glöer et Georgiev, 2011[1][4][2]
  • Bythinella dedovi Glöer et Georgiev, 2011[1][4]
  • Bythinella dierckingi Glöer et Georgiev, 2011[1][4]
  • Bythinella elenae Glöer et Georgiev, 2011[1][4]
  • Bythinella fabiae Georgiev, Schneppart & Dedov, 2022[5]
  • Bythinella gloeeri Georgiev, 2009[1][4][6]
  • Bythinella hansboetersi Glöer et Pešiæ, 2006[1][4][7][2]
  • Bythinella izvorica Glöer et Georgiev, 2011[1][4]
  • Bythinella kleptuzica Glöer et Georgiev, 2011[1][4]
  • Bythinella margritae Glöer et Georgiev, 2011[1][4]
  • Bythinella markovi Glöer et Georgiev, 2009[1][4][8]
  • Bythinella ravnogorica Glöer et Georgiev, 2009[1][4][8]
  • Bythinella rhodopensis Glöer et Georgiev, 2011[1][4]
  • Bythinella rilaensis Georgiev et Glöer, 2013[1][9][3]
  • Bythinella slaveyae Glöer et Georgiev, 2011[1][4]
  • Bythinella smolyanica Glöer et Georgiev, 2011[1][4]
  • Bythinella srednogorica Glöer et Georgiev, 2009[1][4][8][2]
  • Bythinella stoychevae Georgiev, 2011[1][10][3]
  • Bythinella temelkovi Georgiev & Glöer, 2014[11]
  • Bythinella valkanovi Glöer et Georgiev, 2011[1][4]
  • Bythinella vidinovae Dedov, Taseva & Georgiev, 2021[3]
  • Bythinella walkeri Glöer et Georgiev, 2009[1][4][8]
  • Strandzhia bythinellopenia Georgiev et Glöer, 2013[1][9]


  • Balkanica yankovi Georgiev, 2011[1][10]
  • Balkanospeum schniebsae (Georgiev, 2011)[1][12][10][13]
  • Caspia milae Boeters, Glöer, Georgiev & Dedov, 2015[14]
  • Cavernisa zaschevi (Angelov, 1959)[1]
  • Devetakia apostoloui Georgiev, Dedov & Taseva, 2022[15]
  • Devetakia krushunica Georgiev et Glöer, 2011[1][16]
  • Devetakia mandrica Georgiev, 2012[1][13]
  • Devetakia pandurskii Georgiev et Glöer, 2011[1][16]
  • Devetakia veselinae Georgiev & Glöer, 2015[17]
  • Devetakiola devetakium (Georgiev et Glöer, 2013)[1][9][18]
  • Gloeria bulgarica Georgiev, Dedov et Varadinova, 2012[1][19]
  • Grossuana angeltsekovi Glöer et Georgiev, 2009[1][8]
  • Grossuana codreanui (Grossu, 1946)[1]
  • Grossuana derventica Georgiev et Glöer, 2013[1][9]
  • Grossuana falniowskii Georgiev, Glöer, Dedov & Irikov, 2015[20]
  • Grossuana slavyanica Georgiev et Glöer, 2013[1][9]
  • Grossuana thracica Glöer et Georgiev, 2009[1][8][21]
  • “Hauffenia” lucidula (Angelov, 1967)[1]
  • Hydrobia acuta Draparnaud, 1805[1]
  • Insignia macrostoma Angelov, 1972[1][22][16]
  • Kolevia bulgarica Georgiev & Glöer, 2015[23]
  • Microstygia deltchevi Georgiev & Glöer, 2015[23]
  • Plagigeyeria procerula (Angelov, 1965)[1]
  • Pontobelgrandiella angelovi (Pintér, 1968)[1][21][24]
  • Pontobelgrandiella bachkovoensis (Glöer et Georgiev, 2009)[1][8][24]
  • Pontobelgrandiella bulgarica (Angelov, 1972)[1][24]
  • Pontobelgrandiella bureschi (Angelov, 1976)[1][24][22][16]
  • Pontobelgrandiella delevae (Georgiev & Glöer, 2015)[23]
  • Pontobelgrandiella dobrostanica (Glöer et Georgiev, 2009)[1][8][24]
  • Pontobelgrandiella hessei (A. Wagner, 1927)[1][24][22][16]
  • Pontobelgrandiella lomica (Georgiev & Glöer, 2015)[23]
  • Pontobelgrandiella maarensis (Georgiev, 2013)[1][25]
  • Pontobelgrandiella nitida (Angelov, 1972)[1]
  • Pontobelgrandiella pandurskii (Georgiev, 2011)[1][24]
  • Pontobelgrandiella pussila (Angelov, 1959)[1][24][22][16][21]
  • Pontobelgrandiella stanimirae (Georgiev, 2011)[1][10][22]
  • Pontobelgrandiella tanevi Georgiev, 2013[1][25]
  • Pontobelgrandiella zagoraensis (Glöer et Georgiev, 2009)[1][8][24]
  • Radomaniola aytosensis (Georgiev, 2012)[1][13]
  • Radomaniola bulgarica Glöer et Georgiev, 2009[1][8]
  • Radomaniola radostinae (Georgiev, 2012)[1][13]
  • Radomaniola rhodopensis Glöer et Georgiev, 2009[1][8]
  • Radomaniola strandzhica Georgiev et Glöer, 2013[1][9]
  • Stoyanovia stoyanovi (Georgiev, 2013)[1][25][18]



  • Bythiospeum bechevi Georgiev & Glöer, 2013[12]
  • Bythiospeum buresi (A. Wagner, 1928)[1]
  • Bythiospeum copiosum (Angelov, 1972)[1][21]
  • Bythiospeum dourdeni Georgiev, 2012[1][22]
  • Bythiospeum iltchoi Georgiev & Glöer, 2015[23]
  • Bythiospeum iltchokolevi Georgiev & Glöer, 2015[26]
  • Bythiospeum jazzi Georgiev & Glöer, 2013[12]
  • Bythiospeum juliae Georgiev & Glöer, 2015[17]
  • Bythiospeum kolevi Georgiev, 2013[1][25]
  • Bythiospeum pandurskii Georgiev, 2012[1][22]
  • Bythiospeum simovi Georgiev, 2013[1][25]
  • Iglica acicularis Angelov, 1959[1][22][16]







Land gastropods







  • Agardhiella macrodonta (Hesse, 1916)[27]
  • Agardhiella parreysii (L. Pfeiffer, 1848)[27]
  • Agardhiella rumelica (Hesse, 1916)[27]







  • Aspasita bulgarica Subai & Dedov, 2008[29]
  • Aspasita triaria triaria (Rossmässler, 1839)[27][29]






  • Alinda atanasovi (Urbański, 1964) - with the subspecies atanasovi and kremenensis (Dedov, 2009)[30]
  • Alinda biplicata (Montagu, 1803) - with the subspecies biplicata, alibotushensis Dedov, 2009, euptychia (Ehrmann (in Urbański, 1960), irikovi Nordsieck, 2008, karlukovoensis Dedov, 2009, michaudiana (Pfeiffer, 1848) and orientalis Nordsieck, 2008[30]
  • Alinda fallax (Rossmässler, 1836)[30]
  • Alinda golesnicensis Wagner, 1914[30]
  • Alinda vratzatica (Likharev, 1972)[30]
  • Alinda wagneri (Wagner, 1911) - with the subspecies wagneri and petrohanica (Urbański, 1969)[30]
  • Balea eninskoensis (Irikov, 2006)[30]
  • Balea kaeufeli (Brandt, 1961)[30]
  • Bulgarica bulgariensis (L. Pfeiffer, 1848) - with the subspecies bulgariensis, intricata (Mousson, 1859) and osmanica (Westerlund, 1884)[30]
  • Bulgarica denticulata thessalonica (Rossmässler, 1839)[30]
  • Bulgarica fraudigera (Rossmässler, 1839)[30]
  • Bulgarica fritillaria (Frivaldszky, 1835)[30][31]
  • Bulgarica gabrovnitsana Ivanov, 2006[31]
  • Bulgarica hiltrudae Nordsieck, 1974[30]
  • Bulgarica pseudofraudigera Nordsieck, 1973[30][31]
  • Bulgarica trimontsiana Ivanov, 2006[31]
  • Bulgarica varnensis (L. Pfeiffer, 1848)[31]
  • Bulgarica vetusta (Rossmässler, 1836)[30]
  • Bulgarica urbanskii Nordsieck, 1973 - with the subspecies urbanskii and paganella Nordsieck, 1974[30]
  • Carinigera buresi Wagner, 1928 - with the subspecies buresi, damjanovi (Likharev, 1972) and dramaensis (Nordsieck, 1977)[30]
  • Carinigera schuetti Brandt, 1962[30]
  • Clausilia pumila pumila Pfeiffer, 1828[30]
  • Cochlodina laminata (Montagu, 1803) - with the subspecies laminata and pardita (Westerlund, 1892)[30]
  • Dobatia goettingi (Brandt, 1961)[30]
  • Euxina circumdata (Pfeiffer, 1848)[30]
  • Euxina persica paulhessei (Lindholm, 1925)[30]
  • Galeata schwerzenbachii (Pfeiffer, 1848)[30]
  • Idyla castalia boschi Nordsieck, 1973[30]
  • Macedonica brabeneci Nordsieck, 1977 - with the subspecies brabeneci and prismatica Dedov, 2012[30]
  • Macedonica dobrostanica Irikov, 2012[30][32]
  • Macedonica hartmuti Irikov, 2003[30]
  • Macedonica frauenfeldi (Rossmässler, 1856) - with the subspecies regia Nordsieck, 1977, riedeli Urbański, 1977, sigma (Westerlund, 1884) and tau Nordsieck, 1977[30]
  • Macedonica marginata (Rossmässler, 1835) - with the subspecies marginata, balcanica (Wagner, 1927), frivaldskyana (Rossmässler, 1839) and major (Rossmässler, 1839)[30]
  • Macedonica martae Sajó, 1968[30]
  • Macedonica pinteri Sajó, 1968[30]
  • Macedonica pirinensis Jaeckel, 1954[30]
  • Macedonica zilchi Urbański, 1972[30]
  • Mentissela rebeli (Sturany, 1897)[30]
  • Micridyla pinteri (Nordsieck, 1973)[30]
  • Laciniaria bajula (Schmidt, 1868) - with the subspecies bajula, lunella Nordsieck, 1973 and mursalicae (Urbański, 1969)[30]
  • Laciniaria macilenta (Rossmässler, 1842)[30]
  • Laciniaria plicata (Draparnaud, 1801) - with the subspecies plicata, kueprijae Nordsieck, 1973 and rhodopendsis Nordsieck, 2008[30]
  • Ruthenica filograna (Rossmässler, 1836)[30]
  • Serrulina serrulata (Pfeiffer, 1847)[30]
  • Vestia ranojevici ranojevici (Pavlović, 1912)
  • Vestia roschitzi (Brancsik, 1890) - with the subspecies neubertiana Dedov, 2010, nordsieckiana (Urbański, 1979) and trigonostoma (Pavlović, 1912)









Apical and umbilical view of the shell of recently described species Vitrea vereae.




  • Balcanodiscus frivaldskyanus (Rossmässler, 1842)[35]











Freshwater bivalves





See also

Lists of molluscs of surrounding countries:


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Dilian Georgiev & Zdravko Hubenov (2013). "Freshwater snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Bulgaria: an updated annotated checklist". Folia Malacologica 21(4): 237-263. DOI:10.12657/folmal.021.026
  2. 1 2 3 4 Dilian Georgiev & Slaveya Stoycheva (2011). "A new spring-snail species (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Risooidea) from Stara Planina Mountain, Bulgaria". Bul. Shk., Ser. Shk. Nat. 61: 97-100.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Dedov, Ivaylo K.; Taseva, Mila A.; Georgiev, Dilian G. (2021). "Bythinella vidinovae — a new species (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Bythinellidae) from the Pirin Mountains, south-western Bulgaria". Archiv für Molluskenkunde 150(2): 107-110. DOI: 10.1127/arch.moll/150/107-110
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Peter Glöer & Dilian Georgiev (2011). „Bulgaria, A hot spot of biodiversity (Gastropoda: Rissooidea)?“. Journal of Conchology 40(5): 1-16.
  5. Georgiev, Dilian; Schneppat, Ulrich E.; Dedov, Ivaylo (30 May 2022). "Bythinella fabiae n. sp., a new spring-snail species (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) from the Belasitsa Mountains, South-West Bulgaria". Historia naturalis bulgarica. 44 (4): 31–36. doi:10.48027/hnb.44.041.
  6. Georgiev, D. 2009: Bythinella gloeeri n. sp. – A New Cave Inhabiting Species from Bulgaria (Gastropoda: Risooidea: Hydrobiidae). Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 61(3): 223-227.
  7. Glöer, P. & Pešić, V. 2006: Bythinella hansboetersi n. sp., a new species from Bulgaria. – Heldia, 6(3/4): 11–15.
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Peter Glöer & Dilian Georgiev (2009). „New Rissooidea from Bulgaria (Gastropoda: Rissooidea)“. Mollusca 27(2): 123-136.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Georgiev, D.; Glöer, P. (2013). "Identification key of the Rissooidea (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Bulgaria with a description of six new species and one new genus". North-Western Journal of Zoology. 9 (1): 103–112.
  10. 1 2 3 4 Dilian Georgiev (2011). „New species of snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Risooidea) from cave waters of Bulgaria“. Bul. Shk., Ser. Shk. Nat. 61: 83-96.
  11. Georgiev D. & Glöer P. (2014). "A new species of Bythinella from Strandzha Mountain, SE Bulgaria (Gastropoda: Risooidea)". Ecologica Montenegrina 1(2): 78-81. PDF Archived 2015-02-22 at the Wayback Machine.
  12. 1 2 3 Georgiev, D.; Glöer, P. (2013). "Two new species of the Bythiospeum Bourguignat, 1882 complex (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) and a new locality of Balkanospeum schniebsae (Georgiev, 2011) from north Bulgaria". Spira. 5 (1–2): 31–35.
  13. 1 2 3 4 Dilian Georgiev (2012). „New Taxa of Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda: Risooidea) from Bulgarian Cave and Spring Waters“. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 64(2): 113-121.
  14. Boeters, Hans D.; Glöer, Peter; Georgiev, Dilian; Dedov, Ivailo (September 2015). "A new species of Caspia Clessin et W. Dybowski, 1887 (Gastropoda: Truncatelloidea: Hydrobiidae) in the Danube of Bulgaria". Folia Malacologica. 23 (3): 177–186. doi:10.12657/folmal.023.014.
  15. Georgiev, Dilian; Dedov, Ivaylo; Taseva, Mila (3 February 2022). "First discovery of a Devetakia species (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) from the Rhodopes Mountains, Bulgaria". Historia naturalis bulgarica. 44 (1): 5–8. doi:10.48027/hnb.44.012.
  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dilian Georgiev & Peter Glöer (2011). „Two New Species of a New Genus Devetakia gen. n. (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) from the Caves of Devetashko Plateau, North Bulgaria“. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 63(1): 11-15.
  17. 1 2 Georgiev, D.; Glöer, P. (2015). "Two new stygobiont snail species (Gastropoda, Hydrobiidae) from a spring in West Bulgaria". Ecologica Montenegrina. 2 (2): 93–97. doi:10.37828/em.2015.2.11.
  18. 1 2 Georgiev, Dilian; Osikowski, Artur; Hofman, Sebastian; Rysiewska, Aleksandra; Falniowski, Andrzej (3 March 2017). "Contribution to the morphology of the Bulgarian stygobiont Truncatelloidea (Caenogastropoda)". Folia Malacologica. 25 (1): 15–25. doi:10.12657/folmal.025.003.
  19. Dilian Georgiev, Ivailo Dedov, Svetoslav Cheshmedjiev & Emilia Varadinova (2012). „Gloeria bulgarica gen. et sp. nov. (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae), a new freshwater mollusk from Bulgaria“. Spira 4(3–4): 105-108.
  20. Georgiev, D.; Glöer, P.; Dedov, I.; Irikov, A. (2015). "Review of the Genus Grossuana Radoman, 1973 (Gastropoda: Truncatelloidea) from Bulgaria, with a Description of a New Species". Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. 67 (2): 159–166.
  21. 1 2 3 4 Dilian Georgiev (2011). „New localities of four Bulgarian endemic Hydrobiidae species (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Risooidea)“. ZooNotes 16: 1-4.
  22. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dilian Georgiev (2012). „Two New Species of Stygobiotic Snails from the Genus Bythiospeum (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) from Bulgaria“. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 64: 15-18.
  23. 1 2 3 4 5 Georgiev, Dilian; Glöer, Peter (15 August 2015). "New taxa of subterranean freshwater snails from Bulgaria (Gastropoda, Hydrobiidae)". Ecologica Montenegrina. 3: 19–24. doi:10.37828/em.2015.3.3.
  24. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dilian Georgiev (2011). „A New Species of Belgrandiella (Wagner 1927) (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Caves in Northern Bulgaria“. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 63(1): 7-10.
  25. 1 2 3 4 5 Georgiev, D. (2013). "Catalogue of the stygobiotic and troglophilous freshwater snails (Gastropoda: Rissooidea: Hydrobiidae) of Bulgaria with descriptions of five new species". Ruthenica. 23 (1): 59–67.
  26. Georgiev, D.; Glöer, P. (2015). "A new stygobiotic snail species from North Bulgaria". Historia Naturalis Bulgarica. 21: 9–11.
  27. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 Irikov, A.A.; Eröss, Z.P. (2008). "An updated and annotated checklist of Bulgarian terrestrial gastropods (Mollusca: Gastropoda)". Folia Malacologica. 16 (4): 197–205.
  28. 1 2 3 4 5 Georgiev D. G. (2006). "Two new species from the family Succineidae (Beck, 1837) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) to the fauna of Bulgaria". Scientific Studies of the University of Plovdiv, Biology, Animalia 41: 7-11. PDF.
  29. 1 2 Subai, P.; Dedov, I. (2008). "A review of the Bulgarian species of Aspasita Westerlund, 1889 (Gastropoda; Pulmonata; Spelaeodiscidae), with description of A. bulgarica spec. nov" (PDF). Basteria. 72 (4–6): 111–118.
  30. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Irikov, A.; Georgiev, D. (2015). "Identification Keys to the Clausiliidae J. E. Gray, 1855 (Mollusca: Stylommatophora) from Bulgaria" (PDF). Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. 67 (2): 167–177.
  31. 1 2 3 4 5 Ivanov, A. (2020). "First Report of a live population of Bulgarica fritillaria (Frivaldszky, 1835) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) and its relationships with the species of the Bulgarica varnensis species-group from Bulgaria". Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. 72 (3): 347–351.
  32. Irikov, A (2012). "Macedonica dobrostanica n. sp. from Bulgaria (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae)". Journal of Conchology. 41 (1): 111–113.
  33. Georgiev, D. (2014). "First Record of Discus rotundatus (Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda: Discidae) in Bulgaria" (PDF). Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. 66 (4): 575–576.
  34. 1 2 Reischütz, A.; Steiner-Reischütz, N.; Reischütz, P.L. (2016). "Lucilla singleyana (Pilsbry 1889) in Mazedonien und Bulgarien". Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen Gesellschaft. 23: 91–92.
  35. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Riedel, A. (1975). "Die Zonitiden-Fauna Bulgariens (Gastropoda), ihre Herkunft und Verbreitung". Fragmenta Faunistica. 20 (11): 157–177.
  36. Georgiev, D. (2014). "On the occurrence of Oxychilus camelinus (Bourguignat, 1852) in Bulgaria (Gastropoda: Zonitidae)" (PDF). Malacologica Bohemoslovaca. 13: 106–109.
  37. Riedel, A.; Maassen, W.J.M. (1993). "Berichtigung zur Frage der Identität von Hyalina moussoni Kobelt, 1878 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Zonitidae)". Basteria. 57 (4–6): 139–145.
  38. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Георгиев, Дилян (2014). "Сладководните миди от сем. Sphaeriidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) в България". ZooNotes. Supplement 4: 1–63.
  39. Georgiev, Dilian; Dedov, Ivailo (2 April 2014). "Contribution to the knowledge of the Bulgarian species of the genus Vitrea (Gastropoda, Pristilomatidae) with the description of a new species". ZooKeys (396): 1–11. doi:10.3897/zookeys.396.6976. PMC 3978262. PMID 24715790.
  40. Irikov A., Georgiev D. & Riedel A. (2004). "A new species of the genus Vitrea Fitzinger, 1833 from Bulgaria (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Zonitidae)". Folia Malacologica 12(2): 79-81.
  41. Dedov, Ivaylo K.; Schneppat, Ulrich E.; Knechtle Glogger, Fabia; Georgiev, Dilian (3 October 2015). "Boettgerillidae van Goethem 1972: Boettgerilla pallens Simroth 1912 (Mollusca: Gastropoda) – a new family, genus and species for the Bulgarian fauna". Ecologica Montenegrina. 3: 64–65. doi:10.37828/em.2015.3.9.
  42. Dedov, Ivailo K.; Schneppat, Ulrich E.; Stoyanov, Ivailo; Cornu, Regula; Knechtle Glogger, Fabia (2017). "Arion (Kobeltia) intermedius Normand, 1852 (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora: Arionidae), a new slug species for Bulgaria" (PDF). Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. 69 (3): 437–439.
  43. Georgiev, D.; Dedov, I.; Schneppat, U. (2020). "The malacofauna (Mollusca: Gastropoda and Bivalvia) of Sarnena Gora Mts – published data and new records" (PDF). ZooNotes. Supplement 9: 35–40.
  44. 1 2 Subai, P.; Neubert, E. (2014). "Revision of the genus Lindholmiola Hesse, 1931 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Helicodontidae". Contributions to Natural History. 23: 1–94.
  45. Georgiev D. & Stoycheva S. (2007). "A new finding of Soosia diodonta (Férussac, 1821) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Helicodontidae) in Bulgaria]. Malacologica Bohemoslovaca 6: 35-37. PDF.
  46. 1 2 Korábek, Ondřej; Juřičková, Lucie; Petrusek, Adam (2015). "Splitting the Roman snail Helix pomatia Linnaeus, 1758 (Stylommatophora: Helicidae) into two: redescription of the forgotten Helix thessalica Boettger, 1886". Journal of Molluscan Studies. 82 (1): 11–22. doi:10.1093/mollus/eyv048.
  47. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Georgiev, Dilian (2016). "The 46 years overlooked species Monacha oshanovae Pintér & Pintér, 1970". Ecologica Montenegrina. 6: 46–55. doi:10.37828/em.2016.6.7.
  48. Hubenov, Z. (2001). "Corbiculidae - a new family to the Bulgarian recent malacofauna (Mollusca: Bivalvia)". Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. 53 (3): 61–65.
  49. Kenderov, L. (2018). "A report of Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) in the middle sector of Iskar River, Bulgaria". ZooNotes. ZooNotes (120): 1–4.
  50. Hubenov, Z. (2006): Anodonta (Sinanodonta) woodiana (LEA 1834) (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae) – a new invasive species for the Bulgarian malacofauna. – Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 58: 37–42.

Further reading

  • (in Bulgarian) Damjanov S. & Likharev I. (1975). Fauna Bulgarica, 5. Terrestrial snails (Gastropoda terrestria). Marin Drinov Publ., Sofia, 425 pp.
  • Dedov I. (1998). "Annotated check-list of the Bulgarian terrestrial snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda)". Linzer Biol. Beitr. 30(2): 745-765.
  • (in Bulgarian) Hubenov Z. (2005). Malacofaunistic diversity of Bulgaria. In: Petrova A. (ed.) Current state of Bulgarian biodiversity – problems and perspectives. Bulgarian Bioplatform, Sofia, 199-246.
  • Hubenov Z. (2007). "Fauna and Zoogeography of Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial Mollusks (Mollusca) in Bulgaria". 141-198. In: Fet V. & Popov A. (eds.) Biogeography and ecology of Bulgaria. Monographiae Biologicae 82. ISBN 978-1-4020-4417-5.
  • Wiktor A. (1983). "The slugs of Bulgaria (Arionidae, Milacidae, Limacidae, Agriolimacidae – Gastropoda, Stylommatophora)". Annales Zoologici 37(3): 71-206.
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