This is a list of the named geological faults in Scotland. See the main article on faults for a fuller treatment of fault types and nomenclature but in brief, the main types are normal faults, reverse faults, thrusts, thrust faults or slides and strike-slip faults. Many faults may have acted as both normal faults at one time and as reverse or thrust faults at another and may or may not have also incorporated some degree of strike-slip movement too. The terms 'zone' and 'complex' imply collections of features with associated histories.

Key to tables

  • Column 1 indicates the name of the fault. Note that different authors may use different names for the same fault or a section of it. Conversely, the same name may be applied to more than one fault, particularly in the case of smaller faults which are widely separated.
  • Column 2 indicates the OS grid reference of the approximate midpoint of certain faults. Note that the mapped extent of a fault may not accurately reflect its actual extent.
  • Column 3 indicates the county in which the fault occurs. Some traverse two or more counties of course.
  • Column 4 indicates on which sheet, if any, of the British Geological Survey's 1:50,000 / 1" scale geological map series of Scotland, the fault is shown and named (either on map/s or cross-section/s or both). A handful of BGS maps at other scales are listed too.
  • Column 5 indicates a selection of publications in which references to the fault may be found. See references section for full details of publication.

Alphabetical list of faults


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Abbey Craig Fault Sc 39E
Achininver Thrust Sutherland Sc 114E
Achness Thrust 108W
A'Chruach Slide Argyll and Bute Sc 12
Aithbank Fault Shetland Sc 131
Allt Mhainister Slide Sc 63E
Alwinton Fault BGS:BRG 7
Annathill Fault Sc 31W
Aonach Beag Slide Sc 63E
Archer Beck Fault Sc 11
Archerfield Fault East Lothian Sc 33, 41 ELGA
Ardross Fault Sc 41
Arisdale Fault Shetland Sc 130
Arkletonshiels Fault Sc 11
Arnaboll Thrust Sutherland Sc 114W BGS:BRG 2, G & K 2011
Arndean Fault Sc 39E
Arnton Fault Sc 11
Assapol Fault BGS:BRG 3; Trewin (ed) 2002
Auchmillan Fault Sc 14E
Aultnagoire Fault Sc 73E
Avonbridge Fault Sc 31E


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Balcormo Fault Sc 40E
Balgrummo Fault Sc 40E
Baligill Fault Sc 115W
Ballumbie Fault Sc 49
Balmacara Thrust Sc 71E BGS:BRG 2
Balmae Burn Fault Kirkcudbrightshire Sc 5W
Banff Fault
Banknock Fault Sc 31E
Bankend Fault Sc 15W
Bargany Fault Sc 8W, Sc 14W
Bealach Traligill Fault Sutherland Assynt (Special 50K) G & K 2011
Bedda Fault Sc 11
Beinn an Fhuarain Thrust G & K 2011
Beinn Bhan Thrust Sc 27
Beinn Uidhe Thrust G & K 2011
Belhelvie Fault Sc 77
Ben Earb Slide Sc 56W
Ben Hope Thrust Sutherland Sc 108W, Sc 114W, Sc 114E Trewin (ed) 2002
Ben Hutig Thrust Sutherland Sc 114E
Ben More Thrust Sutherland Sc 101E, Sc 114W BGS:BRG 2; Trewin (ed) 2002, G & K 2011
Ben Oss Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Ben Suardal Thrust Sc 71W BGS:BRG 3
Benderloch Slide Argyll Sc 45W, Sc 53W
Berriedale Fault Sc 110
Bervie Bay Fault Sc 67
Birkshaw Fault Sc 10W
Blairquhan Fault Sc 14W
Blargie Slide Sc 63E
Blarmore Fault Sc 115E
Bloody Bush Fault Sc 11
Bluemull Sound Fault Shetland Sc 130
Bonahaven Fault Sc 27
Bolsa Fault Sc 27
Boundary Slide Trewin (ed) 2002
Branxton Fault Sc 40E, Sc 41
Bridge of Balgie-Loch Garry Fault Sc 54E
Bridge of Forss Fault Zone Sc 115E
Brims - Risa Fault Shetland BGS:BRG 1
Bring Fault Orkney Orkney Islands (Special 100K)
Brodick Bay Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Buckhaven Fault Sc 40E
Burnturk Fault Sc 40E
Burrance Fault Sc 10W
Bush Fault Sc 10W, Sc 11


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Cairn Muir Fault Sc 32W
Cairngarroch Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Cairnholy Fault Kirkcudbrightshire Sc 4E, Sc 5W
Calder Fault Sc 32W
Calder-Murieston Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Caledonian Front Thrust Belt BGS:BRG 2
Cam Loch Thrust Sutherland Assynt (Special 50K), Sc 101E G & K 2011
Camasunary Fault BGS:BRG 2 & 3; Trewin (ed) 2002
Camasunary-Rona Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Camasunary Skerryvore Fault Sc 71W Skye Central Complex Bedrock 25k
Cambret Fault Kirkcudbrightshire Sc 4E, Sc 5W
Campsie Fault Sc 31W Trewin (ed) 2002
Camster Fault Sc 110, Sc 116W
Camregan Fault Sc 8W
Carcow Fault Sc 8E, Sc 15W, Sc 15E Trewin (ed) 2002
Carmacoup Fault Sc 15W
Carnock Fault Sc 39E
Carrick Fault Sc 14W
Carronbridge Fault Sc 9E
Cassingray Fault Sc 40E
Castlehill Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
Central Fracture Zone North Sea
Centre Main Ring Fault (Rum) Sc 60
Ceres Fault Sc 40E, Sc 41
Chasm Faults Argyll Glencoe:25K
Clarkston Fault Sc 22E
Clatto Fault Sc 40E
Cloncaird Fault Sc 14W
Cnoc nan Uamh Thrust G & K 2011
Cloch Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
Coigach Fault Sutherland Tect B&Ire 1:500K, Sc 101W, Sc 107W
Coire Sgoir Slide Sc 54E
Comedie Fault Sc 31W
Conagleann Fault Sc 73E
Cooms Fault Sc 11
Corloch Fault BGS:BRG 3
Coul Fault Sc 40E
Cove Fault Scottish Borders Sc 33E BGS:BRG 6
Cowden's Fault Sc 10W
Craig Liath Fault Sc 64W
Creagan Liatha Fault Sc 63E
Creich Thrust Sc 93E
Cronksbank Fault Sc 11
Crooked Pool Fault Sc 11
Crossgatehall Fault East Lothian UK (north) 625K Trewin (ed) 2002, ELGA
Cue Sike Fault (*also 'Cue Sike Shatter Belt') *Sc 11 Trewin (ed) 2002


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Dalton Fault Sc 10W
Dalmellington Fault Sc 14E Trewin (ed) 2002
Dane's Dike Fault Sc 41
Darleith Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
Dechmont Fault Sc 31W
Dee Fault Sc 66E, Sc 77
Dennyloanhead Fault Sc 31E
Devil's Staircase Fault Glencoe:25K
Dherue Thrust Sutherland Sc 108E, Sc 114E Trewin (ed) 2002
Dogger Bank Fault Zone North Sea
Dog Track Fault Sc 115E
Doune Thrust Sc 8W
Dove Cove Fault Sc 7, Sc 8W Trewin (ed) 2002
Drummarkie Fault Sc 84W
Drummuir Faults Sc 85E
Drumbreddan Bay Fault Sc 3
Drynie Fault Sc 84W
Dunbar - Gifford Fault Lothian UK (north) 625K; Sc 24E, Sc 32E & Sc 33 Trewin (ed) 2002, ELGA
Dupin Thrust Sc 8W
Dura Den Fault Sc 40E, Sc 41, Sc 49
Durie Fault Sc 40W, Sc 41
Durris House Fault Sc 66E
Dusk Water Fault Sc 22W & pt21E Trewin (ed) 2002


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
East Glenfalloch Fault Sc 46W
East Ochil Fault Sc 40E Trewin (ed) 2002
East Saltcoats Fault Sc 31E
East Scapa Fault Orkney Orkney Islands (Special 100K) BGS:BRG 1
Eilrig Thrust (also as 'Eilrig Thrust Zone') Sc 63W
Eller Fault Sc 15W, Sc 15E
Enthorn Fault Sc 11
Ericht - Laidon Fault (*also as Ericht-Laiden Fault') Sc 46W, *Sc 54E, Sc 63E, Sc 64W, Sc 74W, Sc 74E Trewin (ed) 2002
Ettleton Fault Sc 11
Ettrick Valley Fault Trewin (ed) 2002


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Fairlie Glen Fault Ayrshire Sc 22W & pt21E
Farchal Fault Sc 65E
Fardingmullach Fault Sc 8W, Sc 8E, Sc 9W, Sc 15W, Sc 15E, Sc 24E Trewin (ed) 2002
Fealar Fault Sc 64E
Fergus Slide Sc 56W
Fernie Fault Sc 40E
Findhorn Fault Sc 84W
Findon Fault Sc 96E
Firth of Forth Fault Tect B&Ire 1:500K Trewin (ed) 2002
Flannan Thrust BGS:BRG 2
Fort William Slide Sc 62E


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Gallaton Fault Sc 67
Garabal Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Garabal Hill Fault Sc 46W
Garheugh Fault Kirkcudbrightshire Sc 4W, Sc 4E, Sc 5W
Garlieston Fault Kirkcudbrightshire Sc 4E, Sc 5W
Garnkirk Fault Sc 31W
Garthna Geo Fault Shetland BGS:BRG 1; Trewin (ed) 2002
Gartness Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
Gie Usig Geo Fault Sc 115E
Gillespie Burn Fault Kirkcudbrightshire Sc 3, Sc 4W, Sc 4E, Sc 5W, Sc 9W, Sc 15E
Gillhall Fault Sc 10W
Gilnockie Fault Dumfries-shire Sc 11 BGS:BRG 7
Glaik Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Gleann Charnan Fault Argyll Glencoe:25K
Gleann Liath Fault Sc 73E Trewin (ed) 2002
Gleghornie Fault ?Lothian Sc 33E
Glen App Fault Sc 3, Sc 7, Sc 8W Trewin (ed) 2002
Glen Banchor Fault Sc 64W
Glen Cleuch Fault Sc 11
Glen Docherty Fault Sc 82E
Glen Doll Fault Sc 65E
Glen Etive Fault Argyll Glencoe:25K
Glen Creran Slide Argyll Sc 45W, Sc 53W
Glen Fumart Fault Sc 8E, Sc 9W, Sc 9E, Sc 15E Trewin (ed) 2002
Glen Rinnes Fault Sc 85E
Glen Stockdale Slide (*also as 'Glenstockdale Slide') Argyll Sc 45W, *Sc 53W
Glen Strae Fault Sc 45E
Glen Truim Fault (also as 'Glen Truim Fault Zone') Sc 64W
Glencoul Thrust Sutherland Assynt (Special 50K) BGS:BRG 2; Trewin (ed) 2002, G & K 2011
Glenkiln Fault Sc 10W
Glenmuir Fault Sc 15W
Glenreif Shatter Belt Sc 11
Glenure Slide Sc 53W
Grampian Slide Trewin (ed) 2002
Grassfield Fault Sc 24E
Great Glen Fault (also as 'Great Glen Fault Zone') UK (north) 625K, Sc 53W, Sc 62E, Sc 63W, Sc 64W, Sc 72E, Sc 73E Trewin (ed) 2002


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Haggrister Fault Shetland Sc 129
Harbour Hill Fault Lothian Sc 32E
Harelawhill Fault Sc 11
Headmark Fault Sc 14
Heatherfield Fault Sc 31E
Heck's Burn Fault Sc 11
Helmsdale Fault Sutherland, Ross-shire UK (north) 625K, Sc 103W BGS:BRG 2; Trewin (ed) 2002
Hermitage Fault Sc 11
Highland Boundary Fault (also as 'Highland Boundary Fault Zone') UK (north) 625K, Sc 12, Sc 38E, Sc 39W, Sc 56W, Sc 66W, Sc 66E, Sc 67 Trewin (ed) 2002
Hog Wash Fault Sc 11


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Inchgottrick Fault (or Inchgotrick Fault) Sc 14W, Sc 22W & pt21E, Sc 22E Trewin (ed) 2002
Inchkeith Fault Sc 32E
Innerwell Fault Kirkcudbrightshire Sc 4E, Sc 5W, Sc 5E, Sc 9E
Innerwick Fault Berwickshire, East Lothian Sc 33E ELGA
Inner Main Ring Fault (Rum) Sc 60
Inninmore Fault BGS:BRG 3
Inverkip Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
Invernaver Fault Sc 115W
Inverpattack Fault Sc 63E
Inverpattack-Margie Fault Sc 54E


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Kennox Fault Sc 15W Trewin (ed) 2002
Keppoch Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
Kerse Loch Fault Sc 8W, Sc 14W, Sc 14E Trewin (ed) 2002
Kershope Fault Sc 11
Kilbarchan Fault Sc 30W
Kilchrenan Slide Argyll Sc 45W
Kildonan Slide Argyll and Bute Sc 12
Killantringon Fault (or Killantringan Fault*) Sc 4W Trewin (ed) 2002*
Kilbarchan Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
Killiecrankie Slide Sc 55W
Killin Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Kincardine Ferry Fault Sc 31E
Kingledores Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Kinloch Thrust Sc 108E
Kinlochewe Thrust BGS:BRG 2
Kinnaird House Fault Sc 31E
Kinnoull Fault Sc 48W
Kintail Thrust BGS:BRG 2
Kirk Hill Fault Sc 11
Kishorn Thrust Sc 71W, Sc 81E BGS:BRG 2 & 3
Kishorn-Suardal Thrust Trewin (ed) 2002
Knockinculloch Fault Sc 14W
Knocklaugh Fault Sc 8W
Knoydart Thrust Trewin (ed) 2002


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Laig Gorge Fault Sc 60 BGS:BRG 3
Lamb Hoga Fault Shetland Sc 131
Lambdoughty Fault Sc 14W
Lammermuir Fault East Lothian UK (north) 625K; Sc 24E, Sc 32E & Sc 33 Trewin (ed) 2002, BGS:BRG 6, ELGA
Largs Fault Zone Sc 30W & pt 29E
Langlee Fault Sc 15W
Largs-Hunterston Fault Zone Ayrshire Sc 22W & pt21E
Latheron Fault Sc 110
Lathones Fault Sc 41
Laurieston Fault Kirkcudbrightshire Sc 4W, Sc 4E, Sc 5W, Sc 5E, Sc 9E, Sc 10W Trewin (ed) 2002
Laurieston - Moffat Valley Fault BGS:BRG6ednIV
Leadhills Fault Sc 8W, Sc 8E, Sc 9W, Sc 15W, Sc 15E, Sc 24E Trewin (ed) 2002, BGS:BRG6ednIV
Leven Fault Sc 40E
Liddel Water Fault Sc 11, Sc 17E
Little Loch Broom Fault Sc 101W
Littlemill Fault (also as 'Little Mill Fault') Sc 14W, Sc 14E
Loch an Daimh Thrust Sc 101E
Loch Assapol Fault BGS:BRG 3
Loch Assynt Fault G & K 2011
Loch Awe Fault Sc 45E
Loch Calder Fault Sc 115E, Sc 116W
Loch Gruinart Fault (also as 'Loch Gruniart Fault') Sc 27 Trewin (ed) 2002
Loch Maree Fault Sc 91/100 BGS:BRG 2
Loch Mhor Fault North Sc 73E
Loch Mhor Fault South Sc 73E
Loch Morie Fault BGS:BRG 2
Loch Mudle Fault Sc 51E BGS:BRG 3
Loch Ryan Fault Sc 3 Trewin (ed) 2002
Loch Screapadal Fault BGS:BRG 3
Loch Seaforth Fault BGS:BRG 2
Loch Skerrols Thrust (also 'Loch Skerrols Shear Zone') Argyll Sc 27, Sc 36, Sc 37W, Sc 37E Trewin (ed) 2002
Loch Tay Fault UK (north) 625K, Sc 55W, Sc 64E Trewin (ed) 2002
Lochan Riabhach Thrust Sutherland Sc 114W, Sc 114E G & K 2011
Lochanhead Fault Sc 9E
Lochmaben Fault Sc 10W
Lochwood Fault Sc 10W
Long Loch Fault Sc 60 BGS:BRG 3
Lucklaw Hill Fault Sc 49
Lugton Water Fault Sc 22E
Lussa Slide Argyll and Bute Sc 12
Lynn of Lorn Fault BGS:BRG 3


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Maiden Rock Fault Sc 49
Maidens Fault Sc 14W
Main Ring Fault BGS:BRG 3
Markie Fault Sc 63E, Sc 73E, Sc 74W
Maryland Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
Mashie Fault Sc 63E
Meetlaw Fault Sc 66E, Sc 67
Melby Fault Shetland Tect B&Ire 1:500K; Sc 129 BGS:BRG 1; Trewin (ed) 2002
Mid Cleuch Fault Sc 11
Middleton Hall Fault Sc 32W
Middleton Muir Fault Sc 56W
Milngavie-Kilsyth Fault Sc 30E, Sc 31W
Minch Fault BGS:BRG 2; Trewin (ed) 2002
Mochrum Fault Sc 4W
Moffat Valley Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Moine Thrust (also as 'Moine Thrust Zone') Sc 43N, Sc 71W, Sc 71E, Sc 81E, Sc 101E, Sc 108W, Sc 114E BGS:BRG 2; Trewin (ed) 2002, G & K 2011
Moncreiffe Fault Sc 48W
Mons Craig Fault Sc 67
Morroch Bay Fault Sc 4W Trewin (ed) 2002
Mossbog Fault Sc 14E
Mosspaul Shatter Belt Sc 11
Mountbenger Burn Fault Sc 24E
Muirhouse Fault Sc 31E
Muirshiel Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
Mull Slide Argyll and Bute Sc 12
Mumbie Fault Sc 11
Mundole Fault Sc 84E
Mungal Fault Sc 31E
Mursieston Fault Sc 32W


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Naver Slide BGS:BRG 2
Naver Thrust Sc 102E, Sc 108E, Sc 114E, Sc 115W Trewin (ed) 2002, G & K 2011
Nesting Fault Shetland Sc 128; 129; 130 Trewin (ed) 2002
Newton Fault Sc 49
North Esk Fault Sc 66W, Sc 66E
North Inchmurrin Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
North Inverkip Fault Sc 30W
North Scapa Fault Orkney Orkney Islands (Special 100K) BGS:BRG 1
North Solway Fault Dumfries-shire BGS:BRG 7, BGS:BRG6ednIV, Mem Sc 5W, 5E & pt6W
North Tay Fault Sc 48W, Sc 48E
Northeastern Graben Fault Zone Argyll Glencoe:25K


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Ochil Fault Sc 39W, Sc 39E Trewin (ed) 2002
Ochiltree Fault Sc 32W
Orchardhead Fault Sc 31E
Orlock Bridge Fault (*also as 'Orlock Bridge Fault Zone') Galloway Sc 3, Sc 4W, *Sc 4E, Sc 8E, Sc 9W, Sc 9E, Sc 15E, Sc 24E BGS:BRG6ednIV
Ormond Fault Sc 84W
Ossian Fault Argyll Glencoe:25K
Outer Hebrides Fault (also as 'Outer Hebrides Fault Zone') Tect B&Ire 1:500K Trewin (ed) 2002
Outer Hebrides Thrust Zone BGS:BRG 2
Outer Isles Fault Zone Trewin (ed) 2002
Outer Isles Thrust UK (north) 625K Trewin (ed) 2002
Outer Main Ring Fault (Rum) Sc 60
Oykell Thrust G & K 2011


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Paisley Ruck Sc 30E, Sc 30W&pt29E
Pass of Brander Fault Sc 45E, Sc 53W
Pentland Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Pibble Fault Sc 4W, Sc 4E, Sc 15E
Pittenweem Fault Sc 41
Pobie Fault North Sea Tect B&Ire 1:500K
Port Glasgow Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
Port Logan Fault Sc 3
Prentice Fault Sc 14E
Pyet Thrust Sc 8W Trewin (ed) 2002, BGS:BRG6ednIV
Quarry Fault Sc 84W
Queen's Cairn Fault Argyll Glencoe:25K


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Radernie Fault Sc 41
Raegill Fault Sc 11
Raicastle Fault Sc 84E
Ranachan Hill Slide Argyll and Bute Sc 12
Rashshiel Fault Sc 11
Reidh-choire Fault Sc 54E
Rosemarkie Fault Sc 84W
Risa Fault Orkney Orkney Islands (Special 100K)
Rosneath Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
Ross Bay Fault Kirkcudbrightshire Sc 5W
Rothes Fault Sc 85E, Sc 95 Trewin (ed) 2002
Rowanburn Fault Sc 11
Rubha Garbh Slide Argyll Sc 45W


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Sandhead Fault Sc 3, Sc 4W, Sc 4E, Sc 15E
Sandside Bay Fault Sc 115E
Sandy Craig Fault Sc 41
Sangobeg Fault Sutherland Trewin (ed) 2002
Sanquhar Fault Sc 15W
Scapa Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Screapadal Fault Sc 81W BGS:BRG 3
Sgurr Beag Slide Sc 62W BGS:BRG 2; Trewin (ed) 2002
Sgurr Beag Thrust UK (north) 625K, Sc 83W, Sc 93W Trewin (ed) 2002
Shetland Spine Fault Shetland
Shettleston Fault Sc 31W
Skerryvore Fault BGS:BRG 3; Trewin (ed) 2002
Skinsdale Thrust Sc 109W
Skipper's Bridge Fault Sc 11
Slamannan Fault Sc 31E
Sligo Fault Sc 84W
Sole Thrust Sutherland Sc 114W BGS:BRG 2; Trewin (ed) 2002, G & K 2011
South Inchmurrin Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
South Inverkip Fault Sc 30W & pt 29E
South Tay Fault Sc 48W, Sc 48E, Sc 49
Southern Upland Fault Sc 8E, Sc 14E, Sc 15W, Sc 15E, Sc 24W, Sc 24E BGS:BRG 6, BGS:BRG6ednIV
Southwestern Graben Fault Zone Argyll Glencoe:25K
Spittalfield Fault Sc 48W, Sc 56W
Sronlairig Fault (*also as 'Sron Lairig Fault') UK (north) 625K, Sc 63W, Sc 73E, Sc 74W, *Sc 84E
St Flanan Fault Sc 31W
Stair Fault Sc 14E
St Ann's Fault Sc 10W
Stair Haven Fault Sc 4W, Sc 4E, Sc 9W
Stinchar Valley Fault (*also as 'Stinchar Valley Fault Zone') Sc 7, Sc 8W Trewin (ed) 2002
Straiton Fault Ayrshire Sc 14W
Straiton Fault Angus Sc 49
Stralochy Fault Sc 48W
Strandfoot Fault Sc 3
Strath Fleet Fault (*also as 'Strathfleet Fault') *Sc 102E BGS:BRG 2
Strath Naver Slide BGS:BRG 2
Strathconon Fault Sc 71E, Sc 82E, Sc 83W BGS:BRG 2; Trewin (ed) 2002
Strathglass Fault Sc 72E, Sc 83W Trewin (ed) 2002
Strathy Bay Fault Sc 115W
Strath Halladale Fault Sc 115W, Sc 115E
Strath of Appin Fault Sc 53W
Struie Thrust Sc 93E
Succoth Fault Sc 85E
Sulma Water Fault Shetland BGS:BRG 1
Swordly Thrust Sutherland Tect B&Ire 1:500K, Sc 108E, Sc 109W, Sc 115W Trewin (ed) 2002


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Tamond Fault Sc 11
Tarras Fault Sc 11
Tarskavaig Thrust Sc 71W BGS:BRG 2 & 3
Teasses Fault Sc 40E
The Hooies Fault Sc 3
Thorlieshope Fault Sc 11, Sc 17E
Thornton Fault Sc 48W
Tinwald Fault Sc 10W
Toddy Bridge Fault Sc 40E
Tor Linn Fault Sc 10W
Tormitchell Thrust Sc 8W
Tollie Farm Fault Sutherland Sc 91/100
Torrisdale Thrust Sc 108E, Sc 114E Trewin (ed) 2002
Traligill Thrust G & K 2011
Tyndrum Fault Sc 45E, Sc 54E Trewin (ed) 2002


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Uamh an Tartair Thrust G & K 2011
Ullapool Thrust Sc 101E G & K 2011


Fault name OS map ref County BGS map sheet book reference/s
Walls Boundary Fault Shetland Sc 128; 129 BGS:BRG 1; Trewin (ed) 2002
Wamphray Fault East Lothian Sc 33, 41 ELGA
Waterbeck Fault Sc 10W BGS:BRG6ednIV
West Glenfalloch Fault Sc 46W
West Ochil Fault Trewin (ed) 2002
Whistleberry Fault Sc 67
Whita Well Fault Sc 11
Wick Fault Tect B&Ire 1:500K Trewin (ed) 2002
Woodhaven Fault Sc 49



  • British Geological Survey 2007, Bedrock Geology UK North, 1:625,000 scale geological map, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts (UK (north) 625K)
  • British Geological Survey 1996 Tectonic map of Britain, Ireland and Adjacent Areas 1996, Pharaoh TC et al. (compilers), 1:1,500,000 British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts (Tect B&Ire 1:1500K)
  • British Geological Survey, various of 1:50,000 scale geological maps of Scotland, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts (Sc no.)
  • British Geological Survey 'Classic Areas' series; Glencoe, 1:25,000 scale geological map, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts (Glencoe:25K)
  • British Geological Survey 'Classic Areas' series; Skye Central Complex, 1:25,000 scale geological map, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts (Skye Central Complex Bedrock 25k)


  • Trewin, NH (ed) 2002. The Geology of Scotland, (4th edn) The Geological Society, London (Trewin (ed) 2002)
  • British Regional Geology: Orkney and Shetland, British Geological Survey, Nottingham (BGS:BRG1)
  • British Regional Geology: Northern Highlands of Scotland, British Geological Survey, Nottingham (BGS:BRG2)
  • Emeleus CH & Bell BR 2005, British Regional Geology; The Palaeogene volcanic districts of Scotland (4th edn) British Geological Survey, Nottingham (BGS:BRG3)
  • Goodenough, K.M. & Krabbendam, M. 2011 A Geological Excursion Guide to the North-west Highlands of Scotland, Edinburgh Geological Society, ISBN 978-1-905267-53-8 (G & K 2011)
  • Grieg, D.C. 1971. British Regional Geology: The South of Scotland (3rd edn) British Geological Survey, Nottingham (BGS:BRG6). Full text of second edition (1948) available at the Internet Archive.
  • Stone et al. 2012. British Regional Geology: South of Scotland (Fourth edn) British Geological Survey, Nottingham (BGS:BRG6ednIV)
  • British Regional Geology: Northern England, British Geological Survey, Nottingham (BGS:BRG7)
  • Lintern, B.C. & Floyd, J.D. 2000 Geology of the Kirkcudbright-Dalbeattie District memoir of the British Geological Survey, sheets 5W, 5E and part of 6W (Scotland) (Mem Sc 5W, 5E & pt6W)
  • Whitbread, K. Ellen, R. Callaghan, E. Gordon, J.E. and Arkley, S. 2015 East Lothian Geodiversity Audit BGS Open Report OR/14/063 192pp (ELGA)

    See also

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