This article contains a list of encyclicals of Pope Benedict XIV. The documents below were all written by Benedict XIV.

No.Title (Latin)Title (English translation)SubjectDate
1. Ubi primum General Recommendations for Bishops[1] 3 December 1740
2. Salvatoris nostri Mater 13 December 1740
3. Apostolicae Servitutis 23 February 1741
4. Non Ambigimus On Fasting during Lent[2] 30 May 1741
5. Sacramentum Poenitentiae 1 June 1741
6. Pro Eximia Tua Invitation to the Archbishop of Torino to put a stop to the practice done by priests of the commerce of alms from the masses.[3] 30 June 1741
7. Quanta cura Against the Illicit uses of alms from the Mass.[4] 30 June 1741
8. In Suprema Universalis On Fasting during Lent (follow up of Non Ambigimus)[5] 22 August 1741
9. Quamvis Paternae Reaffirmation of the dispositions of the Council of Trent on the appropiate way of appointing judges.[6] 26 August 1741
10. Satis Vobis Compertum Recommendations to avoid the abuse of the sacrament of Marriage[7] 17 November 1741
11. Etsi Minime On the Instruction of the faithful, reaffirms the use of the Catechism of Saint Robert Bellarmine.[8] 7 February 1742
12. Certiores Effecti Invitation to the faithful to receive the Holy Communion when attending mass. Reaffirmation of the Council of Trent regarding the validity of masses celebrated by the priest without the presence of the faithful.[9] 13 November 1742
13. Cum Illud Semper On the appropiate use of contests for the assignment of Parishes and Churches as promulgated by the Council of Trent[10] 14 December 1742
14. Quemadmodum Preces Clarification that the Prayers for Sovereigns in the Mass are instituted by the Church and cannot be decreed by Sovereigns or the State.[11] 23 March 1743
15. Nimiam Licentiam On the Validity of Marriages 18 May 1743
16. Demandatam coelitus humilitati nostrae 24 December 1743
17. Inter Omnigenas On Christian Life in the Kingdom of Serbia under Turkish rule[12] 2 February 1744
18. Cum Semper Oblatas On the offering of Masses[13] 19 August 1744
19. In Suprema Catholicae Prayer for peace and promulgation of an indulgence.[14] 20 November 1744
20. Cum Multorum Charitate Declaration of a Jubilee Year in Italy[15] 18 February 1745
21. Libentissime Quidem Answer to doubts regarding fasting[16] 10 June 1745
22. Gravissimum Supremi On Missions sent to the Kingdom of Naples[17] 8 September 1745
23. Vix Pervenit On Usury and Other Dishonest Profit 1 November 1745
24. Accepimus Praestantium On the necessary and appropiate use of the Cross in the celebration of the Mass[18] 16 July 1746
25. Quemadmodum Nihil Indulgency promulgated with the purpose of encouraging prayer in all the faithful[19] 16 December 1746
26. Postremo mense 28 February 1747
27. Inter caetera Against the abuses committed in Carnivals[20] 1 January 1748
28. Magnae Nobis On Marriage Impediments and Dispensations 29 June 1748
29. Annus qui hunc On the upkeep and cleanliness of Churches 19 February 1749
30. Officii Nostri On punishments and judgements regarding murder, immunity, and asylum.[21] 15 March 1749
31. Peregrinantes a Domino Proclaiming a Holy Year 5 May 1749
32. Apostolica Constitutio On Preparation for the Holy Year 26 June 1749
33. Gravissimo Animi Rules regarding communication with cloistered nuns.[22] 31 October 1749
34. Inter praeteritos Detailed discussion on the right use of indulgences and Holy Years[23] 3 December 1749
35. Benedictus Deus Thanksgiving for the past Holy Year, and six months extension of the indulgence to those unabled of traveling to Rome[24] 25 December 1750
36. Celebrationem Magni Detailed instructions regarding the indulgence extension and history of extensions of indulgences[25] 1 January 1751
37. Prodiit Jamdudum Regarding the last day of the carnival and the fasting of the feast of Saint Matthias falling on the same day[26] 30 January 1751
38. Elapso Proxime Anno On heretics looking for asylum in a church after commiting a crime[27] 20 February 1751
39. Providas Romanorum Confirmation of the absolute prohibition for Catholics to be part of Freemasonry[28] 18 March 1751
40. Magno Cum Animi To the Kingdom of Poland regarding the use of private oratories for the celebration of Mass[29] 2 June 1751
41. A quo primum On Jews and Christians Living in the Same Place 14 June 1751
42. Cum Religiosi Aeque On Catechesis 26 June 1754
43. Quod Provinciale To the Church of Albania prohibiting Christians of taking Muslim names in order to avoid persecution[30] 1 August 1754
44. Allatae Sunt On the Observance of Oriental Rites 26 July 1755
45. Quam Ex Sublimi Instructions to assure the correct succession of an Apostolic Vicariate in the event of death[31] 8 August 1755
46. Ex Quo Primum On the Euchologion 1 March 1756
47. Ex Omnibus Christiani On the Apostolic Constitution Unigenitus 16 October 1756
48. Quam Grave On punishments and judgements regarding the crime of pretending to be a priest[32] 2 August 1757


  12. "Enciclica Inter Omnigenas (2 febbraio 1744)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  13. "Enciclica Cum Semper Oblatas (19 agosto 1744)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  14. "Breve In Suprema Catholicae (20 novembre 1744)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  15. "Breve Cum Multorum Charitate (18 febbraio 1745)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  16. "Enciclica Libentissime Quidem (10 giugno 1745)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  17. "Enciclica Gravissimum Supremi (8 settembre 1745)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  18. "Enciclica Accepimus Praestantium (16 luglio 1746)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  19. "Breve Quemadmodum Nihil (16 dicembre 1746)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  20. "Enciclica Inter Caetera (1 gennaio 1748)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  21. "Bolla Officii Nostri (15 marzo 1749)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  22. "Enciclica Gravissimo Animi (31 ottobre 1749)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  23. "Enciclica Inter praeteritos (3 dicembre 1749)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  24. "Bolla Benedictus Deus (25 dicembre 1750)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  25. "Enciclica Celebrationem Magni (1 gennaio 1751)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  26. "Enciclica Prodiit Jamdudum (30 gennaio 1751)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  27. "Enciclica Elapso Proxime Anno (20 febbraio 1751)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  28. "Bolla Providas Romanorum (18 marzo 1751)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  29. "Enciclica Magno Cum Animi (2 giugno 1751)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  30. "Enciclica Quod Provinciale (1 agosto 1754)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  31. "Breve Quam Ex Sublimi (8 agosto 1755)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  32. "Enciclica Quam Grave (2 agosto 1757)". Retrieved 2023-12-04.
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