The Prose and Poetic Eddas, which form the foundation of what we know today concerning Norse mythology, contain many names of dwarfs. While many of them are featured in extant myths of their own, many others have come down to us today only as names in various lists provided for the benefit of skalds or poets of the medieval period and are included here for the purpose of completeness.

List of dwarfs


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
Great-grandfatherÓinnSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Álfr"Elf"[1]Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Alfrigg"Elfking"Sörla þáttr
Alfrikr"Elfking"Þiðreks saga
AliusThe otherÁsmundar saga kappabana
Alþjófr"All-thief"[2]Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
ÁnarrStarerAnnarr, ÓnarrVöluspá
Andvari"Careful one", "Cautious spirit",[1] "Gentle breeze"Nafnaþulur, Reginsmál, Skáldskaparmál, Völsunga saga, Völuspá
Aurvangr"Mud-field",[2] "Gravelly plain"AurvargrSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Austri"Eastern"Gylfaginning, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
Bári"The Bearing",[2] "Ready", "Eager"BarriFjölsvinnsmál
BerlingLittle bar, HandspikeSörla þáttr
Bifurr"Quaking one",[2] "Beaver"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Bildr"Plowman",[2] "Edged weapon"Völuspá
BillingrTwin brotherVöluspá
Bláinn"Dark-hued",[2] "Blackish"Skáldskaparmál
BlindviðrBlind boardSkáldskaparmál
Blôvurr"The Shining"[2]Skáldskaparmál
Bömburr"Drummer",[2] "The swollen one"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Brokkr"the one who works with metal fragments; blacksmith"Brothers: Eitri, SindriSkáldskaparmál
BrúniBlack, Dark brownVöluspá
BúinnPrepared for burialSkáldskaparmál
Buri"Progenitor",[2] "Son"BurinnVöluspá


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
DagfinnrDay-finder, Day-magicianSkáldskaparmál
Dáinn"The Dead One", "Deadlike"Grímnismál, Hyndluljóð, Völuspá
DellingrThe gleaming oneFjölsvinnsmál, Skáldskaparmál
Dolgr"Warrior",[1] "Enemy"Skáldskaparmál
Dólgþrasir"Persisting warrior",[1] "Battle-eager"DolgþvariVöluspá
Dóri"The Fortifying",[2] "Borer", "Auger-man"Fjölsvinnsmál, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Draupnir"Dropper",[1] "Dripper"Dramir, DraufnirSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Dúfr"The Crooked",[2] "The Deep",[1] "Nodder"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Duneyrr"Thundering ear"[1] or "Dark ear"[3]Grímnismál, Gylfaginning
Duraþrór"Thriving Slumber"Grímnismál, Gylfaginning
Durinn"Slumber", "Door" or "Door-warden"DulinnGylfaginning, Hervarar saga, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Dúrnir"Door", "Door-warden", "Sleeper"Laufás-Edda, Skáldskaparmál, Ynglingatal
Dvalinn"the dormant one", "the one slumbering", "Torpid"Alvíssmál, Fáfnismál, Grímnismál, Gylfaginning, Hávamál, Hervarar saga, Skáldskaparmál, Sörla þáttr, Völuspá


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
EggmóinnSlain by the swordSkáldskaparmál
Eikinskjaldi"Oaken shield"[2]Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
EilífrHe who lives alone
EitriThe very cold oneBrother: BrokkrSkáldskaparmál


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
FafnirFather: Hreiðmarr
Brothers: Ótr, Regin
Gylfaginning, Völsunga saga
Fár"The caretaker" or "the defender",[2] "Shining"Skáldskaparmál
FarliThe faring oneSkáldskaparmál
Fíli"The one who files",[2] "File"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
FinnrLapp, MagicianFiðrVöluspá
Fjalar"Paneller"FalrBrother: GalarSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Fjǫlsviðr"Very Powerful",[1] "Very wise"Skáldskaparmál
FríðrFair, Beautiful, HandsomeSkáldskaparmál
Frosti"Frosty",[1] "Cold"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
FullangrLong enoughSkáldskaparmál


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
Gandálfr"Wand-elf"[2] "Magic elf", "Wolf elf"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
GalarYeller, SingerBrother: FjalarSkáldskaparmál
Ginnarr"Seducer",[1] "Deceiver"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Glói"The glowing one"GlóinnSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Gloni"Staring",[2] "The glowing one"
GollmævillRich sea-kingSkáldskaparmál
GrerRoaringSörla þáttr
Grímr"The masked one",[2] "Mask"Skáldskaparmál
Gustr"A puff of wind"


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
Hanarr"The skillfull" or "Chanter"HárrSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Hár"The high"[2]HaurrSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Heptifili"File-holder", "Filer",[2] "File with handle"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Heri"Host",[2] "Hare"Skáldskaparmál
HildingrWarrior, Prince, KingSkáldskaparmál
Hleðjolfr"Shield Wolf",[2] "Sword"Völuspá
Hlévangr"Grave-mound",[2] "Sheltered plain"HlévargrVöluspá
Hljóðolfr"Silent Wolf",[2] "Howl-wolf"HljóðalfrSkáldskaparmál
Hornbori"He who bore horn's hair",[2] "Hornborer"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Horr"The Dear",[2] "Linen" "Bowstring"
HreiðmarrSons: Fafnir, Ótr, ReginGylfaginning, Völsunga saga
Hugstari"Battle thinker" or "strategist",[2] "The bold one"HoggstariSkáldskaparmál


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
Iri"the rumor spreading",[2] "Irish"
Ívaldi"Wielder of the yew bow", "Warrior"


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
JakiIce-floe, Ice-bergSkáldskaparmál
Jari"The Disputing",[2] "Warrior"Völuspá


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
Kili"Wedge"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
Líðskjalfr"Shaking in the limbs"Fjölsvinnsmál
Litr"Countenance" or "Image"[2] or "Complexion",[1] "Colour"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
LjómiGlow, Gleam, ShineSkáldskaparmál
LofarrStooperSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
LóniLazy personVöluspá


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
MiðviðThe middle board or slatSkáldskaparmál
Mjöðvitnir"Knowing in mead"[1] or "Mead wolf", "Toper"MóðvitnirSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
MjǫklituðMuch coloured, Nearly redSkáldskaparmál
Moinn"Moor beast"[2]Völuspá
MondullAxle, Shaft, Handle
MótsognirHe who roars in rageSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
MuninThe reminding oneSkáldskaparmál


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
NabbiSmall boilHyndluljóð
NæfrClever, skilledSkáldskaparmál
Náinn"Corpse"[2]Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Nali"Corpse" or "Death"[2] or "Needle",[1] "Axle of a hand-mill"VáliVöluspá
Nár"Corpse"[2]Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
NefiRelative, nephewSkáldskaparmál
Níðhǫggr"Malice striker" or "Tenebrous Gnawer",[1] "The hateful striking one"Skáldskaparmál
Niði"Underworld being",[2] "The one associated with the dark moon"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Nípingr"The Dark"[2] or "The Handsome" or "The Curving",[1] "Pinch"NífengrSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Norðri"Northern", "The one in the North"Gylfaginning, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
NóriLittle shaverVöluspá
Nýi"New moon"[2]Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Nýr"The new",[1] "New"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Nýráðr"New advice",[1] "Ingenious"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
ÓinnShySon: AndvariReginsmál', Skáldskaparmál
OliusÁsmundar saga kappabana
ǪlniThe one on the fore-armSkáldskaparmál
ÓnnHard work, An (undefined) part of a swordSkáldskaparmál
Óri"The insane",[1] "The violent one"Fjölsvinnsmál, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Ótr"Otter"Father: Hreiðmarr
Brothers: Fafnir, Regin
Gylfaginning, Völsunga saga


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
PattiLittle shaver, little boy


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
RáðspakrWise in counselSkáldskaparmál
Ráðsviðr"Powerful advice",[1] "Wise in counsel"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Regin"Great" or "Vast",[1] "The potent one", "The wielder"Father: Hreiðmarr
Brothers: Fafnir, Ótr
Gylfaginning, Völsunga saga
RekkrWarrior, hero, manSkáldskaparmál


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
Siarr"The Panning",[2] "He who makes the sparks fly", "Smith"
Sindri"Spark", "Slanting board", "Slat"None attestedBrother: BrokkrGylfaginning, Skáldskaparmál, Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar, Völuspá
Skávær"The good-natured"[2]Skáldskaparmál
Skafiðr"The scraper"[2]Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Skirfir"Skillful artisan",[2] "joiner who makes herring-bone panelling"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Suðri"Southern", "the one in the South"Gylfaginning, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Sons of IvaldiFather: Ívaldi
Svíurr"The Disappearing"[2]SviðrVöluspá


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
Þekkr"The welcome one"[2] or "The thinker" or "The amiable",[1] "Beloved"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
þjóðrœrir"The one buried in the famous stone-heap", "The famous one buried in the stone-heap"Hávamál
ÞolinnThe mumbling one, Silly personSkáldskaparmál
Þorin"The Daring",[2] "Bold"Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Þráinn"The Threatening",[2] "The Audacious",[1] "Stubborn"ÞróinnVöluspá
Þrasir"snorter", "The one in rage"Skáldskaparmál
Þrór"Inciter of strife",[2] "The thriving",[1] "Boar"þrárSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
TútaLittle nub


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
Uni"The content",[2] "The calm one"Fjölsvinnsmál
Úri"The smith",[2] "The slag-man"Fjölsvinnsmál


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
Varr"The cautios",[2] "Wary", "Shy"Fjölsvinnsmál, Skáldskaparmál
Vegdrasill"Courageous in battle",[2] "Road-steed", "Glory-steed"Fjölsvinnsmál
Veggr"The toothy",[2] "Wedge"Völuspá
Veigr"The defiant",[2] "Strength"
Vestri"Western", "The one in the West"Gylfaginning, Völuspá
ViðrBoard, Slat, RungSkáldskaparmál
VífirFututor,good manSkáldskaparmál
Vindálfr"Wind-elf"[2]Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Virwir"The virulent",[2] "Dyer"VirfirSkáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Vitr"Wise"[2]Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá


Name Name meaning Alternative names Attested relatives Attestations
Yngvi"Prince" or "Warrior",[2] "Frey"IngiVöluspá

General references

  • Faulkes, Anthony (transl. and ed.) (1987). Edda (Snorri Sturluson). Everyman. ISBN 0-460-87616-3
  • Larrington, Carolyne (transl. and ed.) (1996). The Poetic Edda. Oxford World's Classics. ISBN 0-19-283946-2
  • Gurevich, Elena: (Introduction to) Anonymous, Dverga heiti; in Kari Ellen Gade and Edith Marold (eds.): Poetry from Treatises on Poetics - Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 3; Turnhout: Brepols, 2017 (p. 692).
  • Gould, Chester Nathan: Dwarf-Names - A Study in Old Icelandic Religion; in PMLA, Vol. 44, No. 4 (Dec., 1929) (pp. 939-967). doi:10.2307/457704


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Mallet, Paul Henri: Northern Antiquities; London, 1847 (p. 546pp.).
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Bane, Theresa: Encyclopedia of Giants and Humanoids in Myth, Legend and Folklore; McFarland, 2016 (p. 60)
  3. Lindow, John: Handbook of Norse Mythology; 2001 (p. 98).
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