Noble Titles of Portugal
  Dukedoms of Portugal
  Marquisates of Portugal
  Countships of Portugal
  Viscountcies of Portugal
  Baronies of Portugal

This is a list of countships in Portugal (Portuguese: Condados; singular Condado; the title is Conde, for Count, and Condessa, for Countess):




  • Count of Cabo de Santa Maria
  • Count of Cabo de São Vicente
  • Count of Cabral
  • Count of Cacilhas
  • Count of Caetano Pinto
  • Count of Calçada
  • Count of Calhariz
  • Count of Calhariz de Benfica
  • Count of Calheiros
  • Count of Calheta
  • Count of Camarido
  • Count of Caminha
  • Count of Campanhã
  • Count of Campo Belo
  • Count of Canavial
  • Count of Cantanhede
  • Count of Caparica
  • Count of Carcavelos
  • Count of Caria
  • Count of Carnide
  • Count of Carnota
  • Count of Carreira
  • Count of Cartaxo
  • Count of Carvalhais
  • Count of Carvalhal
  • Count of Carvalhido
  • Count of Casal
  • Count of Casal Ribeiro
  • Count of Cascais
  • Count of Castanheira
  • Count of Castelo
  • Count of Castelo Branco
  • Count of Castelo de Paiva
  • Count of Castelo Melhor
  • Count of Castelo Mendo
  • Count of Castelo Novo
  • Count of Castelo Rodrigo
  • Count of Castro
  • Count of Castro Daire
  • Count of Castro e Sola
  • Count of Castro Guimarães
  • Count of Castro Marim
  • Count of Castro Minas
  • Count of Cavaleiros
  • Count of Cedofeita
  • Count of Chaves
  • Count of Coculim
  • Count of Condeixa
  • Count of Correia Bettencourt
  • Count of Costa
  • Count of Costa Pereira
  • Count of Covilhã
  • Count of Côvo
  • Count of Cuba
  • Count of Cunha
  • Count of Cunha Matos


  • Count of Daupias
  • Count of Devezas
  • Count of Donalda
  • Count of Duparchy


  • Count of Ega
  • Count of Ephrussi
  • Count of Ericeira
  • Count of Ervideira
  • Count of Esperança
  • Count of Estarreja
  • Count of Estrela
  • Count of Évora Monte


  • Count of Faro
  • Count of Farrobo
  • Count of Feira
  • Count of Feitosa
  • Count of Felgueiras
  • Count of Fenais
  • Count of Ferreira
  • Count of Ficalho
  • Count of Figueira
  • Count of Figueiredo de Magalhães
  • Count of Figueiró
  • Count of Fijô
  • Count of Folgosa
  • Count of Fontalva
  • Count of Fonte Bela
  • Count of Fonte Nova
  • Count of Fornos de Algodres
  • Count of Foz
  • Count of Foz de Arouce
  • Count of Franco e Almodôvar
  • Count of Funchal


  • Count of Galveias
  • Count of Geraz do Lima
  • Count of Gouveia
  • Count of Graciosa
  • Count of Guarda
  • Count of Guazava
  • Count of Guimarães



  • Count of Jácome Correia
  • Count of Jimenez de Molina
  • Count of Juncal
  • Count of Junqueira



  • Count of La Ville sur Illon
  • Count of Laborim
  • Count of Lagoaça
  • Count of Lancastre
  • Count of Lapa
  • Count of Lavradio
  • Count of Leça
  • Count of Leiria
  • Count of Leopoldina
  • Count of Lindoso
  • Count of Linhares
  • Count of Lobata
  • Count of Loulé
  • Count of Lourinhã
  • Count of Lousã
  • Count of Lumbrales
  • Count of Lumiares


  • Count of Macedo
  • Count of Machico
  • Count of Macieira
  • Count of Mafra
  • Count of Magalhães
  • Count of Mahem
  • Count of Mangualde
  • Count of Margaride
  • Count of Marialva
  • Count of Marim
  • Count of Martens Ferrão
  • Count of Massarelos
  • Count of Matosinhos e São João da Foz
  • Count of Melo
  • Count of Mendia
  • Count of Mértola
  • Count of Mesquita
  • Count of Mesquitela
  • Count of Miranda do Corvo
  • Count of Moita
  • Count of Molelos
  • Count of Monforte
  • Count of Monsanto
  • Count of Monsaraz
  • Count of Monte Real
  • Count of Moser
  • Count of Moçâmedes
  • Count of Moura
  • Count of Muge
  • Count of Murça


  • Count of Napier de São Vicente
  • Count of Neiva
  • Count of Nevogilde
  • Count of Nova Goa



  • Count of Paço de Arcos
  • Count of Paço de Vitorino
  • Count of Paço do Lumiar
  • Count of Paçô Vieira
  • Count of Palma
  • Count of Palma de Almeida
  • Count of Palmela
  • Count of Paraty
  • Count of Pedroso de Albuquerque
  • Count of Penafiel
  • Count of Penaguião
  • Count of Penalva
  • Count of Penalva de Alva
  • Count of Penamacor
  • Count of Penela
  • Count of Penha Firme
  • Count of Penha Garcia
  • Count of Penha Longa
  • Count of Peniche
  • Count of Pereira Marinho
  • Count of Pernambuco
  • Count of Pinhel
  • Count of Podentes
  • Count of Pomarão
  • Conde de Pombeiro
  • Count of Ponte
  • Count of Ponte de Santa Maria
  • Count of Pontével
  • Count of Portalegre
  • Count of Porto
  • Conde de Porto Brandão
  • Count of Porto Covo da Bandeira
  • Count of Porto Santo
  • Count of Portugal
  • Count of Portugal de Faria
  • Count of Póvoa
  • Count of Povolide
  • Count of Prado
  • Count of Prado da Selva
  • Count of Praia da Vitória
  • Count of Praia e Monforte
  • Count of Prime
  • Count of Proença-a-Velha


  • Count of Quinta das Canas


  • Count of Ravelada
  • Count of Redinha
  • Count of Redondo
  • Count of Refúgio
  • Count of Rego Botelho
  • Count of Rendufe
  • Count of Reriz
  • Count of Resende
  • Count of Restelo
  • Count of Ribandar
  • Count of Ribeira Grande
  • Count of Ribeiro da Silva
  • Count of Ribeiro Real
  • Count of Rilvas
  • Count of Rio Grande
  • Count of Rio Maior
  • Count of Rio Pardo


  • Count of Sabrosa
  • Count of Sabugal
  • Count of Sabugosa
  • Count of Safira
  • Count of Saldanha
  • Count of Samodães
  • Count of Sandim
  • Count of Sandomil
  • Count of Santa Catarina
  • Count of Santa Cruz
  • Count of Santa Eulália (de Pindo, Penalva do Castelo)
  • Count of Santa Eulália (de Santa Eulália, Seia)
  • Count of Santa Isabel
  • Count of Santa Luzia
  • Count of Santa Marinha
  • Count of Santar
  • Count of Santiago de Beduído
  • Count of Santiago de Lobão
  • Count of Santo André
  • Count of São Bento
  • Count of São Cosme do Vale
  • Count of São Januário
  • Count of São João da Pesqueira
  • Count of São João de Ver
  • Count of São Joaquim
  • Count of São Lourenço
  • Count of São Mamede
  • Count of São Marçal
  • Count of São Martinho
  • Count of São Miguel
  • Count of São Paio
  • Count of São Salvador de Matosinhos
  • Count of São Vicente
  • Count of Sarmento
  • Count of Sarzedas
  • Count of Sebastião de Pinho
  • Count of Seia
  • Count of Seisal
  • Count of Seixas
  • Count of Selir
  • Count of Sena
  • Count of Sena Fernandes
  • Count of Serém
  • Count of Serra da Tourega
  • Count of Serra Largo
  • Count of Sieuve de Menezes
  • Count of Silvã
  • Count of Silva Monteiro
  • Count of Silva Sanches
  • Count of Silves
  • Count of Simas
  • Count of Sintra
  • Count of Sobral
  • Count of Sortelha
  • Count of Soure
  • Count of Sousa Coutinho
  • Count of Sousa e Faro
  • Count of Sousa Rosa
  • Conde de Stucky de Quay
  • Count of Subserra
  • Count of Sucena



  • Count of Unhão






See also

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