Thomas Tallis, 18th-century engraving; a posthumous, invented portrait[1] by Gerard Vandergucht

This is a list of compositions by the English composer Thomas Tallis (c. 1505–1585).


  • Missa Salve intemerata
    • Salve Intemerata: Gloria
    • Salve Intemerata: Credo
    • Salve Intemerata: Sanctus & Benedictus
    • Salve Intemerata: Agnus Dei
  • Missa Puer natus est nobis (on the chant)
    • Mass: Puer natus est nobis: Gloria
    • Mass: Puer natus est nobis: Credo [only a fragment survives]
    • Mass: Puer natus est nobis: Sanctus & Benedictus
    • Mass: Puer natus est nobis: Agnus Dei
  • Mass for Four Voices
    • Gloria
    • Credo
    • Sanctus
    • Benedictus
    • Agnus Dei
  • Kyrie: Deus Creator

Latin motets

  • Absterge Domine
  • Audivi Vocem De Coelo (Responsory for Matins)
  • Ave Dei Patris Filia (Votive antiphon)
  • Ave rosa sine spinis (Votive antiphon)
  • Derelinquat Impius
  • Domine, Quis Habitabit
  • Dum transisset Sabbatum (Responsory for Matins)
  • Gaude gloriosa Dei mater (Votive antiphon)
  • In Ieiunio Et Fletu
  • In Manus Tuas (Responsory for Compline)
  • In Pace In Idipsum (Responsory for Compline)
  • Jam Christus astra ascenderat (Vespers hymn)
  • Jesu Salvator saeculi (Compline hymn)
  • Lamentations of Jeremiah I
  • Lamentations of Jeremiah II
  • Laudate Dominum
  • Loquebantur variis linguis (Responsory for Vespers)
  • Miserere Nostri
  • O Nata Lux De Lumine (Hymn for Lauds)
  • O Sacrum Convivium Antiphon for Magnificat)
  • O Salutaris Hostia
  • Quod Chorus Vatum (Vespers hymn)
  • Salvator Mundi (two versions)
  • Salve intemerata virgo (Votive antiphon)
  • Sancte Deus (Jesus antiphon)
  • Sermone Blando (Hymn for Lauds)
  • Spem In Alium
  • Suscipe quaeso
  • Te Lucis Ante Terminum (Ferial)
  • Te Lucis Ante Terminum (Festal)
  • Videte Miraculum (Responsory for Vespers)

English service music

  • Preces (1st Set)
  • Preces (2nd Set)
  • Christ Rising Again from the Dead
  • Venite
  • Te Deum
  • Benedictus
  • Responses And Collects For Easter Matins
  • Litany
  • Magnificat
  • Nunc Dimittis
  • Responses And Collects For Christmas Eve Evensong
  • Commandments
  • Credo
  • Offertory Sentence
  • Sanctus
  • Gloria

English anthems

  • O Lord, Give Thy Holy Spirit
  • Purge Me, O Lord
  • Verily, Verily I Say Unto You
  • Remember Not, O Lord God
  • O Lord, In Thee Is All My Trust
  • Out From The Deep
  • Remember Not, O Lord God
  • Hear The Voice And Prayer
  • If Ye Love Me
  • A New Commandment
  • Wherewithal Shall A Young Man
  • O Do Well Unto Thy Servant
  • My Soul Cleaveth To The Dust
  • Wipe Away My Sins
  • Forgive Me, Lord, My Sin
  • Blessed Are Those That Be Undefiled
  • Arise, O Lord, And Hear
  • With All Our Hearts
  • I Call And Cry To Thee
  • O Sacred And Holy Banquet
  • When Jesus Went Into Simon The Pharisee’s House
  • Blessed Be Thy Name
  • O Praise The Lord II
  • Sing and Glorify Heaven's High Majesty
  • The set of nine vernacular psalm settings referred to as the nine tunes for Archbishop Parker's Psalter

Keyboard works

  • Veni Redemptor Gentium
  • Jam Lucis Orto Sidere
  • Ecce Tempus Idoneum
  • Ex More Docti Mistico
  • Clarifica Me Pater
  • Clarifica Me Pater (II)
  • Clarifica Me Pater (III)
  • Gloria Tibi Trinitas
  • Iste Confessor
  • Alleluia: Per Te Dei Genitrix
  • Felix Namque (I)
  • Felix Namque (II)
  • When Shall My Sorrowful Sighing Slack
  • Like As The Doleful Dove
  • O Ye Tender Babes
  • Purge Me, O Lord
  • Per Haec Nos
  • A Point
  • Lesson: Two Partes In One
  • Remember Not, O Lord God
  • Per Haec Nos
  • A Point
  • Lesson: Two Partes In One
  • Tu Nimirum

Consort music

  • In Nomine I
  • In Nomine II
  • A Solfing Song
  • Salvator Mundi (trio)
  • Fantasia


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