This article contains a list of bees of Great Britain. The following species are all within the superfamily Apoidea.

Family Colletidae

Genus Colletes: plasterer bees

Genus Hylaeus: yellow-face bees

  • Hylaeus annularis, shingle yellow-face bee; Widespread, locally common syn. Hylaeus spilotus
  • Hylaeus brevicornis, short-horned yellow-face bee
  • Hylaeus communis, common yellow-face bee
  • Hylaeus confusus, white-jawed yellow-face bee
  • Hylaeus cornutus, spined hylaeus bee
  • Hylaeus dilatatus, chalk yellow-face bee
  • Hylaeus hyalinatus, hairy yellow-face bee
  • Hylaeus incongruus, white-lipped yellow-face bee; syn. Hylaeus gibbus
  • Hylaeus pectoralis, reed yellow-face bee
  • Hylaeus pictipes, little yellow-face bee
  • Hylaeus punctulatissimus, onion yellow-face bee
  • Hylaeus signatus, large yellow-face bee

Family Andrenidae

Genus Andrena: mining bees

  • Andrena agilissima, violet-winged mining bee
  • Andrena angustior, groove-faced mining bee
  • Andrena apicata, large sallow mining bee
  • Andrena argentata, small sandpit mining bee
  • Andrena barbilabris, sandpit mining bee
  • Andrena bicolor, Gwynne's mining bee
  • Andrena bimaculata, large gorse mining bee
  • Andrena bucephala, large-headed mining bee
  • Andrena chrysosceles, hawthorn mining bee
  • Andrena cineraria, ashy mining bee
  • Andrena clarkella, Clarke's mining bee
  • Andrena coitana, small-flecked mining bee
  • Andrena congruens, long-fringed mining bee
  • Andrena denticulata, grey-banded mining bee
  • Andrena dorsata, short-fringed mining bee
  • Andrena ferox, oak mining bee
  • Andrena flavipes, yellow-legged mining bee
  • Andrena florea, bryony mining bee
  • Andrena fucata, painted mining bee
  • Andrena fulva, tawny mining bee
  • Andrena fulvago, hawksbeard mining bee
  • Andrena fuscipes, heather mining bee
  • Andrena gravida, white-bellied mining bee
  • Andrena haemorrhoa, orange-tailed mining bee
  • Andrena hattorfiana, large scabious mining bee
  • Andrena helvola, coppice mining bee
  • Andrena humilis, catsear mining bee
  • Andrena labialis, large meadow mining bee
  • Andrena labiata, red-girdled mining bee
  • Andrena lapponica, bilberry mining bee
  • Andrena lathyri, Burbage mining bee
  • Andrena lepida, Aldworth mining bee
  • Andrena marginata, small scabious mining bee
  • Andrena nigriceps, black-headed mining bee
  • Andrena nigroaenea, buffish mining bee
  • Andrena nigrospina, scarce black mining bee
  • Andrena nitida, grey-patched mining bee
  • Andrena nitidiuscula, carrot mining bee
  • Andrena ovatula, small gorse mining bee
  • Andrena pilipes, black mining bee
  • Andrena polita, Maidstone mining bee
  • Andrena praecox, small sallow mining bee
  • Andrena proxima, broad-faced mining bee
  • Andrena rosae, Perkins' mining bee
  • Andrena ruficrus, northern mining bee
  • Andrena scotica, chocolate mining bee
  • Andrena similis, red-backed mining bee
  • Andrena simillima, buff-banded mining bee
  • Andrena synadelpha, broad-margined mining bee
  • Andrena tarsata, tormentil mining bee
  • Andrena thoracica, cliff mining bee
  • Andrena tibialis, grey-gastered mining bee
  • Andrena tridentata, pale-tailed mining bee
  • Andrena trimmerana, Trimmer's mining bee
  • Andrena vaga, Grey-backed mining bee
  • Andrena varians, blackthorn mining bee
  • Andrena wilkella, Wilke's mining bee

Subgenus Micrandrena: mini-miners

  • Andrena alfkenella, Alfken's miniature mining bee
  • Andrena falsifica, thick-margined miniature mining bee
  • Andrena floricola, Chilterns miniature mining bee
  • Andrena minutula, common miniature mining bee
  • Andrena minutuloides, plain miniature mining bee
  • Andrena nana, Barham miniature mining bee
  • Andrena nanula, red-horned miniature mining bee
  • Andrena niveata, long-fringed miniature mining bee
  • Andrena semilaevis, shiny-margined miniature mining bee
  • Andrena subopaca, impunctate miniature mining bee

Genus Panurgus: shaggy bees

  • Panurgus banksianus, large shaggy bee
  • Panurgus calcaratus, small shaggy bee

Family Halictidae

Genus Halictus: end-banded furrow bees

Genus Lasioglossum: base-banded furrow bees

Genus Sphecodes: blood bees

Genus Dufourea: short-faced bees

  • Dufourea halictula, sheep's bit short-faced bee
  • Dufourea minuta, shiny short-faced bee

Genus Rophites: bristle-headed bees

  • Rophites quinquespinosus, five-spined bee

Family Melittidae

Genus Dasypoda: pantaloon bees

Genus Melitta: blunthorn bees

  • Melitta dimidiata, sainfoin blunthorn bee
  • Melitta haemorrhoidalis, bellflower blunthorn bee
  • Melitta leporina, clover blunthorn bee
  • Melitta tricincta, red bartsia blunthorn bee

Genus Macropis: loosestrife bees

Family Megachilidae

Genus Anthidium: wool carder bees

Genus Stelis: dark bees

  • Stelis breviuscula, little dark bee
  • Stelis ornatula, spotted dark bee
  • Stelis phaeoptera, plain dark bee
  • Stelis punctulatissima, banded dark bee

Genus Heriades: resin bees

  • Heriades truncorum, ridge-saddled carpenter bee

Genus Chelostoma: scissor bees

Genus Osmia: mason bees

Genus Hoplitis: lesser mason bees

  • Hoplitis claviventris, welted lesser mason bee
  • Hoplitis leucomelana, black and white lesser mason bee
  • Hoplitis spinulosa, spined mason bee syn. Osmia spinulosa

Genus Megachile: leaf-cutter bees

Genus Coelioxys: sharp-tailed bees

  • Coelioxys afra, short sharp-tailed bee
  • Coelioxys brevis, narrow-bodied sharp-tailed bee
  • Coelioxys conoidea, large sharp-tailed bee
  • Coelioxys elongata, dull-vented sharp-tailed bee
  • Coelioxys inermis, shiny-vented sharp-tailed bee
  • Coelioxys mandibularis, small leaf-cutter cuckoo bee
  • Coelioxys quadridentata, four-toothed sharp-tailed bee
  • Coelioxys rufescens, rufescent sharp-tailed bee

Family Apidae

Genus Nomada: nomad bees

  • Nomada alboguttata, large bear-clawed nomad bee
  • Nomada argentata, silver-sided nomad bee
  • Nomada armata, armed nomad bee
  • Nomada baccata, bear-clawed nomad bee
  • Nomada bifasciata, dusky-horned nomad bee
  • Nomada castellana, Castell's nomad bee
  • Nomada conjungens, fringeless nomad bee
  • Nomada errans, Purbeck nomad bee
  • Nomada fabriciana, Fabricus' nomad bee
  • Nomada ferruginata, yellow-shouldered nomad bee
  • Nomada flava, flavous yellow nomad bee
  • Nomada flavoguttata, small nomad bee
  • Nomada flavopicta, blunthorn nomad bee
  • Nomada fucata, painted nomad bee
  • Nomada fulvicornis, orange-horned nomad bee
  • Nomada fuscicornis, small Guernsey nomad bee
  • Nomada glabella, bilberry nomad bee
  • Nomada goodeniana, Gooden's nomad bee
  • Nomada guttulata, short-spined nomad bee
  • Nomada hirtipes, long-horned nomad bee
  • Nomada integra, catsear nomad bee
  • Nomada lathburiana, lathbury's nomad bee
  • Nomada leucophthalma, early nomad bee
  • Nomada marshamella, Marsham's nomad bee
  • Nomada obtusifrons, flat-ridged nomad bee
  • Nomada panzeri, Panzer's nomad bee
  • Nomada roberjeotiana, tormentil nomad bee
  • Nomada ruficornis, fork-jawed nomad bee
  • Nomada rufipes, black-horned nomad bee
  • Nomada sexfasciata, six-banded nomad bee
  • Nomada sheppardana, Sheppard's nomad bee
  • Nomada signata, broad-banded nomad bee
  • Nomada similis, Guernsey nomad bee
  • Nomada striata, blunt-jawed nomad bee
  • Nomada subcornuta, Kirby's nomad bee
  • Nomada succincta, yellow-legged nomad bee
  • Nomada zonata, variable nomad bee

Genus Epeolus: cuckoo mining bees

  • Epeolus cruciger, red thighed cuckoo mining bee
  • Epeolus variegatus, variegated cuckoo mining bee

Genus Eucera: long-horned bees

Genus Anthophora: flower bees

Genus Melecta: mourning bees

Genus Ceratina: small carpenter bees

Genus Xylocopa: large carpenter bees

Genus Bombus: bumblebees

Subgenus Bombus: white-tailed bumblebees

Subgenus Kallobombus: broken-belted bumblebee

Subgenus Megabombus: greater bumblebees

Subgenus Melanobombus: black-bodied bumblebees

Subgenus Psithyrus: cuckoo bumblebees

Subgenus Pyrobombus: fiery-tailed bumblebees

Subgenus Subterraneobombus: yellow bumblebee

Subgenus Thoracombus: carder bees

Genus Apis: honeybees


  1. "Bee thought to be extinct found in East Sussex". The Guardian. 11 October 2011. Retrieved 11 October 2011.
  • Else, George "Section 10 - Check List of British Hymenoptera Aculeata" in Archer, Michael (2005) Bees, Wasps and Ants Recording Society Members' Handbook ISBN 1-870393-79-1 (pp. 113–131)
  • Baldock, David W. (2008) Bees of Surrey ISBN 978-0-9556188-1-9
  • BWARS Bees, Wasps and Ants Recording Society
  • Falk, Steven -
  • Falk, S. and Lewington, R., 2019. Field Guide to the Bees of Great Britain and Ireland. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
  • BWARS - Bees, Wasps and Ants Recording Society
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