This article is a list of known military operations of the Vietnam War in 1965, conducted by the armed forces of the Republic of Vietnam, the United States and their allies.

Date durationOperation nameUnit(s) – descriptionLocationVCPAVN KIAsAllied KIAs
1965–72Operation Footboy[1]MACVSOG covert operations in North Vietnam and North Vietnamese waters for the purpose of collecting intelligence, conducting psychological warfare operations, and other activities to create dissension among the populace, and for diversion of North Vietnamese resourcesNorth Vietnam
Jan 5Unnamed[2]:111Six-company CIDG and Special Forces A-114 and A-411 Detachments operationTây Ninh Province
Feb 7–24Operation Flaming Dart[3]Phase I (February 7): USAF reprisal bombing attacks against PAVN units and military barracks near Đồng Hới and the Demilitarized Zone. Phase II (February 11): USAF and RVNAF strike the Chanh Hoa and Vit Thu Lu barracks, respectively, in North Vietnam.Đồng Hới, Demilitarized Zone, Chanh Hoa and Vit Thu Lu8
Mar 2 – Nov 1 1968Operation Rolling Thunder[4]USAF, U.S. Navy and RVNAF sustained and escalating bombing campaign of North Vietnam to destroy military infrastructure, interdict supply routes and undermine the North's willingness to continue the warNorth Vietnam20,000 est.835
Mar 11 – 1972Operation Market Time[5]Combined U.S. Navy and South Vietnamese Navy effort to stop the flow of supplies from North Vietnam into South VietnamSouth China Sea
Mar 31Operation Quyet Thang 512[6]:17–8ARVN 5th Airborne Battalion, MAG-16, HMM-163 and HMM-162 air assaultnear Tam Ky 40 km south of Da Nang, Quảng Tín Province2 US
Apr 3 – Nov 11 1968Operation Steel Tiger[7]:287 (part of Operation Barrell Roll)U.S. 2nd Air Division aerial interdiction effort targeted against the infiltration of NVA men and material moving south from North Vietnamsoutheastern Laos
May 31 – Jun 3Unnamed[8]:17173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team first brigade sized operation in Vietnam, a series of airmobile assaultsnear Bien Hoa, Biên Hòa Province7
Jun 18 – Aug 15 1973Operation Arc Light[9]B-52 Stratofortress bombing campaign against communist base areasthroughout South Vietnam
Jun 27–30Unnamed[10]:2173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team first major offensive action by launching an operation, along with ARVN airborne units and 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, into War Zone "D", about 32 km northeast of SaigonLong Khánh Province
Jul 6–9Operation 17-65[1]173rd Airborne Brigade operationPhước Thành Province
Jul 6–10Unnamed[10]:3[11]173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment and ARVN 43rd Regiment operation involving multiple air assaults into War Zone "D" just north of the Đồng Nai RiverLong Khánh Province
Jul 8 – Aug 19Operation Than Phong II[12]ARVN II Corps operation to reopen Route 19349
Jul 28Operation Lien Ket 4[1]2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, ARVN 51st Regiment and VNMC 3rd Battalion first combined land operation in the war
Jul 28 – Aug 2Operation 19-65[1][11]173rd Airborne Brigade and 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment operation to disrupt VC movement from the Rung Sat Special Zone into Phước Tuy ProvincePhước Tuy Province
Aug 2 -3Operation Blast Out[6]:62–41st Battalion, 3rd Marines and ARVN 4th Regiment first search and clear operation in Cam Ne village. The operation was filmed by a CBS news crew who showed the Marines setting fire to Vietnamese huts with their Zippo lighters16 km southwest of Da Nang, Quảng Nam Province7
Aug 3Operation Dan Thang 5[13]52nd Aviation Battalion operation to lift 1,150 troops in six lifts from Camp Holloway to Duc Co airfield during the Siege of Duc CoPleiku Province
Aug 4–5Operation Marble Mountain[1]USMC search and destroy operationI Corps
Aug 6–7Operation Thunderbolt[6]:694th Marines and ARVN 51st Regiment joint search and destroy operation against the 1st VC Regimentsouth of the Tra Bong River
Aug 7–11Operation Frag Order 12-65[1]173rd Airborne Brigade and 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment search and destroy operationPhước Thành Province
Aug 7–11Operation Frag Order 15-65[1][11]173rd Airborne Brigade and 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment search and destroy operationBiên Hòa Province
Aug 10–11Operation Binh Dinh[1]USMC search and destroy operationII Corps
Aug 10–21Unnamed[14]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division operationsouthwest of Nha Trang
Aug 11 – Sep 8Operation Barracuda[1][15]2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, the newly arrived 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division and 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry search and destroy operation19 km west of Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa Province25
Aug 12Operation Midnight[10]:43rd Marines search and destroy missionElephant Valley, about 16 km northwest of Da Nang, Quảng Nam Province2
Aug 16–17Operation Anvil[1]Search and destroy operationIII Corps
Aug 17–24Operation Starlite/Operation Starlight[6]:69–832nd Battalion 4th Marines, 3rd Battalion 4th Marines, 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines and 3rd Battalion 7th Marines operationVan Tuong peninsula (south of Chu Lai), Quảng Trị Province700242
Aug 19–22Operation Cutlass[1]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division and 5th Special Forces Group search and destroy operationsouth of Nha Trang
Aug 25 – Oct 1Operation Highland[1]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division and 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines route security operation to open Route 19 between Qui Nhơn and An Khe for debarkation and deployment of the 1st Cavalry DivisionBình Định Province69221
Aug 25 – Sep 10Operation Quin Thang 165[16]ARVN road clearing operation. 21st TASS FACs from Qui Nhơn directed fifty A-1E strikes, four F-100 strikes and one B-57 strike, against constant ground fire, ambushes and automatic weapons fire for sixteen days.
Aug 28 – Sep 3Operation Than Phong III[16]ARVN II Corps operation to open Route 21 to Ban Me Thuot from Nha Trang. One hundred and thirteen air strikes were conducted by the USAF, Navy and Marines.Route 21
Sep 1Operation Talon[15]:421st Brigade, 101st Airborne operationAn Khe Pass, Bình Định Province
Sep 1Unnamed[8]:161st Battalion, 503rd Infantry and supporting elements operationnear Kon Tum, Kon Tum Province
Sep 4Operation Venture[15]:421st Brigade, 101st Airborne operationAn Khe area, Bình Định Province
Sep 5–7Operation Stomp[6]:88–912nd Battalion, 7th Marines search and destroy operationKy Son Mountains, 16 km north of Qui Nhơn, Bình Định Province26
Sep 6–9Operation Tam Thang 118[16]ARVN II Corps operationnear Ban Me Thout
Sep 7Operation Bayonet[15]:421st Brigade, 101st Airborne operation as part of Operation HighlandAn Khe area, Bình Định Province
Sep 7–10Operation Piranha[6]:84–8BLT 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines and 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines and ARVN 2d Battalion, 4th Regiment and 3rd Vietnamese Marine Battalion operations on the Batangan Peninsula and An Ky Peninsula aimed at the remnants of the 1st VC Regiment and to counter seaborne infiltrationBatangan and An Ky Peninsulas1832 Marines, 5 ARVN
Sep 7 - Oct 8Operation BIG RED[17]173rd Airborne Brigade, 1st Battalion, 1RAR, Search & Destroy Operation, in Ben Cat, Phuoc Vinh, Di An, Phu Loc
Sep 9Operation Cacti[15]:421st Brigade, 101st Airborne operation as part of Operation HighlandAn Khe area, Bình Định Province
Sep 10Operation Than Phong IV[16]ARVN II Corps operationnear Qui Nhơn
Sep 10–11Operation Cold Steel[1]US search and destroy operationII Corps
Sep 13–14Operation Cactus[1]US search and destroy operationII Corps
Sep 14–28Unnamed[8]:16173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team search and destroy operationBen Cat, Biên Hòa Province46
Sep 14–28Operation 24-65[1][11]173rd Airborne Brigade and 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Sep 18–22Operation Gibraltar[18]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, 1st Cavalry Division and ARVN operationQui Nhơn
Sep 21 – 1968Operation Shining Brass[2]:230A series of cross-border reconnaissance and intelligence operations conducted by mixed Special Forces and Montagnard teams to counter PAVN infiltration through Laos into South Vietnam, perform bomb damage assessment, and control airstrikes. Shining Brass was renamed Prairie Fire in 1968 and finally Phu Dung on 8 April 1971eastern Laos
Sep 22 – Oct 19Operation Good Friend[1]2nd Battalion, 502nd Airborne Infantry Regiment relief of 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment at Cam Ranh Bay and securing the area for the arrival of the ROK 2nd Marine BrigadeCam Ranh Bay
Sep 26–27Operation Hard Rock[1]USMC search and destroy operationI Corps
Sep 28 – Nov 13Operation Sayonara[1]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division and 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines area and route security operation to cover the deployment of the ROK Capital DivisionQui Nhơn, Bình Định Province
Sep 29 – Oct 25Operation Red One[1]2nd Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment search and destroy and area security operationBiên Hòa Province
OctOperation Phu Yen 7[1]ARVN rice harvest operationnear Tuy Hòa
OctOperation Spread Out[1]2nd Battalion, 7th Marines search and destroy operationVân Canh Valley, Bình Định Province
Oct 1Operation Checkerboard I[1]2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Oct 1–9Operation Blue Bonnet[1]3/1 Cavalry security operationRoute 19, Bình Định Province
Oct 1 – Nov 13Operation Good Friend II[1]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, 1st Cavalry Division, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines and ARVN 22nd Division operation in the vicinity of Qui Nhơn to secure the area for the arrival of the ROK Capital DivisionQui Nhơn
Oct 2–4Operation Quick Draw[1]3rd Battalion, 7th Marines search and destroy operationQuảng Ngãi Province
Oct 4–6Operation Xray I[1]173rd Airborne Brigade search and destroy operationBiên Hòa Province
Oct 4–25Operation Hopscotch[1]2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division search and destroy and security operationBiên Hòa and Bình Dương Provinces12
Oct 8–14Operation Iron Triangle[1][11]1st and 2nd Battalion, 503rd Airborne Regiment and 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment search and destroy operation following one of the first B-52 strikes of the warIron Triangle, Bình Dương Province8
Oct 9 – Nov 1Operation Cobra[1]2/1 Cavalry security operation along Route 19Bình Định Province
Oct 10–14Operation Concord[1]3/1 Cavalry search and destroy operationBình Định Province
Oct 10–12Operation Shiny Bayonet[1]1st Cavalry Division and Republic of Vietnam Marine Corps operation in the Saui Ca River to trap elements of the PAVN 325th Divisionnear An Khe, Bình Định Province
Oct 10–31Operation Happy Valley[1]1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment pacification operation"Happy Valley" in Bình Định Province
Oct 13Operation Black Lion[1]2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Oct 14Operation Checkmate[1]2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Oct 14–17Operation Lonesome End[1]1/1 Cavalry route and area security operationBình Định Province
Oct 15Operation Flip Flop[1]1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment search and destroy and security operationBình Dương Province
Oct 16Operation Depth[1]2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Oct 16Operation Fly Low[1]1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Oct 16 – Nov 1Operation Settlement[1]2/1 Cavalry security operation on Route 19Bình Định Province
Oct 17Operation Bushmaster Bravo[1]3rd Brigade 1st Infantry Division search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Oct 18–19Operation Triple Play[1]3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines search and destroy operationQuảng Tín Province
Oct 18–24Operation Trail Blazer[1]3rd Reconnaissance Battalion reconnaissance operationQuảng Nam Province
Oct 18–24Operation Trail Boss[1]2/1 Cavalry search and destroy operation
Oct 19Operation Hot Foot[1]2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Oct 19Operation Ranger I[1]1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Oct 20 – Nov 7Operation Indian Scout[1]1/1 Cavalry security operation for the movement of the ROK Capital Division into its Tactical Area of ResponsibilityBình Định Province
Oct 21–27Operation New One[1]173rd Airborne Brigade clear and secure operationBình Dương Province
Oct 21–29Operation Dan Thang 21[19]11th Armored Cavalry Regiment operationPleiku Province31711
Oct 22–25Operation Red Snapper[6]:91–22nd Battalion, 3rd Marines and 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines and two ARVN Battalions, one ARVN Ranger Battalion, and four Regional Force/Popular Force companies operationPhu Gia Peninsula 36 km north of Da Nang7
Oct 23–26Operation 27-65[1][11]1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment search and destroy operationBiên Hòa Province
Oct 23 – Nov 20Operation Silver Bayonet[20]1st Cavalry Division and a large ARVN force combined operation to seek out and destroy the NVA 320th, 33rd, and 66th regiments concentrated in western PleikuIa Drang Valley, Pleiku Province1,771240
Oct 24Operation Revenger[1]1st Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Oct 24 – Nov 26Operation All the Way[1]1/1 Cavalry operationnear Pleiku
Oct 24 – Nov 26Operation Long Reach[1]1/1 Cavalry (Operation All The Way), 2/1 Cavalry (Operation Silver Bayonet II) and 3/1 Cavalry (Operation Silver Bayonet I) search and destroy operation and relief of Plei Me CIDG campPleiku Province
Oct 26Operation Big Horn[1]3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Oct 27Operation Drum Head[1]3rd Battalion, 7th Marines search and destroy operationQuảng Ngãi Province
Oct 28–29Operation Triple Trouble[1]1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Oct 29–31Operation Lien Ket 10[6]:922nd Battalion, 4th Marines and 3rd Battalion, 6th Regiment ARVN 2nd Division operation against the VC Do Xa base area20 km west of Chu Lai
Nov 1Operation Binder I[1]3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Nov 1–2Operation Quyet Thang 172[21]ARVN 22nd Division, 1st Aviation Battalion, 52nd Aviation Battalion, 119th Aviation and the Marine Helicopter Squadron from Qui Nhơn operation to secure the rice rich Tuy Hòa ValleyPhú Yên Province
Nov 1–20Operation Custer Flats[1]2nd Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBiên Hòa Province
Nov 1 – Dec 8Operation Viper I[1]2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment and 1st and 2nd Battalions, 18th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBiên Hòa Province18
Nov 1 – Jan 17 1966Operation Dagger One[1]2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment and 1st and 2nd Battalions, 18th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBiên Hòa Province
Nov 2Operation Binder II[1]3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Nov 3–5Operation Black Ferret[6]:93–61st Battalion, 7th Marines and 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines and 4th Regiment ARVN 2nd Division search and destroy operation. Correspondent Dickey Chapelle was killed by a mine booby-trap on this operation.16 km south of Chu Lai, Quảng Ngãi Province21 Marine, 1 correspondent
Nov 3–8Operation Copperhead[1]1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBiên Hòa and Long Khánh Provinces
Nov 5–9Operation Hump[11]173rd Airborne Brigade and 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment operationnorthwest Biên Hòa Province41648 US 2 Australian
Nov 7Operation Binder III[1]3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Nov 7–10Operation Blue Marlin[6]:96–7BLT 2nd Battalion 7th Marines, 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines, VNMC amphibious operationnear Tam Ky, Quảng Tín Province252
Nov 8Operation Binder IV[1]3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division and 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Nov 8–14Operation Lightning[1]ROK 2nd Marine Brigade operationKhánh Hòa Province
Nov 10–13Operation Hop Out[1]1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment search and destroy operation
Nov 10–15Operation Road Runner[1]3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division road clearing and security operation along Route 13north of Bến Cát District, Bình Dương Province
Nov 14–15Operation Corn[1]1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Định Province
Nov 14–22Operation Bushmaster I[1]3rd Brigade 1st Infantry Division search and destroy operationsouth of the Michelin Rubber Plantation, Bình Dương Province245
Nov 15Operation New Life[1][8]:17173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division and 10th Division rice harvest securityBien Hoa and Binh Tuy Provinces
Nov 15–16Operation Docket I[1]1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Nov 16–19Operation Blue Marlin II[6]:96–7BLT 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines amphibious operation tying in with two ARVN Ranger Battalions35 km south of Da Nang252 ARVN
Nov 18Operation Road Runner II[1]3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division security operationBình Dương Province
Nov 20Operation Road Runner III[1]3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division security operationBình Dương Province
Nov 20–26Operation Silver Bayonet II[1]2/1 Cavalry search and destroy operationPlei Me, Pleiku Province
Nov 22Operation Road Runner IV[1]3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division security operationBình Dương Province
Nov 22–24Operation Song Ve 6[1]3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, 3rd VNMC Battalion and ARVN 11th and 37th Ranger Battalions operationQuảng Ngãi Province
Nov 22–25Operation Turkey Shoot[1]1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Nov 27Operation Rabbit Hunt[1]2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Nov 28 – Dec 9Operation Bushmaster II[22]3rd Brigade 1st Infantry Division search and destroy operationBình Dương Province31844
Nov 28 – Dec 16Operation Checkerboard II[1]1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division search and destroy operation
Nov 30 – Dec 1Operation Riviera[1]1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Dec 3–7Operation Ox Trail[1]2/1 Cavalry and 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Định Province
Dec 6Operation Give Up[1]2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment reconnaissance operationBình Định Province
Dec 6Operation Gladiator[1]2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Dec 6–9Operation Charger Sweep[1]1/1 Cavalry search and destroy operationQuảng Trị Province
Dec 7–18Operation Feline[1]1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Dec 8 – Nov 11 1968Operation Tiger Hound[7]:287U.S. 2nd Air Division operation to interdict the Ho Chi Minh Trail in the lower portion of the Laotian panhandle, from Route 9 west of the DMZ, south to the Cambodian border and to reduce North Vietnamese infiltration down the trail into South VietnamSoutheastern Laos
Dec 9–15Operation Sweeping Mustang[1]1/1 Cavalry search and destroy operationII Corps
Dec 9–16Operation Bushmaster III1st Brigade 101st Airborne Division search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Dec 9–20Operation Harvest Moon[6]:101–112nd Battalion, 7th Marines 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, L and E Companies 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines, and G Company 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines and 3rd Battalion, 1st ARVN Regiment, 1st Battalion, 5th ARVN Regiment, 1st Battalion, 6th ARVN Regiment and ARVN 11th Ranger Battalion operation37 km NW of Chu Lai in Phuoc Ha and Que Son Valley's, Quảng Tín Province40845 US 90 ARVN
Dec 9–20Operation Lien Ket 18[6]:103ARVN participation in Operation Harvest MoonThang Binh, Quảng Tín Province7511
Dec 10–14Operation Fish Hook I[1]2/1 Cavalry search and destroy operationBình Định Province
Dec 10–22Operation Quick Kick[1]1/1 Cavalry security operationPleiku and Kon Tum Provinces
Dec 11Operation Frisk I[1]1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Dương Province
Dec 14–16Operation Fish Hook II[1]2/1 Cavalry search and destroy operationBình Định Province
Dec 14 – Jan 17 1966Operation Viper II[1]2nd Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationBiên Hòa Province18
Dec 16–19Operation Clean House I[1]3/1 Cavalry search and destroy operationBình Định Province1,400
Dec 17Operation Frisk II[1]1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment reconnaissance operationBình Dương Province
Dec 17Operation Fulton[1]1st Cavalry Division search and destroy operationKhánh Hòa, Tuyen Doc and Ninh Thuận Provinces
Dec 17–20Operation Scalping Mustang[1]1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment search and destroy operationBình Định Province
Dec 17–21Operation Beaver I[1]3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division road clearing and security operationIII Corps
Dec 17–22Operation Smash[8]:17173rd Airborne Brigade and 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division search and destroy operationCourtenay Rubber Plantation, Biên Hòa Province73
Dec 18 – 1972Operation Game Warden[23]U.S. riverine patrol operation to deny Viet Cong access to the resources in the Mekong DeltaMekong Delta100039
Dec 19–20Operation Jingle Bells[1]1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment search and destroy operationIII Corps
Dec 19–22Operation Clean House II[1]3/1 Cavalry search and destroy operationBình Định Province
Dec 23–26Operation Cherokee Trail[1]1/1 Cavalry road security operation along Route 19Bình Định, Kon Tum and Pleiku Provinces
Dec 23 – Jan 23 66Operation Blue Light[1]60th and 61st Military Airlift Wings airlift of the 25th Infantry Division from Hawaii to PleikuPleiku
Dec 27Operation Hoa Xuan[1]1st Battalion, 4th Marines search and destroy operationHoa Xuan island
Dec 27–31Operation Clean House III[1]3/1 Cavalry search and destroy operationBình Định Province
Dec 28–30Operation Take Out[1]2nd Battalion, 327th Airborne Infantry Regiment recovery of US remains from a crashed AC-47 Spooky serial number 43-49492Bình Thuận Province
Dec 31Operation Rebel Rouser[1]3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division road clearing and security operation on Route 13Bình Dương Province
Dec 31 – Jan 13 1966Operation Matador I[24]2/1 Cavalry security and defence operationBình Định, Kon Tum and Pleiku Provinces

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 "Vietnam Archive Operations Database". The Vietnam Center and Archive.
  2. 1 2 Stanton, Shelby (1999). Green Berets at War: U.S. Army Special Forces in Southeast Asia, 1956–1975. Ballantine Books. ISBN 978-0-8041-1884-2.
  3. Frankum, Ronald (2005). Like Rolling Thunder: The Air War in Vietnam 1964–1975. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 16–18. ISBN 978-0-7425-4302-7.
  4. Morrocco, John (1984). The Vietnam Experience: Thunder from Above. Time-Life Books. p. 56. ISBN 978-0-939526-09-3.
  5. Cutler, Thomas (2000). Brown Water, Black Berets: Coastal and Riverine Warfare in Vietnam. U.S. Naval Institute. pp. 110–133. ISBN 978-1-55750-196-7.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Johnson, Charles (1978). U.S. Marines in Vietnam: The Landing and the Buildup, 1965 (Marine Corps Vietnam Operational Historical Series). Marine Corps Association. ISBN 978-0-89839-259-3.
  7. 1 2 Van Staaveren, Jacob (1993). Interdiction in Southern Laos, 1961-1968 (PDF). Center of Air Force History.
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 173rd Airborne Brigade: Sky Soldiers. Turner Publishing. 1992. ISBN 978-1-56311-071-9.
  9. "Operation ArcLight". The Air Force Historical Studies Office. Archived from the original on 2005-11-09.
  10. 1 2 3 Sigler, David (2003). Vietnam Battle Chronology: U.S. Army and Marine Corps Operations, 1965–1973. McFarland & Company. ISBN 978-0-7864-1706-3.
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Vietnam War Timeline 1965". Veterans Support and Advocacy Service Australia. Archived from the original on 2010-07-26.
  12. "Road Clearing Operations". Archived from the original on 2010-04-14. Retrieved 2010-07-26.
  13. "Operation report information". Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association.
  14. "Operation report Information". Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association.
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 Clodfelter, Micheal (1996). Mad Minutes and Vietnam Months. Pinnacle. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-7860-0337-2.
  16. 1 2 3 4 "505th Tactical Control Group". Archived from the original on 2014-05-12.
  17. "173rd Airborne".
  18. "MACV Command History 1965". Archived from the original on 2012-03-05. Retrieved 2010-07-26.
  19. "The Siege at Plei Me" (PDF). HQ PACAF Tactical Evaluation Center Project Checo. 24 February 1966. Archived from the original on October 2, 2012.
  20. Cash, John (1985). Seven Firefights in Vietnam. Office of the Chief of Military History. pp. 3–40. ISBN 0-16-072677-8.
  21. "Operation report information". Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association.
  22. "Combat Operations After Action Report Operation Bloodhound/Bushmaster II" (PDF). 30 December 1965. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 7 March 2020.
  23. "Game Warden" (PDF). Center for Naval Analyses. January 1976. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-12-05. Retrieved 2010-07-26.
  24. Mertel, Kennerth (1989). Year of the Horse – Vietnam. Bantam. pp. 215–223. ISBN 978-0-553-28307-5.
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