This is an incomplete list of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the year 1815.

Note that the first parliament of the United Kingdom was held in 1801; parliaments between 1707 and 1800 were either parliaments of Great Britain or of Ireland). For acts passed up until 1707, see the list of acts of the Parliament of England and the list of acts of the Parliament of Scotland. For acts passed from 1707 to 1800, see the list of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain. See also the list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland.

For acts of the devolved parliaments and assemblies in the United Kingdom, see the list of acts of the Scottish Parliament, the list of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the list of acts and measures of Senedd Cymru; see also the list of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

The number shown after each act's title is its chapter number. Acts passed before 1963 are cited using this number, preceded by the year(s) of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3 c. 67", meaning the 67th act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3". Acts passed from 1963 onwards are simply cited by calendar year and chapter number.

All modern acts have a short title, e.g. "the Local Government Act 2003". Some earlier acts also have a short title given to them by later acts, such as by the Short Titles Act 1896.

55 Geo. 3

Continuing the third session of the 5th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 8 November 1814 until 12 July 1815.

Public general acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Account of Civil List Revenues Act 1815|public|15|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act made in the Fifty second Year of His present Majesty, for making Provision for the better Support of His Majesty's Household, during the Continuance of His Majesty's Indisposition.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Loan from Bank of England Act 1815|public|16|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue and amend an Act, passed in the Forty eighth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An act for empowering the Governor and Company of the Bank of England to advance the Sum of Three Millions towards the Supply for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1870) }}

| {{|Indemnity Act 1815|public|17|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to quality themselves for Offices and Employments, and for extending the times limited for the Purposes respectively, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and sixteen; and to permit such Persons in Great Britain as have omitted to make and file Affidavits of the Execution of Indentures of Clerks to Attornies and Solicitors to make and file the same on or before the First Day of Hilary Term One thousand eight hundred and sixteen.|note4=
(Repealed by Promissory Oaths Act 1871) }}

| {{|Annuity to Lord Walsingham Act 1815|public|18|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to settle and secure an Annuity on Lord Walshingham, in Consideration of his Services as Chairman of the Committees of the House of Lords.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Intoxicating Liquors (Ireland) Act 1815|note1=[1]
or the Excise Duties and Licences (Ireland) Act 1815[2]|public|19|23-03-1815|archived=n|An Act to grant certain Duties of Excise upon Licences for the Sale of Spirituous and other Liquors by Retail, and upon Licences to Persons dealing in Exciseable Commodities in Ireland in lieu of the Stamp Duties payable upon such Licences, and to secure the Payment of such Excise Duties, and to regulate the issuing of such Licences, and to discourage the immoderate Use of Spirituous Liquors in Ireland.}}

| {{|Mutiny Act 1815|public|20|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Marine Mutiny Act 1815|public|21|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for regulating of His Majesty's Royal Marine Forces while on Shore.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Customs Act 1815|public|22|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal the Duties of Customs payable on the Importation of Tobacco, and to grant other Duties in lieu thereof.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Customs Act (No. 2) 1815|public|23|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal the Duties of Customs upon the Importation of Citrat of Lime, and to grant other Duties in lieu thereof.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Customs (Ireland) Act 1815|public|24|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant Duties of Customs on the Exportation of certain Goods, Wares and Merchandize, from Ireland, in lieu of the Duties of Customs heretofore payable on such Exportation.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Brown Linen Manufacture (Ireland) Act 1815|public|25|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for the better Regulation of the Manufacture of Brown Linens in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Linen Manufacturers (Ireland) Act 1825) }}

| {{|Importation Act 1815|note1=
or the Corn Law|public|26|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An Act to amend the Laws now in force for regulating the Importation of Corn.|note4=
(Repealed by Importation Act 1846) }}

| {{|Excise Act 1815|public|27|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, certain Additional Duties of Excise in Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Restriction on Cash Payments Act 1815|public|28|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for further continuing, until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, an Act of the Forty fourth Year of His present Majesty, to continue the Restrictions contained in the several Acts of His present Majesty on Payments of Cash by the Bank of England.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Trade of Malta Act 1815|public|29|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to regulate the Trade between Malta and its Dependencies, and His Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in America; and also between Malta and the United Kingdom.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Excise (No. 2) Act 1815|public|30|23-03-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for granting to His Majesty, until the Fifth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and nineteen additional Duties of Excise in Great Britain, on Sweets, Tobacco, Snuff and Excise Licences.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Exportation and Importation Act 1815|public|31|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend certain Acts respecting the Exportation and Importation of Sugar, and further to regulate the Importation of Sugar, Coffee and other Articles, from certain Islands in the West Indies.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Customs Act (No. 3) 1815|public|32|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to rectify a Mistake in an Act of the present Session of Parliament with respect to the Duties on Sugar imported from the East Indies; and for further continuing, until the End of Six Weeks from and after the Expiration of any Act or Acts of Parliament continuing the Temporary or War Duties upon Sugar imported into Great Britain certain Countervailing Duties, Drawbacks and Bounties, on Mined Sugar.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Customs Act (No. 4) 1815|public|33|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue, until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, certain Temporary or War Duties of Customs on the Importation into Great Britain of Goods, Wares and Merchandize.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Importation Act (No. 2) 1815|public|34|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and seventeen, an Act made in the Forty ninth Year of His present Majesty, to permit the Importation of Tobacco into Great Britain from any Place whatever.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Excise (No. 3) Act 1815|public|35|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant to His Majesty an additional Duty of Excise on Tobacco in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Customs Act (No. 5) 1815|public|36|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant to His Majesty a Duty of Customs on Tobacco imported into Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Exportation and Importation (No. 2) Act 1815|public|37|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend several Acts respecting the Exportation and Importation of Sugar into and from Ireland; and further to regulate the Importation into Ireland of Sugar, Coffee and other Articles, from certain Islands in the West Indies.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Bleaching Powder Act 1815|public|38|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal so much of an Act of the last Session of Parliament, as directs that no Bleaching Powder, made in Ireland and brought into Scotland, should be removed into England.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Greenland Whale Fisheries Act 1815|public|39|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to revive and continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty, several Laws relating to the Encouragement of the Greenland Whale Fisheries, and to the allowing Vessels employed in the said Fisheries to complete their full Number of Men at certain Ports.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act 1815|public|40|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for raising the Sum of Two millions three hundred and twenty three thousand seven hundred and fifty Pounds Irish Currency, by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifteen.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Restriction on Cash Payments (No. 2) Act 1815|public|41|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue, until Three Months after the ceasing of any Restriction imposed on the Bank of England from issuing Cash in Payment, the several Acts for confirming and continuing the Restrictions on Payments in Cash by the Bank of Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Jury Trials (Scotland) Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|42|02-05-1815|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to facilitate the Administration of Justice in Scotland by the extending Trial by Jury to Civil Causes.}}

| {{|Weights and Measures Act 1815|public|43|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An Act for the more effectual Prevention of the Use of false and deficient Measures.|note4=
(Repealed by Weights and Measures Act 1878) }}

| {{|Prize Vessels, etc. (Ireland) Act 1815|public|44|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for the Relief of the Captors of Prizes, with respect to the admitting and landing of certain Prize Vessels and Goods in Ireland; to continue in force until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and sixteen.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Southern Whale Fishery Act 1815|public|45|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for continuing the Premiums allowed to Ships employed in the Southern Whale Fishery.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Pauper, etc., Lunatics (England) Act 1815|public|46|02-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act passed in the Forty eighth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An act for the better Care and Maintenance of Lunatics, being Paupers or Criminals, in England.|note4=
(Repealed by County Lunatic Asylums (England) Act 1828) }}

| {{|Poor (England) Act 1815|public|47|12-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for procuring Returns relative to the Expence and Maintenance of the Poor in England; and also relative to the Highways.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Chaplains in Gaols, etc. (England) Act 1815|public|48|12-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for enlarging the Powers of Two Acts of His present Majesty, for providing Clergymen to officiate in Gaols and Houses of Correction within England and Wales.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Return of Persons Committed, etc. Act 1815|public|49|12-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to procure Returns of Persons committed, tried and convicted for Criminal Offences and Misdemeanours.|note4=
(Repealed by Criminal Returns Act 1830) }}

| {{|Gaol Fees Abolition Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|50|12-05-1815|archived=n|An act for the Abolition of Gaol and other fees connected with the Gaols in England.}}

| {{|County Rates Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|51|12-05-1815|archived=n|An act to amend an Act of His late Majesty King George the Second, for the more easy assessing, collecting and levying of County Rates.}}

| {{|Customs Act (No. 6) 1815|public|52|12-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to revive and continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty, several Acts for charging additional Duties on Copper imported into Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Duties on Property, etc. (Great Britain) Act 1815|public|53|12-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to revive and continue for One Year the Duties and Contributions on the Profits arising from Property, Professions, Trades and Offices in Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Aliens Act 1815|public|54|12-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal an Act of the last Session of Parliament, for establishing Regulations respecting Aliens arriving in this Kingdom, or resident therein; and to establish, for Twelve Months, other Regulations respecting Aliens arriving in this Kingdom, or residing therein, in certain Cases.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Land Revenue of the Crown Act 1815|public|55|12-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to enable the Commissioners of His Majesty's Woods, Forests and Land Revenues, to contract for the Purchase and Surrender of Crown Leases, and to sell His Majesty's Interest in the Thornhill estate, in the Parish of Stallbridge, in the County of Dorset, and in certain small Parcels of Land belonging to His Majesty's Subjects within the Royal Forests; and to remove Doubts as to Estates of The Crown, sold by Order of the said Commissioners, being exempted from the Auction Duty.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Greenwich Hospital Act 1815|public|56|12-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to authorize the Commissioners and Governors of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, to transfer a certain Sum in the Three Pounds per Centum Consolidated Annuities, now standing in the Name of the Corporation of the Chest of Greenwich, into the Name of the said Commissioners; and also to receive such Dividends as are now due upon such Annuities.|note4=
(Repealed by Greenwich Hospital Outpensions, etc. Act 1829) }}

| {{|South Sea Company Act 1815|public|57|12-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal the Provisions of former Acts, granting exclusive Privileges of Trade to the South Sea Company, and to indemnify the said Company for the Lose of such Privileges.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|National Debt Act 1815|public|58|12-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for granting Annuities to discharge certain Exchequer Bills.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1870) }}

| {{|Firearms Act 1815|public|59|12-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An Act for amending an Act: of His present Majesty, to insure the proper and careful Manufacturing of Fire Arms in England, and for making Provision for proving the Barrels of such Fire Arms.|note4=
(Repealed by Gun Barrel Proof Act 1855 (18 & 19 Vict. c. cxlviii)) }}

| {{|Wills, etc., of Seamen, etc. Act 1815|public|60|25-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal several Acts relating to the Execution of Letters of Attorney and Wills of Petty Officers, Seamen and Marines, in His Majesty's Navy, and to make new Provisions respecting the same.|note4=
(Repealed by Pay of the Navy Act 1830) }}

| {{|Assessed Taxes (Ireland) Act 1815|public|61|25-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant to His Majesty certain increased Rates, Duties and Taxes in Ireland, in respect of Windows, Male Servants, Carriages, Horses and Dogs, in lieu of former Rates, Duties and Taxes in respect of the like Articles.|note4=
(Repealed by Assessed Taxes, etc. (Ireland) Act 1816) }}

| {{|Excise (No. 4) Act 1815|public|62|25-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant to His Majesty certain increased Duties of Excise in Ireland on Malt.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Excise (No. 5) Act 1815|public|63|25-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal the additional Duty on British-made Wine or Sweets granted by an Act of this Session of Parliament.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|East India Company Act 1815|public|64|25-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to explain and amend an Act of the Fifty third Year of His present Majesty, as far as relates to the granting Gratuities by the East India Company.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Militia (Medical Examination) Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|65|25-05-1815|archived=n|An act to amend the Laws relating to the Militia of Great Britain.}}

| {{|Excise and Customs Act 1815|public|66|25-05-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for allowing Makers of Oxygenated Muriatic Acid to take Salt Duty-free for making such Acid or Oxymuriate of Lime for bleaching Linen and Cotton; for repealing the Excise Duties on Glauber Salt, and on Bleaching Powder imported from Ireland; and to allow a further Drawback on Foreign Brimstone used in making Oil of Vitriol.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Assessed Taxes (Ireland) (No. 2) Act 1815|public|67|07-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant to His Majesty certain Duties and Taxes in Ireland, in respect of certain Male Servants, Carriages and Horses kept to be let to Hire.|note4=
(Repealed by Assessed Taxes, etc. (Ireland) Act 1816) }}

| {{|Highways, etc. (England) Act 1815|public|68|07-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act of the Thirteenth Year of His present Majesty, for the Amendment and Preservation of the Public Highways, in so far as the same relates to Notice of Appeal against turning or diverting a Public Highway; and to extend the Provisions of the same Act to the stopping up of unnecessary Roads.|note4=
(Repealed by Highway Act 1835) }}

| {{|Madhouses (Scotland) Act 1815|public|69|07-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to regulate Madhouses in Scotland.|note4=
(Repealed by Lunacy (Scotland) Act 1857) }}

| {{|Court of Session (Records) Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|70|07-06-1815|archived=n|An act for better regulating the Formation and Arrangement of the Judicial and other Records of the Court of Session in Scotland.}}

| {{|Hawkers (Scotland) Act 1815|public|71|07-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to regulate Hawkers and Pedlars in Scotland.|note4=
(Repealed by Hawkers Act 1888) }}

| {{|Glamorganshire Election Act 1815|public|72|07-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to fix the Election for Glamorganshire at a central Place within the said County.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1890) }}

| {{|Lotteries Act 1815|public|73|07-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for granting to His Majesty a Sum of Money to be raised by Lotteries.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|National Debt (No. 2) Act 1815|public|74|07-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for granting Annuities to discharge certain Exchequer Bills; and for raising a Sum of Money by Annuities, for the Service of Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1870) }}

| {{|Discovery of Longitude at Sea Act 1815|public|75|07-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue the Encouragement of Persons making Discoveries for finding the Longitude at Sea, or other useful Discoveries and Improvements in Navigation, and for making Experiments relating thereto; and for discharging certain Debts incurred by the Commissioners of the Longitude, in carrying the Acts relating thereto into Execution.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Local Militia (Great Britain) Act 1815|public|76|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to enable His Majesty, until the First Day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, to accept the Services of the Local Militia, either in or out of their Counties, under certain Restrictions.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Militia Act 1815|public|77|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to authorize, under present Circumstances, the Drawing out and Embodying of the British and Irish Militia, or any Part thereof.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Stamps (Ireland) Act 1815|public|78|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal the several Duties under the Care of the Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties, in Ireland, and to grant new Duties in lieu thereof.|note4=
(Repealed by Probate Duty (Ireland) Act 1816) }}

| {{|Stamps (Ireland) (No. 2) Act 1815|public|79|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to regulate the Collection and Management of the Stamp Duties on Law Proceedings, Attornies, Solicitors, Proctors and Corporate Officers in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Probate Duty (Ireland) Act 1816) }}

| {{|Stamps (Ireland) (No. 3) Act 1815|public|80|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to provide for the Collection and Management of Stamp Duties on Pamphlets, Almanacks and Newspapers, in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Stamp Duties on Newspapers Act 1836) }}

| {{|Stamps (Ireland) (No. 4) Act 1815|public|81|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal the several Acts for the Collection and Management of Stamp Duties in Ireland, and to make more effectual Regulations for collecting and managing the said Duties in general.|note4=
(Repealed by Probate Duty (Ireland) Act 1816) }}

| {{|Customs, etc. Act 1815|public|82|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant Duties of Customs, and to allow Drawbacks and Bounties on certain Goods, Wares and Merchandize imported into and exported from Ireland, in lieu of former Duties, Drawbacks and Bounties; and to make further Regulations for securing the Duties of Customs in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Customs, etc. (No. 2) Act 1815|public|83|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to regulate the Payment of the Duties of Customs on Foreign Goods imported into Great Britain from Ireland, or into Ireland from Great Britain; and of the Drawbacks on the Exportation of Goods the Growth, Produce or Manufacture of Great Britain or Ireland, having been imported into either Country from the other.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Indian Presidency Towns Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|84|14-06-1815|archived=n|An act to amend so much of an Act of the Thirty third Year of His present Majesty, as relates to the fixing the Limits of the Towns of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay; and also so much of an Act of the Thirty ninth and Fortieth Year of His present Majesty, as relates to granting Letters of Administration to the Effects of Persons dying intestate within the several Presidencies in the East Indies, to the Registrar of the Ecclesiastical Courts; and to enable the Governor in Council of the said Presidencies to remove Persons, not being British Subjects; and to make Provision for the Judges in the East Indies in certain Cases.}}

| {{|Enlistment of Foreigners Act 1815|public|85|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend and continue for One Year, and until Twelve Months after the Termination of the present War by the Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of Peace, Two Acts of His present Majesty, for enabling Subjects of Foreign States to enlist and serve as Soldiers in His Majesty's Service; and to enable His Majesty to grant Commissions to Subjects of Foreign States to serve as Officers, under certain Restrictions.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Importation Act (No. 3) 1815|public|86|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty, an Act made in the Forty sixth Year of His present Majesty, for permitting the Importation of Malls, Yards, Bowsprits and Timber for Naval Purposes, from the British Colonies in North America.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Pilotage of Foreign Vessels Act 1815|public|87|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to relieve certain Foreign Vessels resorting to the Port of London, in respect of Pilotage; and to regulate the Mode of Payment of Pilotage on Foreign Vessels in the said Port.|note4=
(Repealed by Pilotage Act 1825) }}

| {{|Assaults (Ireland) Act 1815|public|88|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act of the last Session of Parliament, for rendering more easy and effectual Redress for Assaults in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Offences Against the Person (Ireland) Act 1829) }}

| {{|Court Houses (Ireland) Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|89|14-06-1815|archived=n|An act to amend an Act of the Fifty third Year of His Majesty's Reign, for making Regulations for the building and repairing of Court Houses and Sessions Houses in Ireland.}}

| {{|Limitation of Time (Ireland) (Canal Companies) Act 1815|public|90|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to explain an Act made in the Parliament of Ireland, in the Thirty second Year of His Majesty's Reign, relative to Inland Navigations there, so far as relates to the Limitation of Actions against Canal Companies and others.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1894) }}

| {{|Criminal Costs (Dublin) Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|91|14-06-1815|archived=n|An act for the Payment of Costa and Charges to Prosecutors and Witnesses, in Cases of Felony in Ireland.}}

| {{|Prisons (Ireland) Act 1815|public|92|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act of the Fiftieth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, relating to Prisons in Ireland, so far as concerns Contracts for building or repairing such Prisons.|note4=
(Repealed by Prisons (Ireland) Act 1826) }}

| {{|Duty on Silk Handkerchiefs Act 1815|public|93|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal the Duties payable on, and the Permission to enter for Home Consumption, Silk Handkerchiefs imported by the East India Company.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Herring Fishery (Scotland) Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|94|14-06-1815|archived=n|An act to continue and amend several Acts relating to the British White Herring Fishery.}}

| {{|Customs Act (No. 8) 1815|public|95|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal the Duties payable on the Importation into Great Britain of solid Vegetable Extract from Oak Bark, and other Vegetable Substances used in the Tanning of Leather; and to grant a Duty in lieu thereof.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Purchase of Estate for Lord Nelson Act 1815|note1=
or the Annuity (Lord Nelson) Act 1815|public|96|14-06-1815|archived=n|An act to grant a further Sum of Money for purchasing an Estate to accompany the Title of Earl Nelson, and also to amend Two Acts of the Forty sixth and Fifty third Years of His present Majesty's Reign, for making such Purchase.}}

| {{|Commissary Court of Edinburgh Act 1815|public|97|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant to the Judges of the Commissary Court of Edinburgh a fixed Salary in place of their present Salary and certain Fees and Payments.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Downpatrick Election Committee Act 1815|public|98|14-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to enable the select Committee on the Downpatrick Election to re-assemble, and to suspend the Transmission of the Warrants and other Proceedings for the Appointment of Commissioners to examine Witnesses in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Duties on Malt (Ireland) Act 1815|public|99|22-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to make further Provisions for collecting and securing the Duties of Excise on Malt made in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Stamp Duties (Ireland) Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|100|22-06-1815|archived=n|An Act to provide for the Collection and Management of Stamp Duties payable on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Receipts, and Game Certificates in Ireland.}}

| {{|Stamps Act 1815|public|101|22-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to regulate the Collection of Stamp Duties on Matters in respect of which Licences may be granted by the Commissioners of Stamps in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Inland Revenue Repeal Act 1870) }}

| {{|Duties on Leather Act 1815|public|102|22-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal certain Duties on Leather dressed in Oil in Great Britain, or imported from Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Postage Act 1815|public|103|22-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to regulate the Postage of Ship Letters to and from, Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Post Office (Repeal of Laws) Act 1837) }}

| {{|Spirits (Ireland) (No. 2) Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|104|22-06-1815|archived=n|An Act to make further Provisions for the issuing of Licences to Persons to deal in, retail, make, or manufacture Spirits and other Exciseable Commodities in Ireland.}}

| {{|Duties on Hides, etc. Act 1815|public|105|22-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to make further Provisions for collecting and securing the Duties of Excise on Hides and Skins tanned in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Duty on Paper Hangings, etc. (Ireland) Act 1815|public|106|22-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to make further Provisions for collecting and securing the Duties of Excise on Paper printed, painted or stained in Ireland, to serve for Hangings and other Uses.|note4=
(Repealed by Duties on Hides, etc. Act 1824) }}

| {{|Richmond Lunatic Asylum (Ireland) Act 1815|public|107|22-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to regulate the Appointment of Governors of the Richmond Lunatic Asylum in Dublin.|note4=
(Repealed by Richmond Lunatic Asylum Act 1830) }}

| {{|Mutiny (No. 2) Act 1815|public|108|22-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Prisoners from Clackmanan Act 1815|public|109|22-06-1815|archived=n|An act to enable the Sheriff Depute or Substitute and Justices of the Peace of the County of Clackmanan, to incarcerate Persons in the Gaol of the Royal Burgh of Stirling or the Common Gaol of the County of Stirling.}}

| {{|Duties on Sweets, etc. (Ireland) Act 1815|public|110|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for charging certain Duties on Sweets or Made Wines in Ireland in lieu of former Duties.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Duties on Spirits (Ireland) Act 1815|public|111|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for the better collecting and securing the Duties on Spirits distilled in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Illicit Distillation (Ireland) Act 1831) }}

| {{|Duties on Paper (Ireland) Act 1815|public|112|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for the better regulating and securing the Collection of the Duties on Paper made in Ireland, and to prevent Frauds therein.|note4=
(Repealed by Duties on Paper (Ireland) Act 1816) }}

| {{|Duties, etc., on Glass, etc. Act 1815|public|113|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for altering certain Drawbacks and Countervailing Duties on Glass; for exempting Irish Glass Bottles from the Duty imposed by an Act of the last Session of Parliament; and for exempting the Leather and Glass of Carriages belonging to certain Persons imported from Ireland for Private Use from Duty.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Supreme Court (Ireland) (Master of the Rolls) Act 1815|public|114|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to augment the Salary of the Master of the Rolls in Ireland, and to enable His Majesty to grant an additional Annuity to such Master of the Rolls, on the Resignation of his Office; and to regulate the Disposal of the Offices of the Six Clerks in the Court of Chancery in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1890) }}

| {{|Russian Dutch Loan Act 1815|public|115|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to carry into effect a Convention made between His Majesty and the King of the Netherlands and the Emperor of all the Russias.|note4=
(Repealed by Russian Dutch Loan Act 1891) }}

| {{|Registry of Ships Built in India Act 1815|public|116|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to make further Regulations for the Registry of Ships built in India.|note4=
(Repealed by Lascars Act 1823) }}

| {{|Importation and Exportation Act 1815|public|117|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to permit, until Six Weeks after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, the Importation into Great Britain and Ireland, in Neutral Vessels from States in Amity with His Majesty, of certain Goods, Wares and Merchandize; and to prohibit the Exportation of Copper; and to permit the Importation, in Neutral Vessels from States not in Amity with His Majesty, of certain Goods, Wares and Merchandize.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Customs and Excise Act 1815|public|118|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to regulate the Clearance of Vessels, and Delivery of Coast Bonds, at Creeks and Harbours in Great Britain; for exempting certain Ships and Vessels from being licensed by the Commissioners of Customs; for authorizing Officers of the Customs to seize Spirits removing without Excise Permits; and for preventing Frauds in overloading Keels and other Carriages used in conveying Coals for Exportation, or to be carried Coastwise.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Turnpike Roads Act 1815|public|119|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to enable the Trustees of Turnpike Roads to abate the Tolls on Carriages, and to allow of their carrying extra Weights in certain Dues.|note4=
(Repealed by Turnpike Roads Act 1822) }}

| {{|Census (Ireland) Act 1815|public|120|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to provide for the taking an Account of the Population of Ireland, and for the ascertaining the Increase or Diminution thereof.|note4=
(Repealed by Census (Ireland) Act 1840) }}

| {{|Military Roads, etc. (Scotland) Act 1815|public|121|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend and explain an Act, passed in the Fifty fourth Year of His present Majesty, for maintaining and keeping in Repair certain Roads and Bridges made in Scotland for the Purpose of Military Communication; and for making more effectual Provision for maintaining and repairing Roads made and Bridges built in Scotland, under the Authority of the Parliamentary Commissioners for Highland Roads and Bridges.|note4=
(Repealed by Highland Roads (Scotland) Act 1819) }}

| {{|Windsor Forest Act 1815|public|122|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act of the Fifty third Year of His present Majesty, for vesting in His Majesty certain Parts of Windsor Forest, in the County of Berks; and for inclosing the Open Commonable Lands within the said Forest.|note4=
(Repealed by Wild Creatures and Forest Laws Act 1971) }}

| {{|Compensation for Works at Portsmouth Act 1815|public|123|28-06-1815|archived=n|An act for making Compensation for Lands and Hereditaments taken for erecting Works at and near Portsmouth and Hilsea, in the County of Southampton, in pursuance of an Act made in the last Session of Parliament.}}

| {{|National Debt (No. 3) Act 1815|public|124|28-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for raising the Sum of Thirty six Millions by way of Annuities.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1870) }}

| {{|Chelsea Hospital Act 1815|public|125|29-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act of His late Majesty King George the Second, for the Relief of the Out Pensioners of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea.|note4=
(Repealed by Chelsea Hospital Out-pensioners Act 1842) }}

| {{|Allowances to Foreign Officers Act 1815|public|126|29-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to authorize the allowing to Foreign Officers, Allowances equivalent in Amount to the Half Pay given to British Officers under the like Circumstances.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Embezzlement of Public Stores Act 1815|public|127|29-06-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal an Act of the Fifty third Year of His present Majesty, for preventing the Embezzlement of Stores; and to extend the Provisions of the several Acts relating to His Majesty's Naval, Ordnance and Victualling Stores, to all other Public Stores.|note4=
(Repealed by Public Stores Act 1875) }}

| {{|Admiralty (Signal Stations) Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|128|29-06-1815|archived=n|An act to enable His Majesty to acquire Ground necessary for Signal and Telegraph Stations.}}

| {{|Drawbacks, etc., on Tobacco, etc. Act 1815|public|129|04-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to increase the Drawbacks and Countervailing Duties on Tobacco; and to limit the Tonnage of Ships in which Wine may be exported when Duties are drawn back.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Payment of Forces Abroad Act 1815|public|130|04-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for further regulating the Issue and Payment of Money to His Majesty's Forces serving Abroad.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Half Pay of Officers, etc. Act 1815|public|131|04-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for discontinuing certain Deductions from Half Pay; and for further regulating the Accounts of the Paymaster General.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Trade in Spirits Act 1815|public|132|04-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue, until the End of the next Session of Parliament, an Act of the last Session of Parliament, for regulating the Trade in Spirits between Great Britain and Ireland respectively.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Chelsea and Greenwich Hospitals Act 1815|public|133|04-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant further Powers to the Commissioners of Chelsea and Greenwich Hospitals with respect to Pensions on those Establishments.|note4=
(Repealed by Greenwich Hospital Outpensions, etc. Act 1829) }}

| {{|Crown Pre-emption of Lead Ore Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|134|04-07-1815|archived=n|An act for altering the Rate at which The Crown may exercise its Right of Pre-emption of Ore in which there it Lead.}}

| {{|Customs Act (No. 9) 1815|public|135|04-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to alter the Conditions and Regulations under which Blubber and Train Oil of Newfoundland are admitted to Entry.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Kilmainham Hospital Act 1815|public|136|04-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for the Relief of the Out Pensioners of the Royal Hospital of Kilmainham.|note4=
(Repealed by Chelsea Hospital Out-pensioners Act 1842) }}

| {{|Poor Relief Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|137|04-07-1815|archived=n|An act to prevent Poor Persons in Workhouses from embezzling certain Property provided for their Use; to alter and amend so much of an Act of the Thirty sixth Year of His present Majesty, as restrains Justices of the Peace from ordering Relief to Poor Persons in certain Cases for a longer Period than One Month at a Time; and for other Purposes therein mentioned, relating to the Poor.}}

| {{|Exmoor Forest Act 1815|public|138|04-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for vesting in His Majesty certain Parts of the Forest of Exmoor otherwise Exmore, in the Counties of Somerset and Devon; and for inclosing the said Forest.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Duty on Spirits (Ireland) Act 1815|public|139|06-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant an additional Duty of Excise in Ireland, upon Spirits made or distilled from Corn or Grain.|note4=
(Repealed by Assessed Taxes, etc. (Ireland) Act 1816) }}

| {{|Assessed Taxes (Ireland) (No. 3) Act 1815|public|140|06-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to make further Provisions for the Collection of certain Duties on Male Servants, Carriages and Horses; and in respect of Houses in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|South Sea Company's Privileges Act 1815|public|141|06-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act made in this Session of Parliament to repeal former Acts granting exclusive Privileges of Trade to the South Sea Company, and to indemnify the said Company for the Loss of such Privileges.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Auction Duties Act 1815|public|142|06-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to reduce the Duties on all Sheep Wool the Growth of the United Kingdom, which shall be sold by Auction for the Growers or first Purchasers.|note4=
(Repealed by Auctioneers Act 1845 }}

| {{|Bridges Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|143|06-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend the Acts relating to the building and repairing of County Bridges.|note4=
(Repealed by Highways Act 1959) }}

| {{|Purchases for Docks, etc., Dublin Act 1815|public|144|06-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to enable the Commissioners of Customs and Port Duties in Ireland, to purchase Premises for the erecting additional Docks, Warehouses and Offices, in Dublin.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Postal Service Act 1815|public|145|06-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to increase the Allowance to the Post Office in Ireland, in respect of Packet Boats to Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Post Office (Repeal of Laws) Act 1837) }}

| {{|Trade with French Colonies Act 1815|public|146|06-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to authorize His Majesty to regulate, until the First Day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, the Trade with any French Colony which may come into His Majesty's Possession or remain Neutral.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Glebe Exchange Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|147|06-07-1815|archived=n|An act for enabling Spiritual Persons to exchange the Parsonage or Glebe Houses or Glebe Lands, belonging to their Benefices, for others of greater Value, or more conveniently situated for their Residence and Occupation; and for annexing such Houses and Lands, so taken in Exchange, to such Benefices as Parsonage or Glebe Houses and Glebe Lands, dnd for purchasing and annexing Lands to become Glebe in certain Cases, and for other Purposes.}}

| {{|Exchequer Bills Act 1815|public|148|06-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for raising the Sum of Four millions five hundred thousand Pounds, by Exchequer Bills, for the Service of Great Britain, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifteen.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Exchequer Bills (No. 2) Act 1815|public|149|06-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for raising the Sum of One million five hundred thousand Pounds, by Exchequer Bills, for the Service of Great Britain, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifteen.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Land, Tax, etc. Act 1815|public|150|06-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for rectifying Mistakes in the Names of the Land Tax Commissioners, and for appointing additional Commissioners and indemnifying such Persons as have acted without due Authority in Execution of the Acts therein recited.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Distillation of Spirits (Ireland) Act 1815|public|151|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend the Laws for imposing and levying of Fines, in respect of unlawful Distillation of Spirits in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Illicit Distillation (Ireland) Act 1831) }}

| {{|Holyhead Roads Act 1815|public|152|11-07-1815|archived=n|An act for granting to His Majesty the Sum of Twenty thousand Pounds, to be issued and applied towards repairing Roads between London and Holyhead, by Chester, and between London and Bangor, by Shrewsbury.}}

| {{|Postage (No. 2) Act 1815|public|153|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for granting certain Rates on the Postage of Letters to and from Great Britain, The Cape of Good Hope, The Mauritius and The East Indies; and for making certain Regulations respecting the Postage of Ship Letters, and of Letters in Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Post Office (Repeal of Laws) Act 1837) }}

| {{|Quartering of Soldiers Act 1815|public|154|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for fixing the Rates of Subsistence to be paid to Innkeepers and others on quartering Soldiers.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Duties on Spirits, etc. (Scotland) Act 1815|public|155|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue, until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, the Temporary Fourth Part of the Duties payable in Scotland upon Distillers Wash, Spirits and Licences imposed by an Act of the Fifty fourth Year of His present Majesty; and for enabling His Majesty by Order in Council to modify the Operations of the said Act, or reduce the Duties thereby imposed.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Transportation Act 1815|public|156|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend the Laws relative to the Transportation of Offenders; to continue in force until the First Day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixteen.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Evidence (Ireland) Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|157|11-07-1815|archived=n|An Act for the better Examination of Witnesses in the Courts of Equity in Ireland, and for empowering the Courts of Law and Equity in Ireland to Grant Commissions for taking Affidavits in all Parts of Great Britain.}}

| {{|Conveyance of Prisoners (Ireland) Act 1815|public|158|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to enable Grand Juries to present additional Sums for Constables in Ireland, and for the secure Conveyance of Prisoners.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Hackney Carriages Act 1815|public|159|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend several Acts relating to Hackney Coaches; for authorizing the licensing of an additional Number of Hackney Chariots; and for licensing Carriages drawn by One Horse.|note4=
(Repealed by London Hackney Carriage Act 1831) }}

| {{|Prize, etc. Act 1815|public|160|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for the Encouragement of Seamen, and the more effectual Manning of His Majesty's Navy during the present War.|note4=
(Repealed by Taxes Management Act 1880) }}

| {{|Taxes (Scotland) Act 1815|public|161|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend and render more effectual an Act of the Fifty second Year of His present Majesty, to amend and regulate the Assessment and Collection of the Assessed Taxes, and of the Rates and Duties on Profits arising on Property, Professions, Trades and Offices, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland.|note4=
(Repealed by Naval Prize Acts Repeal Act 1864) }}

| {{|Duties on Epsom Salts Act 1815|public|162|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal the Excise Duties and Drawbacks on Epsom Salt.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Customs Act (No. 10) 1815|public|163|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to regulate the issuing of Licences to allow Open Boats to proceed to Foreign Parts, and for revoking the same when necessary.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Duty on Foreign Spirits Act 1815|public|164|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to exonerate, in certain Cases, Foreign Spirits imported during the Suspension of the Spirit Intercourse between Great Britain and Ireland, from the additional Duty imposed thereon.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Militia Pay (Great Britain) Act 1815|public|165|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to defray the Charge of the Pay, Clothing and Contingent Expences of the Disembodied Militia in Great Britain, and of the Miners of Cornwall and Devon; and for granting Allowances, in certain Cases, to Subaltern Officers, Adjutants, Surgeons' Mates and Serjeant Majors of Militia, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and sixteen.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Local Militia Pay (Great Britain) Act 1815|public|166|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for defraying the Charge of the Pay and Clothing of the Local Militia in Great Britain, to the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and sixteen.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Militia Pay (Ireland) Act 1815|public|167|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for defraying, until the Twenty fifth Day of June One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, the Charge of the Pay and Clothing of the Militia of Ireland; and for making Allowances in certain Cases to Subaltern Officers of the said Militia during Peace.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Militia (No. 2) Act 1815|public|168|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to explain and amend the Laws relating to the Militias of Great Britain and Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Militia (Voluntary Enlistment) Act 1875) }}

| {{|National Debt (No. 4) Act 1815|public|169|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to provide for the Charge of the Addition to the Public Funded Debt of Great Britain, for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifteen.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Agent General for Volunteers, etc. Act 1815|public|170|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, for better regulating the Office of Agent General for Volunteers and Local Militia, and for the more effectually regulating the same.|note4=
(Repealed by Paymaster General Act 1817) }}

| {{|Inciting to Mutiny, etc. Act 1815|public|171|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Support of Captured Slaves Act 1815|public|172|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to provide for the Support of Captured Slaves during the Period of Abjudication.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Protection of Trade Act 1815|public|173|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for the better Protection of the Trade of the United Kingdom during the present Hostilities with France.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Customs Act (No. 11) 1815|public|174|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to extend the Exemption granted by Law on Coals and Culm for which the Coast Duties have been duly paid, on being again exported and carried to any other Place in this Kingdom, to Cinders or Coked Coals burnt from Pit Coal, which has paid the Coast Duties.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Bringing of Coal to London, etc. Act 1815|public|175|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue until the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, Two Acts of the Fiftieth and Forty fifth Years of His present Majesty, allowing the bringing of Coals, Culm and Cinders to London and Westminster, by Inland Navigation.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Duty on Tiles Act 1815|public|176|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for allowing certain Tiles to be made Duty-free to serve for Draining.|note4=
(Repealed by Excise (Ireland) Act 1826) }}

| {{|Frauds in Manufacture of Sweets Act 1815|public|177|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for the further Prevention of Frauds in the Manufacture of Sweets.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Flax, etc., Manufacture (Great Britain) Act 1815|public|178|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to revive and continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty, an Act of the Twenty eighth Year of His present Majesty, for the more effectual Encouragement of the Manufacture of Flax and Cotton in Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Salt Duty Act 1815|public|179|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to revive, amend and continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty one, so much of an Act of the Forty first Year of His present Majesty as allows the Use of Salt, Duty-free, for curing Fish in Bulk or in Barrels; and to repeal certain Laws relating to the Allowance of Salt, Duty-free, for the North Seas and Iceland Fisheries.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Exportation Act 1815|public|180|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to revive and continue, until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, an Act of the Forty sixth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for granting an additional Bounty on the Exportation of the Silk Manufactures of Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Customs Act (No. 12) 1815|public|181|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for charging an additional Duty on certain Seeds imported.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Inland Navigation (Ireland) Act 1815|public|182|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to authorize the Directors General of Inland Navigation in Ireland to proceed in carrying on and completing the Canal from Dublin to Tarmonbury on the River Shannon.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Exportation (No. 2) Act 1815|public|183|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal the Bounties payable in Ireland on the Exportation of certain Calicoes and Cottons.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Stamp Act 1815|note1=[1]|public|184|11-07-1815|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act for repealing the Stamp Duties on Deeds, Law Proceedings, and other written or printed Instruments, and the Duties on Fire Insurances, and on Legacies and Successions to Personal Estate upon Intestacies, now payable in Great Britain, and for granting other Duties in lieu thereof.}}

| {{|Plate Duties Act 1815|public|185|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for repealing the Stamp Office Duties on Advertisements, Almanacks, Newspapers, Gold and Silver Plate, Stage Coaches and Licences for keeping Stage Coaches, now payable in Great Britain; and for granting new Duties in lieu thereof.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1890) }}

| {{|Purchase of Estate for Duke of Wellington Act 1815|note1=
or the Annuity (Duke of Wellington) Act 1815|public|186|11-07-1815|archived=n|An act for granting an additional Sum of Money for providing a suitable Residence and Estate for the Duke of Wellington and his Heirs, in Consideration of the eminent and signal Services performed by the said Duke to His Majesty and the Public.}}

| {{|Appropriation Act 1815|public|187|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for granting to His Majesty certain Sums out of the respective Consolidated Funds of Great Britain and Ireland, and for applying certain Monies therein mentioned for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifteen; and for further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Grant of Feu Duties to John Francis Erskine Act 1815|public|188|11-07-1815|archived=n|An act for enabling His Majesty to grant to John Francis Erskine of Mar Esquire, and His Heirs and Assigns, the Feu Duties and Quit Rents arising in the Lordship of Stirling, in Discharge of a Debt of greater Value created upon the said Feu Duties by a grant from His Majesty King George the First.}}

| {{|Allowance of Duty to Meux and Company Act 1815|public|189|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for allowing Henry Meux, Thomas Starling Benson, Florance Thomas Young, Richard Latham and John Newberry, to brew Duty-free a Quantity of Strong Beer, the Duty on which will be equivalent to the Duty on the Beer lost, and to the Duties on the Malt and Hops expended in the Production of the Beer so lost.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Brecknock Forest Act 1815|public|190|11-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act made in the Forty eighth Year of His present Majesty, to improve the Land Revenue of The Crown, so far as relates to the Great Forest of Brecknock, in the County of Brecknock; and for vesting in His Majesty certain Parts of the said Forest, and for inclosing the said Forest.|note4=
(Repealed by Wild Creatures and Forest Laws Act 1971) }}

| {{|Dublin Harbour Act 1815|public|191|11-07-1815|archived=n|An act to authorize the Appointment of Commissioners for erecting an Harbour for Ships to the Eastward of Dunleary, within the Port and Harbour of Dublin.}}

| {{|Disposition of Copyhold Estates by Will Act 1815|public|192|12-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to remove certain Difficulties in the Disposition of Copyhold Estates by Will.|note4=
(Repealed by Wills Act 1837) }}

| {{|Trade with United States Act 1815|public|193|12-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to enable His Majesty, until Six Weeks after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, to regulate the Trade and Commerce carried on between His Majesty's Subjects and the Inhabitants of the United States of America.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}

| {{|Apothecaries Act 1815|public|194|12-07-1815|archived=n|An Act for better regulating the Practice of Apothecaries throughout England and Wales.}}

| {{|Government Contractors Act 1815|public|195|12-07-1815|archived=n|An act for exonerating the Estates and Effects of the late Sir James Colebrooke, the late Sir George Colebrooke, Arnold Nesbit, Sir Samuel Fludyer, Adam Drummond and Moses Franks, and of their Sureties, from all Claims and Demands whatsoever in respect of any Contracts entered into with His Majesty's Government.}}

| {{|Exchequer Bills (Great Britain) Act 1815|public|196|12-07-1815|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for enabling His Majesty to raise the Sum of Six Millions for the Service of Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873) }}


Local acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Road from Cirencester to Birdlip Hill Act 1815|local|1|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Cirencester Roads Act 1825 (c. cxliii)) }}

| {{|Otmoor Drainage and Allotments Act 1815|local|100|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}


Private acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Amersham (Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|1|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Headon-cum-Upton (Nottinghamshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|2|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Heydon (Essex) Allotment Act 1815|private|3|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Smallburgh (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1815|private|4|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Hawley (Hampshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|5|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Warcop (Westmorland) Inclosure Act 1815|private|6|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Stoke-next-Nayland, Nayland, Wiston, Assington, and Polstead (Suffolk) Inclosure Act 1815|private|7|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Dundry (Somerset) Inclosure Act 1815|private|8|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Manby (Lincoln) Inclosure Act 1815|private|9|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Caton (Lancashire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|10|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Redgrave and Botesdale (Suffolk) Inclosure Act 1815|private|11|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Rickinghall and Hindercley (Suffolk) Inclosure Act 1815|private|12|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Weston Market (Suffolk) Inclosure Act 1815|private|13|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Hannah Silcock's Estate Act 1815|private|14|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|James Joye's Estate Act 1815|private|15|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Burton-in-Kendal (Westmorland and Lancashire) Inclosure etc. Act 1815|private|16|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Bishops Cannings (Wiltshire) Allotment Act 1815|private|17|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Shipley (Yorkshire, West Riding) Inclosure etc. Act 1815|private|18|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Grasby (Lincolnshire) Inclosure etc. Act 1815|private|19|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Brodsworth (Yorkshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|20|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Dewlish (Dorset) Inclosure Act 1815|private|21|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Melsonby (Yorkshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|22|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Brampton, Wath upon Dearne, and Swinton (Yorkshire, West Riding) Inclosure Act 1815|private|23|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Necton or Neighton (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1815|private|24|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Corscombe (Dorset) Inclosure Act 1815|private|25|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|South Runcton and Holme (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1815|private|26|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Appletreewick (Yorkshire, West Riding) Inclosure Act 1815|private|27|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Hilperton and Trowbridge (Wiltshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|28|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Miserden or Miserdine (Gloucestershire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|29|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Almondbury (Gloucestershire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|30|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Horwich Moor (Lancashire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|31|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Stansfield (Yorkshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|32|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Witherslack (Westmorland) Inclosure Act 1815|private|33|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Rumworth (Lancashire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|34|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Wisewood Common (Yorkshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|35|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Thornhill (Yorkshire, West Riding) Inclosure Act 1815|private|36|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Llangeinwen and Llanbed'r-Newborough (Anglesey) Inclosure Act 1815|private|37|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Duke of Newcastle's Estate Act 1815|private|38|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Sir Henry Strachey's Estate Act 1815|private|39|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Sutton in Kildwick (Yorkshire, West Riding) Inclosure Act 1815|private|40|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Hutton Roof (Westmorland) Inclosure Act 1815|private|41|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Breadsall (Derby) Inclosure Act 1815|private|42|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Hartlebury (Worcestershire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|43|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Brampton (Derby) Inclosure Act 1815|private|44|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Hindringham (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1815|private|45|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Aston Rogers and Cound (Salop.) Inclosure Act 1815|private|46|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Marcham (Berkshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|47|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Great and Little Chelworth (Wiltshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|48|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Willesdon (Middlesex) Inclosure Act 1815|private|49|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Upton Lovell (Wiltshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|50|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Stoke Ferry, Wretton, Wereham, and Winnold (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1815|private|51|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|North Kelsey (Lincoln) Inclosure etc. Act 1815|private|52|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|James Milnes's Estate Act 1815|private|53|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|William Nunn's Estate Act 1815|private|54|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Falkland and Strathmiglo (Fife) Allotment Act 1815|private|55|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Duke of Grafton's Annuity Act 1815|private|56|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1993) }}

| {{|Burslem Rectory (Staffordshire) Act 1815|private|57|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Thomas Bucknall's Estate Act 1815|private|58|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Bishopstone (Wiltshire) Vicarage and Rectory Unification Act 1815|private|59|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Exonerating tithes in Shireoaks (Nottinghamshire) from liability to repair the chapel and to pay annuities, and charging freehold lands and tithes within the manor instead.|private|60|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Bere Forest (Hampshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|61|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|[lower-alpha 2] }}

| {{|Sir Francis Boynton's Estate Act 1815|private|62|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Ann Powell's and Elizabeth Parry's Estates Act 1815|private|63|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Nathaniel Bishop's Estate Act 1815|private|64|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Reverend John Dampier's Estate Act 1815|private|65|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Royal Military Asylum Act 1815|private|66|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Chitterne St. Mary and Chitterne All Saints (Wiltshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|67|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|East and West Teignmouth (Devon) Churches Act 1815|private|68|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Deptford Charity Lands Act 1815|private|69|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|John Mason's Estate Act 1815|private|70|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Sandhurst (Berkshire) Inclosure Act 1815|private|71|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Woolavington and Graffham (Sussex) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|72|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Cottingham-cum-Middleton (Northampton) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|73|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Ilminster (Somerset) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|74|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Packwood (Warwickshire) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|75|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|East Bergholt (Suffolk) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|76|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Youlgreave (Derby) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|77|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Knock (Westmorland) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|78|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Papworth Everard (Cambridgeshire) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|79|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Barston and Berkswell (Warwickshire) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|80|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Gwnnws and Llanrhystid Mevenidd (Cardiganshire) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|81|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Sir Henry Halford's Name Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|82|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|John and Ann Power's Marriage Settlement and Estate Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|83|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Thomas and James Coulthard's Estates Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|84|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Isle Abbotts, Fivehead, Swell, Curry Mallet, Curry Rivel, Beer Crocombe, Ashill Ilton, White Lackington and Isle Brewers Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|85|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Little Rowsley (Derby) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|86|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Freckenham (Suffolk) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|87|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Chard (Somerset) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|88|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Noreley (Salop.) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|89|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Barnet (Hertfordshire) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|90|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Rowington and Bushwood (Warwickshire) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|91|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Maenclochog, Llangolman, and Llandilo (Pembrokeshire) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|92|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Uffculme, Halberton and Willand (Devon) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|93|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Langham (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|94|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Piddletrenhide (Dorset) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|95|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Thompson (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|96|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Lord Sommers's Estate Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|97|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|George Marriott's Estate Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|98|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Mildenhall (Wiltshire) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|99|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Caereinion Uchoed (Montgomeryshire) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|100|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Hepworth (Suffolk) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|101|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Iffley (Oxfordshire) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|102|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Abraham Harford: change of name to Battersby and licence to bear its arms.|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|103|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Earl of Rosebery's Divorce Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|104|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Henry Thomas: change of name to Greene and licence to bear its arms.|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|105|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Confirmation of the inclosure of Bourne (Hampshire) with respect to Elizabeth and John Carter's allotments.|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|106|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Sir Samuel Brydges's Estate Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|107|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|[lower-alpha 4] }}

| {{|Trustees of Smethwick Chapelry Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|108|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Charles Parker: change of name to Newdegate and licence to bear arms, and extinguishment of a rentcharge.|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|109|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|East and West Moulsey (Surrey) Inclosure Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|110|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Charles Christie's Divorce Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|111|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|John Powles's Divorce Act 1815|note1=[lower-alpha 3]|private|112|08-11-1814|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}



  • The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 55 George III. 1815. London. 1815 via Google Books.
  • Raithby, John (1816). "55 Georgii° III". The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 6: Containing the Acts 55 George III. (1815.) and 56 George III. (1816.). London: Eyre and Strahan. pp. 1–696 via Internet Archive.
  • Journal of the House of Commons. Vol. 70. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office. pp. 3–475.
  • Chronological Table of and Index to the Statutes. Vol. 1: To the End of the Session 59 Vict. Sess. 2 (1895) (13th ed.). London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1896. pp. 210–214 via Google Books.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 The citation of this Act by this short title was authorised by the Short Titles Act 1896, section 1 and the first schedule. Due to the repeal of those provisions it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978.
  2. Current Law Statutes 1996, vol 4, p 68
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