This is a chronological, but incomplete, list of United States federal legislation passed by the 1st through 56th United States Congresses, between 1789 and 1901. For the main article on this subject, see List of United States federal legislation. Additional lists can be found at List of United States federal legislation: Congress of the Confederation, List of United States federal legislation, 1901–2001 and List of United States federal legislation, 2001–present.

1st United States Congress

First Session (March 4, 1789–September 29, 1789)

Public Laws[1]
DateSubject MatterTitleChapterLegal Citation
(link to full text)
1June 1, 1789Oaths of Office. An act to regulate the time and manner of administering certain oaths,Sess. 1, ch. 1 1 Stat. 23
2July 4, 1789Duties on Merchandise imported into the United States. An Act for laying a Duty on Goods, Wares, and Merchandises imported into the United States. (Tariff of 1789)Sess. 1, ch. 2 1 Stat. 24
3July 20, 1789Duties on Tonnage. An Act imposing Duties on Tonnage.Sess. 1, ch. 3 1 Stat. 27
4July 27, 1789Department of Foreign Affairs. An Act for establishing an Executive Department, to be denominated the Department of Foreign Affairs.Sess. 1, ch. 4 1 Stat. 28
5July 31, 1789Regulation of the Collection of Duties on Tonnage and on Merchandise. An Act to regulate the Collection of the Duties imposed by law on the tonnage of ships or vessels, and on goods, wares and merchandises imported into the United States.Sess. 1, ch. 5 1 Stat. 29
6August 5, 1789Settlement of accounts between the United States and the individual States. An Act for settling the Accounts between the United States and individual States.Sess. 1, ch. 6 1 Stat. 49 (chapter 6)
7August 7, 1789Establishment of the Department of War. An Act to establish an Executive Department, to be denominated the Department of War.Sess. 1, ch. 7 1 Stat. 49 (chapter 7)
8August 7, 1789Government of the North-West Territory provided for. An Act to provide for the Government of the Territory North-west of the river Ohio.Sess. 1, ch. 8 1 Stat. 50
9August 7, 1789Light-houses, Beacons, Buoys, &c. An Act for the establishment and support of Lighthouses, Beacons, Buoys, and Public Piers.Sess. 1, ch. 9 1 Stat. 53
10August 20, 1789Expenses of Treaties with the Indians, and appointment of Commissioners to manage the same. An Act providing for the Expenses which may attend negotiations or Treaties with the Indian Tribes, and the appointment of Commissioners for managing the same.Sess. 1, ch. 10 1 Stat. 54
11September 1, 1789Registering and clearing of Vessels in the Coasting Trade, and regulating the Coasting Trade, &c. An Act for Registering and Clearing Vessels, Regulating the Coasting Trade, and for other purposes.Sess. 1, ch. 11 1 Stat. 55
12September 2, 1789Establishment of the Treasury Department. An Act to establish the Treasury Department.Sess. 1, ch. 12 1 Stat. 65
13September 11, 1789Salaries to Executive Officers with their Assistants. An act for establishing the salaries of the executive officers of government, with their assistants and clerks.⁠Sess. 1, ch. 13 1 Stat. 67
14September 15, 1789Safe keeping of the Records and Seal of the United States. An Act to provide for the safe-keeping of the Acts, Records and Seal of the United States, and for other purposes. (Records Act)Sess. 1, ch. 14 1 Stat. 68
15September 16, 1789Act for the Collection of Duties on Tonnage suspended in part, &c. An Act to suspend part of an Act, intituled “An Act to regulate the collection of the Duties imposed by Law on the Tonnage of Ships or Vessels, and on Goods, Wares, and Merchandises, imported into the United States,” and for other purposes.Sess. 1, ch. 15 1 Stat. 69
16September 22, 1789Temporary Establishment of the Post-office. An Act for the temporary establishment of the Post-Office.Sess. 1, ch. 16 1 Stat. 70 (chapter 16)
17September 22, 1789Compensation to Members of Congress and to the Officers of both Houses. An Act for allowing Compensation to the Members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, and to the Officers of both Houses.Sess. 1, ch. 17 1 Stat. 70 (chapter 17)
18September 23, 1789Compensation to the Judges of the Courts of the United States and to the Attorney-General. An Act for allowing certain Compensation to the Judges of the Supreme and other Courts, and to the Attorney General of the United States.Sess. 1, ch. 18 1 Stat. 72 (chapter 18)
19September 24, 1789Compensation to the President and vice-president of the United States. An Act for allowing a Compensation to the President and Vice President of the United States.Sess. 1, ch. 19 1 Stat. 72 (chapter 19)
20September 24, 1789Establishment of the Judicial Courts of the United States. An Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States. (Judiciary Act of 1789)Sess. 1, ch. 20 1 Stat. 73
21September 29, 1789Regulation of Process in the Courts of the United States. An Act to regulate Processes in the Courts of the United States.Sess. 1, ch. 21 1 Stat. 93
22September 29, 1789Act for the Registering and Clearing Vessels, and Regulating the Coasting Trade, explained and amended. An Act to explain and amend an Act, intituled “An Act for registering and clearing Vessels, regulating the Coasting Trade, and for other purposes.”Sess. 1, ch. 22 1 Stat. 94
23September 29, 1789Appropriations for the Support of Government. An Act making Appropriation for the Service of the present year.Sess. 1, ch. 23 1 Stat. 95 (chapter 23)
24September 29, 1789Invalid Pensioners. An Act providing for the payment of the Invalid Pensioners of the United States.Sess. 1, ch. 24 1 Stat. 95 (chapter 24)
25September 29, 1789Establishment of the Troops of the United States recognised and adapted to the Constitution. An Act to recognize and adopt to the Constitution of the United States the establishment of the Troops raised under the Resolves of the United States in Congress assembled, and for other purposes therein mentioned.Sess. 1, ch. 25 1 Stat. 95 (chapter 25)
26September 29, 1789Meeting of Congress. An Act to alter the time for the next Meeting of Congress.Sess. 1, ch. 27 1 Stat. 96

Second Session (January 4, 1790—August 12, 1790)

Public Laws[2]
DateSubject MatterTitleChapterLegal Citation
(link to full text)
1February 8, 1790Laws of the United States, giving effect to, in North Carolina. An Act for giving effect to the several acts therein mentioned, in respect to the state of North Carolina, and for other purposes.Sess. 2, ch. 1 1 Stat. 99
2March 1, 1790Census of 1790. An Act providing for the enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States. (Census of 1790)Sess. 2, ch. 2 1 Stat. 101
3March 26, 1790Naturalization. An Act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization. (Naturalization Act of 1790)Sess. 2, ch. 3 1 Stat. 103
4March 26, 1790Appropriations for the Support of Government. An Act making appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety.Sess. 2, ch. 4 1 Stat. 104
5April 2, 1790Preventing Exportation of Goods not duly inspected according to the Laws of the several States. An Act to prevent the exportation of goods and not duly inspected according to the laws of the several States.Sess. 2, ch. 5 1 Stat. 106 (chapter 5)
6April 2, 1790Cession by North Carolina of a District in the Western Territory accepted. An Act to accept a cession of the claims of the state of North Carolina to a certain district of Western Territory.Sess. 2, ch. 6 1 Stat. 106 (chapter 6)
7April 10, 1790Patents for Useful Inventions. An Act to promote the progress of useful Arts. (Patent Act of 1790)Sess. 2, ch. 7 1 Stat. 109
8April 15, 1790The Act to regulate the Collection of Duties on Tonnage and on Merchandise suspended and amended. An Act further to suspend part of an act intituled “An act to regulate the collection of the duties imposed by law on tonnage of ships or vessels, and on goods, wares and merchandises imported into the United States.”Sess. 2, ch. 8 1 Stat. 112 (chapter 8)
9April 30, 1790Punishment of Crimes. An Act for the punishment of certain Crimes against the United States. (Crimes Act of 1790)Sess. 2, ch. 9 1 Stat. 112 (chapter 9)
10April 30, 1790Regulating the Army of the United States. An Act for regulating the Military Establishment of the United States.Sess. 2, ch. 10 1 Stat. 119
11May 26, 1790Authentication of the Acts and Judicial Proceedings of the States. An Act to prescribe the mode in which the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings in each State, shall be authenticated so as to take effect in every other State.Sess. 2, ch. 11 1 Stat. 122 (chapter 11)
12May 26, 1790Mitigation of Fines and Forfeitures under the Revenue Laws in certain Cases. An Act to provide for mitigating or remitting the forfeitures and penalties accruing under the revenue laws, in certain cases therein mentioned.Sess. 2, ch. 12 1 Stat. 122 (chapter 12)
13May 26, 1790Process in the Courts of the United States. An Act to continue in force an act passed at the last session of Congress, entitled “An act to regulate processes in the Courts of the United States.”Sess. 2, ch. 13 1 Stat. 123 (chapter 13)
14May 26, 1790Government of the Territory south-west of the river Ohio. An Act for the Government of the Territory of the United States, south of the river Ohio. (Southwest Ordinance)Sess. 2, ch. 14 1 Stat. 123 (chapter 14)
15May 31, 1790Copyright of Books, &c. An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned. (Copyright Act of 1790)Sess. 2, ch. 15 1 Stat. 124
16June 4, 1790Courts of the United States in North Carolina. An Act for giving effect to an Act entituled “An Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States,” within the State of North Carolina.Sess. 2., ch. 17 1 Stat. 126 (chapter 17)
17June 4, 1790Salaries of Executive Officers of the Government with their assistants. An Act supplemental to the Act for establishing the Salaries of the Executive Officers of Government, with their assistants and Clerks.Sess. 2, ch. 18 1 Stat. 126 (chapter 18)
18June 14, 1790Laws of the United States extended to Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. An Act for giving effect to the several Acts therein mentioned, in respect to the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.Sess. 2, ch. 19 1 Stat. 126 (chapter 19)
19June 23, 1790Judicial Courts of the United States in Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. An act for giving effect to an act intituled “An act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States,” within the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.Sess. 2, ch. 21 1 Stat. 128 (chapter 21)
20July 1, 1790Intercourse of the United States and Foreign Nations. An Act providing the means of intercourse between the United States and foreign nations.Sess. 2, ch. 22 1 Stat. 128 (chapter 22)
21July 5, 1790The Act for the Census of 1790 extended to Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. An Act giving effect to an act intituled “An act providing for the enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States,” in respect to the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.Sess. 2, ch. 25 1 Stat. 129 (chapter 25)
22July 5, 1790Purchase of a Tract of Land at West Point. An Act to authorize the purchase of a tract of land for the use of the United States.Sess. 2, ch. 26 1 Stat. 129 (chapter 26)
23July 16, 1790Invalid Pensions. An Act further to provide for the Payment of the Invalid Pensioners of the United States.Sess. 2, ch. 27 1 Stat. 129 (chapter 27)
24July 16, 1790Temporary and permanent Seat of Government established. An Act for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of the Government of the United States. (Residence Act)Sess. 2, ch. 28 1 Stat. 130
25July 20, 1790Government and Regulation of Seamen in the Merchant Service. An Act for the government and regulation of Seamen in the merchants service.Sess. 2, ch. 29 1 Stat. 131
26July 20, 1790Duties on the Tonnage of Ships and Vessels. An Act imposing duties on tonnage of ships or vessels.Sess. 2, ch. 30 1 Stat. 135
27July 22, 1790Treaties with the Indians to establish Peace. An Act to provide for holding a Treaty or Treaties to establish Peace with certain Indian tribes.Sess. 2, ch. 31 1 Stat. 136
28July 22, 1790Light-houses, Beacons, Buoys, &c. An Act to amend the act for the establishment and support of Lighthouses, beacons, buoys, and public piers.Sess. 2, ch. 32 1 Stat. 137 (chapter 32)
29July 22, 1790Regulation of Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes. An Act to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes. (Indian Intercourse Act of 1790)Sess. 2, ch. 33 1 Stat. 137 (chapter 33)
30August 4, 1790Debt of the United States. An Act making provision for the [payment of the] Debt of the United States. (Funding Act of 1790)Sess. 2, ch. 34 1 Stat. 138
31August 4, 1790Collection of Duties on Merchandise and on Tonnage. An Act to provide more effectually for the collection of the duties imposed by law on goods, wares and merchandise imported into the United States, and on the tonnage of ships or vessels.Sess. 2, ch. 35 1 Stat. 145
32August 4, 1790Post-Office. An Act to continue in force for a limited time, an act intituled “An act for the temporary establishment of the Post-Office.”Sess. 2, ch. 36 1 Stat. 178 (chapter 36)
33August 5, 1790Settlement of Accounts between the United States and the individual States. An Act to provide more effectually for the settlement of the Accounts between the United States and the individual States.Sess. 2, ch. 38 1 Stat. 178 (chapter 38)
34August 10, 1790Debt of the United States, Duties on Merchandise, &c.. An Act making further provision for the payment of the debts of the United States.Sess. 2, ch. 39 1 Stat. 180
35August 10, 1790Virginia Military Lands north-west of the river Ohio. An Act to enable the Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia Line on continental Establishment, to obtain Titles to certain Lands lying northwest of the River Ohio, between the Little Miami and the Sciota.Sess. 2, ch. 40 1 Stat. 182
36August 10, 1790Light-houses on Portland-Head. An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to finish the Lighthouse on Portland Head, in the District of Maine.Sess. 2, ch. 41 1 Stat. 184 (chapter 41)
37August 11, 1790Circuit Courts in South Carolina and Georgia, and District Court of Pennsylvania. An Act to alter the Times for holding the Circuit Courts of the United States in the Districts of South Carolina and Georgia, and providing that the District Court of Pennsylvania shall in future be held at the city of Philadelphia only.Sess. 2, ch. 42 1 Stat. 184 (chapter 42)
38August 11, 1790Assent of Congress to Acts of Maryland, Georgia, and Rhode Island. An Act declaring the assent of Congress to certain acts of the states of Maryland, Georgia, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.Sess. 2, ch. 43 1 Stat. 184 (chapter 43)
39August 12, 1790Appropriations for the Support of Government. An Act making certain appropriations therein mentioned.Sess. 2, ch. 46 1 Stat. 185
40August 12, 1790Debt of the United States. An Act making provision for the Reduction of the Public Debt.Sess. 2, ch. 47 1 Stat. 186

Third Session (December 6, 1790—March 3, 1791)

Public Laws[3]
DateSubject MatterTitleChapterLegal Citation
(link to full text)
1Dec. 27, 1790Provisions of the Act for the Collection of Duties extended to act of August 10, 1790. An Act supplementary to the act intitled “An act making further provision for the payment of the debts of the United States.”Sess. 3, ch. 1 1 Stat. 188 (chapter 1)
2Jan. 7, 1791Unlading of Ships and Vessels in cases of Obstruction by Ice. An Act to provide for the unlading of ships or vessels, in cases of obstruction by Ice.Sess. 3, ch. 2 1 Stat. 188 (chapter 2)
3Jan. 10, 1791Assent of Congress to Acts of Georgia, and Rhode Island, and Providence Plantations extended. An Act to continue an act intituled “An act declaring the assent of Congress to certain acts of the States of Maryland, Georgia, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations,” so far as the same respects the States of Georgia and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.Sess. 3, ch. 3 1 Stat. 189 (chapter 3)
4Feb. 4, 1791State of Kentucky formed and admitted into the Union. An Act declaring the consent of Congress, that a new State be formed within the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and admitted into this Union, by the name of the State of Kentucky.Sess. 3, ch. 4 1 Stat. 189 (chapter 4)
5Feb. 9, 1791Assent of Congress to Act of Maryland. An Act declaring the consent of Congress to a certain act of the state of Maryland.Sess. 3, ch. 5 1 Stat. 190 (chapter 5)
6Feb. 11, 1791Appropriations for the Support of Government, &c. An Act making appropriations for the support of Government during the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, and for other purposes.Sess. 3, ch. 6 1 Stat. 190 (chapter 6)
7Feb. 18, 1791State of Vermont admitted into the Union. An Act for the admission of the State of Vermont into this Union.Sess. 3, ch. 7 1 Stat. 191 (chapter 7)
8Feb. 18, 1791Process in the Courts of the United States. An Act to continue in force, for a limited time, an act passed at the first Session of Congress, intituled “An act to regulate processes in the Courts of the United States.”Sess. 3, ch. 8 1 Stat. 191 (chapter 8)
9Feb. 25, 1791Representatives in Congress from Kentucky and Vermont. An Act regulating the number of Representatives to be chosen by the States of Kentucky and Vermont.Sess. 3, ch. 9 1 Stat. 191 (chapter 9)
10Feb. 25, 1791Bank of the United States incorporated. An Act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States. (First Bank of the United States)Sess. 3, ch. 10 1 Stat. 191 (chapter 10)
11March 2, 1791Bank of the United States, Supplementary Act to the Act incorporating the. An Act supplementary to the act intituled “An act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States.”Sess. 3, ch. 11 1 Stat. 196
12March 2, 1791Laws of the United States extended to Vermont. An Act giving effect to the laws of the United States within the state of Vermont.Sess. 3, ch. 12 1 Stat. 197
13March 2, 1791Debt of the United States, Duties on certain Merchandise. An Act to explain and amend an act intituled “An act making further provision for the payment of the debts of the United States.”Sess. 3, ch. 13 1 Stat. 198 (chapter 13)
14March 2, 1791Meeting of Congress. An Act fixing the time for the next annual meeting of Congress.Sess. 3, ch. 14 1 Stat. 198 (chapter 14)
15March 3, 1791Duties on Distilled Spirits imported into, and distilled in the United States. An Act repealing, after the last day of June next, the duties heretofore laid upon Distilled Spirits imported from abroad, and laying others in their stead; and also upon Spirits distilled within the United States, and for appropriating the same. (Whiskey Act)Sess. 3, ch. 15 1 Stat. 199
16March 3, 1791Appropriation for the Recognition of the Treaty with Morocco. An Act making an appropriation for the purpose therein mentioned.Sess. 3, ch. 16 1 Stat. 214 (chapter 16)
17March 3, 1791Temporary and Permanent Seat of the Government. An Act to amend “An act for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of the Government of the United States.”Sess. 3, ch. 17 1 Stat. 214 (chapter 17)
18March 3, 1791Treasury Department, and farther Compensation to certain Officers. An Act supplemental to the act “establishing the Treasury Department,” and for a farther compensation to certain officers.Sess. 3, ch. 18 1 Stat. 215 (chapter 18)
19March 3, 1791Rix-dollar of Denmark. An Act relative to the Rix-Dollar of Denmark.Sess. 3, ch. 19 1 Stat. 215 (chapter 19)
20March 3, 1791Salaries of Executive Officers and their Assistants and Clerks. An Act in addition to an act intituled “An act for establishing the salaries of the Executive officers of Government, with their assistants and clerks.”Sess. 3, ch. 20 1 Stat. 216 (chapter 20)
21March 3, 1791Compensations to the Commissioners of Loans for Extraordinary Expenses. An Act for making compensation to the Commissioners of Loans, for extraordinary expenses.Sess. 3, ch. 21 1 Stat. 216 (chapter 21)
22March 3, 1791Compensation of the Officers of the Judicial Courts of the United States and for Jurors and Witnesses. An Act providing compensations for the officers of the Judicial Courts of the United States, and for Jurors and Witnesses, and for other purposes.Sess. 3, ch. 22 1 Stat. 216 (chapter 22)
23March 3, 1791Post-office. An Act to continue in force for a limited time, an act intituled "An act for the temporary establishment of the Post-Office."Sess. 3, ch. 23 1 Stat. 218 (chapter 23)
24March 3, 1791Act for Payment of Pensions, and for Support of Light-houses, Beacons, &c. continued. An Act to continue in force the act therein mentioned, and to make further provision for the payment of Pensions to Invalids, and for the support of lighthouses, buoys, and public piers.Sess. 3, ch. 24 1 Stat. 218 (chapter 24)
25March 3, 1791Debt of the United States, Loan in Holland sanctioned. An Act supplementary to the act making provision for the reduction of the Public Debt.Sess. 3, ch. 25 1 Stat. 218 (chapter 25)
26March 3, 1791Collection of Duties on Teas and Wines. An Act making farther provision for the collection of the duties by law imposed on Teas, and to prolong the term for the payment of the Duties on Wines.Sess. 3, ch. 26 1 Stat. 219
27March 3, 1791Lands of the United States granted to Settlers in Vincennes and the Illinois Country. An Act for granting lands to the Inhabitants and settlers at Vincennes and the Illinois country, in the territory northwest of the Ohio, and for confirming them in their possessions.Sess. 3, ch. 27 1 Stat. 221
28March 3, 1791Addition to the Army of the United States and Provisions for the Protection of the Frontiers. An Act for raising and adding another Regiment to the Military Establishment of the United States, and for making farther provision for the protection of the frontiers.Sess. 3, ch. 28 1 Stat. 222

2nd United States Congress

3rd United States Congress

4th United States Congress

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5th United States Congress

6th United States Congress

7th United States Congress

8th United States Congress

9th United States Congress

10th United States Congress

11th United States Congress

12th United States Congress

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13th United States Congress

April 16, 1814: Flotilla Service Act of 1814, Sess. 2, ch. 59, 3 Stat. 125

14th United States Congress

15th United States Congress

16th United States Congress

17th United States Congress

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18th United States Congress

19th United States Congress

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20th United States Congress

21st United States Congress

22nd United States Congress

23rd United States Congress

24th United States Congress

25th United States Congress

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26th United States Congress

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27th United States Congress

28th United States Congress

29th United States Congress

30th United States Congress

31st United States Congress

32nd United States Congress

  • February 21, 1853: Coinage Act of 1853, Sess. 2, ch. 79, 10 Stat. 160
  • March 2, 1853: An act providing for administering the oath of office to William R. King, Vice President elect of the United States of America. Sess. 2, ch. 93, 10 Stat. 180

33rd United States Congress

34th United States Congress

35th United States Congress

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36th United States Congress

37th United States Congress

38th United States Congress

39th United States Congress

40th United States Congress

41st United States Congress

42nd United States Congress

43rd United States Congress

44th United States Congress

45th United States Congress

46th United States Congress

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47th United States Congress

48th United States Congress

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49th United States Congress

50th United States Congress

51st United States Congress

52nd United States Congress

53rd United States Congress

54th United States Congress

55th United States Congress

56th United States Congress


  1. "Acts of the First Congress of the United States: Statute I.—1789" United States Statutes at Large, vol. 1, pp. xvii–xviii.
  2. "Acts of the First Congress of the United States: Statute II.—1790" United States Statutes at Large, vol. 1, pp. xviii–xx.
  3. "Acts of the First Congress of the United States: Statute III.—1790, 1791." United States Statutes at Large, vol. 1, pp. xx–xxi.
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