This is a list of binomial names in the fungal genus Trichoderma Pers. (1801) (in the family of Hypocreaceae), with just accepted species and not including synonyms.
'Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa' by Wijayawardene et al. lists up to (400+) species (in 2020),[1] and around 466 records are listed by Species Fungorum (with up to 12 former species).[2]
The list of Trichoderma contains the following accepted species:
- Trichoderma achlamydosporum
- Trichoderma acremonioides
- Trichoderma adaptatum
- Trichoderma aeroaquaticum
- Trichoderma aerugineum
- Trichoderma aestuarinum
- Trichoderma aethiopicum
- Trichoderma afarasin
- Trichoderma afroharzianum
- Trichoderma aggregatum
- Trichoderma aggressivum
- Trichoderma albofulvopsis
- Trichoderma albolutescens
- Trichoderma alboviride
- Trichoderma alni
- Trichoderma alpinum
- Trichoderma alutaceum
- Trichoderma amazonicum
- Trichoderma amoenum
- Trichoderma anaharzianum
- Trichoderma andinense
- Trichoderma angustum
- Trichoderma anisohamatum
- Trichoderma appalachiense
- Trichoderma applanatum
- Trichoderma aquaticum
- Trichoderma arachnoidea
- Trichoderma arenarium
- Trichoderma arundinaceum
- Trichoderma asiaticum
- Trichoderma asperelloides
- Trichoderma asperellum
- Trichoderma asymmetricum
- Trichoderma atlanticum
- Trichoderma atrobrunneum
- Trichoderma atroviride
- Trichoderma attinorum
- Trichoderma auranteffusum
- Trichoderma aurantioeffusum
- Trichoderma aureoviride
- Trichoderma aureum
- Trichoderma austriacum
- Trichoderma austrokoningii
- Trichoderma awajun
- Trichoderma azevedoi
- Trichoderma balearicum
- Trichoderma bannaense
- Trichoderma barbatum
- Trichoderma bavaricum
- Trichoderma beijingense
- Trichoderma beinartii
- Trichoderma bifurcatum
- Trichoderma bissettii
- Trichoderma bomiense
- Trichoderma botryosum
- Trichoderma brassicae
- Trichoderma breve
- Trichoderma brevicompactum
- Trichoderma brevicrassum
- Trichoderma brevipes
- Trichoderma brunneoviride
- Trichoderma byssinum
- Trichoderma caeruleimontis
- Trichoderma caeruleoviride
- Trichoderma caesareum
- Trichoderma caesium
- Trichoderma calamagrostidis
- Trichoderma camelliae
- Trichoderma camerunense
- Trichoderma candidum
- Trichoderma capillare
- Trichoderma caribbaeum
- Trichoderma carneum
- Trichoderma catoptron
- Trichoderma ceciliae
- Trichoderma centrosinicum
- Trichoderma ceraceum
- Trichoderma ceramicum
- Trichoderma ceratophylli
- Trichoderma cerinum
- Trichoderma changbaiense
- Trichoderma chetii
- Trichoderma chlamydosporicum
- Trichoderma chlorosporum
- Trichoderma christianii
- Trichoderma chromospermum
- Trichoderma cinnabarinum
- Trichoderma cinnamomeum
- Trichoderma citrinella
- Trichoderma citrinoviride
- Trichoderma compactum
- Trichoderma composticola
- Trichoderma concentricum
- Trichoderma confertum
- Trichoderma confluens
- Trichoderma cordobense
- Trichoderma corfecianum
- Trichoderma cornu-damae
- Trichoderma crassum
- Trichoderma cremeoides
- Trichoderma cremeum
- Trichoderma croceum
- Trichoderma crystalligenum Jaklitsch (2006)
- Trichoderma crystalligenum W.T. Qin & W.Y. Zhuang (2017)
- Trichoderma cuenisporum
- Trichoderma cyanodichotomus
- Trichoderma dacrymycellum
- Trichoderma delicatulum
- Trichoderma deliquescens
- Trichoderma densum
- Trichoderma desrochii
- Trichoderma dimorphum
- Trichoderma dingleyeae
- Trichoderma dorotheae
- Trichoderma dubium
- Trichoderma effusum
- Trichoderma eijii
- Trichoderma endophyticum
- Trichoderma epimyces
- Trichoderma erinaceum
- Trichoderma estonicum
- Trichoderma europaeum
- Trichoderma euskadiense
- Trichoderma evansii
- Trichoderma fasciculatum
- Trichoderma fassatiovae
- Trichoderma fertile
- Trichoderma flagellatum
- Trichoderma flavescens
- Trichoderma flavofuscum
- Trichoderma flavum
- Trichoderma floccosum
- Trichoderma fomiticola
- Trichoderma fujianense
- Trichoderma fuscum
- Trichoderma gamsii
- Trichoderma ganodermatis
- Trichoderma gansuanum
- Trichoderma gelatinosum
- Trichoderma ghanense
- Trichoderma gillesii
- Trichoderma gliocladium
- Trichoderma globoides
- Trichoderma gracile
- Trichoderma grande
- Trichoderma granulosum
- Trichoderma gregarium
- Trichoderma guizhouense
- Trichoderma guttatum
- Trichoderma hainanense
- Trichoderma hamatum
- Trichoderma harzianum
- Trichoderma hausknechtii
- Trichoderma hebeiense
- Trichoderma helicolixii
- Trichoderma helicum
- Trichoderma hengshanicum
- Trichoderma hongkongense
- Trichoderma hubeiense
- Trichoderma hunanense
- Trichoderma hunua
- Trichoderma hypoxylon
- Trichoderma inaequilaterale
- Trichoderma inconspicuum
- Trichoderma ingratum
- Trichoderma inhamatum
- Trichoderma insigne
- Trichoderma intricatum
- Trichoderma istrianum
- Trichoderma italicum
- Trichoderma ivoriense
- Trichoderma jaklitschii
- Trichoderma junci
- Trichoderma konilangbra
- Trichoderma koningii
- Trichoderma koningiopsis
- Trichoderma koreanum
- Trichoderma kunmingense
- Trichoderma lacteum
- Trichoderma laeve
- Trichoderma laevisporum
- Trichoderma lanuginosum
- Trichoderma lateritioroseum
- Trichoderma leguminosarum
- Trichoderma lentiforme
- Trichoderma lentinulae
- Trichoderma lentissimum
- Trichoderma leucopus
- Trichoderma liberatum
- Trichoderma lieckfeldtiae
- Trichoderma limonium
- Trichoderma linzhiense
- Trichoderma lixii
- Trichoderma longibrachiatum
- Trichoderma longiphialidicum
- Trichoderma longipile
- Trichoderma longisporum
- Trichoderma luteffusum
- Trichoderma luteocrystallinum
- Trichoderma luteoeffusum
- Trichoderma mangshanicum
- Trichoderma margaretense
- Trichoderma martiale
- Trichoderma mediterraneum
- Trichoderma medusae
- Trichoderma melanomagnum
- Trichoderma mienum
- Trichoderma minutisporum
- Trichoderma minutum
- Trichoderma moravicum
- Trichoderma neokoningii
- Trichoderma neorufoides
- Trichoderma neosinense
- Trichoderma neotropicale
- Trichoderma nigrovirens
- Trichoderma nothescens
- Trichoderma novae-zelandiae
- Trichoderma oblongisporum
- Trichoderma obovatum
- Trichoderma oligosporum
- Trichoderma olivascens
- Trichoderma ovalisporum
- Trichoderma pachypallidum
- Trichoderma panacis
- Trichoderma paraceramosus
- Trichoderma parareesei
- Trichoderma pararogersonii
- Trichoderma paratroviride
- Trichoderma paraviride
- Trichoderma paraviridescens
- Trichoderma parepimyces
- Trichoderma parestonicum
- Trichoderma paucisporum
- Trichoderma peberdyi
- Trichoderma pedunculatum
- Trichoderma penicillatum
- Trichoderma peruvianum
- Trichoderma perviride
- Trichoderma petersenii
- Trichoderma pezizoideum
- Trichoderma phayaoense
- Trichoderma phellinicola
- Trichoderma phyllostachydis
- Trichoderma piluliferum
- Trichoderma pinnatum
- Trichoderma placentula
- Trichoderma pleuroti
- Trichoderma pleuroticola
- Trichoderma pluripenicillatum
- Trichoderma pollinicola
- Trichoderma polyalthiae
- Trichoderma polypori
- Trichoderma polysporum
- Trichoderma poronioideum
- Trichoderma priscilae
- Trichoderma propepolypori
- Trichoderma protrudens
- Trichoderma pruinosum
- Trichoderma pseudoasiaticum
- Trichoderma pseudoasperelloides
- Trichoderma pseudocandidum
- Trichoderma pseudodensum
- Trichoderma pseudogelatinosa
- Trichoderma pseudokoningii
- Trichoderma pseudolacteum
- Trichoderma pseudonigrovirens
- Trichoderma pseudostraminea
- Trichoderma psychrophilum
- Trichoderma pubescens
- Trichoderma purpureum
- Trichoderma pyramidale
- Trichoderma pyrenium
- Trichoderma pyrenium
- Trichoderma racemosum
- Trichoderma reesei
- Trichoderma restrictum
- Trichoderma rifaii
- Trichoderma rogersonii
- Trichoderma roseum
- Trichoderma rossicum
- Trichoderma rosulatum
- Trichoderma rubi
- Trichoderma rubropallens
- Trichoderma rufobrunneum
- Trichoderma rugosum
- Trichoderma rugulosum
- Trichoderma samuelsii
- Trichoderma saturnisporopsis
- Trichoderma saturnisporum
- Trichoderma scalesiae
- Trichoderma scorpioideum
- Trichoderma sempervirentis
- Trichoderma seppoi
- Trichoderma shaoguanicum
- Trichoderma shennongjianum
- Trichoderma sichuanense
- Trichoderma silvae-virgineae
- Trichoderma simile
- Trichoderma simmonsii
- Trichoderma simplex
- Trichoderma sinense
- Trichoderma sinoaustrale
- Trichoderma sinokoningii
- Trichoderma sinoluteum
- Trichoderma sinuosum
- Trichoderma solani
- Trichoderma solum
- Trichoderma songyi
- Trichoderma sparsum
- Trichoderma speciosum
- Trichoderma sphaerosporum
- Trichoderma spirale
- Trichoderma stercorarium
- Trichoderma stilbohypoxyli
- Trichoderma stipitatum
- Trichoderma stramineum
- Trichoderma strictipile
- Trichoderma strigosellum
- Trichoderma strigosum
- Trichoderma stromaticum
- Trichoderma subalni
- Trichoderma subalpinum
- Trichoderma subazureum
- Trichoderma subeffusum
- Trichoderma subiculoides
- Trichoderma subsulphureum
- Trichoderma subuliforme
- Trichoderma subviride
- Trichoderma supraverticillatum
- Trichoderma surrotundum
- Trichoderma sympodianum
- Trichoderma taiwanense
- Trichoderma tardum
- Trichoderma tawa
- Trichoderma taxi
- Trichoderma tenue
- Trichoderma texanum
- Trichoderma thailandicum
- Trichoderma thelephoricola
- Trichoderma theobromicola
- Trichoderma thermophilum
- Trichoderma tiantangzhaiense
- Trichoderma tibetense
- Trichoderma tibeticum
- Trichoderma tomentosum
- Trichoderma tremelloides
- Trichoderma trixiae
- Trichoderma tropicosinense
- Trichoderma turrialbense
- Trichoderma uncinatum
- Trichoderma undatipile
- Trichoderma undulatum
- Trichoderma valdunense
- Trichoderma varians
- Trichoderma velutinum
- Trichoderma vermifimicola
- Trichoderma vermipilum
- Trichoderma verticillatum
- Trichoderma vinosum
- Trichoderma violaceum
- Trichoderma virens
- Trichoderma virgatum
- Trichoderma viridarium
- Trichoderma viride Pers. (1794)
- Trichoderma viride Schumach. (1803)
- Trichoderma viridescens
- Trichoderma viridialbum
- Trichoderma viridicollare
- Trichoderma viridiflavum
- Trichoderma viridulum
- Trichoderma virilente
- Trichoderma voglmayrii
- Trichoderma vulgatum
- Trichoderma vulpinum
- Trichoderma xanthum
- Trichoderma xixiacum
- Trichoderma yui
- Trichoderma yunnanense
- Trichoderma zayuense
- Trichoderma zelobreve
- Trichoderma zeloharzianum
- Trichoderma zonatum
- ↑ Wijayawardene, Nalin; Hyde, Kevin; Al-Ani, Laith Khalil Tawfeeq; Somayeh, Dolatabadi; Stadler, Marc; Haelewaters, Danny; et al. (2020). "Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa". Mycosphere. 11: 1060–1456. doi:10.5943/mycosphere/11/1/8. hdl:10481/61998.
- ↑ "Trichoderma - Search Page". Species Fungorum. Retrieved 10 July 2023.
External links
Data related to Trichoderma at Wikispecies
Media related to Trichoderma at Wikimedia Commons
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