This is a list of parodies and pastiches satirising The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé.

In addition to the twenty-four official comic albums written by Hergé, several unofficial parodies and pastiches of The Adventures of Tintin have been published over the years by various authors. While some consist in entirely new drawings made to resemble the original art, others were created by splicing together strips from the original albums and rewriting the dialogue.

The copyright owner of the original comics, Moulinsart, has taken legal steps to stop publication of some of the unofficial material. Eric Jenot's Tintin Parodies site was closed down by Moulinsart in 2004 for displaying Tintin parodies and pastiches.[1] Other material has remained available, for instance the anarchist/communist comic Breaking Free.[2]

Parodies and satire

Some parodies of Tintin feature the actual Tintin characters with their original identities and personalities, some feature the original characters but with wildly modified personalities, and some simply reuse the appearance of the characters but give them completely different names and identities.

They generally fall into one of two sub-sections:


  • Tintin au pays de nazis ("Tintin in the Land of the Nazis"), the short and crudely drawn strip lampoons Hergé for working for a Nazi-run newspaper during the occupation. Published in September 1944.
  • Breaking Free by J. Daniels — Anarchist/Communist book about Tintin growing up in a poor working class area of England and about how he joins the revolution.
  • Tintin in Lebanon — Tintin gets drawn into Middle eastern conflicts while in Lebanon. This comic was published in National Lampoon, an American humour magazine, mocking the foreign policies of the Ronald Reagan administration.
Tintin receives his copyright violation. A modified version of a Bill Leak satirical cartoon featuring Kevin Rudd in turn parodies Moulinsart.
  • Tintin en Irak (Tintin in Iraq) — published shortly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, this comic uses actual panels from previous Tintin comics—with new text—to make a cynical statement about the events leading up to the war.
  • Tintin au Salvador (Tintin in El Salvador) — Tintin battles the corrupt government of El Salvador.
  • L'Énigme du 3ième message (The Enigma of the 3rd Message) — Tintin battles an international evil conspiracy involving the Pope.
  • Tintin dans le Golfe (Tintin in the Gulf)
  • Juquin rénovateur du vingtième siècle au Pays de Soviets — This is a re-hash of Tintin in the Land of the Soviets with French political leader Pierre Juquin being drawn instead of Tintin. It was published in the book Élysez-les tous by Jalons.
  • Tintin in Fallujah — featured in MAD magazine
  • Les Harpes de Greenmore (The Harps of Greenmore) — Tintin is a Provisional IRA guerrilla fighting to re-unite Ireland, after the British government kidnaps Calculus in an attempt to blame the IRA.
  • Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, then opposition leader, was portrayed as Tintin for at least 6 months in 2007 by political cartoonist Bill Leak. Moulinsart threatened legal action and demanded payment for past sales of the Rudd-Tintin likeness.[3] Leak refused to give undertakings to cease using the character in future cartoons on the basis of the fair dealing exception for the purposes of parody and satire.[4] Moulinsart conceded this point but continued to insist that Leak not profit commercially from publication of the cartoons.[5]


  • Tintin in Thailand — Tintin goes to Thailand on a sex holiday.
  • La vie sexuelle de Tintin (The Sex Life of Tintin)
  • Tintin en Suisse (Tintin in Switzerland)
  • Tintin à Paris (Tintin in Paris)
  • Tientein en Bordélie (Tintin in Brotheland)
  • Dindin et le secret de Moulinsal
  • Tintin pour les dames (Tintin for Ladies)


  • Yves Rodier:
    • Tintin and Alph-Art — A "completed" version of Hergé's unfinished book. Available in colour and in French and English.
    • The Lake of the Sorcerer — Tintin uncovers the mystery of a monster in a lake.
    • A Day at the Airport — Rodier planned to complete the album debuted by Hergé as soon as his own version of the Alph-Art was completed. However, due to harsh reactions from the Moulinsart Foundation, Rodier decided to leave the project, though he did produce one page from the Airport album.
    • Reporter Pigiste (Freelance Reporter) — Three-page story, made in autumn 1992, loosely based on a scenario suggested in issue No. 1027 of Spirou from December 19, 1957: a young Tintin solves a bank robbery and gets his job with Le Petit Vingtiéme. The end of the story directly leads into Tintin in the Land of the Soviets.
    • Tintin and the Thermozéro — This page is an inking of page 4 from a leftover project of Hergé's.
  • Tintin et l'Alph-art (Tintin and Alph-art) by "Ramo Nash" (pseudonym) — This is a "completed" version of Hergé's unfinished Tintin and Alph-art. It is only available in black-and-white, and in French.
  • Tintin in the New World by Frederic Tuten — A prose novel, not illustrated, that got Hergé's permission shortly before his death. Tintin gets bored of adventures and falls in love.
  • Tintin and the Flute of the Wendigo and Tintin in Australia by Conlan.
  • Teen Titans Spotlight #11, DC Comics, 1987, "The Brotherhood is Dead", written by Jean-Marc Lofficier, art by Joe Orlando
  • Tum Tum and the Forged Expenses — At the height of its popularity in 1988, the Spitting Image television show produced a tie-in comic book featuring a Tintin spoof where Tum Tum, an alcoholic Fleet Street journalist, follows a false lead to a drugs-smuggling operation at a Soho S&M bar. Captain Haddock is portrayed as 'Captain Haddit', a leather-clad predatory homosexual. The Thomppson Twins (note the double p) turn up at the end of the story to arrest Tum Tum for his forged expenses claims. Snowy is renamed 'Spewy', and ends up being run over by a car. The story makes numerous references to real Tintin adventures (most notably The Blue Lotus) as well as fictional non-canonical ones (such as Tum Tum and the Cross-Eyed Vivisectionist).
  • Objectif Monde (Destination World) by Didier Savard — Released in Le Monde on January 28, 1999, to celebrate Tintin's 70th birthday and the Comics Festival in Angoulême. The Hergé Foundation gave its authorization and allowed the publication of this first "official" pastiche, fully approved by Hergé's beneficiaries. The short story, 26 pages long, makes numerous references to the adventures of Tintin. The main protagonist is a naive young reporter called Wzkxy, who is embroiled in an unlikely conspiracy theory — supposedly the Tintin books contained encoded messages aimed at the USSR. It has since been reprinted in various forms, and has also been translated into English by Vlipvlop (pseudonym) in early 2006. The hero, Wzkxy, is a young reporter working in Le Monde. He looks so much like Tintin that everyone prefers to call him "Tintin" rather than "Wzkxy", a completely unpronounceable name. He identifies so much with Tintin that he imagines being accompanied by Snowy. This pseudo-Tintin thus investigates the existence of an unpublished story by Hergé whose origin dates back to Tintin in the land of the Soviets. The stories of Hergé were in fact coded messages sent to the Soviet bloc by the USA. Many characters from the adventures of Tintin appear: la Castafiore is the editor-in-chief of Le Monde, the Thompsons were faithful to their role of policemen, Calculus, etc.
  • "Tim-Tim: Prisoners of the Red Planet", by Robert Sikoryak — A two-page parody of Destination Moon, about "Tim-Tim" on Mars, published in Wired magazine in July 2001.[6]
  • Tintin, Snowy, and Haddock all briefly appear in the comic Scarlet Traces, by Ian Edginton and D'Israeli.
  • In Kim Newman's novel Dracula Cha-Cha-Cha, Tintin and Bianca Castafiore both appear, in chapters 8 and 11 respectively. In his short story "Angels of Music", Bianca Castafiore is implied to be the descendant of the character Carlotta from The Phantom of the Opera.
  • Jan Bucquoy made a pornographic parodic comic book album named La Vie Sexuelle de Tintin (The Sexual Life of Tintin). The story is set during The Castafiore Emerald, and features most of Tintin's main cast along with many returning characters engaging in sexual activities, such as Tintin and Castafiore, Haddock and Calculus, and Nestor and Irma. Many scenes depict sexual acts perceived to be unethical, with instances of bestiality (such as Snowy performing fellatio on Tintin), and series villain Rastapopoulos is shown to engage in pedophilic acts. The story also takes liberties with series canon, such as revealing Thomson to be a woman wearing a disguise. In the comics conclusion, it is revealed that the events of the story were an elaborate porn film directed by original character "Bastapoglandos", who closely resembles Rastapopoulos.
  • In the film Camping Cosmos a lookalike of Tintin is one of the main characters. Despite having a different name, his quiff, outfit and little white fox terrier are obviously referencing Tintin.[7][8]


  • English filmmakers Nick Donnelly and Andrew Stebulitis created a YouTube series in 2006, Teesside Tintin, which would become a viral hit in the site's early days. By 2015, the videos had collectively accumulated 25 millions views.[9] It involved re-editing the Nelvana animated series with new audio tracks, laced with profanity and references to Middlesbrough, England, where the pair came from. It would spawn a website, Dubtoons, which would host other redubs of children's cartoons.[10]


  1. "Tintin News Archive 2004".
  2. "Breaking Free".
  3. Blistering Barnacles! Tintin 'parody' threat, The Daily Telegraph, 24 June 2015
  4. Fair dealing for satire, but Tintin's not laughing Archived 2015-06-24 at the Wayback Machine, 24 June 2015
  5. Wilson, Peter (2007-06-04). "Leak in the clear over Tintin". Archived from the original on 2007-07-14. Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  6. Cover and page at Sikoryak's site.
  7. "Bucquoy Jan". Archived from the original on 2014-03-09.
  8. "Tintin XXL".
  9. "Teesside Tintin paints the town red on stag do". 22 June 2015.
  10. "Teesside Tin Tin".
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