This is a list of Roman governors of Gallia Belgica. Capital and largest city of Gallia Belgica was Durocortum, modern-day Reims.

Governors during the Principate

  • c. 180-c. 183: Gaius Sabucius Major Caecilianus[3]
  • Between 183 and 186, or 186 and 189: Lucius Calpurnius Proculus
  • Between 200 and 203: Gaius Junius Faustinus Placidus Postumianus
  • Between 200 and 204: Lucius Marius Maximus Perpetuus Aurelianus
  • Between 202 and 209: Lucius Publius Postumus
  • Between 222 and 224: Gaius Julius Apronius Maenius Pius Salamallianus


  1. 1 2 Unless otherwise stated, the names of the praetorian governors from 69 to 100 are taken from Werner Eck, "Jahres- und Provinzialfasten der senatorischen Statthalter von 69/70 bis 138/139", Chiron, 12 (1982), pp. 281-362; 13 (1983), pp. 147-237
  2. Unless otherwise stated, the names of the praetorian governors from 137 to 175 are taken from Géza Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter der Antoninen (Bonn: Rudolf Habelt Verlag, 1977), p. 253
  3. Unless otherwise stated, the names of the praetorian governors from 184 to 224 are taken from Paul Leunissen, Konsuln und Konsulare in der Zeit von Commodus bis Severus Alexander (Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, 1989), pp. 283f
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