National Geographic logo
National Geographic logo

National Geographic is an American magazine that is noted for its cover stories and accompanying photography.[1][2][3] The first photo to appear on the cover of National Geographic was in the July 1959 issue of the magazine.[2] The cover story titled "New Stars for Old Glory" featured the 49-star flag of the United States after Alaska's admission to the Union as a U.S. state,[4] which was signed into law on July 3, 1959 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.[5] The article was written by Lonnelle Aikman,[4] with the photograph captured by B. Anthony Stewart.[6][4]

Throughout the 1960s National Geographic's cover stories showcased global historical events such as the one hundredth Anniversary of the Unification of Italy[7] and America's involvement in the Vietnam War.[8][9] Cover stories included articles written by notable writers such as Jacques Cousteau,[10] Dwight D. Eisenhower,[11] Jane Goodall[12] and Melville Bell Grosvenor.[13] Cover photos were published by notable photographers such as Winfield Parks,[14] Helen and Frank Schreider[15] and twin brothers Frank and John Craighead.[16]

The 1960s saw articles written and photographed at locations around the globe featuring wildlife like the March 1967 issue titled "Snowflake, the World's First White Gorilla", written by Arthur J. Riopelle with a photo on the cover of Snowflake the gorilla,[17] photographed by Paul A. Zahl.[18] Articles featured on the cover of the magazine also included human-interest stories such as "Afghanistan: Crossroads of Conquerors", written and photographed by Thomas J. Abercrombie featuring an Afghan family in the September 1968 issue.[19][20] Many geographical locations were featured including Mount Everest in the October 1963 article "Six to the Summit", written by Norman Dyhrenfurth[21] with photographs by mountaineer Barry C. Bishop.[22]

In the December 1969 issue, astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins wrote the cover story titled "First Explorers on the Moon", writing in detail their account of the Apollo 11 mission and what it was like being the first humans on the Moon. The photo on the cover of the magazine featured a picture taken from space by Armstrong, that of Aldrin in a spacesuit on the surface of the Moon.[23][24]


Only five issues were published in 1959 with photos on the cover.

Titlea Date Author Photographer/artist Imagesb Ref
New Stars for Old Glory July 1959 Lonnelle Aikman B. Anthony Stewart Flag of the United States
Pacific Fleet: Force for Peace September 1959 W.E. Garrett Franc Shor A jet's afterburner
Creatures of Hawaii's Coral Reefs October 1959 Paul A. Zahl Paul A. Zahl Girl gathering Sea urchins
California's Wonderful One November 1959 Frank Cameron B. Anthony Stewart Golden Gate Bridge
New Guinea to Bali in Yankee December 1959 Irving and Electa Johnson W. L. Newton Brigantine Yankee


Titlea Date Author Photographer/artist Imagesb Ref
Little Laos, Next Door to Red China January 1960 Elizabeth Perazic Hannah Herz Laos rice-farmer with water buffalo
Chile, The Long and Narrow Land February 1960 Kip Ross Staff photographerc Chilean man
Fountain of Fire in Hawaii March 1960 Frederick Simpich Jr. Robert B. Goodman Volcano in Hawaii
Diving Saucer Takes to the Deep April 1960 Jacques Cousteau Photographer Diving Saucer
When the President Goes Abroad May 1960 Gilbert M. Grosvenor Gilbert M. Grosvenor Dwight D. Eisenhower
Eternal France June 1960 Walter Meayers Edwards Walter Meayers Edwards Arc de Triomphe
Space Pioneers of NASA July 1960 Allan C. Fisher Jr. Dean Conger Space capsule
Knocking Out Grizzly Bears For Their Own Good August 1960 Frank and John Craighead Frank and John Craighead Grizzly bears
Where Elephants Have the Right of Way September 1960 George and Jinx Rodger George and Jinx Rodgerd Women of Uganda (picture shaped of Africa)
From the Hair of Silva October 1960 Helen and Frank Schreider Helen and Frank Schreider person pryaing at Taj Mahal
The Hummingbirds November 1960 Crawford Greenewalt Crawford Greenewalt Hummingbird
Japan: The Exquisite Enigma December 1960 Franc Shor John Landois Japanese Maiko


Titlea Date Author Photographer/artist Imagesb Ref
Inside the White House January 1961 Lonnelle Aikman B. Anthony Stewart White House
Exploring New Britain's Land of Fire February 1961 E. Thomas Gilliard E. Thomas Gilliard New Guinea native
The Magic Road Round Ireland March 1961 H. V. Morton Robert F. Sisson Irish woman
Witness to a War April 1961 Robert T. Cochran Illustrated London News Battery Wagner
Indonesia: The Young and Troubled Island Nation May 1961 Helen and Frank Schreider Helen and Frank Schreiderd Balinese woman
The city: London's Storied Square Mile June 1961 Allen C. Fisher Melville Bell Grosvenor Grenadier Guards in London, England
From Sea to Shining Sea: A Cross Section of the United States Along Historic Route 40 July 1961 Ralph Gray
  • Ralph Gray
  • Dean Conger
Photomontage of the United States
Report on Laos August 1961 Peter T. White W.E. Garrett Laos children eating noodles
United Nations: Capital of the Family Man September 1961 Adlai E. Stevenson
Headquarters of the United Nations
Mexico in Motion October 1961 Bart McDowell Kip Ross Mexican woman
United Italy Marks its 100th Year November 1961 Nathaniel T. Kenney William Palmstrom Map of Italy
The Kress Collection: A Gift to the Nation December 1961 Guy Emmerson, Litt. D. Samuel Henry Kress collection Madonna art


Titlea Date Author Photographer/artist Imagesb Ref
Florida's Coral City Beneath the Sea January 1962 Jerry Greenberg Jerry Greenberg diver at Coral Reef State Park
Roseate spoonbill – Radiant birds of the gulf coast February 1962 Robert Porter Allen Frederick Kent Truslow Roseate spoonbill
Journey to Outer Mongolia March 1962 William O. Douglas Dean Conger Mongolians
Huzza for Ataheite! April 1962 Luis Marden Luis Marden Bounty (1960 ship)
Australian New Guinea May 1962 John Scofield John Scofield New Guinea tribesman
John Glenn's three orbits in Friendship 7 June 1962 Robert B. Voas Robert C. Maple John Glenn
Tahiti, "Finest Island in the World" July 1962 Luis Marden Luis Marden Tahitian woman
Cape Cod – Where Sea holds Sway Over Man and Land August 1962 Nathaniel T. Kenney Dean Conger Cape Cod map
Brazil, Oba! September 1962 Peter T. White Winfield Parks Copacabana Beach, Brazil
California's City of Angels October 1962 Robert D. Roos Thomas Nebbia Hollywood Boulevard
Helicopter Over South Viet nam November 1962 Dickey Chapelle Dickey Chapelle South Vietnam village on fire
Puerto Rico's Seven-League Bootstraps December 1962 Bart McDowell B. Anthony Stewart Cruise ship Empress


Titlea Date Author Photographer/artist Imagesb Ref
Expeditions of the National Geographic Society 1888–1963 January 1963 Melvin M. Payne Tom Lovell Explorer I
Burma – Gentle Neighbor of India and Red China February 1963 W. Robert Moore W. Robert Moore A Burmese woman dancing
Arizona: Booming Youngster of the West March 1963 Robert De Roos Robert F. Sisson Navajo Herder in Ariozna
Ships Through the Ages: A Saga of the Seas April 1963 Alan Villiers Willem van de Velde HMS Resolution
India: Subcontinent in Crisis May 1963 John Scofield John Scofield Rajasthan woman
Italian Riviera, Land that Winter Forgot June 1963 Howell Walker Howell Walker Portofino, Italy
Athens: Golden Past and Busy Present July 1963 Kenneth F. Weaver Phillip Harrington Parthenon
The Magic Worlds of Walt Disney August 1963 Robert De Roos Thomas Nebbia Girls at Disneyland
Australia: Vigorous Young Nation in the South Seas September 1963 Alan Villiers Robert B. Goodman Australian boat and swimmers
Six to the Summit October 1963 Norman Dyhrenfurth Barry C. Bishop Mount Everest
The Parks in Your Backyard November 1963 Conrad L. Wirth Albert Moldvay Deer at a national park
Triumph of the First Crusade to the Holy land: The Capture of Jerusalem December 1963 Franc Shor Thomas Nebbia Nicaea under siege


Titlea Date Author Photographer/artist Imagesb Ref
The Nation's Capital Revealed as Never Before January 1964 Senator Carl Hayden George F. Mobley U.S. Capitol
The Five Worlds of Peru February 1964 Kenneth F. Weaver Bates Littlehales Native Peruvian baby
How We Plan to Put Men on the Moon March 1964 Hugh Latimer Dryden David Weltzer Gemini spacecraft
At Home in the Sea April 1964 Capt. Jacques-Yves Cousteau Robert B. Goodman Undersea village Red Sea
President Johnson Dedicates the Society's New Headquarters May 1964 Staff writere Bates Littlehales Lyndon B. Johnson at National Geographic Headquarters
Exploring America Underground June 1964 Charles H. Mohr
  • David S. Boyerd
  • Adrian R. Wikerd
Carlsbad Caverns
World's Tallest Tree Discovered July 1964 Melville Bell Grosvenor George F. Mobley Redwood
Para-Explorers Challenge Peru's Unknown Vilcabamba August 1964 G. Brooks Baekeland Peter Gimbel Parachuteer
Ambassadors of Good Will, the Peace Corps: Ecuador September 1964 Rhoda and Earle Brooks David S. Boyer Peace Corps in Ecuador
Cambodia, Indochina's "Neutral" Corner October 1964 Thomas J. Abercrombie Thomas J. Abercrombie Cambodian dancer with mask in front of Angkor Wat
This is the China I Saw November 1964 Jorgen Bisch Jorgen Bisch woman at Peking opera
Jerusalem, My Home December 1964 Bertha Spafford Vester Photographer Doves in Jerusalem


Titlea Date Author Photographer/artist Imagesb Ref
Americans in Action in Vietnam January 1965 Howard Sochurek Howard Sochurek soliders walking in Vietnam War
Four-Ocean Navy in the Nuclear Age February 1965 Thomas W. Mcknew Winfield Parks USS Enterprise
The Changing Face of Old Spain March 1965 Bart McDowell Albert Moldvay Flamenco dancer
Ethiopian Adventure April 1965 Nathaniel T. Kenny James P. Blair Holyman of Ethiopia holding cross
Yankee Cruises the Stored Nile May 1965 Irving and Electa Johnson Winfield Parks sailboat going by Abu Simbel
Moths that Behave Like Hummingbirds June 1965 Treat Davidson Treat Davidson Sphinx moth
Down the Danube by Canoe July 1965 William Slade Backer
  • R. S. Durranced
  • C. G. Knightd
kayakers in front of Budapest building
The Churchill I Knew August 1965 Dwight D. Eisenhower George W. Harris Winston Churchill giving victory symobol
United States Air Force: Power for Peace September 1965 Curtis LeMay Albert Moldvay F-105 Thunderchief
Mustang, Nepal's Lost Kingdom October 1965 Michel Peissel Michel Peissel People of Nepal
I Joined a Sahara Salt Caravan November 1965 Victor Englebert Victor Englebert Veiled Tuareg noble
New Discoveries Among Africa's Chimpanzees December 1965 Jane Goodall Hugo van Lawick Jane Goodall with


Titlea Date Author Photographer/artist Imagesb Ref
Saudi Arabia January 1966 Thomas J. Abercrombie Thomas J. Abercrombie Bedouin on a camel
Flamboyant is the World for Bolivia February 1966 Loren McIntyre Loren McIntyre Bolivian woman collecting food
An American in Moscow March 1966 Thomas S. Hammond Dean Conger Saint Basil's Cathedral
Working for Weeks on the Sea Floor April 1966 Jacques Cousteau Philippe Cousteau Scuba divers in the Medieirtian Sea
California, The Golden Magnet: Natures North May 1966 William Graves Jonathan Blair
One Man's London June 1966 Allan C. Fisher, Jr. James P. Blair Life Guards (UK)
Today and Tomorrow in Our National Parks July 1966 Melville Bell Grosvenor Emory Kristof Woman at Cape Hatteras
900 Years Ago: The Norman Conquest August 1966 Kenneth M. Setton George F. Mobley Norman warrior
The Philippines September 1966 Robert D. Roos Ted Spiegel Bandurria player in Philippines
To Gilbert Grosvenor: A Monthly Monument 25 Miles High October 1966 Frederick G. Vosburgh Staff photographerc Gilbert Grosvenor with binoculars
Marvels of a Coral Realm November 1966 Walter A. Starck II Walter A. Starck II Queen angelfish
Abraham, the Friend of God December 1966 Kenneth McLeish Dean Conger Arab tending sheep


Titlea Date Author Photographer/artist Imagesb Ref
Pakistan: Problems of a two-part land January 1967 Bern Keating Albert Moldvay Pakistani women on a swing
Behind the Headlines in Viet Nam February 1967 Peter T. White Winfield Parks Vietnamese woman
Snowflake, the World's First White Gorilla March 1967 Arthur J. Riopelle Paul A. Zahl Snowflake (gorilla)
The Rhine: Europe's River of Legend April 1967 William Graves Bruce Dale The Rhine
Micronesia-The Americanization of Eden May 1967 David S. Boyer Staff photographerc Micronesian maiden
Illinois: The City and the Plain June 1967 Robert Paull Jordan Bruce Dale Apartment buildings in Chicago
Lake Powell, Waterway to Desert Wonders July 1967 Walter Meayers Edwards Walter Meayers Edwards Lake Powell
Ancient Aphrodisias and it's Marble Treasures August 1967 Kenan T. Erim Jonathan S. Blair Apollo Marble Head
Kayak Odyssey: From the Inland Sea to Tokyo September 1967 Dan Dimancescu Christopher G. knight Deer on Island in Japan
Re-creating Madagascar's Giant Extinct Bird October 1967 Alexander Wetmore Staff photographerc Madagascar statue
Dry-land Fleet Sails the Sahara November 1967 Jean Du Boucher Jonathan S. Blair Land yachts in Sahara Desert
Where Jesus Walked December 1967 Howard LaFay Charles Harbutt Christian followers


Titlea Date Author Photographer/artist Imagesb Ref
In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great January 1968 Helen and Frank Schreider Helen and Frank Schreider Equestrianism in Afghanstian
Sharks: Wolves of the Sea February 1968 Nathaniel T. Kenney Jerry Greenberg Whitetip shark
The Highlands of Scotland March 1968 Author Winfield Parks Highland girl
Viet Nam's Montagnard April 1968 Howard Sochurek Howard Sochurek Montagnard biting fish
New National Park Proposed: The Spectacular North Cascades May 1968 Nathaniel T. Kenney James P. Blair North Cascades
Trek by Mule Among Morocco's Berbers June 1968 Victor Englebert Victor Englebert Children leapfrogging in Morccao
Lombardy's Lakes, Blue Jewels in Italy's Crown July 1968 Franc Shor Joseph J. Scherschel Lake Como
South to Mexico City August 1968 W. E. Garrett W. E. Garrett Day of the Dead
Afghanistan: Crossroads of Conquerors September 1968 Thomas J. Abercrombie Thomas J. Abercrombie Afghan mother and baby
A Teenager Sails the World Alone October 1968 Robin Lee Graham Robin Lee Graham Robin Lee Graham
Queensland: Young Titan of Australia's Tropic North November 1968 Kenneth MacLeish Winfield Parks Australian family on a ranch
The Melong: River of Terror and Hope December 1968 Peter T. White W. E. Garrett Vietnamese children praying


Titlea Date Author Photographer/artist Imagesb Ref
Taiwan: The Watchful Dragon January 1969 Helen and Frank Schreider Helen and Frank Schreiderd Taiwanese rice farmer with water buffalo
Kenya Says: Harambee! February 1969 Allan C. Fisher Jr. Bruce Dale Kenya Elephant
The Magic Lure of Shellfish March 1969 Paul A. Zahl Robert F. Sisson Scallops
World-roaming Teen-ager Sails On April 1969 Robin Lee Graham Robin Lee Graham Robin Lee Graham showering
Abu Simbel's Ancient Temples Reborn May 1969 Georg Gerster Georg Gerster Abu Simbel statue with crane
Deerfield Keeps a Truce With Time June 1969 Bart McDowell Robert W. Madden American boy clapping
Feeding Time for a Cormorant in a San Diego Aquarium July 1969 Allan C. Fisher Jr. James L. Amos Diver at SeaWorld feeding a cormorant
Colorado: The Rockies' Pot of Gold August 1969 Edward J. Linehan James L. Amos Maroon Bells in Colorado
The Friendly Irish September 1969 John Scofield James A. Sugar Irish girl teenager
Adventures With South Africa's Black Eagles October 1969 Jeanne Cowden Arthur Bowland Jeanne Bowland ducking from Black eagle diving
Bali By the Back Roads November 1969
Gilbert M. Grosvenor Indonesian worshipers
First Explorers on the Moon December 1969 Neil A. Armstrong Buzz Aldrin on the Moon

See also


a.^ In some issues of National Geographic, the cover story would have one title on the cover and a different title (with the same meaning) on the headline of the actual article. Titles represented in this list, are taken from the cover and the citation represents the article title found in the table of contents.
b.^ Images could also be a painting or a drawing. Photo credits are found on the inside front cover at the bottom of the page.
c.^ Uncredited photograph
d.^ Two photographers credited, it is not stated which one took the photo
e.^ Uncredited article. Usually a breakout article.
f.^ Photograph not credited in the magazine, but is at the preceding reference[6]


  1. Braverman, Sandra (September 23, 1990). "A Photographic Odyssey". The Boston Globe. p. West 9. Retrieved April 22, 2023 via
  2. 1 2 Dukehart, Coburn (October 1, 2013). "'National Geographic' Celebrates 125 Years Of Photography". Retrieved April 12, 2023.
  3. "National Geographic". Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved April 19, 2023.
  4. 1 2 3 Aikman, Lonnelle (July 1959). "New Stars for Old Glory". National Geographic. Vol. 116, no. 1. p. 86.
  5. Powers, Sara (January 3, 2023). "This day in history: Alaska becomes 49th state in 1959". CBS Detroit. Retrieved April 10, 2023.
  6. 1 2 "July 1959-First Photograph Appears on the Cover". National Geographic. Archived from the original on April 19, 2021. Retrieved April 12, 2023.
  7. 1 2 Kenney, Nathaniel T. (November 1961). "United Italy Marks its 100th Year". National Geographic. Vol. 120, no. 5. p. 593.
  8. 1 2 Chapelle, Dickey (November 1962). "Helicopter Over South Viet nam". National Geographic. Vol. 122, no. 5. p. 723.
  9. Staff writer (June 25, 2018). "Wilbur's Vietnam: 1960s Saigon Through the Lens of a Famed National Geographic Editor". Saigoneer. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Retrieved April 13, 2023.
  10. 1 2 Cousteau, Jacques-Yves (April 1960). "Diving Saucer Takes to the Deep". National Geographic. Vol. 117, no. 4. p. 571.
  11. 1 2 Eisenhower, Dwight D. (August 1965). "The Churchill I Knew". National Geographic. Vol. 128, no. 2. p. 153.
  12. 1 2 Lawick-Goodall, Baroness Jane van (December 1965). "New Discoveries Among Africa's Chimpanzees". National Geographic. Vol. 128, no. 6. p. 802.
  13. 1 2 Grosvenor, Melville Bell (July 1966). "Today and Tomorrow in Our National Parks". National Geographic. Vol. 130, no. 1. p. 1.
  14. 1 2 Parks, Winfield (February 1965). "Four-Ocean Navy in the Nuclear Age". National Geographic. Vol. 127, no. 2. p. 145.
  15. 1 2 Schreider, Helen; Schreider, Frank (October 1960). "From the Hair of Silva". National Geographic. Vol. 118, no. 4. p. 445.
  16. 1 2 Craighead, Frank; Craighead, John (August 1960). "Knocking Out Grizzly Bears For Their Own Good". National Geographic. Vol. 118, no. 2. p. 276.
  17. "Snowflake". Barcelona Zoo. Retrieved April 12, 2023.
  18. 1 2 Riopelle, Arthur J. (March 1967). "Snowflake, the World's First White Gorilla". National Geographic. Vol. 131, no. 3. p. 442.
  19. 1 2 Abercrombie, Thomas J. (September 1968). "Afghanistan: Crossroads of Conquerors". National Geographic. Vol. 134, no. 3. p. 297.
  20. "Not Single Bridge Spans Rivers Between Soviet, Afghanistan". The Monitor. McAllen, Texas. October 21, 1968. p. 6. Retrieved April 13, 2023 via
  21. Chan, Sewell (September 27, 2017). "Norman Dyhrenfurth, 99, Dies; Led First U.S. Team to Reach Top of Everest". The New York Times. Retrieved April 12, 2023.
  22. 1 2 Dyhrenfurth, Norman (October 1963). "Six to the Summit". National Geographic. Vol. 124, no. 4. p. 460.
  23. Armstrong, Neil A.; Aldrin, Edwin E.; Collins, Michael (December 1969). "First Explorers on the Moon". National Geographic. Vol. 136, no. 6. p. 735.
  24. "National Geographic National Geographic [Vol. 136, No. 6, December 1969]". Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. Retrieved April 12, 2023.
  25. Aikman, Lonnelle (July 1959). "New Stars for Old Glory". National Geographic. Vol. 116, no. 1. p. 86.f
  26. W.E., Garrett (September 1959). "Pacific Fleet: Force for Peace". National Geographic. Vol. 116, no. 3. p. 283.
  27. Zahl, Paul A. (October 1959). "Creatures of Hawaii's Coral Reefs". National Geographic. Vol. 116, no. 4. p. 510.
  28. Cameron, Frank (November 1959). "California's Wonderful One". National Geographic. Vol. 116, no. 5. p. 571.
  29. Johnson, Irving; Johnson, Electa (December 1959). "New Guinea to Bali in Yankee". National Geographic. Vol. 116, no. 6. p. 767.
  30. Perazic, Elizabeth (January 1960). "Little Laos, Next Door to Red China". National Geographic. Vol. 117, no. 1. p. 46.
  31. "Chile, The Long and Narrow Land". National Geographic. Vol. 117, no. 2. February 1960. p. 185.
  32. Simpich, Frederick (March 1960). "Fountain of Fire in Hawaii". National Geographic. Vol. 117, no. 3. p. 303.
  33. Grosvenor, Gilbert M. (May 1960). "When the President Goes Abroad". National Geographic. Vol. 117, no. 5. p. 588.
  34. Edwards, Walter M. (June 1960). "Eternal France". National Geographic. Vol. 117, no. 6. p. 725.
  35. Fisher, Allan C. (July 1960). "Space Pioneers of NASA". National Geographic. Vol. 118, no. 1. p. 48.
  36. Rodger, George; Rodger, Jinx (September 1960). "Where Elephants Have the Right of Way". National Geographic. Vol. 118, no. 3. p. 363.
  37. Greenewalt, Crawford (November 1960). "The Hummingbirds". National Geographic. Vol. 118, no. 5. p. 658.
  38. Shor, Franc (December 1960). "Japan: The Exquisite Enigma". National Geographic. Vol. 118, no. 6. p. 733.
  39. Aikman, Lonnelle (January 1961). "Inside the White House". National Geographic. Vol. 119, no. 1. p. 3.
  40. Gilliard, E. Thomas (February 1961). "Exploring New Britain's Land of Fire". National Geographic. Vol. 119, no. 2. p. 261.
  41. Morton, H. V. (March 1961). "The Magic Road Round Ireland". National Geographic. Vol. 119, no. 3. p. 293.
  42. Cochran, Robert T. (April 1961). "Witness to a War". National Geographic. Vol. 119, no. 4. p. 453.
  43. Schreider, Helen; Schreider, Frank (May 1961). "Indonesia: The Young and Troubled Island Nation". National Geographic. Vol. 119, no. 5. p. 579.
  44. Fisher, Allen C. (June 1961). "The City: London's Storied Square Mile". National Geographic. Vol. 119, no. 6. p. 735.
  45. Gray, Ralph (July 1961). "From Sea to Shining Sea: A Cross Section of the United States Along Historic Route 40". National Geographic. Vol. 120, no. 1. p. 1.
  46. White, Peter T. (August 1961). "Report on Laos". National Geographic. Vol. 120, no. 2. p. 241.
  47. Stevenson, Adlai (September 1961). "United Nations: Capital of the Family Man". National Geographic. Vol. 120, no. 3. p. 297.
  48. McDowell, Bart (October 1961). "Mexico in Motion". National Geographic. Vol. 120, no. 4. p. 490.
  49. Emmerson, Guy (December 1961). "The Kress Collection: A Gift to the Nation". National Geographic. Vol. 120, no. 6. p. 823.
  50. Greenberg, Jerry (January 1962). "Florida's Coral City Beneath the Sea". National Geographic. Vol. 121, no. 1. p. 70.
  51. Allen, Robert Porter (February 1962). "Roseate spoonbill – Radiant birds of the gulf coast". National Geographic. Vol. 121, no. 2. p. 274.
  52. William O., Douglas (March 1962). "Journey to Outer Mongolia". National Geographic. Vol. 121, no. 3. p. 289.
  53. Marden, Luis (April 1962). "Huzza for Ataheite!". National Geographic. Vol. 121, no. 4. p. 435.
  54. Scofield, John (May 1962). "Australian New Guinea". National Geographic. Vol. 121, no. 5. p. 583.
  55. Voas, Robert B. (June 1962). "John Glenn's three orbits in Friendship 7". National Geographic. Vol. 121, no. 6. p. 792.
  56. Marden, Luis (July 1962). "Tahiti, 'Finest Island in the World'". National Geographic. Vol. 122, no. 1. p. 1.
  57. Kenney, Nathaniel T. (August 1962). "Cape Cod – Where Sea holds Sway Over Man and Land". National Geographic. Vol. 122, no. 2. p. 149.
  58. White, Peter T. (September 1962). "Brazil, Oba!". National Geographic. Vol. 122, no. 3. p. 299.
  59. Roos, Robert D. (October 1962). "California's City of Angels". National Geographic. Vol. 122, no. 4. p. 451.
  60. McDowell, Bart (December 1962). "Puerto Rico's Seven-League Bootstraps". National Geographic. Vol. 122, no. 6. p. 755.
  61. Payne, Melvin M. (January 1963). "Expeditions of the National Geographic Society". National Geographic. Vol. 123, no. 1. p. 10.
  62. Moore, W. Robert (February 1963). "Burma – Gentle Neighbor of India and Red China". National Geographic. Vol. 123, no. 2. p. 153.
  63. De Roos, Robert (March 1963). "Arizona: Booming Youngster of the West". National Geographic. Vol. 123, no. 3. p. 299.
  64. Villiers, Alan (April 1963). "Ships Through the Ages: A Saga of the Seas". National Geographic. Vol. 123, no. 4. p. 494.
  65. Scofield, John (May 1963). "India: Subcontinent in Crisis". National Geographic. Vol. 123, no. 5. p. 599.
  66. Walker, Howell (June 1963). "Italian Riviera, Land that Winter Forgot". National Geographic. Vol. 123, no. 6. p. 743.
  67. Harrington, Phillip (July 1963). "Athens: Golden Past and Busy Present". National Geographic. Vol. 124, no. 1. p. 100.
  68. De Roos, Robert (August 1963). "The Magic Worlds of Walt Disney". National Geographic. Vol. 124, no. 2. p. 159.
  69. Villiers, Alan (September 1963). "Australia: Vigorous Young Nation in the South Seas". National Geographic. Vol. 123, no. 3. p. 309.
  70. Wirth, Conrad L. (November 1963). "The Parks in Your Backyard". National Geographic. Vol. 124, no. 5. p. 647.
  71. Shor, Franc Shor (December 1963). "Triumph of the First Crusade to the Holy land: The Capture of Jerusalem". National Geographic. Vol. 124, no. 6. p. 839.
  72. Hayden, Carl (January 1964). "The Nation's Capital Revealed as Never Before". National Geographic. Vol. 126, no. 1. p. 1.
  73. Weaver, Kenneth F. (February 1964). "The Five Worlds of Peru". National Geographic. Vol. 126, no. 2. p. 213.
  74. Dryden, Hugh Latimer (March 1964). "How We Plan to Put Men on the Moon". National Geographic. Vol. 126, no. 3. p. 356.
  75. Cousteau, Jacques-Yves (April 1964). "At Home in the Sea". National Geographic. Vol. 126, no. 4. p. At Home in the Sea.
  76. Staff writer (May 1964). "President Johnson Dedicates the Society's New Headquarters". National Geographic. Vol. 126, no. 5. p. 668.
  77. Mohr, Charles (June 1964). "Exploring America Underground". National Geographic. Vol. 126, no. 6. p. 803.
  78. Grosvenor, Melville Bell (July 1964). "World's Tallest Tree Discovered". National Geographic. Vol. 127, no. 1. p. 1.
  79. Gimbel, Peter (August 1964). "Para-Explorers Challenge Peru's Unknown Vilcabamba". National Geographic. Vol. 127, no. 2. p. 268.
  80. Brooks, Rhoda; Brooks, Earl (September 1964). "Ambassadors of Good Will, the Peace Corps: Ecuador". National Geographic. Vol. 127, no. 3. p. 338.
  81. Abercrombie, Thomas J. (October 1964). "Tokyo, the Peaceful Explosion". National Geographic. Vol. 127, no. 4. p. 445.
  82. Bisch, Jorgen (November 1964). "This is the China I Saw". National Geographic. Vol. 127, no. 5. p. 591.
  83. Spafford Vester, Bertha (December 1964). "Jerusalem, My Home". National Geographic. Vol. 127, no. 6. p. 826.
  84. Sochurek, Howard (January 1965). "Americans in Action in Vietnam". National Geographic. Vol. 127, no. 1. p. 38.
  85. McDowell, Bart (March 1965). "The Changing Face of Old Spain". National Geographic. Vol. 127, no. 3. p. 291.
  86. Kenny, Nathaniel T. (April 1965). "Ethiopian Adventure". National Geographic. Vol. 127, no. 4. p. 548.
  87. Johnson, Irving; Johnson, Electa (May 1965). "Yankee Cruises the Stored Nile". National Geographic. Vol. 127, no. 5. p. 583.
  88. Treat, Davidson (June 1965). "Moths that Behave Like Hummingbirds". National Geographic. Vol. 127, no. 6. p. 773.
  89. Backer, William Slade (July 1965). "Down the Danube by Canoe". National Geographic. Vol. 128, no. 1. p. 34.
  90. LeMay, Curtis (September 1965). "United States Air force: Power for Peace". National Geographic. Vol. 128, no. 3. p. 291.
  91. Peissel, Michel (October 1965). "Mustang, Nepal's Lost Kingdom". National Geographic. Vol. 128, no. 4. p. 579.
  92. Englebert, Victor (November 1965). "I Joined a Sahara Salt Caravan". National Geographic. Vol. 128, no. 5. p. 694.
  93. Abercrombie, Thomas J. (January 1966). "Saudi Arabia". National Geographic. Vol. 129, no. 1. p. 1.
  94. McIntyre, Loren (February 1966). "Flamboyant is the World for Bolivia". National Geographic. Vol. 129, no. 2. p. 153.
  95. Hammond, Thomas S. (March 1966). "An American in Moscow". National Geographic. Vol. 129, no. 3. p. 297.
  96. Cousteau, Jacques-Yves (April 1966). "Working for Weeks on the Sae Floor". National Geographic. Vol. 129, no. 4. p. 498.
  97. Graves, William (May 1966). "California, The Golden Magnet: Natures North". National Geographic. Vol. 129, no. 5. p. 640.
  98. Fisher, Allan C. (June 1966). "One Man's London". National Geographic. Vol. 129, no. 6. p. 743.
  99. Setton, Kenneth M. (August 1966). "900 Years Ago: The Norman Conquest". National Geographic. Vol. 130, no. 2. p. 206.
  100. Roos, Robert D. (September 1966). "The Philippines". National Geographic. Vol. 130, no. 3. p. 301.
  101. Vosburgh, Frederick G. (October 1966). "To Gilbert Grosvenor: A Monthly Monument 25 Miles High". National Geographic. Vol. 130, no. 4. p. 445.
  102. Starck, Walter A. (November 1966). "Marvels of a Coral Realm". National Geographic. Vol. 130, no. 5. p. 710.
  103. McLeish, Kenneth (December 1966). "Abraham, the Friend of God". National Geographic. Vol. 130, no. 6. p. 739.
  104. Keating, Bern (January 1967). "Pakistan: Problems of a two-part land". National Geographic. Vol. 131, no. 1. p. 1.
  105. White, Peter T. (February 1967). "Behind the Headlines in Viet Nam". National Geographic. Vol. 131, no. 2. p. 149.
  106. Graves, William (April 1967). "The Rhine: Europe's River of Legend". National Geographic. Vol. 131, no. 4. p. 449.
  107. Boyer, David S. (May 1967). "Micronesia-The Americanization of Eden". National Geographic. Vol. 131, no. 5.
  108. Jordan, Robert Paull (June 1967). "Illinois: The City and the Plain". National Geographic. Vol. 131, no. 6. p. 765.
  109. Edwards, Walter Meayers (July 1967). "Lake Powell, Waterway to Desert Wonders". National Geographic. Vol. 132, no. 1. p. 44.
  110. Erim, Kenan T. (August 1967). "Ancient Aphrodisias and it's Marble Treasures". National Geographic. Vol. 132, no. 2. p. 280.
  111. Dimancescu, Dan (September 1967). "Kayak Odyssey: From the Inland Sea to Tokyo". National Geographic. Vol. 132, no. 3. p. 295.
  112. Wetmore, Alexander (October 1967). "Re-creating Madagascar's Giant Extinct Bird". National Geographic. Vol. 132, no. 4. p. 489.
  113. Boucher, Jean Du (November 1967). "Dry-land Fleet Sails the Sahara". National Geographic. Vol. 132, no. 5. p. 696.
  114. LaFay, Howard (December 1967). "Where Jesus Walked". National Geographic. Vol. 132, no. 6. p. 739.
  115. Schreide, Helen; Schreide, Frank (January 1968). "In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great". National Geographic. Vol. 133, no. 1. p. 1.
  116. Kenney, Nathaniel T. (February 1968). "Sharks: Wolves of the Sea". National Geographic. Vol. 133, no. 2. p. 222.
  117. "The Highlands of Scotland". National Geographic. Vol. 133, no. 3. March 1968. p. 398.
  118. Sochurek, Howard (April 1968). "Viet Nam's Montagnard". National Geographic. Vol. 133, no. 4. p. 443.
  119. Kenney, Nathaniel T. (May 1968). "New National Park Proposed: The Spectacular North Cascades". National Geographic. Vol. 133, no. 5. p. 642.
  120. Englebert, Victor (June 1968). "Trek by Mule Among Morocco's Berbers". National Geographic. Vol. 133, no. 6. p. 850.
  121. Shor, Franc (July 1968). "Lombardy's Lakes, Blue Jewels in Italy's Crown". National Geographic. Vol. 134, no. 1. p. 58.
  122. Garrett, W. E. (August 1968). "South to Mexico City". National Geographic. Vol. 134, no. 2. p. 145.
  123. Graham, Robin Lee (October 1968). "A Teenager Sails the World Alone". National Geographic. Vol. 134, no. 4. p. 445.
  124. MacLeish, Kenneth (November 1968). "Queensland: Young Titan of Australia's Tropic North". National Geographic. Vol. 134, no. 5.
  125. White, Peter T. (December 1968). "The Melong: River of Terror and Hope". National Geographic. Vol. 134, no. 6. p. 737.
  126. Schreide, Helen; Schreide, Frank (January 1969). "Taiwan: The Watchful Dragon". National Geographic. Vol. 135, no. 1. p. 1.
  127. Fisher Jr., Allan C. (February 1969). "Kenya Says: Harambee!". National Geographic. Vol. 135, no. 2. p. 151.
  128. Zahl, Paul A. (March 1969). "The Magic Lure of Shellfish". National Geographic. Vol. 135, no. 3. p. 386.
  129. Graham, Robin Lee (April 1969). "World-roaming Teen-ager Sails On". National Geographic. Vol. 135, no. 4. p. 449.
  130. Gerster, Georg (May 1969). "Abu Simbel's Ancient Temples Reborn". National Geographic. Vol. 135, no. 5. p. 724.
  131. McDowell, Bart (June 1969). "Deerfield Keeps a Truce With Time". National Geographic. Vol. 135, no. 6. p. 780.
  132. Fisher Jr., Allan C. (July 1969). "Feeding Time for a Cormorant in a San Diego Aquarium". National Geographic. Vol. 136, no. 1. p. 114.
  133. Linehan, Edward J. (August 1969). "Colorado: The Rockies' Pot of Gold". National Geographic. Vol. 136, no. 2. p. 157.
  134. Scofield, John (September 1969). "The Friendly Irish". National Geographic. Vol. 136, no. 3. p. 354.
  135. Cowden, Jeanne (October 1969). "Adventures With South Africa's Black Eagles". National Geographic. Vol. 136, no. 4. p. 532.
  136. Grosvenor, Donna K.; Grosvenor, Gilbert M. (November 1969). "Bali By the Back Roads". National Geographic. Vol. 136, no. 5. p. 657.
  137. Armstrong, Neil A.; Aldrin, Edwin E.; Collins, Michael (December 1969). "Man Walks on Another World". National Geographic. Vol. 136, no. 6. p. 738.
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