The following is an alphabetical list of Greek and Latin roots, stems, and prefixes commonly used in the English language from H to O. See also the lists from A to G and from P to Z.

Some of those used in medicine and medical technology are not listed here but instead in the entry for List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes.


Note that root groups such as "ad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, am-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-" are collated under the head item (first item listed), which is sometimes followed by alternative roots that might have collated earlier in the table had they been listed separately (in this example, "a-" and "ac-").

Roots H–O

Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


RootMeaning in EnglishOrigin languageEtymology (root origin)English examples
hab-, -hib-, habit-, -hibit-haveLatinhabere "to have", habitus "habit", habitare "to live (reside)"ability, able, debenture, debile, debilitate, debility, debit, debitor, debt, debtor, devoir, disability, disable, disenable, disinhibit, disinhibition, due, duty, enable, enablement, endeavor, exhibit, exhibition, exhibitor, habeas corpus, habendum, habenula, habile, habilitate, hability, habit, habitable, habitance, habitant, habitat, habitation, habitator, habitual, habituate, habituation, habitude, habitudinal, inability, indubitable, inhabile, inhabit, inhabitable, inhabitant, inhabitation, inhibit, inhibition, inhibitory, nonhabitual, prebend, prebendary, prohibit, prohibition, prohibitive, prohibitory, provender, rehabilitant, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, rehabilitative, rehabilitator
hadr-[1]thickGreekἁδρός (hadrós)Hadrocodium, Hadromys, hadron, Hadropithecus, hadrosaur, hadrosaurid
haem-, hem-[2]bloodGreekαἷμα, αἵματος (haîma, haímatos)anaemia, anemia, haematemesis, haematopoiesis, haematuria, haemochromatosis, haemophilia, haemophobia, haemoptysis, haemorrhage, haemorrhoid, haemosiderosis, haemostatic, hematocrit, hematogenesis, hematoma, hematophagous, hematophagy, hematopoiesis, hematopoietic, hematuria, hemocoel, hemocyte, hemoglobin, hemoglobinuria, hemophagy, hemophilia, hemophiliac, hemoptysis, hemorrhage, hemorrhagic, hemorrhea, hemorrhoid, hemorrhoidectomy, hemosiderin, hemosiderosis, hemostat, hemotherapy, hyperaemia, hyperemia, hyphaema, hyphema, methemoglobin, methemoglobinemia, microhematuria, microhemorrhage, polycythaemia
haere-[3]choose, takeGreekαἱρεῖν (haireîn), αἱρεῖσθαι (haireîsthai), αἱρετός (hairetós), αἱρετικός (hairetikós), αἵρεσις (haíresis)aphaeresis, diaeresis, heresiarch, heresy, heretic, plasmapheresis, synaeresis, syneresis
hal-[4]saltGreekἅλς, ἁλός (háls, halós),
ἅλινος (hálinos)
halide, halieutic, halite, halochromic, halochromism, halogen, halomancy, halophile, halophyte, oxohalide, thermohaline
hal-, -hel-breatheLatinhalare, halatusanhelation, anhele, anhelous, exhalable, exhalant, exhalation, exhale, halitus, inhalable, inhalant, inhalation, inhale
hapl-[5]simple, singleGreekἁπλοῦς (haploûs), ἅπλωσις (háplōsis), ἅπλωμα (háplōma)haplochromine, haplodiploid, haplodiploidy, haplography, haploid, haplology, haplont, haplontic, haplophase, haplopia, haplosis, haplotype
haur-, haust-drawLatinhaurire, haustusexhaust, exhaustible, exhaustion, exhaustive, hauriant, haurient, haustellate, haustellum, haustorium, haustrum, inexhaustible, nonexhaustive
heb- [6]youthGreekἥβη (hḗbē), ἡβητικός (hēbētikós), ἔφηβος (éphēbos), ἡβᾶν (hēbân), ἡβάσκω, ἡβητής (hēbētḗs)ephebeum, ephebia, ephebiatrics, ephebic, ephebiphobia, ephebophilia, ephebos, hebephilia, hebephobia, hebephrenia, hebetic, hebiatrics, hebophile, hebophilia
hed-[7] (ΕΔ)sitGreekἕδος, ἕδεος (hédos, hédeos), ἕδρα (hédra), ἕζεσθαι (hézesthai)cathedra, chair, dodecahedron, dodecahemidodecahedron, endohedric, ephedra, exedra, hemipolyhedron, hexahedron, octahedron, pentahedroid, pentahedron, polyhedron, pyritohedron, rhombohedron, sanhedrin, synedrion, tetrahedroid, trapezohedron, trisoctahedron
hed-[8]pleasant, sweetGreekἥδεσθαι, ἡδόμενον, ἡδύς (hēdómenon, hēdús), ἡδύτης, σϝηδύς, ἡδονή (hēdonḗ)anhedonia, anhedonic, hedonics, hedonism, hedonist, hedonistic, hedonology, hyphedonia
heg-[9]leadGreekἄγω, ἡγεῖσθαι (hēgeîsthai), ἡγούμενος (hēgoúmenos), ἡγεμών (hēgemṓn), ἡγεμονία, ἡγεμονικόςdiegesis, diegetic, eisegesis, exegesis, exegete, exegetic, hegemon, hegemonic, hegemony, hegumen, hypodiegetic, metadiegetic, protohegumen
heli-[10]sunGreekἥλιος (hḗlios)aphelion, heliocentric, heliocentrism, heliodor, heliograph, heliolatry, heliomania, heliometer, heliopause, Heliophila, heliophobia, heliophyte, Helios, helioscope, heliosphere, heliostat, heliotherapy, heliotrope, heliotropic, heliotropism, helium, parhelion, perihelion
helic-[11]something twisted or spiralGreekϝελίσσω, ἑλίσσειν (helíssein), ἕλιξ, ἕλικος (hélix, hélikos), ἕλιξις, ἕλιγμα (hélixis, héligma), (helikoeidḗs)anthelix, antihelix, helicine, helicograph, helicoid, helicopter, helicospore, helix
Hell-[12]Greece, HellasGreekἙλλάς, ἑλλάδος (Hellás, helládos)Helladic, Hellenic, Hellenism, Hellenistic
helminth-[13]wormGreekἕλμινς, ἕλμινθος (hélmins, hélminthos)anthelmintic, antihelminthic, helminth, helminthic, helminthoid
helot-[14]enslavedGreekΕἵλως, Εἵλωτος, ΕἱλώτηςHelot, helotism, helotry
hemer-[15]dayGreekἡμέρα (hēméra)Decameron, ephemeral, ephemeris, ephemeron, ephemerous, hemeralopia
hemer-[16]tameGreekἥμερος (hḗmeros), ἡμερότης (hēmerótēs)hemeroby, hemerochora, hemerophile
hemi-halfGreekἥμισυς (hḗmisus)anhemitonic, hemiballismus, hemicryptophyte, hemicube, hemicycle, hemidesmosome, hemimelia, hemimetabolic, hemimetabolism, hemimetaboly, hemiparesis, hemiplegia, hemipolyhedron, hemisphere, hemitonic
hen-oneGreekἕν (hén), ἑνάς, ἑνάδος (henás, henádos), ἕνωσις (hénōsis)enosis, enotikon, henad, hendiadys, henotheism, hyphen
hendec-[17]elevenGreekἕνδεκα (héndeka)hendecagon, hendecagram, hendecagrammic, hendecane, hendecasyllabic, hendecasyllable hendecahedron
hepat-[18]liverGreekἧπαρ, ἥπατος (hêpar, hḗpatos), ἡπατικός (hēpatikós)heparin, hepatic, hepatitis, hepatocyte, hepatology, hepatomancy, hepatoscopy, hepatotoxic, hepatotoxin, hepatotropic
hept-[19]sevenGreekἑπτά (heptá)heptachord, heptagon, heptagram, heptagraph, heptahedron, heptamer, heptameric, heptameter, Heptateuch, heptathlete, heptathlon, heptatonic, heptode
her-, heir-heirLatinheres (genitive heredis)heir, heiress, hereditary, heredity, heritage, inherit
here-, hes-cling, stickLatinhaerere, haesusadhere, adherence, adherend, adherent, adhesion, adhesive, cohere, coherence, coherent, cohesion, cohesive, decoherence, hesitancy, hesitant, hesitate, hesitation, hesitator, incoherent, inhere, inherency, inherent, inhesion, nonadherence, nonadherent, nonadhesive
herald-messenger, envoyLatinheraldusherald, heraldic, heraldry
herb-grassLatinherbaherbal, herbicide, herbivore
heres-, heret-[3]choose, takeGreekαἱρεῖν (haireîn) "to take, choose"heresy, heretic, heretical
herm-[20]HermesGreekἙρμῆς (Hermês)herm, hermaphrodite, hermetic
hermeneu-[21]interpret, explainGreekἑρμηνεύς (hermēneús), ἑρμηνεύω (hermēneúō), ἑρμηνευτικός (hermēneutikós), ἑρμήνευσις, ἑρμήνευμαhermeneutic, hermeneutics
hero-[22]heroGreekἥρως, ἥρωος (hḗrōs, hḗrōos), ἡρωίνη (hērōínē), ἡρωϊκός (hērōïkós), ἡρωϊσμός (hērōïsmós)antihero, hero, heroic, heroine, heroism
herp-[23]creepGreekἕρπειν (hérpein), ἕρπης, ἕρπητος (hérpēs, hérpētos)herpes, herpetology
heter-[24]different, otherGreekἕτερος (héteros)heterochromatin, heterodox, heterodoxy, heterogeneity, heterogeneous, heterophobia, heterosexuality, heterosexual, heterosis, heterotic
heur-[25]findGreekεὑρίσκειν (heurískein), εὕρηκα (heúrēka), εὕρημα (heúrēma)eureka, heuristic, metaheuristic
hex-[26]sixGreekἕξ (héx), ἑξάς, ἑξάδος (hexás, hexádos)hexachord, hexad, hexadic, hexagon, hexagram, hexahedron, hexamer, hexamerous, hexameter, hexapod, hexastyle, hexasyllabic, Hexateuch, hexatonic, hexode, tetrahemihexahedron
hi-gapeLatinhiaredehisce, dehiscence, dehiscent, hiatal, hiatus, indehiscence, indehiscent, inhiation
hibern-wintryLatinhibernushibernacle, hibernaculum, hibernal, hibernate, hibernation, hibernator
hidrot-[27]sweatGreekἱδρώς, ἱδρῶτος (hidrṓs, hidrōtos), ἱδροῦν (hidroûn), ἵδρωσις (hídrōsis)anhidrosis, dyshidrosis, dyshidrotic, hematidrosis, hidrocystoma, hidropoiesis, hidroschesis, hidrosis, hidrotic, hyperhidrosis, hypohidrosis
hier-[28]holy, sacredGreekἱερός (hierós)hierarch, hierarchy, hieratic, hierocracy, hierodeacon, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic, hierogram, hierolatry, hieromonk, hierurgy
hipp-[29]horseGreekἵππος (híppos)ephippium, hippeis, hippocampus, hippodrome, hippology, Hippolyte, hippomancy, hippophagy, hippophile, hippophobia, hippopotamus, parahippocampus
hirsut-hairyLatinhirtus, hirsutushirsute, hirsutulous
hispid-bristlyLatinhispidushispidity, hispidulous
histri-actorLatinhistrio, histrionishistrionic
hod-[30]wayGreekὁδός (hodós)anode, cathode, diode, electrode, episode, ergodic, exodos, exodus, heptode, herpolhode, hodograph, hodology, hodometer, hodonym, hodophobia, hodoscope, hydathode, method, methodic, Methodism, Methodist, methodology, octode, parodos, pentode, period, periodic, synod, tetrode, triode
hol-[31]wholeGreekὅλος (hólos), ὁλικός (holikós)catholic, holiatry, holism, holistic, holography, holomorphic, holonomy
hom-[32]sameGreekὁμός (homós)homiletic, homily, homogeneous, homograph, homologous, homology, homomorphism, homonym, homophobia, homophone, homosexual, homozygous
homal-[33]even, flatGreekὁμαλός (homalós) "even", from ὁμός (homós) "same"anomalous, anomaly
homin-humanLatinhomo, hominisad hominem, bonhomie, homage, hombre, homicide, hominid, homuncular, homunculus, human, humane, humanitarian, humanity, inhuman, inhumane, inhumanity, Nemo, nonhuman, omber, ombre, prehuman, subhuman, superhuman, transhuman
homoe-, home-[34]like, similarGreekὅμοιος (hómoios), ὁμοῖος, ὁμοιότηςhomeomorphism, homeopathy, homeostasis, homeothermy, homoeopathy, homoiotherm, homoiothermic
honor-esteemLatinhonos, honorisdishonor, dishonorable, honorable, honorand, honorarium, honorary, honoree, honorific
hor-[35]boundaryGreekὅρος (hóros), ὁρίζειν (horízein)aorist, aphorism, aphorismus, aphorize, diorite, horizon, horopter, horotelic
hor-[36]hourGreekὥρα (hṓra)horologist, horology, horometry, horoscope
horm-[37]that which excitesGreekὁρμᾶν, ὁρμεῖν (hormân, hormeîn), ὁρμή (hormḗ), ὅρμησις (hórmēsis), ὁρμῶν (hormôn)horme, hormephobia, hormesis, hormetic, hormic, hormone
hort-gardenLatinhortus, hortiantecourt, cohort, cortege, court, courteous, courtesan, courtesy, courtier, curtain, curtilage, Curtis, discourteous, discourtesy, frontcourt, horticultural, horticulture
hospit-hostLatinhospes, hospitisco-host, hospice, hospitable, hospital, hospitality, host, hostal, hostel, hosteler, hostler, hotel, hotelier, inhospitable, inhospitality
host-enemyLatinhostishost, hostile, hostility
hum-groundLatinhumus, humaredisinhume, exhumation, exhume, humate, humation, humble, humic, humicolous, humiliate, humiliation, humility, humus, inhumation, inhume
hyal-[38]glassGreekὕαλος (húalos)hyaline, hyaloid
hybr-[39]wantonnessGreekὕβρις (húbris), ὑβρίζω, ὕβριστος, ὑβριστικός (hubrízō, húbristos, hubristikós), ὑβρισμός, ὕβρισμα, ὑβριστήςhubris, hubristic, hybris, hybristic
hydn-[40]truffleGreekὕδνον (húdnon)hydnoid, Hydnum
hydr-[41]waterGreekὕδωρ, ὕδατος (húdōr, húdatos), ὕδρα (húdra)clepsydra, dehydrate, hydathode, hydatid, hydatidosis, hydra, hydrant, hydrate, hydraulic, hydraulics, hydrochloric, hydrodynamics, hydroelectric, hydrogen, hydrologist, hydrology, hydrolysis, hydromancy, hydrophile, hydrophilic, hydrophily, hydrophobia, hydrophobic, hydroponic, hydrosphere, hydrostat, hydrostatic, hydrothermic, hydrous, hydrozoa, polyhydric
hygie-[42]healthyGreekὑγιής (hugiḗs), ὑγίεια (hugíeia), ὑγιεινός (hugieinós), ὑγιάζεινHygieia, hygiene, hygienic, hygienics, hygienist
hygr-[43]wetGreekὑγρός (hugrós)hygric, hygroma, hygrometer
hymen-[44]skin or membraneGreekὑμήν, ὑμένος (humḗn, huménos)hymen, hymenium, hymenomycete, hymenophore, hymenoplasty, Hymenoptera, hymenorrhaphy, hymenotomy
hyo-U-shapedGreekὑοειδής (huoeidḗs)hyoid, hyostyly
hyp-, hypo-[45]under , belowGreekὑπό (hupó)hyphen, hypoallergenic, hypodermic, hypogene, hypothermia, hypothesis, hypotonic, hypoxemia, hypoxia
hyper-[46]above, overGreekὑπέρ (hupér)hyper, hyperbaric, hyperbola, hyperbole, Hyperion, hyperlink, hyperoxia, hyperpyrexia, hyperthermia, hypertonic
hyph-[47]weaveGreekὑφαίνειν (huphaínein), ὕφασμα, ὑφή (huphḗ) "web"hypha, hyphomycete, hyphopodium
hypn-[48]sleepGreekὕπνος (húpnos)hypnagogia, hypnagogic, hypnolepsy, hypnophobia, hypnopompia, hypnopompic, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnotic, hypnotist, hypnotize
hyps-heightGreekὕψι, ὕψιστος, ὕψος (húpsos), ὑψοῦ, ὑψόθενhypsography, hypsometer, hypsophobia
hys-[49]hogGreekὗς (hûs), ὕαινα (húaina)hyena, hyenoid
hyster-[50]wombGreekὑστέρα (hustéra)hysteralgia, hysteratresia, hysterectomy, hysteria, hysteric, hysterosalpingography
hyster-[51]laterGreekὑστερεῖν (hustereîn), ὕστερος (hústeros), ὑστέρησις (hustérēsis), ὑστέρημα (hustérēma)hysteresis, hysteretic, hysteron proteron
Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


RootMeaning in EnglishOrigin languageEtymology (root origin)English examples
i-[52]goGreekἰέναι (iénai), ἴμμεναι, ἰόν, ἰών (ímmenai, ión, iṓn)anion, anionic, cation, cationic, ion, ionic, ionize, polyanion, polycation
iatr-[53]healGreekἰᾶσθαι (iâsthai), ἰατρός (iatrós), ἰατρικός (iatrikós), ἰατρεύειν (iatreúein), ἰατρεία (iatreía), ἴασις, ἴαμαiatrogenic, physiatry, podiatrist, podiatry, psychiatrist, psychiatry
ichthy-[54]fishGreekἰχθύς, ἰχθύος (ikhthús, ikhthúos)ichthyology, Ichthyophaga, ichthyophobia, ichthyoplankton, ichthyosis
icos-[55]twentyGreekϝεικοσι, εἴκοσι (eíkosi), εἰκοσάς, εἰκοσάκις "twenty times"hemi-icosahedron, icosagon, icosahedron
icter-[56]jaundiceGreekἴκτερος (íkteros), ἰκτερικός (ikterikós), ἰκτεριάωicteric, icterogenic, icterohemorrhagic, icterohepatitis, icteroid, icterus
id- (ϜΙΔ)shape, form, pictureGreekεἶδειν (eîdein), εἶδος (eîdos)eidetic, eidolon, eidos, idol, idolater, idolatry, idyll, idyllic, idyllist, pareidolia
ide-[57]idea, thoughtGreekἰδεῖν (ideîn), ἰδέα (idéa)ideogram, ideologue, ideology
idi-[58]own, peculiarityGreekϝίδιος, ἴδιος (ídios), "private, personal, one's own"idiolect, idiom, idiopathic, idiopathy, idiophone, idiosyncrasy, idiosyncratic, idiot, idiotic
ign-fireLatinignisigneous, ignite, ignition
ignorare-"not to know, to be unacquainted; mistake, misunderstandLatinignotusignore, ignorant, ignorance, ignoramous[59]
imagin-copyLatinimāgō, imāginisimage, imagine
imbr-heavy rainLatinimber, imbrisignimbrite, imbrex, imbricate, imbrication, imbriferous
in-[60]sinewGreekἴς, ἰνός (ís, inós), ἰνίον (iníon)inion, inotrope, inotropic
in- (1), il-, im-in, onLatininilluminate, import, incur, intend, invite
in- (2), il-, im-, ir-not, un- (negation)Latinin-illicit, impossible, inimical, insane, irrational
inan-empty, vainLatininanitio "emptiness" and inanitas "worthlessness", from inanire "to empty", from inanis "empty, void, worthless"inane, inanition, inanity
infra-below, underLatininfrainfrared, infrastructure
insul-islandLatininsulainsular, insulation
integr-whole, completeLatinin-, teg-integrate, integration, integer, integrational, disintegrate, integral, unintegrated
inter-among, betweenLatininter (preposition)intercollegiate, intermission, intersection
intra-inside , withinLatinintraintramural, intravenous
iota-I, iGreekiotaiotacism
irasc-, irat-be angryLatinirasci "grow angry", from ira "anger"irascible, irate, ire
is-, iso-[61]equal, sameGreekϝίσϝος (wíswos), ἴσος (ísos)isogloss, isograph, isometric, isomorphic, isosceles, isotonic, isotropic
-itis inflammation Greek -ῖτις tonsillitis
ischi-[62] hip joint Greek ἰσχίον (iskhíon), ἰσχιαδικός (iskhiadikós) ischiadic, ischium, sciatic, sciatica
iter-againLatiniterum, iterareiteration
itiner-journeyLatiniter, itinerisitinerary
Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


RootMeaning in EnglishOrigin languageEtymology (root origin)English examples
jac-lieLatinjaceo "to be thrown"adjacency, adjacent, circumjacency, circumjacent, ease, easy, interjacent, interjoist, joist, nonadjacent, subjacent, superjacent
jac-, -ject-cast, throwLatinjacio (also spelled iacio), iectusabject, adjectival, adjective, conjectural, conjecture, deject, dejection, disject, disjection, ejaculate, ejaculation, ejaculatory, eject, ejecta, ejection, ejective, ejectment, ejector, inject, injection, injective, injector, interject, interjection, interjectional, interjector, interjectory, introject, introjection, introjective, jactation, jactitation, jaculate, jaculation, jaculator, jaculatory, jaculiferous, jet, jetsam, jettison, nonobjective, object, objectification, objection, objectionable, objective, objectivity, objector, parget, project, projectile, projection, projective, projector, reject, rejectamenta, rejection, subject, subjection, subjective, subjectivity, subjicible, surjection, surjective, traject, trajectile, trajection, trajectory, trijet
janu-doorLatinjanuajanitor, January
joc-jestLatinjocus (also spelled iocus)jewel, jewelry, jocose, jocosity, jocular, jocularity, joke, jongleur, juggle
judic-judgeLatiniudex, iūdicisadjudicate, adjudication, adjudicative, adjudicator, adjudicatory, extrajudicial, injudicious, judge, judgement, judgment, judgmental, judicable, judicative, judicator, judicatory, judicature, judicial, judiciary, judicious, nonjudgmental, nonjudicial, prejudge, prejudgment, prejudice, prejudicial, quasijudicial
jug-yokeLatinjugo, jugumconjugal, subjugate
jung-, junct-joinLatiniungo, junctusadjoin, adjoint, adjunct, adjunction, adjunctive, conjoin, conjoint, conjunct, conjunction, conjunctive, disjoin, disjoint, disjunct, disjunction, disjunctive, enjoin, enjoinder, enjoinment, injunction, injunctive, join, junction, juncture, junta, junto, nondisjunction, nonjoinder, rejoin, rejoinder, sejoin, sejungible, subjoin, subjoinder, subjunctive, surrejoinder
junior-youngerLatinjuniorjunior, juniority
jus-, jur-law, justiceLatinius, iurisabjure, jurisprudence, jury, just, justice, objurgate, perjury
juv-, jut-helpLatinjuvo, jutusadjument, adjutant, adjutor, adjutory, adjutrix, coadjutant, coadjutor, injucundity, jocund, jocundity
juven-young, youthLatinjuvenisjuvenile, rejuvenate
juxta-beside, nearLatinjuxtajuxtaposition
Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


RootMeaning in EnglishOrigin languageEtymology (root origin)English examples
-kary-nucleusGreekκαρυον (karyon)Eukaryote, Prokaryote
kastan-brownGreekκαφέ (kafé)Kastanophobia
kilo-thousandGreekχίλιοι (khílioi)kilobyte, kilogram, kilometer, kiloliter
kine-, cine-movement, motionGreekκινεῖν (kineîn), κίνησις (kínēsis), κίνημα (kínēma)akinesia, akinesis, akinete, akinetic, cinema, cinematic, diakinesis, dyskinesia, dyskinetic, hyperkinesia, hyperkinesis, hyperkinetic, hypokinesia, hypokinesis, hypokinetic, kinematics, kinescope, kinesiologist, kinesiology, kinesis, kinesthetic, kinetic, kineticism, kinetics, kinetochore, kinetophobia, photokinesis, telekinesis
klept-stealGreekκλέπτειν (kléptein), κλέπτης (kléptēs)kleptocracy, kleptomania, kleptophobia, kleptoplasty
ktet-possession, ownershipGreekκτητικός (ktētikós), κτήτωρ (ktḗtōr)ktetic, ktetor
kudo-gloryGreekκῦδος (kûdos)kudos

Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


RootMeaning in EnglishOrigin languageEtymology (root origin)English examples
lab-, lep-[63]grasp, seize, takeGreekλαμβάνειν (lambánein), λῆψις (lêpsis), λῆμμα (lêmma)analemma, analemmatic, analeptic, catalepsy, cataleptic, dilemma, dilemmatic, epilepsy, epileptic, hypnolepsy, hysteroepilepsy, metalepsis, narcolepsy, nympholepsy, octosyllabic, procatalepsis, prolepsis, proleptic, proslepsis, syllabic, syllabism, syllable, syllabogram, syllepsis, trisyllabic, trisyllable
lab-, laps-slide, slipLatinlabi, lapsuscollapse, collapsible, elapse, labile, lapse, prolapse, relapse
labi-lipLatinlabia, labiaebilabial, bilabiate, infralabial, labial, labiate, labium, sublabial, supralabial
labor-workLatinlaborcollaborate, collaboration, collaborative, collaborator, elaborate, elaboration, elaborative, elaborator, labor, laboratory, laborious
lacrim-cry, tearsLatinlacrimalachrymal, lachrymose, lachrymosity, lacrimal, lacrimation, lacrimator, lacrimatory, lacrimous
lact-milkLatinlac, lactis, lactareablactate, ablactation, lactary, lactase, lactate, lactation, lactational, lacteal, lacteous, lactescent, lactic, lactose, laitance, latte
lag-hareGreekλαγός (lagós)lagomorph, Sylvilagus
lamin-layer, sliceLatinlāminabilamellate, bilaminar, lame, lamé, lamella, lamellar, lamellate, laminate, lamination, laminose, laminous, multilaminar, omelet, omelette, trilaminar, unilaminar
lamp-[64]shine, torchGreekλάμπειν (lámpein), λαμπάς (lampás)lamp, lamprid, Lampris
lapid-stoneLatinlapis, lapidisdilapidate, dilapidation, lapidarian, lapidary, lapidate, lapidation, lapidator, lapideous, lapidescence, lapidescent, lapidicolous, lapidification, lapillation, lapilli
larg-largeLatinlargusallargando, enlarge, enlargement, largamente, largando, large, largess, largesse, largition, largo
larv-ghost, maskLatinlarvalarva, larvae, larval
lat-broad, wideLatinlatuslaticlave, latifoliate, latifundium, latitude, latitudinal, latitudinarian, latitudinous
later-sideLatinlatus, laterisambilateral, ambilaterality, bilateral, bilaterality, collateral, contralateral, equilateral, extralateral, inequilateral, ipsilateral, lateral, laterality, matrilateral, multilateral, nonlateral, patrilateral, plurilateral, quadrilateral, semilatus, septilateral, trilateral, unilateral
laud-, laus-praiseLatinlaudare "to praise"laud, laudable, laudanum, laudation, Lauds, summa cum laude
lav-washLatinlavarelaunder, laundry, lava, lavation, lavatory, lave, lavender, lavish, lotion
lax-not tense, slackLatinlaxus, laxaredelay, disrelish, laches, lax, laxation, laxative, laxity, leasable, lease, relax, relaxant, relaxation, relay, release, relish, sublease
lecith-[65]egg yolkGreekλέκιθος (lékithos)lecithin
led-, les-, -lid-, -lis-hurt, strikeLatinlaedere, laesus, -lidereallision, collide, collision, elide, elidible, elision, illesive, lesion
leg-[66]sayGreekλέγειν (légein), λέγεσθαι (légesthai), λεκτός (lektós), λεκτικός (lektikós), λέξις (léxis), λεξικός (lexikós), λεξικόν (lexikón), λόγος (lógos), (logḗ), λεγόμενον (legómenon), λογεῖονalexia, alexithymia, apologetic, apologia, apology, dialect, dialectic, dialectologist, dialectology, dialog, dialogue, dyslexia, dyslexic, dyslogia, dyslogism, ethnolect, legomenon, lexeme, lexicography, lexicology, lexicon, lexigram, lexis, logic, logion, logos, prolegomenon
leg-, lect-choose, gather, readLatinlegerecoil, colleague, collect, collectible, collection, collective, collector, college, collegial, collegiality, collegian, collegiate, collegium, counterintelligence, cull, deselect, diligence, diligent, elect, electability, electable, electee, election, elective, elector, electoral, electorate, eligibility, eligible, elite, illegibility, illegible, ineligibility, ineligible, intellect, intellection, intellectual, intellectuality, intelligence, intelligent, intelligentsia, intercollegiate, lectern, lectin, lection, lectionary, lector, lectorate, lecture, legend, legendary, legendry, legibility, legible, legion, legionary, legionnaire, legume, leguminous, lesson, neglect, negligee, negligence, negligent, negligible, nonelective, nonelite, nonnegligible, nonselective, postelection, predilect, predilection, preelection, prelect, prelection, prelector, preselect, recollect, recollection, reelect, reelection, religion, reselect, sacrilege, select, selectance, selectee, selection, selective, selectivity, selector, superselection, uniselector
leg-lawLatinlex, legisallege, disloyal, disloyalty, extralegal, illegal, legal, legality, legific, legislate, legislation, legislative, legislator, legislature, legitim, legitimacy, legitimate, loyal, loyalty, nonlegal, privilege
leg-sendLatinlegare (from legis)allegation, delegable, delegacy, delegate, delegatee, delegation, delegator, delegatory, league, legacy, legatary, legate, legatee, legatine, legation, legato, nondelegate, relegate, relegation, superdelegate
lei-[67]smoothGreekλεῖος (leîos)leiomyoma
lekan-[68]dish, potGreekλεκάνη (lekánē)lekane
leni-gentleLatinlenis, lenireleniency, lenient, leniment, lenis, lenition, lenitive, lenitude, lenity
leon-lionLatinleo, leonisdandelion, Leo, leonine, Leopold
lep-[69]flake, peel, scaleGreekλέπειν (lépein), λεπίς, λεπίδος (lepís, lepídos)antilepton, lepidolite, Lepidoptera, Lepidorhombus, lepidote, lepidotrichia, leprosy
lepto-[70]small, fine, thinGreekλεπτός (leptós)leptocyte, leptogenesis, Leptomonas, lepton, leptophyllous
leuc-, leuk-[71]whiteGreekλευκός (leukós)aleukemia, aleukocytosis, leucism, leucocyte, leucopenia, leucoplast, leukemia, leukocytopenia, leukopenia, leucophore
lev-lift, light, raiseLatinlevare "lighten, raise", from levis "light" (in weight)alleviate, alleviation, bas-relief, counter-relief, deleverage, elevate, elevation, elevator, leaven, legerity, levade, Levant, levee, lever, leverage, leviable, levitate, levitation, levity, levy, relevé, relief, relieve, sublevation, superelevation
liber-freeLatinliber, liberaredeliver, deliverance, illiberal, illiberality, liberal, liberality, liberalize, liberate, liberation, liberator, libertarian, liberticide, libertinage, libertine, liberty, ultraliberal
libr-bookLatinliber, libriinterlibrary, libel, libellant, libellee, libellous, librarian, library, libretto
lig-bindLatinligare, ligatusligament, ligature
limac-slugLatinlimax, limacislimacine, limacoid, limacon, Limax
limpa-clear, waterLatinlimpa "water"limpid, limpidity, lymph
line-lineLatinlineaalign, alignment, ambilineal, ambilineality, bilinear, collinear, collinearity, collineation, curvilinear, curvilinearity, delineate, delineation, delineavit, line, linea, lineage, lineal, lineament, linear, linearity, lineate, lineation, matrilineal, multicollinearity, multilinear, nonalignment, noncollinear, nonlineal, nonlinear, nonlinearity, quasilinear, realign, realignment, rectilinear, rectilinearity, sesquilinear, sublineage, sublinear, supralinear, trilinear, unilinear
line-smear, smudgeLatinlineredelete, deletion, indelible, liniment
lingu-language, tongueLatinlinguabilingual, bilinguality, bilinguous, collingual, elinguation, interlanguage, language, ligula, ligular, ligule, lingua franca, lingual, linguiform, linguine, multilingual, prelingual, quadrilingual, sublingual, trilingual
linqu-, lict-leaveLatinlinquere, lictusrelict, relinquish
lip-[72]fatGreekλίπος (lípos)lipolysis, lipophile, lipophilic, lipopolysaccharide, lipoprotein, synaloepha
liqu-flowLatinliqueredeliquesce, liquefy, liqueur, liquid, liquor, prolix
lit-[73]prayer, supplicationGreekλιτή (litḗ), λιτανεία (litaneía)litany
liter-letterLatinlitteraalliteration, alliterative, biliteral, biliterate, illiteracy, illiterate, literacy, literal, literary, literate, literati, literatim, literation, literator, literature, multiliteral, nonliteral, nonliterary, nonliterate, obliterate, obliteration, preliterate, quadriliteral, transliteracy, transliterate, transliteration, triliteral, uniliteral
lith-[74]stoneGreekλίθος (líthos)aerolithology, endolith, endolithic, epilithic, lithagogue, lithic, lithography, lithology, lithophile, lithophone, lithophyte, lithosphere, lithotomy, megalith, Mesolithic, microlite, monolith, monolithic, Neolithic, Paleolithic, photolithography, phytolith, regolith, stylolite
loc-placeLatinlocus, locareaccouchement, allocate, bilocation, bilocular, cislocative, collocation, couch, couchant, dislocate, dislocation, interlocal, lieu, local, locale, locality, locate, location, locative, locator, locomotion, loculament, locular, locule, loculose, loculus, locus, milieu, multilocal, multilocation, multilocular, nonlocal, relocate, relocation, translocate, translocation, translocative, trilocular, unilocular
log-, -logyword, reason, speech, thoughtGreekλόγος (lógos), λογία (logía)analogy, anthology, apology, biology, dialogue doxology, ecology, epilogue, etymology, eulogy, geology, ideologue, logarithm, logic, logogram, logopaedics, logophile, logotherapy, meteorology, monologue, morphological, neologism, neurology, philology, prologue, psychology, tautology, terminology, theology, toxicology, trilogy, zoology
long-longLatinlongusallonge, elongate, elongation, longa, longanimity, longe, longeron, longinquity, longitude, longitudinal, longum, lunge, lungo, oblong, prolong, prolongation, purloin
loqu-, locut-speakLatinloquiallocution, circumlocution, colloquial, colloquy, elocution, eloquent, eloquence, grandiloquent, interlocution, loquacious, loquacity, magniloquent, obloquy, soliloquy
luc-bright, lightLatinlūx (genitive lūcis), lucereelucidate, elucidation, elucubrate, elucubration, lucent, lucid, lucidity, Lucifer (bearer of light), luciferase, luciferin, luciferous, lucifugal, lucubrate, lucubration, luculent, noctilucent, pellucid, pellucidity, relucent, semipellucid, translucency, translucent, translucid, translucidus
lud-, lus-playLatinludere, lususallude, collude, delude, elude, elusive, elusory, illude, illusion, ludicrous, lusory, prelude
lumin-lightLatinlumen, luminis, luminaredislimn, enlumine, illuminable, illuminance, illuminant, illuminate, illuminati, illumination, illumine, intraluminal, limn, lumen, luminaire, luminal, luminance, luminant, luminaria, luminary, lumine, luminescence, luminescent, luminiferous, luminosity, luminous, relumine, subluminal, subluminous, superluminal, transluminal
lu-, luv-, lut-washLatinluere (see also diluere, fluere and pluere)abluent, ablution, alluvium, colluvium, deluge, depollute, diluent, dilute, dilution, dilutive, diluvial, diluvian, diluvium, elute, elution, eluvial, elluviation, eluvium, illuviation, illuvium, lutaceous, lutite, pollution
lun-moonLatinlūnacircumlunar, cislunar, demilune, luna, lunar, lunate, lunatic, lunation, lune, lunette, luniform, lunisolar, mezzaluna, mezzelune, plenilunary, semilunar, sublunar, sublunary, superlunary, translunar
lut-yellow, goldenLatinlūtum, lūteuscorpus luteum, luteal, lutein, luteinizing hormone, luteous
ly-, lysi-, lyt-[75]dissolvingGreekλύειν (lúein), λυτός (lutós), λυτικός (lutikós), λύσις (lúsis)analyse, analysis, analytic, aparalytic, autolysis, catalyse, catalysis, catalyst, catalytic, cytolysis, dialysis, electrolysis, electrolyte, electrolytic, Hippolyte, hydrolysis, hydrolyte, hydrolytic, lysigeny, lysine, lysis, lysosome, lytic, meta-analysis, palsy, paralyse, paralysis, paralytic, plasmolysis, proteolysis
lyc-wolfGreekλύκος (lýkos)Lycaon, lycanthropy, lycopersicon, lycoris

Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


RootMeaning in EnglishOrigin languageEtymology (root origin)English examples
macer-leanLatinmaceremaciate, macerate, meager
macr-[76]longGreekμακρός (makrós), μακρότης (makrótēs) "length"macron, macrocosm
magn-great, largeLatinmagnusmagnanimity, magnanimous, magnate, magnificent, magnify, magnitude, magnum
magnet-[77]Greekμάγνης, μάγνητος (mágnēs, mágnētos)bioelectromagnetism, biomagnetism, diamagnetic, diamagnetism, electromagnet, geomagnetic, magnesium, magnet, magnetic, magnetism, magnetite, magnetize, magnetobiology, magnetologist, magnetometer, magnetosome, manganese, paramagnetic, paramagnetism
maj-greaterLatinmajor, majusmajesty, major, majority, majuscule, mayor, semimajor, supermajority
mal-bad, wretchedLatinmalusdismal, grand mal, malady, malaise, malediction, malefaction, malevolent, malfeasance, malfunction, malice, malicious, malignancy, malnourished, malodorous, premalignant
mamm-breastLatinmammamammal, mammary, mammography
man-, mant-[78] (ΜΑΝ)[79]crazyGreekμαίνεσθαι (maínesthai), μανία (manía), μανικός (manikós), μάντιςhypermania, hypomania, kleptomania, mania, maniac, manic, megalomania, monomania, pyromania, pyromaniac
man-flowLatinmānāre, mānātusemanant, emanate, emanation, immanant, immanation
man- (MAN-)[80]stayLatinmanēre, mansusimmanence, immanent, impermanence, impermanent, maisonette, manor, manorial, manse, mansion, ménage, menagerie, menial, meiny, messuage, nonpermanence, nonpermanent, permanence, permanent, quasipermanent, remain, remainder, remanence, remanent, remnant, semipermanent
man-, manu-handLatinmanusadminicle, amanuensis, Bimana, bimanous, bimanual, emancipate, mainour, maintain, manacle, manage, manageable, management, managerial, mandamus, mandate, manège, maneuver, manicure, manifer, manifest, manifestation, manifesto, maniform, maniple, manipulation, manipulative, maniraptoran, maniraptoriform, manner, mansuetude, manual, manuary, manubrial, manubrium, manuduction, manufacture, manumission, manumit, manuport, manure, manus, manuscript, mortmain, Quadrumana, quadrumanous
mand-, -mend-order, commitLatinmandāre, mandātuscommand, commandant, commandment, commend, commendable, commendam, commendation, commendatory, counterdemand, countermand, demand, demandant, encomienda, mandamus, mandatary, mandate, mandator, mandatory, recommend, recommendation, remand, remandment
mar-seaLatinmare, marismaar, mariculture, marina, marinade, marinara, marinate, marination, marine, mariner, maritime, submarine, ultramarine
mas-male, manLatinmās, māris, masculus, masculiemasculate, emasculation, emasculator, masculate, masculine, masculinity
mater-, matr-motherLatinmater, matrismaternal, maternity, matrimony, matrix, matron
maxim-greatestLatinmaximusmaxim, maximal, maximum, submaximal
mechan-[81]machine or instrumentGreekμῆχος, μηχανή (mēkhanḗ), μηχανικός (mēkhanikós)machine, mechane, mechanics, mechanism, mechanize, mechanobiology, mechanophilia, mechanophobia
medi-, -midi-middleLatinmedius, mediaredimidiation, immediate, intermediary, mean, media, median, mediate, mediation, medieval, mediocre, Mediterranean, medium, moiety, multimedia, postmeridian, submediant
meg-, megal-[82]great, largeGreekμέγας, μεγάλου (mégas, megálou)acromegaly, Megacles, megacycle, megalomania, megalopolis, megaphone
mei-[83]lessGreekμεῖον (meîon), μείωσις (meíōsis)ameiosis, ameiotic, meiobenthos, meiosis, meiotic
melan-[84]black, darkGreekμέλας, μέλανος (mélas, mélanos), μελανότηςamelanism, aphaeomelanism, eumelanin, hypermelanic, melancholic, melancholy, Melanesia, melanin, melanism, melanoblastoma, melanocyte, melanoma, melanophobia, melanophore, melanosis, melatonin, neuromelanin, pheomelanin
melior-betterLatinmeliorare "to improve", from melior "better"ameliorate, amelioration, meliorism
meliss-[85]beeGreekμέλισσα (mélissa)melissophobia
mell-honeyLatinmel, mellismelliferous, mellific, mellifluence, mellifluent, mellifluous, melliloquent, mellivorous
memor-rememberLatinmemorcommemorate, immemorial, memoir, memorabilia, memorable, memorandum, memorial, memory, remembrance
men-monthGreekμήν (mḗn)menopause, menorrhea
mening-[86]membraneGreekμήνιγξ, μῆνιγγος (mēninx, mēningos)leptomeninges, meninges, meningioma, meningitis, meninx
mend-defect, faultLatinmendax "lying, a liar", from menda "defect, fault"amend, amendment, emend, mendacious, mendacity
menstru-monthlyLatinmenstruusmenstrual, menstruation
mensur-measureLatinmensura "measurement", from metiri "to measure"commensurable, commensurate, dimension, immense, incommensurable, incommensurate, measure
ment-mindLatinmens, mentiscomment, dement, dementia, memento, mental, mentality, mention, reminisce, reminiscence
mer-[87]partGreekμείρεσθαι (meíresthai), μέρος (méros)antimere, antimeria, biopolymer, decamer, decamerous, dimer, dimeric, dimerism, dimerous, enantiomer, enneamer, heptamer, heterodimer, heterotetramer, hexamer, homodimer, homotetramer, isomer, isomeric, isomerism, mereology, merisis, merism, meristem, meristematic, meristic, meromorphic, metamere, metamerism, Moirai, monomer, monomeric, octamer, oligomer, oligomeric, pentamer, pentamerous, photopolymer, phytomer, polymer, tautomerism, telomer, telomere, tetramer, tetrameric, trimer, trimerize
merc-reward, wages, hireLatinmerx (genitive mercis)amercement, commerce, commercial, market, mercantile, mercenary, mercery, merchandise, merchant, mercy, noncommercial
merge-, mers-dip, plungeLatinmergeredemerge, demersal, demerse, demersion, emerge, emergence, emergency, emergent, emersion, immerge, immergence, immerse, immersible, immersion, immersive, merge, reemerge, reemergence, reimmerse, submerge, submergence, submerse, submersible, submersion
mes-[88]middleGreekμέσος (mésos)Mesolithic, mesophile, mesophilic, mesoscopic, mesosphere, mesozoic
met-, meta-[89]above, among, beyondGreekμετά (metá)metabolism, metalogic, metamorphic, metamorphosis, metaphase, metaphor, metaphysics, metastatic, meteor, method
metall-[90]mineGreekμέταλλον (métallon), μεταλλικός (metallikós)dimetallic, electrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, metallic, metalloid, metallophobia, metallophone, metallurgist, metallurgy, organometallic, polymetal, polymetallic, pyrometallurgy, tetrametallic, trimetallic
meter-, metr-measureGreekμέτρον (métron)anemometer, anemometric, antisymmetric, antisymmetry, asymmetric, asymmetry, axonometric, barometer, barometric, bathometer, diameter, diametric, dysmetria, graphometer, hexameter, hygrometer, hygrometry, isodiametric, isometric, isoperimetric, meter, metre, metric, metrology, metronome, monosymmetric, parameter, parameterize, parametric, parametrize, pentameter, perimeter, polymeter, symmetric, symmetry, telemeter, telemetric, telemetry, tetrameter, thermometer, trimeter, trimetric
metr-[91]motherGreekμήτηρ, μητρός (mḗtēr, mētrós), μητρικός (mētrikós)haplometrosis, metrocyte, metropolis, pleometrosis
mic-grainLatinmicamica, micelle
micr-[92]smallGreekμικρός (mikrós), μικρότηςmicrobe, microcosm, microeconomics, micrometer, microphone, microscope, microscopic
migr-wanderLatinmigrarecountermigration, emigrant, emigrate, emigration, émigré, immigrant, immigrate, immigration, migrant, migrate, migration, migrational, migratory, nonmigratory, remigrant, remigrate, remigration, transmigrant, transmigrate, transmigration, transmigratory
milit-soldierLatinmīles, militismilitant, military, militia
mill-thousandLatinmillemile, millennium, million
millen-thousand eachLatinmillenimillenarian, millenary
mim-[93]repeatGreekμιμεῖσθαι (mimeîsthai), μιμητικός (mimētikós), μίμος (mímos)mime, mimeograph, mimesis, mimetic, mimic, necromimesis, pantomime, phenomime, psychomime, psychomimetic
min-jutLatinminereeminence, eminent, imminence, imminent, preeminence, preeminent, prominence, prominent, promontory, supereminence, supereminent
min-less, smallerLatinminor, minusadminister, administration, administrative, administrator, administratrix, maladminister, maladministration, minestrone, minister, ministerial, ministerialis, ministerium, ministrant, ministrate, ministration, ministrative, ministry, minor, minority, minstrel, minstrelsy, minus, minuscule, quasiminuscule, semiminor
mina-leadLatinminare, variant of minariamenable, demeanor, promenade
mina-threatenLatinminarimenace, minatory
minth-[94]mintGreekμίνθα (míntha), μίνθη (mínthē), μινθάριονAcanthomintha, Mentha, menthol, mint, Minthostachys
mir-wonder, amazementLatinmirus, miror, mirari, miratus sumadmirability, admirable, admiration, admirative, admire, marvel, marvelous, miracle, miraculous, mirage, Miranda, mirative, mirativity, mirror
mis-[95]hateGreekμισεῖν (miseîn), μῖσος (mîsos)misandrist, misandry, misanthrope, misanthropy, misocainea, misogamist, misogamy, misogynist, misogyny, misoneism, misopaedia, misophonia, misotheism
misc-, mixt-mixLatinmiscere, mixtusadmix, admixtion, admixture, commix, commixture, immiscibility, immiscible, immix, immixture, intermix, intermixture, maslin, meddle, mestizo, Métis, miscellanea, miscellaneous, miscellany, miscibility, miscible, mix, mixture, permiscible, permix, permixtion, postmix, premix, promiscuity, promiscuous, remix
miser-unhappy, wretchedLatinmisercommiserate, commiseration, immiserate, immiseration, miser, miserable, misericord, misery
mit-, miss- (MIT-)[96]sendLatinmittere, missusadmissibility, admissible, admission, admissive, admit, admittatur, admittee, commissar, commissariat, commissary, commission, commissive, commissural, commissure, commit, commitment, committal, committee, compromis, compromise, compromissary, decommission, decommit, decommitment, demise, demiss, demit, dimissory, dimit, dismiss, dismissal, dismissive, emissary, emission, emissitious, emissive, emissivity, emit, emittent, entremet, fideicommissary, fideicommissum, impermissible, inadmissibility, inadmissible, intermission, intermittent, intromissible, intromission, intromissive, intromit, intromittent, manumission, manumit, mess, message, messenger, missile, mission, missionary, missive, mittimus, noncommittal, omissible, omission, omissive, omit, permissible, permission, permissive, permissory, permit, permittee, premise, premiss, premit, pretermission, pretermit, promise, promisee, promissive, promissory, readmission, readmit, recommit, remise, remiss, remissible, remission, remissive, remissory, remit, remittal, remittance, remittee, remittence, remittent, remittitur resubmit, retransmission, retransmit, subcommittee, submission, submissive, submit, surmise, transmissibility, transmissible, transmission, transmissive, transmit, transmittal
mit-[97]threadGreekμίτος (mítos)mitochondrion, mitosis, mitospore
mn-[98]Greekμνᾶ (mnâ)mina, mna
mne-[99]memoryGreekμνᾶσθαι (mnâsthai), μνήμη (mnḗmē)amnesia, amnesty, anamnesis, anamnestic, dysmnesia, Mneme, mneme, mnemonic
mod-measure, changeLatinmodus "measure"accommodate, accommodation, accommodative, accommodator, bimodal, bimodality, bimodular, bimodule, commode, commodification, commodious, commodity, decommodification, demodulate, demodulation, demodulator, immodest, immodesty, intermodal, intermodulation, modal, modality, mode, model, moderate, moderation, moderato, moderator, modern, modernity, modest, modesty, modicum, modification, modify, modiolus, modular, modularity, modulate, modulation, modulator, module, modulo, modulus, multimodal, multimodality, postmodern, postmodernity, Quasimodo, remodel, remodulate, supermodel, trimodal, trimodality, ultramodern, ultramodernity, unimodal, unimodality, unimodular, unimodularity
mol-grindLatinmola, molere, molitusmolar
moll-softLatinmollisemollience, emollient, moil, mollescence, mollescent, mollient, mollification, mollify, mollitude, mollusc, molluscicide, molluscivore, mollusk
mon-[100]alone, onlyGreekμόνος (mónos), μονάς, μονάδος (monás, monádos)monachism, monad, monadic, monarchy, monastery, monastic, monasticism, monatomic, monism, monist, monk, monoid, monolith, monometer, monopod, monopoly, monopsony, monotone
mon-warnLatinmonere, monitusadmonish, admonishment, admonition, admonitor, admonitory, monition, monitor, monitory, monument, monumental, premonition, premonitory, resummon, summon
monil-string of beadsLatinmonilemonilifer, moniliform, Moniliformida
monstra-showLatinmonstrārecounterdemonstration, counterdemonstrator, demonstrable, demonstrant, demonstrate, demonstration, demonstrative, demonstrator, demonstratory, indemonstrable, monster, monstrance, monstration, monstrosity, monstrous, muster, premonstrant, premonstrate, Premonstratensian, premonstration, premonstrator, remonstrance, remonstrant, remonstrate, remonstration, remonstrative
mont-mountainLatinmons, montisamount, Belmont, cismontane, dismount, insurmountable, intermontane, montage, montan, Montana, montane, montant, monticello, monticule, montiform, montigenous, mount, mountaineer, mountainous, nonremontant, paramount, piedmont, remontancy, remontant, remontoire, remount, submontane, surmount, surmountable, tantamount, tramontana, tramontane, transmontane, ultramontane, Vermont
mor-[101]foolish, dullGreekμωρός (mōrós)moron, moronic, oxymoron, oxymoronic, sophomore, sophomoric
mor-pause, delayLatinmorari "to delay", from mora "a pause, delay"demur, demure, demurrable, demurrage, demurral, demurrer, mora, moratorium, remora, remorate
mor-custom, dispositionLatinmos, morisimmoral, immorality, moral, morale, morality, mores, morigerous, morose, morosity
mord-biteLatinmordere, morsusmordacious, mordacity, mordancy, mordant, mordent, mordente, mordicancy, mordicant, mordication, mordicative, morsel, morsitation, premorse, remorse
morph-[102]form, shapeGreekμορφή (morphḗ)allomorph, amorphous, anamorph, anamorphic, anamorphism, anamorphosis, anthropomorphism, apomorphy, autapomorphy, automorphism, catamorphism, dimorphic, dimorphism, dysmorphic, dysmorphophobia, ectomorph, ectomorphic, enantiomorph, enantiomorphic, endomorph, endomorphic, epimorphism, geomorphology, hemimorphic, holomorph, holomorphic, holomorphism, homeomorphic, homeomorphism, homomorphic, homomorphism, hylomorphism, hypermorphosis, isomorphic, isomorphism, mesomorph, mesomorphic, metamorphic, metamorphism, metamorphosis, monomorphic, monomorphism, morpheme, Morpheus, morphine, morphology, morphosyntactic, morphosyntax, paramorph, peramorphism, peramorphosis, perimorph, plesiomorphy, polymorphic, polymorphism, pseudomorph, synapomorphy, teleomorph, teleomorphic, theriomorphic, trimorphic, trimorphism, zoomorph, zoomorphism
mort-deathLatinmors, mortisantemortem, immortal, immortality, mortal, mortality, mortician, mortiferous, mortification, mortuary
mov-, mot-, mut-move, motionLatinmovere, motusadmove, amotion, amove, bimotor, cocommutator, commotion, commove, commutable, commutation, commutative, commutativity, commutator, commute, countermotion, countermove, countermovement, demote, demotion, emotion, emotional, emotive, emotivity, emove, equimomental, immobile, immutable, immutation, immute, incommutable, locomotion, locomotive, mobile, mobility, molt, moment, momental, momentaneous, momentary, momentous, momentum, motation, motif, motile, motility, motion, motional, motivate, motivation, motivational, motivator, motive, motor, moult, movant, move, movement, movent, mutability, mutable, mutate, mutation, mutineer, mutinous, mutiny, mutual, mutuality, noncommutative, noncommutativity, nonmotile, nonmotility, nonmutual, pari-mutuel, permutable, permutate, permutation, permutational, permute, promote, promotion, promotional, promotive, promotor, promove, remote, remotion, removal, remove, subpermutation, transmove, transmutable, transmutate, transmutation, transmute, transmutual, trimotor
mulg-, muls-milkLatinmulgereemulsion
multi-many, muchLatinmultusmultilingual, multiple, multiplex, multiplication, multiplicity, multiply, multitude, multitudinous
mund-worldLatinmundusanima mundi, antemundane, demimondaine, demimonde, extramundane, intramundane, map, mondain, mondaine, mondial, mondo, mundane, mundanity, ultramundane
mur-wallLatinmūrus, muriantemural, immuration, immure, immurement, intramural, murage, mural
mus-mouseGreek/Latinμῦς, μυός (mûs, muós) / mus, murismusophobia
musc-flyLatinmusca, muscaeMusca, muscarine, Muscicapa, Muscicapidae, Muscidae, musciform, mosquito
mut-changeLatinmūtareimmutable, mutation, permutation, transmute
my-[103]mouseGreekμῦς, μυός (mûs, muós), μυώνamyotrophic, electromyogram, electromyograph, electromyography, endomysium, epimysium, murine, musophobia, myoelectric, myomancy, myomorphous, myomorphy, myopathy, myositis, myotome, Nectomys, Oryzomys, perimysium, Sigmodontomys
my-[104]shut (the eyes)Greekμύειν (múein), μύσις (músis), μύστης (mústēs)miosis, myopia, myopic, myosis, mystery
mycet-[105]fungusGreekμύκης, μύκητος (múkēs, múkētos)ascomycete, basidiomycete, mycology, Mycoplasma, zygomycete, zygomycosis
mydr-[106]dilateGreekμύδρος, μυδρίασις (mudríasis)mydriasis
myel-[107]marrowGreekμυελός (muelós)amyelia, myeloblast, myelocyte, myelogenous, myeloid, myelopoiesis, poliomyelitis
myl-[108]millGreekμύλη (múlē), μύλος (múlos)amyloid, amyloidosis, amylolysis, amylopectin, amylophagia, amyloplast, amylose, amylum
myo-[109]muscleGreekμυς (mys)leiomyoma
myri-[110]countless, ten thousandGreekμυρίος (muríos)myriad, myriagon, myriagram, myriapod, myriapodology
myrmec-[111]antGreekμύρμηξ (múrmēx)myrmecochory, myrmecoid, myrmecology, myrmecophobia, Myrmidons, myrmomancy
mys-[112]uncleannessGreekμύσος (músos)mysophilia, mysophobia
myth-[113]storyGreekμῦθος (mûthos)mythic, mythology, mythomania, mythopoeia, mythos
myx-slimeGreekμύσσομαι, μύξα (múxa)match, myxedema, myxoedema, Myxini, myxogastrid
myz-[114]suckGreekμυζάω (muzáō), μύζησις (múzēsis)Myzopoda

Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


RootMeaning in EnglishOrigin languageEtymology (root origin)English examples
nap-turnipLatinnāpusnapiform, neep
nar-nostrilLatinnarisinternarial, nares, narial, naris, prenarial
narc-[115]numbGreekναρκᾶν (narkân), νάρκη (nárkē)narcolepsy, narcosis, narcotic
narr-tellLatinnarrarecounternarrative, inenarrable, narration, narrative, narrator
nas-noseLatinnāsusintranasal, nasal, nasalance, nasalis, nasality, nasolabial, nonnasal
nasc-, nat-bornLatinnascere, nāsci (past participle natus)adnascent, adnate, adnation, agnate, agnatic, agnation, binational, cognate, cognatic, cognation, connascence, connascent, connate, connation, connatural, denature, enascent, enate, enatic, enation, impregnate, innate, international, multinational, nada, naïf, naissant, naïve, nascency, nascent, natal, natality, nation, national, nationality, native, nativity, natural, naturality, nature, née, nonnative, postnatal, pregnancy, pregnant, prenatal, preternatural, renaissance, renaissant, renascence, renascent, renature, subnational, supernatural, supranational, transnational, transnationality
naut-[116]shipGreekναῦς (naûs), ναύτης (naútēs)aeronautic, Argonaut, astronaut, cosmonaut, nausea, nautical, nautilus
nav-shipLatinnāvisantenave, naval, nave, navicular, navigable, navigate, navy, nonnavigable
ne-[117]spin, threadGreekνεῖν (neîn), νῆσις "spinning", νῆμα, νήματος (nêma, nḗmatos)axoneme, diplonema, leptonema, nematocyst, nematocyte, nematode, nematology, pachynema, synnema, treponema, zygonema
ne-, neo-[118]newGreekνέϝος, νέος (néos)Neolithic, neologism, neon, neonate, neophyte
neb-, nub-cloudLatinnebula, nubesnebula, nebular, nebulosity, nebulous, nuance, nubilous, obnubilate
necr-[119]deadGreekνεκρός (nekrós), νέκρωσις (nékrōsis)necromancy, Necronomicon, necrophilia, necrophobia, necropolis, necropsy, necrosis, necrospermia, necrotic, necrotize, necrotomy
nect-swimmingGreekνηκτός (nēktós)nectopod, nekton
nect-, nex-join, tieLatinnectere, nexusadnexum, annectent, annex, annexation, annexion, connect, connexion, deannexation, disconnect, interconnect, nexus, reconnect
neg-say noLatinnegarenegative, renegade, renege
nem-, nom-[120]arrangement, lawGreekνέμειν (némein), νομός (nomós), νόμος (nómos), νέμεσις (némesis), νομάς, νομάδος (nomás, nomádos), νομαδικός (nomadikós), νομαδία, νομή, νομίζειν (nomízein), νόμισμα (nómisma)anomie, anomy, antinome, antinomic, antinomy, archnemesis, autonomy, isonomy, metronomic, nemesis, nomad, nomadic, nomadism, nomadize, nomarch, nomarchy, nome, nomology, nomothetic, Numidia, numismatics
nemat-hairGreekνῆμα, νήματος (nêma, nḗmatos)nematocyst, nematocyte, nematode, nematology
nemor-grove, woodsLatinnemus, nemorisnemoral, nemorous
nephr-[121]kidneyGreekνεφρός (nephrós)mesonephric, mesonephros, metanephridium, metanephros, nephridiopore, nephridium, nephrite, nephritis, nephrogenesis, nephrolith, nephrolithiasis, nephrologist, nephrology, nephron, nephroptosis, nephrostome, pronephros, protonephridium
nerv-sinew, nerveLatinnervusenervate, enervation, enervative, innervate, innervation, nerval, nervate, nerve, nervose, nervosity, nervous, reinnervation, trinervate
nes-[122]islandGreekνῆσος (nêsos)Chersonesus, Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Peloponnese, Polynesia
neur-[123]nerve, sinewGreekνεῦρον (neûron)aponeurosis, endoneurium, epineurium, neural, neurapraxia, neurasthenia, neuritis, neuroblast, neuroblastoma, neurocranium, neurocyte, neuroendocrine, neuroendocrinology, neurologic, neurologist, neurology, neuromorphology, neuron, neurone, neuropathic, neuropathology, neuropathy, neuroplastic, neurosis, neurosurgeon, neurosurgery, neurotic, neuroticism, perineurium, polyneuropathy
nict-beckon, winkLatinnictarinictate, nictation, nictitate, nictitation
nigr-blackLatinnigerdenigrate, denigration, denigrative, denigrator, negrita, nigrities, negrito, negritude, nigrescence, nigrescent, nigrine, nigritude
nihil-nothingLatinnihilumannihilate, annihilation, annihilator, nihil, nil
niv-snowLatinnix, nivisNevada, névé, nival, nivation, niveus, subnival, subnivean
noc-hurt, harmLatinnocereinnocence, innocent, innocuity, innocuous, innoxious, nocebo, nocent, nociception, nociceptive, nocifensor, nocument, nocuous, noxious, nuisance, obnoxious
noct-nightLatinnox (noctis)equinoctial, equinox, noctambulous, noctiluca, noctilucent, noctule, nocturn, nocturnal, nocturnality, nocturne, notturno, seminocturnal, trinoctial
nod-knotLatinnodusacnode, binodal, crunode, denouement, extranodal, internodal, internode, intranodal, multinodal, nodal, node, nodose, nodosity, nodular, nodulation, nodule, nodulose, nodulus, nodus, supernode, tacnode, trinodal, uninodal
nom-arrangement, law, orderGreekνόμος (nómos), νομήagronomy, antinomy, astronomy, autonomous, autonomy, bionomics, economics, economy, gastronomy, metronome, numismatic, polynomial, taxonomy
nomad-those who let pasture herdsGreekνομάς, νομάδος (nomás, nomádos), νομαδικός (nomadikós)nomad, nomadic, nomadism, nomadize
nomen-, nomin-nameLatinnomen, nominisagnomen, agnominal, agnomination, binomen, binominal, denomination, denominational, denominative, denominator, ignominious, ignominy, innominate, innomine, interdenominational, multidenominational, multinominal, nomenclator, nomenclature, nominal, nominate, nomination, nominative, nominator, nominee, nondenominational, noun, postnominal, praenomen, prenominal, pronominal, pronoun, redenomination, renominate, renown, surnominal, trinomen, trinominal
non-notLatinnonnone, nonexistent, non-fiction, noninvasive
non-ninthLatinnōnusnonary, None, nonet, noon
nonagen-ninety eachLatinnonageninonagenarian, nonagenary
norm-carpenter's squareLatinnormaabnormal, abnormality, binormal, circumnormal, denormal, enormity, enormous, nonnormal, nonnormative, norm, normable, normal, normality, normative, quasinorm, seminorm, seminormable, seminormal, subnormal
not-[124]southGreekνότος (nótos)Notogaea, Notomys, Nototherium
not-[125]backGreekνῶτον (nôton), νῶτος, νωτιαῖοςnotochord
not-letter, mark, noteLatinnotareannotate, annotation, annotator, connotation, connotational, connotative, connote, denotation, denotational, denotative, denotatum, denote, nondenotative, nonnotable, nonnotational, notability, notable, notarial, notariat, notary, notate, notation, notational
noth-[126]spuriousGreekνόθος (nóthos)nothogenus
nov-, nome-, non-, novem-nineLatinnovemNovember, novennial, Nonillion, Nomedecillion
nov-newLatinnovusinnovate, innovation, innovational, innovative, innovator, innovatory, nova, novation, novel, novella, novelty, novice, novitiate, renovatable, renovate, renovation, renovative, renovator, supernova
noven-nine eachLatinnoveniNovena, novenary
nox-harmLatinnoxanoxious, obnoxious
nu-nodLatinnuerecircumnutate, circumnutation, counternutation, innuendo, innuent, numen, numinous, nutant, nutation
nub-, nupt-to marry, to wedLatinnubes, nubis, nubereconnubial, connubiality, nubile, nuptial, postnuptial, prenuptial
nuc-nutLatinnux, nucisenucleate, enucleation, extranuclear, internuclear, intranuclear, multinucleate, nougat, nucament, nucellar, nucellus, nucifer, nuciferine, nuciferous, nuciform, Nucifraga, nucivorous, nuclear, nucleate, nucleation, nucleolar, nucleolate, nucleolus, nucleus, pronuclear, pronucleus, supranuclear
nuch-back of neckLatinnuchanuchal cord
nud-nakedLatinnudusdenudation, denude, nonnude, nude, nudist, nudity, seminude, seminudity
numer-numberLatinnumerusdenumerable, enumerable, enumerate, enumeration, enumerative, enumerator, equinumerant, equinumerous, innumerable, innumeracy, innumerate, innumerous, nonenumerative, numerable, numeracy, numéraire, numeral, numerary, numerate, numeration, numerative, numerator, numerical, numero, numerosity, numerous, renumerate, supernumerary
nunci-announceLatinnuntiusannounce, announcement, annunciation, denounce, denouncement, denunciation, enounce, enouncement, enunciable, enunciate, enunciation, enunciative, internuncial, internuncio, nunciature, nuncio, obnounce, pronounce, pronouncement, pronunciation, pronuntiatio, renounce, renouncement, renunciation
nutri-nourishLatinnutrireinnutrition, malnourish, malnourishment, malnutrition, nonnutritional, nourish, nourishment, nurse, nurturance, nurture, nutrient, nutriment, nutrition, nutritional, nutritious
nyct-[127]nightGreekνύξ, νυκτός (núx, nuktós)nyctalgia, nyctanthous, nyctinasty, nyctophilia, nyctophobia
nyst-nodGreekνυστάζειν (nustázein), (nustagmós)electronystagmography, nystagmic, nystagmus

Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


RootMeaning in EnglishOrigin languageEtymology (root origin)English examples
ob-, o-, oc-, of-, og-, op-, os-[128]againstLatinobobduracy, obdurate, obduration, obfuscate, oblique, obliquity, obstinate, obstreperous, occur, offend, omit, oppose, ostensible, ostentatious
obel-[129]spit, nailGreekὀβελός (obelós), ὀβελίσκος (obelískos)metobelus, obelisk, obelism, obelus
obol-[130]Greekὀβολός, ὀβολοῦ (obolós, oboloû)obol, obolus
ocean-[131]Greekὠκεανός (ōkeanós)Oceania, oceanic
ochl-[132]crowd, mobGreekὄχλος, ὄχλου (ókhlos, ókhlou)enochlophobia, ochlocracy, ochlophobia
oct-[133]eightGreekὀκτώ (oktṓ), ὀκτάς (oktás), ὀκτάκις (oktákis) "eight times"hemi-octahedron, octad, octadic, octagon, octahedron, octameter, octode
oct-eightLatinoctōoctangular, octennial, octovir
octogen-eighty eachLatinoctogenioctogenarian, octogenary
octon-eight eachLatinoctonioctonary
ocul-eyeLatinoculus, oculareocular, oculus, ullage
od-path, wayGreekὁδός (hodós)anode, diode, odometer, parodos, pentode, tetrode, triode
odont-[134]toothGreekὀδούς, ὀδόντος (odoús, odóntos)anodontia, conodont, cynodont, dicynodont, dysodontiasis, macrodontia, mastodon, odontoid, odontology, odontophore, orthodontics, orthodontist, pedodontics, periodontal, smilodon, Thrinaxodon, Zanclodon
odor-fragrantLatinodormalodorous, odoriferous, odorous
odyn-[135]painGreekὀδύνη (odúnē)allodynia, anodyne, glossodynia, mastodynia, pleurodynia
oec-[136]houseGreekϝοῖκος (woîkos), οἶκος (oîkos)andromonecy, archdiocese, autoecious, autoecism, dioecious, dioecy, ecesis, ecologist, ecology, economics, economist, economize, economy, ecoregion, ecosystem, ecumenic, ecumenism, gynomonoecy, heteroecious, heteroecism, heteroecy, homoecious, monoecious, monoecy, oecology, oeconomus, oecumenic, oikology, oikophobia, palaeoecology, paleoecology, parish, paroecious, perioeci, trioecious
oed-, ed-swell, swollenGreekοἶδος (oîdos), οἰδεῖν (oideîn), οἴδημα, οἴδηματος (oídēma, oídēmatos)angioedema, edema, edematous, oedema, oedematous
oen-[137]wineGreekϝοῖνος (woînos), οἶνος (oînos)enology, oenochoe, oenologist, oenology, oenophile, oenophilia, oinochoe
oesophag-[138]gulletGreekοἰσοφάγος (oisophágos)oesophagectomy, oesophagitis, oesophagus
oestr-[139]gadfly, stingGreekοἶστρος (oîstros), οἰστράω, οἴστρησις, οἴστρημαanestrous, anestrus, anoestrus, estrogen, estrogenic, estrus, oestrone, oestrus
ogdo-[140]eighthGreekὄγδοος (ógdoos), ὀγδοάς, ὀγδοάδος (ogdoás, ogdoádos)ogdoad
-oidlikeGreek-οειδής (-oeidēs)asteroid, mucoid, organoid
olecran-[141]skull of elbowLatin from Greekὠλέκρανον (ōlékranon)olecranon
olig-[142]fewGreekὀλίγος (olígos)oligarchy, Oligocene, oligopoly, oligosaccharide, oligotrophic
oliv-oliveLatinolivaolivaceous, olivary, olivette
om-[143]rawGreekὠμός (ōmós), ὠμότης (ōmótēs) "rawness"omophagia, Omophagus
om-[144]shoulderGreekὦμος (ômos), ὠμία (ōmía)acromion, omohyoid, omophorion
-omamorbid growth, tumorGreek-ωμαmelanoma
omas-paunchLatinomasumabomasum, omasum
ombr-[145]rainGreekὄμβρος (ómbros)ombrogenous, ombrology, ombrometer, Ombrophila, ombrophilous, ombrophobe, ombrotrophic
oment-fat skinLatinomentumomental
omin-creepyLatinomen, ominisabominable, ominous
ommat-eyeGreekὁράω, ὦμμαι, ὄμμα, ὄμματος (ómma, ómmatos)ommatidium, ommatophore
omni-allLatinomnisomnipotence, omnipresent, omniscient, omnivore
omphal-[146]navelGreekὀμφαλός (omphalós)omphalectomy, omphalic, omphalopagus, omphalophobia, paromphalocele
on-[147]assGreekὄνος (ónos), ὀνίσκος (onískos)Oniscidea, Oniscomorpha
onc-[148]barb, hookGreekὄγκος, ὄγκινος (ónkinos)Oncinocalyx, Oncorhynchus
onc-[149] (ΕΓΚ[150])bulkGreekἐνεγκεῖν, ὄγκος (ónkos), ὀγκόω, ὀγκωτός, ὄγκωσις, ὄγκωμαoncocyte, oncocytoma, oncogenesis, oncologist, oncology
oneir-[151]dreamGreekὄνειρος (óneiros), ὀνειρώσσω, ὀνείρωξις (oneírōxis)oneiric, oneirism, oneirocritic, Oneirocritica, Oneirodidae, oneirogen, oneirogenic, Oneiroi, oneiroid, oneirology, oneiromancy, oneironaut, oneironautics, oneirophobia, oneirophrenia, oneiroscopy
oner-burden, loadLatinonus, onerisexonerate, exoneration, onerous, onus
oni-[152]priceGreekὦνος (ônos), ὤνιος (ṓnios)oniochalasia, oniomania, oniomaniac
onomat-[153]nameGreekὄνομα, ὀνόματος (ónoma, onómatos), ὀνομάζω, ὀνομαστικός (onomastikós)antonomasia, onomasiology, onomastic, onomasticon, onomastics, onomasty, onomatology, onomatophore, onomatopoeia
ont-being, existenceGreekὄντος, ὀντότης (óntos, ontótēs), οὐσία (ousía)dysontogenesis, homoiousia, homoousia, monoousious, ontogenesis, ontogenetic, ontogeny, ontology, ousia, parousia
onych-[154]clawGreekὄνυξ, ὄνυχος (ónux, ónukhos), ὀνύχιον (onúkhion), ὀνύχινος, ὀνυχίζωhapalonychia, Mesonychia, onychectomy, onycholysis, onychomancy, onychomycosis, onychophagia, onychophagy, onychorrhexis, onyx, paronychia, sardonyx
onym-[155]nameGreekὄνυμα (ónuma)acronym, allonym, anonymous, antonym, autonym, caconym, cryptonym, eponym, eponymous, eponymy, euonym, homonym, hyperonym, hyponym, hyponymy, meronym, meronymy, metonym, metonymy, metronymic, paronym, paronymous, pseudonym, pseudonymous, synonym, synonymous, synonymy, tautonym, tautonymous, tautonymy, troponym, troponymy, xenonym, xenonymy
oo-[156]eggGreekᾠόν (ōión)bottarga, dioon, epoophoron, oidioid, oidium, ooblast, oocyst, oocyte, oocytogenesis, oogamete, oogamous, oogamy, oogenesis, oogonium, ooid, oolite, oolith, oology, oomancy, oophagy, oophorectomy, oophoron, ootheca, ootid, ootidogenesis, paroophoron
op-[157]holeGreekὀπή (opḗ), ὀπαῖον (opaîon)metope, opaion
opac-shadyLatinopacusopacity, opacus, opaque
oper-workLatinopus, operiscooperate, inoperable, opera, operate, opus
oper-coverLatinoperire, operculuminteroperculum, kerchief, opercular, operculiform, operculum
ophi-[158]snakeGreekὄφις, ὄφεως (óphis, ópheōs)Brachyurophis, ophicephalous, Ophicephalus, Ophiceras, Ophiclinus, ophidiophobia, ophiolite, ophiologist, ophiology, ophiophagous, Ophiophagus, ophiophagy, ophiophobia, Ophisaurus, Ophisops, ophitic
ophthalm-[159]eyeGreekὀφθαλμός (ophthalmós)exophthalmic, exophthalmos, microphthalmia, ophthalmia, ophthalmic, ophthalmologic, ophthalmologist, ophthalmology, ophthalmoparesis, ophthalmoplegia, parophthalmia, xerophthalmia
opisth-[160]behindGreekὄπισθεν (ópisthen), ὀπίσθιοςanopisthograph, opisthion, opisthobranch, opisthodomos, opisthoglyphous, opisthognathous, opisthograph, opisthokont, opisthosoma, opsimath, opsimathy
ops-, opt- (ΟΠ)eyeGreekὄψεσθαι (ópsesthai), ὀπτός (optós), ὀπτικός (optikós), ὄψις (ópsis)amblyopia, anopia, autopsy, biopsy, catadioptrics, catoptrics, catoptromancy, catoptrophobia, cyclops, diopter, dioptre, dioptrics, diplopia, eisoptrophobia, emmetropia, hemianopsia, myopia, opsoclonus, optic, optokinetic, panopticon, pleoptics, synopsis, synoptic, tritanopia
opsi-[161]lateGreekὀψέ (opsé), ὄψιοςopsimath
opson-[162]cook, prepare for eatingGreekὀψωνεῖν (opsōneîn), (opsōnia)opsonin, opsonoid
opt-chooseLatinoptareadopt, adoptee, adoption, adoptive, co-option, coopt, cooptation, nonoptional, opt, optation, optative, option, optional, optionality
optim-bestLatinoptimusoptimal, optimum
or-, oro-[163]mountainGreekὄρος, ὄρεος (óros, óreos), ὀρειάςOread, orogenesis, orogenic, orogeny, orographic, orography, oronym
or-mouthLatinos (genitive oris) "mouth"adosculation, inosculate, inosculation, interosculate, intraoral, oral, orifice, osculant, osculum, peroral
ora-pray, pleadLatinorare "to pray, plead"adore, adoration, exorable, inexorable, oracle, orate, oration, orator, oratorio, oratory, orison, perorate, peroration, perorator
orch-[164]testicleGreekὄρχις (órkhis), ὀρχίδιον (orkhídion)anorchia, cryptorchidism, monorchism, orchid, orchiectomy, orchiopexy, Orchis, polyorchidism
orches-[165]danceGreekὀρχεῖσθαι (orkheîsthai)orchestra
ordin-orderLatinōrdō, ordiniscoordinal, coordinate, coordination, coordinator, disorder, extraordinaire, extraordinary, grandorder, incoordinate, incoordination, infraorder, inordinate, inordination, insubordinate, insubordination, magnorder, mirorder, ordain, ordainment, order, ordinal, ordinance, ordinand, ordinariate, ordinary, ordinate, ordination, ordinative, ordnance, ornery, parvorder, preordain, preorder, preordination, quasiorder, reordain, reorder, reordination, suborder, subordinary, subordinate, subordination, superordain, superorder, superordinate, superordination
oreg-[166]reachGreekὀρέγειν (orégein), ὀρεκτός (orektós), ὀρεκτικός (orektikós), ὄρεξις (órexis), ὄρεγμα (óregma)anorectic, anorexia, dysorexia, orectic, orexin, parorexia
org-workGreekὄργια (órgia)orgasm
organ-organ, instrument, toolGreekὄργανον (órganon)organic, organism, organogenesis
ori-, ort-riseLatinoriri, ortusaboriginal, abort, abortifacient, abortion, abortive, disorient, disorientation, orient, oriental, Orientalia, orientate, orientation, orientational, orientative, origin, original, originality, originate, origination, originator, reorient, reorientation
orn-decorateLatinōrnāreadorn, adornment, ornament, ornamental, ornamentation, ornate, ornative, ornature, suborn, subornation
ornith-[167]birdGreekὄρνις, ὄρνιθος (órnis, órnithos)Avernus, ornithology, ornithomancy, ornithorhynchus, ornithosis
orphan-[168]Greekὀρφανός (orphanós), ὀρφανότηςorphan
orth-[169]straightGreekὀρθός (orthós), ὀρθότηςorthocenter, orthocentric, orthodontia, orthodontic, orthodontist, orthodox, orthodoxy, orthographic, ortholog, orthologous, orthonym, orthopedic, orthoscope, orthosis, orthostat, orthostyle, orthotic
oryz-[170]riceGreekὄρυζα (óruza), ὀρύζιονOryza, Oryzomys, rice, risotto
oscill-swingLatinoscillumoscillate, oscillation, oscillator, oscillatory
osm-[171]odorGreekὀσμή (osmḗ), ὄσμησιςanosmia, anosmic, cacosmia, coprosmia, dysosmia, dysosmic, euosmia, hyperosmia, hyperosmic, hyposmia, hyposmic, osmium, osmolagnia, osmophobia, osphresiolagnia, parosmia, phantosmia, troposmia
osm-[172]push, thrustGreekὠσμός (ōsmós)osmometry, osmosis, osmostat, osmotic
oss-boneLatinos, ossisexossation, interosseous, ossature, osselet, osseocartilaginous, osseointegration, osseous, ossicle, ossicular, ossiferous, ossification, ossifrage, ossify, ossuary
oste-[173]boneGreekὀστέον, ὀστέου (ostéon, ostéou), ὀστοῦν, ὀστοῦ (ostoûn, ostoû)dysostosis, endosteum, exostosis, hyperostosis, monostotic, Osteichthyes, osteoarthritis, osteoblast, osteochondritis, osteochondrosis, osteoclast, osteogenic, osteogenesis, osteoid, osteology, osteolysis, osteoma, osteomalacia, osteonecrosis, osteopathy, osteopenia, osteoporosis, osteosarcoma, osteosis, osteothrombosis, osteotome, osteotomy, periosteum, synostosis
osti-entranceLatinostiumostiary, ostiolar, ostiole, ostium
ostrac-shellGreekὄστρειον (óstreion), ὀστρακίζω (ostrakízō), ὄστρακον (óstrakon)Entomostraca, Leptostraca, Malacostraca, ostracism, ostracize, ostracod, ostracoderm, ostracon, periostracum
ostre-[174]oysterGreekὄστρεονostreophagist, oyster
ot-[175]earGreekοὖς, ὠτός (oûs, ōtós)anotia, Aotus, microtia, Myosotis, otalgia, otic, otitis, otocephaly, otocleisis, otoconium, otocyst, otodynia, otolith, otology, otopathy, otophyma, otoplasty, otorhinology, otorrhea, otosclerosis, otoscope, otoscopy, ototomy, parotic, parotid, periotic, synotia
ov-eggLatinovumobovate, oval, ovarian, ovariole, ovary, ovate, ovicapsule, ovicidal, ovicide, oviduct, oviferous, oviform, oviposition, ovipositor, ovolo, ovular, ovulation, ovulatory, ovule, ovum, pluriovulate
ovi-sheepLatinovisovile, ovine
oxy-[176]sharp, pointedGreekὀξύς (oxús)anoxia, anoxic, dioxide, hypoxia, monoxide, oxide, oxyanion, oxygen, oxyhalide, oxymoron, oxyntic, oxytone, paroxysm, pentoxide, polyoxide, tetraoxygen, tetroxide, trioxide
oz-[177]smellGreekὄζειν (ózein), ὄζων (ózōn), ὄζηozocerite, ozone, ozopore


  1. ἁδρός in Liddell and Scott
  2. αἷμα in Liddell and Scott
  3. 1 2 αἱρέω in Liddell and Scott
  4. ἅλς in Liddell and Scott
  5. ἁπλόος in Liddell and Scott
  6. ἥβη in Liddell and Scott
  7. ἕδος in Liddell and Scott
  8. ἥδομαι in Liddell and Scott
  9. ἡγέομαι in Liddell and Scott
  10. ἥλιος in Liddell and Scott
  11. ἑλίσσω in Liddell and Scott
  12. Ἑλλάς in Liddell and Scott
  13. ἕλμινς in Liddell and Scott
  14. Εἵλως in Liddell and Scott
  15. ἡμέρα in Liddell and Scott
  16. ἥμερος in Liddell and Scott
  17. ἕνδεκα in Liddell and Scott
  18. ἧπαρ in Liddell and Scott
  19. ἑπτά in Liddell and Scott
  20. Ἑρμῆς in Liddell and Scott
  21. ἑρμηνεύω in Liddell and Scott
  22. ἥρως in Liddell and Scott
  23. ἕρπω in Liddell and Scott
  24. ἕτερος in Liddell and Scott
  25. εὑρίσκω in Liddell and Scott
  26. ἕξ in Liddell and Scott
  27. ἱδρώς in Liddell and Scott
  28. ἱερός in Liddell and Scott
  29. ἵππος in Liddell and Scott
  30. ὁδός in Liddell and Scott
  31. ὅλος in Liddell and Scott
  32. ὁμός in Liddell and Scott
  33. ὁμαλός in Liddell and Scott
  34. ὅμοιος in Liddell and Scott
  35. ὅρος in Liddell and Scott
  36. ὥρα in Liddell and Scott
  37. ὁρμάω in Liddell and Scott
  38. ὕαλος in Liddell and Scott
  39. ὕβρις in Liddell and Scott
  40. ὕδνον in Liddell and Scott
  41. ὕδωρ in Liddell and Scott
  42. ὑγιής in Liddell and Scott
  43. ὑγρός in Liddell and Scott
  44. ὑμήν in Liddell and Scott
  45. ὑπό in Liddell and Scott
  46. ὑπέρ in Liddell and Scott
  47. ὑφαίνω in Liddell and Scott
  48. ὕπνος in Liddell and Scott
  49. ὗς in Liddell and Scott
  50. ὑστέρα in Liddell and Scott
  51. ὑστερέω in Liddell and Scott
  52. εἶμι in Liddell and Scott
  53. ἰάομαι in Liddell and Scott
  54. ἰχθύς in Liddell and Scott
  55. εἴκοσι in Liddell and Scott
  56. ἴκτερος in Liddell and Scott
  57. ἰδέω in Liddell and Scott
  58. ἴδιος in Liddell and Scott
  59. "Ignorant | Etymology, origin and meaning of ignorant by etymonline".
  60. ἴς in Liddell and Scott
  61. ἴσος in Liddell and Scott
  62. ἰσχίον in Liddell and Scott
  63. λαμβάνω in Liddell and Scott
  64. λάμπω in Liddell and Scott
  65. λέκιθος in Liddell and Scott
  66. λέγω in Liddell and Scott
  67. λεῖος in Liddell and Scott
  68. λέκος in Liddell and Scott
  69. λέπω in Liddell and Scott
  70. λεπτός in Liddell and Scott
  71. λευκός in Liddell and Scott
  72. λίπος in Liddell and Scott
  73. λίσσομαι in Liddell and Scott
  74. λίθος in Liddell and Scott
  75. λύω in Liddell and Scott
  76. μακρός in Liddell and Scott
  77. μάγνης in Liddell and Scott
  78. μαίνομαι in Liddell and Scott
  79. μαίνομαι in Middle Liddell and Scott
  80. maneō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
  81. μῆχος in Liddell and Scott
  82. μέγας in Liddell and Scott
  83. μεῖον in Liddell and Scott
  84. μέλας in Liddell and Scott
  85. μέλισσα in Liddell and Scott
  86. μῆνιγξ in Liddell and Scott
  87. μείρομαι in Liddell and Scott
  88. μέσος in Liddell and Scott
  89. μετά in Liddell and Scott
  90. μέταλλον in Liddell and Scott
  91. μήτηρ in Liddell and Scott
  92. μικρός in Liddell and Scott
  93. μιμέομαι in Liddell and Scott
  94. μίνθα in Liddell and Scott
  95. μισέω in Liddell and Scott
  96. mittō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
  97. μίτος in Liddell and Scott
  98. μνᾶ in Liddell and Scott
  99. μνάομαι in Liddell and Scott
  100. μόνος in Liddell and Scott
  101. μωρός in Liddell and Scott
  102. μορφή in Liddell and Scott
  103. μῦς in Liddell and Scott
  104. μύω in Liddell and Scott
  105. μύκης in Liddell and Scott
  106. μύδρος in Liddell and Scott
  107. μυελός in Liddell and Scott
  108. μύλη in Liddell and Scott
  109. "Greek Word Study Tool". Retrieved 2018-10-24.
  110. μυρίος in Liddell and Scott
  111. μύρμηξ in Liddell and Scott
  112. μύσος in Liddell and Scott
  113. μῦθος in Liddell and Scott
  114. μυζάω in Liddell and Scott
  115. ναρκάω in Liddell and Scott
  116. ναῦς in Liddell and Scott
  117. νέω in Liddell and Scott
  118. νέος in Liddell and Scott
  119. νεκρός in Liddell and Scott
  120. νέμω in Liddell and Scott
  121. νεφρός in Liddell and Scott
  122. νῆσος in Liddell and Scott
  123. νεῦρον in Liddell and Scott
  124. νότος in Liddell and Scott
  125. νῶτον in Liddell and Scott
  126. νόθος in Liddell and Scott
  127. νύξ in Liddell and Scott
  128. ŏb. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
  129. ὀβελός in Liddell and Scott
  130. ὀβολός in Liddell and Scott
  131. ὠκεανός in Liddell and Scott
  132. ὄχλος in Liddell and Scott
  133. ὀκτώ in Liddell and Scott
  134. ὀδούς in Liddell and Scott
  135. ὀδύνη in Liddell and Scott
  136. οἶκος in Liddell and Scott
  137. οἶνος in Liddell and Scott
  138. οἰσοφάγος in Liddell and Scott
  139. οἶστρος in Liddell and Scott
  140. ὄγδοος in Liddell and Scott
  141. ὠλέκρανον in Liddell and Scott
  142. ὀλίγος in Liddell and Scott
  143. ὠμός in Liddell and Scott
  144. ὦμος in Liddell and Scott
  145. ὄμβρος in Liddell and Scott
  146. ὀμφαλός in Liddell and Scott
  147. ὄνος in Liddell and Scott
  148. ὄγκος in Liddell and Scott
  149. ὄγκος in Liddell and Scott
  150. ὄγκος in Middle Liddell and Scott
  151. ὄνειρος in Liddell and Scott
  152. ὦνος in Liddell and Scott
  153. ὄνομα in Liddell and Scott
  154. ὄνυξ in Liddell and Scott
  155. ὄνυμα in Liddell and Scott
  156. ᾠόν in Liddell and Scott
  157. ὀπή in Liddell and Scott
  158. ὄφις in Liddell and Scott
  159. ὀφθαλμός in Liddell and Scott
  160. ὄπισθεν in Liddell and Scott
  161. ὀψέ in Liddell and Scott
  162. ὀψωνέω in Liddell and Scott
  163. ὄρος in Liddell and Scott
  164. ὄρχις in Liddell and Scott
  165. ὀρχέομαι in Liddell and Scott
  166. ὀρέγω in Liddell and Scott
  167. ὄρνις in Liddell and Scott
  168. ὀρφανός in Liddell and Scott
  169. ὀρθός in Liddell and Scott
  170. ὄρυζα in Liddell and Scott
  171. ὀσμή in Liddell and Scott
  172. ὠσμός in Liddell and Scott
  173. ὀστέον in Liddell and Scott
  174. ὄστρεον in Liddell and Scott
  175. οὖς in Liddell and Scott
  176. ὀξύς in Liddell and Scott
  177. ὄζω in Liddell and Scott

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