The Doom Patrol is a superhero team appearing in publications from DC Comics. The original Doom Patrol first appeared in My Greatest Adventure #80 (June 1963).[1] The majority of their foes have been members of their arch group the Brotherhood of Evil. This page lists the known enemies of the Doom Patrol.

In alphabetical order (with issue and date of first appearance)

VillainFirst appearanceDescription
General ImmortusMy Greatest Adventure #80 (June 1963)Immortal "general" of a cultish criminal syndicate with centuries of knowledge about military tactics.
The BrainDoom Patrol #86 (March 1964)Disembodied brain of scientific genius, the Brain led the Brotherhood of Evil.
Madame RougeInstructor at a French girls’ school who was secretly the deadly Madame Rouge, with an elastic body and the ability to remold her face to imitate anyone.
Monsieur MallahA gorilla who was chosen by the Brain to be subjected to training and electric shocks that turned him into a genius.
Mr. NobodyDoom Patrol #86 (March 1964) (as Mr. Morden); (vol. II) #26 (September 1989) (as Mr. Nobody)Mr. Morden, a “one-man crime wave”, stole the giant robot Rog in his quest to join the Brotherhood of Evil; driven insane and turned into an abstract shadow form by an ex-Nazi scientist, he gained the power to drain sanity from his victims and rechristened himself Mr. Nobody, leader of the Brotherhood of Dada.
Animal-Vegetable-Mineral ManDoom Patrol #89 (August 1969)Dr. Sven Larsen, Swedish scientist and former student of the Chief, fell into a vat simulating the organic soup of the primordial Earth and gained power to change his body into any form of animal, vegetable, or mineral.
GarguaxDoom Patrol #91 (November 1964)A mammoth-sized and obese forerunner of an alien invasion force who used the advanced technology of his world, including an android army dubbed the Plastic Men.
Mister 104Doom Patrol #98 (September 1965)John Dubrovny was a genius biochemist who suffered a mental collapse and developed the power to transform himself into any element on the atomic table. He started out as Mister 103. Later appearances had John operating as Mister 104
General ZahlDoom Patrol #121 (October 1968)Originally called Captain Zahl, the former Nazi U-boat captain was a frequent sparring partner with the Doom Patrol. His most notable claim is his role as the mastermind in the believed demise of the group alongside Madame Rouge.
Red JackDoom Patrol vol. 2 #23 "The Butterfly Collector" (June 1989)Arguably the most powerful villain the team has ever encountered, Red Jack was an extra-dimensional being, with a filigree crown and a masquerade-style mask, dressed in mid 17th century nobleman costume, who claimed to be both Jack the Ripper, and the creator of the universe. His powers derived from the collective suffering of millions of butterflies, which he kept pinned to the wall of his home. He kidnapped Rhea Jones (AKA Lodestone) from the hospital where she was being tended to during a coma, in order to make her his bride. Upon discovering Rhea missing from her hospital bed, Crazy Jane reveals the identity of her kidnapper through a divining ritual involving cut up pieces from books she stole from a store down the street (a method purportedly used by Dadaists and William S. Burroughs to create random poetry). Red Jack easily defeats the Doom Patrol, and seems unstoppable until Crazy Jane releases his butterfly collection, rendering him powerless, and allowing a suddenly-awakened Rhea Jones to stab him in the back with his own knife.
ShrapnelDoom Patrol vol. 2 #7 (April 1988)Mark Scheffer was a serial bomber and government anarchist before a lab accident turned his skin into an organic metal compound giving him superhuman strength, speed, and the ability to manipulate metal projectiles from his body into explosive bursts. He was discovered by the Doom Patrol in Kansas while on a murder spree and forced into combat by the team.

Foes of lesser renown

In chronological order (with issue and date of first appearance)

VillainFirst appearanceDescription
Doctor JanusMy Greatest Adventure #81 (March 1964)Josef Kreutz, a master criminal who was formerly a propagandist for Hitler, escaped the fall of Nazi Germany and invented a radio-like device that made people see things that were not there.
The Green-Headed LeagueMy Greatest Adventure #82 (September 1963)Three green-skinned aliens disguised themselves as human and infiltrated the corridors of power over seven years of planning as Senator Durham, political powerhouse; Dr. Savatini, chairman of the International Science Foundation; and Monsieur Duvoir, famed financier.
Cooky and NolanMy Greatest Adventure #83 (November 1963)Basic crooks exploiting power outages caused when Negative Man’s energy form was unleashed out of control.
The Nuclear BeastsMy Greatest Adventure #85 (February 1964)Two nuclear-powered creatures from the Earth’s core.
RogDoom Patrol #86 (March 1964)A giant robot created by Chief that fell under the control of Mr. Nobody so that he can become a member of the Brotherhood of Evil.
GiacamoDoom Patrol #87 (May 1967)A little person who served the Brotherhood of Evil.
Vince HardingDoom Patrol #87 (May 1964)Escaped killer who hid on a Pacific island loaded with deadly booby-traps.
The BaronDoom Patrol #88 (June 1964)Monocle and cape-wearing gentlemanly leader of thieves using advanced technology to execute stylish and daring plans, all in order to seize wealth to be used by General Immortus.
S/Sgt. Allen NortonDoom Patrol #89 (August 1964)Amnesiac war veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder that turned him violent when he heard sounds reminiscent of machine gun fire.
Doctor TymeDoom Patrol #92 (December 1964)Invented the “4-X beam” that slows or accelerates time in localized areas, and which he radiated from the top of his absurd alarm-clock shaped helmet. Hid in “Merlin’s Castle,” which he decorated with a large number of clocks.
OsraDoom Patrol #94 (March 1965)Dr. John Radick, author of best-seller “Illusion and Reality,” was secretly the son of Dr. Janus and used Janus’s mental illusion radio to create the belief that Osra, the ghost of an ancient sultan, was destroying buildings.
The ClawHawk-masked thief who controlled super falcons Meena and Tonka, which had steel razor tipped claws and could fly at speeds topping 200 miles per hour.
Bug ManDoom Patrol #99 (November 1965)Used army of robots and a flying robot vehicle that could transform into simulacra of bugs.
King of DinosaursDoom Patrol #100 (December 1965)Dr. Weir went mad and hypnotized a young green-skinned boy named Craig (secretly Beast Boy) in order to steal his key to a bank deposit box which held Craig's father's secrets of anti-evolution, which he used to engineer dinosaurs he controlled in a series of mad thefts.
Nicholas GaltryGuardian of the young man who was secretly Beast Boy, he stole from the boy’s trust and hired Arsenal to kill him to prevent the embezzlement from being discovered.
League of Challenger HatersChallengers of the Unknown #42A villain group that usually antagonizes the Challengers of the Unknown. It consists of Multi-Man, Kra, Multi-Woman, and Volcano Man. The Doom Patrol once fought the League of Challenge Haters in Doom Patrol #102 when they tried to find Atlantis causing the Doom Patrol and the Challengers of the Unknown to team up to stop them.
King ZatopaDoom Patrol #102 (March 1966)Leader of an Atlantean nation that was preserved in suspended animation and revived by Multi-Man and the Challenger-Haters, who held the nation’s queen hostage to force Zatopa and his army to work on their behalf.
The Meteor ManDoom Patrol #103 (May 1966)Professor Randolph Ormsby, a germ-phobic astronomer, was transformed by cosmic rays into a rampaging living meteor growing ever more powerful as he absorbed iron into his molten core.
UltimaxDoom Patrol #107 (November 1966)A rampaging giant robot intending to create a world of living computers, who was armed with techniques to neutralize all of the Doom Patrol, including a gas that super-activated Elasti-Girl’s shrinking powers and sent her into a subatomic universe. Ultimately revealed to be a pawn of the Brotherhood of Evil where it was controlled by Brain.
Doctor DeathA disfigured, skull-faced man named Dr. Drew invented an energy shroud which he intended to use to strangle the planet and destroy all life, until Negative Man thwarted his scheme. He was obsessed with making Negative Man realize he was so freakish that he could work only with a fellow freak like himself.
Abu HallamAbu Hallam, masked like a witch doctor, infiltrated and took over Swiss bank C.G.Y., thwarting Steve Dayton’s attempt to uncover Nicholas Gantry’s financial crimes, until confronted by Steve Dayton and he revealed himself to be Monsieur Mallah in disguise.
The ZarakasOne of two warring nations in a subatomic world, led by Toxino, the one-eyed king, who was nearly deposed by Count Waja.
Mandred the ExecutionerDoom Patrol #109 (February 1967)A single, powerful entity created by the sacrifice of Garguax’s Plastic Men androids, which threw themselves into a vat to pool themselves into one creature.
Zarox-13Doom Patrol #111 (May 1967)Thirteenth leader of Garguax’s alien race, who was revered by the epithets “Master of the Dark Forces, Ruler of the Ruthless, Protector of the Unholy, and Emperor of the Cosmos.” It took the combined forces of the Doom Patrol and the Brotherhood of Evil to stop Zarox-13.
ArsenalDoom Patrol #113 (August 1967)A large mecha-suit, powered with an arsenal of weapons intended to neutralize the Doom Patrol's powers, operated by a man with dwarfism. His suit would later be used by Nicholas Galtry.
Kor, the ConquerorDoom Patrol #114 (September 1967)Prof. Anton Koravyk, specialist in sonic technology, attempted to send himself back in time to escape the governments intent on channeling his talents into military uses, but accidentally punched through time and de-evolved himself into a Neanderthal warrior.
The Mutant TrioDoom Patrol #115 (November 1967)Three telepathically linked flying mutants with three-fingered hands and destructive power (Ur, aka the Mutant Master, whose head is a giant eye, fires a heat beam; his brother Ar, whose face is in the center of his chest, fires a de-atomizer ray; and Ir, faceless mutant with a giant eye on the palm of each hand, fires lasers) claimed to be aliens but were deformed by atom bomb radiation, “the first children of the atomic age”.
The Black VultureDoom Patrol #117 (February 1968)A man named Decker attempted to swindle a Native American tribe out of its land, calling himself “Son of Geronimo” until the Chief discovered his plot. Decker then sought revenge as the Black Vulture, a bird-costumed man flying by jet-powered gauntlets, wielding steel-claw talons, and controlling a menageries of super-birds (including a giant condor, giant eagle, and a flock of super-fast hummingbirds with poison-dipped beaks).
VidexDoom Patrol #118 (March–April 1968)Jalmar Lichtmeister believed he had uncovered the secret to invisibility and tested his theories on himself, successfully turning his outer skin invisible but revealing his organs and gaining power over light.
The Great GuruDoom Patrol #119 (May–June 1968)Yaramishi Rama Yogi used radical “therapy” to attempt to emotionally cripple the Doom Patrol in order to distract them while he “liberated” Madame Rouge from her brief romance with the Chief.
The WreckerDoom Patrol #120 (August 1968)Harvey Keller, twin brother of artist Morton Keller, was distraught when Morton was killed by a medical error when a hospital data processor mislabeled his blood type. Keller created New World Island, a Sargasso sea in space of satellites and space craft, from which he plotted to use technology destructively in order to wean mankind from his dependence on technology.
KalkiDoom Patrol vol. 2 #1 (October 1987)An aging mad scientist and the father of Celsius who sought to become immortal and once employed a younger Niles Caulder in his experiments.
ReactronDoom Patrol vol. 2 #10 (July 1988)A radioactive Superman villain who the Doom Patrol once fought.
MetalloDoom Patrol vol. 2 #10 (July 1988)A cyborg enemy of Superman who once fought the Doom Patrol.
PythiaDoom Patrol vol. 2 #13 (October 1988)A Lord of Chaos.
ScissormenDoom Patrol vol. 2 #19 (February 1989)The Scissormen are a race of beings with scissors for hands that come from the metafictional city of Orqwith.
Brotherhood of DadaDoom Patrol vol. 2 #26 (September 1989)An absurdist group that was created by Mr. Nobody when he was denied membership in the Brotherhood of Evil.
Cult of the Unwritten BookDoom Patrol vol. 2 #31 (April 1990)A religious order that is dedicated to the total annihilation of the entire universe by summoning the Decreator.
DecreatorDoom Patrol vol. 2 #32 (May 1990)A cosmic entity that is known to eradicate all types of existence.
Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E.Doom Patrol vol. 2 #35 (August 1990)An organization that is dedicated to the extermination of eccentricity and difference after their soul husks have been harvested by the Agency and the Telephone Avatar during World War II. They once captured Flex Mentallo and targeted Danny the Street.
Darren JonesA man who is completely obsessed with eliminating the strangeness and peculiarity in the world and the self-described poster for normalcy.
Beard HunterDoom Patrol vol. 2 #45 (June 1992)Ernest Franklin was a disturbed and closeted gay assassin of bearded men who was hired the Bearded Gentlemen's Club of Metropolis to kill the Chief because he wouldn't sell his beard to them. He cannot grow a beard due to a male hormone deficiency according to his mother when she was visited by the police.
CodpieceDoom Patrol vol. 2 #70 (September 1993)A villain with a massive inferiority complex who wears a suit that has a codpiece-shaped weapon system.
Barrage IIDoom Patrol vol. 4 #1 (August 2004)A villain with energy-projecting abilities.
CandlemakerDoom Patrol vol. 6 #3 (January 2017)An extradimensional egregore who was unleahed by Dorothy Spinner during the earlier days of the Doom Patrol.
TorminoxDoom Patrol vol. 6 #5 (May 2017)Richard Brinke is a scientist and the father of Casey Brinke who was turned into the evil Torminox by the disease of the same name. He was the villain in the "Space Case" comics where Casey operated as the titular character. Both of them were accidentally brought to life by Danny the Street.


  1. Beatty, Scott (2008). "Doom Patrol". In Dougall, Alastair (ed.). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. New York: Dorling Kindersley. p. 109. ISBN 978-0-7566-4119-1. OCLC 213309017.
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