The following is a list of characters from the wuxia novel Datang Youxia Zhuan by Liang Yusheng.

Main characters

  • Tie Mole (鐵摩勒; Tiě Mólè) is Tie Kunlun's son and Dou Lingkan's godson. He joins Han Zhifen and Han Zhan in helping Xin Tianxiong and his volunteer army fight the rebels.
  • Nan Jiyun (南霽雲; Nán Jìyún), nicknamed "Nan Ba" (南八), is a famous martial artist from Weizhou. He dies in the Battle of Suiyang.
  • Xia Lingshuang (夏凌霜; Xià Língshuāng) is Leng Xuemei's daughter. Her biological father is actually Huangfu Hua, but she never knew the truth because her mother refused to tell her. She is highly skilled in swordplay and appears to help the other protagonists in the nick of time when they encounter trouble. She marries Nan Jiyun and gives birth to a pair of twin boys, and is said to be pregnant with a third child near the end of the novel. After surviving the Battle of Suiyang, she dedicates the rest of her life to raising her children and Duan Keye.
  • Wang Yanyu (王燕羽; Wáng Yànyǔ) is Wang Botong's daughter. She has a crush on Tie Mole and saves him from death a few times. Tie Mole initially sees her as an enemy because she had killed his godfather. However, he is reluctant to kill her later as he gradually develops romantic feelings for her through their various encounters.
  • Han Zhifen (韓芷芬; Hán Zhĭfēn) is Han Zhan's daughter who inherits her father's powerful dianxue techniques. She falls in love with Tie Mole and marries him eventually.
  • Duan Guizhang (段珪璋; Duàn Guīzhāng) is a famous swordsman from Youzhou. In his younger days, he had offended An Lushan and had been forced to go into hiding after An Lushan rose to power. By chance, he meets Tie Mole and passes his skills to him. Duan Guizhang dies in the Battle of Suiyang.
  • Dou Xianniang (竇線娘; Dòu Xiànniáng) is the younger sister of the five Dou brothers and Duan Guizhang's wife. Her prowess in martial arts complement her husband's swordsmanship. She is severely injured during the Battle of Suiyang. Before her death, she entrusts her son to Xia Lingshuang's care and tells him about his fiancée, Shi Ruomei.

Tang Empire

Imperial clan

  • Li Longji (李隆基; Lǐ Lóngjī), better known as Emperor Xuanzong (唐玄宗; Táng Xuánzōng) is the ruler of the Tang Empire. He becomes Retired Emperor after his son usurps his throne. He holds a grudge against Tie Mole because of the latter's involvement in Consort Yang's death at Mawei courier station, so he summons Tie Mole to meet him in private and pretends to offer him wine, which is spiked with poison. Tie Mole refuses to drink and escapes from Mawei after fighting his way out. The emperor denounces him a traitor and orders his arrest.
  • Li Heng (李亨; Lǐ Hēng) is the ambitious crown prince. He declares himself emperor after gaining power and becomes historically known as Emperor Suzong (唐肅宗; Táng Sùzōng).
  • Princess Changle (長樂公主; Chánglè Gōngzhǔ) is Emperor Xuanzong's daughter. She was trained in swordsmanship by Gongsun Daniang. Her father often keeps her close to his side as a bodyguard. She develops a crush on Tie Mole after he saves her and her father from assassins.

Yang Guozhong and associates

  • Yang Yuhuan (楊玉環; Yáng Yùhuán), better known as Consort Yang (楊貴妃; Yáng Guìfēī), is Emperor Xuanzong's favourite concubine. During the incident at Mawei courier station, the discontented soldiers killed Yang Guozhong and demanded that the emperor put Consort Yang to death. Consort Yang willingly accepts her fate and commits suicide to appease the soldiers' rage.
  • Yang Guozhong (楊國忠; Yáng Guózhōng) is Consort Yang's cousin and the chancellor of the Tang Empire. He has an ongoing feud with An Lushan and is indirectly responsible for causing An Lushan to rebel against the Tang Empire. At Mawei courier station, the soldiers blame him for their plight and the decline of the Tang Empire, and kill him.
  • Yang Xuan (楊暄; Yáng Xuān) is Yang Guozhong's son who served as the Vice Minister of Revenue. He is killed along with his father by the soldiers during the incident at Mawei courier station.
  • The Lady of Han (韓國夫人; Hánguó Fūrén) and Lady of Guo (虢國夫人; Guóguó Fūrén) are Consort Yang's sisters. The former was killed by soldiers during the incident at Mawei courier station, while the latter was killed in a mob led by Xue Jingxian.


  • Li Linfu (李林甫; Lǐ Línfǔ) was Yang Guozhong's predecessor as chancellor.
  • Wei Jiansu (韋見素; Wéi Jiànsù)
  • Wei Fangjin (魏方進; Wèi Fāngjìn)
  • Eunuchs:
  • Li Guinian (李龜年; Lǐ Guīnián) is a minstrel favoured by Emperor Xuanzong.
  • Feng Shenwei (馮神威; Féng Shénweī) is an imperial emissary.
  • Xue Jingxian (薛景仙; Xuē Jǐngxiān) is a county magistrate.
  • Wei E (韋諤; Wéi È)


  • Zhang Xun (張巡; Zhāng Xún) is the governor of Suiyang who dies during the Battle of Suiyang against Shi Siming's forces.
  • Yan Zhenqing (顏真卿; Yán Zhēnqīng) is the governor of Pingyuan.
  • Feng Changqing (封常清; Fēng Chángqīng) is appointed the military governor of Fanyang and Pinglu after An Lushan rebelled. After Feng Changqing is defeated by An Lushan, Emperor Xuanzong orders Geshu Han to execute Feng Changqing.
  • Zhang Yougui (張友圭; Zhāng Yǒuguī) was the military governor of Youzhou. An Lushan used to serve under him before rising to prominence.
  • Wu Jun (吳筠; Wú Jūn) is a minister in Huzhou.
  • Zhang Jieran (張介然; Zháng Jièrán) is the military governor of Henan.
  • Guo Ne (郭訥; Guō Nè) is the governor of Chenliu who surrendered to An Lushan.
  • Yang Guangfan (楊光翻; Yáng Guāngfān) is the governor of Taiyuan and a relative of Yang Guozhong.
  • Wang Sili (王思禮; Wáng Sīlǐ) is the military governor of Heyuan.
  • Lü Fu (呂甫; Lǚ Fǔ) is the governor of Fufeng Prefecture. He volunteers to provide troops to help Emperor Xuanzong drive away the rebels from Chang'an.

Military officers

  • Guo Ziyi (郭子儀; Guō Zǐyí) is the governor of Jiuyuan and one of the generals in charge of suppressing An Lushan's rebellion.
  • Geshu Han (哥舒翰; Gēshū Hàn) is a general defending Tong Pass from An Lushan's rebel forces. He was forced by Yang Guozhong to attack the rebels and fell into an ambush, in which the majority of his forces perished. He surrenders to the rebels in desperation.
  • Qin Xiang (秦襄; Qín Xiāng) is a descendant of Qin Shubao. In battle, he uses a pair of heavy steel clubs which he inherits from his ancestor. He is one of the top three martial arts experts in the palace. On one occasion, he is ambushed by Wang Botong's men but Tie Mole saves him.
  • Yuchi Bei (尉遲北; Yùchí Běi) is a descendant of Yuchi Gong and one of the top three martial arts experts in the palace. He befriends Tie Mole later.
  • Yuchi Nan (尉遲南; Yùchí Nán) is Yuchi Bei's elder brother who serves as an imperial guard commander.
  • Yuwen Tong (宇文通; Yǔwén Tōng) is one of the top three martial arts experts in the palace who had once fought with Nan Jiyun. He is jealous of Tie Mole, who is favoured by Emperor Xuanzong after he saved the emperor from assassins. Secretly conspiring with An Lushan, he is exposed when Kongkong'er discovers evidence of his treachery and shows it to Tie Mole and Qin Xiang. He is defeated by Tie Mole in a fight and is bound and escorted back as a captive by Qin Xiang.
  • Chen Yuanli (陳元禮; Chén Yuánlǐ) is a general escorting Emperor Xuanzong from Chang'an to Sichuan.
  • Cui Guangyuan (崔光遠; Cuī Guāngyuǎn) is appointed as the governor of Chang'an when Emperor Xuanzong evacuated the capital.
  • Helan Jinming (賀蘭進明; Hèlán Jìnmíng) is a grand marshal who refuses to send reinforcements to Suiyang when Nan Jiyun breaks out of the siege and comes to seek help. Nan Jiyun bites off one of his fingers in protest, but he still refuses and has Nan Jiyun detained. Duan Guizhang and the others rescue Nan Jiyun later.
  • Liu Yan (劉彥; Liú Yàn) is Guo Ziyi's subordinate.


  • Linghu Da (令狐達; Lìnghú Dá) is a colonel of the imperial guards. When the assassins attack the emperor, he betrays the emperor and attempts to kill him, but is stopped by Tie Mole and Princess Changle. He is killed by Yuwen Tong.
  • Niu Qianjin (牛千斤; Niú Qiānjīn) and Long Wanjun (龍萬鈞; Lóng Wànjūn) are palace guards.

An Lushan forces

An Lushan's family

  • An Lushan (安祿山; Ān Lùshān) is a warlord who rose to prominence after winning the favour of Emperor Xuanzong and Consort Yang. He was appointed as the military governor of Fanyang and Pinglu, and later started a rebellion against the Tang Empire. He is murdered in a plot orchestrated by Madam Lu.
  • An Qingxu (安慶緒; Ān Qìngxù) is An Lushan's younger son and crown prince who is incompetent and weak, so his father wants to depose him. He is manipulated into murdering his father and usurping the throne.
  • An Qingzong (安慶宗; Ān Qìngzōng) is An Lushan's eldest son who is executed by Emperor Xuanzong after his father is accused of plotting a rebellion.
  • Princess Rongyi (榮義郡主; Róngyì Jùnzhǔ) is Emperor Xuanzong's niece who married An Qingzong and was forced to commit suicide after her husband's death.
  • An Qing'en (安慶恩; Ān Qìng'ēn) is An Lushan's son and was born to Consort Duan. He is favoured by his father, who considered him a replacement for An Qingxu as crown prince.

An Lushan's followers

  • Shi Siming (史思明; Shǐ Sīmíng)
  • Tian Chengsi (田承嗣; Tián Chéngsì) is a former bandit who serves as a general under An Lushan.
  • Zhang Zhongzhi (張忠志; Zhāng Zhōngzhì) is one of An Lushan's bodyguards. He uses a pair of Tiger Head Hooks in combat.
  • Asheli (阿奢黎; Āshēlí) is a monk from the same hometown as An Lushan. He possesses immense strength. An Lushan orders him to watch over Wang Botong.
  • Wu Lingxun (武令珣; Wǔ Lìngxún) is one of An Lushan's generals.
  • Meng Guan (蒙貫; Méng Guàn) is a former pirate who follows Yang Mulao to pursue Tie Mole but is defeated.
  • Sikong Ba (司空拔; Sīkōng Bá) is a cavalry colonel under An Lushan who is killed by Tie Mole in a fight.
  • Mu An (沐安; Mù Ān) is the commander of An Lushan's imperial guards.
  • Hong Dacun (洪大存; Hóng Dàcún) is Nie Feng's subordinate.
  • Du Shou (杜綬; Dù Shòu) uses an iron crutch.
  • Li Zhu'er (李豬兒; Lǐ Zhū'er) is a eunuch serving under An Lushan. He murders his master with help from An Qingxu.
  • Linghu Chao (令狐潮; Lìnghú Cháo) is a general under Shi Siming who leads the attack on Suiyang.
  • Yin Ziqi (尹子奇; Yǐn Zǐqí) is the leader of the archer unit in Linghu Chao's army.

Xue Song and associates

  • Xue Song (薛嵩; Xuē Sōng) is a former bandit who serves as a general under An Lushan. He is forced to rebel against An Lushan just before An Qingxu seized power.
  • Madam Xue (薛夫人; Xuē Fūrén) is Xue Song's wife. She is captured by An Lushan's soldiers when her husband rebelled and has an ear sliced off during the struggle, but is saved by Tie Mole and his friends.
  • Madam Lu (盧氏; Lú Shì) is Shi Yiru's wife and Leng Xuemei's cousin. She is captured by An Lushan's men along with her husband and daughter. Xue Song is attracted by her beauty and wants to take her for himself, so she disfigures herself after her husband's death to prevent Xue Song from dishonouring her. After that, she secretly orchestrates a plot to overthrow and kill An Lushan and succeeds in doing so with help from Yan Zhuang. She was captured and held hostage by Shang Kun and attempts suicide in the same manner as her husband, but survives and dies of her wounds eventually.
  • Shi Ruomei (史若梅; Shǐ Ruòméi) is Shi Yiru and Madam Lu's daughter who was raised as Xue Song's daughter and renamed "Hongxian" (紅線; Hóngxiàn). She learns swordsmanship under Abbess Miaohui's training along with Nie Yinniang.
  • Nie Feng (聶鋒; Niè Fēng) is Xue Song's cousin. Although he is on An Lushan's side, he is actually a good person. He helps Duan Guizhang and Nan Jiyun secretly before. On one occasion, he attempts to help Madam Lu escape from Xue Song's clutches. When Tie Mole is captured by Xue Song years later, he lies that Tie is a distant relative and lets Tie hide in his residence.
  • Nie Yinniang (聶隱娘; Niè Yǐnniáng) is Nie Feng's daughter who is trained in swordsmanship together with Hongxian by Abbess Miaohui.
  • Madam Nie (聶夫人; Niè Fūrén) is Nie Feng's wife.
  • Housekeeper Hou (侯管家; Hóu Guǎnjiā) is Nie Feng's housekeeper who forges a close friendship with Tie Mole when Tie was living in disguise in Nie's house.
  • Yan Zhuang (嚴莊; Yán Zhuāng) is An Qingxu's tutor. He is indirectly instigated by Madam Lu to rebel against An Lushan.
  • Madam Yan (嚴夫人; Yán Fūrén) is Yan Zhuang's wife and a close friend of Madam Lu and Madam Xue.
  • Liu Hai (劉海; Liú Hăi) is one of Xue Song's subordinates loyal to him. He provides shelter for Xue and Nie Feng's families when they are escaping from An Lushan's men.

Yang Mulao and associates

  • Yang Mulao (羊牧勞; Yáng Mùláo) is a martial artist nicknamed "Seven Steps Soul Chasing Hand" (七步追魂手) after his signature martial arts move. He once challenged Tie Kunlun to a martial arts contest to test his palm power. During the contest, he cheats and inflicts severe internal injuries on Tie Kunlun, causing the latter to die a few days later. Tie Mole sees him as a sworn enemy and vows to kill him to avenge his father. He is defeated and seriously wounded by the combined efforts of the protagonists during the Battle of Suiyang. His palm skills and inner energy are so powerful that he can kill an elephant with a single palm strike.
  • Ma Yuanxing (馬遠行; Mǎ Yuǎnxíng) is slain by Nan Jiyun during the Battle of Suiyang.
  • Niu Bugeng (牛不耕; Niú Bùgēng) is slain by Duan Guizhang in Suiyang.
  • Yang Mulao's apprentices:
    • Shan Xiong (單雄; Shàn Xióng) follows his master to pursue Tie Mole but is injured and defeated in the fight.
    • Cheng Jian (程堅; Chéng Jiān)
    • Shang Kun (尚崑; Shàng Kūn) holds Madam Lu hostage. Madam Lu attempts suicide so that she would not become a burden. Shang Kun is taken by surprise and slain by Tie Mole when he is distracted.
  • Su Bing (蘇秉; Sū Bǐng) was a military leader in Youzhou. He bribed Yang Mulao to injure Tie Kunlun in a contest and used the opportunity to destroy Tie's bandit stronghold after Tie died from his internal injuries. The young Tie Mole was rescued and adopted by Dou Lingkan after Tie Kunlun's death. Dou Lingkan later helped Tie Mole kill Su Bing.

Wang Botong and associates

  • Wang Botong (王伯通; Wáng Bótōng) is Dou Lingkan's rival and An Lushan's secret ally. He gradually gains an edge over Dou Lingkan by recruiting several powerful martial artists to help him seize the position of chief of the wulin (martial artists' community). He is disgraced when his conspiracy with An Lushan is revealed. Yang Mulao attempts to kill him but he is saved by Bu Anqi and Abbess Miaohui. He is touched and feels guilty for his past misdeeds, so he repents and commits suicide to atone for his sins.
  • Wang Longke (王龍客; Wáng Lóngkè) is Wang Botong's son who is highly skilled in martial arts and uses an iron fan in combat. He was trained in martial arts by Zhuanlun Fawang, his father's friend. He lusts for Xia Lingshuang and wants to force her to marry him. During the Battle of Suiyang, he takes Yang Mulao's side and plays a role in causing Nan Jiyun's death. He is slain by Duan Keye eventually.
  • Shi Yilong (石一龍; Shí Yīlóng) and Shi Yihu (石一虎; Shí Yīhǔ) are two brothers nicknamed "Yin and Yang Sabers". Each of them specialises in saber techniques on one hand and they always fight together as a pair. Their personalities are also opposites of each other.
  • Chu Sui (褚遂; Chŭ Suì) is Wang Botong's sworn brother who specialises in qinna techniques.
  • Tu Long (屠龍; Tú Lóng) uses a pair of big iron rings.
  • He Kun (賀崑; Hè Kūn) is a colonel and archer serving under Guo Ziyi. Nan Jiyun remembers seeing him with Wang Botong once and suspects that he may harm Guo Ziyi. He is killed by Guo Congjin eventually.
  • Zhu Sansheng (祝三勝; Zhù Sānshèng) uses a seven-section dragon whip.
  • Han Jing (韓荊; Hán Jīng) uses a three-section staff.
  • Deng She (鄧奢; Dèng Shē) uses a thick-bladed mountain slicing saber.
  • Hua Liang (華良; Huà Liáng)

Kongkong'er and associates

  • Kongkong'er (空空兒; Kōngkōng'er) is a young and arrogant martial artist of unknown origin. He specialises in the Yuan Gong Swordplay (袁公劍術), a set of powerful sword techniques that allows the user to attack an opponent's vital points in one movement. His prowess in qinggong is also formidable, as he can travel swiftly from point to point without being detected.
  • Jingjing'er (精精兒; Jīngjīng'er) is Kongkong'er's junior. He is the illegitimate son of a hunter from the Kangju tribe in the western regions, and had been abandoned as an infant and raised by tribal people. Resembling an ape in appearance, he is less powerful in swordsmanship compared to Kongkong'er. After failing to assassinate the emperor, he betrays Kongkong'er and becomes an apprentice of Zhuanlun Fawang.
  • Gui Fangzhen (歸方震; Guī Fāngzhèn), also known as Zanglingzi (藏靈子; Zànglíngzi), was Kongkong'er and Jingjing'er's master.
  • Madam Gui (歸夫人; Guī Fūrén) is Gui Fangzhen's wife who adopted and raised the baby Duan Keye as her apprentice and trained him in martial arts. Duan Guizhang and Dou Xianniang are grateful to her for grooming their son into a powerful martial artist.
  • Duan Keye (段克邪; Duàn Kèyè) is Duan Guizhang and Dou Xianniang's son who was kidnapped by Kongkong'er while he was still an infant, and trained in martial arts by Madam Gui. He reunites with his parents eventually and they are proud to see that their son has become a powerful fighter.

Dou family

  • Dou Lingkan (竇令侃; Dòu Lìngkǎn) is an outlaw leader and the chief of the wulin (martial artists' community). He adopted Tie Mole as his godson and raised him after Tie Kunlun's death. He and his four brothers are slain by Wang Yanyu, the daughter of his rival Wang Botong.
  • Dou Lingce (竇令策; Dòu Lìngcè)
  • Dou Lingfu (竇令符; Dòu Lìngfú)
  • Dou Lingshen (竇令申; Dòu Lìngshēn)
  • Dou Lingzhan (竇令湛; Dòu Lìngzhàn)

Xin Tianxiong and associates

  • Xin Tianxiong (辛天雄; Xīn Tiānxióng) is a bandit chief from Golden Rooster Ridge (金雞嶺). He opposes Wang Botong after learning that the latter has a secret alliance with An Lushan. He becomes a close ally of the protagonists.
  • Han Zhan (韓湛; Hán Zhàn) is a master of dianxue techniques.
  • Du Baiying (杜百英; Dù Băiyīng) is a youxia nicknamed "Golden Sword, Green Bag" (金劍青囊).
  • Longzang Shangren (龍藏上人; Lóngzàng Shàngrén)
  • The "Twin Heroes of the Sa Family" (薩氏雙英; Sǎ Shì Shuāngyīng)
  • Fu Lingxiao (符凌霄; Fú Língxiāo) is a famous youxia from southern Shaanxi.


  • Wei Yue (衛越; Weì Yuè) is nicknamed "Mad Beggar" (瘋丐). He hates evildoers and punishes them harshly.
  • Huangfu Song (皇甫嵩; Huángfǔ Sōng) is nicknamed "Divine Dragon of the Western Mountain" (西嶽神龍). He is reputed for performing chivalrous and heroic deeds, but is said to have also committed heinous crimes as well. (The crimes were actually committed by his brother Huangfu Hua, who resembles him in appearance.) He saves Nan Jiyun, Duan Guizhang and Tie Mole from An Lushan's men once.
  • Huangfu Hua (皇甫華; Huángfǔ Huá) is Huangfu Song's younger brother. He was ill-behaved as a child and was influenced by the Zhan couple to do evil deeds. Resembling his brother in appearance, he often impersonates his brother and commits several atrocities. He murders Xia Shengtao and kidnaps and rapes Leng Xuemei. Eventually, he is severely injured by Duan Guizhang and Dou Xianniang, and killed by Leng Xuemei.
  • Che Chi (車遲; Chē Chí) is nicknamed "Three Handed Divine Beggar" (三手神丐) for his excellent thieving skills and "Wine Beggar" (酒丐) for his penchant for alcoholic drinks. He helps the protagonists fight Wang Botong's men during the first battle in Sleeping Dragon Valley. He knows the truth that Huangfu Hua, and not Huangfu Song, was the one who murdered Xia Shengtao and impregnated Leng Xuemei. However, he is killed by Huangfu Hua before he can tell Duan Guizhang.
  • Wu Tieqiao (武鐵樵; Wǔ Tiěqiáo) is Wei Yue's junior and the chief of the beggars in Chang'an. He brings his followers with him to help Tie Mole, Duan Guizhang and the others fight An Lushan's men and save Nie Feng and Xue Song's families.

Zhan family

  • Zhan Yuanxiu (展元修; Zhǎn Yuánxiū) is Zhan Feilong and Zhan Daniang's son and Wang Yanyu's senior. He is secretly in love with Wang Yanyu, but willingly gives up when he sees that she truly loves Tie Mole. Despite coming from a dark background, he severs ties with his family to follow the path of righteousness. He inherits his parents' skills and uses them to uphold justice.
  • Zhan Feilong (展飛龍; Zhǎn Fēilóng) was a murderous villain who terrorised the jianghu several years ago until he was defeated and injured in a fight against several opponents.
  • Zhan Daniang (展大娘; Zhǎn Dàniáng) is Zhan Feilong's wife and Wang Yanyu's martial arts master. As ruthless and cruel as her husband, she went into hiding after her husband's death. She attempts to kill Tie Mole when she learns that he is competing with her son for Wang Yanyu's love, but eventually decides not to pursue her past feuds with Bu Anqi and the others after they saved her son from death.

Zhuanlun Fawang and associates

  • Zhuanlun Fawang (轉輪法王; Zhuǎnlún Fǎwáng; 'Wheel Turning Guardian King') is a monk from India who established a martial arts school based in Gold Jade Palace (金碧宮) on Black Rock Peak (黑石峰). He has a past feud with Zanglingzi and lays down a rule that any intruder who enters his domain must die. Duan Guizhang, Han Zhan, Tie Mole and others are lured into his base and run into trouble with him. He is locked in a battle of inner energy against Bu Anqi and Abbess Miaohui, but the fight is stopped by Mou Canglang. His prowess in inner energy is extremely powerful, as seen from his ability to use his inner energy to levitate himself even while he remains seated on a chair.
  • Zhu Ling (朱靈; Zhū Líng) and Zhu Bao (朱寶; Zhū Bǎo) are the sons of Zhu Xu (朱旭; Zhū Xù), a bandit leader from Vermillion Bird Mountain. Their father was killed by the Dou clan and they learnt martial arts from Zhuanlun Fawang to take revenge on the Dous. They lure Duan Guizhang, Dou Xianniang and others to Gold Jade Palace.
  • Reverend Tiande (天德禪師; Tiāndé Chánshī) is Zhuanlun Fawang's most senior apprentice.

Eight Immortals of the Wine Cup

  • Li Bai (李白; Lǐ Bái)
  • Cui Zongzhi (崔宗之; Cuī Zōngzhī)
  • Zhang Xu (張旭; Zhāng Xù)
  • He Zhizhang (賀知章; Hè Zhīzhāng) is a junior secretary.


  • Shi Yiru (史逸如; Shǐ Yìrú) is a jinshi who once wrote a memorial to the emperor to accuse the chancellor Li Linfu of misconduct. He felt disillusioned by corruption and nepotism in politics and declined to serve in the government, so he led a reclusive life in a village, where he met and befriended Duan Guizhang. He is captured and held hostage by An Lushan's men, who mistake him for Duan. When Duan comes to save him later, he does not want to become a burden to his friend so he commits suicide.
  • Bu Anqi (卜安期; Bǔ Ānqī), better known by his pseudonym "Mirror Polishing Old Man" (磨鏡老人; Mójìng Lǎorén), is Nan Jiyun and Lei Wanchun's master. Although he is a formidable martial artist, he prefers to lead an anonymous life as a mirror polisher. He accepts Tie Mole as his third apprentice through Nan Jiyun's recommendation.
  • Lei Wanchun (雷萬春; Léi Wànchūn) is Nan Jiyun's junior.
  • Abbess Miaohui (妙慧師太; Miàohuì Shītài) is a nun from Penglai and Zhan Daniang's senior. She trains Hongxian and Nie Yinniang in swordsmanship.
  • Guo Congjin (郭從瑾; Guō Cóngjǐn) is a youxia and Du Baiying's martial arts master. He leads a reclusive life in his later life and appears to remind Emperor Xuanzong about the common people's hardships when the emperor was fleeing from Chang'an. He participates in the defence of Suiyang and sacrifices himself to severely injure Yang Mulao.
  • Huairen (懷仁; Huáirén) is a monk from Chang'an and an old friend of Duan Guizhang. When Duan and Tie Mole come to Chang'an to rescue Shi Yiru, he offers them shelter in his temple.
  • Xia Shengtao (夏聲濤; Xià Shēngtāo) was a famous young youxia who was mysteriously murdered on his wedding night. Huangfu Song was accused of being the murderer. It is revealed later that the murderer was actually Huangfu Hua.
  • Leng Xuemei (冷雪梅; Léng Xuěméi) is Xia Shengtao's wife who was kidnapped and raped by Huangfu Hua, who murdered her husband. She gave birth to Xia Lingshuang later and trained her daughter in martial arts. She kills Huangfu Hua and commits suicide after telling the truth to Duan Guizhang and a few others.
  • Tie Kunlun (鐵崑崙; Tiě Kūnlún) was a bandit chief based on Mount Yan. He entrusted his young son Tie Mole to the Dou brothers before his death.
  • Qiuran Ke (虯髯客; Qiúrán Kè; "Bearded Warrior") is a legendary martial artist living on an island away from the Chinese mainland.
  • Yan Yiyu (嚴一羽; Yán Yīyǔ) is Qiuran Ke's apprentice.
  • Mou Canglang (牟滄浪; Mǒu Cānglàng) is one of Yan Yiyu's apprentices. He shows up to defuse the conflict between Zhuanlun Fawang, Bu Anqi and Abbess Miaohui.
  • Lei Haiqing (雷海青; Léi Hǎiqīng) is Lei Wanchun's elder brother. He is skilled in playing the pipa and used to be a musician in Emperor Xuanzong's court. He is forced to perform in An Lushan's court later. He refuses and attempts to assassinate An Lushan but fails and dies after being seriously injured by Yang Mulao.
  • Shi Zhang (史彰; Shǐ Zhāng) is a follower of the Dou brothers. He was in charge of managing the Dous' bases throughout the land.
  • Cheng Tong (程通; Chéng Tōng) is Shi Zhang's assistant.
  • Feng Jichang (封季常; Fēng Jìcháng) was a martial artist from Fanyang and Tie Kunlun's father-in-law.
  • Nie Peng (聶鵬; Niè Péng) was an elderly swordsman from Zhuozhou. He is believed to be Nie Feng's father.
  • Gongsun Zhan (公孫湛; Gōngsūn Zhàn) is a palace guard who had a past feud with Xia Shengtao. He was one of the suspects believed to be responsible for murdering Xia Shengtao.
  • Du Fu (杜甫; Dù Fǔ)
  • Taoist Guiyuan (龜元道人; Guīyuán Dàorén) is Huangfu Hua's accomplice who is slain by Leng Xuemei.
  • Reverend Zhichan (智禪大師; Zhìchán Dàshī) is the abbot of Fulong Monastery (福隆寺) and a close friend of Nie Feng.
  • Kongxuanzi (空玄子; Kōngxuánzi) is one of the "Seven Eccentrics of the Wulin". He spreads news that Yang Mulao had died but the news turn out to be false.
  • Li Tian'ao (李天敖; Lǐ Tiān'áo), nicknamed "Pockmarked Li" (李麻子), is a bandit leader from Hongzhou. He joins Shi Siming's rebel forces.

See also


    • Liang, Yusheng (1963–1964). Datang Youxia Zhuan (in Chinese). Hong Kong: Ta Kung Pao. ISBN 9787805216294.
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