Troy Aikman, quarterback for the Cowboys between 1989 and 2000, led the Cowboys wins in Super Bowl XXVII, XXVIII, and XXX
This is not a complete list of American football players who have played for the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League (NFL). It includes players who have played at least one game in the NFL regular season. The Dallas Cowboys franchise was founded in 1960 as an expansion team. The team has earned the most postseason appearances (28, which includes another league record of 54 postseason games, winning 32 of them), the most appearances in the NFC Championship Game (14), and the 2nd most Super Bowl appearances (8). The Cowboys have played for 10 NFL Championships and have won five, all five being Super Bowls.
- Gene Babb
- John Babinecz
- Robert Bailey
- Dan Bailey
- Jesse Baker
- Jon Baker
- Matt Baker
- Sam Baker
- Brian Baldinger
- Alex Barron
- Gordon Banks
- Marion Barber III
- Rod Barksdale
- Benny Barnes
- Darian Barnes
- Gary Barnes
- Reggie Barnes
- Rodrigo Barnes
- Micheal Barrow
- Marv Bateman
- Bill Bates
- Michael Bates
- Michael Batiste
- Craig Baynham
- Arliss Beach
- Cole Beasley
- Bob Belden
- Jason Bell
- Martellus Bennett
- Darren Benson
- Bob Bercich
- Adam Bergen
- Joe Berger
- Justin Beriault
- Larry Bethea
- Steve Beuerlein
- Erik Bickerstaff
- Dick Bielski
- Terry Billups
- Don Bishop
- Eric Bjornson
- Alois Blackwell
- Kelly Blackwell
- Willie Blade
- Ricky Blake
- Drew Bledsoe
- Alvin Blount
- Jim Boeke
- Rocky Boiman(?)
- Chris Boniol
- Nate Borden
- Rich Borresen
- Joe Bowden
- Tom Braatz
- Byron Bradfute
- Kerry Brady
- Chris Brazzell
- Bob Breunig
- Alundis Brice
- Greg Briggs
- Lester Brinkley
- Larry Brinson
- Clyde Brock
- Keith Brooking
- Jamal Brooks
- Jermaine Brooks
- Kevin Brooks
- Michael Brooks
- Bob Brotzki
- Willie Broughton
- Anthony Brown
- Courtney Brown
- Eric Brown
- Guy Brown
- Larry Brown
- Noah Brown
- Otto Brown
- Darrick Brownlow
- Antonio Bryant
- Dez Bryant
- Chris Brymer
- David Buehler
- Amos Bullocks
- Cornell Burbage
- Jackie Burkett
- Kevin Burnett
- Dave Burnette
- Ron Burton
- Bill Butler
- Quincy Butler
- Lee Roy Caffey
- Dan Campbell
- Alan Campos
- Billy Cannon Jr.
- Barry Cantrell
- Chris Canty
- Warren Capone
- Glenn Carano
- Harold Carmichael
- Bobby Carpenter
- Duane Carrell
- Leonardo Carson
- Jon Carter
- Quincy Carter
- Shante Carver
- Scott Case
- Tony Casillas
- Aveion Cason
- Quinton Caver
- Sal Cesario
- Robert Chancey
- Thornton Chandler
- Taco Charlton
- Louis Cheek
- Randy Chevrier
- Darrin Chiaverini
- Ray Childress
- Tashard Choice
- Steve Cisowski
- Morris Claiborne
- Darryl Clack
- Mike Clark
- Monte Clark
- Phil Clark
- Franklin Clarke
- Hayward Clay
- DeVone Claybrooks
- Dextor Clinkscale
- Tyler Clutts
- Dexter Coakley
- Garry Cobb
- Randall Cobb
- Larry Cole
- Anthony Coleman
- Kenyon Coleman
- Lincoln Coleman
- Marcus Coleman
- Ralph Coleman
- Reggie Collier
- Javiar Collins
- Jerome Collins
- Maliek Collins
- Marc Colombo
- Jim Colvin
- Bill Conaty
- Jon Condo
- Fred Cone
- Mike Connelly
- Dan Connor
- Bobby Joe Conrad
- Amari Cooper
- Chris Cooper
- Jim Cooper
- Jonathan Cooper
- Reggie Cooper
- Roger Cooper
- Terrance Copper
- Frank Cornish
- Fred Cornwell
- José Cortéz
- Quentin Coryatt
- Doug Cosbie
- Vince Courville
- Tyrone Crawford
- Patrick Crayton
- Willis Crockett
- Gene Cronin
- Billy Cundiff
- Randall Cunningham
- Richie Cunningham
- Tony Curtis
- Andy Cvercko
- Tim Daniel
- Dick Daniels
- Woodrow Dantzler
- Billy Davis
- Donnie Davis
- Keith Davis
- Kyle Davis
- Leonard Davis
- Nathan Davis
- Wendell Davis
- Andrew Davison
- Jack Del Rio
- Pat Dennis
- Doug Dennison
- Steve DeOssie
- Harold Deters
- Buddy Dial
- Jorge Diaz
- Anthony Dickerson
- Paul Dickson
- John Diehl
- Gennaro DiNapoli
- Mike Ditka
- James Dixon
- Tony Dixon
- Fred Doelling
- Ray Donaldson
- Doug Donley
- Leon Donohue
- Pat Donovan
- Jim Doran
- Karl Dorrell
- Tony Dorsett
- Char-ron Dorsey
- Merrill Douglas
- Mike Dowdle
- Michael Downs
- Kenny Duckett
- Fred Dugan
- Chris Duliban
- Perry Lee Dunn
- L. G. Dupree
- Billy Joe Dupree
- John Dutton
- Mike Dwyer
- Jason Fabini
- Mike Falls
- Anthony Fasano
- Ron Fellows
- Jason Ferguson
- Anthony Fieldings
- Aaron Fields
- Filip Filipović
- Joe Fishback
- Ray Fisher
- John Fitzgerald
- Harry Flaherty (tight end)
- John Flannery
- Cory Fleming
- Ryan Flinn
- Richmond Flowers
- Nick Folk
- Lee Folkins
- Steve Folsom
- Bernard Ford
- Ryan Fowler
- Todd Fowler
- Ron Francis
- Tom Franckhauser
- Bill Frank
- Kavon Frazier
- Lance Frazier
- Andy Frederick
- Travis Frederick
- Tyler Fredrickson
- Doug Free
- Ben Fricke
- Byron Frisch
- Toni Fritsch
- Ken Frost
- Bob Fry
- Jean Fugett
- Scott Fujita
- Gerald McCoy
- Mike Gaechter
- Derrick Gainer
- Scott Galbraith
- Joey Galloway
- Michael Gallup
- Kenneth Gant
- Kelvin Garmon
- Jason Garrett
- Judd Garrett
- Walt Garrison
- Everett Gay
- Peter Gent
- Eddie George
- John Gesek
- Sonny Gibbs
- Aaron Gibson
- Aaron Glenn
- Terry Glenn
- La'Roi Glover
- Junior Glymph
- Randall Godfrey
- Kevin Gogan
- John Gonzaga
- Leon Gonzalez
- Dwayne Goodrich
- Mike Goolsby
- Cornell Gowdy
- Toby Gowin
- Martín Gramática
- Norm Granger
- Orantes Grant
- Jeff Grau
- Alex Green
- Allen Green
- Cornell Green
- Skyler Green
- Forrest Gregg
- Bill Gregory
- Glynn Gregory
- Bob Grottkau
- Andre Gurode
- Buzz Guy
- Halvor Hagen
- Charles Haley
- Chris Hall
- Lemanski Hall
- Darren Hambrick
- Troy Hambrick
- Dean Hamel
- Ken Hamlin
- Ryan Hannam
- Wayne Hansen
- Darryl Hardy
- Kevin Hardy
- Alvin Harper
- Dwayne Harris
- Dave Harper
- Roger Harper
- Reggie Harrell
- Cliff Harris
- Duriel Harris
- Jackie Harris
- Jimmy Harris
- Rod Harris
- Jason Hatcher
- Duane Hawthorne
- Bob Hayes
- Wendell Hayes
- Tommy Haynes
- Harold Hays
- Ennis Haywood
- Don Healy
- Jeff Heath
- George Hegamin
- Mike Hegman
- Don Heinrich
- Dale Hellestrae
- Nate Hemsley
- Thomas Henderson
- Steve Hendrickson
- Manny Hendrix
- Tim Hendrix
- Chad Hennings
- Anthony Henry
- Drew Henson
- Bill Herchman
- Efren Herrera
- Edward Hervey
- Mark Higgs
- Alonzo Highsmith
- Jon Hilbert
- Bill Hill
- Calvin Hill
- Rod Hill
- Tony Hill
- Tony Hill
- Damon Hodge
- Tommy Hodson
- Gary Hogeboom
- Jesse Holley
- Montrae Holland
- Johnny Holloway
- Clayton Holmes
- Issiac Holt
- Dennis Homan
- Mitch Hoopes
- Ray Horton
- John Houser
- Bill Houston
- Carl Howard
- David Howard
- Percy Howard
- Ron Howard
- Chuck Howley
- Billy Howton
- Lynn Hoyem
- Oliver Hoyte
- Johnny Huggins
- Randy Hughes
- Tyrone Hughes
- Buddy Humphrey
- John Hunt
- Monty Hunter
- Pete Hunter
- Jeff Hurd
- Sam Hurd
- Allen Hurns
- Eric Hurt
- Ed Husmann
- Ken Hutcherson
- Chad Hutchinson
- Bruce Huther
- Tony Hutson
Butch Johnson, wide receiver for the Cowboys between 1976 and 1983, helped the team win Super Bowl XII
- Alcender Jackson
- Tim Jackson
- Willie Jackson
- Bradie James
- Cedric James
- Vontrell Jamison
- Garth Jax
- Jim Jeffcoat
- Patrick Jeffers
- Michael Jefferson
- Mike Jenkins
- Ron Jenkins
- Keith Jennings
- Jim Jensen
- John Jett
- Al Johnson
- Brad Johnson
- Butch Johnson
- Keyshawn Johnson
- Mike Johnson
- Mitch Johnson
- Thomas Johnson
- Undra Johnson
- Daryl Johnston
- Adam Jones
- Dale Jones
- E. J. Jones
- Ed Jones
- Felix Jones
- James Jones
- Jermaine Jones
- Jimmie Jones
- Julius Jones
- Nathan Jones
- Robert Jones
- Lee Roy Jordan
- L.P. Ladouceur
- David LaFleur
- Scott Laidlaw
- Kareem Larrimore
- Derrick Lassic
- Babe Laufenberg
- Robert Lavette
- Burton Lawless
- Ryan Leaf
- Ronald Leary
- Eddie LeBaron
- ReShard Lee
- Sean Lee
- Matt Lehr
- Tim Lester
- Leon Lett
- D.D. Lewis
- Jourdan Lewis
- Woodley Lewis
- George Lilja
- Bob Lilly
- Kevin Lilly
- Tony Liscio
- Warren Livingston
- J. W. Lockett
- Eugene Lockhart
- Obert Logan
- Bob Long
- Dustin Long
- Clint Longley
- Billy Lothridge
- Reggie Love
- Mike Lucky
- CeeDee Lamb
- Louis Mackey
- Brett Maher
- Dave Manders
- Wade Manning
- Brock Marion
- Amos Marsh
- James Marten
- Harvey Martin
- Jamar Martin
- Kelvin Martin
- Zack Martin
- Carlos Martinez
- Russell Maryland
- Ray Mathews
- Kevin Mathis
- Mat McBriar
- Hurvin McCormack
- Gerald McCoy
- Bob McCreary
- Dave McDaniels
- Paul McDonald
- Tommy McDonald
- Marques McFadden
- Tony McGee
- Don McIlhenny
- Toddrick McIntosh
- Everett McIver
- Jason McKie
- Jeremy McKinney
- Dennis McKinnon
- James McKnight
- Scott McLean
- Ryan McNeil
- Pat McQuistan
- Chuck McSwain
- Dale Memmelaar
- Don Meredith
- John Meyers
- Joey Mickey
- Hugh Millen
- Anthony Miller
- Jim Miller
- Ernie Mills
- Dwayne Missouri
- Aaron Mitchell
- Johnny Mitchell
- Singor Mobley
- Dickey Moegle
- Jim Molinaro
- Mike Montgomery
- Matt Moore
- Jim Mooty
- Dennis Morgan
- Quincy Morgan
- Alfred Morris
- Craig Morton
- Lee Murchison
- DeMarco Murray
- Eddie Murray
- Adrian Murrell
- Greg Myers
- Michael Myers
- Godfrey Myles
- Tom Myslinski
- Craig Page
- Solomon Page
- Paul Palmer
- Billy Parks
- James Parrish
- Tony Parrish
- Jack Patera
- Elvis Patterson
- Drew Pearson
- Preston Pearson
- Rodney Peete
- Steve Pelluer
- Jesse Penn
- George Peoples
- Mac Percival
- Don Perkins
- Ray Perkins
- Bob Perryman
- Stephen Peterman
- Kurt Petersen
- Rob Petitti
- Kirk Phillips
- John Phillips
- Carl Pickens
- Brett Pierce
- Willie Pile
- Cyril Pinder
- Kavika Pittman
- Kurt Ploeger
- Lance Poimboeuf
- Lousaka Polite
- Brady Poppinga
- David Ponder
- Garry Porterfield
- Karl Powe
- Jemeel Powell
- Phil Pozderac
- Dak Prescott
- Jim Price
- Peerless Price
- Cory Procter
- Mickey Pruitt
- Jethro Pugh
- Duane Putnam
- Jay Saldi
- Brian Salonen
- Jeff Sanchez
- Bill Sandeman
- Deion Sanders
- O. J. Santiago
- Broderick Sargent
- Buzz Sawyer
- Mike Saxon
- Brian Schaefering
- Orlando Scandrick
- Noel Scarlett
- Greg Schaum
- Ray Schoenke
- Chris Schultz
- Jim Schwantz
- Steve Scifres
- Chuck Scott
- Darnay Scott
- Herbert Scott
- Schad Scott
- Lynn Scott
- Victor Scott
- Scott Secules
- Tim Seder
- Ron Sellers
- Gerald Sensabaugh
- Rafael Septién
- Scott Shanle
- Randy Shannon
- Robert Shaw
- Joe Shearin
- Derrick Shepard
- Dave Sherer
- Mike Sherrard
- Joe Shields
- Clay Shiver
- Les Shy
- Cleo Simmons
- Dave Simmons
- Victor Simmons
- Al Singleton
- Tony Slaton
- Stan Smagala
- Don Smerek
- Artie Smith
- Darrin Smith
- Daryle Smith
- Donald Smith
- Emmitt Smith
- J. D. Smith
- Jackie Smith
- Jim Ray Smith
- Jimmy Smith
- Kevin Smith
- Rod Smith
- Shaun Smith
- Timmy Smith
- Tody Smith
- Tyron Smith
- Vinson Smith
- Waddell Smith
- Zuriel Smith
- Shannon Snell
- Loren Snyder
- Jesse Solomon
- Roland Solomon
- Mike Solwold
- Phillippi Sparks
- Marcus Spears
- Alonzo Spellman
- Anthony Spencer
- Sebron Spivey
- Danny Spradlin
- Ron Springs
- Dave Stalls
- Isaiah Stanback
- Montavious Stanley
- Roger Staubach
- Markus Steele
- Robert Steele
- Larry Stephens
- Mark Stepnoski
- Curtis Stewart
- Daleroy Stewart
- Devin Street
- Junior Siavii
- Jim Stiger
- Bryan Still
- Tom Stincic
- Clint Stoerner
- Sims Stokes
- Ron Stone
- Cliff Stoudt
- Omar Stoutmire
- Otto Stowe
- Les Strayhorn
- Fred Strickland
- Danny Stubbs
- Darren Studstill
- Oscar Sturgis
- Andy Stynchula
- Nicky Sualua
- Shaun Suisham
- Mike Sullivan
- Russ Swan
- Kevin Sweeney
- Reggie Swinton
Duane Thomas, a rookie of the year running back for the Cowboys between 1970 and 1971, led Dallas to win Super Bowl VI
- Don Talbert
- Matt Tarullo
- Junior Tautalatasi
- Johnathan Taylor
- Tony Taylor
- George Teague
- Derek Tennell
- Vinny Testaverde
- Anthony Thomas
- Bill Thomas
- Blair Thomas
- Broderick Thomas
- Dave Thomas
- Duane Thomas
- Ike Thomas
- Joey Thomas
- Robert Thomas
- Broderick Thompson
- Tyson Thompson
- Andy Thorn
- Bruce Thornton (CB)
- Bruce Thornton (DL)
- Kalen Thornton
- Dennis Thurman
- Kirk Timmer
- Ken Tippins
- Glen Titensor
- Tony Tolbert
- J. R. Tolver
- Pat Toomay
- Willie Townes
- Greg Tremble
- Billy Truax
- Jerry Tubbs
- B. J. Tucker
- Jason Tucker
- Ross Tucker
- Torrin Tucker
- Mark Tuinei
- Jimmie Turner
- Mark Walen
- Gary Walker
- Louie Walker
- Malcolm Walker
- Herschel Walker
- Rodney Wallace
- Everson Walls
- Steve Walsh
- Mike Walter
- Tyson Walter
- Bruce Walton
- Dedric Ward
- DeMarcus Ware
- Derek Ware
- Chris Warren
- John Warren
- James Washington
- Mark Washington
- Charlie Waters
- Kendell Watkins
- Randy Watts
- Russell Wayt
- Colston Weatherington
- Brandon Weeden
- Claxton Welch
- Norm Wells
- Bryant Westbrook
- James Whalen
- Kenny Wheaton
- Bob White
- Danny White
- Gerald White
- Randy White
- Terry White
- Lucky Whitehead
- A.D. Whitfield
- Fred Whittingham
- Ron Widby
- Dave Widell
- John Wilbur
- Sam Wilder
- Marcellus Wiley
- Michael Wiley
- Charlie Williams
- Erik Williams
- Joe Williams
- John Williams
- Kevin Williams
- Lenny Williams
- Randal Williams
- Robert Williams
- Roy E. Williams
- Roy Williams
- Sherman Williams
- Stepfret Williams
- Terrance Williams
- Tyrone Williams (WR)
- Tyrone Williams (CB)
- Ken Willis
- Mitch Willis
- Robert Wilson
- Steve Wilson
- Wade Wilson
- Gary Wisener
- Terry Witherspoon
- Jason Witten
- Darren Woodson
- Rolly Woolsey
- Barron Wortham
- Alexander Wright
- Anthony Wright
- Charles Wright
- Rayfield Wright
- Steve Wright
See also
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