The following is a list of Clarivate Citation Laureates considered likely to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.[1] Since 2023, ten of the 91 citation laureates selected starting in 2008 have eventually been awarded a Nobel Prize: Thomas J. Sargent and Christopher A. Sims (2011), Lars Peter Hansen and Robert J. Shiller (2013), Angus Deaton (2015), William Nordhaus (2018), Joshua Angrist and David Card (2021), Douglas Diamond (2022), and Claudia Goldin (2023).


Citation LaureatesNationalityMotivationsInstitute

Lars Peter Hansen
(born 1952)
 United States "for their contributions to dynamic econometric models." University of Chicago

Thomas J. Sargent
(born 1943)
 United States

Christopher A. Sims
(born 1942)
 United States Princeton University
Armen Alchian
 United States "for their publications on property rights and their contributions to the theory of the firm." University of California, Los Angeles
Harold Demsetz
 United States
Martin Feldstein
 United States "for his research on public economics, including taxation, social security, health economics and many other topics."
Ernst Fehr
(born 1956)
"for their contributions to behavioral economics, including issues of preferences, fairness, and cooperation." University of Zürich
Matthew Rabin
(born 1963)
 United States Harvard Business School

William Nordhaus
(born 1941)
 United States "for their contributions to environmental economics, particularly with respect to climate change." Yale University
Martin Weitzman
 United States Harvard University
John B. Taylor
(born 1946)
 United States "for their research on monetary policy."
Jordi Galí
(born 1961)
Mark Gertler
(born 1951)
 United States New York University
Alberto Alesina
 Italy "for theoretical and empirical studies on the relationship between politics and macroeconomics, and specifically for research on politico-economic cycles." Harvard University
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki
(born 1955)
 Japan "for formulation of the Kiyotaki–Moore model, which describes how small shocks to an economy may lead to a cycle of lower output resulting from a decline in collateral values that create a restrictive credit environment." Princeton University
John H. Moore
(born 1954)
 United Kingdom
Kevin M. Murphy
(born 1958)
 United States "for pioneering empirical research in social economics, including wage inequality and labor demand, unemployment, addiction, and the economic return on investment in medical research among other topics."

Douglas Diamond
(born 1953)
 United States "for his analysis of financial intermediation and monitoring." University of Chicago
Anne Osborn Krueger
(born 1934)
 United States "for their description of rent-seeking behavior and its implications." Johns Hopkins University
Gordon Tullock
 United States George Mason University School of Law
Jerry A. Hausman
(born 1946)
 United States "for their contributions to econometrics, specifically the Hausman specification test and the White standard errors test." Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Halbert White
 United States University of California, San Diego
Tony Atkinson
 United Kingdom "for empirical research on consumption, income and savings, poverty and health, and well-being." Oxford University

Angus Deaton
(born 1945)
 United Kingdom Princeton University
Stephen Ross
 United States "for his arbitrage pricing theory and other fundamental contributions to finance." Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Robert J. Shiller
(born 1946)
 United States "for pioneering contributions to financial market volatility and the dynamics of asset prices." Yale University

Joshua Angrist
(born 1960)
 United States
"for their advancement of empirical microeconomics." Massachusetts Institute of Technology

David Card
(born 1956)
 United States
University of California, Berkeley
Alan Krueger
 United States Princeton University
David Forbes Hendry
(born 1944)
 United Kingdom "for their contributions to economic time-series, including modeling, testing and forecasting." University of Oxford
M. Hashem Pesaran
(born 1946)
 United States
Peter C. B. Phillips
(born 1948)
 United Kingdom Yale University
Sam Peltzman
(born 1940)
 United States "for extending economic theories of regulation." University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Richard Posner
(born 1939)
 United States University of Chicago Law School
Philippe Aghion
(born 1956)
 France "for contributions to Schumpeterian growth theory." Harvard University
Peter Howitt
(born 1946)
 Canada Brown University
William Baumol
 United States "for their advancement of the study of entrepreneurism." New York University
Israel M. Kirzner
(born 1930)
 United States
Mark Granovetter
(born 1943)
 United States "for his pioneering research in economic sociology." Stanford University
Richard Blundell
(born 1952)
 United Kingdom "for microeconometric research on labor markets and consumer behavior."
John A. List
(born 1968)
 United States "for advancing field experiments in economics." University of Chicago
Charles F. Manski
(born 1948)
 United States "for his description of partial identification and economic analysis of social interactions." Northwestern University
Olivier Blanchard
(born 1948)
 France "for contributions to macroeconomics, including determinants of economic fluctuations and employment."
Edward Lazear
 United States "for his development of the distinctive field of personnel economics."
Marc Melitz
(born 1968)
 United States "for pioneering descriptions of firm heterogeneity and international trade." Harvard University
Colin Camerer
(born 1959)
 United States "for pioneering research in behavioral economics and in neuroeconomics." California Institute of Technology
George Loewenstein
(born 1955)
 United States Carnegie Mellon University
Robert Hall
(born 1943)
 United States "for his analysis of worker productivity and studies of recessions and unemployment." Stanford University
Michael C. Jensen
(born 1939)
 United States "for their contributions illuminating the dimensions of decisions in corporate finance." Harvard University
Stewart Myers
(born 1940)
 United States Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Raghuram Rajan
(born 1963)
 India University of Chicago
Manuel Arellano
(born 1957)
 Spain "for contributions to panel data analysis, especially the Arellano–Bond estimator." Center for Monetary and Financial Studies
Steve Bond
(born 1963)
 United Kingdom Oxford University
Wesley M. Cohen
(born 1950)
 United States "for the introduction and development of the concept of absorptive capacity and its contribution to our understanding of technological innovation." Duke University
Daniel A. Levinthal
(born 1957)
 United States University of Pennsylvania
David M. Kreps
(born 1950)
 United States "for contributions to dynamic economic phenomena." Stanford University
W. Brian Arthur
(born 1946)
 United Kingdom "for research exploring the consequences of increasing returns (or network effects) in economic systems."
Ariel Rubinstein
(born 1951)
 Israel "for development of formal theoretical economic models and especially models of bounded rationality." New York University
Søren Johansen
(born 1939)
 Denmark "for contributions to econometrics and cointegration analysis." University of Copenhagen
Katarina Juselius-Johansen
(born 1943)
David Dickey
(born 1945)
 United States "for the statistical tests of a unit root in time-series analysis (Dickey and Fuller) and the statistical analysis of non-stationary time series (Perron)." North Carolina State University
Wayne Fuller
(born 1931)
 United States Iowa State University
Pierre Perron
(born 1959)
 Canada Boston University

Claudia Goldin
(born 1946)
 United States "for contributions to labor economics, especially her analysis of women and the gender pay gap." Harvard University
Steven T. Berry
(born 1959)
 United States "for their BLP random coefficients logit model for demand estimation." Yale University
James A. Levinsohn
(born 1958)
 United States
Ariél Pakes
(born 1949)
 United States
Harvard University
David B. Audretsch
(born 1954)
 United States "for ioneering research on entrepreneurship, innovation, and competition." Indiana University
David Teece
(born 1948)
 New Zealand
 United States
University of California, Berkeley
Joel Mokyr
(born 1946)
 United States
"for studies of the history and culture of technological progress and its economic consequences." Northwestern University
Carmen Reinhart
(born 1955)
 United States
"for contributions to international macroeconomics and insights on global debt and financial crises." Harvard Kennedy School
Kenneth Rogoff
(born 1953)
 United States Harvard University
Daron Acemoglu
(born 1967)
 United States
"for far-reaching analysis of the role of political and economic institutions in shaping national development." Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Simon Johnson
(born 1963)
 United Kingdom
 United States
James A. Robinson
(born 1960)
 United Kingdom University of Chicago
Samuel Bowles
(born 1939)
 United States "for providing evidence and models that broaden our understanding of economic behavior to include not only self interest but also reciprocity, altruism, and other forms of social cooperation."
Herbert Gintis
 United States
Richard Easterlin
(born 1926)
 United States "for pioneering contributions to the economics of happiness and subjective well-being." University of Southern California
Richard Layard
(born 1934)
 United Kingdom London School of Economics
Andrew Oswald
(born 1953)
 United Kingdom University of Warwick
Raj Chetty
(born 1979)
 United States
"for understanding the determinants of economic opportunity and identifying policies to increase social mobility." Harvard University
Edward Glaeser
(born 1967)
 United States "for penetrating analysis and insights on urban economics and the city as an engine of growth." Harvard University
Thomas Piketty
(born 1971)
 France "for research on income and wealth inequality and its consequences." Paris School of Economics
Emmanuel Saez
(born 1972)
 United States
University of California, Berkeley
Gabriel Zucman
(born 1986)
 France Paris School of Economics
École Normale Supérieure


  1. "Acquisition of the Thomson Reuters Intellectual Property and Science Business by Onex and Baring Asia Completed". PR Newswire. October 3, 2016.
  2. "The Scientific Business of Thomson Reuters Predicts Nobel Laureates". PR Newswire. October 3, 2008.
  3. "Thomson Reuters Predicts Nobel Laureates". PR Newswire. September 24, 2009.
  4. "Thomson Reuters Predicts Nobel Laureates". PR Newswire. September 21, 2010.
  5. "Thomson Reuters Predicts Nobel Laureates". ACN Newswire. September 21, 2011.
  6. "Thomson Reuters Predicts 2012 Nobel Laureates". PR Newswire. September 19, 2012.
  7. "Thomson Reuters Predicts 2013 Nobel Laureates". PR Newswire. September 25, 2013.
  8. "Thomson Reuters Predicts 2014 Nobel Laureates, Researchers Forecast for Nobel Recognition". PR Newswire. September 25, 2014.
  9. "Thomson Reuters Forecasts Nobel Prize Winners". PR Newswire. September 24, 2015.
  10. "Web of Science Predicts 2016 Nobel Prize Winners". PR Newswire. September 21, 2016.
  11. "The 2017 Clarivate Citation Laureates". Clarivate Analytics. September 20, 2017. Archived from the original on September 20, 2017.
  12. "The 2018 Clarivate Citation Laureates" (PDF). Clarivate Analytics. September 20, 2018.
  13. "The 2019 Clarivate Citation Laureates" (PDF). Clarivate Analytics. September 24, 2019.
  14. "Clarivate Reveals 2020 Citation Laureates – Annual List of Researchers of Nobel Class". PR Newswire. September 23, 2020.
  15. "Clarivate Unveils Citation Laureates 2021 – Annual List of Researchers of Nobel Class". PR Newswire. September 22, 2021.
  16. "Clarivate Reveals Citation Laureates 2022 – Annual List of Researchers of Nobel Class". PR Newswire. September 21, 2022.
  17. "Clarivate Unveils Citation Laureates 2023 – Annual List of Researchers of Nobel Class". Clarivate Analytics. September 19, 2023.
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