This article gives an overview of liberalism in Croatia. Liberals became active since 1860 in Dalmatia and since 1904 in the rest of Croatia. It never became a major political party. It is limited to liberal parties with substantial support, mainly proved by having had a representation in parliament. The sign ⇒ denotes another party in that scheme. For inclusion in this scheme it isn't necessary so that parties labeled themselves as a liberal party.


After the restoration of democracy in 1989 liberalism became very divided. At the moment (August, 2017) one could distinguish five parties: the right of center Croatian Social Liberal Party (Hrvatska socijalno-liberalna stranka, member LI, ELDR), two center liberal parties: Croatian People's Party-Liberal Democrats (Hrvatska narodna stranka - liberalni demokrati, observer LI, member ELDR) and People's Party - Reformists (Narodna stranka – reformisti, member EDP), while left of center is Civic Liberal Alliance (Građansko-liberalni savez, GLAS). Reformists and GLAS are formed from dissidents of the Croatian People's Party-Liberal Democrats. Istrian Democratic Assembly (Istarski demokratski sabor - Dieta Democratica Istriana, member EDP) is considered as Istrian regionalist, but also as a liberal party. Main media exponents of Croatian liberalism or liberal ideas include or included newspapers Novi list and Glas Istre, culture magazine Zarez and the defunct weekly Feral Tribune.


National Party (People's Party)
From Progressive Party to Progressive Democratic Party
  • 1904: Progressive liberals formed in the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia the Progressive Party (Napredna stranka)
  • 1906: The NS merged with the ⇒ Democratic Party into the Croatian People's Progressive Party (Hrvatska pučka napredna stranka)
  • 1910: The party merged with the Croatian Party of Rights (Hrvatska stranka prava) into the Croatian Independent Party (Hrvatska samostalna stranka)
  • 1918: The party is reorganised into the Progressive Democratic Party (Napredna demokratska stranka)
  • 1919: The party became part of the conservative Croatian Community (Hrvatska zajednica)
Democratic Party (Dalmatia)
  • 1906: Dalmatian liberals formed the Democratic Party (Demokratska stranka)
  • 1908: The DS merged into the ⇒ Croatian People's Progressive Party
From Democratic Community to Democratic Party (Yugoslavia)
  • 1919: Croatian liberals became part of the Yugoslav State Party of Serbian, Croatian and Slovene Democrats (Državnotvorna stranka demokrata Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca)
  • 1919: The party is renamed into the Democratic Community (Demokratska zajednica)
  • 1920: The party is renamed into the Democratic Party (Demokratska stranka)
  • 1924: A faction formed the ⇒ Independent Democratic Party
  • 1945: The party is dissolved
Independent Democratic Party


Croatian Social Liberal Union / Croatian Social Liberal Party
  • 1989: Liberals formed the Croatian Social Liberal Union (Hrvatski socijalno-liberalni savez), renamed in 1990 into the Croatian Social Liberal Party (Hrvatska socijalno-liberalna stranka)
  • 1998: A left-wing faction formed the ⇒ Liberal Party
  • 2002: A faction secedes to form the ⇒ Party of Liberal Democrats
Croatian People's Party – Liberal Democrats
  • 1990: Dissident communists formed the liberal Croatian People's Party (Hrvatska narodna stranka)
  • 2005: The ⇒ Party of Liberal Democrats merges into the party, which is renamed into Croatian People's Party-Liberal Democrats (Hrvatska narodna stranka - liberalni demokrati)
  • 2014: A faction secedes to form the ⇒ People's Party - Reformists
  • 2017: A left-wing faction formed the ⇒ Civic Liberal Alliance
Liberal Party
Party of Liberal Democrats
People's Party - Reformists
Civic Liberal Alliance

Liberal leaders

Liberal thinkers

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 "Postoji li liberalna Hrvatska?". Zarez (in Croatian) (149). 25 February 2005. Retrieved 11 February 2014.


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