Lauri Lepik

Lauri Lepik (born 14 October 1960 in Tallinn) is an Estonian diplomat and civil servant.[1]


He graduated from Tallinn 7th Secondary School. In 1985, he graduated from the Tallinn Pedagogical Institute with a diploma thesis in the field of librarianship and bibliography "Use of databases in environmental information services".[2]

In 1987–1992, he was the research director of the Estonian National Library.[3]

In 2003, he graduated from Humboldt University in political sciences.[1] He was a member of the board of the re-established Estonian Librarians' Association. In 1992–1995 he worked at the State Chancellery.[4]

Diplomatic posts:[1]


  1. 1 2 3 "Lauri Lepik, Permanent Representative of Estonia". NATO. Retrieved 13 March 2021.
  2. Lepik, Lauri (1985). Andmebaaside kasutamine keskkonnakaitsealases infoteeninduses: diplomitöö (Thesis). Tallinn: Tallinna Pedagoogiline Instituut.
  3. "raamatukogu_1991_04.pdf".
  4. NATO. "Lauri Lepik, Permanent Representative of Estonia". NATO. Retrieved 2022-05-04.
  5. "Eesti suursaadik president Trumpile volikirjade üleandmisel: Eesti ja USA sidemed on murdmatud | Välisministeerium". (in Estonian). Retrieved 2022-05-04.
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