Swedish Army
Swedish Air force
Swedish Navy
Service branch
  • Army
  • Air force
  • Navy
NATO rank codeOR-4
Next higher rankFurir
Next lower rankVicekorpral

Korpral is a Swedish military rank (OR-4).


The Corporal is a Squad Leader at Skill Level A (Basic).[1] The Corporal can serve either as a volunteer enlistee or as a national serviceman.[2] Requirement for promotion to Corporal is completed squad leader training.[3] Civil servants of the Armed Forces belonging to position level 8 wear Corporal's rank insignia when serving in uniform.[4]


A Corporal was the leader of a (korpralskap) of 24 men during the Swedish allotment system. The korpralskap consisted of four Rotar (teams) of 6 men each. Each rote was led by a Rotemästare (Gefreiter). Corporals were considered non-commissioned officers in the cavalry (Corporal of horse), before the reorganization 1833/37, when Cavalry Corporals were given the rank of Sergeant.

The corresponding rank in the artillery was Konstapel (Bombardier), created as early as the 16th century. This rank was abolished in 1972.

Earlier rank insignia


  1. Yrkes- och karriärsriktlinjer tydliggör vägen framåt. 2020-02-15.
  2. "Försvarsmaktens föreskrifter om personaltjänst. 27 november 2019." Försvarets författningssamling. FFS 2019:6, 2 § 8, 22.
  3. "Försvarsmaktens föreskrifter om befordran och konstituering." Försvarets författningssamling. FFS 2019:7, bilaga 1.
  4. FFS 2019:6, 2 § 19.
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