Kardemir power station
  • Turkey
Commission date
  • 1998
Thermal power station
Primary fuel
Power generation
Nameplate capacity
  • 78 MW
Annual net output
  • 546 GWh (2019)
  • 587 GWh (2020)
  • 604 GWh (2021)
  • 680 GWh (2022)

Kardemir power station or Karabük power station is a small coal-fired power station in Turkey (not to be confused with the gas-fired power station owned by the same company[1]) in Karabük Province owned by Kardemir iron and steel company.[2][3][4][5]:42


  1. "Turkey's Kardemir starts trial operations at 50 MW power plant". seenews.com. Retrieved 2022-05-04.
  2. "Kardemir Karabük Demir Çelik Termik Santrali". Enerji Atlası (in Turkish). Retrieved 2022-05-04.
  3. "KARDEMİR'den termik santral bacalarına filtre takılmasına ilişkin açıklama Açıklaması". Haberler (in Turkish). 2019-12-06. Retrieved 2022-05-04.
  4. "Kardemir Demir Çelik Fabrikası Buhar Tesisi". www.siterm.com (in Turkish). Retrieved 2022-05-04.
  5. "Kömür Yakıtlı Termik Santrallerin Baca Gazındaki Kirleticiler, İzin Verilen Salım Sınır Değerleri, Ülkemizdeki Santrallerdeki Baca Gazı Arıtma Tesislerinin Güncel Durumu" (PDF) (in Turkish).

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