Have Fork, Will Travel is a television show that premiered on September 4, 2007 on the Food Network. Host Zane Lamprey[1] traveled to various countries, exploring the native cuisine and culture. One season (with a total of 13 episodes) was produced.


According to Food Network executive Bob Tuschman, Lamprey's "everyman quality" appeals to a broad audience.[2] However, its mocking tone drew criticism from food critic Anthony Bourdain.[3]


  1. Crook, John (September 2, 2007). "Food Network's 'Have Fork, Will Travel' takes you on a taste tour". The Odessa American. Retrieved 31 May 2022.
  2. DeYoung, Bill (September 4, 2007). "Zane Lamprey takes his fork on the road". St. Lucie News Tribune. Retrieved 31 May 2022.
  3. "He Eats, Shoots, Then Leaves". The Washington Post. 2007-11-18. Retrieved 2008-08-15.

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