György Lukács (13 April 1885 4 June 1971) was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher and literary critic.

There follows a bibliography of György Lukács.

Books by Lukács in English

A date in brackets is that of the original publication in Hungarian or German.

  • 1950. Studies in European Realism. London: Hillway.[lower-alpha 1]
  • 1962. [1937, Rus.; 1947, Hun.] The Historical Novel. London: Merlin.
  • 1963. [1958, Ger.] The Meaning of Contemporary Realism. London: Merlin.[lower-alpha 2]
  • 1964. [1947, Hun.] Essays on Thomas Mann. London: Merlin.
  • 1968. [1947, Ger.] Goethe and His Age. London: Merlin.
  • 1970. [1924, Ger.] Lenin: A Study on the Unity of his Thought. London: New Left Books.[lower-alpha 3]
  • 1970. [1969, Ger.] Solzhenitsyn. London: Merlin.[lower-alpha 3]
  • 1970. Writer and Critic, and Other Essays. Edited by Arthur Kahn. London: Merlin.
  • 1971. [1923, Ger.] History and Class Consciousness. London: Merlin.[lower-alpha 3]
  • 1971. [1916/1920, Ger.: Die Theorie des Romans.] The Theory of the Novel. London: Merlin.[lower-alpha 3]
  • 1972. [1919, Hun.] Tactics and Ethics. Edited by Rodney Livingstone. London: New Left Books.
  • 1973. Marxism and Human Liberation. Edited by E. San Juan, Jr. New York: Dell.
  • 1974. Conversations with Lukács. Edited by Theo Pinkus. London: Merlin.[lower-alpha 3]
  • 1974. [1910, Hun.] Soul and Form. London: Merlin.
  • 1975. [1948, Ger.] The Young Hegel. London: Merlin.[lower-alpha 3]
  • 1978. The Ontology of Social Being. 1, Hegel's False and His Genuine Ontology. London: Merlin.
  • 1978. The Ontology of Social Being. 2, Marx's Basic Ontological Premises. London: Merlin.
  • 1980. [1954, Ger.] The Destruction of Reason. London: Merlin.
  • 1980. [1948, Ger.] Essays on Realism. Edited by Rodney Livingstone. London: Lawrence and Wishart.
  • 1980. The Ontology of Social Being. 3, Labour. London: Merlin.
  • 1983. Record of a Life. Edited by István Eörsi. London: Verso.
  • 1983. Reviews and Articles from "Die Rote Fahne". London: Merlin.
  • 1986. Selected Correspondence, 19021920. Edited by Judith Marcus and Zoltán Tar. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • 1991. The Process of Democratization. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • 1993. [1951, Ger.] German Realists in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Rodney Livingstone. London: Libris.[lower-alpha 3]
  • 1995. The Lukács Reader. Edited by Arpad Kadarkay. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • 2002. [1996, Ger.] A Defence of "History and Class Consciousness." London: Verso.
  • 2010. [1910, Hun.] Soul and Form. New ed. Edited by John T. Sanders and Katie Terezakis. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • 2012. The Culture of People's Democracy. Edited by Tyrus Miller. Leiden: Brill.

Selected articles and book chapters by Lukács in English

  • 1920. "The Social Background of the White Terror." Workers' Dreadnought, November 20: 1.
  • 1921. "The Problem of Communist Organization." Communist Review, October: 4149.
  • 1934. "Marx and Engels on Problems of Dramaturgy." International Theatre, no. 2: 1114.
  • 1934. "Propaganda or Partisanship?" Partisan Review 1, no. 2: 3646.
  • 1935. "Nietzsche, Forerunner of Fascist Aesthetics." International Literature, no. 1: 6780.
  • 1936. "Essay on the Novel." International Literature, no. 5: 6874.
  • 1936. "The Intellectual Physiognomy of Literary Characters." International Literature, no. 8: 5683.[lower-alpha 4][lower-alpha 5]
  • 1937. "Narration versus Description." Pt. 1. International Literature, no. 6: 96112.[lower-alpha 5]
  • 1937. "Narration versus Description." Pt. 2. International Literature, no. 7: 8597.[lower-alpha 5]
  • 1939. "On Socialist Realism." International Literature, no. 45: 8796.
  • 1962. "Thomas Mann." New Left Review 16: 7687.
  • 1966. "Technology and Social Relations." New Left Review 39: 2734.
  • 1967. "Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm." International Social Science Journal 19, no. 4: 570580.
  • 1970. "The Old Culture and the New Culture." Telos 5: 2130.
  • 1970. "The Twin Crises." New Left Review 60: 3647.
  • 1971. "Lukács on His Life and Work." New Left Review 68: 4958.
  • 1972. "A Final Rethinking." Social Policy 3, no. 2: 48, 5657.
  • 1972. "Labour as a Model of Social Practice." New Hungarian Quarterly 13, no. 47: 543.
  • 1972. "Max Weber and German Sociology." Economy and Society 1, no. 4: 386398.
  • 1972. "On the Phenomenology of the Creative Process." Philosophical Forum 3, no. 34: 314325.
  • 1972. "On the Poverty of Spirit." Philosophical Forum 3, no. 34: 371385.
  • 1973. "Approximation to Life in the Novel and the Play." In Sociology of Literature and Drama, edited by Elizabeth Burns and Tom Burns, 280295. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • 1975. "Franz Kafka or Thomas Mann?" In Marxists on Literature, edited by David Craig, 380394. Harmondsworth: Penguin.[lower-alpha 6]
  • 1975. "Tolstoy and the Development of Realism." In Marxists on Literature, edited by David Craig, 282345. Harmondsworth: Penguin.[lower-alpha 7]
  • 1975. Hauser, Arnold, and György Lukács. "On Youth, Art and Philosophy: A 1969 Radio Meeting." New Hungarian Quarterly 16, no. 58: 96105.
  • 1977. "Bolshevism as a Moral Problem." Social Research 44, no. 3: 416424.
  • 1977. [1938, Ger.]. "Realism in the Balance." In Aesthetics and Politics, 2859. London: New Left Books.
  • 1977. "An Unpublished Letter by Georg Lukács." Science and Society 41, no. 1: 6668.
  • 1978. "On Bertolt Brecht." New Left Review 110: 8892.
  • 1978. "On Walter Benjamin." New Left Review 110: 8388.
  • 1983. "Gelebtes Denken: An Autobiographical Sketch." New Hungarian Quarterly 24, no. 89: 6695.
  • 1985. "The Present and Future of Democratization." New Hungarian Quarterly 26, no. 97: 100114.
  • 1991. "Georg Simmel." Theory, Culture and Society 8, no. 3: 145150.
  • 1998. "Aesthetic Culture." Yale Journal of Criticism 11, no. 2: 365379.

Selected books on Lukács in English

General and biographical studies

  • Arato, Andrew, and Paul Breines. The Young Lukács and the Origins of Western Marxism. New York: Seabury, 1979.
  • Bahr, Ehrhard, and Ruth Goldschmidt Kunzer. Georg Lukács. Modern Literature Monographs. New York: Frederick Ungar, 1972.
  • Bewes, Timothy, and Timothy Hall, eds. Georg Lukács: The Fundamental Dissonance of Existence. London: Continuum, 2011.
  • Congdon, Lee. The Young Lukács. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1983.
  • Corredor, Eva L., ed. Lukács After Communism: Interviews with Contemporary Intellectuals. Post-Contemporary Interventions. Durham: Duke University Press, 1997.
  • Feenberg, Andrew. Lukács, Marx, and the Sources of Critical Theory. Oxford: Martin Robertson, 1981.
  • . The Philosophy of Praxis: Marx, Lukács, and the Frankfurt School. London: Verso, 2014.[lower-alpha 8]
  • Fekete, Eva, and Eva Karadi, eds. György Lukács: His Life in Pictures and Documents. Budapest: Corvina, 1981.
  • Gluck, Mary. Georg Lukács and His Generation, 19001918. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1985.
  • Heller, Agnes, ed. Lukács Revalued. Oxford: Blackwell, 1983.[lower-alpha 9]
  • Illés, László, Farkas József, Miklós Szabolcsi, and István Szerdahelyi, eds. Hungarian Studies on György Lukács. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1993.
  • Joós, Ernest, ed. George Lukács and His World: A Reassessment. New York: Peter Lang, 1987.
  • Kadarkay, Arpad. Georg Lukács: Life, Thought and Politics. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.
  • Lichtheim, George. Lukács. Modern Masters. London: Fontana, 1970.[lower-alpha 10]
  • Löwy, Michael. Georg Lukács: From Romanticism to Bolshevism. London: New Left Books, 1979.
  • Marcus, Judith, and Zoltán Tar, eds. Georg Lukács: Theory, Culture and Politics. New Brunswick: Transaction, 1989.
  • Parkinson, G. H. R. Georg Lukács. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977.
  • , ed. Georg Lukács: The Man, His Work and His Ideas. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969.
  • Rockmore, Tom, ed. Lukács Today: Essays in Marxist Philosophy. Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1988.
  • Sim, Stuart. Georg Lukács. Modern Cultural Theorists. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994.
  • Thompson, Michael J. Georg Lukács Reconsidered: Critical Essays in Politics, Philosophy and Aesthetics. London: Continuum, 2011.
  • Zitta, Victor. Georg Lukács' Marxism: Alienation, Dialectics, Revolution. The Hague: Martin Nijhoff, 1964.

Special studies

  • Aitken, Ian. Lukácsian Film Theory and Cinema: A Study of Georg Lukács' Writings on Film, 191371. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2012.
  • Bernstein, J. M. The Philosophy of the Novel: Lukács, Marxism, and the Dialectics of Form. Brighton: Harvester, 1984.
  • Corredor, Eva L. György Lukács and the Literary Pretext. New York: Peter Lang, 1987.
  • Joós, Ernest. Lukács' Last Autocriticism: The "Ontology." Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press, 1983.
  • Királyfalvi, Béla. The Aesthetics of György Lukács. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975.
  • Mészáros, István. Lukács' Concept of Dialectic. London: Merlin, 1972.
  • Rockmore, Tom. Irrationalism: Lukács and the Marxist View of Reason. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993.
  • Shafai, Fariborz. The Ontology of Georg Lukács: Studies in Materialist Dialectics. Avebury Series in Philosophy. Aldershot: Avebury, 1996.
  • Varga, Csaba. The Place of Law in Lukács' World Concept. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1985. (Rev. ed. 1998.)
  • Vazsonyi, Nicholas. Lukács Reads Goethe: From Aestheticism to Stalinism. Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture. Columbia: Camden House, 1997.

Joint studies

  • Goldmann, Lucien. Lukács and Heidegger: Towards a New Philosophy. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977.
  • Marcus, Judith. Georg Lukács and Thomas Mann: A Study in the Sociology of Literature. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1987.
  • Pike, David. Lukács and Brecht. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1985.
  • Tihanov, Galin. The Master and the Slave: Lukács, Bakhtin, and the Ideas of Their Time. Oxford: Clarendon, 2000.


  • Ambrus, János. A Selected Bibliography of Works by Georg Lukács. Budapest: Lukács Archives and Library, 1988.
  • Lapointe, François H. Georg Lukács and His Critics. Westport: Greenwood, 1983.
  • Murphy, Peter. Writings By and About Georg Lukács. Bibliographical Series. New York: American Institute for Marxist Studies, 1976.
  • Nordquist, Joan. Georg Lukács. Social Theory. Santa Cruz: Reference and Research Services, 1988.


  1. Also published by Merlin, 1972.
  2. Also published with different prefaces as Realism in Our Time (New York: Harper and Row, 1964).
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Also published in Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
  4. Republished in Lee Baxandall, ed., Radical Perspectives in the Arts (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972), 89141.
  5. 1 2 3 A different translation published in the author's Writer and Critic (1970).
  6. Previously published in the author's The Meaning of Contemporary Realism (1963).
  7. Previously published in the author's Studies in European Realism (1950).
  8. Revised edition of the author's Lukács, Marx, and the Sources of Critical Theory (1981).
  9. Also published as Lukács Reappraised (New York: Columbia University Press, 1983).
  10. Also published as Georg Lukács (New York: Viking, 1970).
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