Sister channelsTV Petelin Čarli TV

Golica TV is a Slovenian local television station. Golica is one of the leading folk music stations in the Slovenian broadcasting market. The station offers a large compilation of folk music videos, entertainment live shows, live broadcasts and shopping network.[1]

TV shows

  • Gospodinje pojejo (Housewives sing)
  • Z Golico na vas (With Golica to the countryside)
  • Jutro z Pečom in Rezo (Morning with Pečo and Reza)
  • Opoldne z Mino Pal (At noon with Mina Pal)
  • Popoldne z Jasmino (Afternoon with Jasmina)
  • Vikend z Mojco (Weekend with Mojca)
  • Golica v zivo (Golica live)
  • Odpelji Škodo (Take Škoda)

TV shows of the past

  • Pod židano marelo
  • Golica Naj naj
  • Glasbeni kviz (Music quiz)
  • Vislice (Gallows)
  • Iz domače skrinje (From our chests)

TV hosts

  • Špela Grošelj
  • Mama Manka
  • Katarina Jurkovič
  • Karmen Klinc
  • Maja Oderlap
  • Jasmina Kandorfer Čekeliš
  • Žiga Kršinar
  • Domen Hren
  • Robert Pečnik - Pečo
  • Alenka Oldroyd - Reza
  • Mina Pal


  1. "Slovenia's Golica TV launches HbbTV service". Broadband TV News. 2015-11-13. Retrieved 2021-03-19.
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