Golden Rooster Awards
for Best Actor
Awarded forBest Actor of the year
Presented by
First awarded1981
Last awarded2023
Winner (2023)Tony Leung Chiu-wai for Hidden Blade
WebsiteGolden Rooster Awards

The Golden Rooster for Best Actor (中国电影金鸡奖最佳男主角) is one of the main categories of competition of the Golden Rooster Awards. It is awarded to leading male actor(s) who have outstanding performance in motion pictures.

Award Winners & Nominees


Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
1982Zhang Yan张雁Laughter at the Moon Bay月亮湾的笑声
Feng Hanyuan冯汉元Neighbour邻居
Jin Ange金安歌The Xi'an Incident西安事变
1984Dong Xingji董行佶Liao Zhongkai廖仲恺
Yang Zaibao杨在葆Blood is Always Hot血,总是热的
Li Wei李纬River Without Buoys没有航标的河流
1985Lv Xiaohe吕晓禾Wreaths at the Foot of the Mountain高山下的花环
1986Liu Zifeng刘子枫Black Cannon Incident黑炮事件
Kong Xianzhu孔宪珠Jue Xiang绝响
Tu Yigong吐依贡Money钱这个东西……
Zhu Xu朱旭A Narrow Lane Celebrity小巷名流
1987Liu Wenzhi刘文治Sun Yat-sen孙中山
1988Zhang Yimou张艺谋Old Well老井
Jiang Wen姜文Red Sorghum红高粱
Liu Wei刘威The Warrior关中大侠
1989Tao Zeru陶泽如Night Bell/Happy Heroes晚钟欢乐英雄
Xie Yuan谢园'King of Chess/Out of Breath棋王大喘气
Lei Han雷汉Reincarnation轮回
Yan Xiang严翔When does the day break?问天何时明


Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
1990Lu Qi卢奇The Baise Uprising百色起义
Gu Yue古月Founding Ceremony开国大典
Qi Mengshi奇梦石Long Yun and Chiang Kai-shek龙云与蒋介石
1991Li Xuejian李雪健Jiao Yulu焦裕禄
Chen Baoguo陈宝国Peking Duck Restaurant老店
Zhang Fengyi张丰毅Dragon Year Cops龙年警官
1992Wang Tiecheng王铁成Zhou Enlai周恩来
Li Fazeng李法曾After the Battle决战之后
Shao Honglai邵宏来Kai Tian Pi Di开天辟地
Zhu Xu朱旭Xin Xiang心香
1993Ge You葛优After Separation大撒把
Wei Zi巍子Jiang Zhuying蒋筑英
Zhu Xu朱旭A Confucius family阙里谭
1994Li Baotian李保田No More Applause凤凰琴
Wu Gang (actor)巫刚Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker炮打双灯
Zhou Lijing周里京Artillery Commander炮兵少校
1995Li Rentang李仁堂The Accused Uncle Shangang被告山杠爷
Niu Zhenhua牛振华Back to Back, Face to Face背靠背,脸对脸
1996Gao Ming高明Kong Fansen孔繁森
Cao Jingyang曹景阳Brother Wu Invites the God吴二哥请神
Shao Bing邵兵Winner赢家
1997Liu Peiqi刘佩琦The Days Without Lei Feng离开雷锋的日子
Feng Gong冯巩Ambush埋伏
Lu Qi卢琦The Great Transition大转折
1998Feng Gong冯巩A Tree in House没事偷着乐
Tang Guoqiang唐国强Long March长征
1999Teng Rujun滕汝俊Postmen in the Mountains那山那人那狗
Tian Chengren田成仁Golden Marriage金婚
Wang Yanan王亚楠Once Upon a Time in Shanghai上海纪事


Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2000Chen Daoming陈道明My 1919我的1919
Wang Qingxiang王庆祥Final Decision生死抉择
You Yong尤勇Neverland梦幻田园
Zhu Xu朱旭Shower洗澡
2001Ge Zhijun戈治均Escort押解的故事
Pan Yueming潘粤明A Love of Blueness蓝色爱情
Vincent Zhao赵文卓The Sino-Dutch War 1661英雄郑成功
Wang Xueqi王学圻Together Forever相伴永远
2002Ning Cai宁才Heavenly Grassland天上草原
Liu Peiqi刘佩琦Together和你在一起
Xiao Rongsheng肖荣生Facing Life面对生命
2003Xia Yu夏雨The Law of Romance警察有约
Ge You葛优Cala, My Dog!卡拉是条狗
Fan Wei范伟The Parking Attendant in July看车人的七月
Lu Qi卢琦Deng Xiaoping邓小平
2004Liu Ye刘烨Years Without Epidemic美人草
Liu Wei刘威Defending Reputation疑案忠魂
2005Jackie Chan成龙New Police Story新警察故事
Luo Deyuan罗德元Silent Mountains沉默的远山
Pu Cunxin濮存昕A Bright Moon一轮明月
Tobgyal多布杰Kekexili: Mountain Patrol可可西里
Wu Jun吴军Zhang Side张思德
2006-2007Fu Dalong富大龙The Forest Ranger天狗
Chen Kun陈坤The Knot云水谣
Damian Lau刘松仁The Tokyo Trial东京审判
Li Yixiang李易祥One Foot of the Ground鸡犬不宁
Liu Peiqi刘佩琦5 Bullets五颗子弹
Qiu Lin邱林A Postman of Paradise香巴拉信使
2008-2009Wu Gang吴刚Iron Man铁人
Fan Wei范伟Lucky Dog耳朵大有福
Ma Guowei马国伟Old Fish千钧。一发
Sun Min孙敏Deng Pingshou我是花下肥泥巴
Zhang Hanyu张涵予Assembly集结号


Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2010-2011Sun Chun孙淳Qiu Xi秋喜
Aaron Kwok郭富城Love for Life最爱
Liu Zhibing刘之冰Feitian飞天
Wang Qianyuan王千源The Piano in a Factory钢的琴
Zhu Xu朱旭LAN我们天上见
2012-2013[1]Huang Xiaoming黄晓明American Dreams in China中国合伙人
Zhang Guoli张国立Back to 1942一九四二
Tao Zeru陶泽如Bai niao chao feng百鸟朝凤
Huang Jue黄觉Fallen City倾城
Sun Weimin孙维民Four Days and Nights of Zhou Enlai周恩来的四个昼夜
2014-2015[2]Zhang Hanyu张涵予The Taking of Tiger Mountain智取威虎山
Andy Lau刘德华Lost and Love失孤
Sun Weimin孙维民Yi hao mu biao一号目标
Chen Jianbin陈建斌A Fool一个勺子
2016-2017 Deng Chao 邓超 The Dead End 烈日灼心
Feng Xiaogang冯小刚Mr. Six老炮儿
Tu Men涂们A Simple Goodbye告别
Bao Bei'er包贝尔When Larry Met Mary陆垚知马俐
Liao Fan廖凡The Final Master师父
2018-2019 Wang Jingchun 王景春 So Long, My Son 地久天长
Xu Zheng徐峥Dying to Survive我不是药神
Tu Men涂们Old Beast老兽
Duan Yihong段奕宏The Looming Storm暴雪将至
Fu Dalong富大龙Enter the Forbidden City进京城
Yang Taiyi杨太义Crossing The Border-Zhaoguan过昭关


Year Winner and nominees English title Character
2020 Huang Xiaoming The Bravest Jiang Liwei
Dong ChengpengMy Dear LiarWu Hai
Xiao YangSheep Without a ShepherdLi Weijie
Wu YuhanAlmost a ComedySun Tong
Jackson YeeBetter DaysLiu Beishan
Zhang Yi Cliff Walkers Zhang Xianchen
Yu HeweiCliff WalkersZhou Yi
Liu YeIsland KeeperWang Jicai
Guo XiaodongMy Father, Jiao YuluJiao Yulu
Jackson YeeA Little Red FlowerWei Yihang
2022 Zhu Yilong Lighting Up the Stars Mo Sanmei
Shen TengMoon ManDugu Yue
Wu JingThe Battle at Lake ChangjinWu Qianli
Xu ZhengMyth of LoveLao Bai
Jackson YeeNice ViewJing Hao
2023 Tony Leung Chiu-wai Hidden Blade Director He
Huang BoStudy DadLei Dali
Song YangBack to TibetLao Kong
Hui Wangjun Like Father and SonGou Ren
Yang HaoyuJourney to the WestTang Zhijun


  1. "Nominees of 29th Golden Rooster Awards". Archived from the original on 29 October 2013. Retrieved 20 August 2015.
  2. "Nominees of 30th Golden Rooster Awards". Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 20 August 2015.
  3. "金鸡奖提名名单揭晓,《我和我的家乡》等竞争最佳故事片". Xinhua Newspaper. 29 November 2021.
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