Air force
Service branch
  • Army
  • Air force
  • Navy
NATO rank codeOR-8
Next higher rank
Next lower rankFanjunkare

Förvaltare is a Swedish military rank (OR-8) for specialist officers above Fanjunkare and below Regementsförvaltare in the army and Flottiljförvaltare in the air force and is translated to sergeant major. The original military meaning of the word 'Förvaltare' was the same as 'conductor', as in a warrant officer conductor of ordnance stores or quartermaster stores.


For promotion to Förvaltare, 16 years time-in-service, and a minimum of four years time-in-grade as Fanjunkare is required, as well as HSOU (Sergeant Majors Academy).[1] A Förvaltare has the same relative rank as a Kapten.[2]


Earlier rank insignia

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 Karriärvägarna för specialistofficerare. 2020-02-15.
  2. "Försvarsmaktens föreskrifter om personaltjänst. 27 November 2019." Försvarets författningssamling. FFS 2019:6, 2 § 8.
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