Soldiers of the Military Police in formation

Military oath in the Estonian Defence Forces is taken by conscripts or professional soldiers in the end of their basic training (10 weeks).[1] The oath is also given by volunteers of the Estonian Defence League, when they complete their basic training (5 weekends).[2]

The oath ceremony is held either at the garrison or in another symbolic place, for example the Guard Battalion gives their oath in location of the Battle of Sõjamäe. The relatives of the conscript's are usually invited to attend the ceremony.[3] The person taking the oath of serviceman has to sign the text of the oath, noting also the date of taking the oath.[4]

Current oath and affirmation text

Estonian text

Mina, (ees- ja perekonnanimi), tõotan jääda ustavaks demokraatlikule Eesti Vabariigile ja tema põhiseaduslikule korrale, kaitsta Eesti Vabariiki vaenlase vastu kogu oma mõistuse ja jõuga, olla valmis ohverdama oma elu isamaa eest, pidada kinni kaitseväe distsipliinist ning täpselt ja vastuvaidlematult täita kõiki oma kohustusi, pidades meeles, et vastasel korral seadus mind rangelt karistab.[4]

English translation

I, (given name and surname), swear to remain faithful to the democratic Republic of Estonia and its constitutional order, to defend the Republic of Estonia against enemies with all my reason and strength, to be ready to sacrifice my life for the fatherland, to observe the discipline of the Defence Forces, and to perform all my duties precisely and unquestioningly, bearing in mind that otherwise I will be strictly punished by law.[4]

Oath in 1918-1940

Text is not known in its entirety.

Estonian text

Mina tõotan ustavaks jääda Eesti demokraatlikule Vabariigile [...] igal ajal valmis olles lahingus langenud kaaslaste eeskujul riigi kasuks oma elu ohverdama.[5]

English translation

I vow to remain loyal to the democratic Republic of Estonia [...] ready at any time to sacrifice my life for the good of the country, following the example of my comrades who have fallen in battle.[5]

See also


  1. "Ligi 1000 ajateenijat lõpetasid sõduri baaskursuse ja annavad sõdurivande". Estonian Defence Forces. Retrieved December 18, 2023.
  2. "Lääne malevas algas sõdurioskuste baaskursus". Estonian Defence League. Retrieved December 18, 2023.
  3. "Galerii: Vahipataljoni noorsõdurid andsid sõdurivande". Postimees. Retrieved December 18, 2023.
  4. 1 2 3 "Military Service Act". Riigi Teataja. Retrieved December 18, 2023.
  5. 1 2 "Eestlased pole ajalooliselt tundmatu rahvas". Free Estonian. Retrieved December 18, 2023.
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