Male Empis livida
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Empididae
Subfamily: Empidinae
Genus: Empis
Linnaeus, 1758
Type species
Empis genualis
Strobl, 1893[1]

Empimorpha Coquillett, 1895

Empis tridentata, female
Empis spectabilis

Empis is a genus of dance fly found in the fly family Empididae.


Anacrostichus Bezzi, 1909[2][3]
Argyrandrus Bezzi, 1909[3]
Coptophlebia Bezzi, 1909[2][3]
Empis Linnaeus, 1758[2]
Euempis Frey, 1953[2]
Kritempis Collin, 1926[24][2]
Leptempis Collin, 1926[24][2]
Lissempis Bezzi, 1909[2][3]
Pachymeria Stephens, 1829[2]
Platyptera Meigen, 1803[2]
Polyblepharis Bezzi, 1909[2][3]
Rhadinempis Collin, 1926[24]
Xanthempis Bezzi, 1909[2][3]


See also


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