Dicranum scoparium
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Bryopsida
Subclass: Dicranidae
Order: Dicranales
Family: Dicranaceae

See Classification

Dicranaceae is a family of haplolepideous mosses (Dicranidae) in class Bryopsida. Species within this family are dioicous.[1] Genera in this family include Dicranum, Dicranoloma, and Mitrobryum.


The family Dicranaceae contains the following genera:[2]

  • Anisothecium Mitt.
  • Aongstroemia Bruch & Schimp.
  • Aongstroemiopsis M. Fleisch.
  • Braunfelsia Paris
  • Brotherobryum M. Fleisch.
  • Bryotestua Thér. & P. de la Varde
  • Camptodontium Dusén
  • Campylopodium (Müll. Hal.) Besch.
  • Chorisodontium (Mitt.) Broth.
  • Cnestrum I. Hagen
  • Cryptodicranum E. B. Bartram
  • Dicnemon Schwägr.
  • Dicranella (Müll. Hal.) Schimp.
  • Dicranoloma (Renauld) Renauld
  • Dicranum Hedw.
  • Diobelonella Ochyra
  • Eucamptodon Mont.
  • Eucamptodontopsis Broth.
  • Holomitriopsis H. Rob.
  • Holomitrium Brid.
  • Hygrodicranum Cardot
  • Leptotrichella (Müll. Hal.) Lindb.
  • Leucoloma Brid.
  • Macrodictyum (Broth.) E. H. Hegew.
  • Mesotus Mitt.
  • Mitrobryum H. Rob.
  • Muscoherzogia Ochyra
  • Orthodicranum (Bruch & Schimp.) Loeske
  • Paraleucobryum (Limpr.) Loeske
  • Parisia Broth.
  • Phantomia S. He & W.R. Buck
  • Platyneuron (Cardot) Broth.
  • Pocsiella Bizot
  • Polymerodon Herzog
  • Pseudephemerum (Lindb.) I. Hagen
  • Pseudochorisodontium (Broth.) C. H. Gao, Vitt, X. H. Fu & T. Cao
  • Schliephackea Müll. Hal.
  • Sclerodontium Schwägr.
  • Sphaerothecium Hampe
  • Steyermarkiella H. Rob.
  • Wardia Harv. & Hook.
  • Werneriobryum Herzog


  1. Williams, R. S. (1913). "Dicranaceae". North American Flora. 15 (1–2). New York Botanical Garden. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  2. Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R. "Classification of extant moss genera". Classification of the Bryophyta. Retrieved 7 April 2020.

Other sources

  • Müller, P. and J.-P. Frahm. 1987. A review of the Paraleucobryoideae (Dicranaceae). Nova Hedwigia 45: 283–314.

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