Philippe of France, Duke of Orléans

Philippe de France, Duke of Orléans was the brother of Louis XIV of France and the younger son of Louis XIII of France and Anne of Austria.

A member of the House of Bourbon, he is the founder of the current House of Orléans. His heirs formed a junior collateral branch of the royal dynasty. They include the second duke, who governed France during the minority of Louis XV in the Regency era; one French monarch, Louis Philippe I; and the Orléanist pretenders to the French throne still flourishing in the 21st century. The accumulation of the vast wealth which the House of Orléans would possess and use to influence both politics and court life (until it was confiscated during the French Revolution) began with Philippe, a lifelong beneficiary of his brother's largesse.

He was originally known by the title "Duke of Anjou". In 1660, his paternal uncle, Gaston, Duke of Orléans, died. The dukedom of Orléans was an appanage traditionally conferred upon the younger brother of the French king whenever available. Philippe exchanged Anjou for Orléans. As a son of a French king, Philippe ranked as a fils de France, and as the king's younger brother, he was invariably referred to at court simply as Monsieur.

Issue by Henrietta-Anne 'Minette' of England

Henrietta Anne and Philippe : Relationship Background

On 31 March 1661, he married his first cousin, Princess Henrietta of England, daughter of King Charles I of England, in the chapel of the Palais-Royal in Paris. Both were grandchildren of Henry IV of France and Marie de' Medici. She was known at court as Madame, Henriette d'Angleterre (Henrietta of England) or affectionately as Minette and was a famed beauty. Philippe was said to have doted on Henriette for the first year of their marriage, but their relationship soon turned sour when she allegedly began an affair with the Count of Guiche[1] and went on to seek comfort from others. Philippe openly paraded his mignons in front of his wife and the whole court. Among them were Armand de Gramont, Count of Guiche, known for his arrogance and good looks, the marquis de Châtillon, and his first lover Philip Julian Mancini.[1] Meanwhile, Henriette proved to be very popular at court as a pretty, good-natured princess, much to Philippe's annoyance.

She soon attracted the attention of the King. In order to hide this attraction from the King's mother and wife, Henriette and Louis invented the story that he was constantly in Henriette's company in order to be close to one of her ladies-in-waiting, Louise de La Vallière. In time, Louis indeed fell in love with Louise and made her his mistress.

Reluctantly, and somewhat bitterly, Henriette stepped aside. She is said to have eventually taken one of her husband's earlier conquests, Armand de Gramont as a lover.[1] This caused all sorts of arguments at the Palais Royal, where the Orléans lived. Despite this marital dissension, several children were born of their union. However, Henriette, known for her fragile and delicate health, had four miscarriages in the space of five years.[2] By the time of the birth of Anne Marie, the couple was notorious for the frequency of their quarrels at court and at home in the Palais-Royal.[1] After joining his brother Louis, the Queen, Mademoiselle, Madame de Montespan and Louise de La Vallière at a military campaign in northern France, the ducal couple returned to Saint-Cloud. It was there that the Duchess died at the age of twenty-six.

The death of the duchess on 30 June 1670 was popularly attributed to poison. The main suspects of this alleged crime were the Duke himself and the Chevalier de Lorraine. Although the duke may not have been involved, the enmity between Minette and the Chevalier de Lorraine was not a hidden truth. After an autopsy was performed, it was reported that Henrietta-Anne had died of peritonitis caused by an ulcer. During his marriage to Henriette-Anne, Philippe was heard to have said that he had loved her for fifteen days.


# Name of Descendant Portrait Birth Death Relations Marriages Issue
1Marie Louise d'OrléansMarch 26, 1662February 12, 1689Daughter of Philippe de France and Henrietta of EnglandMarried to
Charles II of Spain
No Issue
2Anne Marie d'OrléansAugust 27, 1669August 26, 1728Daughter of Philippe de France and Henrietta of EnglandMarried to
Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia
3 children, 2 daughters, 1 son


# Name of Descendant Portrait Birth Death Relations Marriage Issue
1Maria Adelaide of SavoyDecember 6, 1685February 12, 1712Daughter of Anne Marie d'Orléans
and Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia
Granddaughter of Philippe de France
and Henrietta of England
Married to
Louis, Dauphin of France
1 child, 1 son
2Maria Luisa Gabriella of SavoyAugust 17, 1688February 14, 1714Daughter of Anne Marie d'Orléans
and Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia
Granddaughter of Philippe de France
and Henrietta of England
Married to
Philip V of Spain
2 Children, 2 sons
3Charles Emmanuel III of SardiniaApril 27, 1701February 20, 1773Son of Anne Marie d'Orléans
and Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia
Grandson of Philippe de France
and Henrietta of England
(1) Anne Christine Louise of Bavaria
(2) Polyxena Christina of Hesse-Rotenburg
(3) Elisabeth Therese of Lorraine
4 children, 2 sons, 2 daughters


# Name of Descendant Portrait /Coat of Arms Birth Death Relations Marriages Issue
2Louis I of SpainAugust 25, 1707August 31, 1724Son of Maria Louisa of Savoy
and Philip V of Spain
Grandson of Anne Marie d'Orléans
and Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia
Great-Grandson of Philippe de France
and Henrietta of England
Louise Élisabeth d'Orléans
No Issue
3Ferdinand VI of SpainSeptember 23, 1713August 10, 1759Son of Maria Louisa of Savoy
and Philip V of Spain
Grandson of Anne Marie d'Orléans
and Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia
Great-Grandson of Philippe de France
and Henrietta of England
Barbara of Portugal
No Issue
4Victor Amadeus III of SavoyJune 26, 1726October 16, 1796Son of Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia
and Polyxena Christina of Hesse-Rotenburg
Grandson of Anne Marie d'Orléans
and Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia
Great-Grandson of Philippe de France
and Henrietta of England
Maria Antonietta of Spain
9 children, 5 sons, 4 daughters
5Eleonora Maria Teresa of Savoy17281781Daughter of Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia
and Polyxena Christina of Hesse-Rotenburg
Granddaughter of Anne Marie d'Orléans
and Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia
Great-Granddaughter of Philippe de France
and Henrietta of England
unmarriedNo issue
6Maria Luisa Gabriella of Savoy17291767Daughter of Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia
and Polyxena Christina of Hesse-Rotenburg
Granddaughter of Anne Marie d'Orléans
and Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia
Great-Granddaughter of 'Philippe de France
and Henrietta of England
a nun
No issue
7Maria Felicita17301801Daughter of Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia
and Polyxena Christina of Hesse-Rotenburg
Granddaughter of Anne Marie d'Orléans
and Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia
Great-Granddaughter of Philippe de France
and Henrietta of England
unmarriedNo issue
8Benedetto Maria Maurizio of Savoy
(Duke of Chablais
and Marchese of Ivrea)
17411808Son of Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia
and Elisabeth Teresa of Lorraine
Grandson of Anne Marie d'Orléans
and Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia
Great-Grandson of Philippe de France
and Henrietta of England
his niece Maria Ana
No issue

Further Descent

# Name of Descendant Portrait Birth Death Relations Marriages Issue
1Louise Élisabeth, Duchess of ParmaAugust 14, 1727December 6, 1759Daughter of Louis XV of France
and Maria Leszczyńska
Married to
Philip, Duke of Parma
3 children, 2 daughters, 1 son
2Isabella of Parma31 December 1741November 27, 1763Daughter of Louise Élisabeth, Duchess of Parma
and Philip, Duke of Parma
Married to
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor
1 child, 1 daughter
3Maria TheresiaMarch 20, 1762January 23, 1770Daughter of Isabella of Parma and
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor
UnmarriedNo Issue
4Ferdinand, Duke of ParmaJanuary 20, 1751October 9, 1802Son of Louise Élisabeth, Duchess of Parma
and Philip, Duke of Parma
Archduchess Maria Amalia of Austria
4 children, 1 son, 3 daughters
5Princess Caroline of ParmaNovember 22, 1770March 1, 1804Daughter of Ferdinand, Duke of Parma
and Maria Amalia of Austria
Prince Maximilian of Saxony
7 children, 3 sons, 4 daughters
6Louis of Etruria5 July 177327 May 1803Son of Ferdinand, Duke of Parma
and Maria Amalia of Austria
Maria Louisa, Duchess of Lucca
2 children, 1 son, 1 daughter
7Maria Antonia28 November 177420 February 1841Daughter of Ferdinand, Duke of Parma
and Archduchess Marie Amalie of Austria.
a nun
No Issue
8Charlotte of ParmaSeptember 7, 17771812Daughter of Ferdinand, Duke of Parma
and Maria Amalia of Austria
a nun
No Issue
9Maria Luisa of ParmaDecember 9, 1751January 2, 1819Daughter of Louise Élisabeth, Duchess of Parma
and Philip, Duke of Parma
Married to
Charles IV of Spain
7 children, 3 sons, 4 daughters
10Carlota Joaquina of Spain25 April 17757 January 1830Daughter of Maria Luisa of Parma
and Charles IV of Spain
Married to
John VI of Portugal
8 children, 2 sons, 6 daughters
11Maria AmaliaJanuary 9, 1779July 22, 1798Daughter of Maria Luisa of Parma
and Charles IV of Spain
Married to Infante Antonio Pascual of SpainStillborn son
12Maria LouisaJuly 6, 1782March 13, 1824Daughter of Maria Luisa of Parma
and Charles IV of Spain
Married to
Louis of Etruria
2 children, 1 son, 1 daughter
13Ferdinand VII of SpainOctober 14, 1784September 29, 1833Son of Maria Luisa of Parma
and Charles IV of Spain
(1) Maria Antonia of Naples
(2) Maria Isabel of Portugal
(3) Maria Josepha Amalia of Saxony
(4) Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies
2 children, 2 daughters
14Charles, Count of MolinaMarch 29, 1788March 10, 1855Son of Maria Luisa of Parma
and Charles IV of Spain
(1) Maria Francisca of Portugal
(2) Teresa, Princess of Beira
2 children, 2 sons
15Maria Isabella of SpainJune 6, 1789September 13, 1848Daughter of Maria Luisa of Parma
and Charles IV of Spain
Married to
Francis I of the Two Sicilies
12 children, 6 sons, 6 daughters
16Infante Francisco de Paula of Spain10 March 179413 August 1865Son of Maria Luisa of Parma
and Charles IV of Spain
Princess Luisa Carlotta of the Two Sicilies
8 children, 4 sons, 4 daughters

Issue by Elisabeth-Charlotte 'Liselotte' of the Palatinate

Elisabeth-Charlotte and Philippe : Relationship Background

Liselotte in later years

Philippe's confidante, Anna Gonzaga, Princess Palatine, arranged his second marriage to her husband's niece, Elisabeth Charlotte, the nineteen-year-old daughter of Charles I Louis, Elector Palatine. Upon her arrival in France, "Liselotte" converted to Roman Catholicism, before the marriage ceremony.

The couple was married by proxy, in the cathedral Saint-Étienne at Metz, on 16 November 1671. The maréchal du Plessis-Praslin represented the Duke of Orléans. Philippe and Liselotte first met on the road between the towns of Châlons and Bellay.[3]

Whereas Philippe's first wife had been known for beauty, charm and wit, Liselotte lacked those graces. Some said that this lack explained why she fared better with her husband (who personally took charge of her toilette for public occasions) than did his first wife. They had his only surviving son.

Liselotte also became known for her brusque candor, upright character, lack of vanity, and prolific foreign correspondence about the daily routine and frequent scandals of Versailles. Her letters record how willingly she gave up sharing Philippe's bed at his request after their children's births, and how unwillingly she endured the presence of his minions in their household, which caused the couple to quarrel.

But she frequently acknowledged that Philippe's treatment of her was less offensive than the impertinences his entourage indulged in at her expense, and the lack of protection he afforded her and their children against the hostile intrigues she believed were directed at her by spiteful courtiers, especially Madame-de- Maintenon.


# Name of Descendant Portrait Birth Death Relations Marriages Issue
1Philippe II, Duke of OrléansAugust 2, 1674December 2, 1723Son of Philippe d'Orléans and Elizabeth Charlotte of BavariaMarried to
Françoise-Marie de Bourbon
7 children: 1 son, 6 daughters
2Élisabeth Charlotte, Princess of CommercySeptember 13, 1676December 23, 1744Daughter of Philippe d'Orléans and Elizabeth Charlotte of BavariaMarried to
Leopold, Duke of Lorraine
5 children: 3 sons, 2 daughters


# Name of Descendant Portrait Birth Death Relations Marriages Issue
1Marie Louise Élisabeth d'OrléansAugust 20, 1695July 21, 1719Daughter of Philippe d'Orléans and Françoise-Marie de BourbonMarried to
Charles de France, duc de Berry
No issue
2Louise Adélaïde, Abbess of ChellesAugust 13, 1698February 10, 1743Daughter of Philippe d'Orléans and Françoise-Marie de BourbonUnmarried, a nunNo Issue

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 Barker, Nancy Nichols, Brother to the Sun king: Philippe, Duke of Orléans, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.
  2. Royal Genealogy, Information on Stuart, Henrietta Anne
  3. Arvède Barine, "Madame, Mère du Régent", in: Revue des deux mondes, LXXVIIe Année, Cinquième période, Tome Quarantième, Paris, 1907, p. 814.
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