SQL Return Codes are used on a day-to-day basis for the diagnosis of programming failures as a result of SQL calls by IBM Db2 programs. An important feature of IBM Db2 programs is the error processing. The error diagnostic containing the SQL Return Code is held in the field SQLCODE within the Db2 SQLCA block.

SQLCODE is no longer part of the SQL-standard. The SQL-standard replaced SQLCODE by the more detailed SQLSTATE.


The SQL communications area (SQLCA) structure is used within the IBM Db2 program to return feedback to the application program.


The SQLCODE field contains the SQL return code. The code can be zero (0), negative or positive:

  • 0 means that the execution was successful.
  • Negative values indicate an unsuccessful execution with an error.
    An example is −911, which means that a timeout has occurred with a rollback.
  • Positive value mean a successful execution with a warning.
    An example is +100, which means that no matching rows were found or that the cursor has reached the end of the table.

Here is a more comprehensive list of the SQLCODEs for DB2. Note that this list is not exhaustive. Also note that some SQLCODEs may only occur in specific Db2 products; e.g., only on Db2 z/OS, only on Db2 LUW, or only on Db2 for IBM i.

Zero (Successful)


Negative values (Errors)

-007 The specified 'character' is not a valid character in SQL statements.
-010 THE string constant beginning with string is not terminated properly.
-029 INTO Clause required.
-084 Unacceptable SQL statement.
-101 The statement is too long or too complex.
-102 String constant is too long.
-103 String constant is too long. Max is 128 characters.
-104 Illegal symbol encountered in the SQL statement.
-105 String constant is too long.
-117 The number of values in the INSERT does not match the number of columns.
-119 Error in GROUP BY or HAVING clause.
-122 Column or Expression in the Select List is not valid
-156 Invalid syntax near keyword.
-180 Bad data in Date/Time/Timestamp.
-181 Bad data in Date/Time/Timestamp.
-188 The host variable in a DESCRIBE statement is not a valid string representation of a name.
-199 Illegal use of the specified keyword.
-204 Object not defined to Db2.
-205 Column name not in table.
-206 Column does not exist in any table of the SELECT.
-207 Invalid column name.
-209 Ambiguous column name
-216 Not the same number of expressions on both sides of the comparison in a SELECT.
-224 FETCH cannot make an INSENSITIVE cursor SENSITIVE.
-229 The locale specified in a SET LOCALE statement was not found.
-257 Implicit conversion in datatype is not allowed.
-289 Db2 is running out of space in tablespace
-305 Null indicator needed.
-310 The value of a decimal is null
-311 Varchar, insert or update. -LEN field with the right data length not set.
-313 The number of host variables specified is not equal to the number of parameter markers.
-401 The data types of the operands of an operation are not compatible.
-404 The Sql Statement specified contains a String that is too long.
-408 A value is not compatible with the data type of its assignment target. Target name is "<name>". (***OBS: Para alguns casos o CAST resolve )
-413 Overflow occurred during numeric data type conversion.
-414 A like predicate is invalid because the first operand is not a string.
-415 The corresponding columns, column-number, of the operands of a set operator are not compatible.
-418 Use of parameter marker not valid.
-420 The value of a string argument was not acceptable to the 'function-name' function
-433 The data is too large
-438 Application raised error with diagnostic text: text
-440 Routine &1 in &2 not found with specified parameters.A function or procedure with the specified name and compatible arguments was not found.[1]
-482 The procedure returned no locators.
-501 Cursor not open on FETCH.
-502 Opening cursor that is already open.
-503 Updating column needs to be specified.
-504 Cursor name not declared.
-510 The Table designated by the cursor of the Update or Delete statement cannot be modified.
-530 Referential integrity preventing the INSERT/UPDATE
-532 Referential integrity (DELETE RESTRICT rule) preventing the DELETE.
-536 Referential integrity (DELETE RESTRICT rule) preventing the DELETE.
-545 Check constraint preventing the INSERT/UPDATE.
-551 Authorization failure.
-554 An authorization ID or a role cannot GRANT a privilege to itself.
-601 You tried to create an object that already exists
-602 Too many columns specified in a create index.
-603 a unique index cannot be created because the table contains rows which are duplicates with respect to the values of the identified columns and periods
-604 a data type definition specifies an invalid length, precision, or scale attribute
-607 operation or option operation is not defined for this object
-610 warning: a create/alter on object has placed object in pending
-611 only lockmax 0 can be specified when the lock size of the tablespace is tablespace or table
-612 identifier is a duplicate name
-613 the primary key or a hash key or a unique constraint is too long or has too many columns and periods
-614 the index cannot be created or altered, or the length of a column cannot be changed because the sum of the internal lengths of the columns for the index is greater than the allowable maximum
-615 operation-type is not allowed on a package in use
-616 obj-type1 obj-name1 cannot be dropped because it is referenced by obj-type2 obj-name2
-617 a type 1 index is not valid for table
-618 operation operation is not allowed on system databases
-619 operation disallowed because the database is not stopped
-620 keyword keyword in stmt-type statement is not permitted for a space-type space in the database-type database
-621 duplicate dbid dbid was detected and previously assigned to database-name
-622 for mixed data is invalid because the mixed data install option is no
-623 cluster is not valid for table-name
-624 table table-name already has a primary key or unique constraint with specified columns and periods
-625 table table-name does not have an index to enforce the uniqueness of the primary or unique key
-625 warning: the definition of table has been changed to incomplete
-626 the alter statement is not executable because the page set is not stopped
-627 the alter statement is invalid because the table space or index has user-managed data sets
-628 the clauses are mutually exclusive
-629 set null cannot be specified because foreign key name cannot contain null values
-630 error: the WHERE NOT NULL specification is invalid for type 1 indexes
-631 foreign key name is too long or has too many columns
-632 the table cannot be defined as a dependent of table-name because of DELETE rule restrictions
-633 the DELETE rule must be DELETE-rule
-634 the DELETE rule must not be cascade
-635 the DELETE rules cannot be different or cannot be set null
-636 ranges specified for partition part-num are not valid
-637 duplicate keyword-name keyword or clause
-638 table table-name cannot be created because column definition is missing
-639 a nullable column of a foreign key with a DELETE rule of set null cannot be a column of the key of a partitioned index
-640 locksize row cannot be specified because table in this tablespace has type 1 index
-642 too many columns in unique constraints
-643 a check constraint or the value of an expression for a column of an index exceeds the maximum allowable length key expression
-644 invalid value specified for keyword or clause keyword-or-clause in statement stmt-type
-645 WHERE NOT NULL is ignored because the index key cannot contain null values
-646 table table-name cannot be created in specified table space table-space-name because it already contains a table
-647 bufferpool bp-name for implicit or explicit tablespace or indexspace name has not been activated
-650 the alter statement cannot be executed, reason reason-code copyright 2014 TheAmericanProgrammer.com Unauthorized copying prohibited
-651 table description exceeds maximum size of object descriptor.
-652 violation of installation defined edit or validation procedure proc-name
-653 table table-name in partitioned table space tspace-name is not available because its partitioned index has not been created
-655 the create or alter stogroup is invalid because the storage group would have both specific and non-specific volume ids
-658 a object-type cannot be dropped using the statement statement
-660 index index-name cannot be created or altered on partitioned table space tspace-name because key limits are not specified
-661 object-type object-name cannot be created on partitioned table space tspace-name because the number of partition specifications is not equal to the number of partitions of the table space
-662 a partitioned index cannot be created on a table space, or a table space cannot be index-controlled. table space tspace-name, reason reason-code
-663 the number of key limit values is either zero, or greater than the number of columns in the key of index index-name
-664 the internal length of the limit-key fields for the partitioned index exceeds the length imposed by the index manager
-665 the partition clause of an alter statement is omitted or invalid
-666 stmt-verb object cannot be executed because function is in progress
-667 the clustering index for a partitioned table space cannot be explicitly dropped
-668 the column cannot be added to the table because the table has an edit procedure defined with row attribute sensitivity
-669 the object cannot be explicitly dropped. reason reason-code
-670 the record length of the table exceeds the page size limit
-671 the bufferpool attribute of the table space cannot be altered as specified because it would change the page size of the table space
-672 operation drop not allowed on table table_name
-676 the physical characteristics of the index are incompatible with respect to the specified statement. the statement has failed. reason reason-code
-677 insufficient virtual storage for bufferpool expansion
-678 the constant specified for the index limit key must conform to the data type data-type of the corresponding column column-name
-679 the object name cannot be created because a drop is pending on the object
-680 too many columns specified for a table, view or table function
-681 column column-name in violation of installation defined field procedure. rt: return-code, rs: reason-code, msg: message-token
-682 field procedure procedure-name could not be loaded
-683 the specification for column, distinct type, function, or procedure data-item contains incompatible clauses
-684 the length of constant list beginning string is too long
-685 invalid field type, column-name
-686 column defined with a field procedure can not compare with another column with different field procedure
-687 field types incomparable
-688 incorrect data returned from field procedure, column-name, msgno
-689 too many columns defined for a dependent table
-690 the statement is rejected by data definition control support. reason reason-code
-691 the required registration table table-name does not exist
-692 the required unique index index-name for ddl registration table table-name does not exist
-693 the column column-name in ddl registration table or index name is not defined properly
-694 the schema statement cannot be executed because a drop is pending on the ddl registration table table-name
-694 the ddl statement cannot be executed because a drop is pending on the ddl registration table
-695 invalid value seclabel specified for security label column of table table-name
-696 the definition of trigger trigger-name includes an invalid use of correlation name or transition table name name. reason code=reason-code
-697 old or new correlation names are not allowed in a trigger defined with the for each statement clause. old_table or new_table names are not allowed in a trigger with the before clause.
-747 The table is not available.
-803 Duplicate key on insert or update.
-804 Error in input parameters for the SQL statement.
-805 DBRM or package not found in plan.
-811 More than one row retrieved in SELECT INTO.
-818 Plan and program: timestamp mismatch.
-902 Pointer to Essential Control Block(RDA/CT) has value 0, Rebind Required. This may also occur if one of the DB volumes is still present, but inaccessible.
-904 Unavailable resource. Someone else is locking your data.
-911 Deadlock or timeout. Rollback has been done.
-913 Deadlock or timeout. No rollback.
-922 Authorization needed.
-924 Db2 Connection internal error.
-927 The language interface was called but no connection had been made.
-955 Sort memory cannot be allocated to process the statement.
-964 The transaction log space is depleted or temporary increase in the number of active transactions.
-970 wrong (also missing) permissions on Db2 file systems / Db2 filesystems owned by root.
-998 Error occurred during transaction or heuristic processing.
-2310 The utility could not generate statistics
-3508 Load Error accessing scratch space. Error in accessing a file or path of type "TEMP_FILE" during load or load query. The scratch directory where the msg files in a load job are stored does not have the required permissions.
-7008 The object that is specified is not valid for the requested operation.
-10330 Permission denied to change database. Contact system administrator.
-30090 Remote operation invalid for application execution environment.

Positive Values (Warnings)

  +98 A dynamic SQL statement ends with a semicolon
+100 Row not found or end of cursor.
+222 Trying to fetch a row within a DELETE statement.
+223 Trying to fetch a row within an UPDATE statement.
+231 FETCH after a BEFORE or AFTER but not on a valid row.
+304 A value with data type (data type 1) cannot be assigned to a host variable because the value is not within the range of the host variable in position (position number) with data type (data type 2)
+354 A rowset fetch statement may have returned one or more rows of data. however, one or more warning conditions were also encountered. use the get diagnostics statement for more information regarding the conditions that were encountered
+466 The stored procedure named by proc completed normally. The procedure returned the number of SQL query result sets specified in num.
+562 A grant of a privilege was ignored because the grantee already has the privilege from the grantor.
+802 The null indicator was set to -2 as an arithmetic.



  1. "IBM Docs".
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