Cryptops hortensis
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Myriapoda
Class: Chilopoda
Order: Scolopendromorpha
Family: Cryptopidae
Genus: Cryptops
Leach, 1814[1]
  • Chromatanops Verhoeff, 1906
  • Crytops Brullé, 1832
  • Cryptops Leach, 1815
  • Haplocryptops Verhoeff, 1934
  • Mycotheres Rafinesque, 1820
  • Paratrigonocryptops Demange, 1963
  • Trichocryptops Verhoeff, 1937
  • Trigonocryptops Verhoeff, 1906

Cryptops sometimes known as cave centipedes[2], is a centipede genus in the family Cryptopidae; species records have a world-wide distribution.[3]


The Global Biodiversity Information Facility includes:[4]

  • Cryptops acapulcensis Verhoeff, 1934
  • Cryptops aelleni Demange, 1963
  • Cryptops aernarienis Verhoeff, 1943
  • Cryptops afghanus Loksa, 1971
  • Cryptops africanus Lawrence, 1955
  • Cryptops agilis Meinert, 1868
  • Cryptops aloysiisabaudiae Silvestri, 1907
  • Cryptops andinensis González-Sponga, 2006
  • Cryptops angolensis Machado, 1951
  • Cryptops annectus Chamberlin, 1947
  • Cryptops annexus Chamberlin, 1962
  • Cryptops anomalans Newport, 1844
  • Cryptops arapuni Archey, 1922
  • Cryptops argentinus Bücherl, 1953
  • Cryptops armatus Silvestri, 1899
  • Cryptops attemsi Demange, 1963
  • Cryptops audax Attems, 1928
  • Cryptops australis Newport, 1845
  • Cryptops basilewskyi Matic & Darabantu, 1977
  • Cryptops bayoni Silvestri, 1910
  • Cryptops beebei Chamberlin, 1924
  • Cryptops beroni Matic & Stavropoulos, 1988
  • Cryptops beshkovi Matic & Stavropoulos, 1988
  • Cryptops bivittatus Pocock, 1893
  • Cryptops bokumensis Kraus, 1958
  • Cryptops bottegii Silvestri, 1897
  • Cryptops brachyraphe Verhoeff, 1934
  • Cryptops brignolii Matic, 1977
  • Cryptops brunneus Chamberlin R., 1921
  • Cryptops burenius Verhoeff, 1940
  • Cryptops calinus Chamberlin, 1957
  • Cryptops camoowealensis Edgecombe, 2006
  • Cryptops campestris Attems, 1952
  • Cryptops canariensis Latzel, 1895
  • Cryptops capensis Lewis, 2013-02
  • Cryptops caucasius Verhoeff, 1934
  • Cryptops cavernicolus Negrea & Fundora Martinez, 1977
  • Cryptops coiffati Demange, 1968
  • Cryptops compositus Chamberlin, 1952
  • Cryptops corcyraeus Verhoeff, 1901
  • Cryptops cornifer Chamberlin, 1918
  • Cryptops covertus Chamberlin, 1951
  • Cryptops crassipes Silvestri, 1895
  • Cryptops croaticus Verhoeff, 1931
  • Cryptops cubanus Matic, Negrea & Fundora Martinez, 1977
  • Cryptops danhomenou Brolemann, 1926
  • Cryptops daszaki Lewis, 2002
  • Cryptops debilis Bücherl, 1950
  • Cryptops decoratus Lawrence, 1960
  • Cryptops dentipes Lawrence, 1960
  • Cryptops detectus Silvestri, 1899
  • Cryptops dianae Matic & Stavropoulos, 1990
  • Cryptops dilagus Archey, 1921
  • Cryptops doriae Pocock, 1891
  • Cryptops dubiotarsalis Bücherl, 1946
  • Cryptops echinipes Lawrence, 1955
  • Cryptops erkowiti Lewis, 1967
  • Cryptops ethophor Chamberlin, 1920
  • Cryptops eutypus Chamberlin, 1951
  • Cryptops feae Pocock R.I., 1891
  • Cryptops fitzsimonsi Lawrence, 1959
  • Cryptops floridanus Chamberlin, 1925
  • Cryptops frater Chamberlin, 1962
  • Cryptops fur Meinert, 1886
  • Cryptops furciferens Chamberlin, 1921
  • Cryptops galatheae Meinert, 1886
  • Cryptops garganensis Verhoeff, 1934
  • Cryptops gigas Kraepelin, 1903
  • Cryptops goiasus Chamberlin, 1958
  • Cryptops gracilimus Machado, 1951
  • Cryptops gynnis Chamberlin, 1956
  • Cryptops haasei Attems, 1903
  • Cryptops heathi Chamberlin, 1914
  • Cryptops hephaestus Ázara & Ferreira, 2013-09
  • Cryptops hispanus Brolemann, 1920
  • Cryptops hortensis Donovan, 1810
  • Cryptops iheringi Brölemann, 1902
  • Cryptops illyricus Verhoeff, 1933
  • Cryptops incertus Attems, 1937
  • Cryptops indicus [no auth]
  • Cryptops inermipes Pocock, 1888
  • Cryptops iporangensis Ázara & Ferreira, 2013-09
  • Cryptops iucundus Würmli, 1972
  • Cryptops japonicus Takakuwa, 1934
  • Cryptops jeanneli Matic, 1960
  • Cryptops kafbuensis Goffinet, 1971
  • Cryptops kafubuensis Goffinet, 1971
  • Cryptops kalobensis Goffinet, 1971
  • Cryptops kempi Silvestri, 1924
  • Cryptops kivuensis Lawrence, 1953
  • Cryptops kosswigi Chamberlin, 1952
  • Cryptops lamprethus Chamberlin, 1920
  • Cryptops lapidicolus Matic, Negrea & Fundora Martinez, 1977
  • Cryptops legagus Edgecombe, Akkari, Netherlands & Du Preez, 2020
  • Cryptops leucopodus Rafinesque, 1820
  • Cryptops libriceps Attems, 1952
  • Cryptops livius Chamberlin, 1951
  • Cryptops lobatus Verhoeff, 1931
  • Cryptops longicornis Ribaut, 1915
  • Cryptops longipes Goux, 1950
  • Cryptops loveridgei Lawrence, 1953
  • Cryptops malabarensis Balan, Sureshan & Khanna, 2012
  • Cryptops malaccanus Verhoeff, 1937
  • Cryptops manni Chamberlin, 1915
  • Cryptops martinicensis Schileyko, Iorio & Coulis, 2018
  • Cryptops mauritianus Verhoeff, 1939
  • Cryptops medius Verhoeff, 1901
  • Cryptops megalopora Haase, 1887
  • Cryptops melanifer Chamberlin, 1955
  • Cryptops melanotypus Chamberlin, 1941
  • Cryptops micrus Chamberlin, 1922
  • Cryptops milloti Lawrence, 1960
  • Cryptops mirabilis Machado, 1951
  • Cryptops mirus Chamberlin, 1920
  • Cryptops modigliani Silvestri, 1895
  • Cryptops monilis Gervais, 1849
  • Cryptops monilisin Gervais, 1849
  • Cryptops nahuelbuta Chamberlin, 1955
  • Cryptops nanus Attems, 1938
  • Cryptops nautiphilus Chamberlin, 1939
  • Cryptops navigans Chamberlin, 1913
  • Cryptops navis Chamberlin, 1930
  • Cryptops neocaledonicus Ribaut, 1923
  • Cryptops nepalensis Lewis, 1999
  • Cryptops nigropictus Takakuwa, 1936
  • Cryptops nigropictus Verhoeff, 1936
  • Cryptops niloticus Lewis, 1967
  • Cryptops niuensis Chamberlin, 1920
  • Cryptops nivicomes Verhoeff, 1938
  • Cryptops notandus Silvestri, 1939
  • Cryptops numidicus Lucas, 1846
  • Cryptops omissus Ribaut, 1915
  • Cryptops orientalis Jangi, 1955
  • Cryptops orizaba Chamberlin, 1943
  • Cryptops osellai Matic, 1977
  • Cryptops parisi Brolemann, 1920
  • Cryptops patagonicus Meinert, 1886
  • Cryptops pauciporus Lawrence, 1955
  • Cryptops pauliani Lawrence, 1960
  • Cryptops pauperatus Attems, 1937
  • Cryptops penicillatus Lawrence, 1960
  • Cryptops peringueyi Attems, 1928
  • Cryptops persimilis Attems, 1943
  • Cryptops philammus Attems, 1928
  • Cryptops pictus Ribaut, 1923
  • Cryptops planquettei Demange, 1965
  • Cryptops polyodontus Attems, 1903
  • Cryptops pori Negrea, 1997
  • Cryptops positus Chamberlin, 1939
  • Cryptops propinquus Lawrence, 1960
  • Cryptops pugnans Chamberlin, 1922
  • Cryptops punicus Silvestri, 1896
  • Cryptops quadrisulcatus Demange, 1963
  • Cryptops relictus Chamberlin R., 1920
  • Cryptops religens Chamberlin & Wang, 1951
  • Cryptops rhodesianus Attems, 1928
  • Cryptops ribauti Demange, 1963
  • Cryptops riedeli Matic, Negrea & Fundora Martinez, 1977
  • Cryptops roeplainsensis Edgecombe, 2005
  • Cryptops rossi Chamberlin, 1955
  • Cryptops rouxi Ribaut, 1923
  • Cryptops royi Demange, 1963
  • Cryptops rucneri Matic, 1967
  • Cryptops ruficeps Pocock, 1894
  • Cryptops sankuruensis Schubart, 1938
  • Cryptops sarasini Ribaut, 1923
  • Cryptops schubarti Bücherl, 1953
  • Cryptops setosior Chamberlin, 1959
  • Cryptops similis Machado, 1953
  • Cryptops sinesicus Chamberlin, 1940
  • Cryptops socotrensis Pocock, 1903
  • Cryptops songi Song, Zhu & Liang, 2010
  • Cryptops spec Schileyko, Iorio & Coulis, 2018
  • Cryptops spelaeoraptor Ázara & Ferreira, 2014
  • Cryptops speleorex Vahtera, Stoev & Akkari, 2020
  • Cryptops spinipes Pocock, 1891
  • Cryptops stabilis Chamberlin, 1944
  • Cryptops sternalis Brolemann, 1926
  • Cryptops striatus Takakuwa, 1936
  • Cryptops stupendus Attems, 1928
  • Cryptops sublitoralis Verhoeff, 1931
  • Cryptops sulciceps Chamberlin, 1920
  • Cryptops sutteri Würmli, 1972
  • Cryptops tahitianus Chamberlin, 1920
  • Cryptops toumodiensis Demange, 1965
  • Cryptops triangulifer Verhoeff, 1937
  • Cryptops triserratus Attems, 1903
  • Cryptops trisulcatus Brolemann, 1902
  • Cryptops troglobius Matic Negrea & Fundora Martinez, 1977
  • Cryptops typhloporus Lawrence, 1955
  • Cryptops umbricus Verhoeff, 1931
  • Cryptops validus Meinert, 1886
  • Cryptops vanderplaetseni Demange, 1963
  • Cryptops vector Chamberlin, 1939
  • Cryptops venezuelae Chamberlin, 1939
  • Cryptops verdascens Goffinet, 1971
  • Cryptops vulcanicus Zapparoli, 1990
  • Cryptops watsingus Chamberlin, 1939


  1. Leach WE (1814) Crustaceology: in Brewster D (ed.) The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. Balfour, Edinburgh. 7(2): 385–437, 765–766.
  2. "Cave Centipedes (Genus Cryptops)". iNaturalist. Retrieved 2023-01-12.
  3. "Cryptops - Leach, 1814". Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Retrieved 6 January 2023.
  4. "Cryptops - Leach, 1814". Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Retrieved 6 January 2023.
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