A list of people, who died during the 8th century, who have received recognition as Blessed (through beatification) or Saint (through canonization) from the Catholic Church:

NameBirthBirthplaceDeathPlace of deathNotes
Mauruntius634 701 
Berlinda (Berlindis, Bellaude)  702 
Colman of Lismore  702 Bishop of Lismore
Paduinus (Pavin of Le Mans)  703 
Adamnan624 704 
Austreberta (Eustreberta)  704 
Trumwin  704 Bishop of the Picts
Bertulf (Bertoul)  705 
Bosa of York  705 Bishop of York
Hedda  705 Bishop of Winchester
Bonitus (Bonet)623 706 Bishop of Clermont
Decuman (Dagan)  706 
Hiduiphus (Hidulf, Hidulphus)  707 Bishop of Trier
Tetricus  707 Bishop of Auxerre
Aldhelm (Adelemus, Athelmas, Adelnie, Eadelhelm, Aedelhem)639 709 Bishop of Sherborne
Wilfrid634 709 Bishop of York
Adrian of Canterbury  710 Archbishop of Canterbury[1]
Damian  710 Bishop of Pavia
Emebert  710 Bishop of Cambrai
Erentrude  710 
Indractus, Dominica, and Companions  710 
Rupert of Salzburg (Robert of Hrodbert)  710 Bishop of Worms
Bain  711 Bishop of Thérouanne[2]
Gudula  712 
Vindician  712 Bishop of Arras-Cambrai
Suitbert of Kaiserswerdt (Suitbert)647 713 
Ursmar  713 
Elfleda (Edifleda, Elfeda, Elgiva, Ethelfieda)  714 
Guthlac673 714 
Notburga  714 
Adalsindis  715 
Fructus  715 
Milburga  715 
Richimir  715 
Ceolfrith642 716 
Donald  716 
Dúnchad mac Cinn Fáelad  717 
Egwin  717 Bishop of Worcester
John of Atares  718 
Leothade  718 Bishop of Auch
Pega  719 
Evremond (Ebremund)  720 
Hermenland (Erblon, Herbland, Hermel)  720 
Meneleus (Mauvier, Menele)  720 
Odilia (Ottilia)  720 
Richard of Lucca  720 
Sacerdos of Limoges (Sardon, Serdot)  720 Bishop of Limoges
Thomas de Maurienne (Thomas of Farfa)  720 Abbot of Farfa
Vodalus (Voel, Vodoaldus)  720 
Wulframn  720 Bishop of Sens
Eadfrith of Lindisfarne  721 
John of Beverley  721 Bishop of York
Liutwin (Ludwin)  722 Bishop of Trier
Malrubius (Maelrubha)642 722 
Modestus  722 Bishop of Carinthia
Oda  723 
Giles  724 
Voloc  724 
Aubert of Avranches (Autbert)  725 Bishop of Avranches
Benedict of Milan  725 
Benignus  725 
Beregisius  725 
Bertha650 725 
Cuthburh  725 
Gobrain  725 Bishop of Vannes
Paternus  726 
Perseveranda (Pezaine)  726 
Willeic (Willeich, Willaik, Velleicus)  726 
Hubert  727 Bishop of Liège
Cele-Christ  728 Bishop of Leinster
Egbert640 729 Bishop of Iona
Adele  730 
Corbinian  730 Bishop of Friesling
Fergus (Fergus of Scotland)  730 
Hugh  730 Bishop of Rouen
Julian  730 
Moderan (Moran, Moderammus)  730 Bishop of Rennes
Romulus  730 
Salvius of Angoulême  730 Bishop of Angoulême
Altigianus and Hilarinus  731 
Brithwald (Berhtwald)  731 
Gregory II669 731 Pope
Marinus  731 
Winewald (Winebald)  731 Abbot of Beverley
Aventinus  732 
Germanus of Constantinople634 732 
Porcarius and Companions  732 
Theofrid (Theofredus)  732 Abbot of Le Monastier
Bercthun  733 Abbot of Beverley
Britwin  733 Abbot of Beverley
Tola  733 Bishop of Meath
Bilihildis  734 
Kentigerna  734 
Tatwine  734 
Bede672 735 
Frideswide  735 
Hypatius and Andrew  735 
Peter  735 Bishop of Pavia
Theodota of Constantinople  735 
Pardulphus (Pardulf, Pardoux)657 737 
Agofredus (Geoffrey)  738 
Leutfridus (Leufroy)  738 
Wigbert  738 
Engelmund  739 
Lucerius  739 
Samthann  739 
Willibrord658 739 
Acca  740 Bishop of Hexham
Adalbert of Egmond  740 
Andrew of Crete660 740 
Ebbo  740 Bishop of Sens
Nothelm  740 
Pharaildis (Varelde, Veerle, or Verylde)  740 
Vitalis  740 
Attala687 741 
Eutychius (Eustathius) and Companions  741 
Gregory III  741 Pope
Eucherius of Orléans  743 
Peter the Scribe  743 
Withburga  743 
Wilfrid the Younger  744 Bishop of York
Adeloga (Hadeloga)  745 
Rigobert (Robert)  745 
Theodosia and Companions  745 
Vitalis  745 
Floribert  746 Bishop of Liège
Gerulph  746 
Widradus (Ware)  747 
Blessed Petronax600 747 
John of Damascus676 749 
Wicterp (Wicho)  749 Bishop of Augsburg
Amulwinus  750 Bishop of Lobbes
Anselm  750 
Dodo  750 
Froduiphus (Frou)  750 
Gundelindis (Gwendoline)  750 
Helena (Heliada)  750 
Himelin  750 
John the Wonder-Worker  750 Bishop of Polybatum
Juliana of Pavilly ("Little Sister of Jesus")  750 
Peter  750 Bishop of Damascus
Relindis (Renule)  750 
Severa  750 
Theophilus  750 
Turiaf of Dol  750 Bishop of Dol
Ulphia  750 
Votus, Felix, brothers and hermits, and John (John de Atares)  750 
Abel  751 
Agilulfus (Agilulf)  751 
Edburga of Minster-in-Thanet  751 
Ambrose  752 Bishop of Cahors
Cillene  752 
Hildebert  752 
Zachary  752 Pope
Pirminus (Pirmin)  753 
Adalar  754 
Boniface672? 754 Archbishop of Mainz
Burchard (Burkard)  754 Bishop of Würzburg
Eoban  754 
Waccar  755 
Balther (Baldred)  756 
Lotharius  756 Bishop of Seez
Blessed Wando (Vando)  756 
Cuthbert  758 
Othmar  759 
Albinus (Witta)  760 Bishop of Buraburg
Alto  760 
Cosmas  760 Bishop of Majuma
Gangulphus (Gengulf, Gengoul)  760 
Paul of Cyprus  760 
Sabinus  760 Bishop of Catania
Stephen of Surozh  760 Bishop of Surozh
Vulgis  760 
Wastrada  760 
Werenfrid  760 
Winebald  761 
Fidharleus  762 
Garibaldus  762 Bishop of Regensburg
Marchelm  762 
Martyrs of Ephesus  762 
Bregwin (Breguivine)  764 
Ceolwulf  764 
Stephen the Younger713/715 765 
Guitmarus  765 
Walfrid  765 
Bobinus  766 Bishop of Troyes
Chrodegang715 766 
Andrew of Crete  767 
Echa (Etha)  767 
Emilion  767 
Paul I  767 Pope
Anglinus  768 
James the Deacon  769 
James  769 Bishop of Toul
Lantfrid  770 
Opportuna  770 
Philip of Zell  770 
Sabinianus  770 
Sebaldus  770 
Amalberga of Temse  772 
Remigius  772 Bishop of Rouen
Tetta  772 
Amicus  773 
Lebuin (Liafwine)  773 
Hippolytus  775 Bishop of Saint Claude
Plechelm  775 
Rumold (Rombaut)  775 Bishop of Mechelen
Gregory of Utrecht703 776 
Theodulphus (Thiou)  776 Bishop of Lobbes
Vitalian  776 Bishop of Osimo
Magdalveus (Mauve)  776 or 777 Bishop of Verdun
Ambrose Autpert  778 
Sturmi  779 
Walburga710 779 
Basilissa  780 
Credan  780 
Mella  780 
Alcmund (Alchmund)  781 Bishop of Hexham
Lioba (Liobgetha)  781 
Thomas of Antioch  782 
Libert  783 
Blessed Hildegard  783 
Alberic  784 Bishop of Utrecht
Fulrad  784 
Vergilius of Salzburg (Virgil, Fergal, Ferghil, Vergilius, Virgilius, Feargal)700 784 Bishop of Salzburg
Herulph (Hariolfus)  785 Bishop of Langres
Hiltrude740 785 
Werburg  785 
Lull705 786 Bishop of Mainz
Leo (Maravigloso)  787 Bishop of Catania
Siagrius  787 Bishop of Nice
Willibald700 787 Bishop of Eichstatt
Theophilus the Younger  789 
Tilbert  789 Bishop of Hexham
Willehad  789 Bishop of Worms
Agatha  790 
Desideratus  790 
Felix of Fritzlar  790 
Ribert (Ribarius)  790 
Thecla of Kitsingen  790 
Winnoc  790 
Wiomad (Wiomagus, Weomadus)  790 Bishop of Trier
Ethelbert  794 
Megingoz (Mengold, Megingaud)  794 Bishop of Würzburg
Sol  794 
Stephen of Mar Saba725 794 
Alfreda (Afreda, Alfritha, Aelfnryth, Etheldreda)  795 
Colga (Coelchu) ("the Wise")  796 
Gedeon  796 Bishop of Besançon
John, Sergius, and Companions  796 
Anastasius XVI  797 
Beatus of Liebana  798 
Candida  798 
Albert of Cashel  800 
Albert of Gambron  800 
Alburga  800 
Appian  800 [3]
Arnold  800 
Attala  800 
Bernard of Bagnorea  800 Bishop of Vulcia
Epiphania  800 
Gamelbert720 800 
John  800 Bishop of Heraclea

See also


  1. Lapidge, Michael (2006). The Anglo-Saxon Library. Oxford: Oxford UP. pp. 33, 87–88. ISBN 9780199239696.
  2. Butler, Alban (1799), The Lives of the Primitive Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints, J. Moir, p. 277, retrieved 2021-09-06
  3. Fagnant-MacArthur, Patrice (2013). The Catholic Baby Name Book. Ave Maria Press. p. 46. ISBN 978-1-59471-303-3. Retrieved 20 September 2018.
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