Scientific classification

Type species
Borborus rufitarsis
Meigen, 1830

Ceroptera is a genus of flies belonging to the family of the Lesser Dung flies.[5]


  • C. aharonii Duda, 1938[6]
  • C. algira (Villeneuve, 1916)[3]
  • C. alluaudi (Villeneuve, 1917)[7]
  • C. brincki Hackman, 1965[8]
  • C. catharsii Richards, 1953[9]
  • C. crispa (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • C. ealensis Vanschuytbroeck, 1951[4]
  • C. equitans (Collin, 1910)[11]
  • C. femorata Hackman, 1965[8]
  • C. flava Vanschuytbroeck, 1959[12]
  • C. ghanensis Papp, 1977[13]
  • C. ghesquierei Vanschuytbroeck, 1951[4]
  • C. intermedia Hackman, 1965[8]
  • C. lacteipennis (Villeneuve, 1916)[3]
  • C. longicauda Marshall in Marshall & Montagnes, 1988[14]
  • C. longiseta (Villeneuve, 1916)[3]
  • C. nasuta (Villeneuve, 1916)[3]
  • C. ndelelensis Vanschuytbroeck, 1959[12]
  • C. pelengensis Vanschuytbroeck, 1959[12]
  • C. rubricornis (Duda, 1918)[15]
  • C. rudebecki Hackman, 1965[8]
  • C. rufitarsis (Meigen, 1830)
  • C. setigera Vanschuytbroeck, 1945[16]
  • C. sivinskii Marshall, 1983[17]
  • C. ungulata Hackman, 1965[8]


  1. Macquart1835, P. J. M. Histoire Naturelle des insectes. Dipteres. Tome deuxieme. Paris: Roret. pp. 710, 12 pl.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  2. Strobl, Pater Gabriel (1902). "Novi prilozi fauny diptera balkanskog poluostrova. [New additions to the fauna of Balkan peninsula]". Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo. 14: 461–517.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 Villeneuve, Joseph Th. (1916). "Descriptions de Borboridae africaines nouveaux (Dipt.)". Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France. Paris. 41: 37–42. Retrieved 24 October 2017.
  4. 1 2 3 Vanschuytbroeck, P. (1951). "Contribution a l'Ètude des Sphaeroceridae africains (Diptera, Acalyptratae) (2me note)". Bulletin. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles. 27 (33): 1–16.
  5. Rohček, Jindřich; Marshall, Stephen A.; Norrbom, Allen L.; Buck, Matthias; Quiros, Dora Isabel; Smith, Ian (2001). Rohček, Jindřich (ed.). World Catalog of Sphaeroceridae (Diptera). Opava: Slezské Zemské Muzeum. pp. 1–414. ISBN 978-8086224213. Retrieved 3 September 2017.
  6. Duda, Oswald (1938). Lindner, E. (ed.). "Sphaeroceridae (Cypselidae)". Die Fliegen der Paläarktischen Region. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbartísche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 6 (57): 1–182.
  7. Villeneuve, Joseph Th. (1917). "Description d'espèces nouvelles de la famille des Cypselidae (Borboridae) (Dipt.)". Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France. Paris. 1917: 139–144. Retrieved 24 October 2017.
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 Hackman, W. (1965). "Diptera (Brachycera): Sphaeroceridae (Borboridae)". South African Animal Life, Lund. 11: 485–503.
  9. Richards, O. W. (1953). "Two new African species of Ceroptera Meigen (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae)". Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London B. 22: 5–8.
  10. Duda, Oswald (1925). "Die außereuropäischen Arten der Gattung Leptocera Olivier - Limosina Macquart (Dipteren) mit Berücksichtigung der europäischen Arten" (PDF). Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin, Abteilung A. 90 ((11)(1924): 5–21. Retrieved 21 October 2017.
  11. Collin, James Edward (1910). "A new species of the dipterous genus Limosina, Macq. (Borboridae), from Ceylon, with habits similar to those of L. sacra, Meig". The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 21: 275–279. Retrieved 4 November 2017.
  12. 1 2 3 Vanschuytbroeck, P. (1959). "Sphaerocerinae, Limosinae, Ceropterinae (Diptera, Ephydroidea)". Parc National de la Garamba, Mission H. De Saeger (1949-52), Bruxelles. 17 (2): 15–85.
  13. Papp, László. "A contribution to the knowledge of species of the subfamily Ceropterinae (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae)" (PDF). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 23 (2): 371–385. Retrieved 22 October 2017.
  14. Marshall, Stephen A.; Montagnes, D. J. S. (1988). "Ceroptera longicauda, a second North American species of the kleptoparasitic genus Ceroptera Macquart (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae)". Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 90 (2): 189–192. Retrieved 4 November 2017.
  15. Duda, Oswald (1918). "Revision der europäischen Arten der Gattung Limosina Macquart (Dipteren)". Abhandlungen der k.k. Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 10 (1): 1–240.
  16. Vanschuytbroeck, P (1945). "Contribution à l'étude du genre Ceroptera Macquart (Diptera,Sphaeroceridae)". Bulletin du Musée royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique. 21 (21): 1–12.
  17. Marshall, Stephen A. (1983). "Ceroptera sivinskii, a new species of Sphaeroceridae (Diptera) in a genus new to North America, associated with scarab beetles in southwestern United States". Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 85 (1): 139–143. Retrieved 4 November 2017.
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