Center for Religious Studies in the name of Hieromartyr Irenaeus of Lyons
Native name
Центр религиоведческих исследований во имя священномученика Иринея Лионского
FounderAlexander Dvorkin

The Center for Religious Studies in the name of Hieromartyr Irenaeus of Lyons is a Russian non-profit nongovernmental anti-sectarian[1] organization engaged in research[2] and information and consulting work[2] on the activities of new religious movements and sects of a destructive and totalitarian nature..[3][4][2][5] The Center was established in 1993 with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia and has been headed by Alexander Dvorkin since its founding.[6] The Center is the nucleus of the Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religions and Sects (RACIRS).[3][7][5]


The organization was founded by A. L. Dvorkin in 1993 with the blessing of Holy Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alexy II in 1993 as the Information and Consulting Center named after the Holy Martyr Irineus, Bishop of Lyon for the purpose of collecting, processing and disseminating generalized reliable information about the teachings and activities of new religious movements Totalitarian and destructive oriented.[2][8][9]

Since 2003, the Center has had its current name.[9]

In 2006, the Center became the umbrella organization of the Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religions and Sects..

The Center is also a member of European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Sectarianism.

On October 9, 2009, the Center celebrated its 15th anniversary during the Second St. Irenei Readings, receiving congratulations from hierarchs and figures of the Russian Orthodox Church.[10]

On October 28, 2011, the Center received a state grant of 2.5 million rubles to help people affected by totalitarian sects.[11]


The Center is engaged in research, information and consulting, lecturing and publishing activities. The Center maintains contact with media and state law enforcement agencies and Christian anti-sectarian organizations in Russia and abroad.

In 1995, the Center published a brochure by Alexander Dvorkin entitled "Ten Questions for the Compulsive Stranger, or a Manual for Those Who Don't Want to Be Recruited," which became the subject of a lawsuit in the Khoroshyov Inter-Municipal District Court of the Northwestern District of Moscow..

Until 2006, the center published an informational and educational magazine, Przrenie, which covered the activities of totalitarian sects and destructive cults.

  • compilations of analytical and informational materials on sectarianism in general, as well as on the recent activities of sects;
  • Narratives-witness accounts of former sect members;
  • details about the actions of sect apologists in Russia and other countries;
  • important interviews with theologians, doctors, journalists, pastors, politicians, and scientists.

The Center's website has an entire section devoted to the activities of psychosects and the harm they cause.



In 2000 candidate of historical sciences, researcher of Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of RAS A. A. Ozhiganova noted:[12]

But at present Russia lacks large interdisciplinary information and analytical centers for the study of new religious movements that exist in all Western countries, such as INFORM (UK), Dialog Center International (Denmark), CESNUR (Italy) and others. Attempts to create such centers are undertaken in Russia within the framework of the Russian Orthodox Church: it is the Center of St. Irenei Lyonsky led by A. Dvorkin in Moscow, the Orthodox Institute of Missiology, Ecumenism and New Religious Movements at Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy in St. Petersburg.

In 2009, V. N. Chaikin, a candidate of sociological sciences, classified the center's activity as "preventive-educational, which consists of providing information about sects and cults" and noted that "the main task of the Information and Consulting Center of St. Irenei of Lyons is to spread reliable information about the teaching and activity of totalitarian sects and destructive cults" and also noted that "for this purpose, according to the official information on the center's website, the staff are engaged in research, conscientious objectionable and unbiased work..


In 1998 the librarian F. Rekovskaya in the abstract journal "Social Sciences and Humanities. Отечественная и зарубежная литература» характеризует Центр Иринея Лионского в качестве «ведущего российского подразделения международной антикультистской сети (официального подразделения Московского Патриархата)».[13]

In 2000 the sociologist of religion Marat Shterin, formerly [lower-alpha 1] as an expert witness for the plaintiffs in the trial against A.L. Dvorkin, noted that the Information and Consultative Center of the Holy Martyr Irenaeus of Lyons (ICCIL) is an "anti-cult group" that significantly influenced "the formation of both the ideology of the ACD and the type of ideas about NRD that the Russian public received". In his opinion, the connection of the ICCIL with the ROC and some Western anti-cult groups (Dialogue Center in Orhus (Denmark) and Berlin) were the reasons that "facilitated the legitimization" of Dvorkin's approach, which is "extremely negative and overgeneralized". According to Shterin, in the course of its activities, the ICCIL received from the Dialogue Center "selectively selected negative material about 'sects'".[14]

In 2006, the religious scholar Igor Kanterov wrote a scriptum for students of Religious Studies "New religious movements: (introduction to basic concepts and terms)" that "In 2005, the Information and Consulting Center of St. Irenei Lyonsky changes its name and becomes the Institute for Religious Studies Research. The appearance of this "Institute" is nothing more than a simple change of signboard for a well-known sect-fighting institution. As time has shown, the views of the head and staff of the Institute have nothing to do with religious studies; as before, they work in the field of sectarianism.[15]

In 2007 lawyer, co-chairman of the Slavic Legal Center Vladimir Ryakhovsky in a publicist article on, recalling conflict with Ecclesiastes and Golden Ring, wrote that the Center for Religious Studies of St. Irenaeus of Lyons "in essence ... is an extremely destructive sect, which, based on lies, promotes enmity to a number of officially law-abiding religious associations operating in Russia."[16]

In 2008, the religious scholar D. A. Golovushkin wrote in his textbook for students of pedagogical colleges "Religious Studies" that

The center sees its task as "disseminating reliable information about the teachings and activities of totalitarian sects and destructive cults. To this end, employees of the center are engaged in research, consulting, lecturing and publishing activities, as well as liaising with state structures and mass media". However, these activities are often of an emotionally offensive nature, accompanied by high-profile court proceedings.

Notable Employees

See also


  1. Секты против церкви : (Процесс Дворкина) : Сборник. М.: Издательство Московской Патриархии. 2000. pp. 183, 328.


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  2. 1 2 3 4 Gagarina, Irina. "Internet Resources as a Way to Fight With Sectarianism (Review Of Some Sites)" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-03-30. Retrieved 2022-05-12.
  3. 1 2 Чайкин В. Н. Противодействие деструктивным культам со стороны Русской православной церкви и реабилитация пострадавших // Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского. Серия: Социальные науки. — 2009. — № 1 (13). — С. 82.
  4. Бакулина А. С. Новая угроза: психокульты в современной России // Таврический научный обозреватель. — 2015. — № 2. — С. 94/
  5. 1 2 В.н, Чайкин (2009). "Противодействие деструктивным культам со стороны Русской православной церкви и реабилитация пострадавших". Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского. Серия: Социальные науки (1): 79–84. ISSN 1811-5942.
  6. Дворкин Александр Леонидович.
  7. О центре. Официальный сайт Центра религиоведческих исследований во имя священномученика Иринея Лионского.
  8. Головушкин Д. А. (2008). "Приложение. Современные новые религиозные движения. 6. Новые религиозные движения в современной России". Религиоведение: Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических вузов. СПб.: Питер. Под ред. А. Ю. Григоренко. p. 505. ISBN 978-5-91180-866-2.
  9. 1 2 Информационно-консультационный центр св. Иринея Лионского //
  10. Семёнов Л. Е. II Иринеевские чтения, посвященные 15-летию Центра религиоведческих исследований во имя священномученика Иринея Лионского // Официальный сайт Центра религиоведческих исследований во имя священномученика Иринея Лионского
  11. Андрей Козенко, Александр Черных, Павел Коробов Правозащитники доложили на совесть // Газета «Коммерсантъ». — № 22 (4807). — 08.02.2012. — С. 5.
  12. Ожиганова А. А. Восточные философско-религиозные учения и духовные практики в современной России : На примере г. Москвы / диссертация ... кандидата исторических наук : 07.00.07. — М.: ИЭА РАН, 2000. — С. 6. — 254 с. (недоступная ссылка)
  13. Рековская И. Ф. (1998). "Современная религиозная ситуация в России (Эволюция российской религиозности): Обзор" (4) (Социальные и гуманитарные науки. Отечественная и зарубежная литература. Серия 11: Социология. Реферативный журнал ed.). ИНИОН РАН: 90—149 (140). Archived from the original on 2016-03-05. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  14. Штерин М. С. (2000). "Глава 5. Новые религиозные движения в России 1990-х годов". Старые церкви, новые верующие. Религия в массовом сознании постсоветской России. Летний сад. Под ред. проф. К. Каариайнен и проф. Д. Е. Фурмана. pp. 150—181 (163—165). ISBN 5-89740-046-6.
  15. Штерин М. С. (2000). "Глава 5. Новые религиозные движения в России 1990-х годов". Старые церкви, новые верующие. Религия в массовом сознании постсоветской России. Летний сад. Под ред. проф. К. Каариайнен и проф. Д. Е. Фурмана. pp. 150—181 (163—165). ISBN 5-89740-046-6.
  16. Владимир Ряховский. (2007-01-26). "Ложь «во имя русского народа»". Retrieved 2011-01-02.
  17. 1 2 3 4 5 "Program of the XIII International Christmas Educational Readings "School, Family, Church - Collaboration for Life". The program by directions. Directions V-VI".
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