Budoš Limestone
Stratigraphic range: Lower Toarcian
Duga Valley, where the southernmost Budoš Limestone emerges
TypeGeological formation
Thickness50–60 m (160–200 ft)[1]
PrimaryLimestones alternated with green marls and calcareous stone
OtherLithified limestone
Coordinates42°59′30″N 18°54′20″E / 42.99167°N 18.90556°E / 42.99167; 18.90556
Country Montenegro
Type section
Named forBudoš Mountain
Named byPantić
Year defined1952[1]
Budoš Limestone is located in Montenegro
Budoš Limestone
Budoš Limestone (Montenegro)

The Budoš Limestone ("Budos Mountain Limestone", also known as Briska Breccia[2]) is a geological formation in Montenegro, dating to 180 million years ago, and covering the Toarcian stage of the Jurassic Period. It has been considered an important setting in Balkan paleontology, as it represents a unique terrestrial setting with abundant plant material, one of the few know from the Toarcian of Europe.[3] It is the regional equivalent to the Toarcian units of Spain such as the Turmiel Formation, units like the Azilal Formation of Morocco and others from the Mediterranean such as the Posidonia Beds of Greece and the Marne di Monte Serrone of Italy.[4] In the Adriatic section, this unit is an equivalent of the Calcare di Sogno of north Italy, as well represents almost the same type of ecosystem recovered in the older (Pliensbachian) Rotzo Formation of the Venetian region, know also for its rich floral record.[5]


The Toarcian paleogeography of Montenegro was characterised by two major units, mostly found in the Dinarides: the High Karst Zone, representing a Carbonate Platform, concretely the Adriatic-Dinaric Carbonate Platform and the Budva Basin, that represented a pelagic setting where ammonites are abundant. The previous Pliensbachian Platform suffered in the Toarcian a partial flooding, with the carbonate facies recovered at W of Nikšić, NE of Podgorica and in the Rumija Mt remaining as environments close to the marginal part.[4] The Budva basin evolution in the Toarcian was marked by the changes in the sea level, developing a distally steepened ramp until the Lower Toarcian, and an accretionary rimmed platform in younger layers.[6] The Adriatic-Dinaric Carbonate Platform is well measured at the Mount Rumija where the transitional facies between the platform setting and the deeper pelagic environment is seen, recovering a lateral transition from a lagoonal environment exposed in Seoce to the platform edge, exposed in Tejani (called Tejani section), and finally the deeper water environment, called Livari section can be observed at the own Mount Rumija.[7]

The Seoce Section is likely linked with the Budoš Limestone depositional setting, found mostly on the mountain of the same name on the Dinarides near Nikšić. The main unit is lithologically almost identical to the major fossiliferous levels of the Rotzo Formation, composed by bituminous limestones and marly limestones (fenestrate limestones and tempestites) with several episodes of emersions, all of coastal origin and rich in plant detritus and leaf remains, connected to the typical Lithiotis reefs found in the Pliensbachian-Toarcian carbonate platforms in the Adriatic region.[5] The Budoš Limestone was delimited as younger than the Rotzo Formation due to its floral composition and the fact is overlain by the Late Toarcian-Aalenian greenish local claystone-limestone layers.[5]

The unit is mostly known by its rich macroflora, the most complete and only known of the Mediterranean Toarcian realm, with several characteristics, such as the abundant presence of thermophilic Bennettitales and the dominance of the Seed Fern Pachypteris, that grew on semi-arid climates.[8] Most of the research of the flora was done by Pantic between 1952 & 1981, recovering abundant Macroflora and Palynomorphs. Several genera where recovered, such as Coniopteris (Dicksoniaceae), Lindleycladus (Krassiloviaceae) and Elatides (Taxodiaceae).[9]


The Budoš Limestone was developed in a coastal setting with marine ingressions, likely a Mangrove-type environment

It was considered initially that this flora grew in a continental setting, appearing on deposits that resemble modern inland deposition on ferric soils, thus, in a large inland valley with semi-arid conditions but with nearby large water bodies such as lakes.[10] Latter however, was interpreted that this flora developed on an island setting in the Dinaric Carbonate Platform, likely linked with the exposed layers of Seoce. This setting would be made of the emerged Budoshi High, representing an island flora; a humid belt would have existed along the shore, while coniferous vegetation would have prevailed in the drier interior.[11] The Budoš flora, as well Rumija and Seoce lithiotis facies were made after the Livari Supersequence created a massive lagoon in the inner ramp.[6] A common facies in the 3 locations shows about 1–2 m thick lagoon parasequences, from lithiotis rich subtidal packstone to shallower wackestone, where the lagoonal shale facies recovering the flora deposited.[6]

The main consensus is that the layers rich in flora belong to a Bahamian-type Mangrove system developed on a coastal setting with a nearby arid inland setting dominated by Cheirolepidiaceae conifers and Bennettites, that was either a submarine intraoceanic carbonate platform or part of a large landmass. The Mangrove system was mostly composed of seed ferns bearing the leaf genus Pachypteris linked with complex root systems that cover most of the layers, developed over and linked with the local aberrant bivalve (Lithiotis) reefs and evolved as a belt around the coast, yet is unknown how far reached.[10] The inland setting was dry and with common wildfire activity, as proven by the great amount of charcoal recovered in some of the layers.[10] The Lithiotis layers are intercalated by oolitic and oncolitic layers of likely subtidal origin, with several coastal cycles measured, such as development of lagoons and complete flooding of the vegetation levels, as well small coal-dominated sections. The ingression-regression trend allowed the development of the local mangroves.[10]

The same type of ecosystem was also recovered more recently on slightly older (Late Pliensbachian) rocks on Albania, with also great dominance of the genus Pachypteris linked with root systems along Lithiotis reefs, with evidence of catastrophic events which “killed” the flora.[12] These types of layers have been vinculated with the early evolution of crabs.[13]

Fossil content



Color key
Taxon Reclassified taxon Taxon falsely reported as present Dubious taxon or junior synonym Ichnotaxon Ootaxon Morphotaxon
Uncertain or tentative taxa are in small text; crossed out taxa are discredited.
Genus Species Stratigraphic position Material Notes Images


  • Nannoceratopsis cf. gracilis
  • Budos Mountain


A Dinoflajellate, member of the family Nannoceratopsiaceae. It is a genus related with Marine deposits.


  • Scrinocassis sp.
  • Budos Mountain


Dubious Genus with affinities with Scriniocassiaceae. Brackish Green Algae, related to lagoonar water bodies


  • Porcellispora longdonensis
  • Budos Mountain


Dubious Genus with affinities with Bryophyta


  • Aratrisporites sp
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with Isoetaceae. This genus is usually found in situ found related to genera such as Cyclostrobus, Lycostrobus and Annalepis.


  • Foveosporites vissheri
  • Foveosporites sp."
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the family Lycopodiaceae inside Lycopodiopsida. Lycopod spores, related with herbaceous to arbustive flora common on humid environments

Extant Lycopodium specimens. Genera like Foveosporites probably come from a similar plant


  • Densoisporites "sp. A"
  • Densoisporites "sp. B"
  • Densoisporites "sp. C"
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the Selaginellaceae inside Lycopsida. Herbaceous Lycophyte flora, similar to ferns, related to humid settings.

Extant Selaginella, typical example of Selaginellaceae. Genera like Densoisporites probably came from a similar or related plant


  • Calamospora sp.
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the Calamitaceae inside Equisetales. Horsetails, herbaceous flora related to high humid environments, flooding tolerant plants.

Recosntruction of the Genus Calamites, found associated with Calamospora


  • Styxisporites sp
  • Budos Mountain


Uncertain Fern Miospores whose affinity cannot be concreted beyond Pteridophytes.


  • Ischyosporites sp.
  • Budos Mountain



  • Verrucosisporites "sp. A"
  • Verrucosisporites "sp. B"
  • Budos Mountain



  • Deltoidospora minor
  • Budos Mountain



  • Skarbysporites sp.
  • Budos Mountain



  • Murospora cf. bicolateralis
  • Budos Mountain



  • Klukisporites variegatus
  • Klukisporites neovariegatus
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the family Lygodiaceae inside Polypodiopsida. Climbing fern spores

Example of extant Lygodium, Klukisporites come probably from similar genera or maybe a species from the genus


  • Monolites couperi
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the Polypodiaceae inside Polypodiales. Ferns of several sizes, from both dry land and near water environments.

Example of extant Drynaria specimens, Leptolepidites come probably from similar genera


  • Leptolepidites macroverrucosus
  • Leptolepidites cf. crassibalteus
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the family Dennstaedtiaceae inside Polypodiales. Forested areas Fern Spores

Example of extant Dennstaedtia specimens, Leptolepidites come probably from similar genera


  • Granulatisporites "sp. A"
  • Granulatisporites "sp. B"
  • Granulatisporites "sp. C"
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with Dipteridaceae inside Pteridophyta. Fern spores related to freshwater ponds.

Example of extant Dipteris specimens, Granulatisporites come probably from similar genera


  • Duplexisporites problematicus
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the family Cyatheaceae inside Cyatheales. Arboreal Fern Spores

Example of extant Cyathea, Duplexisporites come probably from similar genera


  • Obtusisporites sp
  • Budos Mountain



  • Concavisporites cf. kaiseri
  • Concavisporites "sp. A"
  • Concavisporites "sp. B"
  • Concavisporites cf. Gleichenia unbonatus
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the genus Gleichenia inside Gleicheniaceae. Tropical Ferns related to humid ferric soils.

Example of extant Gleichenia, Concavisporites come probably from similar genera


  • Matonisporites cf. phlebopteroides
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the genus Matoniaceae inside Gleicheniales. Ferns of several sizes, from both dry land and near water environments.


  • Vitreisporites pallidus
  • Budos Mountain


Pollen from the Family Caytoniaceae inside Caytoniales. Caytoniaceae are a complex group of Mesozoic Fossil floras, that can be related to both Peltaspermales and Ginkgoaceae.


  • Cycadopites "sp. A"
  • Cycadopites "sp. B"
  • Cycadopites cf. follicularis
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the family Cycadaceae inside Cycadales.

Extant Cycas platyphylla. Cycadopites maybe come from a related plant


  • Bennettiteaepollenites sp.
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with Bennettitaceae inside Bennettitales. Abundant and Dry environment indicator


  • Callialasporites sp.
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the family Araucariaceae inside Pinales. Conifer pollen from medium to large arboreal plants

Extant Araucaria. Callialasporites maybe came from a related plant


  • Classopollis cf. chateaunovi
  • Classopollis "sp. A"
  • Classopollis "sp. B"
  • Classopollis "sp. C"
  • Classopollis meyeriana
  • Classopollis cf. simplex
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the Hirmeriellaceae inside Pinopsida. Dominant Palynological residue, indicator of Dry conditions


  • Podocarpidites sp.
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the Podocarpaceae inside Pinopsida. Conifer pollen from medium to large arboreal plants

Extant Podocarpus. Podocarpidites maybe come from a related plant


  • Cerebropollenites macroverrucosus
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with both Sciadopityaceae and Miroviaceae inside Pinopsida. This Pollen resemblance with extant Sciadopitys suggest that Miroviaceae can be an extinct lineage of sciadopityaceaous-like plants.[14]

Extant Sciadopitys. Cerebropollenites likely come from a related plant


  • Pityosporites sp
  • Budos Mountain


Affinities with the family Pinaceae inside Pinopsida. Conifer pollen from medium to large arboreal plants

Extant Tsuga Cone, example of the Abietoideae. Pinaceae Pollen like Pityosporites likely come from a similar plant

Plant remains

Genus Species Location Material Notes Images


  • Equisetites columnaris
  • Equisetites sp.
  • Budos Mountain

Isolated Stems

Affinities with Equisetaceae inside Sphenopsida. Near water plants, associated with static freshwater ponds and other humid environments.

Example of Equisetites specimen


  • Coniopteris sp
  • Budos Mountain

Isolated pinnae

A Fern of the family Polypodiales inside Polypodiidae. Common cosmopolitan Mesozoic fern genus. Recent research has reinterpreted it a stem group of the Polypodiales (Closely related with the extant genera Dennstaedtia, Lindsaea, and Odontosoria).[15]

Coniopteris specimen


  • Pachypteris sp
  • Budos Mountain

Isolated pinnae

Affinities with Umkomasiaceae inside Peltaspermopsida. Large Tree ferns associated to humid conditions. The dominant floral remain over the mangrove-type layers


  • Caytonia sp.
  • Budos Mountain

Pollen Organs

Affinities with Caytoniales inside Peltaspermopsida. Reproductive organ of the Peltaspermales, with berry like cupules with numerous small seeds arrayed along axes.


  • Otozamites beani
  • Otozamites cf. gramineus
  • Otozamites tenuatus
  • Otozamites sp.
  • Budos Mountain

Isolated leaflets

Affinities with Williamsoniaceae inside Bennettitales. Cycadales-Like medium sized trees. The most abundant flora on the Budos Mountain Limestone.

Otozamites specimen


  • Ptilophyllum pectinoides
  • Ptilophyllum cf. pecten
  • Budos Mountain

Isolated leaflets

Affinities with Williamsoniaceae inside Bennettitales.

Ptilophyllum specimen


  • Zamites sp.
  • Budos Mountain

Isolated leaflets

Affinities with Williamsoniaceae inside Bennettitales.

Zamites specimen


  • Eretmophyllum sp.
  • Budos Mountain

Branched shoots

Affinities with Ginkgoales inside Ginkgoopsida. Ginko Relatives with a more wider leaf, representing among the best specimens found on the mediterranean realm.


  • Brachyphyllum crucis
  • Budos Mountain

Branched shoots

Affinities with Araucariaceae or Hirmeriellaceae inside Pinales.

Example of Brachyphyllum specimen


  • Pagiophyllum kurri
  • Budos Mountain

Branched shoots

Affinities with Araucariaceae or Hirmeriellaceae inside Pinales.

Example of Pagiophyllum specimen


  • Lindleycladus lanceolatus
  • Budos Mountain

Branched shoots

Affinities with Krassiloviaceae inside Voltziales.


  • Elatides williamsoni
  • Budos Mountain

Branched shoots

Affinities with Cupressaceae inside Coniferales. Leaves from Arbustive to Arboreal Coniferous trees.

Elatides specimens


The Budos Mountain facies, like the Rotzo Formation, is known mostly due to its massive bivalve associations of the genera Lithiotis, Cochlearites and Lithioperna that extended all along the Pliensbachian-Toarcian Adriatic-Dinaric-Hellenic Platforms forming mass accumulations of specimens that formed Reef-Like structures.[16] This fauna appeared after the early Pliensbachian C-cycle perturbation, that triggered the diffusion of the Lithiotis Fauna, noted on the rapid widespread of this biota after the event layers.[16] All of the genera related with this fauna appeared on the lower Jurassic, and all but one became extinct before the Middle Jurassic.[17] This "Reefs" had a strong zonation, starting with the bivalves Gervilleioperna and Mytiloperna, restricted to intertidal and shallow-subtidal facies. Lithioperna is limited to lagoonal subtidal facies and even in some low-oxygen environments. Finally Lithiotis and Cochlearites are found in subtidal facies, constructing buildups.[17] This sections formed various kinds of ecosystems on the Trento platform, where it appeared in branched corals filled with (Spongiomorpha), Domal corals (Stromatoporida), tubular corals, Styllophyllidae corals, unidentified Cerioidea colonial corals, regular echinoid debris, sponges, and the solitary coral Opelismilia sp., with also aggregated snail shells.[17]

Genus Species Stratigraphic position Material Notes Images


  • Cochlearites loppianus
  • Budos Mountain
  • Rumija
  • Seoce
  • Isolated Shells
  • Mass Accumulations of specimen

A clam, incertae sedis inside Pterioida. A large bivalve, with a subequivalved shell, up to 60–70 cm high. It is one of the Three main bivalves recovered on the Lithiotis Facies, with its accumulations generally overlying megalodontid coquinas.


  • Lithioperna scutata
  • Lithioperna sp.
  • Budos Mountain
  • Rumija
  • Seoce
  • Isolated Shells
  • Mass Accumulations of specimens

A clam, incertae sedis inside Pterioida. This genus was found to be a bivalve with a byssate juvenile stage that developed different modes of life in adulthood depending on the individual density and bottom firmness.


  • Lithiotis problematica
  • Lithiotis sp.
  • Budos Mountain
  • Rumija
  • Seoce
  • Isolated Shells
  • Mass Accumulations of specimens

An oyster, member of Malleidae inside Ostreida. It is the major Bivalve identified on the formation, and the genus that gives the name to the Lithiotis fauna. Large, large and aberrant bivalves present on mostly of the Trento Platform. Its accumulation have had different denominations on literature, such as banks, bioherms, biostromes, bivalve reefs or bivalve mounds.


  • Gervilleioperna ombonii
  • Gervilleioperna sp.
  • Budos Mountain
  • Rumija
  • Seoce

Isolated Shells

An Oyster, member of Malleidae inside Ostreida. On the Rotzo formation this genus become abundant along rootlets, indicative of a very shallow and restricted lagoon or marsh environment.


  • Mytiloperna sp.
  • Budos Mountain
  • Rumija
  • Seoce

Isolated Shells

An Oyster, member of the family Malleidae inside Ostreida.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pantić, N. K. (1952). "Liassic flora from Budos mountain - Montenegro". Glasnik Prir. Muzeja SRP. Zem. 5 (1): 293–308.
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